BID package-Project Manual-downtown bridge lighting-2021Project Name: Owner/Client: Architect: Structural Engineer: Electrical Engineer: Lighting Vendor: Downtown Bridge Lighting Installation of new lighting. Main Street, Northampton, Massachusetts The City of Northampton c/o Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director Planning & Sustainability 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 WFeiden@NorthamptonMA.gov (413) 587-1265 Thomas Douglas Architects, Inc. 196 Pleasant Street, Suite 202 Northampton, Massachusetts Project Architects: Tom Douglas, Scott Laidlaw Phone: 413-585-0641; www.tdouglasarchtects.com Jake Smith, PE. 8 Coates Avenue South Deerfield, Massachusetts Phone: 413-397-3441 To be Determined Thomas Douglas Architects will engage an Electrical Engineer to produce construction drawings. Drawings in this bid package are Design Development documents for pricing only. Apex Lighting Solutions Dan Carnevale 20-30 Beaver Road Wethersfield, CT 06109 860-632-8766 PROJECT MANUAL THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUMMARY 01 10 00 - 1 of 7 SECTION 01 10 00 - SUMMARY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A.Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A.This Section includes the following: 1.Project information. 2.Work covered by Contract Documents. 3.Contractor's use of site and premises. 4.Coordination with occupants. 5.Work restrictions. 6.Specification and drawing conventions. 7.Miscellaneous provisions. B.Related Sections include the following: 1.Division 01 Section “Summary of Multiple Contracts.” 2.Division 01 Section “Historic Treatment Procedures.” 3.Division 01 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for limitations and procedures governing temporary use of Owner's facilities. 1.3 PROJECT INFORMATION A.Project Identification: Basement Bathroom and Inner Lobby/Salon/Hallway Renovations for the Academy of Music. 1.Project Location: 274 Main Street, Northampton, MA. B.Owner: The City of Northampton. A.Architect: The Contract Documents were prepared for Project by Thomas Douglas Architects, Northampton, MA. 1.4 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A.Type of Contract: 1.Project will be constructed under a single contract. See Division 01 Section "Summary of Multiple Contracts" for a description of work included under each Filed Sub Bid and for the responsibilities of Contractor. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid Approximate location: Overhead Bridge Crossing at 4 Main Street, Northampton, MA Downtown Bridge Lighting THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUMMARY 01 10 00 - 2 of 7 B.The Work is defined by the Contract Documents includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Interior renovation to existing basement level bathrooms including selective demolition, new finishes, new toilet compartments, new plumbing, mechanical, and electrical systems. 2. 1.6 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF SITE AND PREMISES A.General: Contractor shall have limited use of Project site for construction operations as indicated on Drawings by the Contract limits and as indicated by requirements of this Section. B.Use of Site: Limit use of Project site to areas within the Contract limits indicated. Do not disturb portions of Project site beyond areas in which the Work is indicated. 1.Confine the parking of workmen’s and construction vehicles, and the storage of construction materials to a designated staging area(s) determined by the Owner. a.The Contractor is responsible to return the site to its original condition at the completion of the project. 2.Owner Occupancy: Allow for Owner occupancy of Project site. 3.Driveways and Entrances: Keep driveways and entrances serving premises clear and available to Owner, Owner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. Obey posted 10 mph speed limit at all times on all property roadways. a.Schedule deliveries to minimize use of driveways and entrances. b.Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for s torage of materials and equipment on-site. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid Installation of new under-bridge color-changing lighting to the bike path bridge Main Street of Northampton, MA Phase 1: Install lighting, power, and control system to the Rail-Trail Bridge. This includes connection to existing power and structures Phase 2: is NOT included in this project but the power supply and control box must be able to accommodate Phase 2. phase 1 project. Fixtures selected as basis of design: Color Kinetics Vendor: Apex Lighting Solutions, Dan Carnevale, 20-30 Beaver Road, Wethersfield, CT 860-632-8766 DCarnevale@apexltg.com Schedule: Work complete within 120 of contracting, subject to reasonable delays for delivery of Color Kinetics lighting THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Northampton, MA SUMMARY 01 10 00 - 3 of 7 1.7 COORDINATION WITH OCCUPANTS A.Owner Occupancy: Owner will occupy the premises during entire construction period, with t he exception of areas under construction. Cooperate with Owner’s Permittee during construction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work so as not to interfere with Owner's Permittee’s operations. Maintain existing exits unless otherwise indicated. 1.Maintain access to existing walkways, corridors, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct walkways, corridors, or other occupied or used facilities without written permission from Owner and approval of authorities having jurisdiction. 2.Notify Owner not less than 72 hours in advance of activities that will affect Owner's operations. 1.8 WORK RESTRICTIONS A.Work Restrictions, General: Comply with restrictions on construction operations. 1.Comply with limitations on use of public streets and with other requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. B.On-Site Work Hours: Work shall be generally performed during the working hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except otherwise indicated. 1.Weekend Hours: Coordinate with Owner’s Representative. C.Existing Utility Interruptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1.Notify Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. 2.Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Owner's written permission. D.Noise, Vibration, and Odors: Coordinate operations that may result in high levels of noise and vibration, odors, or other disruption to abutters with Owner. 1.Notify Owner’s Representative not less than two days in advance of proposed disruptive operations. 2.Obtain permission from City of Northampton before proceeding with disruptive operations. E.Nonsmoking Building: Smoking is prohibited on the entire property. F.Employee Identification: Provide identification tags for Contractor personnel working on Project site. Require personnel to use identification tags at all times. G.Employee Screening: Comply with Owner's requirements for background screening of Contractor personnel working on Project site. 1.All Contractor personnel and anyone working on this Project on site will be subject to Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) Regulations. 2.Maintain list of approved screened personnel with Owner's representative. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC SUMMARY 01 10 00 - 4 of 7 1.9 SPECIFICATION AND DRAWING CONVENTIONS A.Specification Format: The Specifications are organized into Divisions and Sections using the 48-division format and CSI/CSC's "MasterFormat" numbering system. 1.Section Identification: The Specifications use Section numbers and titles to help cross- referencing in the Contract Documents. Sections in the Project Manual are in numeric sequence; however, the sequence is incomplete because all available Section numbers are not used. Consult the table of contents at the beginning of the Project Manual to determine numbers and names of Sections in the Contract Documents. B.Division 01 General Requirements: Requirements of Sections in Division 01 apply to the Work of all Sections in the Specifications. C.Specification Content: The Specifications use cert ain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows: 1.Abbreviated Language: Language used in the Specifications and other Contract Documents is abbreviated. Words and meanings shall be interpreted as appropriate. Words implied, but not stated, shall be inferred as the sense requires. Singu lar words shall be interpreted as plural, and plural words shall be interpreted as singular wher e applicable as the context of the Contract Documents indicates. 2.Imperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the Specifications. The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. 3.Specification requirements are to be performed by Contractor unless specifically stated otherwise. D.Drawing Coordination: Requirements for materials and products identified on Drawings are described in detail in the Specifications. One or more of the following are used on Drawings to identify materials and products: 1.Terminology: Materials and products are identified by the typical generic terms used in the individual Specifications Sections. 2.Abbreviations: Materials and products are identified by abbreviations published as part of the U.S. National CAD Standard and scheduled on Drawings. E.In general, the Specifications will describe the quality of the work and the Drawings, the extent of the work. The Drawings and Specifications are cooperative and supplementary; however, each item of the work is not necessarily mentioned in both the Drawings and the Specifications. All work necessary to complete the project, so described, is to be included in this Contract. F.In case of disagreement between the Drawings and Specifications, or within either document itself, the Architect shall interpret the Documents to require the better q uality or greater quantity of work for the Owner that can reasonably be construed therefrom. Any work performed by the Contractor without consulting the Architect, when the same requires a decision, shall be performed at the Contractor’s risk. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Northampton, MA SUMMARY 01 10 00 - 5 of 7 1.10 CODES, STANDARDS AND PERMITS A.All work under this contract shall conform to all codes and standards in effect as of the date of receipt of Bids which are applicable to this Project. All work shall also conform to specific requirements and interpretations of local authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. These Codes, standards, and authorities are referred to collectively as “the governing codes and authorities” and similar terms throughout the Specifications. Determination of applicable codes and standards and requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction shall be the responsibility of the Contractor; as shall be the analysis of all such codes and standards in regard to their applicability to the Project for the purposes of determining necessary constr uction to conform to such code requirements, for securing all approvals and permits necessary to proceed with construction, and to obtain all permits necessary for the Owner to occupy the facility for their intended use. In the case of conflicts between t he requirements of different codes and standards, the most restrictive or stringent requirements shall be met. B.The codes that were used in the design of this Project are as follows: 1.Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR - Ninth Edition. 2.The following as referenced and modified by the above code: a.2015 International Building Code (IBC) with Mass achusetts Amendments per 780 CMR b.780 CMR 9.00 - Fire Protection Systems 3.527 CMR Board of Fire Prevention Regulations 4.2012 NFPA 1 - Currently Adopted MA State Model Code 5.Massachusetts General Law Chapter 148 - Fire Prevention - Section 26 6.780 CMR 13.00 - Energy Efficiency Amendments a.2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) b.2013 ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 - Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings 7.780 CMR Chapter 27.00 – Electrical a.527 CMR Chapter 12 - Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments) b.527 CMR Chapter 27 - Emergency and Standby Power Systems c.2014 NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC) d.NFPA 110 – 2013 8.780 CMR 28.00 - Mechanical Systems a.2015 International Mechanical Code (IMC) b.271 CMR 6.00 - Uniform Sheet Metal Installation Rules 9.780 CMR 29.00 - Plumbing Systems a.248 CMR Chapter 10 - Massachusetts Uniform State Plumbing Code 10.Accessibility a.521 CMR - Massachusetts Architectural Access Board Regulations b.Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 22 c.Title II of The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Including the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUMMARY 01 10 00 - 6 of 7 d.Code of Federal Regulations - 28 CFR Appendix A to Part 36 - Standards for Accessible Design 11.Occupational Safety And Health Act, Title 29/Labor 12.General Laws Of Massachusetts C.Code Enforcement and Approvals: Secure the general building permit for the work and conform to all conditions and requirements of the permit and code enforcement authorities. D.Identify all permits (other than general building permit) required from authorities having jurisdiction over the Project for the construction and occupancy of the work. Prepare the necessary applications and submit required plans and documents to obtain such permits in a timely manner. 1.Display all permit cards as required by the authorities and deliver legible photocopies of all permits to the Owner’s Representative and Owner promptly upon their receipt. 2.Arrange for all inspections, testing and approvals required for all permits. Notify the Owner, Owner’s Representative and Architect at least three business days in advance, so they may arrange to observe. 3.Comply with all conditions and provide all notices required by all permits. 4.Perform and/or arrange for and pay for all testing and inspections required by the governing codes and authorities, other than those provided by the Owner, and notify the Owner, Owner’s Representative, and Architect of such inspections at least three business days in advance, so they may arrange to observe. 5.Where inspecting authorities require corrective work in conjunction with applicable codes and authorities, promptly comply with such requirements, except in cases where such requirements clearly exceed the requirements of the Contract Documents, in which case proceed in accordance with the procedures for modifications to the Work established in the Contract Documents. 1.11 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT A.The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall comply with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the Construction Safety Act of 1969, including all standards and regulations which have been promulgated by the Governmental Authorities which administer such Acts. Said requirements, standards and regulations are incorporated herein by reference. 1.The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall comply with M.G.L. Chapter 306 of the Acts of 2004 which requires that all employees on the Project site complete a course in construction safety and health approved by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), known as the “OSHA 10-hour course.” B.The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall comply with said regulations, requirements and standards and require and be directly responsible for compliance therewith on the part of his agents, employees material men and Subcontractors; and shall directly receive and be responsible for all citations, assessments, fines or penalties which may be incurred by reason of his agents, employees, material men or Subcontractors failing to so comply. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUMMARY 01 10 00 - 7 of 7 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 10 00 Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Basis of Design: Light Fixtures: Color Kinetics or equal. Rep for Color Kinetics: Dan Carnevale, Apex Lighting Solutions dcarnevale@apexltg.com | o: 877.886.2843 x119| c: 860.882.2124 Any substitution must be approved by the city and included in the bid. See the last 2 pages of this project manual for pricing on Color Kinetics fixtures and devices. COVID-19 GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES AND WORKERS AT ALL PUBLIC WORK Page 2 of 4 General On-the-Job Guidance to Prevent Exposure & Limit the Transmission of the Virus •No handshaking •Wash hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol •Contractor and State Agency Field Offices are locked down to all but authorized personnel •Each jobsite should develop cleaning and decontamination procedures that are posted and shared. These Procedures must cover all areas including trailers, gates, equipment, vehicles, etc. and shall be posted at all entry points to the sites, and throughout the project site. •A “No Congregation” policy is in effect, individuals must implement social distancing by maintaining a minimum distance of 6-feet from other individuals •Avoid face to face meetings – critical situations requiring in-person discussion must follow social distancing •Conduct all meetings via conference calls, if possible. Do not convene meetings of more than 10 people. Recommend use of cell phones, texting, web meeting sites and conference calls for project discussion •All individual work crew meetings/tailgate talks should be held outside and follow social distancing •Please keep all crews a minimum of 6’ apart at all times to eliminate the potential of cross contamination •At each job briefing/tool box talk, employees are asked if they are experiencing any symptoms, and are sent home if they are •Each jobsite should have laminated COVID-19 safety guidelines and handwashing instructions •All restroom facilities/porta-potties should be cleaned and handwashing stations must be provided with soap, hand sanitizer and paper towels •All surfaces should be regularly cleaned, including surfaces, door handles, laptops, etc. •All common areas and meeting areas are to be regularly cleaned and disinfected at least once a day but preferably twice a day •Be sure to use your own water bottle, and do not share •To avoid external contamination, we recommend everyone bring food from home •Please maintain Social Distancing separation during breaks and lunch. •Cover coughing or sneezing with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash hands, if no tissue is available then cough into your elbow •Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands •To avoid sharing germs, please clean up after Yourself. DO NOT make others responsible for moving, unpacking and packing up your personal belongings •If you or a family member is feeling ill, stay home! COVID-19 GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES AND WORKERS AT ALL PUBLIC WORK Page 3 of 4 Work Site Risk Prevention Practices •At the start of each shift, confirm with all employees that they are healthy. •We will have a 100% glove policy from today going forward. All construction workers will be required to wear cut-resistant gloves or the equivalent. •Use of eye protection (safety goggles/face shields) is recommended •In work conditions where required social distancing is impossible to achieve affected employees shall be supplied PPE including as appropriate a standard face mask, gloves, and eye protection. •All employees shall drive to work site/parking area in a single occupant vehicle. Contractors / State staff shall not ride together in the same vehicle •When entering a machine or vehicle which you are not sure you were the last person to enter, make sure that you wipe down the interior and door handles with disinfectant prior to entry •In instances where it is possible, workers should maintain separation of 6’ from each other per CDC guidelines. •Multi person activities will be limited where feasible (two person lifting activities) •Large gathering places on the site such as shacks and break areas will be eliminated and instead small break areas will be used with seating limited to ensure social distancing. •Contact the cleaning person for your office trailer or office space and ensure they have proper COVID-19 sanitation processes. Increase their cleaning visits to daily •Clean all high contact surfaces a minimum of twice a day in order to minimize the spread of germs in areas that people touch frequently. This includes but is not limited to desks, laptops and vehicles Wash Stations: All site-specific projects with outside construction sites without ready access to an indoor bathroom MUST install Wash Stations. •Install hand wash stations with hot water, if possible, and soap at fire hydrants or other water sources to be used for frequent handwashing for all onsite employees •All onsite workers must help to maintain and keep stations clean •If a worker notices soap or towels are running low or out, immediately notify supervisors •Garbage barrels will be placed next to the hand wash station for disposal of tissues/towels COVID-19 GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES AND WORKERS AT ALL PUBLIC WORK Page 4 of 4 Do all you can to maintain your good health by: getting adequate sleep; eating a balanced, healthy diet, avoid alcohol; and consume plenty of fluids. Please Note: This document is not intended to replace any formalized procedures currently in place with the General Contractor. Where these guidance does not meet or exceed the standards put forth by the General Contractor, everyone shall abide by the most stringent procedure available. A site-specific COVID-19 Officer (who may also be the Health and Safety Officer) shall be designated for every site. The approved project Health and Safety Plan (HASP) shall be modified to require that the Contractor’s site-specific project COVID-19 Officer submit a written daily report to the Owner’s Representative. The COVID-19 Officer shall certify that the contractor and all subcontractors are in full compliance with these guidelines. Any issue of non-compliance with these guidelines shall be a basis for the suspension of work. The contractor will be required to submit a corrective action plan detailing each issue of non- conformance and a plan to rectify the issue(s). The contractor will not be allowed to resume work until the plan is approved by the Owner. Any additional issues of non-conformance may be subject to action against the contractor's prequalification and certification status. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUMMARY OF MULTIPLE CONTRACTS 01 12 00 - 1 of 4 SECTION 01 12 00 - SUMMARY OF MULTIPLE CONTRACTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A.Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A.This Section includes a summary of each contract, including responsibilities for coordination and temporary facilities and controls, and Filed Sub Bid requirements. B.Related Sections include the following: 1.Division 01 Section "Summary" for the Work covered by the Contract Documents, restrictions on use of the premises, Owner-occupancy requirements, and work restrictions. 2.Division 01 Section "Project Management and Coordination" for general coordination requirements. 3.Division 01 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for specific requirements for temporary facilities and controls. 4.Divisions 03 through 26 Sections for additional Filed Sub Bid requirements. 1.3 COORDINATION A.The Contractor shall be responsible for coordination between all Filed Subcontractors. 1.The Contractor shall act as Project Coordinator. 1.4 PROJECT COORDINATOR A.Coordination activities of the Contractor include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.Provide overall coordination of the Work by the Contractor and Filed Subcontractors. 2.Coordinate shared access to workspaces. 3.Coordinate product selections for compatibility. 4.Provide overall coordination of temporary facilities and controls. 5.Coordinate, schedule, and approve interruptions of permanent and temporary u tilities, including those necessary to make connections for temporary services. 6.Coordinate construction and operations of the Work with work performed by each contract and Owner's construction forces. 7.Prepare Coordination Drawings to coordinate work by more than one contract. 8.Coordinate sequencing and scheduling of the Work. Include the following: THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUMMARY OF MULTIPLE CONTRACTS 01 12 00 - 2 of 4 a. Initial Coordination Meeting: At earliest possible date, arrange and conduct a meeting with separate contractors for sequencing and coordinating the Work; negotiate reasonable adjustments to schedules. b. Prepare a combined Contractor's Construction Schedule for entire Project. Base schedule on Preliminary Construction Schedule. Secure time commitments for performing critical construction activities from separate contractors. Show activities of each contract on a separate sheet. Prepare a simplified summary sheet indicating combined construction activities of contracts. c. Complete mockups for Architect’s review in a timely manner. d. Distribute copies of schedules to Architect, Owner, Project Manager and separate contractors. 9. Provide quality-assurance and quality-control services specified in Division 01 Section "Quality Requirements." 10. Coordinate sequence of activities to accommodate tests and inspections, and coordi nate schedule of tests and inspections. 11. Provide information necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing utility structures affected by construction. 12. Locate existing permanent benchmarks, control points, and similar reference points, and establish permanent benchmarks on Project site. 13. Provide field surveys of in-progress construction and site work and final property survey. 14. Provide progress cleaning of common areas and coordinate progress cleaning of areas or pieces of equipment where more than one contractor has worked. 15. Coordinate cutting and patching. 16. Coordinate protection of the Work. 17. Coordinate through-penetration firestopping. 18. Coordinate completion of interrelated punch list items. 19. Coordinate preparation of Project Record Documents if information from more than one contractor is to be integrated with information from other contractors to form one combined record. 20. Print and submit Record CAD Drawings if installations by more than one contractor are indicated on the same Contract Drawing or Shop Drawing. 21. Collect Record Specification Sections from other contractors, collate Sections into numeric order, and submit complete set. 22. Coordinate preparation of operation and maintenance manuals if information from more than one contractor is to be integrated with information from other contractors to form one combined record. Comply with requirements in Division 01 Section “Demonstration and Training” for training requirements relative to operation and maintenance manual preparation. B. Responsibilities of Contractor and Filed Subcontractors for temporary facilities and controls are specified in Division 01 Section “Temporary Facilities and Controls.” 1.5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF CONTRACTS A. Extent of Contract: 1. Unless otherwise indicated, the Work described in this Section for each con tract shall be complete systems and assemblies, including products, components, accessories, and installation required by the Contract Documents. 2. Cutting and Patching: Provided by the Contractor and Filed Subcontractors for their own Work as required by Division 01 Section “Cutting and Patching.” THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUMMARY OF MULTIPLE CONTRACTS 01 12 00 - 3 of 4 3.Through-penetration firestopping for the Work of each contract shall be provided by each Filed Subcontractor for its own Work in accordance with Division 07 Section “Penetration Firestopping.” 4.Within five working days after the initial Coordination Meeting, submit a matching preliminary schedule and preliminary network diagram showing construction operations sequenced and coordinated with overall construction. 5.Project closeout requirements. B.Substitutions: Each contractor shall cooperate with other contractors involved to coordinate approved substitutions with remainder of the Work. 1.Contractor shall coordinate substitutions. C.Temporary Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation: The Contractor is responsible for temporary heating, cooling, and ventilation, including utility-use charges, temporary meters, and temporary connections, as indicated in Division 01 Section “Temporary Facilities and Controls.” 1.6 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT A.Work in the General Construction Contract includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1.Wood repairs including painting. 2.Furnish and install attic thermal insulation. 3.Patching and repair of existing carpeting. 4.Painting. 5.Wiring of N2 system and all fire alarm modifications as indicated on Fire Prote ction drawings. B.Temporary facilities and controls in the General Construction Contract include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.Temporary facilities and controls that are not otherwise specifically assigned to Filed Subcontractors as indicated in Division 01 Section “Temporary Facilities and Controls.” 2.Unpiped temporary toilet fixtures, wash facilities, and drinking water facilities, including disposable supplies. 3.Project identification and temporary signs. 4.General waste disposal facilities. 5.Pest control. 6.Temporary fire-protection facilities. 7.Barricades, warning signs, and lights. 8.Security enclosure and lockup. 9.Environmental protection. 10.Restoration of Owner's existing facilities used as temporary facilities. 1.7 FILED SUBCONTRACTS A.General: All Filed Subcontractors are required to review all Drawings for information as it relates to conditions of the Work for proper phasing, coordination, and execution of the Work. 1.Specification Sections included in each Filed Sub Bid category may contain additional scope requirements as referenced in separate Specification Sections. 2.The Contractor and each Filed Subcontractor must review and incorporate all Addenda items into the Contract Documents, and respective scopes of Work. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUMMARY OF MULTIPLE CONTRACTS 01 12 00 - 4 of 4 B. The Project includes the following Filed Sub-Bid categories and related Specification Sections: 1. Fire Protection Filed Sub Bid - 21 00 01. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 12 00 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 01 26 00 - 1 of 3 SECTION 01 26 00 - CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A.Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A.This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for hand ling and processing Contract modifications. B.Related Sections include the following: 1.Division 01 Section “Project Management and Coordination” for submitting Requests for Information (RFIs). 2.Division 01 Section "Product Requirements" for administrative pro cedures for handling requests for substitutions made after Contract award. 1.3 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK A.Architect will issue supplemental instructions authorizing Minor Changes in the Work, not involving adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, on AIA Document G710, "Architect's Supplemental Instructions” or similar form prepared by Architect. 1.4 PROPOSAL REQUESTS A.Owner-Initiated Proposal Requests: Architect will issue a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that may require adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised Drawings and Specifications. 1.Proposal Requests issued by Architect are for information only. Do not consider them instructions either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change. 2.Within 10 days after receipt of Proposal Request, submit a quotation to the Architect, estimating cost adjustments to the Contract Sum and the Contract Time necessary to execute the change. If no proposal is submitted within the required time period, it will be taken to mean there is no cost associated with the change. a.Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish su rvey data to substantiate quantities. b.Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. c.Include costs of labor and supervision directly attributable to the change. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 01 26 00 - 2 of 3 d.Include an updated Contractor's Construction Schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. If no schedule is submitted it will be taken to mean that no Contract time changes are needed. B.Contractor-Initiated Proposals: If latent or unforeseen conditions require modifications to the Contract, Contractor may propose changes by first submitting a “Request for Information” to the Architect. This request will be responded to by the Architect, wherei n the Contractor may submit a Change Order Proposal. 1.Include a statement outlining reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time. 2.Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. 3.Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. 4.Include costs of labor and supervision directly attributable to the change. 