421 N Main Street Post Closure Landfill Monitoring & Maintenance 6-2021Mabbett 0 POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs MassDEP - DSWM File #11-214-008 FMF #131329 VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System 421 North Main Street Leeds, MA 01053 Mabbett Project No. R2020018.001 June 22, 2021 Prepared for: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System 421 North Main Street Leeds, Massachusetts 01053-9764 Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 105 Central Street, Suite 4100 Stoneham, MA 02180-1253 T: 781-275-6050 Massachusetts I Virginia I Rhode Island New York Q 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 0 www.mabbett.com POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring and Maintenance Report associated with the Veterans Affairs (VA) Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System (CWM HCS) located at 421 North Main Street in Leeds, MA, has been prepared by Mabbett & Associates, Inc. (Mabbett") under Contract No. 36C241 -20-P-0636, Modification No. P00001 for the sole and exclusive use of VA. Assessment and field operations associated with this program have been conducted under the permit requirements as specified in MassDEP's Closure Certification Approval Letter dated September 12, 2011(DSWM File #11-214.008) for Facility Number #131329. Field efforts were completed in accordance with the applicable MassDEP regulations and guidance documents. The professional opinions and findings presented in this report are based on the facts and information conveyed to, or observed, by Mabbett during the planning, implementation, and reporting components of this project. Any use or reliance upon information provided in this report, without the specific written authorization of the VA and Mabbett shall be at the User's sole risk. Should further environmental or other relevant information be developed at a later date, the VA should bring such information to the attention of Mabbett as soon as possible. Based upon an evaluation, Mabbett may modify this Report and its conclusions. Prepared by: Cassid Y Digitally signed by Cassidy Way Way Date: 2021.06.22 10:10:19 -04'00' Cassidy Way Project Environmental Scientist Reviewed by: Digitally signed by Stephen Vetere Date: 2021.06.22 14:26:11-04'00' Stephen A. Vetere, PE, LSP, LEP Vice President of Operations iJ A] D 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. ii June 22, 2021 Project No. 92020018.001 5:\ADMINA\2020018 VA CWM\001\2021 Past -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx r A, TABLES 3-1 Summary of Field Parameters Measured Prior to Sample Collection 3-2 Summary of Groundwater Stabilization Parameters (In -Text) 4-1 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Leachate Analytical Data—Total and Dissolved Metals 4-2 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Leachate Analytical Data —VOCs 4-3 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Leachate Analytical Data — SVOCs 4-4 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Leachate Analytical Data — Pesticides and Conventional Chemistry Parameters FIGURES 1-1 Site Locus Map 1-2 Site Map ADocn1nhrrCC APPENDIX A POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT APPENDIX B U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA APPENDIX C TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Site Location and Environmental Setting...................................................................................................1 1.2 Site History .................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Purpose and Scope.....................................................................................................................................2 2.0 LANDFILL INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE............................................................................................ 3 2.1 Maintenance Program................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Third Party Inspection................................................................................................................................3 3.0 ANNUAL SAMPLING................................................................................................................................. 4 3.1 Groundwater Sampling Activities...............................................................................................................5 3.2 Surface Water Sampling Activities.............................................................................................................6 3.3 Leachate Sampling Activities......................................................................................................................6 4.0 SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS.......................................................................................................7 4.1 Dissolved Metals.........................................................................................................................................7 4.2 Total Metals................................................................................................................................................7 4.3 VOCs...........................................................................................................................................................7 4.4 SVOCs..........................................................................................................................................................8 4.5 Pesticides....................................................................................................................................................8 4.6 Conventional Water Chemistry Parameters...............................................................................................8 5.0 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................................... 9 TABLES 3-1 Summary of Field Parameters Measured Prior to Sample Collection 3-2 Summary of Groundwater Stabilization Parameters (In -Text) 4-1 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Leachate Analytical Data—Total and Dissolved Metals 4-2 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Leachate Analytical Data —VOCs 4-3 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Leachate Analytical Data — SVOCs 4-4 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Leachate Analytical Data — Pesticides and Conventional Chemistry Parameters FIGURES 1-1 Site Locus Map 1-2 Site Map ADocn1nhrrCC APPENDIX A Historical Landfill Monitoring Results APPENDIX B Third Party Inspection Report APPENDIX C Photo Documentation Log APPENDIX D Sampling Field Sheets APPENDIX E Laboratory Analytical Report APPENDIX F MassDEP Email Correspondence D 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. Project No. R2020018.001 iii June 22, 2021 5:\ADMINA\2020018 VA CWM\001\2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill ( Leeds, MA A&IK#1;r_T41iT_9 ► XTAM ACM Asbestos Containing Material Alpha Alpha Analytical Laboratories CAD Corrective Action Design COC Contaminant of Concern COD Chemical Oxygen Demand CSA Comprehensive Site Assessment CWM HCS Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System C&D Construction and Demolition DO Dissolved Oxygen EIP Electronic Interface Probe EPA Environmental Protection Agency GCL Geosynthetic Clay Liner GW Groundwater ISA Initial Site Assessment MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection MCLS Federal Maximum Contaminant Levels mg/L Milligrams per Liter MMCLs Massachusetts Maximum Contaminant Levels MCP Massachusetts Contingency Plan NAPL Non -Aqueous Phase Liquid NRFALC National Recommended Freshwater Aquatic Life Criteria ORP Oxidation Reduction Potential ORSG Office of Research and Standards Guidelines SC Specific Conductivity SMCLs Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels SVOC Semi -Volatile Organic Compound SW Surface Water TPI Third -Party Inspector UCLs Upper Concentration Limits VA Department of Veterans Affairs VOC Volatile Organic Compound ® 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. iv lune 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 S:\ADMINA\2020018 VA CWM\001\2021 Post -Closure landfill Monitoring Report.doa K K X POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA C 1.0 INTRODUCTION This 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring and Maintenance Report (Post -Closure Report) has been prepared by Mabbett & Associates, Inc. (MabbettO) on behalf of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System (CWM HCS) located in Leeds, Massachusetts (the "Site") under Contract No. 36C241 -20-P-0636, Modification No. P00001. The Post -Closure Report provides a summary of the annual environmental monitoring and the maintenance inspection completed at the Site landfill on May 4, 2021. Assessment and field operations associated with this program have been conducted in accordance with the permit requirements specified in the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Closure Certification Approval Letter for the landfill dated September 12, 2011 (DSWM File #11-214-008) for Facility Number #131329. 1.1 Site Location and Environmental Setting The landfill covers a 3.54 -acre portion of a larger 9.648 -acre parcel delineated on the Site Plan recorded at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds (Plan Book 200, Page 108). The larger parcel is owned by the City of Northampton and is the location of the Smith Vocational and Agricultural School in Northampton, Massachusetts. The Site is accessible through the adjacent VA CWM HCS at 421 North Main Street in Leeds, Hampshire County, Massachusetts. Figure 1-1 shows the landfill location, the boundary of the City of Northampton parcel, and the location of the VA hospital property. The approximate latitude and longitude of the central portion of the landfill are 42'21'09" N and 72'41'17" W. A Site Map illustrating the layout of the landfill and the groundwater, surface water, and leachate monitoring locations is presented on Figure 1-2. The topography of the Site is established by the landfill, with the highest elevations observed at the top of slope along the northeast/southwest trending landfill. The topography slopes gently from northeast to southwest from the top of the landfill. A steeper slope exists at the southeast edge of the landfill, where the topography drops down into a wetland area adjacent to a forested area south of the Site. An intermittent stream borders the landfill to the north and drainage swales run along the eastern and western perimeters of the landfill toward the south, where two retention basins are present adjacent to the Site entrance to collect stormwater runoff. Based on data collected from previous Site reporting, the groundwater flow direction follows the gentle slope of the topography and appears to be toward the southwest. 1.2 Site History The landfill was primarily used for the disposal of construction and demolition (C&D) waste and was owned and operated by the VA CWM HCS from the 1920s to the 1970s. On February 12, 2003, MassDEP issued a permit approving the Initial Site Assessment (ISA) for the landfill and required completion of a Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0318 in order to delineate the extent of waste areas. CSA activities included the advancement of soil borings and construction of six groundwater monitoring wells, excavation of twenty-five (25) test pits, and the removal of one 55 -gallon drum and its spilled materials. Subsequent investigative activities identified asbestos containing material (ACM) on the surface of the landfill. On February 24, 2005, MassDEP approved the CSA Report. A subsequent Qualitative Risk Assessment/Method 3 Risk Characterization identified soil as the primary exposure pathway, but concluded that a condition of No Significant Risk to Human Health or the Environment existed and a Condition of No Significant Risk to Safety would exist following the installation of the landfill cap. Accordingly, in an effort to close the landfill in accordance with the Massachusetts Solid Waste Management Regulations (310 CMR 19.000), on May 12, 2008 the MassDEP issued a permit to the VA approving the Corrective Action Design (CAD) in accordance with 310 CMR 19.011, 19.106, and 19.130(31)(c). The approximately 3.5 -acre landfill was capped in 2010 with a final cover system consisting of the following components: ® 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 1 June 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 SAADMINA\2020018 VA CWM\001\2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM MCS Landfill I Leeds, MA 12 -inch vegetative support layer ■ 12 -inch sand and geocomposite drainage layer ■ Geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) • 6 -inch gas venting/bedding layer • Minimum 6 -inch subgrade layer over existing waste and cover Wetland restoration activities were conducted in conjunction with the landfill capping activities. Approximately 14,250 square feet of wetland restoration was conducted during construction activities. In 2011, the MassDEP accepted the "Landfill Closure Certification Report" and subsequently issued a Closure Certification Approval/Determination as well as a letter of compliance certifying that the landfill had received final cover in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Historical post -closure analytical results for metals and indicator parameters from the three most recent monitoring events performed prior to 2021 are presented in Appendix A. 1.3 Purpose and Scope The landfill was closed by the VA in 2011 with appropriate approvals from the MassDEP. Upon acceptance of the "Landfill Closure Certification Report" for the VA landfill, the MassDEP issued a Closure Certification Approval/Determination and letter of compliance certifying that the landfill has received final cover in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. The letter serves as a permit pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 111 Sections 150A and 150A1/2 and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 310 CMR 16.000 and 310 CMR 19.000. In accordance with the MassDEP permit's Site -Specific Conditions, Mabbett prepared this 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring and Maintenance Report. The purpose of the post -closure monitoring and maintenance �..J activities is to monitor for the potential presence and migration of contaminants in groundwater, surface water, and leachate (if present), and to ensure the long-term structural integrity of the landfill cap and associated drainage, security, and access structures. Annual groundwater characterization is required pursuant to MGL Chapter 111, Section 150A and 310 CMR 19.000 to ensure public health and safety K 0 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 2 June 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 S:\ADMINA\2020018 VA CWM100112021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA 2.0 LANDFILL INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 Maintenance Program In addition to posting and maintaining clearly visible "No Trespassing" signs at all access locations (Section A), the Site -Specific Conditions of MassDEP Landfill Permit 9-12-2011 stipulate that the following activities be performed as part of the maintenance program for all areas of the landfill: a) Cutting vegetation over all phases of the landfill at least once per year to prevent the establishment of deep-rooted vegetation. b) Monitoring of leachate seeps. c) Monthly inspections for settlement and erosion. d) Monitoring of swales, culverts, and basins for erosion, soil build-up and periodic cleaning, as necessary. e) Confirming that the landfill gate is locked. f) Viewing monitoring wells and confirming that locks are in place. g) Repairs are made as required. Additionally, the Landfill Permit stipulates that the VA shall have its employees perform monthly inspections of the landfill. A logbook shall be maintained summarizing the time and findings of each inspection. At a minimum, the monthly inspection shall address the items in the maintenance program above. Accordingly, at the time of the Site reconnaissance, the VA provided, and Mabbett reviewed, a monthly inspection log prepared by VA personnel documenting the performance of monthly landfill inspections throughout the time period covered by this report. 2.2 Third Party Inspection In accordance with 310 CMR 19.143, Mr. Stephen Vetere of Mabbett, registered MassDEP Third -Party Inspector (TPI), performed the required Site reconnaissance for a TPI at the VA CWM HCS landfill. The purpose of the visit was to confirm that the VA was maintaining, caring for, and monitoring the Site during post -closure period in order to document the integrity of the closure measures and to detect and prevent any adverse impacts of the Site on public health, safety, or the environment. A copy of the TPI Report documenting the findings on the form required by the MassDEP at 310 CMR 19.018(8) is attached in Appendix B. During the inspection on May 4, 2021, Mr. Vetere observed that the landfill was in very good condition, with vegetative cover throughout the landfill and only a few minor areas with evidence of erosion along the slope of the landfill. One small area of erosion near MW -3S that was noted in previous inspections has been repaired by VA since the last inspection by replacing sand and stone that had been displaced and covering the area with new geotextile fabric. Additionally, several areas at the perimeter of the landfill where the geotextile liner had been displaced have been repaired by placing and securing new lengths of geotextile. Each monitoring well was inspected and determined to be in good, stable condition and appropriate for sampling. New concrete seals have been installed at the base of each well since the 2020 inspection. The access road to the landfill was in good condition. The landfill area's fence was locked (open for inspection) and in good condition, with appropriate signage; drainage swales were not obstructed, and the retention basin was in good condition. No landfill gas monitoring is conducted, as stated in the MassDEP approval letter from September 12, 2011. ® 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 3 June 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 S:\ADMINA\2020018VA CWM\001\2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U,S- Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA 3.0 ANNUAL SAMPLING a The annual landfill monitoring activities include the collection of groundwater samples from monitoring wells MW -1S, MW -1D, MW -2S, MW -3S, MW -4S, and MW -4D; collection of surface water samples from locations SW - 1, SW -2, SW -3, and SW -4; and collection of leachate samples from locations LC -1 and LC -2. A photographic log illustrating the conditions at each of the sampling locations on May 4, 2021 is included as Appendix C. In accordance with 310 CMR 19.132 and as established in MassDEP Landfill Permit 9-12-2011, the groundwater, surface water, and leachate samples were analyzed for the following parameters: Analytical parameters, as specified in 310 CMR 19.132(2)(h), included: 1) Indicator parameters: a) pH (in situ) b) Alkalinity c) Temperature (in situ) d) Specific Conductance (in situ) e) Nitrate Nitrogen (as Nitrogen) f) Total Dissolved Solids g) Chloride h) Calcium i) Sodium j) Iron k) Manganese 1) Sulfate m) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) n) Dissolved Oxygen 2) Inorganics: a) Arsenic b) Barium c) Cadmium d) Chromium e) Copper f) Cyanide g) Lead h) Mercury i) Selenium j) Silver a.) Zinc 3) All of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) included in EPA Method 8260, as well as methyl ethyl Ketone (2-butanone), methyl isobutyl ketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone), acetone, and 1,4 -dioxane. 