38B-040 (8) 1 litiAMp7,_ P410- 04. Czf ooz#Northampton ' *=° ;ITV), 4 0 �� � Nam / 2 : . assacluscs _-=le= cam, e ' ' DEPARTMENT OF BUILDITIG INSPECTIONS44 1 1 f INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building SV Northampton, Mass. 01060 Bruce A. Palmer August 22, 1989 Mr. Edward P. Goll & Charles W. Bowles 237 Main St. Northampton, Mass. 01060 Re: 167 South St. , Northampton Dear Mr. Goll & Mr. Bowles: This Department has become aware of a filling operation to the rear of 167 South St. , Northampton. This is occurring in violation of Sections 11 .2 and 11 .3 of the City of Northampton Zoning Ordinances. Please call this office at 586-6950 ext. 240 to let us know how you are going to rectify this matter as soon as possible. Sincerely, 4046 ruce A. Palmer Inspector of Buildings BAP/lb P 890 362 681 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See /eRRe�v/.eerse) Street and No. PD.,Slat an o e j , ,_ Post S C INFee ,.k4 , Sp eliverl,4 .C1 A Restri tl�Uelivery Fee �+' • Return Recei. to whom and toleli d aji Return Receipt Date,and Adra ; ry C. 0> n 0 TOTAL Postage and Fees $ oPostmark or Date M LL to STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE,AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES. (see front) 1. If you want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier. (no extra charge) 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article,date,detach and retain the receipt,and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt,write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card,Form 3811,and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space per- mits. Otherwise,affix to back of article.Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee,or to an authorized agent of the addressee,endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested,check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. U.S.G.P.O.1957.197.7 •SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, and complete items 3 and 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return receipt fee will provide you the name of the person delivered to and the date of delivery. For additional fees the following services are available. Consult postmaster for fees and check box(es) for additional service(s) requested. 1. ❑ Show to whom delivered,date,and addressee's address. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery t(Extra charge)t t(Extra charge)t 3. Article Addressed to: `' 4. Article Number 4ar�. ,1,i`4-'1,Ci ✓'� -'. nplk _Lt_t Sq Q cio' (^ .► ' 1 t ,n Type of Service: Registered ❑ Insured }t( jr��f�y�� Knec Certified ❑ COD 0/066 ❑ Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature—Addressee 8. Addressee's Address(ONLY if X requested and fee paid) 6. Signa (ent X 7. Date of Delivery ,St• PS Form 3811, Mar.1987 * U.S.G.P.O.1987-178-268 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 111111 OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below.• Complete items 1,2, 3,and 4 on U S MAIL the reverse. MNIMI ® • Attach to front of article if space y permits, otherwise affix to back of article. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE • Endorse article "Return Receipt USE,$300 Requested"adjacent to number. I RETURN • Print Sender's name,address,and ZIP Code in the space below. TO 1-eq• 11., :i*Ze—h-1)1:21 p 'L 1 N2aki otZ