5.Include an updated Contractor's Construction Schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. If no schedule is submitted it will be taken to mean that no Contract time changes are needed. 1.5 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES A.On Owner's approval of a Proposal Request, the Architect will issue a Change Order for signatures of Owner and Contractor on AIA Document G701 or similar form. 1.6 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE A.Construction Change Directive: Architect may issue a Construction Change Directive on AIA Document G714. Construction Change Directive instructs Contractor t o proceed with a change in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. 1.Construction Change Directive contains a complete description of change in the Work. It also designates method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. B.Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a time and material basis o f work required by the Construction Change Directive. 1.After completion of change, submit an itemized account and supporting data necessary to substantiate cost and time adjustments to the Contract. 2.Submit all subcontractor proposals, labor records, rental invoices, material invoices, and as requested to support claims. 3.Labor claims must be substantiated with backup provided by RS means or similar authorized equitable methods. 4.Unsubstantiated labor claims will be subject to Owner’s or Architect’s negotiation and approval. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 01 26 00 - 3 of 3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 26 00 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PAYMENT PROCEDURES 01 29 00 - 1 of 5 SECTION 01 29 00 - PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements necessary to prepare a nd process Applications for Payment. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 01 Section "Contract Modification Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling changes to the Contract. 2. Division 01 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for administrative requirements governing preparation and submittal of Contractor's Construction Schedule and Submittals Schedule. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Schedule of Values: A statement furnished by Contractor allocating portions of the Contract Sum to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. 1.4 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation of the Schedule of Values with preparation of Contractor's Construction Schedule. 1. Correlate line items in the Schedule of Values with other required administrative forms and schedules, including the following: a. Application for Payment forms with Continuation Sheets. b. Submittals Schedule. c. Contractor's Construction Schedule. 2. Submit the Schedule of Values to the Architect at earliest possible date but no later than thirty (30) days before the date scheduled for submittal of preliminary pencil copy Applications for Payment. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PAYMENT PROCEDURES 01 29 00 - 2 of 5 B. Format and Content: Use the Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish line items for the Schedule of Values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. For major trades with line item values greater than $25,000, provide a separate line item for units of work within each trade with a value not exceeding $25,000, or as approved by Architect/Owner. 1. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the Schedule of Values: a. Project name and location. b. Name of Architect. c. Architect's project number. d. Owner’s project number. e. Contractor's name and address. f. Date of submittal. 2. Submit draft of AIA Document G702 and AIA Document G703 Continuation Sheets. 3. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form with separate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: a. Related Specification Section or Division. b. Description of the Work. c. Name of subcontractor. d. Name of manufacturer or fabricator. e. Name of supplier. f. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value. g. Dollar value. 1) Percentage of the Contract Sum to nearest one-hundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. 4. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in enough detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with the Project Manual table of contents. Provide several line items for princ ipal subcontract amounts, where appropriate. Include the following mandatory line items: a. Mobilization. b. Demobilization. c. Builders Risk Insurance. d. Bonds. e. Coordination Drawings. f. Scheduling. g. Project record documents. h. Operation and Maintenance manuals. i. Field Engineering. j. Daily Building Cleanup. k. Safety Program. l. Full-Time Project Manager. m. Full-Time Project Superintendent. n. Field Offices. o. Dumpsters. p. Cold Weather Protection. q. Temporary Heat. r. General Contract O&P (not to be included in each line item). s. Each subcontracted scope of work complete with subcontractor name and dollar amount, labor and materials. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PAYMENT PROCEDURES 01 29 00 - 3 of 5 t. All non-subcontracted work labor and materials. 5. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; total shall equal the Contract Sum. 6. Provide a separate line item in the Schedule of Values for each part of the Work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipment purc hased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. a. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. If specified, include evidence of insurance or bonded warehousing. 7. Provide separate line items in the Schedule of Values for initi al cost of materials, for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total installed value of that part of the Work. 8. Each item in the Schedule of Values and Applications for Payment shall be co mplete. Include total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit for each item. a. Temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place shall be shown either as separate line items in the Schedule of Values. 9. Schedule Updating: Update and resubmit the Schedule of Values before the next Applications for Payment, and when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract Sum or Time. C. Prevailing Wage Rates: The prevailing wage rates of MGL, Chapter 149A, are applicable to this Project. Wage rates are as determined by the Massachusetts Department of Workforce Development. Certified payrolls must be submitted weekly. Failure to submit payroll records will delay Contractor’s payment. Contractor shall not receive payment unless all payroll records are up to date. 1.5 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT A. Each Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by Architect and paid for by Owner. 1. Initial Application for Payment, Application for Payment at time of Substantial Completion, and final Application for Payment involve additional requirements. 2. At least ten days before the date established for each formal Application for Payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect an itemized preliminary pencil application for payment for review and comment. The Contractor shall then revise the preliminary application and at least two days prior to the date established for formal application, shall submit to the Architect the revised preliminary application, to allow time for the Architect to prepare a written letter of explanation setting forth any objections and recommended changes to be forwarded along with the formal application to the owner. B. Payment Application Forms: Use AIA Document G702 and AIA Document G703 Continuation Sheets as form for Applications for Payment. C. Application Preparation: Complete every entry on form. Notarize and execute by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of Contractor. Architect will return incomplete applications without action. 1. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and Contractor's Construction Schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PAYMENT PROCEDURES 01 29 00 - 4 of 5 2. Include amounts of Change Orders executed before last day of construction period covered by application. D. Transmittal: Submit six (6) signed and notarized original copies of each Application for Payment to Architect by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall include waivers of lien and similar attachments. E. Waivers of Mechanic's Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of mech anic's lien from all suppliers, subcontractors, and every entity who is lawfully entitled to file a mechanic's lien arising out of the Contract and related to the Work covered by the payment. 1. Submit partial waivers on each item for amount requested in prev ious application, after deduction for retainage, on each item. 2. When an application shows completion of an item, submit final or full waivers. 3. Owner reserves the right to designate which entities involved in the Work must submit waivers. 4. Waiver Forms: Submit waivers of lien on forms, executed in a manner acceptable to Owner. 5. Failure to submit waivers will delay Contractor’s payment. Contractor shall not receive payment unless all waivers are up to date. F. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals that must precede and be approved prior to first Application for Payment include the following: 1. List of subcontractors. 2. Schedule of Values, which meets the requirements of the Specifications. 3. Contractor's Construction Schedule (preliminary if not final), which meets the requirements of the Specifications. 4. Products list. 5. Schedule of unit prices. 6. Submittals Schedule (preliminary if not final), which meets the requirements of the Specifications. 7. List of Contractor's staff assignments and resumes. 8. List of Contractor's principal consultants and resumes. 9. Copies of building permits. 10. Copies of authorizations and licenses from authorities having jurisdiction for performance of the Work. 11. Initial progress report. 12. Report of preconstruction conference. 13. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies. 14. Performance and payment bonds. 15. Data needed to acquire Owner's insurance. 16. Preconstruction photographic documentation which meets requirements of specifications. 17. Preliminary list of contractors and subcontractors, with contract dollar amounts and list of scope of work included with contract. 18. Other submittals deemed necessary by Owner or Architect. G. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: After issuing the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment showing 100 percent completion for portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. 1. Include documentation supporting claim that the Work is substantially complete and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PAYMENT PROCEDURES 01 29 00 - 5 of 5 H. Final Payment Application: Submit final Application for Payment with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted, including, but not limited, to the following: 1. Evidence of completion of Project closeout requir ements. 2. Insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required and proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. 3. Updated final statement, accounting for final changes to the Contract Sum. 4. AIA Document G706, "Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims." 5. AIA Document G706A, "Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens." 6. AIA Document G707, "Consent of Surety to Final Payment." 7. Evidence that claims have been settled. 8. Final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as of date of Substantial Completion or when Owner took possession of and assumed responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 29 00 Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 1 of 11 SECTION 01 31 00 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative provisions for coord inating construction operations on Project including, but not limited to, the following: 1. General coordination procedures. 2. Coordination drawings. 3. Requests for Information (RFIs). 4. Digital project management procedures. 5. Project meetings. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 01 Section "Summary of Multiple Contracts" for a description of the division of Work among separate contracts and responsibility for coordination activ ities not in this Section. 2. Division 01 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for preparing and submitting Contractor's Construction Schedule. 3. Division 01 Section “Submittal Procedures” for submittal procedures and for use of Architect’s digital data files for use in preparing shop drawings and Project record drawings. 4. Division 01 Section "Execution" for procedures for coordinating general installation. 5. Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures" for coordinating closeout of the Contract. C. The Contractor and each Filed Subcontractor shall participate in coordination requirements. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. RFI: Request from Contractor seeking interpretation or clarification of the Contract Documents . 1.4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Subcontract List: Within 30 days of Notice to Proceed or signed Contract, whichever comes first, prepare a written summary identifying individuals or firms proposed for each portion of the Work, including those who are to furnish products or equipment fabricated to a special design. Include the following information in tabular form: 1. Name, address, and telephone number of entity performing subcontract or supplying products. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 2 of 11 2. Number and title of related Specification Section(s) covered by subcontract. 3. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate, covered by subcontract. 4. Contractor scope items to be performed by subcontractors. 5. Subcontractor resumes. B. Key Personnel Names: Within 10 days of Notice to Proceed, submit a list of key personnel assignments, including superintendent and other personnel in attendance at Project site. Identify individuals and their duties and responsibilities; list addresses and telephone numbers, including home and office telephone numbers. Provide names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals assigned as standbys in the absence of individuals assigned to Project. 1. Keep list current at all times, resubmit upon update or personnel changes. 2. Post copies of list in Project meeting room, in temporary field office, in web-based Project software directory, and in prominent location in built facility. Include the following individuals: a. Project Manager. b. Superintendent. c. MEP/FP Coordinator. d. Safety Manager. 1.5 GENERAL COORDINATION PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Coordinate construction operations included in different Sections of the Specifications to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Coordinate construction operations, included in different Sections that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, bef ore or after its own installation. 2. Coordinate installation of different components with other contractors to ensure maximum accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. 3. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. 4. Where availability of space is limited, coordinate installation of different components to ensure maximum performance and accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair of all components, including mechanical and electrical. 5. No claim for additional compensation or extension of Contract Time will be permitted for conditions resulting from lack of coordination. 6. Coordinate with Owner for all Owner-supplied or installed items. B. Prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as required notices, reports, and list of attendees at meetings. 1. Prepare similar memoranda for Owner and separate contractors if coordination of their Work is required. C. Administrative Procedures: Within 30 days of Notice to Proceed or signed Contract, whichever comes first, coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with other construction activities and activities of other contractors to avoid conflicts and to ensure orderly progress of the Work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Preparation of Contractor's Construction Schedule. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 3 of 11 2. Preparation of the Schedule of Values. 3. Installation and removal of temporary facilities and controls. 4. Delivery and processing of submittals. 5. Preinstallation conferences. 6. Progress meetings. 7. Startup and adjustment of systems. 8. Project closeout activities. D. Conservation: Coordinate construction activities to ensure that operations are carri ed out with consideration given to conservation of energy, water, and materials. 1. Salvage materials and equipment involved in performance of, but not actually incorporated into, the Work. Refer to other Sections for disposition of salvaged materials that are designated as Owner's property. 1.6 ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL A. General: In addition to Project superintendent, provide other administrative and supervisory personnel as required for proper performance, supervision and administration of the Work. 1.7 COORDINATION DRAWINGS A. Coordination Drawings, General: Prepare coordination drawings according to r equirements in individual Sections, and additionally where installation is not completely shown on Shop Drawings, where limited space availability necessitates coordination, or if coordination is required to facilitate integration of products and materials fabricated or installed by more than one entity. 1. Content: Project-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Do not base Coordination Drawings on reproductions of the Contract Documents or standard printed data. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Use applicable Drawings as a basis for preparation of coordination drawings. Prepare sections, elevations, and details as needed to describe relationship of various systems and components. b. Coordinate the addition of trade-specific information to coordination drawings by multiple contractors in a sequence that best provides for coordination of the information and resolution of conflicts between installed components before submitting for review. c. Indicate functional and spatial relationships of components of architectural, structural, civil, mechanical, and electrical systems. d. Indicate space requirements for routine maintenance and for anticipated replacement of components during the life of the installation. e. Show location and size of access doors required for access to concealed dampers, valves, and other controls. f. Indicate required installation sequences. g. Indicate dimensions shown on Drawings. Specifically note dimensions that a ppear to be in conflict with submitted equipment and minimum clearance requirements. Provide alternative sketches to Architect indicating proposed resolution of such conflicts. Minor dimension changes and difficult installations will not be considered changes to the Contract. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 4 of 11 2. Refer to individual Sections for Coordination Drawing requirements for Work in those Sections. 3. Review: Architect will review coordination drawings to confirm that the Work is being coordinated, but not for the details of the coordination, which are Contractor's responsibility. If Architect determines that coordination drawings are not being prepared in sufficient scope or detail, or are otherwise deficient, Ar chitect will so inform Contractor, who shall make changes as directed and resubmit. B. Coordination Drawing Organization: Organize coordination drawings as follows: 1. Floor Plans and Reflected Ceiling Plans: Show architectural and structural elements, and mechanical, plumbing, fire-protection, fire-alarm, and electrical Work. Show locations of visible ceiling-mounted devices relative to acoustical ceiling grid. Supplement plan drawings with section drawings where required to adequately represent the Work. 2. Plenum Space: Indicate subframing for support of ceiling and wall systems, mechanical and electrical equipment, and related Work. Locate components within ceiling plenum to accommodate layout of light fixtures indicated on Drawings. Indicate areas of conflict between light fixtures and other components. 3. Mechanical Rooms: Provide coordination drawings for mechanical rooms showing plans and elevations of mechanical, plumbing, fire-protection, fire-alarm, and electrical equipment. 4. Structural Penetrations: Indicate penetrations and openings required for all disciplines. 5. Mechanical and Plumbing Work: Show the following: a. Sizes and bottom elevations of ductwork, piping, and conduit runs, including insulation, bracing, flanges, and support systems. b. Dimensions of major components, such as dampers, valves , diffusers, access doors, cleanouts and electrical distribution equipment. c. Fire-rated enclosures around ductwork. d. Locations and sizes of access panels. 6. Electrical Work: Show the following: a. Runs of vertical and horizontal conduit 1-1/2 inches in diameter and larger, including conduit racks. b. Light fixture, exit light, emergency battery pack, smoke detector, and other fire- alarm locations. c. Clearances required for recessed lighting fixtures. d. Panel board, switch board, switchgear, transformer, busway, generator, and motor control center locations. e. Location of pull boxes and junction boxes, dimensioned from column center lines. f. Locations and sizes of access panels. 7. Fire-Protection System: Show the following: a. Locations of standpipes, mains piping, branch lines, pipe drop s, and sprinkler heads. b. Locations and sizes of access panels. 8. Review: Architect will review coordination drawings to confirm that the Work is being coordinated, but not for the details of the coordination, which are Co ntractor's responsibility. If Architect determines that coordination drawings are not being prepared in sufficient scope or detail, or are otherwise deficient, Architect will so inform Contractor, who shall make changes as directed and resubmit. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 5 of 11 C. Coordination Digital Data Files: Prepare coordination digital data fi les according to the following requirements: 1. File Preparation Format: Same digital data software program, version, and operating system as original Drawings (Revit 2020), OR any digital format compatible with submittal format requirement. 2. File Submittal Format: Submit or post coordination drawing files using 3D Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) format. 3. Architect will furnish Contractor one set of 3D-digital data files of Drawings for use in preparing coordination digital data files. a. Architect makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of digital data files as they relate to Drawings. b. Digital Data Software Program: Drawings are available in Revit 2019. c. Contractor shall execute a data licensing agreement in Agreement form acceptable to Owner and Architect. D. Paper Copies: In addition to electronic files, submit coordination drawing files in paper format. 1. Sheet Size: 36 by 48 inches, at a scale suitable for presentation of the information. 2. Number of Copies: Submit a sufficient number of copies of each submittal for Architect and Consultant to retain one copy each. a. Submit one additional copy where Coordination Drawings are required for operation and maintenance manuals. Architect will retain two copies; remainder will be returned. Mark up and retain one returned copy as a Project Record Drawing. 1.8 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFIs) A. Procedure: Immediately on discovery of the need for interpretation of the Contract Documents, and if not possible to request interpretation at Project meeting, prepare and submit an RFI, to the Architect, in the form specified. 1. RFIs shall originate with Contractor or Subcontractor. RFIs submitted by entities other than the Contractor will be returned with no response. 2. Coordinate and submit RFIs in a prompt manner so as to avoid delays in Contractor's work or work of subcontractors. B. Content of the RFI: Include a detailed, legible description of item needing interpretation and the following: 1. Project name. 2. Date. 3. Name of Contractor. 4. Name of Architect. 5. RFI number, numbered sequentially. 6. Specification Section number and title and related paragraphs, as appropriate. 7. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. 8. Field dimensions and conditions, as appropriate. 9. Contractor's suggested solution(s). If Contractor's solution(s) impact the Contract Time or the Contract Sum, Contractor shall state impact in the RFI. 10. Contractor's signature. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 6 of 11 11. Attachments: Include drawings, descriptions, measurements, photos, Product Data, Shop Drawings, and other information necessary to fully describe items needing interpretation. a. Supplementary drawings prepared by Contractor shall include dimensions, thicknesses, structural grid references, and details of affected materials, assemblies, and attachments. C. RFI Forms: Software-generated form with substantially the same content as indicated above. 1. Attachments shall be electronic files in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. D. Architect's Action: Architect will review each RFI, determine action required, and return it. Allow five working days for Architect's response for each RFI. RFIs received after 1:00 p.m. will be considered as received the following work ing day. 1. The following RFIs will be returned without action: a. Requests for approval of submittals. b. Requests for approval of substitutions. c. Requests for coordination information already indicated in the Contract Documents. d. Requests for adjustments in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum. e. Requests for interpretation of Architect's actions on submittals. f. Incomplete RFIs or RFIs with numerous errors , or RFIs with incomplete information required. 2. Architect's action may include a request for additional informatio n, in which case Architect's time for response will start again. 3. Architect's action on RFIs that may result in a change to the Contract Time or the Contract Sum may be eligible for Contractor to submit Change Proposal according to Division 01 Section "Contract Modification Procedures." a. If Contractor believes the RFI response warrants change in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum, notify Architect in writing within 10 days of receipt of the RFI response, with PCO/COR. E. On receipt of Architect's action, update the RFI log and immediately distribute the RFI response to affected parties. Review response and notify Architect within five days if Contractor disagrees with response. F. RFI Log: Prepare, maintain, and submit a tabular log of RFIs organized by the RFI number. Submit log biweekly. Include the following: 1. Project name. 2. Name and address of Contractor. 3. Name and address of Architect. 4. RFI number including RFIs that were dropped and not submitted. 5. RFI description. 6. Date the RFI was submitted. 7. Date Architect's response was received. 8. Identification of related Minor Change in the Work, Construction Change Directive, and Proposal Request, as appropriate. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 7 of 11 1.9 DIGITAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES A. Use of Architect's Digital Data Files: Digital data files of Ar chitect's Revit model will be provided by Architect for Contractor's use during construction. 1. Digital data files may be used by Contractor in preparing Coordination Drawings. 2. Architect makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of digital data files as they relate to Contract Drawings. 3. Digital Drawing Software Program: Contract Drawings are available in Revit 2020. 4. Contractor shall execute a data licensing agreement in Agreement form acceptable to Owner and Architect. a. Subcontractors, and other parties granted access by Contractor to Architect's digital data files shall execute a data licensing agreement in Agreement acceptable to Owner and Architect. B. PDF Document Preparation: Where PDFs are required to be submitted to Architect, pr epare as follows: 1. Assemble complete submittal package into a single indexed file incorporating submittal requirements of a single Specification Section and transmittal form with links enabling navigation to each item. 2. Name file with submittal number or other unique identifier, including revision identifier. 3. Certifications: Where digitally submitted certificates and certifications are required, provide a digital signature with digital certificate on where indicated. 1.10 PROJECT MEETINGS A. General: Schedule and conduct meetings and conferences at Project site. 1. Attendees: Inform participants and others involved, and individuals whose presence is required, of date and time of each meeting. Notify Owner, Owner’s Representative and Architect of scheduled meeting dates and times. 2. Agenda: The Architect will prepare the meeting agenda if necessary, and distribute the agenda to all invited attendees. 3. Minutes: The Architect will record and distribute meeting minutes. B. Preconstruction Conference: Arrange for attendance of subcontractors at Preconstruction Conference convened by Architect, together with any other persons necessary for full review of scheduling and coordination matters for the Project. 1. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner, Owner’s Project Manager, Owner’s Commissioning Authority, Architect, and their consultants; Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; suppliers; and other concerned pa rties shall attend the conference. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 2. Agenda: Include the following: a. Tentative construction schedule. b. Phasing. c. Critical work sequencing and long-lead items. d. Designation of key personnel and their duties. e. Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 8 of 11 f. Procedures for RFIs. g. Procedures for testing and inspecting. h. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. i. Distribution of the Contract Documents. j. Submittal procedures. k. Sustainable Design requirements. l. Preparation of Record Documents. m. Use of the premises. n. Work restrictions. o. Owner's occupancy requirements. p. Responsibility for temporary facilities and controls. q. Construction waste management and recycling. r. Parking availability. s. Office, work, and storage areas. t. Equipment deliveries and priorities. u. First aid. v. Security. w. Progress cleaning. x. Working hours. y. Owner-furnished and provided items. z. Work performed under separate contracts. 3. Minutes: The Architect will record and distribute meeting minutes. C. Preinstallation Conferences: Conduct a preinstallation conference at Project site at least 30 days before each construction activity that requires coordination with other construction. 1. Attendees: Installer and representatives of manufacturers and fabricators involved in or affected by the installation and its coordination or integration with other materials and installations that have preceded or will follow, shall attend the meeting. Advise Architect , Owner’s Representative, and Owner’s Commissioning Authority of scheduled meeting dates. 2. Agenda: Review progress of other construction activities and preparations for the particular activity under consideration, including requirements for the following: a. The Contract Documents. b. Options. c. Related RFIs. d. Related Change Orders. e. Purchases. f. Deliveries. g. Submittals. h. Sustainable Design requirements. i. Review of mockups. j. Possible conflicts. k. Compatibility problems. l. Time schedules. m. Weather limitations. n. Manufacturer's written recommendations. o. Warranty requirements. p. Compatibility of materials. q. Acceptability of substrates. r. Temporary facilities and controls. s. Space and access limitations. t. Regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 9 of 11 u. Testing and inspecting requirements. v. Installation procedures. w. Coordination with other work. x. Required performance results. y. Protection of adjacent work. z. Protection of construction and personnel. 3. Record significant conference discussions, agreements, and disagreements, inc luding required corrective measures and actions. 4. Reporting: Distribute minutes of the meeting to each party present, the Owner, Owner’s Representative and Architect, and to parties who should have been present. 5. Do not proceed with installation if the conference cannot be successfully concluded. Initiate whatever actions are necessary to resolve impediments to performance of the Work and reconvene the conference at earliest feasible date. D. Progress Meetings: Schedule weekly progress meetings. Dates of meetings may coincide with preparation of payment requests. 1. Attendees: In addition to representatives of Owner, Owner’s Project Manager, Owner’s Commissioning Authority, and Architect, each contractor, subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represent ed at these meetings. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 2. Agenda: Review minutes of previous progress meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. a. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last meeting. Determine whether each activity is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to Contractor's Construction Schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. 1) Review schedule for next period. 2) Review Contractor’s two-week look-ahead. b. Review present and future needs of each entity present, including the following: 1) Interface requirements. 2) Sequence of operations. 3) Deliveries. 4) Access. 5) Site utilization. 6) Temporary facilities and controls. 7) Work hours. 8) Hazards and risks. 9) Progress cleaning. 10) Quality and work standards. 11) Status of correction of deficient items. 12) Field observations. 13) RFIs. 14) Status of proposal requests. 15) Pending changes. 16) Status of Change Orders. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 10 of 11 17) Pending claims and disputes. 18) Documentation of information for payment requests. 3. Minutes: The Owner’s Project Manager will record and distribute the meeting minutes. 4. Reporting: The Owner’s Project Manager will distribute minutes of the meeting to each party present. a. Schedule Updating: Contractor shall revise Contractor's Construction Schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue revised schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. E. Coordination Meetings: Schedule Project coordination meetings at weekly intervals. Project coordination meetings are in addition to specific meetings held for other pur poses. 1. Attendees: In addition to representatives of the Contractor, each subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represent ed at these meetings. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 2. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of the previous coordination meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of Project. a. Combined Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last coordination meeting. Determine whether each contract is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to Combined Contractor's Construction Schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. b. Schedule Updating: Revise Combined Contractor's Construction Schedule after each coordination meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue revised schedule concurrently with report of each meeting. c. Review present and future needs of each contractor present, including the following: 1) Interface requirements. 2) Sequence of operations. 3) Deliveries. 4) Access. 5) Site utilization. 6) Temporary facilities and controls. 7) Work hours. 8) Hazards and risks. 9) Progress cleaning. 10) Quality and work standards. 11) Change Orders. 3. Reporting: Contractor shall record meeting results and distribute copies to everyone in attendance, to Architect and Owner when requested, and to others affected by decisions or actions resulting from each meeting. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 31 00 - 11 of 11 F. Project Closeout Conference: Schedule and conduct a project closeout conference, at a time convenient to Owner and Architect, but no later than 90 d ays prior to the scheduled date of Substantial Completion. 1. Conduct the conference to review requirements and responsibilities related to Project closeout. 2. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner, Owner's Commissioning Authority, Architect, and their consultants; Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the meeting. Participants at the meeting shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 3. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect or delay Project closeout, including the following: a. Preparation of record documents. b. Procedures required prior to inspection for Substantial Completion and for final inspection for acceptance. c. Submittal of written warranties. d. Requirements for completing sustainable design documentation. e. Requirements for preparing operations and maintenance data. f. Requirements for delivery of material samples, attic stock, and spare parts. g. Requirements for demonstration and training. h. Preparation of Contractor's punch list. i. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment at Substantial Completion a nd for final payment. j. Submittal procedures. k. Coordination of separate contracts. l. Owner's partial occupancy requirements. m. Installation of Owner's furniture, fixtures, and equipment. n. Responsibility for removing temporary facilities and controls. 4. Minutes: Entity conducting meeting will record and distribute meeting minutes. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 31 00 Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 32 00 - 1 of 9 SECTION 01 32 00 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for do cumenting the progress of construction during performance of the Work, including the fo llowing: 1. Preliminary Construction Schedule. 2. Contractor's Construction Schedule. 3. Submittals Schedule. 4. Daily construction reports. 5. Material location reports. 6. Field condition reports. 7. Special reports. 8. Certified payroll records. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 01 Section "Payment Procedures" for submitting the Schedule of Values. 2. Division 01 Section "Project Management and Coordination" for submitting and distributing meeting and conference minutes. 3. Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures" for submitting schedules and reports. 4. Division 01 Section "Quality Requirements" for submitting a schedule of tests and inspections. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Activity: A discrete part of a project that can be identified for planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling the construction project. Activities included in a construction schedule consume time and resources. 1. Critical activities are activities on the critical path. They must start and finish on the planned early start and finish times. 2. Predecessor Activity: An activity that precedes another activity in the network. 3. Successor Activity: An activity that follows another activity in the network. B. CPM: Critical path method, which is a method of planning and scheduling a construction project where activities are arranged based on activity relationships. Network calculations determine when activities can be performed and the critical path of Project. C. Critical Path: The longest connected chain of interdependent activities through the network schedule that establishes the minimum overall Project duration and contains no float. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 32 00 - 2 of 9 D. Event: The starting or ending point of an activity. E. Float: The measure of leeway in starting and completing an activity. 1. Float time belongs to Owner. 2. Free float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without adversely affecting the early start of the successor activity. 3. Total float is the measure of leeway in starting or completing an activity without adversely affecting the planned Project completion date. F. Fragnet: A partial or fragmentary network that breaks down activities into smaller activities for greater detail. G. Major Area: A story of construction, a separate building, or a similar significant construction element. H. Milestone: A key or critical point in time for reference or measurement. I. Network Diagram: A graphic diagram of a network schedule, showing activities and activ ity relationships. J. Resource Loading: The allocation of manpower and equipment necessary for the completion of an activity as scheduled. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals Schedule: Submit three copies of schedule. Arrange the following information in a tabular format: 1. Scheduled date for first submittal. 2. Specification Section number and title. 3. Submittal category (action or informational). 4. Name of subcontractor. 5. Description of the Work covered. 6. Scheduled date for Architect's and Owner’s Representative final release or approval. B. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Submit two opaque copies of initial schedule, large enough to show entire schedule for entire construction period. 1. Submit an electronic copy of schedule, using software indicated, on CD -R, and labeled to comply with requirements for submittals. Include type of schedule (Initial or Updated) and date on label. C. Daily Construction Reports: Submit two copies at weekly intervals, to the Architect. D. Material Location Reports: Submit two copies at monthly intervals, to the Architect. E. Field Condition Reports: Submit two copies at time of discovery of differing conditions, to the Architect. F. Special Reports: Submit two copies at time of unusual event, to the Architect. G. Certified Payroll Records: Submit two copies at weekly intervals to the Owner. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 32 00 - 3 of 9 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Review and approval by the Owner of the Contractor’s Construction Schedule is advisory only and does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for completing the work within the Contract time. 1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate preparation and processing of schedules and reports with performance of construction activities and with scheduling and reporting of separate contractors. B. Coordinate Contractor's Construction Schedule with the Schedule of Values, list of subcontracts, Submittals Schedule, progress reports, payment requests, and other required schedules and reports. 1. Secure time commitments for performing critical elements of the Work from parties involved. 2. Coordinate each construction activity in the network with other activities and schedule them in proper sequence. C. Calendar: Within 30 days of Notice to Proceed or signed Contract, whichever comes first, compile a project calendar for use in scheduling. Incorporate all limitations on working days and working hours, including the following: 1. Legal Holidays. 2. Other Holidays observed by the Owner. 3. Other non-working days determined by the Contractor. 4. Optional working days determined by the Contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUBMITTALS SCHEDULE A. Preparation: Within 30 days of Notice to Proceed or signed Contract, whichever comes first, submit a schedule of submittals, arranged in chronological order by dates required by construction schedule. Include time required for review, resubmittal, ordering, manufactur ing, fabrication, and delivery when establishing dates. 1. Coordinate Submittals Schedule with list of subcontracts, the Schedule of Values, and Contractor's Construction Schedule. 2. Initial Submittal: Submit concurrently with preliminary network diagram. Include submittals required during the first 30 days of construction. List those required to maintain orderly progress of the Work and those required early because of long lead time for manufacture or fabrication. 3. Final Submittal: Submit concurrently with the first complete submittal of Contractor's Construction Schedule. 4. Update the submittals schedule periodically as the work progresses. Submit concurrently with each Application for payment. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 32 00 - 4 of 9 5. Utilize a computerized program such as Primavera Expedition or Prolog for tracking submittals. Submit the following reports bi-weekly: a. Complete list of reviewed submittals. b. Listing of submittals to date. c. Listing of approved submittals. d. Listing of rejected submittals. e. Listing of submittals returned for correction. f. List of outstanding submittals. 6. At the request of the Architect provide reports capable of being sorted by the following criteria: a. Approved status. b. Subcontractor/Supplier. c. Submission date. d. Number of days late for return. e. Number of days under review. 7. All access to files shall be granted to Owner and Architect when requested. 8. Owner shall have all rights to ownership of all files and documents contained in program. 2.2 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, GENERAL A. Time Frame: Extend schedule from date established for commencement of the Work to date of Substantial Completion. 1. Contract completion date shall not be changed by submission of a schedule that shows an early completion date, unless specifically authorized by Change Order. B. Activities: Treat each story or separate area as a separate numbered activity for each principal element of the Work. Comply with the following: 1. Activity Duration: Define activities so no activity is longer t han 10 days, unless specifically allowed by Architect. 2. Procurement Activities: Include procurement process activities for the following long lead items and major items, requiring a cycle of more than 60 days, as separate activities in schedule. Procurement cycle activities include, but are not limited to, submittals, approvals, purchasing, fabrication, and delivery. 3. Submittal Review Time: Include review and resubmittal times indicated in Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures" in schedule. Coordinate submittal review times in Contractor's Construction Schedule with Submittals Schedule. 4. Startup and Testing Time: Include not less than one day for startup and testing. 5. Commissioning Time: Include no fewer than 10 days for commissioning. 6. Substantial Completion: Indicate completion in advance of date established for Substantial Completion, and allow time for Architect's and Owner’s Representative administrative procedures necessary for certification of Substantial Completion. C. Constraints: Include constraints and work restrictions indicated in the Contract Documents and as follows in schedule, and show how the sequence of the Work is affected. 1. Work under More Than One Contract: Include a separate activity for each contract and subcontract. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 32 00 - 5 of 9 2. Work by Owner: Include a separate activity for each portion of the Work performed by Owner. 3. Work Restrictions: Show the effect of the following items on the schedule: a. Partial occupancy before Substantial Completion. b. Use of premises restrictions. c. Provisions for future construction. d. Seasonal variations. e. Environmental control. 4. Work Stages: Indicate important stages of construction for each major portion of the Work, including, but not limited to, the following: a. Subcontract awards. b. Submittals. c. Purchases. d. Mockups. e. Fabrication. f. Sample testing. g. Deliveries. h. Installation. i. Tests and inspections. j. Adjusting. k. Curing. l. Startup and placement into final use and operation. m. Commissioning. 5. Other Constraints: Include the following specific activities in each trade in each phase. a. Interface between Contractor and Subcontractor. b. Electrical connections to each piece of equipment. c. Mechanical connections to each piece of equipment. d. Concrete finishing and curing. e. Site work constraints on other activities. D. Milestones: Include milestones indicated in the Contract Docume nts in schedule, including, but not limited to, the Notice to Proceed, Substantial C ompletion, and Final Completion. E. Contract Modifications: For each proposed contract modification and concurrent with its submission, prepare a time-impact analysis using fragnets to demonstrate the effect of the proposed change on the overall project schedule. F. Computer Software: Prepare schedules using a program that has been developed specifically to manage construction schedules. 1. Provide schedule program file, for Owner use, when requested. 2.3 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (CPM SCHEDULE) A. General: Prepare network diagrams using AON (activity -on-node) format. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 32 00 - 6 of 9 B. Preliminary Network Diagram: Submit diagram within 14 days of date established for commencement of the Work. Outline significant construction activities for the first 60 days of construction. Include skeleton diagram for the remainder of the Work and a cash requirement prediction based on indicated activities. C. CPM Schedule: Prepare Contractor's Construction Schedule using a computerized, time - scaled CPM network analysis diagram for the Work. 1. Develop network diagram in sufficient time to submit CPM schedule so it can be accepted for use no later than 30 days after date established for commencement of the Work. a. Failure to include any work item required for performance of this C ontract shall not excuse Contractor from completing all work within applicable completion dates, regardless of Architect's approval of the schedule. 2. Establish procedures for monitoring and updating CPM schedule and for reporting progress. Coordinate procedures with progress meeting and payment request dates. 3. Use "one workday" as the unit of time. Include list of nonworking days and holidays incorporated into the schedule. D. CPM Schedule Preparation: Prepare a list of all activities required to complete the Work. Using the preliminary network diagram, prepare a skeleton network to identify probable critical paths. 1. Activities: Indicate the estimated time duration, sequence requirements, and re lationship of each activity in relation to other activities. Include estimated time frames for the following activities: a. Preparation and processing of submittals. b. Mobilization and demobilization. c. Purchase of materials. d. Delivery. e. Fabrication. f. Utility interruptions. g. Installation. h. Work by Owner that may affect or be affected by Contractor's activities. i. Commissioning. j. Punch list and final completion. k. Activities occurring following final completion. 2. Critical Path Activities: Identify critical path activities, including those for interim completion dates. Scheduled start and completion dates shall be consistent with Contract milestone dates. 3. Processing: Process data to produce output data on a computer -drawn, time-scaled network. Revise data, reorganize activity sequences, and reproduce as often as necessary to produce the CPM schedule within the limitations of the Contract Time. 4. Format: Mark the critical path. Locate the critical path near center of network; locate paths with most float near the edges. a. Subnetworks on separate sheets are permissible for activities clearly off the critical path. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 32 00 - 7 of 9 E. Initial Issue of Schedule: Prepare initial network diagram from a list of straight "early start -total float" sort. Identify critical activities. Prepare tabulated reports showing the following: 1. Contractor or subcontractor and the Work or activity. 2. Description of activity. 3. Principal events of activity. 4. Immediate preceding and succeeding activities. 5. Early and late start dates. 6. Early and late finish dates. 7. Activity duration in workdays. 8. Total float or slack time. 9. Average size of workforce. 10. Dollar value of activity (coordinated with the Schedule of Values). F. Schedule Updating: Concurrent with making revisions to schedule, prepare tabula ted reports showing the following: 1. Identification of activities that have changed. 2. Changes in early and late start dates. 3. Changes in early and late finish dates. 4. Changes in activity durations in workdays. 5. Changes in the critical path. 6. Changes in total float time. 7. Changes in the Contract Time. 2.4 REPORTS A. Daily Construction Reports: Prepare a daily construction report recording the following information concerning events at Project site: 1. List of subcontractors at Project site. 2. List of separate contractors at Project site. 3. Approximate count of personnel at Project site. 4. Equipment at Project site. 5. Material deliveries. 6. High and low temperatures and general weather conditions. 7. Accidents. 8. Meetings and significant decisions. 9. Unusual events (refer to special reports). 10. Stoppages, delays, shortages, and losses. 11. Meter readings and similar recordings. 12. Emergency procedures. 13. Orders and requests of authorities having jurisdiction. 14. Change Orders received and implemented. 15. Construction Change Directives received and implemented. 16. Services connected and disconnected. 17. Equipment or system tests and startups. 18. Partial Completions and occupancies. 19. Substantial Completions authorized. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 32 00 - 8 of 9 B. Material Location Reports: At monthly intervals, prepare and submit a comprehensive list of materials delivered to and stored at Project site. List shall be cumulative, showing materials previously reported plus items recently delivered. Include with list a statement of progress on and delivery dates for materials or items of equipment fabricated or stored away from Project site. Include all delivery tickets. C. Field Condition Reports: Immediately on discovery of a difference between field conditions and the Contract Documents, prepare and submit a detailed report. Submit with a request for interpretation. Include a detailed description of the differing conditions, t ogether with recommendations for changing the Contract Documents. 2.5 SPECIAL REPORTS A. General: Submit special reports directly to Owner within one day of an occurrence. Distribute copies of report to parties affected by the occurrence. B. Reporting Unusual Events: When an event of an unusual and significant nature occurs at Project site, whether or not related directly to the Work, prepare and submit a special report. List chain of events, persons participating, response by Contractor's personnel, evaluation of results or effects, and similar pertinent information. Advise Owner in advance when these events are known or predictable. 2.6 CERTIFIED PAYROLL RECORDS A. In compliance with MGL Chapter 149, the Contractor and each Subcontractor is required to submit a certified payroll with a statement of compliance on a weekly basis. 1. Certified Payroll: Submit Massachusetts Department of Labor and Workforce Development “Weekly Payroll Report”, typewritten. 2. Certificate of Compliance: Submit Massachusetts Department of Labor and Workforce Development “Weekly Payroll Records Report and Statement of Compliance” form, typewritten. B. The Owner has the authority to verify payroll reports by checking employees’ pay stubs and personal identification. The Owner may withhold a portion of the Application for Payment if payroll reports have not been submitted for a portion of the Work. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. Contractor's Construction Schedule Updating: At monthly intervals, update schedule to reflect actual construction progress and activities. Issue schedule one week before submission of Application for Payment. 1. Revise schedule immediately after each meeting or other activity where revisions have been recognized or made. Issue updated schedule concurrently with the report of each such meeting. 2. Include a report with updated schedule that indicates every change, including, but not limited to, changes in logic, durations, actual starts and finishes, and activity durations. 3. As the Work progresses, indicate Actual Completion percentage for each activity. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 32 00 - 9 of 9 4. Evaluate progress of the work jointly with the Owner and Owner’s Representative at the end of each week to show progress and identify conflicts. B. Distribution: Distribute two copies each of approved schedul e to Architect, Owner, Owner’s Representative, separate contractors, testing and inspecting agencies, and other parties identified by Contractor with a need-to-know schedule responsibility. 1. Post copies in Project meeting rooms and temporary field offices. 2. When revisions are made, distribute updated schedules to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in performance of constructi on activities. END OF SECTION 01 32 00 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION 01 32 33 - 1 of 5 SECTION 01 32 33 - PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following: 1. Preconstruction photographs. 2. Periodic construction photographs. 3. Final Completion construction photographs. 4. Preconstruction video recordings. 5. Periodic construction video recordings. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures" for submitting photographic documentation. 2. Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting photographic negatives and digital media as Project Record Documents at Project closeout. 3. Division 02 Section "Selective Demolition" for photographic documentation before selective demolition operations commence. 1.3 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For photographer. 1. Photographer shall have a minimum three years’ experience photographing buildings and architecture. B. Key Plan: Submit key plan of Project site and building with notation of vantage points marked for location and direction of each photograph and video recording. Indicate elevation or story of construction. Include same information as corresponding photographic documentation. C. Digital Photographs: Submit image files within three days of taking photographs. 1. Submit photos on CD-ROM or thumb-drive and by uploading to web-based Project management software site. Include copy of key plan indicating each photograph's location and direction. 2. Identification: Provide the following information with each image description in file metadata tag and in web-based Project management software site: a. Name of Project. b. Name and contact information for photographer. c. Name of Architect. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION 01 32 33 - 2 of 5 d. Name of Contractor. e. Date photograph was taken. f. Description of location, vantage point, and direction. g. Unique sequential identifier keyed to accompanying key plan. D. Printed Photographs: Submit two sets of prints of each photographic view within five days of taking photographs. 1. Format: 8-by-10-inch smooth-surface matte prints on single-weight, paper; enclosed back to back in clear plastic sleeves punched for three-ring binder. Include copy of key plan indicating each photograph's location and direction. Provide one binder for each set of prints. 2. Identification: On back of each print, label with the following information: a. Name of Project. b. Name and contact information for photographer. c. Name of Architect. d. Name of Contractor. e. Date photograph was taken if not date stamped by camera. f. Description of vantage point, indicating location, direction (by compass point), and elevation or story of construction. g. Unique sequential identifier keyed to accompanying key plan. E. Video Recordings: Submit video recordings within five days of recording. 1. Submit video recordings on CD-ROM or thumb drive and by uploading to web-based Project management software site. Include copy of key plan indicating each video's location and direction. 2. Identification: With each submittal, provide the following information in file metadata tag and on web-based Project management software site: a. Name of Project. b. Name and address of photographer. c. Name of Architect. d. Name of Contractor. e. Date video recording was recorded. f. Description of vantage point, indicating location, direction (by compass point), and elevation or story of construction. 3. Transcript: Prepared on 8-1/2-by-11-inch paper, punched and bound in three-ring binders. Provide label on front and spine. Include a cover sheet with label information. Include name of Project and date of video recording on each page. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Photographer Qualifications: An individual who has been regularly engaged as a professional photographer of construction projects for not less than three years. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION 01 32 33 - 4 of 5 2. Field Office Images: Maintain one set of images on CD -ROM in the field office at Project site, available at all times for reference. Identify ima ges same as for those submitted to Architect. D. Preconstruction Photographs: Before commencement of demolition, take color, digital photographs of Project site and surrounding properties, including existing items to remain during construction, from different vantage points, as directed by Architect . 1. Flag construction limits before taking construction photographs. 2. Take at least eight photographs to show existing conditions adjacent to property, on each adjacent property line, before starting the Work. 3. Take eight photographs of existing buildings either on or adjoining each property line to accurately record physical conditions at start of construction. 4. Take additional photographs as required to record settlement or cracking of adjacent structures, pavements, and improvements. E. Periodic Construction Photographs: Take a minimum of 12 color, digital photographs per façade and per floor area monthly, coinciding with the cutoff date associated with each Application for Payment. Select vantage points to show status of construction and progress since last photographs were taken. 1. Photographs shall be taken from same vantage points in order to show time lapse during course of construction. F. Final Completion Construction Photographs: Take eight color, digital photographs, per façade and per floor area, after date of Substantial Completion for submission as Project Recor d Documents. Architect will direct photographer for desired vantage points. 1. Do not include date stamp. 3.2 CONSTRUCTION VIDEO RECORDINGS A. Video Recording Photographer: Engage a qualified videographer to record construction video recordings. B. Narration: Describe scenes on video recording by audio narration by microphone while video recording is recorded. Include description of items being viewed, recent events, and planned activities. At each change in location, describe vantage point, location, direction (by compass point), and elevation or story of construction. 1. Confirm date and time at beginning and end of recording. 2. Begin each video recording with name of Project, Contractor's name, videographer's name, and Project location. C. Transcript: Provide a typewritten transcript of the narration. Display images and running time captured from video recording opposite the corresponding narration segment. D. Preconstruction Video Rec ording: Before starting selective demolition, record video recording of Project site and surrounding properties from different vantage points, as directed by Architect and Owner. 1. Flag construction limits before recording construction video recordings. 2. Show existing conditions adjacent to Project site before starting the Work. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 1 of 12 SECTION 01 33 00 - SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for sub mitting Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 01 Section "Payment Procedures" for submitting Applications for Payment and the Schedule of Values. 2. Division 01 Section "Project Management and Coordination" for submitting and distributing meeting and conference minutes and for submitting Coordination Drawings. 3. Division 01 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for submitting schedules and reports, including Contractor's Construction Schedule and the Submittals Schedule. 4. Division 01 Section "Quality Requirements" for submitting test and inspection reports and for mockup requirements. 5. Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting warranties. 6. Division 01 Section "Project Record Documents" for submitting Record Drawings, Record Specifications, and Record Product Data. 7. Division 01 Section "Operation and Maintenance Data" for submitting operation an d maintenance manuals. 8. Divisions 02 through 33 Sections for specific requirements for submittals in those Sections. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Action Submittals: Written and graphic information that requires Architect's responsive action. B. Informational Submittals: Written information that does not require Architect's responsive action. Submittals may be rejected for not complying with requirements. C. File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Communications protocol that enables transfer of files to and from another computer over a network and that serves as the basis for standard Internet protocols. An FTP site is a portion of a network located outside of network firewalls within which internal and external users are able to access files. D. Portable Document Format (PDF): An open standard file format licensed by Adobe Systems used for representing documents in a device-independent and display resolution-independent fixed-layout document format. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 2 of 12 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Submittal Schedule: Submit a schedule of submittals, arranged in chronological order by dates required by construction schedule. Include time required for review, ordering, manufacturing, fabrication, and delivery when establishing dates. Include additional time required for making corrections or revisions to submittals noted by Architect and additional time for handling and reviewing submittals required by those corrections. 