4) As specified in Section B.4 of the MassDEP permit, the following analytical parameters were also included: a) Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270C as well as 1,4 -dioxane by EPA Method 8270 SIM. b) Pesticides by EPA Method 8010A c) Groundwater samples analyzed for dissolved (filtered) metals d) leachate and surface water samples analyzed for total (unfiltered) metals ® 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 4 June 22, 2021 Project No. 82020018.001 S:\ADMINA\2020018 VA CWM\001\2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx C� POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA 3.1 Groundwater Sampling Activities On May 4, 2021 groundwater sampling activities were conducted at the six (6) groundwater monitoring well locations shown in the Site Map (see Figure 1-2). Prior to initiating groundwater sampling activities, Mabbett personnel gauged the depth to groundwater at each monitoring well utilizing an electronic interface probe (EIP) capable of measuring the depth to non -aqueous phase liquid (NAPE) or groundwater to the nearest hundredth of a foot. As summarized in Table 3-1, the depth to groundwater measured at the six monitoring wells ranged from 0.80 feet (MW -4D) to 5.61 feet (MW -2S) below the top of the PVC well risers, which extend generally 2 to 4 feet above the surrounding ground surface. NAPL was not detected or identified at any of the six monitoring wells during the 2021 landfill monitoring program. Groundwater samples were collected from each of the six monitoring wells in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1 Low Stress/Low Flow Protocol; each groundwater monitoring well was purged until the following field parameter indicator parameters had generally stabilized to the ranges presented in Table 3-2, or the purge time reached the EPA established 2 -hour purge limit: TABLE Summary ofGroundwater Field Parameter Stabilization Criteria Specific Conductivity 3% of range Oxidation -Reduction Potential 10% of range Dissolved Oxygen 10% of range pH 0.10 Standard pH Units Temperature 3% of range Turbidity 10% of range The parameters listed above were measured using a YSITM 556 multi -parameter sonde. Specific conductivity (SC), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and temperature were all measured using the YSI'' multi -parameter sonde with attached flow-through cell. Turbidity was measured using a Geotech portable turbidity meter. Following an initial groundwater purge period, measurements for these field parameters were collected and recorded on field log sheets at approximate 5 -minute intervals, copies of which are provided in in Appendix D. In general, stabilization was achieved (and the well deemed ready for sampling) when all field parameters remained stable for three consecutive measurements collected at least 3 to 5 minutes apart; or when the 2 -hour purge limit was reached. Once purging was complete, the pump continued to run so that groundwater samples could be collected through the dedicated tubing (before sample collection, the in-line flow-through cell was removed so samples could be collected directly from the dedicated tubing). A summary of field parameter measurements recorded at the completion of purging, immediately prior to the collection of groundwater samples, is provided on Table 3.1. Groundwater samples were collected from each of the six monitoring wells (MW -1S, MW -1D, MW -2S, MW -3S, MW -4S, and MW -4D) and placed in laboratory -supplied groundwater sample containers, stored in a cooler on ice, ® 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 5 June 22, 2021 Project No. 82020018.001 S:\ADMINA\2020018 VACWM\001\2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S- Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA and submitted under appropriate chain -of -custody (COC) procedures to Alpha Analytical Laboratory (Alpha) of a Westborough, Massachusetts. Laboratory -supplied trip blanks were kept with the samples collected throughout the monitoring program and were submitted for laboratory analysis of VOCs. 3.2 Surface Water Sampling Activities Surface water sampling locations were assessed prior to sampling on May 4, 2021 to verify that sufficient surface water was present to collect samples from each of the four sampling locations (designated as SW -1, SW -2, SW -3, and SW -4) as depicted on the Site Map (Figure 1-2). Prior to sample collection, groundwater quality parameters were measured in the field utilizing a YSI"" 556 multi -parameter sonde and recorded in on field sample logs included in Appendix D. A summary of field parameters measured at each surface water sampling location prior to sample collection is provided on Table 3-1. Surface water samples were collected in accordance with EPA Surface Water Sampling Operating Procedure (SESDPROC-201-R3) effective February 28, 2013, by dipping the sample container into the surface water without disturbing the bottom. Once the appropriate laboratory -supplied surface water sample containers were filled, they were stored in an iced cooler and submitted under appropriate COC procedures to Alpha. 3.3 Leachate Sampling Activities At the time of the sampling event, leachate was characterized by Mabbett personnel as standing water at the low- lying areas at the edge of the landfill footprint; leachate sampling locations LC -1 and LC -2 are depicted on the Site Map (Figure 1-2). Prior to sample collection, groundwater quality parameters were measured in the field utilizing a YSII 556 multi -parameter sonde and recorded in on field sample logs included in Appendix D. Due to Site conditions and the presence of leachate pooling on the ground surface, leachate samples were collected in accordance with SESDPROC-201-R3, by dipping the sample container into the surface water without disturbing the bottom. Once the appropriate laboratory -supplied leachate sample containers were filled, they were stored in a cooler on ice and submitted under appropriate COC procedures to Alpha. X 0 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 6 June 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 S:\ADMINA\2020018 VA CWM\001\2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA 4.0 SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Groundwater analytical results were compared to the current Federal Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs), Massachusetts Maximum Contaminant Levels (MMCLs), EPA Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels (SMCLs), MassDEP Office of Research and Standards Guidelines (ORSG), and Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) Method 1 GW -3 standards (intended to be protective of groundwater discharging to surface water). Surface water and leachate analytical results were compared to the National Recommended Freshwater Aquatic Life Criteria (NRFALC) for chronic and acute exposures. MCP Method 1 GW -2 standards are not applicable to Site groundwater because there are no buildings within 30 feet of the landfill boundary. MCP Method 1 GW -1 standards are also not applicable to Site groundwater because there are no current or potential drinking water resource areas, as defined in 310 CMR 40.0932, within applicable distances of the landfill boundary. Discussion of the laboratory analytical results for each parameter analyzed are presented in the following sections. A copy of the laboratory analytical report for the 2021 landfill monitoring program is presented in Appendix E. 4.1 Dissolved Metals Groundwater samples collected from six monitoring wells were analyzed for dissolved (filtered) metals, as specified in the landfill permit. As summarized in Table 4-1, dissolved concentrations of select metals (which included barium, calcium, iron, manganese, and sodium) were detected at concentrations in excess of the laboratory lower method detection limits in the groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells. Two dissolved metals were detected in the sample collected from MW -4S at concentrations exceeding screening values and/or comparison standards. The following is a summary of the dissolved metals concentrations exceeding screening values and/or other comparison standards: ■ The concentration of dissolved iron detected in the groundwater sample collected from MW -4S [1.13 milligrams per liter (mg/L)] exceeded the SMCL (0.3 mg/L). ■ The concentration of dissolved manganese detected in the groundwater sample collected from MW -4S (0.398 mg/L) exceeded the SMCL (0.05 mg/L) and ORSG (0.3 mg/L). 4.2 Total Metals As summarized in Table 4-1, concentrations of select total metals (which included barium, beryllium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, sodium, and zinc) were detected at concentrations in excess of the laboratory lower method detection limits in the surface water and leachate samples collected. The following is a summary of the total metal concentrations identified which exceeded the NRFALC: ■ Iron was detected in the leachate samples collected from LC -1 (5.19 mg/L) and LC -2 (8.02 mg/L) at concentrations in excess of the NRFALC for chronic exposure of 1 mg/L. ■ Lead was detected in the leachate sample collected from LC -2 at a concentration of 0.014 mg/L, which exceeds the NRFALC chronic exposure limit of 0.0025 mg/L. 4.3 VOCs As summarized in Table 4-2, VOCs (including 1,4 -dioxane) were not detected at concentrations in excess of the laboratory lower method detection limits in the groundwater samples collected from any of the six monitoring wells, any of the four surface water samples, nor the two leachate sample locations. VOCs were not identified in the trip blank submitted for laboratory analysis at concentrations exceeding the laboratory lower method detection limits. Q 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 7 June 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 S:\ADMINA\2020018 VA CWM\001\2021 Post -Closure landfill Monitoring Report.docx POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U,S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA 4.4 SVOCs As summarized in Table 4-3, no SVOCs were detected at concentrations in excess of the laboratory lower method detection limits in the groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells MW -1D, MW -2S, and MW -4D, in surface water samples collected from SW -1, SW -3, and SW -4, and in the leachate sample collected from LC-1.Only one SVOC, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, was detected in leachate sample LC -2 at a concentration of 0.00013 mg/L. This detected SVOC was orders of magnitude lower than its applicable screening value. 4.5 Pesticides As summarized in Table 4-4, organochlorine pesticides were not detected at concentrations in excess of the laboratory lower method detection limits in any of the groundwater, surface water, or leachate samples collected during the monitoring event, with the exception of hexachlorobenzene detected at groundwater monitoring well MW -4D (0.000019 mg/L). This pesticide was detected orders of magnitude lower than its applicable MMCL screening value of 0.001 mg/L. 4.6 Conventional Water Chemistry Parameters As summarized in Table 4-4, alkalinity and dissolved oxygen were detected at select monitoring locations in surface water and leachate at concentrations that exceeded the NRFALC for acute and/or chronic exposures. Specifically, the concentration of alkalinity detected in the surface water sample collected from SW -1(23.6 mg/L) and the leachate sample collected from location LC -1(232 mg/L) exceeded the NRFALC for chronic exposure of 20 mg/L. Dissolved oxygen exceedances of the 5 mg/L NRFALC for both acute and chronic exposures were identified in the surface water samples collected from SW -1 (6.0 mg/L), SW -2 (7.3 mg/L), SW -3 (8.2 mg/L), and SW -4 (8.0 mg/L), and the leachate sample collected from location LC -2 (7.8 mg/L). None of the other conventional chemistry parameters (including total cyanide, nitrate/nitrogen, sulfate, COD, chloride, and TDS) were found to exceed the MMCLs, SMCLs, MCP Method 1 GW -3 risk assessment standards, or the NRFALC for acute or chronic exposures. Ee ® 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. 8 June 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 S:\ADMINA\2020018 VA CWM\001\2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx r POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on Mabbett's review of the 2021 landfill monitoring program sampling results, the comparison of the data generated to the applicable regulatory screening values and/or standards, and the comparison of the 2021 data to recent and historical landfill monitoring results, the identified exceedances of metals (total and dissolved) and conventional chemistry parameters (alkalinity and DO) were determined to be consistent with historical landfill monitoring results. Therefore, in accordance with 310 CMR 19.000 and the 2011 Landfill Permit, a second round of sampling and analysis is not required based on the 2021 landfill monitoring program results. Mabbett delivered an email to Mr. Thomas Speight of MassDEP on June 1, 2021 to obtain concurrence from MassDEP with respect to this conclusion. A copy of email correspondence from Mr. Spelght documenting the MassDEP Solid Waste Section's support that resampling was not warranted or required, is provided in Appendix F. The next annual sampling round is planned for May 2022. & 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. Project No. 82020018.001 9 June 22, 2021 S-\ADMINA\2020018 VA CWM\001\2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report.docx r 3 POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA TABLES &' 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. IA itS lune 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report r .1 d% m t C Ln 0 _n 4 10 10 'n( 4 w 3 A W 1 F+ a Fe F a 9 3 a L c A 0a a$go. ir �a g nn'o� gg as;o S � ba d e N O b X F o 'jig V� a¢ * T i 'n a aa' _ s S O �2I�IU sSc��r�f44Y"t^f�liz IJ IJ NL1 �rii4� L1 f.!Lt yytiy P iJ•------- 4 • • �S . . ~IUyN ++ SIJ JSP � t 9 Q O O a ' p5� ITI , ; - � S N a�I S oQO 9 O O P e o � N G UU NN NN NN 8 I� 0 (I�I� 8 Vy�� O NN O b Iej • S ' O • NS . . S ' 00 000 p ACL S, Hg S S p 0 P S S S S S S O S S S S O S S SSS S r 8O 84 � 9 $. pO 8O + IVNNN 8O 8O 8O O S S p O O S N pO O+ V O S O O S S O SO S N O . 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S•"�c'FSS 7i +x N 4 IccCCCCCCCCCCCCcceccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 1PIP o oo ooo„0000pe oeee$c5sI8g=g4t3Xa7^�X3Fii3 �}C CCCCCCCGGCGCCC Cccc ccccccc cccccccccccc c 5009o$Po 5gi3$ g$g W N�7i Q0Q g05o�5e� 2575 Y� so $e O o5o�. c7n ee $S S§cR$ o o N SgE. e R1f1 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C c c C C c c c C C C CS c C C C C c c C C C C c C c oo'oaooa000ea aQ oCC m o W T-1 C C C C C c CCCCCcccC CCcCCCCCC CCcCCCCCCC C � | � Kg §2� ■�■ ��-■ kkEFn k� �_•� )E' » � § ■ le E Q § � i | 2 ! 2 § � � it § k § K E � { �. 2 ( r C' L POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA FIGURES 0 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. FIGURES June 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report C, a fi z 9 I a - tr .e w..00a r Ary'ny�y� ■ n W1�L1AM5RG ON NORTHAM i XPPROXIMATE LANDAL�ATION •3 cwt. t�Maer 4% t 1,M A� 4 - to�w~Iry Ci�iG VA HOSPITAL PROPERTY N, North Farms CITY OF NORTHAMPTON PROPERTY Legend Q VA Hospital Property 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles CM City of Northampton Property t I I t I t I I, i MMabbett� Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring and Maintenance Report Figure No. 1-1 eft MassDEP DSWM File #11-214-008; FSM #131329 Scale see scale ear 105 Central Street. Suite 4100 SITE LOCUS Drawn DWM Approved: snv Stoneham MA, 02180 T. (7$1) 275.6050 421 North Main Street Projection MA State Plane, NAD83. feet www.mabbett.Com fl 2021, Mabbett & Associates, tnc. Leeds, MA 01053 Proj No 82020018 001 Date- G.1 2-'121 s Ce b 6PIp 5— tR L 3 � woo- 1 t �s x a.. _. a r Y i 6 FJorprt �•6M. �+sz ►�i 3 u.ur si Legend Q VA Hospital Property 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles CM City of Northampton Property t I I t I t I I, i MMabbett� Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring and Maintenance Report Figure No. 1-1 eft MassDEP DSWM File #11-214-008; FSM #131329 Scale see scale ear 105 Central Street. Suite 4100 SITE LOCUS Drawn DWM Approved: snv Stoneham MA, 02180 T. (7$1) 275.6050 421 North Main Street Projection MA State Plane, NAD83. feet www.mabbett.Com fl 2021, Mabbett & Associates, tnc. Leeds, MA 01053 Proj No 82020018 001 Date- G.1 2-'121 Sampling Locations Legend 0 50 100 200 Feet Groundwater Leachate * Surface Water 1 I I I I I I I I Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring and Maintenance Report Figure No. 1-2 Mabbett• MassDEP DSWM File #11-214-008; FSM #131329 �,.... �.e...� �.�,.. ��.. Scale: See Scale Bar 105 Central Street, Suite 4100 SITE MAP Drawn: DVVM Approved: SAV Stoneham MA- 02180 T. (781) 275.6050 421 North Main Street Projection: MA State Plane, NAD83, feet www.mabbett.com 2021, Mabbett & Associates Inc. Leeds, MA 01053 Proj. No. R2020018.001 Date 61112021 x ES r L. ® 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. Project No. R2020018.001 POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA APPENDIX A Historical Landfill Monitoring Results APPENDIX A June 22, 2021 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report f § T. i ■ ■ x m m e § � �f}§|§ fff�if�4 |\x!!ƒ � !