31A-333 (4) 20 MAYNARD RD BP-2021-1271 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 31A-333 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: - PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category:New Single Family House BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2021-1271 Project# J S-2021-002107 Est. Cost: $602000.00 Fee: $1498.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: TIM STOKES 083602 Lot Size(sq. ft.): Owner: SEXTON MARTIN Zoning: Applicant: TIM STOKES AT: 20 MAYNARD RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 20 TURKEY HILL RD (413) 695-2264 O WESTHAMPTONMA01027 ISSUED ON:5/11/2021 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: � J�) House# Foundation: 119 MTh Driveway Final: Final: �y 20 Final: I" -.21- as . YL-so -�1(4,...2 Q, Rough Frame:r1. i4 t Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation:0 1/. ZZ V I Final: Smoke_ Crg- oe Final: J K 7/2.60a J,d (.09 AA_,T$µt. 7fitriCr_ C.0 THIS P F.RItIIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. TI Certificate of Occupancy Signatur • • >2 • T Fee Type: Date Paid: Amount: Building 5/11/2021 0:00:00 $1498.00 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240, Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck Building Commissioner a '4tr ?C' a`• C_-O.1=fry C1 arc 1-4(rga--9 f1 r►-► .� Z n+00ir'r tt?" / J 61 o'7Hk!C. 41 '171'1 -1€,C, CJL11l t 7r-' 411-1 c.ZF-a-v-!<-V ' nevic-C,,i L,1 - "7:1 ! (-11 ' ' H 1 (-4' C11-0I ^r4Ic.c,► I - rer4ea r! J. J-oc 'arf717 -eV 2/2 20 MAYNARD RD EP-2021-1042 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Map: 31A Lot:333 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit: Electrical Category: WIRE NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE Permit# Electrical PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Project# JS-2021-002107 Est.Cost: Contractor: License: Fee: $200.00 JAMES MAILLOUX ELECTRIC Master A16187 Owner: SEXTON MARTIN Applicant: JAMES MAILLOUX ELECTRIC AT: 20 MAYNARD RD Applicant Address Phone Insurance 221 PINE ST SUITE 160 (413) 585-1592 C-(413) 563-4654 Liability, MPT0721Q FLORENCE MA01062 ISSUED ON:6/14/2021 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: WIRE NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE Call In Date: Date Requested Inspection Date/SignOff: Reinspect?: Trench/UG: Special Instructions Rough /W - / ' 02 f - C.,d‘tilLvLA I F,c i i'Oi x Special Instructions: Final: 1p _a (RP) SRE Called In: EMP 30390939& PERM 203 cioqg } OZ,� Signature: Fee Type:: Amount: DatePaid Electrical $200.00 6/14/2021 0:00:00 12990 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1244,Fax(413)587-1272-Inspector of Wires -Roger Malo L ' )Zz7 ,21.'5.- MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM PLUMBING WORK k.::7-z,; a I 11/0 r4-1'1 av►'1 p lo✓1 MA DATE o?17-,2/ PERMIT#Fr Ll)Z l - 0*5-? 7 JOBSITE ADDRESS go 016 iarrS- [4X OWNER'S NAME S -79,1 J p OWNER ADDRESS TEL I I TYPE OR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL❑ EDUCATIONAL 0 RESIDENTIAL PRINT •' CLEARLY NEW: - RENOVATION:❑ REPLACEMENT: 2 PLANS SUBMITTED: YES NO. FIXTURES 1 FLOOR.* ISM 1 2 3 4 J 5 6 7 8 9 110 11 12 13 14 BATHTUB �� CROSS CONNECTION DEVICE • _ 4 , 11 DEDICATED SPECIAL WASTE SYSTEM --.. �► -___,__ DEDICATED GAS/OIL/SAND SYSTEM a + 1 - I. _. P DEDICATED GREASE SYSTEM DEDICATED GRAY WATER SYSTEM DEDICATED WATER RECYCLE SYSTEM III El , DISHWASHER . 1 r + stx 4 DRINKING FOUNTAIN FOOD DISPOSER 1 i FLOOR/AREA DRAIN w + ► I INTERCEPTOR(INTERIOR) t le . iiii ,A. 4 1111 KITCHEN SINK LAVATORY P ►- j * - r ROOF DRAIN SHOWER STALL _ A SERVICE MOP SINK 1111=511111111. * Y y - � ' I TOILE URINAL _., ' .. WASHING MACHINE CONNECTION rallifia.iii MM.'///a =, IMO INN - WATER HEATER ALL TYPES INIMIN/i' ii♦ WATER PIPING OTHER MIS RANCE COVERAGE: !have a current&abiity Insurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.142. YES Eli NO El W YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX'SLOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY d OTHER TYPE OF INDEMNITY BOND ❑ OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachuedts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER ❑ AGENT L; SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted or entered regarding this application are alt daa bra to the • of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and installations performed under the permit Issued for this application will be in . .-• Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. PLUMBERS NAME[David Fredenbtegit —]LICENSE#111406 I SIG TURE MP[I JP❑ CORPORATION[]#12-34444 JPARTNERSHP❑#[ LLC❑9'L COMPANY NAME 0 F Porting nil Mechanical Contractors,Inc I ADDRESS IP.O.Box 1006 9 Stadler Street 3 it vCITY Belchedown • 1 STATE I MA I ZP•01007 TEL 4134234116 I :;. ;! FAX 1413423.7532 CELL[ I EMAIL dlplumbirigbNcherbuwlnlbaitoo oom • . . ;E ?d 2/ 'eve, Aff / ' o- i / ,QmnIV 't .. C K--• )1G4 7 44 9 5 - MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM GAS FITTING WORK -"-Iif�, .. cITY ✓f n r-'-140 I/y'f r1 i MA DATE IC`%-/'7 ‘c71.1 !PERMIT#61=7 Zc 2-f -0`� f JOBSITE ADDRESS ao ayr e rd Kd OWNER'S NAME - j e7C- j,-) OWNER ADDRESS I, TEL FAX _ 'OR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIALE' EDUCATIONAL El RESIDENTIALg PRINT CLEARLY NEW. RENOVATION:El REPLACEMENT:D PLANS SUBMITTED: YES 0 NO ri APPLIANCES 1 FLOORS-4 BSht 1 2 3 4 9 11 12 13 1 BOILER ��� 4 _._8 10 _._ NO MS MIX MO BOOSTER NO Mg •r I i _ I I rn►3��t=Rct Rti� F <--- _ _ __..._..�.ON_,.RN�R ,i �� / i;, tj DIRECT VENT HEATER COOK STOVE 111111XII ` RYER FIREPLACE =IM .IAIIg'. + PM 11111111.1t MAP PRA x;./ _ FRYOLATOR 111111IN Willa 11/1141111.11111111111111111Millialltillialltilli FURNACE i____ t Arta:wo a a____MN:'MI>NM GENERATOR GRILLE linOWXIII"` 111111111111 INFRARED HEATER 1 ' LABORATORY COCKSorR ,,� f MAKEUP MR UNIT .� 14� __ - 1111110.1161111111 .__ . _1i Mut OVEN ■/ it ► ; POOL HEATER wow f3lN t '' iii }ROOM I SPACE HEATER • A r -TO tr ROOF TOP UNIT 1 N.11111111 . P, .rAM ME mit.Ni t!.il,'a mot Mt TEST N awn"ar / ammum UNIT HEATER N;mm;:1 its C- noa'm; UNVENTED ROOM HEATER .... ` -,., 'lii miam I :Lam:'_ 1 �s WATER HEATER - . `____ 11111111111121111111111111111111111111111111-1111- _ OTHER I MIN.NIL IIIIII 1.1111111111 NIB'M!:11111111111 II INN nit I I INSURANCE COVERAGE I have a current liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL.Ch.142 YES El NO El I IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY [ OTHER TYPE INDEMNITY Li BOND 0 OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER 0 AGENT El SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted or entered regarding this application are true- accurate to the best my knowledge and that ail plumbing work and installations performed under the permit issued for this application will be in • -At wiW all 9.ertin visi of e Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. PLUMBER-GASFITTER NAME David Fredenburjh —1 LICENSE# 11406 j SIGNATURE MP MGF[] JP Ej JGF Ei LPG!El CORPORATION # 2344 PARTNERSHIP EY 1 LLC 0# I, COMPANY NAME:D F Plumbing&Mechanical Contractors,Inc ADDRESS 0 StadlerStreet P.O.Box 1086 1 CITY eieIchertown J STATE MA IZIP 01007 'TEN(413.323.6116 ! FAX,413-323-7532 CELL EMAIL I.d lumbingbelchertown@yahoo.com t 'T1L!{ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Northampton , of Occupancy Certificate anc fp y In accordance with 780 CMR, (The Ninth Edition of the Massachusetts Residential Building Code) this Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the premise or structure or part thereof as herein identified. Identify Name of Building of Space Within, Building Owner, or Permit Holder Certificate No. Issued to Tim Stokes BP-2021-1271 Identify property address including street number, name, city or town and county Located at 20 Maynard Rd. HERS Rating Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts 54 Use Group Classification(s) Single Family Dwelling Unit This Certificate of Occupancy is hereby issued by the undersigned to certifj,that the premise, structure or portion thereof as herein specified has been inspected for general fire and life safety features. This certificate shall allow for the use as herein described and in conformance with any and all conditions as identified below. It shall be posted in a conspicuous place within the space as directed by