1. Coordinate Submittals Schedule with list of subcontracts, the Schedule of Values, and Contractor's Construction Schedule. a. Incorporate Shop Drawing review period into construction schedule so that work is not delayed. Assume full responsibility for delays caused by not incorporating the Shop Drawing review time requirements into the project schedule. b. Allow at least 10 working days, exclusive of transmittal time, for review for each time a Shop Drawing is submitted or resubmitted with the exception that 20 working days, exclusive of transmittal time , are required when more than five (5) Shop Drawings of a single trade are received in one (1) calendar week. 2. Initial Submittal: Submit concurrently with preliminary network diagram. Include submittals required during the first 60 days of construction. List those required to maintain orderly progress of the Work and those required early because of long lead time for manufacture or fabrication. 3. Final Submittal: Submit concurrently with the first complete submittal of Contractor's Construction Schedule. 4. Update the submittals schedule periodically as the work progresses. Submit concurrently with each Application for payment. 5. Utilize a computerized program for tracking submittals. Submit the following reports bi - weekly: a. Complete list of reviewed submittals. b. Listing of submittals to date. c. Listing of approved submittals. d. Listing of rejected submittals. e. Listing of submittals returned for correction. f. List of outstanding submittals. 6. At the request of the Architect provide reports capable of being sorted by the following criteria: a. Approved status. b. Subcontractor/Supplier. c. Submission date. d. Number of days late for return. e. Number of days under review. 7. Resubmittal of previously approved items may be required at the request of the Architect if Contractor or supplier changes during duration of Project. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 3 of 12 1.5 SUBMITTAL ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Architect's Digital Data Files: Electronic digital data files of the C ontract Drawings will be provided by Architect for Contractor's use in preparing submittals. 1. Architect will furnish Contractor one set of digital data drawing files of the Contract Drawings for use in preparing Shop Drawings and Project record drawings. a. Architect makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of digital data drawing files as they relate to the Contract Drawings. b. Digital Drawing Software Program: The Contract Drawings are availab le in Revit and AutoCAD. c. Contractor shall execute a data licensing agreement in an Agreement form attached at the end of this Section. d. The following digital data files will by furnished for each appropriate discipline: 1) Floor plans. 2) Reflected ceiling plans. B. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity. 2. Submit all submittal items required for each Specification Section concurrently unless partial submittals for portions of the Work are indicated on approved submittal schedule. 3. Submit action submittals and informational submittals required by the sa me Specification Section as separate packages under separate transmittals. 4. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. a. Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received. b. Coordination of all trades is the responsibility of the Contractor. C. Processing Time: Allow enough time for submittal review, including time for resubmittals, as follows. Time for review shall commence on Architect's receipt of submittal. Submittals received after 1:00 p.m. will be considered as received the following working day. Submittals that are incomplete, mislabeled, or unlabeled shall not be considered submitted until all pertinent information is received per Section 01 33 00, paragraph 1.5D, in one package, under one cover page per Section 01 31 00 paragraph 2.1. No extension of the Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals enough in advance of the Work to permit processing, including resubmittals. 1. Initial Review: Allow two weeks for initial review of each submittal. Allow additional time if coordination with subsequent submittals is required. Architect will advise Contractor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination. a. Proposed construction schedule allows a total of 20 days for submittal process, including submittals and completion of Architect’s review. 2. Intermediate Review: If intermediate submittal is necessary, process it in same manner as initial submittal. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 4 of 12 3. Resubmittal Review: Allow two weeks for review of each resubmittal. a. Resubmittals will be reviewed no more than two times at the Owner’s expense. Resubmittals which fail to comply with Contract requirements will be reviewed at the Contractor’s expense, based on an hourly rate of $75 per hour, not to exceed $600 for each subsequent submittal; except during review of complex and lengthy shop drawings. b. The Owner reserves the right to deduct said reimbursement from the Co ntractor’s application for payment on a monthly basis. 4. Concurrent Consultant Review: Submittals shall be transmitted simultaneously to Architect and to Architect's consultants. Allow two weeks for review of each submittal. Consultant will return submittal to Architect before being returned to Contractor. D. Electronic Submittals: Identify and incorporate information in each electronic submittal file as follows: 1. Assemble complete submittal package into a single indexed file incorporating submittal requirements of a single Specification Section and transmittal form with links enabling navigation to each item. Submittals which do not follow the outline format will be returned unreviewed. 2. Name file with submittal number or other unique identifier, including revision identifier. a. File name shall be formatted as follows: AOM-064023.01-8-2.4A. 1) Project Name- 2) Specification Section number followed by a decimal point and then a sequential number for the submittal number of that product- 3) Specification Section page number- 4) Paragraph number where product is specified. 5) Resubmittals shall include a numerical suffix after submittal number as follows: a) AOM-064023.02-8-2.4A. 3. Provide means for insertion to permanently record Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Architect. 4. Transmittal Form for Electronic Submittals: Use software-generated form from electronic project management software acceptable to Owner, containing the following information: a. Project name. b. Date. c. Name and address of Architect. d. Name of Contractor. e. Name of firm or entity that prepared submittal. f. Names of subcontractor, manufacturer, and supplier. g. Category and type of submittal. h. Submittal purpose and description. i. Specification Section number and title. j. Specification paragraph number or drawing designation and generic name for each of multiple items. k. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. l. Location(s) where product is to be installed, as appropriate. m. Related physical samples submitted directly. n. Indication of full or partial submittal. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 5 of 12 o. Transmittal number, numbered consecutively. p. Submittal and transmittal distribution record. q. Other necessary identification. r. Remarks. s. Contractor’s stamp of approval stating that submittal documents meet the contractual obligations. 5. Metadata: Include the following information as keywords in the elect ronic submittal file metadata: a. Project name. b. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. c. Manufacturer name. d. Product name. E. Paper Submittals: 1. Provide the Owner’s On-site Representative and Superintendent with one hard copy each of all electronic submittals, including all samples, original submittals and returned submittals from Architect. F. Sample submittals shall accompany and contain color photographs of sample being submitted. G. Options: Identify options requiring selection by Architect. H. Deviations and Additional Information: On an attached separate sheet, prepared on Contractor's letterhead, record relevant information, requests for data, revisions other than those requested by Architect on previous submittals, and deviations from requirement s in the Contract Documents, including minor variations and limitations. Include same identification information as related submittal. I. Resubmittals: Make resubmittals in same form and number of copies as initial submittal. 1. Note date and content of previous submittal. 2. Note date and content of revision in label or title block and clearly indicate extent of revision. 3. Resubmit submittals until they are marked “No Exceptions Taken” or “Furnish as Corrected.” J. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittals to man ufacturers, subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, installers, authorities having jurisdiction, and others as necessary for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. K. Use for Construction: Retain complete copies of submittals on Project site. Use only final action submittals that are marked with marked “No Exception Taken” or “Furnished as Corrected” from Architect's action stamp. L. Sample submittals shall accompany and contain color photographs of sample being submitt ed. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 6 of 12 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. General Submittal Procedure Requirements: Prepare and submit submittals required by individual Specification Sections. Types of submittals a re indicated in individual Specification Sections. 1. Post electronic submittals as PDF electronic files directly to Architect’s FTP site specifically established for Project. a. Architect will return annotated file. Annotate and retain one copy of file as an electronic Project record document file. 2. Certificates and Certifications Submittals: Provide a statement that includes signature of entity responsible for preparing certification. Certificates and certifications shall be signed by an officer or other individual authorized to sign documents on behalf of that entity. a. Provide a digital signature with digital certificate on electronically submitted certificates and certifications where indicated. b. Provide a notarized statement on original paper copy certificates and certifications where indicated. B. Product Data: Collect information into a single submittal for each element of construction and type of product or equipment. 1. If information must be specially prepared for submittal because standard printed data are not suitable for use, submit as Shop Drawings, not as Product Data. 2. Mark each copy of each submittal to show which products and options are applicable. 3. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Manufacturer's written recommendations. b. Manufacturer's product specifications. c. Manufacturer's installation instructions. d. Standard color charts. e. Manufacturer's catalog cuts. f. Wiring diagrams showing factory-installed wiring. g. Printed performance curves. h. Operational range diagrams. i. Mill reports. j. Standard product operation and maintenance manuals. k. Compliance with specified referenced standards. l. Testing by recognized testing agency. m. Application of testing agency labels and seals. n. Notation of coordination requirements. 4. For equipment, include the following in addition to the above, as applicable: a. Wiring diagrams showing factory-installed wiring. b. Printed performance curves. c. Operational range diagrams. d. Clearances required to other construction, if not indicated on accompany ing Shop Drawings. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 7 of 12 5. Submit Product Data before or concurrent with Samples. 6. Submit Product Data in the following format: a. PDF electronic file. C. Shop Drawings: Prepare Project-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Do not base Shop Drawings on reproductions of the Contract Documents or standard printed data, unless submittal based on Architect's digital data drawing files is otherwise permitted. 1. Preparation: Fully illustrate requirements in the Contract Documents. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Dimensions. b. Identification of products. c. Fabrication and installation drawings. d. Roughing-in and setting diagrams. e. Wiring diagrams showing field-installed wiring, including power, signal, and control wiring. f. Shopwork manufacturing instructions. g. Templates and patterns. h. Schedules. i. Design calculations. j. Compliance with specified standards. k. Notation of coordination requirements. l. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. m. Relationship to adjoining construction clearly indicated. n. Seal and signature of professional engineer if specified. o. Wiring Diagrams: Differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. 2. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns, and s imilar full-size drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches but no larger than 30 by 42 inches. 3. Submit Shop Drawings in the following format: a. PDF electronic file. D. Samples: Submit Samples for review of kind, color, pattern, and texture for a check of these characteristics with other elements and for a comparison of these characteristics between submittal and actual component as delivered and installed. 1. Transmit Samples that contain multiple, related components such as accessories together in one submittal package. a. Include a photograph of sample with identification. 2. Identification: Attach label on unexposed side of Samples that includes the following: a. Generic description of Sample. b. Product name and name of manufacturer. c. Sample source. d. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. 3. Disposition: Maintain sets of approved Samples at Project site, available for quality- control comparisons throughout the course of construction activity. Sample sets may be used to determine final acceptance of construction associated with each set. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 8 of 12 a. Samples that may be incorporated into the Work are indicated in individual Specification Sections. Such Samples must be in an undamaged condition at time of use. b. Samples not incorporated into the Work, or otherwise designated as Owner's property, are the property of Contractor. 4. Samples for Initial Selection: Submit manufacturer's color charts consisting of units or sections of units showing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns available. a. Number of Samples: Submit two full sets of available choices where color, pattern, texture, or similar characteristics are required to be selected from manufacturer's product line. Architect will return submittal with options selected. 5. Samples for Verification: Submit full-size units or Samples of size indicated, prepared from same material to be used for the Work, cured and finished in manner specified, and physically identical with material or product proposed for use, and that show full range of color and texture variations expected. Samples include, but are not limited to, the following: partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components; small cuts or containers of materials; complete units of repetitively used materials; swatches showing color, texture, and pattern; color range sets; and components used for independent testing and inspection. a. Number of Samples: Submit three sets of Samples. Architect will retain two Sample sets; remainder will be returned. Mark up and retain one returned Sample set as a Project Record Sample. 1) Submit a single Sample where assembly details, workmanship, fabrication techniques, connections, operation, and other similar characteristics are to be demonstrated. 2) If variation in color, pattern, texture, or other characteristic is inherent in material or product represented by a Sample, submit at least three sets of paired units that show approximate limits of variations. E. Product Schedule or List: As required in individual Specification S ections, prepare a written summary indicating types of products required for the Work and their intended location. Include the following information in tabular form: 1. Type of product. Include unique identifier for each product. 2. Number and name of room or space. 3. Location within room or space. 4. Number of Copies: Submit five copies of product schedule or list, unless otherwise indicated. Architect will return four copies. a. Mark up and retain one returned copy as a Project Record Document. F. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for Owner’s action. G. Application for Payment: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Payment Procedures." H. Schedule of Values: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Payment Procedures." Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 9 of 12 I. Subcontract List: Prepare a written summary identifying individuals or firms proposed for each portion of the Work, including those who are to furnish products or equipment fabricated to a special design. Include the following information in tabular form: 1. Name, address, and telephone number of entity performing subcontrac t or supplying products. 2. Number and title of related Specification Section(s) covered by subcontract. 3. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate, covered by subcontract. 4. Contract amount and specific scope of work included. 5. Number of Copies: Submit five copies of subcontractor list, unless otherwise indicated. Architect will return four copies. a. Mark up and retain one returned copy as a Project Record Document. J. Coordination Drawings: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Proj ect Management and Coordination." K. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Construction Progress Documentation." L. Application for Payment and Schedule of Values: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Payment Procedures." M. Test and Inspection Reports and Schedule of Tests and Inspections Submittals: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Quality Requirements." N. Closeout Submittals and Maintenance Material Submittals: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures." O. Maintenance Data: Comply with requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Operation and Maintenance Data." P. Qualification Data: Prepare written information that demonstrates capabilities and experience of firm or person. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. Q. Welding Certificates: Prepare written certification that welding procedures and personnel comply with requirements in the Contract Documents. Submit record of Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQ R) on AWS forms. Include names of firms and personnel certified. R. Installer Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that Installer complies with requirements in the Contra ct Documents and, where required, is authorized by manufacturer for this specific Project. S. Manufacturer Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that manufacturer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents . Include evidence of manufacturing experience where required. T. Product Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that product complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. U. Material Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that material complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 10 of 12 V. Material Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting test results of material for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents. W. Product Test Reports: Prepare written reports indicating current product produced by manufacturer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Base reports on evaluation of tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, or on comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency. X. Research/Evaluation Reports: Prepare written evidence, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, that product complies with building code in effect for Project. Include the following information: 1. Name of evaluation organization. 2. Date of evaluation. 3. Time period when report is in effect. 4. Product and manufacturers' names. 5. Description of product. 6. Test procedures and results. 7. Limitations of use. Y. Preconstruction Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of tests p erformed before installation of product, for compliance with performance requirements in the Contract Documents . Z. Compatibility Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on tes ting agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of compatibility tests performed before installation of product. Include written recommendations f or primers and substrate preparation needed for adhesion. AA. Field Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of field tests performed either during installation of product or after product is installed in its final location, for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents. BB. Design Data: Prepare written and graphic information, including, but not limited to, performance and design criteria, list of applicable codes and regulations, and calculations. Include list of assumptions and other performance and design criteria and a summary of loads. Include load diagrams if applicable. Provide name and version of software, if any, used for calculations. Include page numbers. CC. Manufacturer's Instructions: Prepare written or published information tha t documents manufacturer's recommendations, guidelines, and procedures for installing or operating a product or equipment. Include name of product and name, addres s, and telephone number of manufacturer. Include the following, as applicable: 1. Preparation of substrates. 2. Required substrate tolerances. 3. Sequence of installation or erection. 4. Required installation tolerances. 5. Required adjustments. 6. Recommendations for cleaning and protection. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 11 of 12 DD. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Prepare written information documenting factory-authorized service representative's tests and inspections. Include the following, as applicable: 1. Name, address, and telephone number of factory-authorized service representative making report. 2. Statement on condition of substrates and their acceptability for installation of product. 3. Statement that products at Project site comply with requirements. 4. Summary of installation procedures being followed, whether they comply with requirements and, if not, what corrective action was taken. 5. Results of operational and other tests and a statement of whether obser ved performance complies with requirements. 6. Statement whether conditions, products, and installation will affect warranty. 7. Other required items indicated in individual Specification Sections. EE. Insurance Certificates and Bonds: Prepare written information indicating current status of insurance or bonding coverage. Include name of entity covered by insurance or bon d, limits of coverage, amounts of deductibles, if any, and term of the coverage. FF. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs): Submit information directly to Owner; do not submit to Architect. 1. Architect will not review submittals that include MSDSs and will re turn the entire submittal for resubmittal. 2. Contractor shall keep library on site of all MSDSs for review by Owner, Architect or Authorities having Jurisdiction. 2.2 DELEGATED DESIGN A. Performance and Design Criteria: Where professional design services or certifications by a design professional are specifically required of Contractor by the Contract Documents, provide products and systems complying with specific performance and design criteria indicated. 1. If criteria indicated are not sufficient to perform services or certification required, submit a written request for additional information to Architect. B. Delegated-Design Submittal: In addition to Shop Drawings, Product Data, and other required submittals, submit five copies of a statement, signed and sealed by the responsible design professional, for each product and system specifically assigned to Contractor to be designed or certified by a design professional. 1. Indicate that products and systems comply with performance and design criteria in the Contract Documents. Include list of codes, loads, and other factors used in performing these services. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S REVIEW A. Review each submittal and check for coordination with other Work of the Contract and for compliance with the Contract Documents. Note corrections and field dimensions. Mark with approval stamp before submitting to Architect. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 33 00 - 12 of 12 B. Approval Stamp: Stamp each submittal with a uniform, approval stam p. Include Project name and location, submittal number, Specification Section title and number, name of reviewer, date of Contractor's approval, and statement certifying that submittal has been reviewed, checked, and approved for compliance with the Contract Documents and coordination with all trades and subcontractors. 1. Submittals without a stamp will be rejected without comment. 3.2 ARCHITECT'S ACTION A. General: Architect will not review submittals that do not bear Contractor's approval stamp and will return them without action. B. Action Submittals: Architect will review each submittal, make marks to indicate corrections or modifications required, and return it. Architect will stamp each submittal with an action stamp and will mark stamp appropriately to indicate action taken, as follows: 1. “NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN”: The portion of Work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with the Contract Documents. 2. “FURNISH AS CORRECTED”: The portion of Work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with notations or corrections on the submittal, and with the Contract Documents. 3. “REVISE AND RESUBMIT”: Revise or prepare a new submittal in accordance with notations; resubmit. Do not proceed with that portion of the Work covered by the submittal. 4. “REJECTED”: Submittals not required by the Contract Documents may not be reviewed and may be discarded. 5. “RECORD” or “INFORMATION ONLY” submittals have not been reviewed and will be filed for document record purposes only. Contractor may proceed at their own risk. C. Informational Submittals: Architect will review each submittal and will not return it or will return it if it does not comply with requirements. Architect will forward each submittal to appropriate party. D. Partial submittals are not acceptable, will be considered nonresponsive, and will be returned without review. E. Submittals will be reviewed for general conformance with the design concept and the information given in the Construction Documents. Corrections or comments noted on the submittal do not relieve the Contractor of their contractual obligations for compliance with the requirements of the Construction Documents, applicable laws, codes and regulations. Approval of a specific item shall not include the approval of an assembly in which the item is a component. The Contractor is responsible for the following: 1. All dimensions to be verified, confirmed coordinated and correlated on the job site; 2. Information that pertains solely to the fabric ation process or to the means and methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction; 3. Coordination of the work with that of all other trades; and 4. Performing all work in a safe and satisfactory manner. END OF SECTION 01 33 00 Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 1 of 10 SECTION 01 40 00 - QUALITY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for quality assura nce and quality control, and mockup requirements. B. Testing and inspecting services are requ ired to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These services do not relieve Contractor of responsibility for compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 1. Specific quality-assurance and quality-control requirements for individual construction activities are specified in the Sections that specify those activities. Requirements in those Sections may also cover production of standard products. 2. Specified tests, inspections, and related actions do not limit Contractor's other quality- assurance and -control procedures that facilitate compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 3. Requirements for Contractor to provide quality-assurance and -control services required by Architect, Owner, Owner’s Representative, or authorities having jurisdiction are not limited by provisions of this Section. C. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 01 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for developing a schedule of required tests and inspections. 2. Division 01 Section "Cutting and Patching" for repair and restoration of construction disturbed by testing and inspecting activities. 3. Divisions 02 through 33 Sections for specific test and inspection requirements. 4. Divisions 02 through 33 Sections for specific mock-up requirements. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Quality-Assurance Services: Activities, actions, and procedures performed before and during execution of the Work to guard against defects and deficiencies and substantiate that proposed construction will comply with requirements. B. Quality-Control Services: Tests, inspections, procedures, and related actions d uring and after execution of the Work to evaluate that actual products incorporated into the Work and completed construction comply with requirements. Services do not include contract enforcement activities performed by Architect or Owner. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 2 of 10 C. Mockups: Full-size, physical assemblies that are constructed on-site. Mockups are used to verify selections made under sample submittals, to demonstrate aesthetic effects and, where indicated, qualities of materials and execution, and to review construction, coordination, testi ng, or operation; they are not Samples. 1. Approved mockups establish the standard by which the Work will be ju dged. 2. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifical ly approves such deviations in writing. 3. Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. 4. Mockups must be approved for construction prior to starting associated work. D. Preconstruction Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed specifically for the Project before products and materials are incorporated into the Work to verify performance or compliance with specified criteria. E. Product Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed by an NRTL, an NVLAP, or a testing agency qualified to conduct product testing and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, to establish product performance and compliance with industry standards. F. Source Quality-Control Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed at the source, i.e., plant, mill, factory, or shop. G. Field Quality-Control Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed on-site for installation of the Work and for completed Work. H. Testing Agency: An entity engaged to perform specific tests, inspections, or both. Testing laboratory shall mean the same as testing agency. I. Installer/Applicator/Erector: Contractor or another entity engaged by Contractor as an employee, Subcontractor, or Sub-subcontractor, to perform a particular construction operation, including installation, erection, application, and similar oper ations. 1. Using a term such as "carpentry" does not imply that certain construction activities must be performed by accredited or unionized individuals of a corresponding generic name, such as "carpenter." It also does not imply that requirements specified apply exclusively to tradespeople of the corresponding generic name. J. Experienced: When used with an entity, "experienced" means having successfully completed a minimum of five previous projects similar in size and scope to this Project; being familiar with special requirements indicated; and having complied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 1.4 DELEGATED-DESIGN SERVICES A. Performance and Design Criteria: Where professional design services or certif ications by a design professional are specifically required of Contractor by the Contract Documents, provide products and systems complying with specific performance and design criteria indicated. 1. If criteria indicated are not sufficient to perform services or certification required, submit a written request for additional information to Architect. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 3 of 10 1.5 CONFLICTING REQUIREMENTS A. General: If compliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality lev els, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer uncertainties and requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to Architect for a decision before proceeding. B. Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: The quantity or quality level shown or spec ified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate, for the context of requirements. Refer uncertainties to Architect fo r a decision before proceeding. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Delegated-Design Services Submittal: In addition to Shop Drawings, Product Data, and other required submittals, submit a statement signed and sealed by the responsible design professional, for each product and system specifically assigned to Contractor to be designed or certified by a design professional, indicating that the products and systems are in compliance with performance and design criteria indicated. Include list of codes, loads, and other factors used in performing these services. B. Contractor's Quality-Control Plan: For quality-assurance and quality-control activities and responsibilities. C. Qualification Data: For Contractor's quality-control personnel. D. Qualification Data: For testing agencies specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include proof of qualifications in the form of a recent report on the inspection of the testing agency by a recognized authority. E. Schedule of Tests and Inspections: Prepare in tabular form and include the following: 1. Specification Section number and title. 2. Description of test and inspection. 3. Identification of applicable standards. 4. Identification of test and inspection methods. 5. Number of tests and inspections required. 6. Time schedule or time span for tests and inspections. 7. Entity responsible for performing tests and inspections. 8. Requirements for obtaining samples. 9. Unique characteristics of each quality-control service. F. Reports: Prepare and submit certified written reports that include the following: 1. Date of issue. 2. Project title and number. 3. Name, address, and telephone number of testing agency. 4. Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections. 5. Names of individuals making tests and inspections. 6. Description of the Work and test and inspection method. 7. Identification of product and Specification Section. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 4 of 10 8. Complete test or inspection data. 9. Test and inspection results and an interpretation of test res ults. 10. Record of temperature and weather conditions at time of sample taking and testing and inspecting. 11. Comments or professional opinion on whether tested or inspected Work complies with the Contract Document requirements. 12. Name and signature of laboratory inspector. 13. Recommendations on retesting and reinspecting. G. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For Owner's records, submit copies of permits, licenses , certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar documents, established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work. 1.7 CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY-CONTROL PLAN A. Quality-Control Plan, General: Submit quality-control plan within 10 days of Notice to Proceed, and not less than five days prior to preconstruction conference. Submit in format acceptable to Architect. Identify personnel, procedures, controls, instructions, tests, records, and forms to be used to carry out Contractor's quality-assurance and quality-control responsibilities. Coordinate with Contractor's Construction Schedule. B. Quality-Control Personnel Qualifications: Engage qualified personnel trained and experienced in managing and executing quality-assurance and quality-control procedures similar in nature and extent to those required for Project. C. Submittal Procedure: Describe procedures for ensuring compliance with requirements through review and management of submittal process. Indicate qualifications of personnel responsible for submittal review. D. Testing and Inspection: In quality-control plan, include a comprehensive schedule of Work requiring testing or inspection, including the following: 1. Contractor-performed tests and inspections including Subcontractor-performed tests and inspections. Include required tests and inspections and Contractor-elected tests and inspections. Distinguish source quality-control tests and inspections from field quality- control tests and inspections. 2. Special inspections required by authorities having jurisdiction and indicated on the Statement of Special Inspections. 3. Owner-performed tests and inspections indicated in the Contract Documents. E. Continuous Inspection of Workmanship: Describe p rocess for continuous inspection during construction to identify and correct deficiencies in workmanship in addition to testing and inspection specified. Indicate types of corrective actions to be required to bring work into compliance with standards of workmanship established by Contract requirements and approved mockups. F. Monitoring and Documentation: Maintain testing and inspection reports including log of approved and rejected results. Include work Architect has indicated as nonconforming or defective. Indicate corrective actions taken to bring nonconforming work into compliance with requirements. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 5 of 10 1.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General: Qualifications paragraphs in this Article establish the minimum qualification levels required; individual Specification Sections specify additional requirements. B. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in installing, erecting, or assembling work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. C. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing products or systems similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units. D. Fabricator Qualifications: A firm experienced in producing products similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units. E. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineeri ng services are defined as those performed for installations of the system, assembly, or product that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent. F. Specialists: Certain sections of the Specifications require th at specific construction activities shall be performed by entities who are recognized experts in those operations. Specialists shall satisfy qualification requirements indicated and shall be engaged for the activities indicated. 1. Requirement for specialists shall not supersede building codes and regulations governing the Work. G. Testing Agency Qualifications: An NRTL, an NVLAP, or an independent agency with the experience and capability to conduct testing and inspecting indicated, as documented according to ASTM E 548; and with additional qualifications specified in individual Sections; and where required by authorities having jurisdiction, that is acceptable to authorities. 1. NRTL: A nationally recognized testing laboratory according to 29 CFR 1910.7. 2. NVLAP: A testing agency accredited according to NIST's National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program. H. Factory-Authorized Service Representative Qualifications: An authorized representative of manufacturer who is trained and approved by manufacturer to ins pect installation of manufacturer's products that are similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project. I. Preconstruction Testing: Where testing agency is indicated to perform preconstruction testing for compliance with specified requirements for performance and test methods, comply with the following: 1. Contractor responsibilities include the following: a. Provide test specimens representative of proposed products and construction. b. Submit specimens in a timely manner with sufficient time for testing and analyzing results to prevent delaying the Work. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 6 of 10 c. Provide sizes and configurations of test assemblies, mockups, and laboratory mockups to adequately demonstrate capability of products to comply with performance requirements. d. Build site-assembled test assemblies and mockups using installers who will perform same tasks for Project. e. Build laboratory mockups at testing facility using personnel, products, and metho ds of construction indicated for the completed Work. f. When testing is complete, remove test specimens, assemblies, mockups, and laboratory mockups; do not reuse products on Project. 2. Testing Agency Responsibilities: Submit a certified, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, written report of each test, inspection, and similar quality-assurance service to Architect with copy to Contractor. Interpret tests and inspections and state in each report whether te sted and inspected work complies with or deviates from the Contract Documents. a. Testing Agency shall submit affidavit of compliance with Contract Documents and all local codes, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. J. Mockups: Before installing portions of the Work requiring mockups, build mockups for each form of construction and finish required to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for the completed Work: 1. Build mockups in locations and of sizes indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. 2. Notify Architect and Owner’s Representative seven days in advance of dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 3. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship. 4. Obtain Architect's approval of mockups before starting work, fabrication, or construction. a. Allow seven days for initial review and each re-review of each mockup. 5. Maintain mockups during construction in a n undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. 6. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. 7. Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. K. Owner’s / Architect’s Third Party Inspection Services: Owner will engage the services of a licensed inspection and testing service to report on areas of special inspection and other items deemed necessary. 1. Contractor shall coordinate and schedule all inspections. 2. Contractor shall furnish all submittals and shop drawings as needed for inspector to review and use. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 7 of 10 1.9 QUALITY CONTROL A. Owner Responsibilities: Where quality-control services are indicated as Owner's responsibility, Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to perform these services. 1. Owner will furnish Contractor with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of testing agencies engaged and a description of types of testing and inspecting they are engaged to perform. 2. Payment for these services will be made by the Owner. 3. Costs for retesting and reinspecting construction that replaces or is necessitated by work that failed to comply with the Contract Documents will be charged to Contractor, and the Contract Sum will be adjusted by Change Order. 4. Contractor shall furnish and maintain all necessary submittals, shop drawings and other documentation require for inspector to review and use. B. Tests and inspections not explicitly assigned to Owner are Contractor's responsibility. Unless otherwise indicated, provide quality-control services specified and those required by authorities having jurisdiction. Perform quality-control services required of Contractor by authorities having jurisdiction, whether specified or not. 1. Where services are indicated as Contractor's responsibility, engage a qualified testing agency to perform these quality-control services. a. Contractor shall not employ same entity engaged by Owner, unless agreed to in writing by Owner. 2. Notify testing agencies at least 48 hours in advance of time when Work that requires testing or inspecting will be performed. 3. Where quality-control services are indicated as Contractor's responsibility, submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each quality-control service. 4. Testing and inspecting requested by Contractor and not required by the Contract Documents are Contractor's responsibility. 5. Submit additional copies of each written report directly to authoritie s having jurisdiction, when they so direct. C. Manufacturer's Field Services: Where indicated, engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect field-assembled components and equipment installation, including service connections. Report results in writing as specified in Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures." D. Retesting/Reinspecting: Regardless of whether original tests or inspections were Contractor's responsibility, provide quality-control services, including retesting and reinspecting, for construction that replaced Work that failed to comply with the Contrac t Documents. The Contractor is responsible to pay for all retesting. 1. Retesting to be performed by the Inspection and Testing Agency that performed the original tests. 2. Retest original failed test and perform two additional tests at new locations to be determined by Architect and Testing Agency. 3. Continue retesting until compliance is achieved. 4. Field testing shall be repeated at original location of failed test until compli ance is demonstrated. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 8 of 10 E. Testing Agency Responsibilities: Cooperate with Architect, Owner’s Representative, and Contractor in performance of duties. Provide qualified personnel to perform required tests and inspections. 1. Notify Architect, Owner’s Representative, and Contractor promptly of irregularities or deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. 2. Determine the location from which test samples will be taken and in which in-situ tests are conducted. 3. Conduct and interpret tests and inspections and state in each report whether tested and inspected work complies with or deviates from requirements. 4. Submit a certified, written report signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in duplicate, of each test, inspection, and similar quality-control service through Contractor. 5. Do not release, revoke, alter, or increase the Contract Document requirements or approve or accept any portion of the Work. 6. Do not perform any duties of Contractor. 7. Do not permit the Contractor to deviate from the requirements of the Contract Documents. F. Associated Services: Cooperate with agencies performing required tests, inspections, and similar quality-control services, and provide reasonable auxiliary services as requested. Notify agency sufficiently in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. Provide the following: 1. Access to the Work. 2. Incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate tests and inspections. 3. Adequate quantities of representative samples of materials that require testing and inspecting. Assist agency in obtaining samples. 4. Facilities for storage and field curing of test samples. 5. Delivery of samples to testing agencies. 6. Preliminary design mix proposed for use for material mixes that require control by testing agency. 7. Security and protection for samples and for testing and inspecting equipment at Project site. G. Coordination: Coordinate sequence of activities to accommodate required quality -assurance and -control services with a minimum of delay and to avoid necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodate testing and inspecting. 1. Schedule times for tests, inspections, obtaining samples, and similar activities. 2. Provide the Testing Agency with a complete set of Contract Documents , submittals, shop drawings, and sketches. H. Schedule of Tests and Inspections: Prepare a schedule of te sts, inspections, and similar quality-control services required by the Contract Documents. Submit schedule within 30 days of date established for commencement of the Work. 1. Distribution: Distribute schedule to Owner, Architect, Owner’s Representative, testing agencies, and each party involved in performance of portions of the Work where tests and inspections are required. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 9 of 10 1.10 SPECIAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS A. Special Tests and Inspections: Owner will engage a qualified testing agency and special inspector to conduct special tests and inspections required by the Massachusetts State Building Code and by authorities having jurisdiction as the responsibility of Owner, and as follows: 1. Verifying that manufacturer maintains detailed fabrication and quality-control procedures and reviewing the completeness and adequacy of those procedures to perform the Work. 2. Notifying Architect, Owner’s Representative, and Contractor promptly of irregularities and deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. 3. Submitting a certified written report of each test, inspection, and similar qualit y-control service to Architect with copy to Contractor and to authorities having jurisdiction. 4. Submitting a final report of special tests and inspections at Substantial Completion, which includes a list of unresolved deficiencies. 5. Interpreting tests and inspections and stating in each report whether tested and inspected work complies with or deviates from the Contract Documents. 6. Retesting and reinspecting corrected work. a. Costs associated with retesting and reinspecting are the responsibility of the Contractor. 7. Special tests, inspections and reports shall be submitted to Architect within five days of performing tests or inspections. If any tests or inspections are found to not be in compliance with Contract Documents or approved submittals, Architect shall be notified immediately with a formal written notice within one day. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 TEST AND INSPECTION LOG A. Prepare a record of tests and inspections. Include the following: 1. Date test or inspection was conducted. 2. Description of the Work tested or inspected. 3. Date test or inspection results were transmitted to Architect. 4. Identification of testing agency or special inspector conducting test or inspection. B. Maintain log at Project site. Post changes and modifications as they occur. Provide ac cess to test and inspection log for Architect's and Owner’s Representative’s reference during normal working hours. 3.2 REPAIR AND PROTECTION A. General: On completion of testing, inspecting, sample taking, and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 40 00 - 10 of 10 1. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Specification Sections. Restore patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining areas with durable seams that are as invisible as possible. 2. Comply with the Contract Document requirements for Division 01 Section "Cutting and Patching." B. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service activities. C. Repair and protection are Contractor's responsibility, regardless of the assignment of responsibility for quality-control services. END OF SECTION 01 40 00 Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid REFERENCES 01 42 00 - 1 of 2 SECTION 01 42 00 - REFERENCES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. General: Basic Contract definitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract. B. "Approved": When used to convey Architect's action on Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, "approved" is limited to Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. C. “Contractor”: The term “Contractor” and “General Contractor” are synonymous. D. "Directed": A command or instruction by Architect. Other terms including "requested," "authorized," "selected," "required," and "permitted" have the same meaning as "directed." E. "Indicated": Requirements expressed by graphic representations or in written form on Drawings, in Specifications, and in other Contract Documents. Other terms including "shown," "noted," "scheduled," and "specified" have the same meaning as "indicated." F. "Regulations": Laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, and rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. G. "Furnish": Supply and deliver to Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, and similar operations. H. "Install": Operations at Project site including unloading, temporarily storing, unpacking, assembling, erecting, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operations. I. "Provide": Furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use. J. "Project Site": Space available for performing construction activities. Th e extent of Project site is shown on Drawings and may or may not be identical with the description of the land on which Project is to be built. 1.3 INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. Applicability of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documents to the extent referenced. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid REFERENCES 01 42 00 - 2 of 2 B. Publication Dates: Comply with standards in effect as of date of the Contract Documents unless otherwise indicated. C. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on Project should be familiar with industry standards applicable to its construction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. 1. Where copies of standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, obtain copies directly from publication source. D. Abbreviations and Acronyms for Standards and Regulations: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications or other Contract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the organizations responsible for the standards and regulations. 1.4 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A. Industry Organizations: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications or other Contract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the entities indicated in Thomson Gale's "Encyclopedia of Associations" or in Columbia Books' "National Trade & Professional Associations of the U.S." PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 42 00 Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00 - 1 of 8 SECTION 01 50 00 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes requirements for temporary uti lities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 01 Section "Summary" for limitations on utility interruptions, work restrictions and use of site. 2. Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures" for procedures for submitting copies of implementation and termination schedule and utility reports. 3. Division 01 Section "Execution" for progress cleaning requirements. 4. Division 01 Section “Indoor Air Quality Requirements.” C. Temporary Facilities and Controls to be provided by the Contractor, unless identified specifically as the work of a Filed Subcontractor. 1.3 USE CHARGES A. General: Cost or use charges for temporary facilities shall be included in the Contract Sum. Allow other entities to use temporary services and facilities without cost, including, but not limited to, Owner's construction forces, Architect, occupants of Project, testing agencies, and authorities having jurisdiction. B. Water Service from Existing System: Water from Owner's existing water system is available for use without metering and without payment of use charges . Provide connections and extensions of services as required for construction operations. C. Electric Power Service from Existing System: Electric power from Owner's existing system is available for use without metering and without payment of use charges. Provide connections and extensions of services as required for construction operations. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Site Plan: Show temporary facilities, utility hookups, staging areas, and parking areas for construction personnel. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00 - 2 of 8 B. Fire-Safety Program: Show compliance with requirements of NFPA 241 and authorities having jurisdiction. Indicate Contractor personnel responsible for management of fire-prevention program. 1. Ensure that existing fire alarm system is active at all times during construction, except as required for tie-ins. 2. Contractor is responsible to provide a fire watch at all times that fire alarm system is down / inactive during construction activities. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General: Comply with industry standards and applicable laws and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction, including but no limited to the following: 1. Massachusetts State Building Code and referenced standards. 2. Health and safety regulations. 3. Utility company regulations. 4. Police and Fire Department rules and regulations. 5. Environmental Protection Agency regulations. B. Electric Service: Comply with NECA, NEMA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service to comply with NFPA 70. C. Tests and Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to test and inspect each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Temporary Use of Permanent Facilities: Installer of each permanent service shall assume responsibility for operation, maintenance, and protection of each permanent service during its use as a construction facility before Owner's acceptance, regardless of previously assigned responsibilities. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. Field Offices, General: Prefabricated or mobile units with serviceable finishes, temperature controls, and foundations adequate for normal loading. B. Common-Use Field Office: Of sufficient size to accommodate needs of construction personnel. Keep office clean and orderly. Furnish and equip offices as follows: 1. Furniture required for Project-site documents including file cabinets, plan tables, plan racks, and bookcases. 2. Conference room of sufficient size to accommodate meetings of 20 individuals. Provide electrical power service and 120-V ac duplex receptacles, with not less than 1 receptacle on each wall. Furnish room with conference table, chairs, and 4-foot- square tack board. 3. Drinking water and private toilet. 4. Coffee machine and supplies. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00 - 3 of 8 5. Heating and cooling equipment necessary to maintain a uniform indoor temperature of 68 to 72 deg F. 6. Lighting fixtures capable of maintaining average illumination of 20 fc at desk height. C. Storage and Fabrication Sheds: Provide sheds sized, furnished, and equipped to accommodate materials and equipment for construction operations. 1. Store combustible materials apart from building. 2.2 EQUIPMENT A. Fire Extinguishers: Portable, UL rated; with class and extinguishing age nt as required by locations and classes of fire exposures. 1. Provide one per floor and one not less than 25 feet from each active work area. B. Electrical Power Cords: Provide grounded extension cords; use "hard-service" cords where exposed to abrasion and traffic. Provide waterpro of connectors to connect separate lengths of electric cords, if single lengths will not reach areas where construction activities are in progress. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in mi nimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required by progress of the Work. 1. Locate facilities to limit site disturbance as specified in Division 01 Section "Summary." B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities. 3.2 TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATION A. General: Install temporary services. 1. Arrange with utility company, Owner, and Project Manager for time when service can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary services. B. Water Service: Connect to Owner's existing water service facilities. Clean and maintain water service facilities in a condition acceptable to Owner. At Substantial Completion, restore these facilities to condition existing before initial use. 1. Where installations below an outlet might be da maged by spillage or leakage, provide a drip pan of suitable size to minimize water damage. Drain accumulated water promptly from pans. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00 - 4 of 8 C. Sanitary Facilities: Provide temporary toilets, wash facilities, and drinking water for use of construction personnel. Comply with authorities having jurisdiction for type, number, location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities. D. Ventilation and Humidity Control: Provide temporary ventilation required by construction activities for curing or drying of completed installations or for protecting installed construction from adverse effects of high humidity. Select equipment that will not have a harmful effect on completed installations or elements being installed. Coordinate ventilation requirements to produce ambient condition required and minimize energy consumption. E. Electric Power Service: Connect to Owner's existing electric power service. Maintain equipment in a condition acceptable to Owner. F. Lighting: Provide temporary lighting with local switching that provides adequate illumination for observations, inspections, and traffic conditions. 1. Install and operate temporary lighting that fulfills security and protection requirements without operating entire system. 2. In addition to security lighting, provide all temporary lighting and power required during the normal working day, including a minimum of 1/2 hour bef ore and after normal working hours, for a total of 10 hours per day for the duration of the project. G. Telephone Service: Provide temporary telephone service in common-use facilities for use by all construction personnel. 1. Provide additional telephone lines for the following: a. Provide a dedicated telephone line for each facsimile machine. b. Provide one telephone line for common use. 2. At each telephone, post a list of important telephone numbers. a. Police and fire departments. b. Ambulance service. c. Contractor's home office. d. Architect's office. e. Engineers' offices. f. Owner's office. g. Principal subcontractors' field and home offices. 3. Provide superintendent with cellular telephone or portable two-way radio for use when away from field office. 4. Provide digital cable for temporary electronic communication service in common-use field office. H. Electronic Communication Service: Provide secure WiFi wireless connection to internet with provisions for access by Architect and Owner. 3.3 SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with the following: Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00 - 5 of 8 1. Provide incombustible construction for offices, shops, and sheds located within area designated by Owner. Comply with NFPA 241. 2. Maintain support facilities until near Substantial Completion. Remove before Substantial Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Owner. B. Traffic Controls: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Protect existing site improvements to remain including curbs, pavement, and utilities. 2. Maintain access for fire-fighting equipment. C. Parking: Use designated areas of Owner's existing pa rking areas for construction personnel. D. Project Signs: Provide Project signs as indicated. U nauthorized signs are not permitted. 1. Identification Signs: Provide Project identification sign to comply with the Standard Construction Sign template attached at the end of this Section. 2. Temporary Signs: Provide other signs as indicated and as required to inform public and individuals seeking entrance to Project. a. Provide temporary, directional signs for construction personnel and visitors. 3. Maintain and touchup signs so they are legible at all times. E. Collection and Disposal of Waste: Collect waste from construction areas and elsewhere daily . Comply with requirements of NFPA 241 for removal of combustible waste material and debris. Enforce requirements strictly. Do not hold materials more than 7 days during normal weather or 3 days when the temperature is expected to rise above 80 deg F (2 7 deg C). Handle hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste by containerizing properly. Separate, salvage, recycle and dispose of materials in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts “Waste Ban” 310 CMR 19.017. 1. Comply with Division 01 Section "Execution" for progress cleaning requirements. 2. The Contractor shall provide sufficient quantity of dumpsters at strategic locations within the Contract limit lines for collection of waste from the work of all subcontractors on site. 3. Do not pass materials through open windows, or through window openings when any portion of the window remains in the opening. F. Temporary Lifts and Hoists: The Contractor shall provide, operate and maintain in safe operating order facilities for hoisting materials, rubbish, employees and to otherwise carry out the Work. Truck cranes, fork lifts, man lifts and similar devices required for the performance of the Work by the General Contractor shall be provided by General Contractor. Truck cranes, fork lifts, man lifts and similar devices required for the performance of the Work by the Filed Subcontractors shall be provided by Filed Subcontractors. 1. Provide temporary lifts and hoists that comply in all respects with the most stringent of all applicable Federal (including OSHA), state and local laws, rules, regulations, codes and ordinances, and provisions of Division 01 of this Specification. 2. Truck cranes and similar devices used for hoisting materials are considered "tools and equipment" and not temporary facilities. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00 - 6 of 8 G. Staging and Scaffolding: Where staging and scaffolding is required, the General Contractor shall provide the entire installation including for the work of Filed Subcontractors. 