|| � m C L 0 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. Project No. 82020018.001 POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA APPENDIX B Third Party Inspection Report APPENDIX B June 22, 2021 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report 0 • Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Important; When completing Bureau of Waste Prevention ! Solid Waste Management Ibis Ion on a computer. use only the Tab key to move your Third -Party Inspection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(8) cursor—not the Return tory. S Operation & Maintenance yd --h Instructions Use this form to record and report the results of a Third -Party Operation and Maintenance Inspection conducted pursuant to 310 CMR 19.018. Be sure to obtain the most recent version of this form All applicable sections of the submitted form must be completed to be accepted by MassDEP Pursuant to 310 CMR 19.018(8)(x), the third -party inspector and facility ownerioperator must sign this Third -Party Inspection Report form and submit the completed report to the appropriate MassDEP regional office and one copy of each completed report to the board of health of the municipality in which the facility is located In the event that this Inspection report contains a recommendation for corrective acton(s), the owner/operator shall also submit the information required by 310 CMR 19.018(8)(c)2 Forms and instructions are available online. Mlvm as a n ' as da /r ! -w ste-a f s.hlmi#8 Note: This form does not identify all of the requirements applicable to each solid waste management facility, other requirements and/orpolicies may apply to the operation, maintenance and monitoring for each facility Rac d Date: FMF 0: RO X. Reviewer. Comments: 1. Facility Information Facility Type (check one): ❑ Transfer StallonlHandling Facility ❑ C&D Waste Processor or C&D Waste Transfer Station ❑ Municipal Waste Combustor ❑ Active Landfill ® Closed Landfill ❑ Other Specify Facility: VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System Facility Name Leeds City/Town (413) 584-4040 Telephone Number MA 01053 State ZIP Code 411588 _ 131329 Regulated Object Account Number FMF Number Operator: VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System _ Operator Name (Doing Business AslCompany Name) (413) 584-4040 Telephone Number Email Address 421 North Main Street Mailing Address Leeds MA 01053 Cityfrown Stale ZIP Code Permittee: VA Central Western Massachusetts Permittee Name (Entity Identified on Faeillty Permll) 421 North Main Street Mailing Address Leeds _ MA Cityfrown State Responsible Official for the Facility: Mr. Andrew McMahon Reaponslble Official Name (Individual) Associate Director Responsible Official Company Name Third -Party Inspection Report (00) — Rev. 12/4114 andrew.mcmahongova.00v, 01053 _ ZIP Code Responsible Official Ematl Address 1413 584-4040 Responsible Official telephone Number Page 1 of 14 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention ! Solid Waste Management a Third -Party Inspection ection Report -310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance II. Third -Party Inspector Stephen Vetere Mabbett & Associates Third -Party Inspector Name Company Name SW48-0000134 04/30/2023 MassDEP Third -Party Inspector Identification Number MassDEP Third -Party Inspector Expiration Date (MMIDDIYYYY) (781) 275-6050 vetere@mabbett.com Telephone Number Email Address 105 Central Street, Suite 4100 Mailing Address Stoneham MA 02180 City/Town State ZIP Code Construction and Demolition Waste (CBD Waste) Processing Facility or C&D Waste Transfer Station Only: Identify the qualified individual that conducted the observation of incoming waste loads and collection of samples of suspect asbestos - containing materials during the inspection [pursuant to 310 CMR 19,018(6)(01. If the entire inspection was conducted by the third -party inspector listed above, then check the box and enter only the Asbestos inspector Certification Number. ❑ Same as above. Provide Asbestos Certification Number * Asbestos Inspector Name MA Dept. of Labor Standards Asbestos inspector Certification Number Company Name Telephone Number Email Address Mailing Address City/Town State ZIP Code III. Inspection Details A. FREQUENCY Indicate the scheduled inspection frequency for this facility as required by 310 CMR 19.018(6)(b), or a more frequent schedule set forth in the Facility Permitf0ther Approval: ❑ Bi -Monthly ❑ Quarterly ❑ Semi -Annual ® Annual ❑ Biennial ❑ Other (include permltlapproval type and date of issuance): B. DATE, TIME & PERSONNEL Inspection Date (MMIDD/YYYY): 05/04/2021 Inspection Start Time: 9:00 ® AM ❑ PM Facility Representatives in Attendance During Inspection: C. CONDITIONS Air Temperature: Approximately 50 degrees F. Weather: ❑ Clear ❑ Partly Cloudy ® Cloudy ® Dry ❑ Rain ❑ Snow Wind Speed: ® Calm ❑ Breeze ❑ Moderate ❑ Strong Wind Direction (direction from which the wind is blowing): ❑NW ®N ❑NE ❑Wl1[) ❑E ❑SW ❑S ❑SE Third -Party Inspection Report (O&M) Page 2 of 14 J Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention 1 Solid Waste Management Third -Party Inspection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance IV. Pre -Inspection Preparation A. FACILITY -SPECIFIC O&M REQUIREMENTS During each third -party inspection, the third -party inspector shall examine and evaluate the facility's solid waste activities, equipment, operations, practices, procedures, and records relevant to the type of third -party inspection being conducted in order to determine the facility's compliance with all applicable requirements as set forth in 310 CMR 19.018(6)(a)1. Therefore, pureuantto 310 CMR 19.018(6)(a)1, prior to conducting a third -party facility operation and maintenance Inspection, the third -party inspector shall, without limitation, complete all of the following: ® Review and become familiar with the regulations set forth at 310 CMR 19.000 — Massachusetts Solid Waste Regulations. ® Identify, review and become familiar with all solid waste permits, plans, approvals, and orders (or other enforcement documents issued to the facility by the Department), and the solid waste requirements applicable to the operation and maintenance of the facility. Relevant requirements may include, without limitation, specific practices and procedures for the operation, maintenance and monitoring of the facility, waste acceptance/storage limits, and other requirements related to the facility's solid waste activities. Without limitation, these facility -specific requirements may be contained in the Facility Permit, Authorization to Construct, Authorization to Operate, Operation and Maintenance Plan, Closure/Post-Closure Plans and Approvals, Facility Modification Approvals, Beneficial Use Determinations, Administrative Consent Orders, and other determinations, authorizations or enforcement actions issued by the Department. 1, Stephen Vetere, have Identified, reviewed and understand all of the aforementioned requirements that ► SAV are applicable to this facility and the following are my observations and recommendations related to the Inspector Initials facility -specific requirements. S. SOLID WASTE PERMITS, PLANS, APPROVALS & ORDERS List all relevant solid waste permits, plans approvals, orders or other enforcement actions issued to the facility by the Department that contain specific practices, procedures and other requirements still in effect for the operation, maintenance and monitoring or closurelpost-closure of the facility Where applicable, provide the plan or issue date for each item. For enforcement actions, include the document number, effective date, and status of implementation by the facility. Discussion: 5/12/2008 MassDEP Corrective Action Design Approval, 9/12/2011 MassDEP Closure Certification. There are no current known enforcement actions related to this solid waste landfill facility - Third -Party Inspection Report (O&M) Page 3 of 14 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention 1 Solid Waste Management O Third -Party Inspection ection Report - 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance V. Performance Standards Examine and evaluate the facility's solid waste activities, equipment, operations, practices, procedures and records relevant to the type of solid waste fac-lity. Using the tables below, identify all areas evaluated by the inspector during the inspection by checking the box in the first column. Describe all deviations noted during the inspection in the third column. Provide recommendations for corrective action to return to compliance with the applicable performance standard in the fourth column. Facility Type Performance Standards Transfer Station/Handling Facility (including C&D Facility) Complete Section A. If C&D Handling/ Processing Facility, then also complete Section B. Municipal Waste Combustor Complete'Section A. Active Landfill Complete Sections C. and F. If active ash landfill, then also complete Section D. Closed Landfill Complete Sections E. and F. A. TRANSFER STATION], HANDLING FACILITY, OR MUNICIPAL WASTE COMBUSTOR (INCLUDING C&D FACILITY) Third -Party Inspection Report (09M) Page 4 of 14 J Comments/Observations and Evaluated Performance Standard Deviation(s) Recommended Corrective Action(s) ❑ 19.205(1) Storm Water Controls. 0 19.205(2) Equipment. 19.205(3) Weighing Facilities. 0 19.207(1) Discuss in Section Vl. Discuss in Section VI. General. 19.207(2) Supervision of Operation. 19.207(3) Access to Facilities. 19.207(4) Security. 19.207(5) Posting of Handling Facility. D 19.207(6) Unloading of Refuse 19.207(7) Special Wastes. 0 19.207(8) Banned/Restricted Wastes. 19.207(9) Hazardous Waste. 19.207(10) Household Hazardous Waste and Waste Oil Collections. ❑ 19207(11) Bulky Waste. 0 19.207(12) Liquid Wastes. Third -Party Inspection Report (09M) Page 4 of 14 J Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention 1 Solid Waste Management Third -Party Inspection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance B. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (C&D) WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY OR C&D WASTE TRANSFER STATION Comments/Observations and Evaluated Performance Standard Deviation(s) Recommended Corrective Action(s) 19.207(13) Bird Hazards. 19.207(14) Dust Control. 19.207(15) Vector Control. 19.207(16) Control of Wind-blown Litter, 19.207(17) Staffing. Discuss sample results 19.207(18) ► ❑ Attach analytical reports. Employee Facilities. 19.207(19) Accident Prevention/Safety. 19.207(20) Fire Protection. 19.207(21) Recycling Operations. 19.207(22) Records for Operational and Plan Execution. 19.207(23) Screening and/or Fencing. 19.207(24) Open Burning. 0 19.207(25) Inspections 19,207(26) End -of -Life Mercury -added Products. B. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (C&D) WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY OR C&D WASTE TRANSFER STATION Third -Party Inspection Report (O&M) Page 5 of 14 Comments/Observations and 'Evaluated Performance Standard Deviation(s) Recommended Corrective Action(s) 19.206(1) Enclosed Operations. 19.206(2) Storage. 19.206(3) Contact Water. Suspect Asbestos -Containing Material (ACM) Inspection and Management Protocol. Sample collection of suspect ACM from incoming loads. Discuss sample results ► ❑ Attach analytical reports. Third -Party Inspection Report (O&M) Page 5 of 14 MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention ! Solid Waste Management Third -Party Inspection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(8) Oaeration & Maintenance C. ACTIVE LANDFILL Evaluated Performance Standard Deviation(s) Comments/Observations and Recommended Corrective Action(s) 11 19.130(1) Discuss in Section VI. Discuss in Section VI. General. 0 19.130(2) Operator Supervision. 0 19.130(3) Special Wastes. 0 19.130(4) Banned/Restricted Wastes. 0 19.130(5) f Hazardous Waste. w 19.130(6) Bulky Wastes. 19.130(7) Liquid Wastes. 19.130(8) w Solid Waste Handling. w 0 19.130(9) Bird Hazards. 11 19.130(10) Equipment and Shelter. – 11 19.130(11) Staffing. 11 19.130(12) Employee Facilities. 11 19.130(13) Accident Prevention/Safety. 11 19.130(14) Spreading and Compacting of Solid Waste. ❑ 19.130(15) Cover Material. — – O 19.130(16) Vector, Dust and Odor Control. R 19.130(17)11 Litter Control. 0 19.130(18) Top Slope and Side Slopes. 19.130(19) Storm Water Drainage. 0 19.130(20) Erosion Control. ----�- 19 13D(21) BoundarytElevation Markers. 11 19-130(22) Access Roads. 0 19.130(23) Security. 19-130(24) Posting of the Landfill. Thifd-Party Inspection Report (ODM) Page 6 of 14 Ee 01 C LlMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention I Solid Waste Management Third -Party Inspection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(6) Operation & Maintenance Evaluated Performance Standard Deviation(s) Comments/Observations and Recommended Corrective Action(s) 11 19.130(25) Discuss in Section VI. Discuss in Section VI. 0 Open Burning. 0 19.130(26) - - - — O Fire Protection and Control. Ash Moisture Content. 11 19.130(27) 19.131(4) Convenience and Recycling Spreading/Compacting of Ash. Drop-off Areas at Landfills. 19.131(5) ❑ 19.130(28) Vehicle Washdown I Waste Oil Collections at Wheelwash / Other Measures. Landfills. 0 19.130(29) Household Hazardous Waste Collections at Landfills. 0 19.130(30) LL Leachate Collection. Treatment and Disposal. 0 19.130(31) Phase Completion of the Landfill. 0 19.130(32) Disruption of Landfilled Areas. 19.130(33) Construction of Buildings. 19.130(34) Records for Operational and Plan Execution. 19.130(35) Inspections. © i 9.130(36) Re -circulation of Leachate. ❑ 19.130(37) End -of -Life Mercury -added Products. D. ASH LANDFILL Evaluated Performance Standard Deviation Comments/Observations and Recommended Corrective Action(s) 19.131(1} General. Discuss in Section VI. Discuss in Section VI. 0 19.131(2) Fugitive Emissions, - - - — O 19.131(3) Ash Moisture Content. 19.131(4) Spreading/Compacting of Ash. 19.131(5) Vehicle Washdown I Wheelwash / Other Measures. Third -Parry Inspection ReW (OW) Page 7 of 14 ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention l Solid Waste Management Third -Party Inspection Report - 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance E. CLOSED LANDFILL C Third -Party Inspection Report (08M) Page 8 of 14 Comments/Observations and Evaluated Performance Standard Deviation(s) Recommended Corrective Actlon(s) ® 19.096 Post -closure Use. None No post -closure use observed. ® 19.142(1) Discuss in Section VI. Discuss in Section VI. General. ® 99.142(2) None Post -closure ongoing. Post -closure Period. ® 19.742(3) Post -closure Period Waiver. - - None No waiver being sought at this time. ® 19.142(4) Post -closure Period Extension. None No extension being sought at this time. ® 19.142( 5) None Minor areas of erosion observed. Post -d(5) Requirements. ® 19.142(6) None Annual TPI inspections as required. Inspection Requirements. ® 19.142(7) None None Additional Measures. ® 19.142(8) None None Termination of the Post- Closure Period. ® 9.143(1) 119.14ability. None No change in post -closure use being Applicsought at this time. ® 19.143(2) Submission of Post -closure -- None Not applicable. Use Plans. ® 19.143(3) Criteria for Approval of Post - closure Use. ® 19.143(4) None Not applicable. Post -closure Construction. C Third -Party Inspection Report (08M) Page 8 of 14 LlMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention / Solid Waste Management Third -Party Inspection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance F. ADDITIONAL LANDFILL REQUIREMENTS Evaluated I Performance Standard 9 K 19.132 Environmental Monitoring Requirements. Is the monitoring of surface water, ground water, landfill gas and any other media as determined by the Department, including without limitation, soil and sediment, being conducted on the schedule established in the permit or as otherwise required by the Department? ® YES ❑ NO Are the analytical results of the environmental monitoring submitted to the Department within 60 days after the date of sample collection or as otherwise specified by the Department? ® YES ❑ NO 19.133 Maintenance of Environmental Control and Monitoring Are the facility operations conducted n a manner which protects all environmental control systems as approved in the Operation and Maintenance plan and monitoring systems as approved in the Operation and Maintenance plan or permit? ® YES ❑ NO Is regular maintenance of all landfill environmental control systems performed as approved in the Operation and Maintenance plan or permit? ® YES ❑ NO Has the Department been notified of the existence and extent of damaged or destroyed environmental control systems, monitoring devices, or surface water sampling location markers in accordance with 310 CMR i9.133(1)(c) and/or 19.133(1)(e)? ® N/A (if no damage to report) ❑ YES ❑ NO Recommended Corrective Mabbett & Associates conducted the required annual sampling (groundwater, surface water, leachate seeps) on May 4, 2021. No landfill gas sampling is required by MassDEP under the permit. The results of the 2021 annual sampling event will be submitted within 60 days of sample collection (i.e. on or before June 30, 2021) All monitoring wells observed to be in good condition. Environmental control and monitoring systems inspected on a monthly basis by the permittee. Mabbett verified this through review of the permittee's monthly inspection fog. Since the 2020 inspection, the permittee has made repairs to areas of minor displacement of the filter fabric at the toe of the landfill slope. This will serve to stabilize the stone that is present at the base of the embankment. Continue to Next Page i Third -Party Inspection Report (OW) Page 9 of 14 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention 1 Solid Waste Management 0 Third -Party P p Inspection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance F. ADDITIONAL LANDFILL REQUIREMENTS — Continued Evaluated Performance Standard CommentslObservattons and Recommended Corrective Action(s) ❑ 19.121(4) Landfill Gas Recovery Operation and Maintenance Requirements. No landfill gas monitoring i5 required by the permit. Is condensate generation kept to a minimum and condensate recirculation, if proposed, performed in accordance with the permit? [:]YES ❑NO Are the sampling and analysis of condensate conducted on the schedule established in the permit or as otherwise required by the Department? ❑ YES ❑ NO Are the analytical results of condensate monitoring reported to the Department as established in the permit or as otherwise required by the Department? ❑ YES ❑ NO Is an annual report on the operation of the landfill gas recovery facility submitted to the Department as specified in the perm t? ❑ YES ❑ NO Lel Third -Party Inspection Report (09M) Page 10 of 14 lMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention 1 Solid Waste Management Third -Party Inspection Report - 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance VI. Inspection Observations A. FACILITY CONDITION AND OPERATIONS Examine and evaluate the facility condit-on and operations as observed during the inspection, including the following: ❑ Describe any evidence of the following conditions observed at the time of the inspection: • Unpermitted discharges to air, water, land or other natural resources of the Commonwealth; and • Dust, odors, litter, and/or other nuisance conditions. ❑ Document and discuss all deviations from any specific requirements for the facility that are not addressed in the previous section (Section V — Performance Standards), including without limitation, the requirements set forth in the facility's operation and maintenance plan, orders or other enforcement documents, and other solid waste permits, approvals, and authorizations issued to the facility by MassDEP. ❑ List the types and est'mated quantities of all waste and materials stored at the facility at the time of the inspection. ® Provide a narrative that describes the overall status of the general condition, operation and performance of the facility as observed at the time of the inspection. -*Attach photographs taken during the inspection that depict the general condition and operation of the facility. At a minimum, include photographs, as applicable, of the waste unloading (tipping) area, waste storage areas, recyclable material storage and, for transfer stations, the waste reloading activity, Discussion The VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System Landfill is a closed landfill. Third Party Inspector Stephen Vetere observed the landfill to be in good condition at the time of the inspection on 5/4/2021. The entire landfill is enclosed by a chain-link fence that is in very good condition. All gates are locked (the permittee unlocked the gates to enable the inspection) and signage maintained in good condition. The vegetative cover on the landfill is in good condition, with no major areas lacking vegetation. There was no unusual settlement observed. The stormwater drainage system appeared to be functioning properly, with no excessive siltation or obstructions in any of the swales or detention basins. All monitoring wells are maintained in good condition. The area of minor erosion first noted in the 2018 inspection report near MW -3S has been repaired by the permittee since the 2020 inspection. The sand and stone that had been displaced was moved back and covered with geotextile material to provide further stability and prevent any future erosion of materials from the embankment. The permittee also replaced geotextile fabric in several areas at the toe of the landfill slope where the material had been damaged and/or displaced by the elements. Also during the past year, the permittee has installed new concrete surface seals at each of the monitoring wells. This is the sixth TPI inspection performed since the program was implemented by MassDEP. No prior corrective actions were noted in previous inspection reports. No photographs are required since this is a closed landfill facility. B. RECORD REVIEW Examine and evaluate the facility's record-keeping. Without limitation, document the status of the facility's compliance with, and any deviations from, the record-keeping required by 310 MCR 19.000; the facility's operation and maintenance plan; orders or other enforcement documents issued to the facility; and other solid waste permits, approvals, determinations and authorizations issued to the facility by the Department, including the following: ® Discuss the evaluation of the Facility's 'daily log" such as, daily tonnage records. ❑ List and discuss any special incidents that have occurred since the previous inspection such as exceedances of the facility's permitted waste acceptance limits, nature and outcome of complaints reported to the facility operator (including the identity of the complainant, if known), fires, emergencies, or other disruptions to the routine operation of the facility. Discussion: The permittee (VA) has been performing monthly inspections, which are documented on an inspection checklist. Mabbett reviewed the monthly inspection checklist documenting monthly inspections by the permittee Third -Party Inspection Report (09M) Page 11 of 14 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention ! Solid Waste Management Q Third -Party InsP ection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance performed between May 2020 and April 2021. No special incidents were reported to the facility. IN Third -Party Inspection Report (0&M) Page 12 of 14 ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention ! Solid Waste Management Third -Party Inspection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance VII. Summary and Recommendations Pursuant to 310 CMR 19.018(6)(a)4., where a third -party inspector observes that the operation or maintenance of the facility deviates from the aforementioned applicable requirements, he or she shall document all such deviations and recommend corrective actions for the facility to take to return to compliance. A. INSPECTION RESULTS Based on the examinations and evaluations conducted in Sections V. and VI., please summarize the inspection results by checking Qne of the following determinations; ® No deviations from the applicable performance standards or additional requirements listed at 310 CMR 19.018(6) were identified during this inspection. If no deviations were identified during the inspection, check this box and proceed to Section VII.B. ❑ Deviations from the applicable performance standards or additional requirements listed at 310 CMR 19.018(6) were Identified during this Inspection and are discussed further in this report. If deviations were identified during the inspection, check this box and ensure that each deviation and the recommended corrective actions are discussed in the applicable section(s) below B. STATUS OF PREVIOUS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION If a previous inspection report identified deviations with recommendations for corrective action, please describe the action(s) taken since the last inspection to return the facility to compliance with the applicable requirements. Discussion: Not applicable. C. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION Based on the results of this inspection, please list all deviations noted during the inspection and provide recommendations for corrective action to return to compliance with the applicable requirement. Recommendations: None. D. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Comments: None. VIII. Additional Information Checklist Attach the following additional information, as applicable, to complete the inspection report' ❑ Attach photographs taken during the inspection that depict the general condition and operation of the facility, as required in Section A.A. ❑ For C&D Waste facilities only, attach the analytical results, as required in Section V.B. 'Note_ Pursuant to 310 CMR 19.018(8), MassDEP may request additional information. Third -Party Third -Party Inspeclion Report (O&M) Continue to Certification Statement on Next Page 10 - Page 13 01 14 a • Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention If Solid Waste Management Third -Party Inspection Report — 310 CMR 19.018(8) Operation & Maintenance _v IX. Certification — THIRD -PARTY INSPECTOR 11 attest under the pains and penally of perjury that. Signature of Third -Party Inspector I I have personally examined and am familiar with the Information contained in lhks submittal, Including any and all documents accompanying this certification statement, 2 Based on my inquiry of those persons respons!ble for obtaining the information, the information contained in this submittal is, to the best of my knowledge. true. accurate and complete 3 1 have been able to conduct the third -parry Inspection and prepare the thud -party inspection report without being influenced by the facility owner or operator and, (if I am a municipal employee) w-thout being influenced by my municipal employer by any coworker or by any elected or appointed official of the municipality, and 4 1 am aware that there are significant penalties. including. but not limited to, possible administrative and civil penalties for submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete Information and possible fines and imprisonment for knowingly submitting false Inaccurate, or incomplete information." X. Certification — FACILITY OWNER/OPERATOR Stephen Vetere Print Full Name Mabbett & Associates Company Name 06101/2021 Dale (MMIDDNYYY) Does the faceity maintain a Financial Assurance Mechanism (FAM) pursuant to 310 CMR 19 0519 ❑ YES ®NO If yes, • Enter the amount of the current FAM Enter the date of the last revision of the FAM amount, pursuant to 310 CMR 19 051(6). As a reminder, pursuant to 310 CMR 19.051(8), the estimate of the cosi' of closure andp�. ost-ctos;M �J -_ maintenance must be revised every year, and every -second year shall be submitter (6 -the Department. "I certify under the penalty of law - That I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this third -party inspection report, including but not limited to the statements above concerning the Financial assurance mechanism in place in accordance with any facility permit and 310 CMR 19.051, and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I be'ieve that the information Is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties both ovil and criminal for submitting false information including possible fines and Imprisonment. That, in the event that [his inspection report contains a recommendation for corrective aclion(s), I have completed and attached to this report a Corrective Action Plan and Schedule•, pursuant to 310 CMR 19.018(8)(c)2 'Note The owner or operator may elect to correct dawahons idenlified in the Third - Parry inapspechon Report in a manner that is differeni than that recommended by the TN6Party Inspector so tong as the facility Is bnwghf back info comphance with Voicable requirements. signature YReeWmsits7e O'f cial Paul Babin Print Full Name FMS Chief/ Acting Associate Director Title 06/10/2021 Date (MMIDDIYYYY) ► Pursuant to 310 CMR 19.018(8)(c), a copy of each third - party inspection report shall be maintained at the facility in accordance with the requirements of 310 CMR 19 000 The owner and operator shall make third -party inspection reports available to personnel or authorized representatives of the Deparlment for review at the facility upon request Within 30 days of the • Mail this completed form to the MassDEP Regional inspection date: Office that serves the municipality in which the facility is located (Attention Solid Waste Management) • Send one copy to the local board of health for the municipality in which the facility is located A list of municipalities and MessDEP Regional Offices is available online at: hurivmwi. mass -ggvLKLi/gQencj9&massdeptabouY contactsi(ind-fhe-massdeo4eoional•office-far-vour- -or-town,hi Third -Party inspection Report (00) Page 14 of 14 r 0 ® 2021, Ma66ett & Associates, Inc. Project No. 82020018.001 POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U -S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill G Leeds. MA APPENDIX C Photo Documentation Log APPENDIX C June 22, 2021 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report Appendix C—PHOTOGRAPH LOG POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VACWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA Photograph No. 3 - View of surface water sampling location SW -1 (5/4/21) Photograph No. 4 - View of leachate sampling location LC -1, located to the south of the enclosed landfill area. (5/4/21) Ee n Page - 2 Mabbett` Appendix C—PHOTOGRAPH LOG POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA Photograph No. 5 - View of leachate sampling location LC -2, located at the southeastern portion of the landfill by MW -4S and MW -4D, adjacent to surface water sampling location 5W.2. (5/4/21) Photograph No. 6 - View of MW 4S (right) and MW -413 (left), located at the southeaster portion of the landfill adjacent to leachate sampling location LC -2. (5/4/2021) Page - 3 Mabbett ._ Ir �br}•' � f�� ''"j � r Fr -k' t,•..'1�l4.147 ,vr� '`x"��`1-,• Appendix C --PHOTOGRAPH LOG POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA CWM HCS landfill ( Leeds, MA 0 Photograph No. 11- Southern drainage Swale, to east of entry road. All swales and drainage structures observed to be in good condition and free of obstructions. (5/4/21) Photograph No. 12 - Entry gate in very good condition. Good vegetation cover on southern slope and in entryway. (5/4/21) Al Page - 6 Mabbett Appendix C—PHOTOGRAPH LOG POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA AmIlk Photograph No. 13 - Toe of eastern slope, area near MW -3S, from southern end looking north. Note repairs made to displaced sand and stone since last inspection. (5/4/21) :Y Yr _ i n t rp Photograph No. 14 - Good vegetation coverage on southern portion of landfill, looking north from southeast portion of landfill. (5/4/21) Page - 7 Mabbett Appendix C—PHOTOGRAPH LOG POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA Q Photograph No. 15 - Toe of eastern slope, looking north. Photo showing the fence line along the eastern edge of the landfill. (5/4/21) Photograph No. 16 - Toe of eastern slope, looking south from center of landfill. Some minor displacement of geotextile but no evidence of erosion (5/4/21) K U Page - 8 Mabbett FA Appendix C—PHOTOGRAPH LOG POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA Photograph No. 17 - View of landfill looking south from northern end. Good vegetation coverage, gas vents in good condition, no obvious evidence of settling. (5/4/21) Photograph No. 18 - Encampment outside of the fence line to the north of the landfill. (5/4/21) Page - 9 Mabbett' Appendix C—PHOTOGRAPH LOG POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA Q Photograph No. 19 - Perimeter fence in good condition throughout the landfill. Photo showing fence along western edge of landfill. (5/4/21) Photograph No. 20 - Toe of slope in very good condition along western edge of landfill, looking toward the north. (5/4/21) Page - 10 Mabbett- Appendix C—PHOTOGRAPH LOG POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING & MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA Photograph No. 21- Displaced portions of geotextile replaced with new material throughout landfill. Small area near entrance to landfill shown here. (5/4/21) Page - 11 Mabbett 0 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. Project No. R2020018.001 POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA APPENDIX D Sampling Field Sheets APPENDIX D June 22, 2021 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report MabbettLOW FLOW/LOW STRESS PURGE DATA LOG SHEET Scientists i Engineers I Program Managers Site Name: VA Northampton Landfill Location 10: �S Site Location: Leeds, MA Sample 1D.- Project D:Project Number: OZ0Date: Time: 43 : S Personnel: Wr Sample Method: Low 5#r (IGw etc, Depth to Water: 1 At Start At End Total Depth: Sheen Observed: iNGPNt' Water Column:9 '7�� Odor Observed:_ i�V41` thvn� Depth Sampled:! PID Reading: PURGE DATA Time Water Depth (ft.) Purge Rate. (mL/min) Temp. (C) pH (S U ) Sp. Cond. (11S/cm2) DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) Turbidity (NTU) 13 • 111 Start Purge 13 :loo I, r� 7.1 Y 4.S1 i0. 0 0,. �3: jai ti� IOU 13. 315 `a',Y IGO k.q ,a 3b6 .0 E 34 ! :LIv 4.,Cfcf 100 .9 .o.3S6 3 S 110".3 I3'. 15 11.171 too fr,1 1 7 0*3 3 1Cti S- f `1 a, too fit, q , � 319 "S. iG . iutai vurume rurgeu: v. t SAMPLE ANALYSIS Analysis Container Type/Size I Number Collected FieldPreservativeContainer I Filtered pH **See Chain of Custody" QC Sample Collected? Y n ID: � Fj i t( LGA' 0-- NAIM MabbettLOW FLOW LOW STRESS PURGE DATA LOG SHEET Scientists I Engineers I Program Managers Site Name: VA Northampton Landfill Location ID: Site Location: Leeds, MA Sample ID: ID - OS &If a 1 Project Number: R-���pQjy�,pp�Date: 4& Time: 15. 10 Personnel: NV P Sample Method: j c -w Fic.w s�KS Depth to Water:, c Total Depth: .3q.55 Water Column: , U Depth Sampled: ^ PURGE DATA At Start Sheen Observed: Odor Observed: V)U)- PID Reading: At End -- 14:%e y►cnt Time Water Depth (ft.) Purge Rate (mL/min) Temp. ('C) pH (S.U.) **See Chain of Custody** Sp. Cond. (µS/cm) DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) Turbidity (NTU) I 3 Start Purge I `mo W) 10.1 6C 151 13C1:I 1,3` i4: tiS 1 iw 11G. I.S1 1 :5'a ti,�l foo IGa� � ; 1�,�, I•�G I��,t . �3 1 1.00 4.111 icso .,cid . 1 loo I.Ir. .? IS1 14 i3O i '. Ito C.y II C �. total Volume Purged: ^ U, SAMPLE ANALYSIS Analysis Container Type/Size Number Collected Field preservative Filtered Container pH **See Chain of Custody** w QC Sample Collected? Y /Z) 01 J n c Mabbett® LOW FLOW LOW STRESS PURGE DATA „LOG SHEET Scientists I Engineers I Program Manager Temp. ('C) Site Name: VA Northampton Landfill Location ID: - w -as Site Location: Leeds, MA Sample ID: Jai,✓- — 650 a l Project Number: 2 Z,p�(� , �� Date: rime: Personnel: Myr Sample Method: Law V',w w;- .s 4 Depth to Water: _ At Start At End Total Depth:. P . ��, � i Sheen Observed:_ 6'%ck-,1t V) oil �L' Water Column: 6, O' Odor Observed: Depth Sampled:110, �}� PID Reading: ^ PURGE DATA 7.44 7 -SLI 7.43 7:`f`t Time Water Depth (ft.) Purge Rate (mL/min) Temp. ('C) pH (S.U.) Sp. Cond. (µS/cm2) DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) Turbidity (NTU) Start Purge r �5b i 4 %a,. to ' 5- 3 5 44 9. S a 1 4- 16 goo 1,00 iovC, af-5 ilGo �. 1 1 `d. 0 9,a C I. CC C,10 Cs[ q,6 S.rcs 5.0 3`d 36 '33 33 7.44 7 -SLI 7.43 7:`f`t Alk 9 301.3 0 6-1 0101 Total Volume Purged:'•- SAMPLE ANALYSIS Analysis Container Type/Size Number Collected I Field Filtered Preservative Container pH **See Chain of Custody** "Sam le Collected? Y/N ID: Ma® LOW FLOWILOW STRESS PURGE DATA LOG SHEET c enosts I Engineers I Program Managers Site Name: VA Northampton Landfill Location ID: MQ -3 Site Location: Leeds, MA Sample ID: rv1w-3S —a g0,+i.t Project Number: z le��'j�11�� Date: { yt Time: Personnel: eb, Sample Method:Pic %g+&,hl Depth to Water: 1.1 E4 i Total Depth: Io.33 Water Column: Depth Sampled:^ PURGE DATA At Start Sheen Observed: too Odor Observed: PID Reading: At End No No Time Water Depth (ft.) Purge Rate (m L/min) Tem °C P ( ) pH (S. U.) Sp. Cond. (µS/cmz) DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) Turbidity (NTU) {� p Start Purge iLL3 4•3 k)a q.3' �.. t 82 z.Li zl - i 7- '144o Lt. Yk isL 1� 7, 40.1'0 ZM i"twC .0 1016 L u3 36i 190 ()U o 10 IT 3tiw tai 7 I pts IU.0 11 L 30 >1 Z.G Lt 7.0. t b 1S00 a !0U 4 14 :� S.1 149 1 Jut 10. i�1 �K 31 3$•3 140 iS2u IOU N. N .3L $ti AS 2`.{ 3 �( 3`G (, Zig• Total Volume Purged: SAMPLE ANALYSIS Analysis Container Type/Size Number Collected Field I Filtered preservativeContainer pH **See Chain of Custody** i�C l� l• O • � �v+c.h � U u 13 19 QC Samyle Collected? Y /[ K LOW FLOW STRESS PURGE DATA LOG SHEET Mabbett Scientists I Engineers I Program Managers Site Name: VA Northampton Landfill Location ID: M%,, -tt -� _ Site Location: Leeds, MA Sample ID: r%w - %4 oSu%,j Project Number: 2 V zp Date: 514 111 Time: NUG Personnel: Sample Method: Low �1c.� _ ?Cwwrg1f%C Depth to Water: 4 - � :% r f!VL Total Depth: _Az s4r Water Column: Depth Sampled: 1(j 1 PURGE DATA At Start Sheen Observed: go Odor Observed: �o PID Reading: At End dD nlp 9%AV V4 It 11IC'W►l%hIbVowv% tett, i oral volume F urgea: SAMPLE ANALYSIS Analysis Container Type/Size Water Depth I Field Filtered Preservative pH " Cond. Elfici F,o . M Gid i it, k. Rft,% e R —L Turbidity Z�Start Purge i r�M M�MSMMM i oral volume F urgea: SAMPLE ANALYSIS Analysis Container Type/Size Number Collected I Field Filtered Preservative Container pH **See Chain of Custody" Elfici F,o . M Gid i it, k. Rft,% e R —L qC Sample Collected? Y /@) a All mabbett. Scientist,, I Engineers I Program Managers LOW FLOW LOW STRESS PURGE DATA LOG SHEET Site Name: VA Northampton Landfill Location ID: PA;*J -Llai Site Location: Leeds, MA Sample ID: MW - "01�y Project Number: � � } Date: Time: J 1zC Personnel: 15 G, Sample Method: Low Figo- Fer,S o.,r. Depth to Water: • a (�, r Ak #OP e { Sk#*F0 At Start At End Total Depth: ti3 _ Sheen Observed: _ Na lyra, Water Column: 211 Odor Observed: filo 0 Depth Sampled: 34' PID Reading: PURGE DATA ! i utas volume r•urgea: Z_) cal. ' SAMPLE ANALYSIS Analysis Water Purge Rate FieldCollected Filtered Preservative Sp. Cond. **See Chain of Custody** Turbidity Start Purge ! i utas volume r•urgea: Z_) cal. ' SAMPLE ANALYSIS Analysis Container Type/Size Number FieldCollected Filtered Preservative Container pH **See Chain of Custody** l r l 1 "fits h I g 1,1 r k- a 13 QC Sample Collected? Y/N K C ME Samplell): Svq-) Project Number: V Date: zOZI ADDITIONAL PURGE DATA Water Purge Rate Tem p' (� }(S.U.) pH Sp. Cond. DO ORP Turbidity 6Tim;eDepth (ft.) (mL/min) S/cm2 (mg/L) (mV) (NTU) [ o 1.I4 [3S i tLa $ 3 is Rtio I[.V 1* 1 I{l Total Volume Purged: _1 NOTES: <Pro ply Mabbett x Sample ID: \N - 3 Date: - QZ Project Number: v_207PYi1q ryr]I ADDITIONAL PURGE DATA •�. • . Total Volume Purged: . r. NOTES: N 0 l o a O Mabbett Sample ID: Date: Project Number• ADDITIONAL PURGE DATA Water Purge kate Sp, Cond Turbidity Total Volume Purged: NOTES: Mabbett J i Sample ID: LQ,% Date: 5 1y j L t Project Number: R2026949.899:962 V-7 ?Qr3JF ADDITIONAL PURGE DATA ®®' ® Turbidity NOTES: ' Soy4,pkc� � t4Z� - Mabbett Sample ID: L( - Z„ Project Number: ADDITIONAL PURGE DATA Date: S1 '116, otal Volume Purged. y NOTES: S(AMVLLA rG tJ 3o Mabbett 01 �, 01 - Depth® ® ® Sp. Cond. ®. . _®. otal Volume Purged. y NOTES: S(AMVLLA rG tJ 3o Mabbett 01 �, 01 E Q_ POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA APPENDIX E Laboratory Analytical Report 0 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. APPENDIX E June 22, 2021 Project No. R2020018.001 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report L 5 Y ANAL Y T! C A L ANALYTICAL REPORT Lab Number: L2123071 Client: Mabbett & Associates 105 Central street Suite 4100 Stoneham, MA 02180 ATfN: Stephen Vetere Phone: (781) 275-6050 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDF Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Serial No:05182110:29 The original project report/data package is held by Alpha Analytical. This report/data package is paginated and should be reproduced only in its entirety. Alpha Analytical holds no responsibility for results and/or data that are not consistent with the original. Certifications & Approvals: MA (M-MA086), NH NELAP (2064), CT (PH -0574), IL (200077), ME (MA00086), MD (348), NJ (MA935), NY (11148), NC (25700/666), PA (68-03671), RI (LA000065), TX (T104704476), VT (VT -0935), VA (460195), USDA (Permit #P330-17-00196). Eight Walkup Drive, Westborough, MA 01581-1019 508-898-9220 (Fax) 508-898-9193 800-624-9220 - www.alphalab.com Page 1 of 201 LIXF-kA 'NA�� 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o O O O 00 cr, cr cn cn cn cn cn cr, v, v, cn cn cn a+ 0 WNO W W W W W W W W W W W W p1 O O O O �1 O -! O 11 O -4 O -1 O V O rl O V O O V O V O V O V �p V p M N J , i , i i J , i i -4 i m i , i .► WN J J _ IM P? W N i W W cn CyO O W IV C7� IV C7� A W O N N Cn 3 3 C> O O O O {T O N O O (71 Cn O !D Q I Z a.. 0 n n n C) C) O O O O O O O O O co O O W N i C�C Ul U1 U7 CTI C31 _n CSI UI M ID CJ1 N OD � 0 0 0 � � W N i i G O 0 Ln oo A b b v cn cn to to v ,�-► o N Z O 0 N � � �, S �, �, K3 a Ks c" 0 J J i i N A V J J 1 v i i i i O n C> } J i �T V O Z Z v m n n a n n n n n n n n nn w r -� -�I - �. m m m m m m m m m m m m m is r r r r r r r r r r r r r r w m m m m m m m m m m m m m ow m m m m m m m m m m m m m 03 cin . ai ui uoi uoi con con con con con voi voi K K K K K K K K K K K K K 3 n n n n n n n n n n n n n C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o O O O 00 cr, cr cn cn cn cn cn cr, v, v, cn cn cn a+ 0 O O O A r Al _ ACD A A _ .a S NJ J J N J 1 J J J J N J Z 3 0 0 O W IV C7� IV C7� A W O N N Cn .