22.151 An Order Authorizing Acceptance of a Local Preservation Restriction for 130 Pine Street, Florence - CertifiedCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS In City Council, August 18, 2022 Upon the recommendation of the Planning Board and the Office of Planning and Sustainability 22.151 An Order Authorizing Acceptance of a Local Preservation Restriction for 130 Pine Street, Florence Ordered, that WHEREAS, the Florence Congregational Church located at 130 Pine Street has a rich architectural and human history, and is a contributing structure to a planned Florence National Register Historic District; WHEREAS, continued and expanded use of the property, consistent with the Sustainable Northampton Plan, will preserve the historic building and create additional reuse potential within walking distance of neighborhoods and downtown Florence; WHEREAS, that as part of expanded reuse of the property, the Church has agreed to enter in a development agreement with the City; WHEREAS, the development agreement provides for protection of the historical and architectural integrity of the property through a preservation restriction on the exterior of the building; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That the City Council authorizes the City of Northampton, acting through its Mayor and its Historical Commission in accordance with Mass. Gen. Laws c. 40, § 8D, to accept a Local Preservation Restriction on 130 Pine Street, Assessors Map 23A Parcel 146 . The restriction authorized hereby shall be under the management of the Historical Commission.