1. Staging shall be of approved design, erected and removed by experienced stage builders and shall have all accident prevention devices required by State and local laws. 3.4 SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmental regulations and that minimize possible air, waterway, and subsoil contamination or pollution or other undesirable effects. 1. Comply with work restrictions specified in Division 01 Section "Summary." B. Security Enclosure and Lockup: Install substantial temporary enclosure around partially completed areas of construction. Provide lockable entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft, and similar violations of security. C. Barricades, Warning Signs, and Lights: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for erecting structurally adequate barricades, including warning signs and lighting. D. Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures for protection of all existing areas disturbed by construction, in progress and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations, and similar activities. Provide temporary weathertight enclosure for building exterior at all times. 1. Where heat is needed and the permanent building enclosure is not complete, provide temporary enclosures where there is no other provision for containment of heat. Provide enclosures as required on the exterior or interior side of the building, whether the roof has been installed or not, and whether windows or doors have been installed or not, in order to protect the Work and allow Work to continue in accordance with the requirements of the Specifications. Coordinate enclosure with ventilating and material drying or curing requirements to avoid dangerous conditions and effects. 2. Install tarpaulins securely, with fire-retardant-treated wood framing and other materials. Close openings of 25 square feet or less with plywood or similar materials. 3. Close openings through floor or roof decks and horizontal surfaces with load-bearing wood-framed construction. 4. Where temporary wood or plywood enclosure exceeds 100 square feet in area, use UL-labeled fire-retardant treated material for framing and main sheathing. 5. Do not use new permanent doors and frames for temporary enclosures until finishing work is begun, and then only if carefully protected from damage. Prior to installation of permanent doors and frames, provide temporary wood or plywood doors with wood frames and proper hardware to make the doors self-closing. a. Close and lock all openings accessible from ground level at end of each day’s work to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. E. Protection: Protect the Work at all times from damages. Provide all pumps, equipment and enclosures to ensure this protection. 1. Provide all shoring, bracing and sheeting as required for safety and for proper execution of work. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00 - 7 of 8 2. Protect all work from damage during cold weather. If low temperatures make it impossible to continue operations safely in spite of cold weather precautions, cease work and notify Architect. Repair and/or replacement of all work damaged from frost, freezing or any elements of the weather are the responsibility of the Contractor responsible for temporary protection of the Work. 3. Should high wind warnings be issued by the U.S. Weather Advisory Bureau, take every precaution to minimize danger to persons, to the Work, and to adjacent properties, including, but not limited to, removing all loose materials, tools and/or equ ipment from exposed locations, and removing or securing scaffolding or other temporary work. 4. Protect the building and the site from damage, loss or liability due to theft or vandalism when the work is not in progress at night, weekends, or holidays. 5. Exercise precaution for the protection of persons and property at all times. Observe the provisions of applicable laws and construction codes. Take additional safety and health measures, or cause such measures to be taken as reasonably necessary. Maintain guards on machinery, equipment and other hazards as set forth in the safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, published by the Associated General Contractors of America, to the extent that such provisions are not in contravention of applicable laws. 6. Protect and preserve in operating conditions all utilities traversing the work area. Repair all damages to any utility due to work performed under this Contract, the satisfaction of the Architect at no additional cost to the Owner. 7. Protect the work from damage from water. 8. From damage arising from Contractor negligence and from failure to adhere to Contract Documents, costs shall be borne by Contractor to repair all damages. F. Roof Protection: The Contractor shall protect all existing roof surfaces to prevent damage from selective demolition and new construction operations. Keep traffic on roof systems to a minimum, and permit traffic only as required to comple te the work under this Contract. 1. Repair or replace roofing system componen ts and substrates to their original condition where damaged by operations under this Contract. Comply with Specifications and/or roofing manufacturer’s written recommendations for maintaining new and existing roofing warranties, subject to approval by the Architect, and at no additional cost to the Owner. G. Temporary Fire Protection: Install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities of types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA 241 and the Milton Fire Department requirements. 1. Prohibit smoking in construction areas. 2. Supervise welding operations, combustion-type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire ignition according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Develop and supervise an overall fire-prevention and -protection program for personnel at Project site. Review needs with local fire department and establish procedures to be followed. Instruct personnel in methods and procedures. Post warnings and information. 4. Locate fire extinguishers where convenient and effective for their intended purpose, but not less than one extinguisher on each floor at or near each usable stairwell. 5. Store combustible materials, inflammable materials and volatile liquids in containers in fire-safe containers and locations under the Contractor=s control and supervision, or without adequate ventilation and fire protection. 6. Maintain unobstructed access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fire protection facilities, stairways and other access routes for fighting fires. Prohibit smoking in hazardous fire exposure areas. 7. Do not permit accumulation of flammable rubbish to remain in the building overnight. 8. Do not permit storage of paint rags to remain in the building unless stored in a container immersed in water. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 50 00 - 8 of 8 9. Observe strict safety precautions and provide supervision of welding operations, burning with a torch, combustion type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire ignition. 10. No gasoline may be stored in or close to the building at any time. 11. Comply with requirements of local Fire Department, obtain Hot Work Permit for each day required, and pay all fees and other charges. 3.5 OPERATION, TERMINATION, AND REMOVAL A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. To minimize waste and abuse, limit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses. B. Maintenance: Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. 1. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating, cooling, humidity control, ventilation, and similar facilities on a 24-hour basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibility of damage. C. Temporary Facility Changeover: Do not change over from using temporary security and protection facilities to permanent facilities until Substantial Completion. D. Termination and Removal: Remove each temporary facility when need for its service has ended, when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or, if necessary, restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with temporary facility. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces, and replace construction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. 1. Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are property of Contractor, unless otherwise indicated. 2. At Substantial Completion, clean and renovate permanent facilities used during construction period. Comply with final cleaning requirements specified in Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures." END OF SECTION 01 50 00 Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 60 00 - 1 of 8 SECTION 01 60 00 - PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for selection of products for use in Project; product delivery, storage, and handling; manufacturers' standard warranties on products; special warranties; product substitutions; and comparable products. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 01 Section “Submittal Procedures.” 2. Division 01 Section "References" for applicable industry standards for products specified. 3. Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting warranties for Contract closeout. 4. Divisions 02 through 26 Sections for specific requirements for warranties on products and installations specified to be warranted. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Products: Items purchased for incorporating into the Work, whether purchased for Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms of similar intent. 1. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer's product name, in cluding make or model number or other designation shown or listed in manufacturer's published product literature, that is current as of date of the Contract Documents. 2. New Products: Items that have not previously been incorporated into another project or facility, except that products consisting of recycled-content materials are allowed, unless explicitly stated otherwise. a. Products salvaged or recycled from other projects are not considered new products. b. Products manufactured and stored for more than one year prior to the start date of this project are not considered new products. 3. Comparable Product: Product that is demonstrated and approved through submittal process, or where indicated as a product substitution, to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics that equal or exceed those of specified product. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 60 00 - 2 of 8 4. “Or Equal” Product: Product that is demonstrated and approved through submittal process, or where indicated as a product substitution, to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics that equal or exceed those of specified product. a. An item equal to that named or described in the specifications may be furnished; and an item shall be considered equal to the item so named or described if, in the opinion of the awarding authority: (1) it is at least equal in quality, durability, appearance, strength and design, (2) it will perform at least equally the function imposed by the general design for the public work being contracted for or the material being purchased, and (3) it conforms substantially, even with deviations, to the detailed requirements for the item in the said specifications. B. Basis-of-Design Product Specification: A specification in which a specific manufacturer's product is named and accompanied by the words "basis-of-design product," including make or model number or other designation, to establish the significant qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics for purposes of evaluating comparable products of additional manufacturers named in the specification, or for purposes of evaluating “or equal” products. C. Substitutions: Changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction from those required by the Contract Documents and proposed by Contractor. 1. Substitutions for Cause: Changes proposed by Contractor that are required due to changed Project conditions, such as unavailability of product, regulatory changes, or unavailability of required warranty terms. 2. Substitutions for Convenience: Changes proposed by Contractor or Owner that ar e not required in order to meet other Project requirements but may offer advantage to Contractor or Owner. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product List: Within 15 days of Notice to Proceed or signed Contract, whichever comes first, submit a list, in tabular from, showing specified products. Include generic names of products required. Include manufacturer's name and proprietary product names for each product. 1. Coordinate product list with Contractor's Construction Schedule and the Submittals Schedule. 2. Form: Tabulate information for each product under the following column headings: a. Specification Section number and title. b. Generic name used in the Contract Documents. c. Proprietary name, model number, and similar designations. d. Manufacturer's name and address. e. Supplier's name and address. f. Installer's name and address. g. Projected delivery date or time span of delivery period. h. Identification of items that require early submittal approval for scheduled delivery date. 3. Initial Submittal: Within 15 days after Notice to Proceed or signed Contract, whichever comes first, submit 3 copies of initial product list. Include a written explanation for omissions of data and for variations from Contract requirements. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 60 00 - 3 of 8 a. At Contractor's option, initial submittal may be limited to product selections and designations that must be established early in Contract period. 4. Completed List: Within 30 days after date of Notice to Proceed or signed Contract, whichever comes first, submit 3 copies of completed product list. Include a written explanation for omissions of data and for variations from Contract requirements. 5. Architect's Action: Architect will respond in writing to Contractor within 15 days of receipt of completed product list. Architect's response will include a list of unaccep table product selections and a brief explanation of reasons for this action. Architect's response, or lack of response, does not constitute a waiver of requirement to c omply with the Contract Documents. B. Substitution Requests: Submit three copies of each request for consideration. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 1. Documentation: Show compliance with requirements for substitutions and the fo llowing, as applicable: a. Statement indicating why specified material or product cannot be provided. b. Coordination information, including a list of changes or modifications needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by Owner and separate contractors, that will be necessary to accommodate proposed substitution. c. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed substitution with tho se of the Work specified. Significant qualities may include attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. d. Product Data, including drawings and descriptions of products and fabric ation and installation procedures. e. Samples, where applicable or requested. f. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners. g. Material test reports from a qualified testing agency indicating and interpreting test results for compliance with requirements indicated. h. Research/evaluation reports evidencing compliance with building code in eff ect for Project, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. i. Detailed comparison of Contractor's Construction Schedule using proposed substitution with products specified for the Work, including effect on the overall Contract Time. If specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Time, include letter from manufacturer, on manufacturer's letterhead, stating lack of availability or delays in delivery. j. Cost information, including a proposal of change, if any, in the Contract Sum. k. Contractor's certification that proposed substitution complies with requirements in the Contract Documents and is appropriate for applications indicated. l. Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of failure of proposed substitution to p roduce indicated results. m. Contractor shall provide any and all documentation requested by Owner and/or Architect in order to compare products concurrently. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 60 00 - 4 of 8 2. Architect's Action: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within 7 days of receipt of a request for substitution. Architect will notify Contractor of acceptance or rejection of proposed substitution within 15 days of receipt of request, or 7 days of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. a. Form of Acceptance: Change Order. b. Use product specified if Architect cannot make a decision on use of a proposed substitution within time allocated. C. Comparable Product Requests: Submit three copies of each request for considerati on. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 1. Architect's Action: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a comparable product request. Architect will notify Contractor of approval or rejection of proposed comparable product request within 15 days of receipt of request, or 7 days of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. a. Form of Approval: As specified in Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures." b. Use product specified if Architect cannot make a decision on use of a comparable product request within time allocated. D. Basis-of-Design Product Specification Submittal: Comply with requirements in Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures." Show compliance with requirements. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Compatibility of Options: If Contractor is given option of selecting between two or more products for use on Project, product selected shall be compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. 1. The Contractor is responsible for providing products and construction methods compatible with products and construction methods of other contractors. 2. If a dispute arises between contractors over concurrently selectable but incompatible products, Architect will determine which products shall be used. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, and handle products using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. B. Delivery and Handling: 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. 2. Coordinate delivery with installation time to ensure minimum holdi ng time for items that are flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 60 00 - 5 of 8 3. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, compl ete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing. 4. Inspect products on delivery to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly protected. C. Storage: 1. Store products to allow for inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. 2. Store materials in a manner that will not endanger Project structure. 3. Store products that are subject to damage by the elements, under cover in a weathertight enclosure above ground, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. 4. Store cementitious products and materials on elevated platforms. 5. Store foam plastic from exposure to sunlight, except to extent necessary for period of installation and concealment. 6. Comply with product manufacturer's written instructions for temperature, humidity, ventilation, and weather-protection requirements for storage. 7. Protect stored products from damage and liquids from freezing. 8. Provide a secure location and enclosure at Project site for storage of materials and equipment by Owner's construction forces. Coordinate location with Owner. 1.7 PRODUCT WARRANTIES A. Warranties specified in other Sections shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties required by the Contract Documents. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve Contractor of oblig ations under requirements of the Contract Documents. 1. Manufacturer's Warranty: Preprinted written warranty published by individual manufacturer for a particular product and specifically endorsed by manufacturer to Owner. 2. Special Warranty: Written warranty required by or incorporated i nto the Contract Documents, either to extend time limit provided by manufacturer's warranty or to provide more rights for Owner. B. Special Warranties: Prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution. Submit a draft for approval before final execution. 1. Manufacturer's Standard Form: Modified to include Project-specific information and properly executed. 2. Specified Form: When specified forms are included with the Specifications, prepare a written document using appropriate form properly executed. 3. Refer to Divisions 02 through 33 Sections for specific content requirements and particular requirements for submitting special warranties. C. Submittal Time: Comply with requirements in Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures." Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 60 00 - 6 of 8 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCT SELECTION PROCEDURES A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, that are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, that are new at time of installation. 1. Provide materials mined or manufactured in Massachusetts first and the United State of America second, wherever possible. 2. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, fasteners, and other items needed for a complete installation and indicated use and effect. 3. Standard Products: If available, and unless custom products or nonstandard options are specified, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. 4. Owner reserves the right to limit selection to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents. 5. Where products are accompanied by the term "as selected," Architect will make selection. 6. Where products are accompanied by the term "match sample," sample to be matched is Architect's. 7. Descriptive, performance, and reference standard requirements in the Specifications establish "salient characteristics" of products. 8. Or Equal: Where products are specified by name and accompanied by the term "or equal", comply with provisions in Part 2 "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. B. Product Selection Procedures: 1. Products: a. Nonrestricted List: Where Specifications include a list of names of both available manufacturers and products, provide one of the products listed, or an unnamed equal product, that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product. 2. Manufacturers: a. Nonrestricted List: Where Specifications include a list of available manufactur ers, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed, or a product by an unnamed equal manufacturer, that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed manufacturer's product. 3. Product Options: Where Specifications indicate that sizes, profiles, and dimensional requirements on Drawings are based on a specific product or system, provide the specified product or system. Comply with provisions in Part 2 "Product Substitutions" Article for consideration of an unnamed product or system. 4. Basis-of-Design Products: Where Specifications name a product and include a list of manufacturers, provide the specified product, a comparable product, or equal by one of the other named manufacturers. Drawings and Specifications indicate sizes, profiles, dimensions, and other characteristics that are based o n the product named. Comply with provisions in Part 2 "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product by the other named manufacturers. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 60 00 - 7 of 8 C. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, select a product that complies with requirements and matches Architect's sample. Architec t's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches. 1. If no product available within specified category matches and complies with other specified requirements, comply with provisions in Part 2 "Product Substitutions" Article for proposal of product. D. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected from manufacturer's colors, patterns, textures" or a similar phrase, select a product that complies with other specified requirements. 1. Standard Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "standard range of colors, patterns, textures" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattern, density, or texture from manufacturer's product line that does not include premium items. 2. Full Range: Where Specifications include the phrase "full range of colors, patterns, textures" or similar phrase, Architect will select color, pattern, density, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items. 2.2 COMPARABLE PRODUCTS A. Conditions: Architect will consider Contractor's request for comparable product when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect w ill return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: 1. Evidence that the proposed product does not require extensive revisions to the Contract Documents, that it is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produc e the indicated results, and that it is compatible with other portions of the Work. 2. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed product with those named in the Specifications. Significant qualities include attributes such as performance, weig ht, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. 3. Evidence that proposed product provides specified warranty. 4. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners, if requested. 5. Samples, if requested. 6. Compliance with requirements of M.G.L. Chapter 30, Section 39M. 2.3 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS A. Substitutions for Cause: Submit requests for substitution immediately on discovery of need for change, but not later than 15 days prior to time required for preparation and review of related submittals. 1. Conditions: Architect will consider Contractor's request for substitution when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect will return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: a. Requested substitution is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce indicated results. b. Requested substitution provides sustainable design characteristics that specified product provided. c. Substitution request is fully documented and properly submitted. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC March 15, 2021 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS TDA 12-006 Northampton, MA Issued for Bid PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 60 00 - 8 of 8 d. Requested substitution will not adversely affect Contractor's construction schedule. e. Requested substitution has received necessary approvals of authorities having jurisdiction. f. Requested substitution is compatible with other portions of the Work. g. Requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work. h. Requested substitution provides specified warranty. i. If requested substitution involves more than one subcontractor, requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work, is uniform and consistent, is compatible with other products, and is acceptable to all contractors involved. B. Substitutions for Convenience: Architect will consider requests for substitution if re ceived within 7 days after the Notice to Proceed. Requests received after that time may be considered or rejected at discretion of Architect. 1. Conditions: Architect will consider Contractor's request for substitution when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect will return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: a. Requested substitution offers Owner a substantial advantage in cost, time, energy conservation, or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities Owner must assume. Owner's additional responsib ilities may include compensation to Architect for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by Owner, and similar considerations. b. Requested substitution does not require extensive revisions to the Contract Documents. c. Requested substitution is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce indicated results. d. Requested substitution provides sustainable design characteristics that specified product provided. e. Substitution request is fully documented and properly submitted. f. Requested substitution will not adversely affect Contractor's construction schedule. g. Requested substitution has received necessary approvals of authorities having jurisdiction. h. Requested substitution is compatible with other portions of the Work. i. Requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work. j. Requested substitution provides specified warranty. k. If requested substitution involves more than one c ontractor, requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work , is uniform and consistent, is compatible with other products, and is acceptable to all contractors involved. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 60 00 Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 1 SECTION 261000 - ELECTRICAL PART I - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Include General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, and applicable parts of Division 1, as part of this Section. B. Examine all other Sections of the Specifications for requirements which affect work under this Section whether or not such work is specifically mentioned in this Section. C. Coordinate work with that of all other trades affecting, or affected by the work of this Section. Cooperate with such trades to assure steady progress of all work under the Contract. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish all labor, materials, plant, equipment and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the complete installation of all electrical work specified herein and/or indicated on the Drawings, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Branch Circuit Wiring and Conduit. 2. Wiring devices and plates. 3. Power wiring to motors and equipment furnished by other trades or Owner including final connections to equipment. 4. Luminaires. 5. Modifications to Campus Fire Alarm Loop 6. Modifications to Building Fire Alarm System 7. Egress Lighting & exit signs. 8. Siesmic. 1.3 CODES, ORDINANCES AND INSPECTIONS A. All materials and the installation thereof shall conform to the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code, Massachusetts Electrical Code, and local laws, rules, regulations, and codes pertaining thereto. Where provisions of the Contract Documents conflict with any codes, rules or regulations, the latter shall govern. Where the Contract requirements are in excess of applicable codes, rules or regulations, the Contract provisions shall govern unless the Architect rules otherwise. B. The Electrical Contractor shall comply with the Local Code Enforcement Officials' instructions at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.4 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. The Electrical Contractor shall employ only competent and experienced workmen at a regular schedule in harmony with the other tradesmen on the job. He shall also exercise care and supervision of his employees in regard to proper and expeditious laying out of his work. B. The Electrical Contractor shall have a Foreman or Superintendent assigned to the Project who shall be authorized to make decisions and receive instructions exactly as if the Electrical Contractor himself were present. The Foreman or Superintendent shall not be removed or replaced without the express approval of the Architect after construction work begins. C. The Electrical Contractor shall be held responsible for any injuries or damage done to the building premises or adjoining property or to other Contractors' work resulting from the execution of his part Interior renovations to The Academy of Music, Auditorium 274 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts Issued for bid 4/28/14 For the purposes of this spec, the electrical contractor may also be the "general contractor." Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 2 of the work in any manner whatsoever; and in case of dispute arising as to the extent or share of responsibility incurred by the Electrical Contractor, it is agreed between the Owner and the Electrical Contractor that such liability and extent of damage shall be finally determined by the Architect whose decision shall be final and binding on both parties to the Contract for the work in question. D. The Electrical Contractor shall co-operate to the fullest extent with all other trades in order to expedite the progress of the work. He shall furnish all information pertaining to his materials as to sizes, locations, and means of support, to all other trades requiring such information. The Electrical Contractor shall also furnish all sleeves, frames, beams, supports, inserts, etc., hereinafter specified so that the General Contractor may build them in place. In case of failure on the part of the Electrical Contractor to give proper information as above, he will be required to bear the extra expense involved due to such failure. E. The arrangement of all piping, duct work, conduit, wire and cable indicated on the Drawings is diagrammatic only, and indicates the minimum requirements of this work. Conditions at the building shall determine the actual arrangement of runs, bends, offsets, etc. The Electrical Contractor shall lay out all his work and be responsible for the accuracy thereof. Conditions at the building shall be the determining factor for all measurements. F. All work shall be laid out and installed so as to require the least amount of cutting and patching. Drilling of all holes required for the installation of pipes, conduit, and cable runs shall be performed by the Electrical Contractor installing such items. G. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for the proper protection of his work and materials from injury or loss at the hands of others and shall make good such loss or injury at his own expense. All pipes left open during the progress of the work shall be capped or plugged at all times. All instruments and operating apparatus shall be protected by suitable means. H. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for all equipment and materials installed under this Section until the final acceptance of the project by the Owner. I. Before submitting his bid, the Electrical Contractor shall visit the site with the Drawings and Specifications and shall become thoroughly familiar with all conditions affecting his work since the Electrical Contractor will be held responsible for any assumption he may make in regard thereto. J. The Electrical Contractor shall check the Architectural Plans and Specifications before ordering any materials and the installation of work. Any discrepancies shall be called to the attention of the Architect before proceeding with the work. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Equality of materials or articles other than those named or described in this Section will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the General Requirements, except that substitutions will only be considered for items where the words, "or equal" appear in product specifications and as approved by the Architect and Owner. B. The Electrical Contractor shall agree to accept as final the results of tests secured by a qualified testing laboratory engaged by the Owner. Tests will be conducted in accordance with the General Requirements. 1.6 PRODUCTS A. With the exception of items specifically noted other-wise, all materials used shall be U.S. made, new, full weight, and first class in every respect, without defects, and designed to function properly in that portion of the work for which they are intended, and with the same brand of manufacturers Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 3 for each class of material or equipment. Electrical materials and equipment of types for which there are Underwriters Laboratories standard requirements, listings, or labels shall conform to their requirements and be so labeled. 1.7 SUBMITTALS A. Before ordering materials shipped to the job, the Electrical Contractor shall submit to the Architect six (6) sets of catalogue cuts, manufacturers' data sheets, or Shop Drawings, giving all details, dimensions, capacities, etc. of all materials to be furnished. B. The Electrical Contractor shall check the Shop Drawings thoroughly for compliance with the Plans and Specifications before submitting them to the Architect for review, making any and all changes which may be required. C. The review of Shop Drawings by the Architect shall not relieve the Electrical Contractor from any obligation to perform the work strictly in accordance with the Contract Drawings and Specifications. The responsibility for errors in Shop Drawings shall remain with the Contractor. D. In the event that materials are being delivered to or installed on the job for which Shop Drawings or samples have not been approved and/or which are not in accordance with the Specifications, the Electrical Contractor will be required to remove such materials and substitute approved materials at his own expense and as directed by the Architect. 1.8 PERMITS, FEES, AND INSPECTIONS A. The Electrical Contractor shall secure all permits and pay all fees required for his work. He shall be required to secure all other permits and pay all other fees and charges incidental to the proper carrying out of the Contract. He is to assume all responsibility regarding the observance of the rules and regulations so far as they relate to his part of the work. B. The Electrical Contractor shall arrange and pay for all required inspections of his work. 1.9 TEMPORARY HOOK-UPS A. The General Contractor will provide any temporary hook-ups required for the use of water or sanitary for construction purposes and testing out apparatus as specified in Division 1. 1.10 TEMPORARY LIGHT AND POWER A. The General Contractor shall furnish and install temporary light and power as specified in Division 1. 1.11 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A. The Electrical Contractor shall refer to the Architectural Drawings of interior details, plans, elevations, and structural layout in preparing his estimate. These documents are intended to supplement the Mechanical and Electrical Plans and Specifications and any applicable work indicated or implied thereon is to be considered a part of the Contract requirements. B. The Specifications are complementary and anything called for, or reasonably implied, in the Plans and not in the Specifications, or vice versa, shall be considered as called for or reasonably implied in both. C. The Electrical Contractor shall not scale the Drawings. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 4 D. Because of the small scale of the Drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings and accessories that may be required. The Electrical Contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finish conditions affecting all his work and shall arrange such work accordingly, furnishing such accessories as may be required to meet such conditions, at no additional cost. 1.12 PRODUCT HANDLING A. The Electrical Contractor shall provide for the delivery of all his materials and fixtures to the building site when required, so as to carry on his work efficiently and to avoid delaying his work and that of other trades. 1.13 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. All necessary tools machinery, scaffolding, and transportation for completion of his Contract shall be provided by the individual Contractor. B. The Electrical Contractor shall provide his own portable extension lines and obtain 120 volt, 60 cycle, single phase electric energy from the General Contractor to drive his machines and light his work. He shall provide his own light bulbs, plugs, sockets, etc. C. All broken or waste material, rags, packing, etc., resulting from his work shall be removed by the individual Contractor. 1.14 WORK CONCEALED A. All piping, duct work, cable, and raceway shall be installed concealed in all areas except storage rooms, closets, and mechanical or electrical equipment rooms. B. Exposed runs shall be run straight and level, parallel or perpendicular to the lines of the building. 1.15 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. After all final tests and adjustments have been completed, fully instruct the proper Owner's representative in all details of operation for equipment installed. Supply qualified personnel to operate equipment for sufficient length of time to assure that Owner's representative is properly qualified to take over operation and maintenance procedures. B. Furnish the Architect, for his approval, three (3) copies of an Operation and Maintenance Manual. Inscribe the following identification on the cover: the words, "Operation and Maintenance Manual", the name and location of the equipment or the building, the name of the Contractor, and the Contract number. The manual shall have a Table of Contents with tab sheets placed before each Section. The instructions shall be legible and easily read, with large sheets of Drawings folded in. The manuals shall be bound in hard binders or an approved equivalent. C. The manual shall include the following information: 1. Description of systems. 2. Description of start up, operation, and shutdown procedures for each item of equipment. 3. Schedule of adjustment, care, and routine maintenance for each item of equipment. 4. Wiring and control diagrams with data to explain detailed operation and control of each item of equipment. 5. Panel schedules 6. List of recommended spare parts. 7. Copies of all service contracts. 8. List of all names, addresses, and phone numbers of all Contractors as well as the local Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 5 representative for each item of equipment. 1.16 GUARANTEE A. The Electrical Contractor shall guarantee the satisfactory operation of his work in all parts for a period of one (1) year after date of final acceptance, and shall agree to promptly repair or replace any items of his work which are found to be defective during this period. B. The Electrical Contractor shall pay for repair of damage to the building caused by defects in his work and for repair to plaster, wood, and other materials or equipment caused by replacement or repairs to the entire satisfaction of the Architect. C. Any part of the work installed under this Contract requiring excessive maintenance shall be considered as being defective. 1.17 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cutting and/or drilling of all openings and holes required for the installation of electrical apparatus in the building, shall be performed by the General Contractor. All work and materials shall be installed in such a manner and at such time to keep cutting and patching to a minimum. Cutting and/or drilling of structural supports (ie. beams or joists) is not allowed without written approval by the Architect. Location for openings, etc. shall be checked by the Electrical Contractor, and error due to failure to co-ordinate work with other divisions shall be the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor failing to co-ordinate, who shall make the corrections at his own expense. B. Work shall include furnishing and locating sleeves or inserts required before the new walls are built, or be responsible for the cost of cutting and patching required for conduit and equipment where sleeves were not installed or where incorrectly located. The Electrical Contractor shall do all drilling required for the installation of hangers. C. Patching of all holes, after installation of piping or equipment, shall be performed by the General Contractor or appropriate tradesmen. D. All pipe cutting or threading shall be done in a location approved by the Owner. E. No pipe cutting or threading shall be done in areas where completed concrete floor slab is to remain in finishes or be painted later. Should this area be necessary, the Electrical Contractor shall cover the entire working area with canvas tarpaulins in an approved manner. 1.18 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Submit Record Drawings as specified in Division 1. PART II – MATERIALS 2.1 RACEWAYS A. Rigid galvanized steel or intermediate steel conduit shall be used for all raceway runs concealed in concrete, run under slabs, run in trenches or pits, exposed below 6' above floor, and for service entrance conductor sweeps. Conduit shall comply with the latest applicable Federal Specifications. B. Electrical metallic tubing may be used for all raceways run in walls or partitions, run exposed inside unfinished and spaces of the building, or run concealed in or above furred spaces unless otherwise specified. Electrical metallic tubing shall comply with the latest applicable Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 6 requirements of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. EMT mounted on walls below 10’-0” A.F.F. shall be run tight to the wall with offsets at boxes. Offsets shall not be allowed. Couplings, connectors, and fittings for electrical metallic tubing may be of the set screw type. Compression fittings shall be used for exposed conduit at 8’-0” A.F.F. and below. C. Raceways for site communications and site power and light shall be Schedule 40 PVC with solvent welded fittings. Use rigid steel conduit sweeps on conduit 3" and larger. D. Flexible Steel Conduit shall be used for final connections to motors or other removable equipment to facilitate removal and connections. 2.2 WIREWAYS A. Wireways shall be made to accommodate conductors as required in accordance with applicable rules of the Massachusetts Electrical Code. Wireways shall be of code gauge steel and supported as required by Code. Wireways shall be furnished and installed complete with the necessary complement of fittings, connectors, and accessory parts. Wireways shall be of the "lay-in" type with standard knockouts and with screw covers for full channel access. All sheet metal parts shall be coated with a rust inhibitor and finished in grey baked enamel. All hardware shall be plated to prevent corrosion. 2.3 CONDUCTORS A. Conductors shall be 98% conductivity copper, with 600 volt, 75°C temperature rating insulation, and shall be of types indicated below unless otherwise shown on the plans. Aluminum conductors shall not be used. B. Conductors #10 AWG and smaller, Type THWN, solid. C. Conductors #4 AWG through #8 AWG, Type THWN, stranded. D. Conductors #3 AWG and larger, Type THW, stranded. E. Branch circuit wiring located above lay in tile ceilings or fished in stud partitions and ceilings may be Type MC cable; multi-circuit home runs shall be raceway and wire as specified. F. Wire and cable for special systems shall be as specified in those specification sections. G. Wire and Cable to be by Cerro, Southwire, Triangle/PWC, or equal. 2.4 OUTLET AND JUNCTION BOXES A. Outlet boxes and covers shall be galvanized or sheradized pressed steel unless otherwise noted or required by the Massachusetts Electrical Code, and shall be as required for their use. B. Junction and outlet boxes, where exposed to weather and wet locations shall be of the cast aluminum, threaded hub type and provided with watertight screw-on cover and gasket. C. Outlet boxes shall be of sizes and types to accommodate: 1. structural conditions. 2. size and number of raceways and conductors or cables entering. 3. device of fixture for which required. D. Boxes occurring at plastered surfaces shall have a suitable plaster ring installed. E. Where multiple devices are located at one point, gang type boxes shall be used. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 7 F. Pull and junction boxes, whether surface or flush, shall be galvanized code gauge. G. Pull boxes and wireways shall be standard NEMA-1 enclosures with cover plates and screws, bonderized paint finished. H. Pull and splice boxes not indicated on the Drawings shall be provided as required by the Massachusetts Electrical Code. I. Outlet boxes and covers shall be as manufactured by Steel City electrical Company, General Electric Company, Raco, or approved equal. 2.5 NAMEPLATES A. Furnish and install nameplates identifying all apparatus, controls, panels and safety switches. The nameplates shall be Seton style 2060 engraved plastic, or equal, screw attached. Submit schedule of nameplate lettering for approval. 2.6 WIRING DEVICES A. The Electrical Contractor shall install devices where shown on the plans. Where two or more devices occur at one location, they shall be provided with a gang plate. All unused boxes to be furnished with blank plates. 1. Duplex Receptacles - 20 amp, 125 volt with grounding screw, side and back wired, shall be Leviton Cat. No. 5352I, or equal. 2. Ground fault interrupting receptacles shall be Leviton Cat. No. 6898HGI, or equal. 3. Weatherproof cover for receptacles shall be lockable, vertical, UL Listed, with Lexan base and lid, 4 screw attachment, Tay Mac Cat. No. 20350, or equal. 4. Duplex receptacles, isolated ground - 20 A, 125 V, side and back wired, Leviton Cat. No. 5362IG, or equal. 5. Light Switches, Single Pole - 20 amp, 120/277 volt, back and side wired, Leviton Cat. No. 12212, or equal. 6. Light Switches, 3 Way - 20 amp, 120/277 volt, back and side wired, Leviton Cat. No. 12232, or equal. 7. Light Switches, 4 Way - 20 amp, 120/277 volt, back and side wired, Leviton Cat. No. 12242, or equal. 8. Switch and Pilot Light - 20 amp, 120 volt, side and back wired, red handle, Leviton Cat. No. 1221PLR, or equal. 9. Double pole switch - 20 amp, 120/277 volt, back and side wired, Leviton Cat. No. 12222, or equal. 10. Key operated switches shall be of the same grade and rating as specified for toggle switches. 11. Power receptacles shall be flush type, of NEMA configuration shown, with matching cord and cap, Leviton, or equal, as follows: a. Type "50" - 50 amp, 125/250 volt, 3 pole, 4 wire, Leviton Cat. No. 279. 12. Wall type single pole Occupancy sensors to be Sensor Switch WSD-PDT-V with passive infrared detection and Microphonic detection or approved equal. Wall type shall be Sensor Switch WSD-PDT-SA-V where semi-automatic is specified. 13. Ceiling type, single control, single pole, line voltage Occupancy Sensors to be Sensor Switch CMR-PDT with passive infrared detection and Microphonic detection or approved equal. 14. Ceiling type, multiple location, low voltage Occupancy Sensors to be Sensor Switch CM-PDT with passive infrared detection and Microphonic detection or approved Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 8 equal. Power pack to be Sensor Switch PP-20 or approved equal. 15. Wall plates shall be smooth Type 302 satin finish stainless steel with matching screws. B. Receptacle devices installed and existing at the building shall be identified as to it’s panel and circuit number. The electrical contactor shall install 3/8” labeled tape on the cover plate of each receptacle outlet identifying it’s origin. Tape shall be equal to BrotherUSA (Ptouch) Extra Strength Laminated tape. The color shall be clear, or white, with black lettering. 2.7 LUMINAIRES A. Furnish and install luminaires on all light outlets shown on plans unless otherwise noted. All luminaires shall have label of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Luminaires shall be complete in all respects with all required glassware and lamps. All lamps shall be new. Furnish and install all required hardware to fit in all type ceilings. Luminaires shall be cleaned after lamps and diffusers are installed. Any chipped, cracked or otherwise defective material shall be replaced. B. Fluorescent ballasts shall be solid state electronic type. Luminaires with electronic ballasts shall be high power factor (greater than .9 pf), low harmonic (less than 10% THD), energy efficient, complete with automatic reset thermal protector, integral connectors for easy replacement and shall be UL listed. C. All luminaires shall be installed complete with lamps of the stated type and size; T8 & T5 lamps shall be 3500 K. D. All luminaires shall be independently supported from building structure. E. Luminaires are identified by letter on the fixture schedule and by corresponding letter on Drawings. Manufacturers' names and catalogue numbers are listed to show type and standard of quality. Complete schedule of luminaires shall be submitted to and approved by the Architect. 2.8 MOTOR STARTERS AND DISCONNECT SWITCHES A. Furnish and install motor starting, protecting, and controlling devices for motors where shown on the Drawings. B. Furnish and install heavy duty fused safety switches as indicated on plans and specifications. 1. All switches shall have switch blades which are fully visible in the OFF position with the door open. All current-carrying parts shall be plated to resist corrosion and promote cool operation. 2. Switches shall be quick-made and quick-break such that, during normal operation of the switch, the operation of the contacts shall not be capable of being restrained by the operating handle after the closing or opening action of the contacts has started. The handle and mechanism shall be an integral part of the box, not the cover, with positive pad-locking provisions in the "OFF" position. 3. Switches shall be furnished in NEMA 1 general purpose enclosures unless NEMA 3R (rainproof - WP) is specified on the plans. Enclosures shall have gray enamel, electro-deposited on cleaned phosphatized steel. 4. Switches shall be horsepower rated for 240 volts AC, as shown. 5. Fuses shall be as indicated on the Drawings. 6. Switches shall be Square D Heavy Duty type in NEMA 1 or NEMA 3R enclosures, or equal. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 9 C. Disconnect switches for 120 volt, single phase motors shall be single or double pole toggle switches as specified, unless shown otherwise on the Drawings. D. Motor starters shall be across-the-line magnetic type rated in accordance with NEMA Standards, sizes and horsepower ratings. Starters shall be mounted in general purpose enclosures unless otherwise indicated on the plans. 1. Across-the-line magnetic starters shall be equipped with double break silver alloy contacts. All contacts shall be replaceable without removing power wiring or removing starter from panel. 2. Coils shall be of molded construction, replaceable from the front without removing the starter from the panel. 3. Overload relays shall be the melting alloy type with a replaceable control circuit module. Thermal units shall be of one-piece construction and interchangeable. The starter shall be inoperative if the thermal unit is removed. a. All three phase magnetic starters shall have "Hand-Off-Auto" selector switch, Square D, Class 8536, Form C, three-pole, three-phase of NEMA size applicable, with three melting alloy overload relays and three-position H-O-A switch in cover of general purpose enclosure. b. All single phase magnetic starters shall be single pole magnetic contactor without overload protection, with "Hand-Off-Auto" selector switch in cover of general purpose enclosure, Square D, Class 8502. c. A control transformer shall be furnished and installed in each starter, fused, with 24 volt secondary. Starter coils shall be 24 volt. d. Furnish a minimum of one auxiliary contact in each starter for use by others for interlocking purposes. 4. Starters for two speed motors shall be for single winding or two winding as required for the service. E. Equivalent equipment by Cutler-Hammer, General Electric, or Westinghouse will be considered. 2.9 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM A. The building's internal telephone/data system service is existing, and will undergo minor modifications to accommodate the new telephone & data location layout as shown on the Drawings and directed by the Owner. B. Existing head end equipment, including fiber optic data and telephone equipment mounted on existing backboard in basement, shall be sealed off with plastic covering during construction to avoid dust intrusion as much as practicable. Equipment shall be dismounted from wall during construction and reinstalled into new data closet where shown on the drawings. New closet location does not require significant rewiring of equipment, but contractor shall route and secure existing and new conductors for a neat and workman like finish appearance. C. New tele/data outlet locations, where shown on Drawings, shall consist of standard size outlet box, and cover plates (smooth phenolic ivory), with 3 ports; (1) for data, (1) for telephone, and (1) for future expansion. D. The work in this Section shall be performed by a Contractor who has been pre-qualified by the College. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 The lighting vendor shall supply an exterior, climate-controlled power and controls box. The City will contract separately for a wireless service to this box. The contractor shall connect the appropriate devices within the box to the internet service for wireless use of the new lighting fixtures and devices. the new Control box located in the new Control box provided by the vendor Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 10 E. Work of this Section shall include the installation, termination, and testing of all data and telephone wiring from the outlets indicated on the Contract Drawings to the Basement Data/Telephone Room as indicated on the Drawings. F. Each Telephone/Data outlet drop shall consist of one (1) data and one (1) voice drop, run from each outlet location to the Head end equipment located in the Telephone/Data Closet. G. All data runs must be installed without cross-connects between wall jack and patch panel terminations in Telephone Room. H. Voice runs may be cross connected on 110 blocks. I. Data cabling shall be Category 6, unshielded twisted pair, (UTP), with a blue sheath as described in ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A 1. Solid copper, 24 AWG, 100 ohm balanced twisted-pair (UTP) Category 6 cables with four individually twisted-pairs, which meet or exceed the mechanical and transmission performance specifications in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1 up to 250 MHz. 2. Wall Plates and Connectors a. Single-gang faceplate with two openings containing the following devices: 1) Data Outlet - 8-pin modular, category 6, unkeyed, black, pinned to either T568 (A or B) standards. 2) Voice Outlet - 8-pin modular, category 3, unkeyed, ivory, pinned to either T568 (A or B) standards. J. Data Jack Modules 1. Eight position modules shall be used in all work areas and modular patch panels and shall meet the TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1 Category 6 standard. Modules shall be tested and approved for Category 6 ETL component compliance. The module termination to 4 pair 24 – 22 AWG 100 ohm solid unshielded twisted pair cable shall be accomplished by use of a forward motion termination cap and shall not require the use of a punchdown tool. All modules shall be 100% tested for NEXT performance. The termination cap shall be color coded for T568A and T568B wiring schemes. K. Installation of Data and Telephone Cabling 1. Install materials and equipment in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions to comply with governing regulations and industry standards applicable to the work and as shown on approved Shop Drawings. a. Contractor shall rigidly adhere to manufacturer's published specifications for pulling tension, minimum bend radii, and sidewall pressure when installing all cables. 2. Arrange and mount all equipment and materials in a manner acceptable to the Architect/Engineer and Owner. 3. Installation shall conform to the following basic guidelines: a. Use of approved wire, cable, and wiring devices. b. Neat and uncluttered wire termination. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 11 4. Provide fire stopping for electrical penetrations through fire rated floors, walls, and other partitions of building construction. 5. Where existing cables (outlets) are being relocated to an adjacent wall, Contractor shall cut off connector and pull cable to new outlet box location. Pull and label as specified. L. Testing of Data Cables 1. Every cabling link in the installation shall be tested in accordance with the field test specifications defined in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1 “Transmission Performance Specifications for 4-pair 100Ω Category 6 Cabling”. 2. The installed twisted-pair horizontal links shall be tested from the IDF in the telecommunications room to the telecommunication wall outlet in the work area against the “Permanent Link” performance limits specification as defined in the ANSI/TIA/EIA- 568-B.2-1 standard. 3. Any failing link must be diagnosed and corrected. The corrective action shall be followed with a new test to prove that the corrected link meets the performance requirements. M. Grounding 1. All equipment racks, housings, and raceways shall be grounded. 2. Data system shall contain a single point ground. All cabinets, racks, etc. shall be connected to a single point ground which, in turn, will be connected to the grounding systems conductors in that area. 3. Grounding shall conform to ANSI/TIA/EIA-607(A) - Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications, 2008 Massachusetts Electrical Code®, ANSI/NECA/BICSI-568 and manufacturer's grounding requirements as minimum. N. Labeling 1. Labeling shall conform to ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A standards. 2. Label each cable with permanent self-adhesive label with minimum, 1/8 in. high characters, in the following locations: a. Inside receptacle box at the work area. b. Behind the communication closet patch panel or punch block. 3. Use labels on face of data patch panels. Provide facility assignment records in a protective cover at each telecommunications closet location that is specific to the facilities terminated therein. 4. Use color-coded labels for each termination field that conforms to ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A standard color codes for termination blocks. 5. Labels shall be machine-printed. Hand-lettered labels shall not be acceptable. 6. Label cables, outlets, patch panels, and punch blocks with room number in which outlet is located, followed by a single letter suffix to indicate particular outlet within room, i.e., S2107A, S2107B. Indicate riser cables by an R then pair or cable number. O. ield Quality Control 1. Employ a Job Superintendent or Project Manager during the course of the installation to provide co-ordination of the work of the Division and of other trades and to provide technical information when requested by other trades. This person shall be responsible for all quality control during installation, equipment set-up and testing. P. General Co-ordination (Data and Telephone Wiring) Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 the new Control box provides by the vendor Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 12 1. Entire system shall conform completely with pertinent codes, laws, ordinances, regulations, standards, criteria, or other requirements, including, but not limited to, structural support, fire rating and health/safety requirements regarding all items. Such conformity shall have precedence over this Specification. 2. Secure equipment firmly in place, including boxes, conduit, and cables. Provide fastenings and supports adequate to support loads. 3. Install work neatly, with boxes, equipment, etc., plumb and square. Adjust layout as necessary to preserve symmetry and aesthetics. Install equipment to provide maximum safety to future operators. 4. Clearly, logically, and permanently mark connectors, jacks, cables, and cable terminations. Q. Wiring 1. Provide wire, conduits, and raceways according to standard broadcast practices. Do not exceed 30% fill in conduit. 2. Exercise care in wiring to avoid damage to cables and equipment. 3. Wiring shall not rest on ceiling material nor touch any heat sources. Conduits exposed to physical abuse shall be run in RSC, 3/4" minimum. 4. Install all data wire and cable. Ensure proper: a. Pulling tensions. b. Quantities. c. Types. d. Lengths. e. Routing. f. Wire group separation. g. Identification. h. Bend radius 5. Splicing of cables is not permitted between terminations at specified equipment. 6. Form, in a neat and orderly manner, all conductors in enclosures and boxes, wireways and wiring troughs, providing circuit and conductor identification. Tie as required using Velcro wraps of appropriate size and type. Limit spacing between ties to 1’, and provide circuit and conductor identification at least once in each enclosure. 7. Provide ample service loops at each termination so that plates, panels, and equipment can be unmounted for service and inspection. R. Acceptance Testing 1. Acceptance testing shall be performed by the Architect/Engineer and Owner during a period designated by the Owner. The period of time required for acceptance testing is two (2) working days. Contractor shall furnish a minimum of one (1) technician for the acceptance testing period. This area shall be completed with all furnishings ready for occupancy. 2. Make additional mechanical and electrical adjustments within the scope of the work and which are deemed necessary by the Architect or Owner as a result of the acceptance tests. S. System Documentation: 1. Prepare and submit four (4) copies of operation and maintenance manuals, neatly bound as outlined in this Specification. 2. Manual to include: Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 13 a. A system block diagram with all input/output terminations and patch points identified. b. A listing of the As-built cabling and components installed. c. A record of the test results. d. Formalized As-built Drawings indicating the physical cable plant, component and node locations. e. A topology diagram depicting the network configuration for Owner's reference when additions, changes, or modifications are made to the original design. T. Removal of Existing Communication lines. 1. The contractor shall remove telecommunication outlets from existing locations in area under demolition. 2. The contractor shall remove the entire home run from outlet location to the head end equipment where existing tele/data jacks are to be removed. 