Campbell LetterCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> Valley Community Development and 737 Bridge Road Site Plan Application 1 message Joanne Campbell <joannec83153@gmail.com>Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 3:36 PM To: Carolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> Cc: Alexis Breiteneicher <ab@valleycdc.org>, Laura Baker <lb@valleycdc.com>, Jessica Allan <ja@valleycdc.org> Dear Members of the Planning Board: I am writing to express my whole hearted support for the proposed renovation and re-use of the former Northampton Nursing Home located at 737 Bridge Road for 60 affordable rental apartments. I am in favor of this proposal because: The property has been vacant for over 12 years. It has fallen into severe disrepair becoming an eyesore and the target of vandalism. It is currently a wasted resource in our community. Aer all these years of abandonment and disrepair, I understand that Valley's proposal is the first truly viable reuse proposal. Valley Community Development has an excellent track record in developing and managing affordable housing and will be good neighbors. The need for addional affordable housing in Northampton remains at a crical level. The proposed housing includes a wide range of apartment sizes and will serve a wide range of household incomes, from 30% to 100% of the Area Median Income. A percentage of apartments will have a preference for high need persons, including those who are currently unhoused. This is an excellent locaon for family apartments, being walking distance to schools, playgrounds, Childs Park, Cooley Dickinson Hospital, the YMCA, the bike trail, and essenal stores. This is a transit-friendly locaon for lower income tenants who may not have cars, being on a PVTA bus line and within a block of the bike trail. In addion, I understand a new bus shelter and ValleyBike Share staon are shortly to be installed on the site. Valley’s proposal preserves and improves green space on the property. The proposed building renovaon will improve energy efficiency, including all-electric ulies, increased levels of insulaon, and alternave energy sources. The new housing will meet high levels of accessibility for disabled persons, an acute need throughout the Commonwealth. I urge you to grant site plan approval for the proposed development. Sincerely, Joanne Campbell 13 Perkins Avenue Ward 1 Resident