2003.03.17 Letter to Spear Management
Diane Andes June 17, 2003
Spear Management Group
319 Southbridge Street Suite 3
Auburn, MA 01501
Dear Diane:
At the meeting of the Trustees of the Northampton Affordable Trust Fund held yesterday, the following decisions were made.
The agreement states that the Springfield SMSA will be used (1A. the Northampton area is in the Springfield SMSA). All operations shall continue to be based on the income figures generated
for that geographic area, as opposed to the Hampshire County SMSA.
The 80% income level category will not be eliminated.
Income recertification should take place for the 80% income level families annually/ if families are reluctant to provide the information, they will then be considered market rate tenants
and the next unit available should be marketed to other level families accordingly
We would still like to see the information requested at the last meeting, regarding the income levels of the 15 Trust Fund families, to judge the degree of hardship that may occur with
their recertification. With this information, the Trustees can consider whether to use Trust Fund resources to further assist these families. The Housing Authority has been contacted
with regard to improving turn-around time for certifications and requisitions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 587-1288. Thank you for your cooperation.
Margaret Keller
Housing Planner
Cc/ Gerard Hughes, Spear Management