2.10 VIBRATION AND SEISMIC CONTROL A. It is the intent of the seismic portion of this Specification to keep all electrical building system components in place during a seismic event. B. All electrical equipment and conduit, as noted on the equipment schedule or in the Specification, shall be mounted on vibration isolators and with flexible connections to prevent the transmission of vibration and mechanically transmitted sound to the building structure. Vibration isolators shall be selected in accordance with the weight distribution so as to produce reasonably uniform deflections. C. All isolators and isolation materials shall be of the same manufacturer and shall be certified by the manufacturer. D. All such systems must be installed in strict accordance with seismic codes, component manufactures and building construction standards. Whenever a conflict occurs between the manufactures or construction standards, the most stringent shall apply. E. The Specification is considered to be minimum requirements for seismic consideration and is not intended as a substitute for legislated, more stringent, national, state or local construction requirements (i.e. California Title 24, California OSHPD, Canadian Building Codes, or other requirements). F. Any variance or non-compliance with these Specification requirements shall be corrected by the Contractor in an approved manner. G. Seismic restraints shall be designed in accordance with seismic force levels as detailed in Section H. H. The work in this Section includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Vibration isolation for equipment. 2. Seismic restraints for isolated equipment. 3. Seismic restraints for non-isolated equipment. 4. Certification of seismic restraint designs and installation supervision. 5. Certification of seismic attachment of housekeeping pads. 6. All electrical systems. Equipment buried underground is excluded but entry of services through the foundation wall is included. Equipment referred to below is typical. (Equipment not listed is still included in this Specification.) Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 14 7. Battery Packs 8. Generators 9. Bus Ducts 10. Light Fixtures 11. Cable Trays 12. Comp. Room Units 13. Switching Gear 14. Conduit 15. Transformers 16. Electrical Panels 17. Unit Substitutions I. Definitions 1. Life Safety Systems: a. All systems involved with fire protection including sprinkler piping, fire pumps, jockey pumps, fire pump control panels, service water supply piping, water tanks, fire dampers and smoke exhaust systems. b. All systems involved with and/or connected to emergency power supply including all generators, transfer switches, transformers and all flowpaths to fire protection and/or emergency lighting systems. c. All medical and life support systems. d. Fresh air relief systems on emergency control sequence including air handlers, conduit, duct, dampers, etc. e. All life safety equipment has an asterisk on the equipment schedule. 2. Positive Attachment: A positive attachment is defined as a cast-in-anchor, a drill- in wedge anchor, a double sided beam clamp loaded perpendicular to a beam, or a welded “C” type beam clamps for support rods of electrical conduit, bus duct, or cable trays, or any other equipment are not acceptable on this project as seismic anchor points. 3. Transverse Bracing: Restraint (s) applied to limit motion perpendicular to the centerline of the pipe, duct or conduit. 4. Longitudinal Bracing: Restraint (s) applied to limit motion parallel to the centerline of the pipe. J. Manufacturer’s Data: 1. The manufacturer of vibration isolation and seismic restraints shall provide submittals for products as follows: a. Descriptive Data: 1) Catalog cuts or data sheets on vibration isolators and specific restraints detailing compliance with the Specification. 2) Detailed schedules of flexible and rigidly mounted equipment, showing vibration isolators and seismic restraints by referencing numbered descriptive Drawings. K. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit fabrication details for equipment bases including dimensions, structural member sizes and support point locations. 2. Provide all details of suspension and support for ceiling hung equipment. 3. Where walls, floors, slabs, or supplementary steelwork are used for seismic restraint Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 15 locations, details of acceptable attachment methods for ducts, conduit and pipe must be included and approved before the condition is accepted for installation. Restraint manufacture’s submittals must include spacing, static loads and seismic loads at all attachment and support points. 4. Provide specific details of seismic restraints and anchors; include number, size and locations for each piece of equipment. L. Seismic Certification and Analysis: 1. Seismic restraint calculations must be provided for all connections of equipment to the structure. Calculations must be stamped by a registered professional engineer with at least five (5) years of seismic design experience, licensed in the state of the job location. 2. All restraining devices shall have a pre-approval number form California OSHPD or some other recognized government agency showing maximum restraint ratings. Pre- approvals based on independent testing are preferred pre-approvals based on calculations. Where pre-approved devices are not available, submittals based on independent testing are preferred. Calculations (including the combing of tensile and shear loading) to support seismic restraint designs must be stamped by a registered professional engineer with at least five (5) years of seismic design experience and licensed in the state of the job location. Testing and calculations must include both shear and tensile loads as well as one test or analysis at 45 degrees to the weakest mode. 3. Analysis must indicate calculated dead loads, static seismic loads and capacity of materials utilized for connections to equipment and structure. Analysis must detail anchoring methods, bolt diameter, emdbedment and/or welded length. All seismic restraint devices shall be designed to accept, without failure, the forces detailed in Section H acting through the equipment center of gravity. Overturning moments may exceed forces at ground level. M. Code and Standards Requirement: 1. Typical Applicable Codes and Standards – most recent or enforced code: a. Massachusetts State Building Code. b. BOCA Massachusetts Electrical Code. c. NFPA-13, 14, 20, and 90A. d. Massachusetts State Plumbing and Gas Code. e. Massachusetts Electrical Code. N. Manufacture’s Responsibility: 1. Manufacturer of vibration isolation and seismic control equipment shall have the following responsibilities: a. Determine vibration isolation and seismic restraint sizes and locations. b. Provide vibration isolation and seismic restraints as scheduled or specified. c. Provide calculations and materials if required for restraint of un-insolated equipment. d. Provide installation instructions, drawings and trained field supervision to insure proper installation and performance. 2. Related Work: a. Housekeeping Pads: Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 IBC Electrical Code Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 16 1) Housekeeping pad reinforcement and monolithic pad attachment to the structure details and design shall be prepared by the restraint vendor if not already indicated on the Drawings. 2) Housekeeping pads shall be coordinated with restraint vendor and sized to provide a minimum edge distance of ten (10) bolt diameters all around the outermost anchor bolt to allow development of full drill-in wedge anchor ratings. If cast-in anchors are to be used, the housekeeping pads shall be sized to accommodate the ACI requirements for bolt coverage and embedment. b. Supplementary Support Steel: Contractor shall supply supplementary support steel for all equipment, piping, ductwork, etc. including roof mounted equipment, as required or specified. c. Attachments: Contractor shall supply restraint attachments plates cast into housekeeping pads, concrete inserts, double sided beam clamps, etc. in accordance with the requirements of the vibration vendor’s calculations. O. Seismic Force Levels: 1. The following force levels will be used on this project. 2. Minimum “G” Forces Equal to or Exceeding Building Code Listed in E. Building Code “G” Force for all pipes, Duct & Conduit “G” Force for Rigidity Mounted Equipment “G” Force for Flexibility Mounted Equipment “G” Force For Life Safety Equipment Either Rigidity or Flexibility Mounted Zone UBC Horiz. Vert. * * Horiz. Vert. * * Horiz. Vert. * * Horiz. Vert. * * BOCA SBCCI .25 .08 0.4 0.15 0.15 0.6 0.2 P. Product Intent: 1. All vibration isolators and seismic restraints described in this section shall be the product of a single manufacturer. Mason Industry’s products are the basis of these Specifications; products of other manufacturers are acceptable provided their systems strictly comply with the Specifications and have the approval of the specifying engineer. Submittals and certification sheets shall be in accordance with Section D. 2. For the purposes of this project, failure is defined as the discontinuance of any attachment point between equipment or structure, vertical permanent deformation greater than 1/8 in. and/or horizontal permanent deformation greater than 1/4 in. Q. Product Description: Vibration Isolators and Seismic Restraints: 1. Two (2) layers of 3/4 in. thick neoprene pad consisting of 2 in. square waffle modules separated horizontally by a 16 gauge galvanized shim. Load distribution plates shall be used as required. Pads shall be Type Super “W” as manufactured by Mason Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 17 Industries, Inc. 2. Bridge-bearing neoprene mountings shall have a minimum static deflection of 0.2 in. and all directional seismic capability. The mount shall consist of a ductile iron casting containing two separated and opposing molded neoprene elements. The elements shall prevent the central threaded sleeve and attachment bolt from contacting the casting during normal operation. The shock absorbing neoprene materials shall be compounded to bridge-bearing Specifications. Mountings shall have an Anchorage Pre-approval “R” Number from OSHPD in the State of California verifying the maximum certified horizontal and vertical load ratings. Mountings shall be Type BR as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 3. Sheet metal panels shall be bolted to the walls or supporting structure by assemblies consisting of a neoprene bushing cushioned between 2 steel sleeves. The outer sleeve prevents the sheet metal from cutting into the neoprene. Enlarge panel holes as required. Neoprene elements pass over the bushing to cushion the back panel horizontally. A steel disc covers the inside neoprene element and the inner steel sleeve is elongated to act as a stop so tightening the anchor bolts does not interfere with panel isolation in three (3) planes. Bushing assemblies can be applied to the ends of steel cross members where applicable. All assemblies shall be Type PB as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 4. A one piece molded bridge bearing neoprene washer/bushing. The bushing shall surround the anchor bolt and have a flat face to avoid metal to metal contact. Neoprene bushings shall be Type HG as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 5. Spring isolators shall be free standing and laterally stable without any housing and complete with a molded neoprene cup or 1/4 in. neoprene acoustical friction pad between the baseplate and the support. All mountings shall have leveling bolts that must be rigidly bolted to the equipment. Spring diameters shall be no less than 0.8 if the compressed height of the spring at rated load. Springs shall have a minimum additional travel to solid equal to 50% of the rated deflection. Submittals shall include spring diameters, deflection, compressed spring height and solid spring height. Mountings shall be Type SLF as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 6. Restrained spring mountings shall have an SLF mounting as described in Specification 5, within a rigid housing that includes vertical limit stops to prevent spring extension when weight is removed. The housing shall serve as blocking during erection. A steel spacer shall be removed after adjustment. Installed and operating heights are equal. A minimum clearance of 1/2 in. shall be maintained around restraining bolts and between the housing and the spring so as not to interfere with the spring action. Limit stops shall be out of contact during normal operation. Since housings will be bolted or welded in position there must be an internal isolation pad. Housing shall be designed to resist all seismic forces. Mountings shall have Anchorage Pre-approval “R” Number from OSHPD in the state of California certifying the maximum certified horizontal and vertical load ratings. Mountings shall be SLR as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 7. Spring mountings as in Specification 5 built into a ductile iron or steel housing to provide all directional seismic snubbing. The snubber shall be adjustable vertically and allow a maximum if 1/4 in. travel in all directions before contacting the resilient snubbing collars. Mountings shall have an Anchorage Pre-approval “R” Number from OSHPD in the State of California verifying the maximum certified horizontal and vertical load ratings. Mountings shall be SSLFH as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 8. Air Springs shall be manufactured with upper and lower steel sections connected by a replaceable flexible nylon reinforced neoprene element. Air spring configuration shall be multiple bellows to achieve a maximum natural frequency of 3 Hz. Air Springs shall be designed for a burst pressure that is a minimum of three times the published maximum operating pressure. All air spring systems shall be connected to either the building control air or a supplementary air supply and equipped with three (3)-leveling valves to maintain leveling within plus or minus 1/8 in. Submittals shall include natural Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 18 frequency, load and damping tests performed by an independent lab or acoustician. Air Springs shall be Type MT and leveling valves Type LV as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 9. Restrained air spring mountings shall have an MT air spring as described in Specification 8, within a rigid housing that includes vertical limit stops to prevent air spring extension when weight is removed. The housing shall serve as blocking during erection. A steel spacer shall be removed after adjustment. Installed and operating heights are equal. A minimum clearance of 1.2 in. shall be maintained around restraining bolts and between the housing and the air spring action. Limit stops shall be out of contact during normal operation. Housing shall be designed to resist all seismic forces. Mountings shall be SLR-MT as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 10. Hangers shall consist of rigid steel frames containing minimum 1-1/4 in. thick neoprene elements at the top and a steel spring with general characteristics as in Specification 5 seated in a steel washer reinforced neoprene cup on the bottom. The neoprene element and the cup shall have neoprene bushings projecting through the steel box. To maintain stability the boxes shall not be articulated as clevis hangers nor the neoprene element stacked on top of the spring. Spring diameters and hanger box lower hole sizes shall be large enough to permit the hanger rod to swing through a 30 arc from side to side before contacting the rod bushing and short circuiting the spring. Submittals shall include a hanger Drawing showing the 30 capability. Hangers shall be Type 30N as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 11. Hangers shall be as described in 10, but they shall be precompressed and locked at the rated deflection by means of a resilient seismic upstop to keep the piping or equipment at a fixed elevation during installation. The hangers shall be designed with a release mechanism to free the spring after the installation is complete and the hanger is subjected to its full load. Deflection shall be clearly indicated by means of a scale. Submittals shall include a Drawing of the hanger showing the 30 degree capability. Hangers shall be Type PC30N as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 12. Seismic Cable Restraints shall consist of galvanized steel aircraft cables sized to resist seismic loads with a minimum safety factor of two (2) and arranged to provide all-directional restraint. Cable end connections shall be steel assemblies that swivel to final installation angle and utilize two (2) clamping bolts to provide proper cable engagement. Cables must not be allowed to bend across sharp edges. Cable assemblies shall have an Anchorage Pre-approval “R” Number from OSHPD in the State of California verifying the maximum certified load ratings. Cable assemblies shall be Type SCB at the ceiling and at the clevis bolt, SCBH between the hanger rod nut and the clevis or SCBV if clamped to a beam all as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. 13. Seismic solid braces shall consist of steel angles or channels to resist seismic loads with a minimum safety factor of 2 and arranged to provide all directional restraint. Seismic solid brace end connectors shall be steel assemblies that swivel to the final installation angle and utilize two through bolts to provide proper attachment. Seismic solid brace assembly shall have anchorage pre-approval “R” Number from OSHPD in the state of California verifying the maximum certified load ratings. Solid seismic brace assemblies shall be Type SSB as manufactured by Mason Industries, Inc. a. Stud wedge anchors shall be manufactured from full diameter wire, not from undersized wire that is “rolled up” to create the thread. The stud anchor shall also have a safety shoulder, which fully supports the wedge ring under load. The stud anchors shall have an evaluation report number from the I.C.B.O Evaluation Service, Inc. verifying its allowable loads. Drill-in stud wedge anchors shall be type SAS as manufactured by Mason Industries or equal. b. Female wedge anchors are preferred in floor locations so isolators or equipment can be slid into place after the anchors are installed. Anchors shall be manufactured from full diameter wire, and shall have a safety Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 19 shoulder to fully support the wedge ring under load. Female wedge anchors shall have an evaluation report number from the I.C.B.O Evaluation Service, Inc. verifying to its allowable loads. Drill-in female wedge anchors shall be type SAB as manufactured by Mason Industries or equal. c. Housekeeping pad anchors shall consist of a ductile iron casting that is tapered and hexagonal, smaller at its base than at its top. The upper portion shall have holes for rebar to pass through. The anchor shall be continuously threaded from top to bottom for the attachment of soleplates. Housekeeping pad anchors shall be attached to the structural slab using a stud wedge anchor. Housekeeping pad anchors shall be type HPA and stud wedge anchor shall be type SAS both as manufactured by Mason Industries or equal. Luminaires: a) Luminaires and supports shall conform to the Standard for Safety UL-57. b) Provide a lateral bracing system. c) Luminaire supports will employ materials, which are suitable for the purpose. d) Loop and hook or swivel hanger assemblies for pendant luminaires shall be filled with a restraining device to hold the stem in the support position during earthquake motions. e) Pendant supported fluorescent luminaires shall also be provided with a flexible hanger device at the attachment to the fixture channel to preclude breaking of the support. The motion of swivels or hinged joints shall not cause sharp bends in conductors or damage to insulation. f) Each recessed fluorescent individual or continuous row of luminaires shall be supported by a seismic resistant suspended ceiling support system, and shall be fastened thereto at each corner of the luminaire; or shall be provided with luminaire support wired attached to the building structural members using two wires for individual luminaires and one wire per unit of continuous row luminaires. These support wires (min. No. 12 ga wire) will be capable of supporting four times the support load. g) A supporting assembly, which is intended to be mounted on an outlet box, will be designed to accommodate mounting features on four-inch boxes, three inch plaster rings, and fixture studs. h) Each surface mounted fluorescent individual or continuous row of luminaires shall be attached to a seismic resistant ceiling support system. Luminaire support devices shall be locking type scissor clamp, or a full loop band, which will securely attach to the ceiling support. i) Luminaires attached to the underside of a structural slab shall be properly anchored to the slab at each corner of the fixture. j) Each wall mounted emergency light unit shall be secured in a manner to hold the unit in place during a seismic disturbance. k) Suspension systems for luminaires that are free to swing a minimum of 45 from the vertical in all directions are acceptable if a passing shaking table test approved by the using agency is conducted and will withstand without failure a force of not less than four times its own weight. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 20 PART III - INSTALLATION 3.1 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. The Electrical Contractor shall endeavor to layout and perform his work in such a manner as to cause no delay in the construction by other trades. B. The Electrical Contractor shall verify all measurements and shall be responsible for the correctness of same. No allowance will be made for differences between actual measurements and those shown on plans. C. If, in laying out his work, the Electrical Contractor finds that the work of other trades might interfere with his, the Architect shall be notified. D. The locations of outlets, apparatus, and equipment are approximate only and the runs of feeders, mains, and branches are not necessarily to be made exactly as shown on the plans. The exact locations of such work shall be determined after full consideration has been given to work of other trades and without changes in the design of the systems. The entire installation shall conform to the latest issue of the Massachusetts Electrical Code and local inspection authorities. E. Electrical equipment, such as junction and pull boxes, control, and apparatus, shall be made accessible. F. All wiring shall be concealed in finished spaces, except as otherwise specified. 3.2 GROUNDING A. Except where specifically indicated otherwise, all exposed non-current carrying metallic parts of electrical equipment, metallic raceway systems, grounding conductor in non-metallic raceways and neutral conductor of the wiring system shall be grounded. The ground connection shall be made at the main service equipment. B. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install all material required for the grounding and/or bonding in the building of all equipment, power and lighting systems installed under this Contract. C. The Electrical Contractor shall make tight and proper all metallic components and equipment to one another and to ground, using a positive foolproof system of connections. Provide and install bonding and grounding conductors with approved termination where required, conforming with the latest Massachusetts Electrical Code and other applicable specification standards. D. A #12 AWG insulated equipment ground conductor shall be installed in each length of flexible metallic conduit connection to motors, recessed lighting fixtures and other equipment components for continuity. Positive ground connections with the ground wire shall be made at each outlet box, lighting fixture, motor and other equipment components by means of positively secured ground clamp in each. 3.3 CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. All conduit shall be installed so as to provide the straightest possible run with not more than the equivalent of three 90o bends in a single run. Where more bends are necessary, the Electrical Contractor shall provide suitable pull boxes. B. Conduit shall be fished and cleaned and dry before pulling wires and shall be suitably protected against entrance of dirt and moisture during construction. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 21 C. Ends of all conduits shall be reamed and all joints made waterproof. Connections to junction boxes shall be double locknut and bushing, using insulated bushings on conduit 1-1/4" or larger. Grounding bushings shall be provided at all panel connections. D. Conduit connections to motor frames shall have minimum of 18" of flexible steel conduit to eliminate vibrations and noise being transferred to other parts of the building, with cable jumper across greenfield and fittings. This flexible conduit shall also be installed at ceiling mounted lighting fixtures to facilitate alignment of fixtures. 3.4 OUTLET AND JUNCTION BOXES A. Receptacle boxes, unless otherwise noted, shall be approximately 18" above finished floor, aligned above or below closest block course, except at locations where wall mounted equipment precludes this mounting height. At such locations, receptacle height shall be as directed by the Architect. Switch outlets shall be 48" above finished floor, unless aligned above or below closest block course. The Electrical Contractor shall check with the Architectural and Structural Plans for interferences. B. Junction and outlet boxes, where exposed to the weather and wet locations, shall be of the threaded hub type and provided with watertight screw-on cover and gasket. C. Pull boxes shall be adequate size to accommodate the conductors installed therein without excessive bending of the conductors, which would damage the conductor insulation. D. All outlet boxes installed in masonry shall be so set that their outer edges are 1/4" back of finished surface. E. Outlet boxes shall not be supported by the conduit. Suitable means shall be provided to support the outlet box to take the weight of the fixture. F. Fixture outlet boxes used as junction boxes or outlets not used, shall be provided with covers. 3.5 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION A. All equipment furnished under this Section shall be installed in accordance with its manufacturer's printed installation instructions, whether so shown on the Drawings or not, and all labor and materials required to accomplish this shall be furnished by the Electrical Contractor and be included in his bid. 3.6 TESTING A. Balancing Loads: 1. Circuits shall be connected to the panelboards so that the total load is distributed equally between each line and neutral to within ten percent. Branch circuits shall be balanced on their own panelboards, and feeder loads balanced on the main distribution panel. Reasonable load testing shall be arranged for verification if requested by the College. 3.7 FIRE SAFING A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work including, but not limited to the following: 1. Fire safing at all penetrations through fire barriers. 2. Fire safing at all penetrations through smoke barriers. Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Renovations to ISSUED FOR BIDDING ##/##/2013 Entry and Lobby Smith College Conference Center Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts ELECTRICAL 261000 - 22 3. Extent of fire and smoke barriers as indicated on the Architectural Drawings. 4. Fire safing at all penetrations through floors, shafts, corridor walls, stairway walls, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms, vaults, storage rooms, kitchen, machine rooms, outdoor storage rooms, and receiving rooms. B. Safing Insulation 1. Fire safing insulation shall be Thermafiber as manufactured by USG Interiors, Inc. or Architect-Engineer approved equal, 4" minimum thickness by the required full length and width, or as indicated on the Drawings. 2. Provide incidental galvanized steel clip anchors. C. Seal Compound: At "poke-through" openings, apply "Firecode" seal compound as manufactured by USG Interiors, Inc., or approved equal, over Thermafiber fire safing. D. Preparation 1. At all fire rated assemblies, prepare all penetrations for pipes. E. Application 1. Install approved fire safing insulation of proper size leaving no voids. Compress and friction fit fire safing and use attachment clips where necessary. 2. Seal completely around all openings and over the fire safing insulation with sealing compound. END OF SECTION Downtown Bridge Lighting The City of Northampton Thomas Douglas Architects Issued for bid: October 2021 Quote # NOHOCK - NOTHAMPTON - DOWNTOWN BRIDGE LIGHTING Date: 9/24/2021 Page 1 Page 1 of 2 To:Job/Project Name: NOTHAMPTON - DOWNTOWN BRIDGE LIGHTING NORTHAMPTON, MA Remarks: ALL LAMPS & SPARES BY OTHERS UNLESS NOTED. Qty Type Mfg Description Price **PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE** 16 P3 COLO 101-000077-04 - TRANSLUCENT DOME LENS, BLACK HOUSING, 4-IN O.C. 16 P3 COLO 999-000082-XXX - 150FT LEADER CABLE FOR USE WITH CM-150 CA, FOUR-WIRE, IP66 8 P3 COLO 109-000034-00 - CM-150 CA, SURFACE MOUNT, FOUR- WIRE TERMINAL, 24V, IP66 8 P3 COLO 309-000014-01 - POWER SUPPLY, 320W 24V, 100-277V, IP67, UL, CE, PSE 75 P3 COLO 101-000057-01 - 4FT MOUNTING TRACK, BLACK 18 P3 COLO 101-000061-00 - FLEX SPACERS, QTY 50, 102 MM (4 IN), BLACK 2 CTRL COLO 120-000084-01 - 8-PORT POE SWITCH 1 CTRL COLO 103-000029-01 - LANDMARK GATEWAY 2 CTRL COLO 103-000202-00 - PHAROS LPC4 1 CTRL COLO POWER SUPPLY/CONTROLS ENCLOSURE - P/N TBD SUBTOTAL $61,907.00 **TRAIN BRIDGE** 14 P1 COLO 423-000004-24 - RGBW, 8° NATIVE (NO SPREAD LENS), BLACK, ARCH-MOUNT 14 P1 COLO 120-000189-13 - BURST POWERCORE GEN2 SPREAD LENS, 40° 14 P1 COLO 120-000189-29 - BURST POWERCORE GEN2 FULL GLARE SHIELD, BLACK 14 P1 COLO 106-000011-30 - WIRING COMPARTMENT, 4 IN DIAMETER, BLACK, UL 6 P2 COLO 423-000001-17 - COLORGRAZE RGBW, 15° X 30° BEAM ANGLE, 4 FT 6 P2 COLO 120-000202-03 - LOUVER/BAFFLE, 4FT, BLACK 2 P2 COLO 108-000055-00 - 50FT LEADER CABLE 4 P2 COLO 108-000057-12 - 20FT JUMPER CABLE 2 P1/P2 COLO 106-000004-00 - DATA ENABLER PRO SUBTOTAL $33,636.00 **CONTRACTOR NET PRICING** **THIS QUOTE DOES NOT INCLUDE LABOR TO INSTALL THE LIGHTING** **DATA CABLING AND LOW / LINE SUPPLY VOLTAGE CONDUCTORS NOT INCLUDED** Quote # NOHOCK - NOTHAMPTON - DOWNTOWN BRIDGE LIGHTING Date: 9/24/2021 Page 2 Page 2 of 2 **START-UP AND COMMISSIONING BY APEX LIGHTING SOLUTIONS IS INCLUDED** Qty Type Mfg Description Price Subject to the following conditions: 1.) Quotes are currently valid for 30 calendar days starting from the date on quote. 2.) For all Philips Lighting North America purchase orders (this includes Chloride, Color Kinetics, Daybrite, Gardco, Hadco, Ledalite, Lightolier, Lumec, Optimum & Stonco) placed that are $1,000.00 or less, there will be a $100.00 handling/processing fee added. There will also be freight added above & beyond this handling/processing fee. If we are provided with a 3rd party parcel carrier account number (UPS or Fed-X) at the time the order is placed to bill the freight to, the $100.00 handling/processing fee will be waived. 3.) Philips will apply a $55 surcharge on orders that are requested to be shipped the same day as the order was placed. 4.) All Manufacturers are plus freight unless otherwise noted. 5.) Pricing only valid if manufacturer's credit terms are met. 6.) Freight allowed orders ship standard carrier, no lift gate trucks. 7.) No lamps or mounting hardware are included unless otherwise stated. 8.) No spares or maintenance stock are included unless otherwise stated. 9.) All quotations are subject to approval. 10.) Quotation is void if changed. 11.) Subject to manufacturer's published terms and conditions of sale. 12.) 3G, Affineon, Edge,Interlux, Meteor, Pure, Specialty, Visual Lighting Tech, Zaneen, Wagner & Wayne Tyler require a 50% deposit and may require balance due prior to shipment. 13.) Custom and non-standard products may require a deposit and payment in full prior to shipment. 14.) Apex quote number must be referenced on your purchase order. 15.) Released Project Orders require current PO and approved submittals. 16.) All UPS, FedEx and DHL shipments will not have a 24hr call before. 17.) Standard Factory Warranties apply unless otherwise noted. 18.) Crestron, Douglas, Signify and all other control manufacturers cabling not included. Available on a per ft cost per request. 19.) O&M Manuals and assemblence thereof is the responsibility of the electrical distributor in the event that the contractor requests O&Ms for record purposes or per contract documents. 20.) Certified Test Reports are not included in the above cost. Any requirements for certification or engineering stamps on material certifications will result in additional fees. 21.) Inverter batteries must be energized within 90 days of receipt or battery warranty is voided. 22.) Anchor bolts can be pre shipped; freight will be charged. 23.) All of these manufacturers are plus freight, regardless of order size; 3G, Altman, Delux, Ecofit, EMS, Emerge, Functional Devices, i2 Systems, Lumenart, Lumetta, Meteor, Modular, MP, Nippo, Performance, Semper Fi, Structura, Teka, Tegan, Visual Lighting Tech, Wagner, Waldmann, Wayne Tyler. 24.) Mock-up or sample fixtures are not included in this quotation unless stated that they are included. Printed: 09/24/21 13:31:25 Per: Dan Carnevale Email: dcarnevale@apexltg.com