Northampton CPA Decision Guidelines.pdfNorthampton CPA Decision Guidelines 1
Decision Guidelines for Northampton CPA Projects
This list is not exhaustive or prescriptive, but is intended to guide applicants and the Committee in factors
that may be considered in evaluating projects for possible recommendation
General Criteria for all Projects
Serves more than one CPA program area
Contributes to the preservation of Northampton’s unique character, boosts the vitality of the
community, and enhances the quality of life for its residents
is consistent with city-wide planning efforts that have received broad-based scrutiny and input
Demonstrates wide community support
Serves a significant number of residents
Saves resources that would otherwise be threatened
Serves under-served populations
Places high value on sustainable, ecologically responsible, energy-conserving structures,
locations, and materials; demonstrates that the project minimizes the ecological footprint
Receives endorsement by community groups, municipal departments, relevant Boards and
Commissions, and City residents
Leverages additional public and/or private funds, or demonstrates that other funding sources
are not readily available or sufficient
Demonstrates a high benefit/cost value
Can be implemented expeditiously and within budget
Advances a public purpose and provides public benefit
Open Space
Permanently protects important, unique or threatened plants, animals, habitat or corridors,
including areas that are of significance for biodiversity
Preserve Northampton’s rural and agricultural character, scenic views and community character
defining views
Provides opportunities for passive recreation and environmental education
Provide connections with existing non-motorized multi-use trails or potential trail linkages
Preserve valuable surface water resources, including rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands,
buffer zones, vernal pools and riparian zones
Protects aquifer recharge areas and drinking water quality and quantity
Provides climate change mitigation opportunities such as flood control/storage and nature-
based design, restoration of disturbed areas, carbon sequestration, and preservation of resilient
Preserves large strategic tracts of undeveloped land and parcels adjacent to existing
permanently protected open space
Provides open space opportunities in urban neighborhoods and near environmental justice
Protects farmland and rich agricultural soils or restores former farmland that that has been
allowed to lie fallow
Northampton CPA Decision Guidelines 2
Supports multiple active and passive recreation uses
Expand the range of recreational opportunities available to Northampton residents of all ages
Enhances the appreciation of the natural world and its conservation
Contributes to the positive health status of citizens
Benefits conservation and recreation initiatives
Maximizes the utility of land already owned by the City
Promotes the creative use of former railway, waterways and other corridors, including
connecting corridors, to create safe and healthful non-motorized transportation and exercise
Restores or rehabilitates existing facilities or lands to serve their intended purpose.
Incorporates environmentally friendly design and long-term maintenance
Creates or preserve community housing – both rental and home ownership, with a focus that
matches community needs for households
Promotes and encourages use by diverse populations
Provides housing that is harmonious in design and scale with the surrounding community
Intermingle affordable and market rate housing
Ensures long-term affordability of 30 years or more
Promotes the use of existing buildings or construction on previously-developed or City-owned
Gives priority to Northampton residents and employees, consistent with fair housing.
Provides the City credit for units under M.G.L. Chapter 40B
Provides housing that incorporates supportive services for those in need of services, including
the homeless and persons with disabilities.
Is LEED or Energy Star certified, complies with energy stretch code, and has a very low HERS
rating, and is fossil fuel free, or meets City energy and sustainability performance standards for
affordable housing projects with significant city funding
Enhances nonprofit capacity for providing housing and related services
Provides mixed-use development opportunities
Provides housing in locations that promote walking, biking, and use of public transportation,
and discourage single-occupancy vehicle trips
Provides housing for households with incomes below 80% of area median, and based on
community need give special consideration for funding to projects which restrict at least some
units to even lower income households including households with incomes below 50% or 30% of
area median.
Is accessible to people with disabilities or is visitable for people with disabilities
Northampton CPA Decision Guidelines 3
Protects, preserves, enhances, restores and/or rehabilitate a properties, feature or resource of
historical significance
Owners have ability to maintain the historic resource over the long term.
Includes granting of a permanent historic preservation restriction or other preservation
Is architecturally significant
Has been maintained in an historically appropriate manner, and there are plans and capabilities
for continued maintenance into the future
Is listed on the National Register of Historic Places or within a National Register Historic District
or a Local Historic District or has been determined significant by the Historical Commission
Work proposed is consistent with historic nature of the building or site
proposed work covers essential and important features of the property
Consistent with findings and recommendations of an historic structures report
Related to public service or community oriented activities
Public will have access to the building or landscape
Furthers recommendations of an historic structures report