Brause - EP Binder - FinalM.D.P.U. No. 1468 Canceling M.D.P.U. No. 1320 Sheet 104 of 170 STANDARDS FOR INTERCONNECTION OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION Exhibit A ATTACHMENT 2 Certificate of Completion for Simplified Process Interconnections Installation Information:Check if owner-installed Interconnecting Customer Name (print): _____________________________________________ Contact Person: ________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________State: ________________ Zip Code: __________ Telephone (Daytime): __________________ (Evening): ________________________________ Facsimile Number: ____________________ E-Mail Address: ___________________________ Address of Facility (if different from above): Electrical Contractor’s Name (if appropriate): ________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________State: ________________ Zip Code: __________ Telephone (Daytime): __________________ (Evening): ________________________________ Facsimile Number: ____________________ E-Mail Address: ___________________________ License number: _________________________ Date of approval to install Facility granted by the Company: _______________________ Application ID number: ______________________________ Inspection: The system has been installed and inspected in compliance with the local Building/Electrical Code of (City/County) Signed (Local Electrical Wiring Inspector, or attach signed electrical inspection): Name (printed): ________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ License # ________________________ M.D.P.U. No. 1468 Canceling M.D.P.U. No. 1320 Sheet 105 of 170 STANDARDS FOR INTERCONNECTION OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION Exhibit A As a condition of interconnection you are required to send/fax a copy of this form along with a copy of the signed electrical permit to (insert Company’s name below): Name: _____________________ Company: __________________ Mail 1:_____________________ Mail 2:_____________________ City, State ZIP: ______________ Fax No.: ___________________ Caryn Brause 35 Maynard Road Northampton, MA 01060 Date: 6/27/2022 Revision: 0 Attachment 5-B To Utility Grid Built in DC Disconnect no fuses Arrays REC360AA Black with SolarEdge S440, or P505 Optimizers 1 String of 12 1 String of 13 NOT GROUNDED PV Module Ratings @ STC: Module type: REC360NP2 Black Voc: 40.8 Isc: 11.31 Operating current: 10.62 A Operating voltage: 33.9 V Max power: 360 W PV Array Information: 1 String of 12 1 String of 13 9 KWDC total Notes: Module and array wiring outside conduit is AWG #10 USE-2 or PV wire, black & red. Array grounding is done with weebs and AWG #6 bare copper. Wiring schematic subject to change based on field conditions and AHJ. 9 kwdc total capacity. SolarEdge Monitoring will be installed. Main Service Panel Ratings: Busbar amp rating: 200 A Service voltage: 240 V Main service breaker amp rating: 150 A Utility Meter 1 ph, 3 w 120 / 240 vac 2 #10 red PV or USE-2 wires 2 #10 black PV or USE-2 wires 1 #6 bare copper for rails 690.53 Photovoltaic Power Source: Operating current: 22.5 A Operating voltage: 400 V Max system voltage: 480 V Max circuit current: 30 A Inverters Ratings: Inverter type: SolarEdge SE7600H-US with built in DC disconnect Max DC volt rating: 480V Max. power @ 40 degrees C: 7.6 KW Nominal AC voltage: 240V Max AC current: 32 A Max OCPD rating: 40 A Inverter Monitoring NEMA 3R Junction Box 2 # 10 red THWN-2 wires 2 # 10 black THWN-2 wires 1 # 10 green THWN-2 wire in 3/4" EMT If over 275', then # 8 red & black in 3/4" EMT 1 # 8 red THWN-2 wire 1 # 8 black THWN-2 wire 1 # 10 white THWN-2 wire 1 # 10 green THWN-2 wire in 3/4" EMT If over 55', then # 6 red & black in 3/4" EMT SQD DU222RB Disconnect Switch No fuses Located outside within 10 ' & Direct Sight of utility meter NGRID Trip settings Table: DEVICE PICKUP SETTING (DEFAULTS) DEFAULT CLEARING TIME (seconds) Pickups and Clearing Times Adhere to Required Defaults (Yes/No): Under Frequency (81U) 56.5 Hz 0.16 Under Frequency (81U) 58.5 Hz 300 Over Frequency (81O) 61.2 Hz 300 Over Frequency (81O) 62.0 Hz 0.16 Under Voltage (27) 50% of Nominal 1.1 Under Voltage (27) 88% of Nominal 2 Over Voltage (59) 110% of Nominal 2 Over Voltage (59) 120% of Nominal 0.16 08/10/2022 ELECTRICAL ONLY VSE Project Number: U1898.0058.221 Basement Main AC Load Center 200 Amp Buss 200A Main 40 amp, 2 pole interconnection brk AERIAL MAP NOT TO SCALEA SITE PLAN NOT TO SCALEB PROJECT INFORMATION: Project:BRAUSE NORTHAMPTON Address:35 MAYNARD RD. NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 SYSTEM DETAILS Total System Size: 9.0 kW DC (Solar) 7.6 kW AC (Solar) Modules:(25) REC360NP2 Black Inverters:(1) SolarEdge 7.6kw HD-Wave w/ RGM Optimizers (25) SolarEdge P401, P505, or S440 DESIGN CRITERIA Ground Snow Load 40 (psf) Design Wind Speed 117 (mph) Exposure Category B Risk Category II AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION Building:Kevin Ross (413) 587-1239 Electrical:Roger Malo (413) 587-1244 Electrical Utility:NATIONAL GRID Code Ref NEC 2020 (MA) PROJECT NOTES MAIN LOAD CENTER MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT SOLAR PV EQUIPMENT (BASEMENT) UTILITY SERVICE METER SOLAR PV DISCONNECT (OUTSIDE) 311 WELLS STREET, SUITE B GREENFIELD, MA 01301 WWW.PVSQUARED.COOP 413-772-8788 SIZE: PV SQUARED SOLAR SCALE: DATE: BY: REV: BRAUSE NORTHAMPTON 35 MAYNARD RD. NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 SITE PLAN & PROJECT INFO. 12/6/2022 RTC NO SCALE 11x17 PV-M1 0 SOLAR ARRAY (HOUSE ROOF) wp Power ELIGIBLE PREMIUM FULL BLACK MONO N-TYPE SOLAR PANELS rec N-Peak 2 Black Series MONO N-TYPE: THE MOST EFFICIENT C-SI TECHNOLOGY SUPER-STRONG FRAME UP TO 7000 PA SNOW LOAD FEATURING REC’S PIONEERING TWIN DESIGN FLEXIBLE INSTALLATION OPTIONS NO LIGHT INDUCED DEGRADATION 370 BIFACIAL CELLS CAN PRODUCE ENERGY FROM BOTH SIDES Ref: PM-DS-11-04-Rev- D 03.22www.recgroup.com Specifications subject to change without notice.Measurements in mm [in] LOW LIGHT BEHAVIOUR Typical low irradiance performance of module at STC: Irradiance (W/m²)Rel. Efficiency (%)Founded in 1996, REC Group is an international pioneering solar energy company dedicated to empowering consumers with clean, affordable solar power. As Solar’s Most Trusted, REC is committed to high quality, innovation, and a low carbon footprint in the solar materials and solar panels it manufactures. Headquartered in Norway with operational headquarters in Singapore, REC also has regional hubs in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. 85 90 95 100 105 200100 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REC N-Peak 2 Black Series Product SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL DATA Cell type:120 half-cut bifacial mono c-Si n-type cells 6 strings of 20 cells in series Glass:0.13 in (3.2 mm) solar glass with anti-reflective surface treatment in accordance with EN 12150 Backsheet:Highly resistant polymer (black) Frame:Anodized aluminum (black) with silver support bars Junction box:3-part, 3 bypass diodes, lead-free IP68 rated, in accordance with IEC 62790 Connectors:Stäubli MC4 PV-KBT4/KST4 (4 mm²) in accordance with IEC 62852, IP68 only when connected Cable:12 AWG (4 mm²) PV wire, 43+ 47 in (1.1 + 1.2 m) in accordance with EN 50618 Dimensions:69.1 x 40.94 x 1.2 in (19.70 ft2) / 1755 x 1040 x 30 mm (1.83 m2) Weight:44.0 lbs (20.0 kg) Origin:Made in Singapore WARRANTY Standard REC ProTrust Installed by an REC Certified Solar Professional No Yes Yes System Size All ≤25 kW 25-500 kW Product Warranty (yrs)20 25 25 Power Warranty (yrs)25 25 25 Labor Warranty (yrs)0 25 10 Power in Year 1 98%98%98% Annual Degradation 0.25%0.25%0.25% Power in Year 25 92%92%92% See warranty documents for details. Conditions apply TEMPERATURE RATINGS * Nominal Module Operating Temperature:44.3°C (±2 °C) Temperature coefficient of PMAX:-0.34 %/°C Temperature coefficient of VOC:-0.26 %/°C Temperature coefficient of ISC:0.04 %/°C *The temperature coefficients stated are linear values CERTIFICATIONS IEC 61215:2016, IEC 61730:2016, UL 61730 IEC 62804 PID IEC 61701 Salt Mist IEC 62716 Ammonia Resistance UL 61730 Fire Type Class 2 IEC 62782 Dynamic Mechanical