the undersigned. Failure to post the certificate,failure to comply with conditions or,tampering with the contents of the certificate is strictly prohibited. • Conditions of Use Single Family Dwelling Unit All fire protection and life safety systems must be maintained, and all means of egress must be kept clear Name of Municipal Kevin Ross Date of Final Map/Plot- Building Official Inspection 10/07/2022 Signature of Municipal Date of 31A-333 Building Official 7e Issuance 10/13/2022 001101111111•11•1101.1001M Home Energy Rating Certificate Rating Date: 2022-09-02 HIS Final Report Registry ID: 632091528 HERS Ekotrope ID: kvyrg442 HERS° Index Score: Annual Savings Home: .20 Maynard Rd Your home's HERS score is a relative 8 7 Northampton, MA 01060 performance score.The lower the number, the more energy efficient the home.To learn more, visit www.hersindex.com 1 Builder: an average U.S.home*Relative to Stokes and Company Your Home's Estimated Energy Use: This home meets or exceeds the criteria of the following: Use IMEttul Annual Cost Heating 38.8 $2,045 2018 International Energy Conservation Code Cooling 1.4 $75 Hot Water 2.3 $119 Lights/Appliances 20.8 $1,095 Service Charges $60 Generation(e.g.Solar) 0.0 $0 Total: 63.2 $3,394 HERS Index Home Feature Summary: Rating Completed by: ,4*,. Mere t flora Home Type: Single family detached — 150 Model: N/A Energy Rater: Adin Maynard Community: N/A RESNET ID: 9463452 Exlsong , """' I° 'Iv Conditioned Floor Area: 3,023 fe Rating Company: HIS&HERS Energy Efficiency JU • Number of Bedrooms: 4 57R Adams Rd.Williamsburg,MA 01039 Pefe,enr e Primary Heating System: Air Source Heat Pump•Electric•9 HSPF 4136588784 Horne 100 Primary Cooling System: Air Source Heat Pump•Electric•16 SEER Rating Provider: Energy Raters of Massachusetts Primary Water Heating: Residential Water Heater•Electric•4 UEF 2 Woodlawn Street Amesbury,MA 01913 House Tightness: 1182 CFM50(1.52 ACH50) 978-270 3911 _ Ventilation: 85 CFM-40 Watts „0,,-,-*•„ Duct Leakage to Outside: Untested Forced Air f.„ ... ..., Above Grade Walls: R-33 i,, - e, 20 Ceiling: Vaulted Roof,R-70 re Zero Energy Window Type: U-Value:0.28,SHGC:0,26 Home t) Foundation Walls: R-13 Adin Maynard,Certified Energy Rater -14Wi-- uns teem Framed Floor: R-40 Digitally signed: 10/12/22 at 10:22 AM 6 ekotrope Ekotrope RATER-Version:3‘2.4.3008 The Energy Rating Disclosure for this home Is available from the Approved Rating Provider. Energy savings calculated without modifications to the energy model.(As Modeled) This report does not constitute any warranty or guarantee. IECC 2018 Label 20 Maynard Rd Ekotrope RATER - Version: HERS®Index Score: 54 ng Envelope Specs .._ Ceiling: R-70 Above Grade Walls: R-33 Foundation Walls: R-13 Exposed Floor: R-40 Slab: R-0 Infiltration: 1182 CFM50 (1.52 ACH5O) Duct Insulation: N/A Duct Lkg to Outdoors: Untested Forced Air Window & Door Specs U-Value: 0.28 SHGC' 0.25 Door: R-5 Mechanical Equipment Specs Heating:Air Source Heat Pump • Electric • 9 HSPF Cooling:Air Source Heat Pump • Electric• 16 SEER Hot Water: Residential Water Heater• Electric•4 UEF Averaoe Mechanical Ventilation: 85 CFM Builder or Design Professional Signature Air Leakage Report Property Organization Inspection Status HIS 20 Maynard Rd HIS & HERS Energy Effici 2022-09-02 HERS Northampton, MA 01060 Adin Maynard Rater ID (RTIN): 9463452 4136588784 RESNET Registered Sexton Residence (Confirmed) Sexton Residence Final Builder Stokes and Company General Information Conditioned Floor Area [ft2] 3,023 Infiltration Volume [ft3] 46,623 Number of Bedrooms 4 Air Leakage 'Measured Infiltration 1182 CFM50 (1.52 ACH50) ACH50 (Calculated) 1.52 ELA[sq. in.] (Calculated) 65.01 ELA per 100 s.f. Shell Area (Calculated) 0.644 CFM50 (Calculated) 1,182 CFM50 s.f. Shell Area (Calculated) 0.117 Duct Leakage Leakage to Outdoors Total Leakage Test Type Total Leakage [CFM @ 25 Pa] Total Leakage [CFM25/ 100 s.f.] Total Leakage [CFM25/CFA] Mechanical Ventilation Rate [CFM] 85 CFM 1 Hours per day 24.0 Fan Power 40 Watts Recovery Efficiency % 77.0 Runs at least once every 3 hrs? true Average Rate[CFM] 85.0 CFM 2010 ASHRAE 62.2 Req. Cont. Ventilation 67.7 2013 ASHRAE 62.2 