Load IEC 61215-2:2016 Hailstone (35mm) ISO 14001, ISO 9001, IEC 45001, IEC 62941 DELIVERY INFORMATION Panels per pallet:33 Panels per 40 ft GP/high cube container:858 (26 pallets) Panels per 53 ft truck:924 (28 pallets) MAXIMUM RATINGS Operational temperature:-40 ... +85°C Maximum system voltage:1000 V Maximum test load (front): + 7000 Pa (146 lbs/ft2)* Maximum test load (rear):- 4000 Pa (83.5 lbs/ft2)* Max series fuse rating:25 A Max reverse current:25 A * See installation manual for mounting instructions. Design load = Test load / 1.5 (safety factor) STC NMOTELECTRICAL DATA Product Code*: RECxxxNP2 Black Power Output - PMAX (Wp) 350 355 360 365 370 Watt Class Sorting - (W)0/+5 0/+5 0/+5 0/+5 0/+5 Nominal Power Voltage - VMPP (V) 33.1 33.5 33.9 34.3 34.7 Nominal Power Current - IMPP (A) 10.57 10.60 10.62 10.65 10.68 Open Circuit Voltage - VOC (V) 40.6 40.7 40.8 40.9 41.1 Short Circuit Current - ISC (A) 11.25 11.27 11.31 11.36 11.41 Panel Efficiency (%) 19.1 19.4 19.7 20.0 20.3 Power Output - PMAX (Wp)264 268 272 276 280 Nominal Power Voltage - VMPP (V) 31.0 31.3 31.7 32.1 32.5 Nominal Power Current - IMPP (A) 8.54 8.56 8.58 8.60 8.63 Open Circuit Voltage - VOC (V) 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.2 38.4 Short Circuit Current - ISC (A) 9.06 9.10 9.13 9.18 9.22 Values at standard test conditions (STC: air mass AM 1.5, irradiance 10.75 W/sq ft (1000 W/m²), temperature 77°F (25°C), based on a production spread with a tolerance of PMAX, VOC & ISC ±3% within one watt class. Nominal module operating temperature (NMOT: air mass AM 1.5, irradiance 800 W/m², temperature 68°F (20°C), windspeed 3.3 ft/s (1 m/s). * Where xxx indicates the nominal power class (PMAX) at STC above. GR GRGR GR11±0.2 [0.43 ±0.1]6.6±0.2 [0.26 ±0.1]20.5±0.5 [0.8 ±0.02] GR 638 ±1 [25.1 ±0.04] 30 [1.2] 22.5 [0.9] 28 [1.1] 1755±2.5 [69.10 ±0.1] 845 [33.27] 156 [6.14] 156 [6.14] 455 [17.91]999 [39.33]1100 [43.3] 5.5±0.2 [0.22±0.01] 1200 [47.2]1040±2.5 [40.94 ±0.1]17 [0.7]45 [1.8] Cut Sheet v1.0 See Description / Length 1.75 .46 .58 1.00 .62 1.33 1.67 XR10 Rail Cut Sheet 1 11.00 ALIGNMENT CIRCLEBONDING SPRING STOP TAB 0.61 1.29 0.88 Rail shown for reference 1) Bonded Splice, XR10 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION QTY IN KIT 1 SPLICE, XR10, MILL 1 Part Number Description XR10-BOSS-01-M1 Bonded Splice, XR10 Propery Value Material 6000 Series Aluminum Finish Mill Bonded Splice, XR10 v1.0 Cut Sheet See Description / Length 2.44 .58 1.25 2.34 1.99 .66 .46 APPROVED MATERIALS: 6005-T6, 6005A-T61, 6105-T5, 6N01-T6 (34,000 PSI YIELD STRENGTH MINIMUM) XR100 Rail v1.1 Cut Sheet v1.0 12.0 1 2 XR-100-SPLC-BD KIT, XR100 BONDED SPLICE 2) Screw, Self Drilling 1.93 1.24 .93 1) Splice, XR100, Mill 12" long .31 .42 .63 .15 #12-14 TYPE “B” THREAD XR-100 RAIL Property Value Material 6000 Series Aluminum Finish Mill Property Value Material 300 Series Stainless Steel Finish Clear XR100 Bonded Splice Cut Sheet NanoMount NanoMount Material: Aluminum Finish: Black Powder Coating Material: USWR Gasket with Adhesive Details are subject to change without notice D10214-V003 Dimensions shown are inches (and millimeters) NanoMount NanoMount Gasket Description K50058-BK1 Part Number NanoMount USWR Gasket Cut Sheet NanoMount Lag Bolt Details are subject to change without notice Material: Stainless Steel Finish: Clear 2.Sealing Washer .26ID X .50X .125 Material: EPDM + Stainless Steel 1.Self-Tapping Screw, #6.3 X 76 Details are subject to change without notice D10214-V003 Dimensions shown are inches (and millimeters)Dimensions shown are inches (and millimeters) Material: Stainless Steel Finish: Clear 2. Sealing Washer .33ID X.75X.157 Material: EPDM + Stainless Steel 1.. Hex Lag Bolt M8X115, DIN 571, 304 Material: Stainless SteelMaterial: Stainless SteelMaterial: Stainless Steel Lag Bolt Assembly Decking Screw Assembly NanoMount Decking Screw Decking Screw Assembly Self-Tapping Screw, #6.3 X 76 Sealing Washer .26ID X .50X .125 Description K50049-BK1 Part Number K50055-BK1 Lag Bolt Assembly Hex Lag Bolt M8X115, DIN 571, 304S Sealing Washer .33 ID X .75 X .157