Req. Cont. Ventilation 88.2 Ekotrope RATER-Version All results are Davin on data entered by Ekotrope users.Ekotrope disclaims all liability for the information shown on this report. Building Specification *� x���o������ ��K���nou������� ��u����ar� ~, r � ��N�� � mnm~� Property Organization Inspection Status 2UK4mynmndF�d HIS & HE��S EnergyEf0ui' 2022-09-02 HERS Northampton, K4A01060 AdinKAaynand Rater |D (RT|N): 9483452 4136588704 RESNETReg|otered Sexton Residence (Confirmed) SextmnReaidenoo_Fina| Builder � Stokes and Company � Building Information Rating Conditioned Area[ftj 3.023.00 HERS index 64 Conditioned Volume [ft"] 46.623.00 HERS Index w/o PV 54 Thermal Boundary Area[ftj 10.096.60 Number OfBedrooms 4 Housing Type Single family detached Building Shelf Cei|ingw/Attic I None Windows (largest) U'Vakua: O.28. SHQC: 1.28 Vaulted Ceiling| Window/Wall Ratio U16 R58.ErPQF+9rLOF14^i-joist,Vault; U-O017 Infiltration 1182CFK850(1.52 AC 50) Above Grade Walls Duct Lkg to Outside Untested Forced Air R23Ruxu| 6'16.G1 + RID 2^XPS C|; U'0�033 Total Duct Leakage|Untested Found.Walls R131; R-13 Framed Floors| R30+ R13.R31^12~ ijoist>garage_R38: R-40 8|abo|Unmuu�tmdm|ab�. R-0 / Mechanical Systems Heating Air Source Heat Pump` Electric` AHGPF Cooling Air Source Heat Pump^ Electric` 16SEER Water Heating Residential Water Heater^ Electric^4 UEF Programmable Thermostat Yes Ventilation System 85CFyN ^40Watts Whole House Fan N/4 Lights and Appliances Percent Interior LED 100% Clothes Dryer Fuel Becth Percent Exterior LED 100Y6 Clothes DrysnCEF 3.7 Refr|geoato,(kVVh/yr) 570.0 Clothes Washer LER(hVVh/yr) 86,0 Dishwasher Efficiency 269kVVh Clothes Washer Capacity 4.5 Ceiling Fan None RangeX}vmnFuo| Bectn Ekotnope RATER'Version 3.2,4.3008 m/re""fts are based v°data entered ovs*"trope users,s^*=»°disclaims all liability for the information shown""this report, RESNET HOME ENERGY Is RATING Standard Disclosure ERS For home(s) located at: 20 Maynard Rd, Northampton, MA Check the applicable disclosure(s).. 1. The Rater or the Rater's employer is receiving a fee for providing the rating on this home. In addition to the rating, the Rater or the Rater's employer has also provided the following con.ulting services for this home: Li A. Mechanical system design Li B. Moisture control or indoor air quality consulting Li C. Performance testing and/or commissioning other than required for the rating itself Li D. Training for sales or construction personnel E. Other(specify) The Rater or the Rater's employer is: A. The seller of this home or their agent B. The mortgagor for some portion of the financed payments on this home ii C. An employee, contractor, or consultant of the electric and/or natural gas utility servi g this home 1_4, The Rater or Rater's employer is a supplier or installer of products, which may include: Products Installed in this home by OR is in the:,usiness of HVAC systems Rater riEmployer Rater Employer Thermal insulation systems Rator nEmployer iRater Employer Air sealing of envelope or duct systems Rater Employer Rater Employer Energy efficient appliances RaterEmployer :1—Rater Employer Construction (builder, developer, construction contractor, etc) !Rater Employer ::Rater 'Employer Other(specify): —Rater EEmployer 1JRater Employer 5.This home has been verified under the provisions of Chapter 6, Section 603 "Technical Requi ements for Sampling"of the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Res dential Energy Services Network (RESNET). Rater Certification #: 9463452 Name: Adin Maynard Signature: Organization: HIS & HERS Energy Efficiency Digitally signed: 10/12/22 at 1 :22 AM I attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. As a Ra er or Rating Provider I abide by the rating quality control provisions of the Mortgage Industry NationalHomr Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Netvvork(RESNET). The national ating quality control provisions of the rating standard are contained in Chapter One of the sta dard and are posted at https://standards.resnet.us The Home Energy Rating Standard Disclosure for this home is available from the ra ng provider. RESNET Form 03001-2 -Amended March 20, 2017