-r r C> O O O O {T O N O O (71 Cn O !D I Z 0 C) C) O O O O O O O O O O O O r � U7 U7 C71 U7 Ul U1 U7 CTI C31 C37 CSI UI M ID CJ1 N OD O O 0 0 0 0 O O A A A A A A A A A A A A AcoJ N 1 N N K3 a Ks C N G J J V v � ' } r Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number. R2020018.001 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 MADEP MCP Response Action Analytical Report Certification This form provides certifications for all samples performed by MCP methods. Please refer to the Sample Results and Container Information sections of this report for specification of MCP methods used for each analysis. The following questions pertain only to MCP Analytical Methods. An affirmative response to questions A through F is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status A Were all samples received in a condition consistent with those described on the Chain -of- YES Custody, properly preserved (including temperature) in the field or laboratory, and prepared/analyzed within method holding times? B Were the analytical method(s) and all associated QC requirements specified in the selected YES CAM protocol(s) followed? C [91 Were all required corrective actions and analytical response actions specified in the selected CAM protocol(s) implemented for all identified performance standard non -conformances? Does the laboratory report comply with all the reporting requirements specified in CAM VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data?" YES YES E a. VPH, EPH, and APH Methods only: Was each method conducted without significant NIA modification(s)? Refer to the individual methods for a list of significant modifications). E b. APH and TO -15 Methods only: Was the complete analyte list reported for each method? NIA F Were all applicable CAM protocol QC and performance standard non -conformances identified YES and evaluated in a laboratory narrative (including all "No" responses to Questions A throuqh E)? A response to questions G, H and I is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status G Were the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM NO protocol(s)? H Were all QC performance standards specified in the CAM protocol(s) achieved? NO I Were results reported for the complete analyte list specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? YES For any questions answered "No", please refer to the case narrative section on the following page(s). Please note that sample matrix information is located in the Sample Results section of this report. �FiA Page 3 of 201 Serial No:0518211029 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Case Narrative The samples were received in accordance with the Chain of Custody and no significant deviations were encountered during the preparation or analysis unless otherwise noted. Sample Receipt, Container Information, and the Chain of Custody are located at the back of the report. Results contained within this report relate only to the samples submitted under this Alpha Lab Number and meet NELAP requirements for all NELAP accredited parameters unless otherwise noted in the following narrative. The data presented in this report is organized by parameter (Le VOC, SVOC, etc.) Sample specific Quality Control data (i.e. Surrogate Spike Recovery) is reported at the end of the target analyte list for each individual sample followed by the Laboratory Batch Quality Control at the end of each parameter. Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs), if requested, are reported for compounds identified to be present and are not part of the method/program Target Compound List, even if only a subset of the TCL are being reported. If a sample was re -analyzed or re -extracted due to a required quality control corrective action and if both sets of data are reported, the Laboratory ID of the re -analysis or re -extraction is designated with an "R" or "RE", respectively When multiple Batch Quality Control elements are reported (e.g. more than one LCS), the associated samples for each element are noted in the grey shaded header line of each data table. Any Laboratory Batch, Sample Specific % recovery or RPD value that is outside the listed Acceptance Criteria is bolded in the report. In reference to questions H (CAM) or 4 (RCP) when "NO" is checked, the performance criteria for CAM and RCP methods allow for some quality control failures to occur and still be within method compliance. In these instances, the specific failure is not narrated but noted in the associated QC Outlier Summary Report, located directly after the Case Narrative. QC information is also incorporated in the Data Usability Assessment table (Format 11) of our Data Merger tool, where it can be reviewed in conjunction with the sample result, associated regulatory criteria and any associated data usability implications. Soil/sediments, solids and tissues are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted. Definitions of all data qualifiers and acronyms used in this report are provided in the Glossary located at the back of the report HOLD POLICY - For samples submitted on hold, Alpha's policy is to hold samples (with the exception of Air canisters) free of charge for 21 calendar days from the date the project is completed After 21 calendar days, we will dispose of all samples submitted including those put on hold unless you have contacted your Alpha Project Manager and made arrangements for Alpha to continue to hold the samples. Air canisters will be disposed after 3 business days from the date the project is completed. Please contact Project Management at 800-624-9220 with any questions. Page 4 of 201 Antv-�- X ED Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Case Narrative (continued) MCP Related Narratives Sample Receipt L2123071-11: The collection date and time on the chain of custody was 04 -MAY -21 11:30; however, the collection date/time on the container label was 04 -MAY -21 10:20. At the client's request, the collection date/time is reported as 04 -MAY -21 10:20. L2123071-12: The collection date and time on the chain of custody was 04 -MAY -21 10:20; however, the collection date/time on the container label was 04 -MAY -21 11:30. At the client's request, the collection dateltime is reported as 04 -MAY -21 11:30. The samples were received at the laboratory above the required temperature range. The samples were transported to the laboratory in a cooler with ice and delivered directly from the sampling site. This is considered acceptable since the samples were in the process of cooling. Volatile Organics In reference to question H: L2123071-01 through -13: Initial Calibration did not meet: Lowest Calibration Standard Minimum Response Factor: 1,4 -dioxane (0.0011) Average Response Factor: 1,4 -dioxane Verification: dichlorodifluoromethane (161%), chloromethane (139%), vinyl chloride (133%) L2123071-01 through -13: The associated continuing calibration standard is outside the acceptance criteria for several compounds; however, it is within overall method allowances. A copy of the continuing calibration standard is included as an addendum to this report. Semivolatile Organics L2123071-01 through -12 and WG1496419-1/-2/-3: The initial calibration utilized a quadratic fit for Butyl benzyl phthalate, Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, Di-n-octylphthalate. Semivolatile Organics by SIM Page 5 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Case Narrative (continued) 0 L2123071-01 through -12 and WG1496418-11-2/-3: The initial calibration utilized a quadratic fit for pentachlorophenol Dissolved Metals In reference to question G: L2123071-01 through -06: One or more of the target analytes did not achieve the requested CAM reporting limits. Total Metals In reference to question G: L2123071-07 through -12: One or more of the target analytes did not achieve the requested CAM reporting limits. Non -MCP Related Narratives Dissolved Oxygen L2123071-03, -06 through -12 were analyzed with the method required holding time exceeded. Solids, Total Dissolved The WG1495599-3 Laboratory Duplicate RPD for solids, total dissolved (12%), performed on L2123071-01, is outside the acceptance criteria. The elevated RPD has been attributed to the non-homogeneous nature of the native sample. Alkalinity, Total WG1498791: A Matrix Spike and Laboratory Duplicate were prepared with the sample batch, however, the native sample was not available for reporting; therefore, the results could not be reported. i, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief and based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for providing the information contained in this analytical report, such information is accurate and complete. This certificate of analysis is not complete unless this page accompanies any and all pages of this report. Authorized Signature: *A w� Caidin walukevich 0 Title: Technical Director/Representative Date: 05/18/21 Page 6 of 201 � 1I CD ti O N 0 N Oo d dD O ODco co O co m Chi v v v v v a ONi 0 ami rn� 0 0 0 0 0 O n c� , v Cl v v v v n n 0 0 n °�- o n 3 a� � d m m M 3, CO 00 W 06 0o m 00 0o w W W0 m m m m m m m =_ D D D D D D n n n n 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 1 N nye c ` Q cr o =r a Q o 3 s r - co m m g g c A A A A A A A A A A A <D O tp cp tp cp rp rp �O tp d W tO [p cD �D t0 A A A A O i 3 r- 3 A CL A = Y, N Nm M �0 0000 M.m cr 3 m a = CL :3a: :rca am m m m 0 a v v 0 G 3 v a m CL 3 =r a 0 fD v cr v M O ►j A 0 I r m 70 c ic 3 a M X m T 0 I r - r- r- C �0 0000 www C4 cococococo o v v v v m N N A A iA co cn d CT ST O O OC. A" A V V V V V Q Q Q Q O O o O O p A W W W W W 4 4 4 O O O O O O O O o d d d o 0 0 1 O N N � N N W W W W W 3 3 b O 10 v c v a v 0 3 0 3 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 7 7 7 3 3 7 7 j to td � ni of of si ai of of of rc so w m m Q S cr S T c � � S S G a _9 @ m Q� g c Q IV m 0 N H w y N H y N Ip y 3 =r a 0 fD v cr v M O ►j A 0 I r m 70 c ic 3 a M X m T 0 I ORGANICS Page 8 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 EO U VOLATILES Page 9 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Client ID: MWAD-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ug/1 Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/1312106:31 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1.1-Dichloroethane Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans -1 ,3-Dichloropropene cis -1, 3-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total 1,1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1,1, 2, 2 -Tetrachloroethane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Page 10 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Result Qualifier tMAft RL MDL Dilution Factor NO ug/l 20 1 NO ug/l 1 0 1 NO ug/1 1 l 1 NO ug/l 10 1 ND Ug/1 10 1 ND ugA 10 1 NO ug/l 10 1 ND ug/l 10 1 ND ugA 10 1 NO UgA 20 1 NO ugA 10 1 ND ugA 10 1 ND ug/l 1.0 1 NO ug/l 8.40 1 ND ug/l 4.40 1 ND ugA 4.40 1 ND ugll 20 1 ND ugA 20 1 NO ug/l 10 1 NO ug/l 050 1 NO ug/l 1.0 1 NO ugll 1.0 1 NO ug/l 2.0 1 NO ug/l 2.0 1 NO ugA 1.0 1 NO UgA 20 1 NO UgA 10 1 ND ug/l 10 1 X X Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS rLab 10 LL 1 ID: L2123071-01 10 1 Client 1D: MW -1D-050421 1.0 1 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA 10 1 Sample Depth: 2.0 1 Parameter Result MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 10 - 1 Trichloroethene ND 1 2 -Dichlorobenzene NO 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND 1.4 -Dichlorobenzene NO Methyl tert butyl ether NO plm-Xylene NO o -Xylene NO Xylenes, Total NO cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NO 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total NO Dibromomethane NO 1,2,3-Trichloropropane NO Styrene NO Dichlorodifluoromethane NO Acetone NO Carbon disulfide NO Methyl ethyl ketone NO Methyl isobutyl ketone ND 2-Hexanone ND Bromochloromethane ND Tetrahydrofuran ND 2,2-Dichloropropane NO 1,2-Dibrornoethane NO 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane NO Bromobenzene ND n-Butylbenzene ND sec-Butylbenzene NO tert-Butyibenzene NO o-Chlorotoluene NO p-Chlorotoluene NO 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane NO Hexachlorobutadiene NO Isopropylbenzene NO p-Isopropyltoluene NO Naphthalene NO n-Propylbenzene NO Page 11 of 201 Qualifier units Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC RL MIX Dilution Factor ugll 10 LL 1 ugA 10 1 ugA 1.0 1 ugA 10 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 20 - 1 ugll 10 - 1 ugll 1.0 - 1 ugll 1.0 - 1 ugll 1.0 - 1 ug/1 2.0 - 1 ugll 2.0 - 1 ugA 1.0 3 ugA 20 1 U911 5.0 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugll 2.0 1 ugll 2.0 1 ugll 2.0 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 1.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 20 - 1 ugll 20 - 1 ug/1 20 - 1 ugll 20 - 1 ugll 0.60 1 ugll 20 - 1 ugll 2.0 1 ugll 2.0 1 ug/l 2.0 1 Page 12 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Client ID: MW -1 D-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1.2 3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/1 20 1 1.2 4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/1 20 — 1 1.3 5-Trimethylben7ene ND ug/I 20 — 1 12 4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/I 2.0 — 1 Diethyl ether ND ug/I 2.0 — 1 Diisopropyl Ether ND ug/I 2.0 — 1 Ethyl -Tent -Butyl -Ether ND ug/I 2.0 - 1 Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether ND ug/I 2.0 - 1 1.4 -Dioxane ND ug/1 250 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 113 70-130 Toluene -d8 93 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 70-130 Q Dibromofluoromelhane 111 70 130 Page 12 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-02 Client ID: MWAS-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ugll Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/13/21 06:56 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 11-Dichloroethane Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,1,2-Trichioroethane Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans -1, 3-Dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total 1,1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane Benzene Toluene Ethyibenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane 1,i-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Page 13 of 201 SAMPLE RESULTS Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: Date Received: Field Prep: 05/04/21 13:55 05/04/21 Refer to COC Result Qualifier Wm RL MDL Dilution Factor NO ugA 20 - Z NO ugll 10 -- I NO ugll 10 -- I NO UgA 1.0 - 1 ND ugA 1.0 - 1 ND ugA 1.0 - 1 NO ugA 1.0 1 NO ugA 1.0 1 NO ugA 1.0 1 NO ugA 2.0 - 1 ND ugA 1.0 - 1 NO ugA 1.0 - 1 NO ugA NO ugA 0.40 1 NO ugA 0.40 1 NO ugA 0.40 1 NO ugA 2.0 1 NO ugA 2.0 1 NO ugA 1.0 1 NO ugA 0.50 1 NO ugll 1.0 1 NO ugll 1.0 - 1 NO ugll 2.0 - 1 NO ugll 2.0 - 1 NO ugll 1.0 - 1 NO ugll 2.0 - 1 NO ugll 1.0 - 1 NO ugll 1.0 - 1 Ax'A Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-02 Date Collected: 05/04/21 13:55 Client ID: MWAS-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Quallfler Units RL MDL Dllution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene ND ugA 1.0 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 1.0 - 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 1.0 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ug/1 1.0 i Methyl tert butyl ether ND ug/1 2.0 1 plm-Xylene ND ugA 2.0 1 o -Xylene ND ugA 10 1 Xylenes, Total ND ugA 10 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ugA 1.0 1 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total ND ugA 1.0 - 1 Dibromomethane ND ugA 2.0 1 1,2,3-Tdchloropropane ND ugA 2.0 1 Styrene ND ug/1 1.0 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ugA 20 1 Acetone ND ugll 5.0 1 Carbon disulfide ND ugll 2.0 - 1 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 1 2-Hexanone ND ugA 5.0 1 Bromochloromethane ND ugll 2 0 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ugA 2 0 1 2,2-Dichioropropane ND ugA 2.0 7 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ugA 2.0 7 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ugA 2.0 1 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ugA 1.0 1 Bromobenzene ND Ug/l, 2.0 1 n-Butylbenzene ND ugA 20 1 see-Butylbenzene ND ugA 20 1 tert-Butylbenzene ND ugA 2 0 1 o-Chlorotoluene ND ug/1 2 0 1 p-Chlorotoiuene ND ugll 2 0 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chioropropane ND ug/l 20 - 1 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ugll 0.60 - 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ugll 20 1 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/l 20 - 1 Naphthalene ND ug/l 2.0 1 n-Propyibenzene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 �- Page14 of 201 ki Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab Number: SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-02 Client ID: MW -IS -050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 13:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 20 1,2,3-Trich!orobenzene ND 1,2,4-Trich!orobenzene ND 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND Diethyl ether ND Diisopropyl Ether ND Ethyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether ND Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether ND 1,4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate ug/l 1,2-Dichl oroethane-& 4 1 Toluene -d8 250 4-Bromofluorobenzene Dibromofluoromethane Acceptance Page 15 of 201 MDL Dilution Factor U911 20 1 ug/1 20 1 ugA 20 -- 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 -- 1 ug/l 2-0 — 1 ug/l 20 - 1 ug/l 2-0 4 1 ugA 250 - 1 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 110 70-130 95 70-130 95 70-130 112 70.130 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-03 Client ID. MW -2S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 1 Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date 05/13/21 07:20 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1,1-Dichtoroethane Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 1 2-Dichloroethane 1 1,1 -Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans -1, 3-Dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 3-Dichloropropene, Total 1,1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1 1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane 1 1-Dichloroethene trans -1, 2-Dichloraethene Page 16 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 ND Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:25 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Result Qualifier Ungs RL ism Dilution Factor ND ugA 2 0 1 ND ugA 10 1 NO ugA 1.0 - 1 ND ugA 1.0 - 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND u911 1.0 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ug/l 2.0 - 1 ND ugll 1 0 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 ND ug/1 040 1 ND ugll 040 1 ND ugll 040 1 ND ugll 20 1 ND ug/l 2.0 - 1 ND ug/1 10 1 ND ugA 050 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND ugA 20 1 ND ugA 2.0 1 ND ugA 1.0 - 1 ND ugA 2.0 - 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 w 0 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18121 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-03 Date Collected: 05/04/21 1225 Client ID: MW -2S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Quallfler Units RL MOL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene ND ugll 10 1 1,2 Dichlorobenzene NO ugll 10 1 1,3-Dichloro4enzene NO ugA 10 1 14 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugn 10 - 1 Methyl tert butyl ether NO ugn 2.0 1 plm-Xylene ND ugn 20 1 o -Xylene NO ugn 10 1 Xylenes, Total NO ugn 10 - 1 cis-1,2-Dichioroethene NO ugn 10 - 1 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total NO ugA 10 1 Dibromomethane NO ugA 20 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane NO ugA 20 1 Styrene NO ugn 10 - 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane NO ugn 20 - 1 Acetone NO ugn 5.0 - 1 Carbon disulfide NO ug/l 2.0 - 1 Methyl ethyl ketone NO ugA 5.0 - 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone NO ugll 5.0 1 2-Hexanone NO ugll 5.0 1 Bromochioromethane NO ug/I 2.0 1 Tetrahydroturan NO ugll 2.0 - 1 2,2-Dichloropropane NO ugll 2.0 1 1,2-Dibromoethane NO ug/I 2.0 1 1,3-Dichloropropane NO ugn 2.0 - 1 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND u911 1.0 1 Bromobenzene ND ugn 2.0 - 1 n-Butylbenzene NO ugn 2.0 1 sec-Butyibenzene ND ugn 2.0 1 tert-Butylbenzene ND ugn 2.0 1 o-Chiorotoiuene ND ugn 2.0 t p-Chlorotoluene NO ugn 2.0 7 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane NO ugn 2.0 7 Hexachlorobutadiene NO ugn 0.60 - 1 Isopropylbenzene NO ugn 20 - 7 p-Isopropyltoluene NO ugn 20 - 1 Naphthalene NO ugn 2.0 - 1 n-Propylbenzene NO ugn 20 - 1 Page 17 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab Number: SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-03 Client ID: MW -2S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:25 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 2.0 1,2,3-Tdchlorobenzene ND 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene ND 1,3,5 Tdmethylbenzene ND 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND Diethyl ether ND Dilsopropyl Ether ND Ethyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether ND Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether ND 1,4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate ug/l 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 — 1 Toluene -d8 250 4-Bromofluorobenzene Dibromofluoromethane Acceptance Page 18 of 201 MDL Dilution Factor ugA 2.0 1 ugA 2.0 1 ug/l 2.0 1 ug/l 2.0 1 ug/l 2.0 1 ugll 2.0 1 ug/l 2.0 — 1 ug/l 2.0 — 1 ug/l 250 — 1 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 110 70-130 94 70-130 97 70-130 113 70-130 Ee x 0 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 ugA SAMPLE RESULTS ND ugA Lab ID: L2123071-04 Client ID: MW -3S-0504211 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth. ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/13/21 07:44 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1,1-Dichloroelhane Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,1, 2 -Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans-1,3-Dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropene Total 1,1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans -1,2 -Dick oroethene Page 19 of 201 Result Qualifier up" Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC RL MDL Dilution Factor ND ugA 2.0 - 1 NO ugA 10 R i ND ugA 10 LL 1 ND ugA 10 - 1 NO ugA 10 - 1 ND ugA 10 -• 1 ND ug/l 10 - t ND ugA 10 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ugA 20 1 ND ugA 10 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND ugA 10 1 ND ugA 040 1 ND ugA 040 1 NO ugA 0.40 1 NO ugA 20 1 NO ugA 20 - 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND ugA 0.50 1 ND ugA 10 1 ND ugll 10 1 NO ugll 2-0 1 NO ugll 2.0 - 1 ND ugll 1.0 - 1 ND ugA 2.0 1 ND ugA 1.0 - 1 ND ugA 1.0 - 1 Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dllutlon Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene ND Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 1 0 1 SAMPLE RESULTS ND ugll Lab 1D: L2123071-04 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dllutlon Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene ND ugll 10 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugll 10 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugll 1 0 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugll 1 0 1 Methyl tert butyl ether ND ugll 20 1 p/m-Xylene ND ugll 2.0 1 o -Xylene ND ugA 1.0 1 Xylenes, Total ND ugll 1.0 1 cis-1,2-1)ichloroethene ND ugll 10 1 1,2-Dichlomethene, Total ND ugll 10 1 Dibromomethane ND ugll 20 1 1,2,3-Tdchloropropane ND ugll 20 1 Styrene ND ugll 1.0 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ugA 2.0 — 1 Acetone ND ugA 5.0 1 Carbon disulfide ND ugA 2.0 1 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 1 2-Hexanone ND ugA 5.0 1 Bromochloromethane ND ugA 2.0 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ugA 2.0 — 1 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ugll 2.0 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ugll 2.0 1 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ugll 2 0 1 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ugll 10 — 1 Bromobenzene ND ugll 2 0 — 1 n-Butyibenzene ND ugll 2 0 — 7 sea-Butylbenzene ND ugll 20 1 Cert-Butylbenzene ND ug/l 20 1 o-Chlorotoluene ND ug/1 20 1 p-Chlorotoluene ND ugA 20 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ugA 20 1 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ugA 0.60 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ugA 20 1 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ugA 2 0 1 Naphthalene ND ugA 2 0 1 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/1 20 1 Page 20 of 201 RE (1) Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-04 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 20 Parameter Result Qualifier Units Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,3-Tdchlorobenzene NO ug/1 2.0 1 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene NO ug/l 20 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene NO ugA 2.0 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene NO ugA 2,0 - 1 Diethyl ether NO ugA 2,0 -- 1 Diisopropyl Ether NO ugA 2.0 - 1 Ethyl -Teri -Butyl -Ether NO ugll 2-0 — 1 Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether NO ugll 2-0 — 1 1,4 -Dioxane NO ugA 250 — 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 111 70-130 Toluene -d8 95 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 112 70-130 Page 21 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-05 Client ID: MW4S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 1 Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/13/2108:09 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1. 1, 2 -Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Chiorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans -1, 3-Dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total 1,1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans -1, 2-Dichloroethene Page 22 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Result Qualifier Units RL #IDL Dilution Factor ND ugn 2.4 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 NO ugn 1.0 - 1 ND ugn 1.0 - 1 NO ugn 1.0 - 1 ND ugn 1.0 1 ND ugn 1.0 1 ND ugn 10 1 ND ugn 20 1 ND ugn 10 1 ND ugn 10 1 ND ugn 1.0 - 1 ND ugn 0.40 1 ND ugll 0.40 1 ND ugn 040 1 ND UgA 20 1 ND ugn 20 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 ND ugll 050 - 1 ND ugll 10 - 1 ND ugn 10 1 ND ugn 2.0 1 ND ugn 2.0 1 ND ugn 10 1 ND ugn 20 1 ND ugn 10 -- 1 ND ugn 1.0 1 U Lel Page 23 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18121 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-05 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 Client ID: MW -4S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics -Westborough Lab Trichloroethene NO ug/l 10 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene NO ug/I 1.0 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 1.0 - 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 1.0 - 1 Methyl Cert butyl ether NO ugA 2.0 - 1 p/m-Xylene NO ugA 2.0 - 1 o -Xylene ND ugA 10 1 Xylenes, Total NO ugA 10 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ugA 1.0 1 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total NO ugA 10 - 1 Dibromomethane ND ug/I 20 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane NO ug/I 2.0 1 Styrene ND ugA 1.0 - 1 Dichlorodilluoromethane NO ugA 2.0 1 Acetone NO ugA 5.0 1 Carbon disulfide NO ugA 2.0 1 Methyl ethyl ketone NO ugA 5.0 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone NO ugA 5.0 - 1 2 Hexanone NO ug/I 5.0 - 1 Bromochloromelhane NO ugA 2.0 - 1 Tetrahydrofuran NO ugA 2 0 - 1 2,2-Dichloropropane NO ugA 2.0 - 1 1,2-Dibromoethane NO ugA 2.0 - 1 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/I 2.0 1 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ug/I 1.0 1 Bromobenzene ND ug/I 2.0 1 n-Butylbenzene NO ug/I 2.0 1 sec,Butylbenzene NO ugA 20 1 tent-Butylbenzene NO ugA 2 0 1 o-Chlorotoluene NO ugA 2 0 1 p-Chlorotoluene NO ugA 2 0 1 1,2-Dibromo-3chtoropropane NO ugA 2.0 1 Hexachlorobutadiene NO ugA 0.60 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ugA 20 1 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/I 20 1 Naphthalene NO ugA 20 1 n-Propylbenzene NO ugA 20 1 Page 23 of 201 �Yt�t Page 24 of 201 SerialNo:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-05 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 Client ID: MW-4S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Unita RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/1 2.0 - 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/1 2.0 - 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/1 2.0 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/1 2.0 1 Diethyl ether ND ug/1 2.0 — 1 Diisopropyl Ether ND ug/1 2.0 — 1 Ethyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether ND ug/1 2.0 1 Tertiary-Amyl Methyl Ether ND ug/1 2.0 1 1,4-Dioxane ND ug/1 250 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 109 70-130 Toluene-d8 94 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 113 70-130 �Yt�t Page 24 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 NO SAMPLE RESULTS 20 - 1 Lab ID: L2123071-06 Client ID: MW -413-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: - 1 Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/13/21 08:33 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichioropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane Tetrachloroelhene Chlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1 Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans-1,3-Dichloropropene cis -1, 3-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total 1,1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane C1,1-Dichlomethene trans -1, 2-Dichloroethene Page 25 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: Date Received: Field Prep: 05/04/21 12:35 05/04/21 Refer to COC Result Qualifier Unita RL MOL Dilution Factor NO ugA 20 - 1 NO ugfl 10 1 NO ug11 10 - 1 NO ugll 10 1 ND ugfl 10 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 ND ugll 1.0 - 1 ND ugfl 1.0 - 1 NO ugfl ZO 1 ND ugfl 1.0 1 ND ugfl 10 1 ND ugfl 10 1 ND ugfl 0.40 1 NO ug/1 0.40 1 ND ugfl 0.40 1 ND ugh 20 - 1 NO ugfl 20 - 7 NO ugfl 10 - 1 NO ug/l 0.50 - 1 NO ugfl 1.0 - 1 NO ugfl 1.0 - 1 NO ugfl 2.o - 1 NO ug/l 20 - 1 NO ugfl 10 - 1 NO ug/l 20 - 1 NO ug/l 1.0 - 1 NO ug/l 10 - 1 & t,A cru r Page 26 of 201 x Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-06 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:35 Client ID: MW -4D-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene ND ugA 1.0 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 10 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 10 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 10 1 Methyl tert butyl ether ND ugA 2.0 1 p/m-Xylene ND ugll 2.0 - 1 o -Xylene ND ugll 10 - 1 Xylenes, Total ND ugA 1.0 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ugll 1.0 1 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total ND ugll 10 1 Dibromomethane ND ugA 20 1 1,2,3-Tdchloropropane ND ugll 20 1 Styrene ND ugll 1.0 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ugll 2.0 - 1 Acetone ND ugll 5.0 1 Carbon disulfide ND ugll 20 1 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ugll 50 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone ND ugll 50 1 2-Hexanone ND ugll 50 1 Bromochloromethane ND ug/l 20 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ugll 2.0 1 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ugll 2.0 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ugll 2.0 1 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/1 2 0 1 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ugA 10 1 Bromobenzene ND ugll 2 0 1 n-Butylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 7 sec-Butylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 tert-Butylbenzene ND ugA 20 1 o-Chlorotoluene ND ug/1 2.0 - 1 p-Chlorotoluene ND ugll 20 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ugll 2 0 1 Hexachlorobutadlene ND ugll 060 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ugll 2 0 1 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ugll 2 0 1 Naphthalene ND ug/I 20 1 n-Propylbenzene ND ugll 20 1 J&". Page 26 of 201 x 1�3:r3t;,i Page 27 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-06 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:35 Client ID: MW -4D-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth. Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene NO ugA 2.0 — 1 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene NO ugA 2.0 i 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 i Diethyl ether NO ugA 2.0 i Diisopropyl Ether NO ugn 2.0 — 1 Ethyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether NO ugA 2.0 — 1 Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether NO ug/I 2.0 — 1 1,4 -Dioxane NO ug/l 250 — 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,2-Dichloroelhane-d4 110 70-130 Toluene -d8 95 70-130 4 Bromofluorobenzene 93 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 111 70-130 1�3:r3t;,i Page 27 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-07 Client ID: SW -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 20 Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/13/21 08:58 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,1.2 -Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans-1,3-Dichloropropene cis -1, 3-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total 1,1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans -1, 2-Dichloroethene Page 28 of 201 SAMPLE RESULTS Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected, 05/04/2109:40 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Result Qualifier Unpla FL VOL Dilution Factor NO ugh 20 1 NO ugll 1-0 — 7 NO ugll 1.0 — 1 NO ugh 1.0 - 1 NO ugll 1.0 - 1 NO ugll 1.0 1 NO ugll 1.0 — 1 NO ugll 1.0 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 ND ugll 2,0 1 ND ugll 1.0 — 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 NO ugll 1-0 — 1 NO ugh 0.40 — 1 NO ugh 0.40 NO ugll 0.40 1 NO ugll 20 1 NO ugli 20 - 1 NO ugll 1-0 — 1 NO ugfl 0,50 - 1 ND ugfl 1.0 — 1 ND ugll 1.0 - 1 ND ugll 2.0 - 1 ND ug/l 2.0 1 NO ugll 1.0 1 NO ug/1 2.0 - 1 NO ug/1 10 1 NO uglf 10 1 N w r jA 'JLJLJ. t Page 29 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-07 Date Collected: 05/04/2109,40 Client ID: SW -1-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result qualifier Units RL MUL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab - Trichloroethene NO ug/l 10 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 10 - 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND U911 1.0 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 1.0 1 Methyl tert butt', ether ND ugA 2.0 - 1 plm-Xylene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 o -Xylene ND ugA 1.0 1 Xylenes, Total ND ugA 1.0 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ugA 1.0 1 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total ND ugA 1.0 1 Dibromomethane ND ugA 20 - 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ugn 20 - 1 Styrene ND ug/l 10 - 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane Acetone ND ND ug/l ugA 2.0 - 5.0 1 1 Carbon disulfide ND ugA 2.0 1 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 1 2-Hexanone ND ugA 5.0 1 Bromochloromelhane ND ugA 20 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/l 2.0 - 1 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/l 2.0 - 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ug/l 2.0 1 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ugA 2.0 1 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ugA 1.0 - 1 Bromobenzene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 n-Butylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 sec-Butylbenzene ND ugll 2.0 1 tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/l 2.0 1 o-Chlorotoluene ND ug/l 2.0 1 p-Chlorotoluene ND ug/l 2.0 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/l 2.0 1 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/l 0.60 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ugll 2-0 1 p-Isopropylloluene ND ugA 2.0 1 Naphthalene ND ugA 2.0 1 n-Propylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 r jA 'JLJLJ. t Page 29 of 201 AFiA &.A.r ... Page 30 of 201 L Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-07 Date Collected- 05/04/21 09:40 Client ID: SW -1-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units ISL MDL Dilutlon Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ugA 2.0 — 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ugA 2.0 -- 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 -- 1 1,2,4-Trimethyibenzene ND ugA 2.0 -- 1 Diethyl ether ND ugA 2.0 1 Diisopropyl Ether ND ugA 2.0 — 1 Ethyl -Teri -Butyl -Ether ND ugA 2.0 — 1 Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether ND ugA 2.0 — 1 I 4 -Dioxane ND ugA 25D 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 109 70-130 Toluene -d8 97 70-130 4-Bromoluorobenzene 95 70-130 /� ► y Dibromofluoromethane 111 70-130 �f AFiA &.A.r ... Page 30 of 201 L Page 31 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018,001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-08 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Client ID: SW -2-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth.- epth:Matrix: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8280C Analytical Date: 05/13/21 09:22 Analyst: MM Parameter Result Qualifier ural RL NDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride ND ugA 2.0 1 1, 1 -Dichloroethane ND ugA 10 -- 1 Chloroform ND ugA 10 - 7 Carbon tetrachloride ND ugA 10 1 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ugA 10 Dibromochloromethane ND ugA 10 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ND ug/1 1.0 Tetrachloroethene ND ugA 1.0 Chlorobenzene ND ugA 10 - 1 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ugA 20 - 1 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ugA 10 1 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ND ugll 10 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ugll 10 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ugll 0.40 1 cis -1, 3-Dichloropropene ND ugll 0.40 1 1,3-Dichioropropene Total ND ugll 0.40 1 1,1-Dichioropropene ND ugll 2.0 - 1 Bromoform ND ugA 2.0 1 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ug/1 1.0 1 Benzene ND ugA 0.50 1 Toluene ND ugA 1.0 1 Ethylbenzene ND ugA 1.0 1 Chloromethane ND ugll 2.0 1 Bromomethane ND ugll 2.0 1 Vinyl ch oride ND ugll 1.0 1 Chloroethane ND ugll 2.0 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ugA 1.0 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ugA 1.0 1 Page 31 of 201 Page 32 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: 1-2123071-08 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Q Client ID: SW-2-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene NO ug/l 1.0 -- 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 1-0 - 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 1-0 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 1-0 1 Methyl tent butyl ether NO ugA 2.0 1 p!m-Xylene NO ugA 2.0 1 o-Xylene ND ugA 10 1 Xylenes, Total ND ugA 10 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ugA 1.0 1 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total NO ugA 1.0 - 1 Dibromomethane ND ugA 2.0 - 1 1,2,3-Tdchloropropane ND ugA 2.0 - 1 Styrene NO ugA 1.0 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ugA 2.0 1 Acetone NO ugA 5.0 1 a Carbon disulfide NO ugA 2.0 1 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 2-Hexanone NO ugll 5.0 - 1 Bromochloromethane NO ugll 2.0 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ugll 2 0 1 2 2-Dichloropropane NO ug/l 20 - 1 I 2-Dibromoethane NO ug/l 20 - 1 13-Dichloropropane NO ug/l 2.0 - 1 11,1,2-Tetrachloroethane NO uglt 1.0 - 1 Bromobenzene NO ugA 2.0 1 n-Butylbenzene NO ugA 2 0 1 sec-Butylbenzene ND ugA 2 0 1 tert-Butylbenzene ND ugll 2 0 1 o-Chlorotoluene NO ugll 20 1 p-Chlorotoluene NO ugA 20 1 1,2-Dibromo-3chloropropane NO ugA 2.0 1 Hexachlorobutadiene NO ugA 0.60 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 p-Isopropyltoluene NO ugll 2.0 1 Naphthalene NO ugll 2 0 1 n-Propylbenzene NO ugtl 2.0 1 Page 32 of 201 Page 33 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-08 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Client ID: SW-2-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Unita RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,3-Trichiorobenzene ND ug/1 2.0 1 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene ND ug/1 2-0 — 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/1 2.0 — 1 1,2,4-Tdmethylbenzene ND ug/I 2.0 — 1 Diethyl ether ND ug/I 2-0 — 1 Diisopropyl Ether ND ugll 2.0 1 Ethyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether ND ugll 20 1 Tertiary-Amyl Methyl Ether ND ugA 20 1 1,4-Dioxane ND ugA 250 — 1 Acceptance Surrogate %. Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 108 70-130 Toluene-d8 96 70-130 4 Bromofluorobenzene 94 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 110 70-130 Page 33 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-09 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Date Received: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/13/21 09:47 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1,1-Dichloroethane Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1 1,2 -Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Trichtorofluoromethane 1 2-Dichloroethane 1 1,1 -Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans-1,3-Dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 3-Dichloropropene, Total 1 1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1 1 2,2-Teirachtoroethane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans-11,2-Dichloroethene Page 34 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Result Qualifier lNHO RL MDL Dilution Factor ND ugA 2.C, -• 1 ND ugn 1 C, - 1 ND ugn 1 Q 1 ND ugn 10 1 ND ugll 1.0 — 1 ND ug/l 1.0 — 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 ND ugn 1.0 1 ND ugll 1.0 1 ND ugA 20 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ug/l 10 1 ND ugll 040 1 ND ugll 040 1 ND ug/l 040 1 ND ugfl 2.0 1 ND ugfl 20 1 ND ug/1 1.0 1 ND ugA 050 1 ND ugA 10 1 ND ugA 10 1 ND ugA 20 1 ND ugA 20 — 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ugll 20 1 ND ugA 10 - 1 ND ugll 10 - 1 1&r. K X Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: SAMPLE RESULTS Lab I D: L2123071-09 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ugA Parameter Result Qualifier Units MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab -w Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05104/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified RL MDL Dilution Factor Page 35 of 201 Trichloroethene ND ug/I 10 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugll 10 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 10 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugll 10 i Methyl tert butyl ether ND ugA 20 i plm-Xylene ND ugA 20 1 o -Xylene ND ugA 10 - 1 Xylenes, Total ND ugA 10 - 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ugA 14 - 1 1,2-Dichloroethene,Total ND ug/i 10 - 1 Dibromomethane ND ug/I 2.4 - 1 1,2,3-Tdr-hioropropane ND u9/1 2.0 - 1 Styrene ND ug/I 1.0 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/I 20 1 Acetone ND ugll 5.0 - 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/I 2.0 - 1 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ug/l 5.0 - 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone ND ug/I 5.0 - 1 2-Hexanone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 Bromochloromethane ND ugA 2.0 1 Tetrahydroturan ND ugA 2-0 1 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ugA 2.0 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ugA 2.0 1 1,3-Dichlompropane ND ugA 2.0 1 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ugA 1.0 1 Bromobenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 n-Butylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 se"utylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 tart-Butylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 o-Chlorotouene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 p-Chlorotoluene ND ugA 2.0 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/l 2.0 1 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/I 0.60 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/l 2.0 1 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/1 2.0 1 Naphthalene ND ugA 2.0 1 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/l 2.0 1 Page 35 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018,001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-09 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier unlit MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,3-TdcNorobenzene NO ugll 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene NO ugll 1,3,5-Tdmethylbenzene NO ugll 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ugA Diethyl ether NO ugA Diisopropyl Ether NO ugA Ethyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether NO ugli Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether NO ug/l 1,4 -Dioxane NO ug/1 Surrogate 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene -d8 4-Bromofluorobenzene Dibromofluoromethane Page 36 of 201 % Recovery 109 95 96 111 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified RL MDL Dilution Factor 20 20 — 20 20 20 20 20 — 20 — 250 Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 70-130 70-130 70-130 70-13U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i EO C Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1,1-Dichloroethane Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID: SW -4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth - Dibromochloromethane Matrix: Water Analytical Method. 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/13/21 10:11 Analyst, MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride Page 37 of 201 SAMPLE RESULTS Result Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Qualifier unlls RE I11101- Dilution Factor NO 1,1-Dichloroethane 20 - 1 Chloroform ugA Carbon tetrachloride ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 10 - 1 Dibromochloromethane ugll 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ND Tetrachloroethene 10 1 Chlorobenzene ugll Trichlorofluoromethane NO 1,2-Dichloroethane 10 1 1,11 -Trichloroethane ugA Bromodichloromethane NO trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.0 - 1 cis -1, 3-Dichloropropene ugA 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total ND 1,1-Dichloropropene 1.0 - 1 Bromoform ugA 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane NO Benzene 1.0 1 Toluene ugA Ethylbenzene NO Chloromethane 0-40 1 Bromomethane ugA Vinyl chloride NO Chloroethane r 1,1-Dichloroethene ugA trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Page 37 of 201 SAMPLE RESULTS Result Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Qualifier unlls RE I11101- Dilution Factor NO ugA 20 - 1 NO ugA 10 - 1 ND ugA 10 - 1 NO ugll 10 - 1 ND ugll 10 1 NO ugll 1.0 1 NO ug/l 10 1 NO ugA 1.0 1 NO ugA 1.0 - 1 NO ugA 2.0 - 1 ND ugA 1.0 - 1 NO ugA 1.0 1 NO ug/l 1.0 1 NO ugA 0.40 1 NO ugh 0-40 1 ND ugA 0.40 1 NO ugA 20 - 1 NO ugA 2.0 - 1 NO ugA 1.0 1 NO ugA 0.50 1 NO ugll 1.0 - 1 NO ug/1 1.0 1 ND ugll 2.0 1 NO ug/1 2.0 1 ND ug/1 1.0 1 ND ugA 2.0 1 NO ugll 1.0 - 1 NO ug/l 1.0 1 :r.� "-'i 101 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-10 Date Collected: 05/04121 10:50 Client ID: SW -4-050421 Date Received: 05/04121 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep., Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene ND ug/l 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ug/l 1 0 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 10 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 10 1 Methyl tent butyl ether ND ugA 20 1 p/m-Xylene ND ugA 20 1 o -Xylene ND ugA 10 1 Xylenes, Total ND ugA 10 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ugA 10 1 1,2-Dichlomethene, Total ND ug/l 10 1 Dibromomethane ND ugA 20 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ugA 20 i Styrene ND ugA 1.0 1 Dichlorodinuoromethane ND ug/i 2.0 1 Acetone ND ug/l 5 0 1 Carbon disulfide ND ug/l 20 1 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ugh 5.0 - 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone ND ug/l 5.0 1 2-Hexanone ND ug/l 5.0 1 Bromochloromethane NO ug/l 2 0 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/l 2.0 - 1 2,2-Dichloropropane ND u9/1 2.0 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ugA 2.0 1 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ugA 2 0 1 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ugA 10 1 Bromobenzene ND ugA 2 0 1 n-Butylbenzene ND ugA 2 0 1 sec-Butylbenzene ND ugA 20 1 tert-Butylbenzene ND ugA 20 - 1 o-Chlorototuene ND ug/l 20 1 p-Chlorotoluene ND ug/l 20 - 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/l 20 1 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/l 0.60 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ug/l 20 1 p4sopropyltoluene ND ug/l 2.0 1 Naphthalene ND ugA 2 0 1 n-Propylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 A' fKA Page 38 of 201 101 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018,001 Report Date: SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID: SW4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 20 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND Diethyl ether ND Diisopmpyl Ether ND Ethyl -Teri -Butyl -Ether ND Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether ND 1,4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate ugll 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 — Toluene -d8 250 4-Bromofluorobenzene Dibromofluoromethane Acceptance Page 39 of 201 MDL Dilution Factor ugll 20 -- ugll 20 uglt 20 ugll 20 — ugll 2.0 — ugll 20 — ugn 20 - ugll 20 — ugll 250 — Acceptance Recovery Qualifier Criteria 111 70-130 94 70-130 96 70-130 112 70-130 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-11 Client ID: LCA -050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: — 1 Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/13/21 10:35 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1,1-Drchloroethane Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,11 -Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans-1,3-Dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total 1,1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans -1, 2-Dichloroethene Page 40 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Result Qualifier Uri" Will. MIDL Dilution Factor ND ugll 20 — 1 ND ugll 10 — 1 ND ugll 1 0 1 NO ugll 10 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ugll 10 1 NO ugll 10 1 NO ugA 1.0 1 NO UgA 10 1 No ugA 2.0 1 NO ugA 10 1 NO ugA 10 1 NO ugA 10 1 NO ugA 040 1 NO ugA 040 1 No ugA 040 1 NO ugA 2.0 1 No ugA 2.0 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ugll 0.50 1 ND ugll 1,0 — 1 ND ug/l 1.0 1 ND ugll 2-0 1 ND ugll 2-0 1 NO ugll 1.0 -• 1 NO ugll 2-0 1 NO ugll 1-0 1 NO ug/l LO 1 K We Page 41 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-11 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Client ID: LC-1-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene ND ugll 1.0 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ugll 1.0 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND u911 1.0 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 1.0 1 Methyl tert butyl ether ND ugA 2.0 1 p1m-Xylene ND ugh 2.0 1 o-Xylene ND ugh 1.0 - 1 Xylenes, Total ND ugA 1.0 - 1 cis-1,2-Dichlomethene ND ugA 1.0 - 1 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total ND Ugn 10 - 1 Dibromomethane ND ugA 2.0 - 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ugll 2.0 - 1 Styrene ND ugll 1.0 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ugn 2.0 1 Acetone ND ugA 5.0 1 Carbon disulfide ND ugA 2.0 1 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 2-Hexanone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 Bromochioromethane ND ugll 2.0 1 Tetrahydroturan ND ugA 2.0 1 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ugA 2.0 - 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ugn 2.0 - 1 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ugll 2.0 - 1 1,1.1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ugll 1.0 - 1 Bromobenzene ND ugll 2.0 - 1 n-Butylbenzene ND ugll 2.0 1 sec-Butylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 tert-Butylbenzene ND Ugn 2.0 1 o-Chlorotoluene ND ugn 2.0 1 p-Chlorotoluene ND ugA 2.0 1 1,2-Dibromo-3chloropropane ND ugA 2.0 1 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ugh 0.60 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ugll 2.0 1 p•Isopropyltoluene ND ugll 2.0 1 Naphthalene ND ugA 2.0 1 n-Propylbenzene ND ugrl 2.0 1 Page 41 of 201 Page 42 of 201 6 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report hate: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS O Lab ID: L2123071-11 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Client ID: LC -1-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier llnits RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1 2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ugll 2.0 1 1 2,4- Tnchlorobenzene ND ugll 2.0 1 1 3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ugll 2.0 1 7 2.4-Trimethylbenzene ND ugll 2.0 1 Diethyl ether ND ugll 2.0 1 Diisopropyl Ether ND ugll 2.0 1 Ethyl -Tent -Butyl -Ether ND ugll 20 1 Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether ND ugll 20 1 1.4 -Dioxane ND ugll 250 — 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 110 70-130 Toluene -d8 94 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 70-130 O Dibromofluoromethane 115 70-130 Page 42 of 201 6 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Lab ID: Client ID: Sample Location Sample Depth: Matrix: Analytical Method Analytical Date: Analyst: L2123071-12 LC -2-050421 LEEDS, MA Water 97,8260C 05/13/21 11:00 TMS SAMPLE RESULTS Date Collected: 05/04/21 11:30 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Parameter Result Qualifier un" RL NOL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride ND ugA 2.0 -- 1 1,1-Dichloroethane NO ugA 1.0 1 Chloroform ND ugh 1.0 1 Carbon tetrachloride ND ugA 10 1 1,2-Dirhloropropane ND ugA 1.0 — 1 Dibromochloromethane NO ugA 10 — i 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane NO ugA 1.0 — 1 Tetrachloroethene NO ugA 1.0 — 1 Chlorobenzene NO ugA 1.0 — 1 Tnchloro0uoromethane NO ugA 2.0 — 1 1,2-Dichloroethane NO ugA 1.0 1 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ND ugA 1.0 — 1 Bromodichloromethane ND ugA 10 1 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ugA 0.40 — 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene NO ug/l 0.40 — 1 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total NO ugA 0.40 — 1 1,1-Dichloropropene NO ug/l 20 1 Bromoform NO ugA 2.0 1 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane NO ug/l 1.0 1 Benzene NO ug/l 0.50 1 Toluene ND ug/l 1.0 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/l 1.0 1 Chloromethane ND u911 2.0 1 Bromomethane ND u911 2.0 1 Vinyl chloride ND ugA 1.0 1 Chloroethane NO ugA 2.0 1 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ugA 1.0 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ugA 1.0 1 Page 43 of 201 Page 44 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-12 Date Collected: 05/04/21 11:30 Client ID: LC-2-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Emits RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene NO ugA 10 - 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 1.0 - 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 10 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 10 1 Methyl tert butyl ether ND ugA 2.0 1 p/m-Xylene NO ugA 2.0 1 o-Xylene NO ugA 10 1 Xylenes, Total NO ugA 1.0 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ugA 1-0 - 1 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total NO ugll 1.0 1 Dibromomethane NO ugA 20 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane NO ugA 20 1 Styrene NO ugll 10 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane NO ugll 20 1 Acetone NO ugA 50 1 V Carbon disulfide NO ugll 20 1 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone NO ugA 5.0 1 2-Hexanone NO ugA 5.0 1 Bromochloromethane NO ugA 2.0 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ugA 2 0 1 2,2-Dichloropropane NO ugA 2 0 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ugll 20 1 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ugA 20 1 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane NO ugA 10 1 Bromobenzene NO ugA 20 1 n-Butyibenzene NO ugll 20 1 sec-Butylbenzene ND ugll 20 1 tert-Butylbenzene NO ugll 20 1 o-Chlorotoluene NO ugll 20 -- 1 p•Chlorotoluene NO ugll 2-0 - 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane NO ugA 2-0 -- 1 Hexachlorobutadiene NO ugA 0.60 -- 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ugA 2-0 - 1 p-Isopropyltoluene NO ugA 2.0 1 Naphthalene NO ugA 2.0 1 n-Propyibenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 Page 44 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: 82020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-12 RL Client 1D: LC -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 20 1 Parameter ugd Result MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,3-Tdchlorobenzene 20 NO 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ugfl ND 1, 3,5-Trimethylbenzene NO 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1 ND Diethyl ether 2.0 ND Diisopropyl Ether ugfl ND Ethyl -Teri -Butyl -Ether NO Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether — 1 NO 1,4 -Dioxane 250 ND Surrogate 1,2 Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene -d8 4-Bromofluorobenzene Dibromofluoromethane c Page 45 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 11.30 Date Received: 05104/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor ugll 20 1 ugd 20 1 ugfl 20 1 ugfl 20 1 ug+I 2.0 1 ug/1 2.0 — t ugfl 2.0 — 1 ugn 2,0 — 1 ugn 250 — 1 % Recovery 111 95 95 113 Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 70-130 70-130 70-130 70-130 I F;A A. 0- Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018,001 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-13 Client ID: TB Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: i 0 Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8260C Analytical Date: 05/13/21 06:06 Analyst: MM Parameter MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Methylene chloride 1.1-Drchloroethans Ch oroform Carbon tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,1, 2-T d ch I oroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane Bromodichloromethane trans-1,3-Dichloropropene cis -1, 3-Dich loropropene 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total 1,1-Dichloropropene Bromoform 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl chloride Chloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Page 46 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/2100:00 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Result Qualifier unrts RL MOL Dilution Factor ND ugll 2 Q 1 ND ugA i 0 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND ugA 10 1 ND ug/1 10 1 ND ug/1 1.0 1 ND ug/1 1.0 1 ND ugA 2.0 1 ND ugA 1.0 1 ND ugA 1 0 1 ND Ug/1 1 0 1 ND ugA 040 1 ND ug/1 040 1 ND ugA 040 1 ND ugA 2.0 1 ND ugA 2.0 1 ND ug/1 1.0 1 ND ug/1 050 1 ND ug/1 10 1 ND ugll 10 1 ND ugll 2.0 1 ND ug/1 2.0 1 ND ug/1 1.0 1 ND ugll 2.0 1 ND ug/1 1.0 1 O ND ugA 1.0 1 &."r,'. — Page 47 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-13 Date Collected: 05/04/21 00:00 Client ID: TB Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL Mdt Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab Trichloroethene ND ugA 1.0 - 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 1.0 - 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 1.0 - 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 1.0 - i Methyl tert butyl ether ND U91 20 -• 1 plm-Xylene ND ug/l 2.0 -- 1 o -Xylene ND ug/l 1.0 -• 1 Xylenes, Total ND ug/l 1.0 - 1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/l 1.0 - 1 1,2-Dichloroethene. Total ND ugA 1.0 - 1 Dibromomethane ND ugA 2.0 1 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ugA 2.0 i styrene ND ugA 1.0 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ugA 20 1 Acetone ND ugA 5.0 - 7 Carbon disulfide ND ug/l 2.0 7 Methyl ethyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 Methyl isobutyl ketone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 2-Hexanone ND ugA 5.0 - 1 Bromochloromethane ND ugA 2.0 - 1 Tetrahydrofuran ND ugA 2.0 1 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ugA 2.0 - 1 1,2-Dibromoethane ND ugA 2.0 1 1,3-Dichloropropane No ug/l 2.0 1 1,1,1,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ug/l 1.0 - 1 Bromobenzene ND ug/l 2.0 - 1 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/l 2.0 - 1 sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/l 2.0 1 tent-Butylbenzene ND u9/1 2.0 -• 1 o-Chlorotoluene ND ugA 2.0 1 p-Chlorotoluene ND ugA 2.0 -- i 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ugA 2.0 Hexachlorobutadiene ND ugA 0.60 -• 1 Isopropylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 p4sopropyltoluene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 Naphthalene ND ugA 2.0 -- 1 n-Propylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 - 1 Page 47 of 201 Page 48 of 201 302 MA Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-13 Date Collected: 05/04/21 00:00 Client ID: TB Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,3 Trichlorobenzene ND ugA 20 -- 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ugA 20 -- 1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND uo 20 -- 1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ugA 20 — 1 Diethyl ether ND ugA 20 — 1 Diisopropyl Ether ND ugll 20 — 1 Ethyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether ND ugA 2.0 — 1 Tertiary -Amyl Methyl t thar ND ugA 20 — 1 1,4 -Dioxane ND ugA 250 -- 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 107 70-130 Toluene -d8 95 70-130 4-Bromoluorobenzene 95 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 110 70-130 Page 48 of 201 302 MA Project Name: Project Number: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL R2020018.001 97,8260C 05/13/21 05:17 MM Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL MCP Volatile Organics -Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-13 Batch: WG1498224-5 Methylene chloride ND ugll 2.0 — 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ugA 1.0 — Chloroform ND ug/l 1.0 — Carbon tetrachloride ND ugA 1.0 — 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ugA 1.0 — Dibromochloromethane ND ugll 1.0 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ND ugll 1.0 — Tetrachloroethene ND ugll 1.0 Chlorobenzene ND ugll 1.0 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ugA 2.0 -- 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ugA 1.0 -- 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ugA 1.0 -- Bromodichloromethane ND ugA 1.0 -- trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ugA 0.40 -- cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ugA 0.40 -- 1,3-Dichloropropene, Total ND ugll 0.40 — 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ugA 2.0 — Bromoform ND ugA 2.0 — 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ugA 1.0 — Benzene ND ugA 0.50 — Toluene ND ugA 1.0 — Ethylbenzene ND ugA 1.0 Chloromethane ND ugA 2.0 Bromomethane ND ugA 2.0 - Vinyl chloride ND ugll 1.0 - Chloroethane ND ugll 2.0 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ugll i.0 — trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ugll 1.0 — Trichloroethene ND ugll 1.0 — Page 49 of 201 Project Name: Project Number: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL R2020018.001 97,8260C 05/13/2105:17 MM Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Serial—No: 05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL MCP Volatile Organics - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-13 Batch: WG1498224-5 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugh 1.0 — 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugh 1.0 — 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO ug/l 1.0 — Methyl terl butyl ether NO ug/1 2.0 — plm-Xylene NO ug/1 2.0 — o -Xylene NO ugll 1.0 — Xylenes, Total NO ug/1 1.0 — cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene NO ug/1 1.0 — 1,2-Dichloroethene, Total NO ugll 1.0 — Dibromomethane NO ugll 2.0 — 1,2,3-Trichloropropane NO ugll 2.0 — Styrene NO ugA 1.0 — Dichlorodiftuoromelhane NO ugll 2.0 — Acetone NO ugll 5.0 — Carbon disulfide NO ug/1 2.0 Methyl ethyl ketone NO ug/1 5.0 Methyl isobutyl ketone NO ugA 5.0 2-Hexanone NO ugA 5.0 Bromochloromethane NO ugll 2.0 Tetrahydrofuran NO ugA 2.0 2,2-Dichloropropane NO ugll 2.0 1,2-Dibromoethane NO ug/1 2.0 - 1,3-Dichloropropane NO ugA 2.0 1,11,2-Tetrachforoethane NO ugll 1.0 Bromobenzene NO ugll 2.0 n-Butylbenzene NO Ug/1 2.0 sec-Butylbenzene NO ugll 2.0 tert-Butylbenzene NO ug/1 2.0 o-Chlorololuene NO ug/1 2.0 — Page 50 of 201 Ele Project Name: Project Number: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL R2020018.001 97,8260C 05/13/2105:17 MM Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 051118121 Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL MCP Volatile Organics -Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-13 Batch: WG1498224-5 p-Chlorotoluene ND ugA 2.0 -- 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ugA 2.0 -- Hexachlorobutadiene ND ugA 0.60 -- Isopropylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 — p-Isopropylloluene ND ugA 2.0 — Naphthalene ND ugA 2.0 — n-Propylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 — 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ugA 2.0 — 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ugA 2.0 — 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 — 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ugA 2.0 — Diethyl ether ND ugA 2.0 — Diisopropyl Ether ND ugA 2.0 — Ethyl-Tert-Butyl-Ether ND ugA 2.0 — Tertiary -Amyl Methyl Ether ND ugA 2.0 1,4 -Dioxane ND ugll 250 Surrogate Acceptance %Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,2-Dichloroeihane-d4 105 70-130 Toluene -d8 96 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 70-130 D.bromofluoromethane 110 70-130 Page 51 of 201 3g o a �; 3 N o • 33 ' nn 3 {p N N � _O � 3 m 1 OFL ? a o 3 N Er a O o o m o 0 3 m a a o m m 3 a o m o 3 n m CD 0 V 0 0 0 w O O U tj T O O O a G 4i tW0 Oi G W �p cD ID 0 ca m i % w w j 1 8 m C O Of V 0 N O 00 06 O A O O O m O O O O O O V V V V V V V v v v v -4 v r J v v v v v v v J v 0 0 0 0 o P Q Q Q o 0 0 0 o O o O o o O O o 0 w w w w w W W w 0 0 m m m m m m m m w w 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o O 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OD s A O O W + O O O 00 O N + W O O O W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 n 0 CD C: O co Ol 7 CD a Q O ccO C r m c a 0 Q. 0 ro CL 0 w 3 s CD 0 v O .a. W r n y r n T T a, a, z z c ti D CD Nz CD O OD = C) D C) > O z z v n r r 0) cr 0 WD � 0 Dy d � 0a 0 �D 3 an 'C H H Ee x W r cr � C Q v 3 cr co v r � �z cin r OU W p N O (A i i 1 N i J C v w Q m CR W h N 0 o- -a w N�� n _v fn -• Q� 4�� � j �� � � 3 m=r p n p m 3 O m m m p N p. p O 3 7 O O O p 3 O 3 �c o $ S W Cay m3� 'W crm 3 0 C to m W " W N <O U N m C N A 0 0 N co O w w W N O O O a 0 0 !Q J J W C N OJ6 W" N Cal O O O 0 to "' 0 O o O O .Q 0 -1 v -4 v r v v J J V V V V V V V V -1 -1 -I v v J P Q o 0 0 0 0 0 o P F Q P o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O a a a A o w o o N o o cn o w o N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 O m 0 0 R m Q O to0 03 rr D N O n �3 a to y v C) W 0 G) 46 CDN W G�? c�D N N 11 r- 0) Cr T M N Z O o o o ;o Z z Q n 3 3 c `•° O3 r+n O M 0 r- 0) Cr 0 N Z O o o o ;o �N Q n J � c V O3 r+n O 0 cr � o CZ Y Ems, � Z ti 0 r r- o r (� N v i 1 00 N N Q J y i 0) Cr 0 O y 0 � � O : o JD �N 0 001 0,0 c O r O3 r+n O 3 cr � o H Ems, � fA o r (� N v i 1 00 N N Q J y i r ac 0 � c �p O3 w cr o r (� N v i 1 00 N N Q J y i 9 n v v_Ox 0 a o V cg 3 0 0 0 0 L O O C -:! O N o° m m g o S m 8a4 coo rn m eNo 4 �b m m > > CL w CD m 1D m j 7 3 m Ip 7 m CO 0 N 0 O 0 s � � m C m � o' 0 0 r m v a N N A pp ppe� �fpp �1pp d O W W C07i N O W A W A V N N N OOD (�/1 VOi A (a71 (w0 rwp 0 O. N 41 .o co N O i W CO 1�pp rrpp ffpp N W O W ((A ((A CD (w0 w Oi W A OCD V d c� coco OD N A W G) i A -i -i -i -i -i -i v v -i -i -4 -4 -i -4 -4 -4 -4 v -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 W Q O o o Q Q p a o 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 o N w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N 0 w O N A N N s b " w - N O N - d " w N M 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o r ti ti v r m o- 0 Wo on n 3 �o �3 n � O �n S� U) UJ Ee K v d �cr C A v 3 c cv 1 0 r— N N_ Iz ren v w N o N O (]l J i i co N i J n �r co v 0 og�$ c y N N a -4-4-4-,j OR IO 0a00 000a,� Y O O cr A E O 3 0 cr o m N cD �i �z O O fJ� co N J J Q N SEMIVOLATILES Page 56 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Eo 101 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Client ID: MW -1D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: NO Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97.8270D Analytical Date: 05/11/2102:32 Analyst: JG Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether NO 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene NO 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene NO 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine NO 2,4-Dinitrotoluene NO 2,6-Dinilrotoluene NO Azobenzene NO 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NO Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether NO Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane NO Isophorone NO Nitrobenzene NO Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate NO Butyl benzyl phthalate NO Di -n -bury phthalate NO Di-n-octylphthalate ND Diethyl phthalate NO Dimethyl phthalate NO Aniline NO 4-Chloroaniline NO Dibenzofuran NO Acetophenone NO 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol NO 2 -Chlorophenol NO 2,4-Dichlorophenol NO 2,4 -Dimethylphenol NO Page 57 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04121 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 Qualifier /,hits 11t, ISL Dilution Factor ugA 50 - 1 ugA 20 - 1 ugA 20 - 1 ugA 20 1 ugA 2.0 1 Ug/1 5.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugll 5.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugll 2.0 1 ugll 30 - 1 ugll 50 - 1 ugli 50 - 1 ugll 5.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugll 5.0 1 ugll 2.0 1 ugll 5.0 - 1 ugll 5.0 1 ;,k *AALx ., Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab Number: SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Client ID: MW -1 D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 10 2-Nitrophenol ND 4-Nitrophenol ND 2.4-Din:trophenol ND Phenol ND 2-Methylphenol ND 3-MethylphenoV4-Methylphenol ND 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol ND Surrogate — 2-Fluorophenol 5.0 Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -d5 Acceptance 2-Fluorobiphenyl Qualifier 2 4.6-Tribromophenol 59 4 Terphenyi-04 15-110 Page 58 of 201 #Ids Dilution Factor Ug/1 10 - ug/I 10 ug/1 20 ugA 5.0 — ug/I 5.0 — ugll 5.0 — ugA 5.0 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 59 15-110 54 15-110 106 30-130 87 30-130 85 15-110 100 30-130 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K-1 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Client ID: MW 1D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/09/21 23:49 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND 2-Chloronaphthalene ND Fluoranthene NO Hexachlorobutadiene ND Naphthalene ND Benzo(a)anthracene ND Benzo(a)pyrene ND Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND Chrysene ND Aoenaphthylene ND Anthracene ND Benzo(ghi)perylene ND Fluorene ND Phenanthrene ND Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND Pyrene ND 2 -Methylnaphthalene ND Pentachlorophenol ND Hexachlorobenzene ND Hexachloroethane ND Page 59 of 201 Qualifier U11115 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:51 RL MOL Dilution Factor ugA 010 1 ugA 0.20 1 ugA 0.10 t ugA 050 1 ugA 0.10 - 1 ug/l 010 - 1 ugA 010 - 1 ugA 0.10 — 1 ugA 0.10 — i ugA 0.10 1 ugll 0.10 1 UgA 0.10 - 1 ugll 0.10 - 1 ugll 0.10 1 ug/l 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 - 1 UgA 0.10 - 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ug/l 0.80 1 ug/l 0.80 1 ug/l 0.80 1 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 L2123071 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Client ID: MW -1 D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 30-130 92 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCR Semivolatile Organics by SEM - Westborough Lab Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4-Terphenyl-04 Page 60 of 201 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 61 15-110 53 15-110 88 30-130 92 30.130 74 15-110 104 30-130 O Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Client ID: MWAD-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/21 18:06 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1,4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate 1.4 -Dioxane -d8 Page 61 of 201 Qualifier Units SerialNo:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/21 07:30 RL MDL Dilution Factor ugA 0.134 — 1 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 46 15-110 .�, Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-02 Client ID: MW -1 S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D Analytical Date: 05/11/21 02:55 Analyst: JG Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether NO 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine NO 2,4-Dinitrotoluene NO 2,6-Dinitrotoluene NO Azobenzene NO 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NO Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether NO Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane NO Isophorone NO Nitrobenzene NO Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate NO Butyl benzyl phthalate NO Di-n-butylphthalate NO Di-n-octylphthalate ND Diethyl phthalate NO Dimethyl phthalate NO Aniline NO 4-Chloroaniline NO Dibenzofuran NO Acetophenone NO 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol ND 2 -Chlorophenol NO 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 2,4 -Dimethylphenol NO Page 62 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 13:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep- Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05109/2108:52 Qualifier U"ft Ri- MDL Dilution Factor ugli 50 1 ugA 20 1 ugA 2.0 1 ug/l 2.0 - 1 ug/l 2.0 1 ug/l 5.0 1 ug/l 5.0 1 ug/l 50 1 ug/l 20 1 ug/l 2.0 1 ug11 20 1 ug/l 5.0 1 ug/l 5.0 1 ug/l 2.0 1 ug/l 30 1 ug/l 50 1 ug/l 50 1 ug1l 5.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ug/l 20 1 ugli 5.0 1 ugli 5-0 - 1 ug/l 2.0 - 1 ug/l 5.0 — 1 ug/l 5 D 1 0 v U Page 63 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-02 Date Collected: 05104/21 13:55 Client ID: MW -1S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDI. Dilution Factor MCP Sernivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 2-Nitrophenol NO ugA 10 - 1 4-Nitrophenol NO ugll 10 1 2,4-Dinitrophenol NO ugll 20 1 Phenol NO ugA 5.0 1 2-Methylphenol NO ugd 5.0 1 3-MethylphenoU4-Methylphenol NO ugA 5.0 1 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol NO ugA 50 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier criteria 2-Fluorophenol 72 15-110 Phenol -d6 60 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 114 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 90 30-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 88 15-110 4-Terphenyl-d14 106 30-130 Page 63 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-02 Client 1D: MW -IS -050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: NO Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/10/21 00:08 Analyst, JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene NO 2-Chloronaphthalene NO Fluoranthene NO Hexachlorobutadiene NO Naphthalene ND Benzo(a)anthracene ND Benzo(a)pyrene NO Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND Benzo(k)fluoranthene NO Chrysene NO Acenaphthylene NO Anthracene NO Benzo(ghi)perylene NO Fluorene NO Phenanthrene NO Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene No Indeno(1,2, 3-cd)pyrene NO Pyrene NO 2 -Methylnaphthalene NO Pentachlorophenol NO Hexachlorobenzene NO Hexachloroethane NO Page 64 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 13:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method. EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:51 Qualifier U01 IR4 MDL Dilution Factor ug/l 0.10 1 ugn 0-20 1 ugn 0-10 1 ugn 0.50 1 ugn 010 -- 1 ugn 0,10 - 1 ugn 010 -- 1 ug/l 0.10 4 1 ug/l 0.10 - 1 ug/l 0.10 - 1 ug/l 0,10 -- 1 ugh 0,10 -- 1 ugh 0,10 -- 1 ugh 0.10 -- 1 ug/l 0-10 4 1 ug/l 0-10 4 1 ug/l 0.10 - 1 ug/l 0.10 - 1 ugn 0,10 1 ug/1 0.80 1 ugh 0.80 1 ugn 0.80 1 APHA 101 X 0 lwpiw. A okk�v. Page 65 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-02 Date Collected: 0510412113:55 Client ID: MW-1S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab - Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-Fluorophenol 69 15-110 Phenol-d6 58 15-110 Nitrobenzene-d5 94 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 98 30-130 2,4,6-Tdbromophenol 79 15-110 4-Terphenyl-d14 108 30-130 lwpiw. A okk�v. Page 65 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-02 Client ID: MW 15-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/21 18:26 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1 4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate 1,4 -Dioxane -d8 Page 66 of 201 Qualifier hers ugh % Recovery 40 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 13:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/2107:30 RL MDL Dilution Factor 4134 Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 15-110 0 101 0 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID. L2123071-03 Client ID: MW -2S-050421 Sample Location. LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D Analytical Date: 05/11/210318 Analyst: JG Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:25 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:52 Parameter Result Qualifier unfits RL WIDL Dllution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab Page 67 of 201 ND 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.0 — 1 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether ugll 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene 2A -- 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ugA 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 2,4-Dinitroto'uene 2.0 — i 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ugA Azobenzene ND 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 5.0 — t Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ugA Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND Isophorone 2.0 i Nitrobenzene ugll Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate ND Butyl benzyl phthalate 2.0 — 1 Di-n-butylphthalate ugA Di-n-octylphthalate ND Diethyl phthalate 5.0 — 1 Dimethyl phthalate ugA Aniline ND 4-Chloroaniline 30 — 1 Dibenzofuran ugll Acetophenone ND 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol 50 — 1 2 -Chlorophenol ugll 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 2,4-Dimethylphena Page 67 of 201 ND ugll 5.0 — 1 ND ugll 2.0 — i ND ugA 2A -- 1 ND ugA 2.0 -- 1 ND ugA 2.0 — i ND ugA 5.0 ND ugA 5.0 — t ND ugA 5.0 1 ND ugll 2.0 i ND ugll 2.0 1 ND ugA 2.0 — 1 ND ugA 5.0 — 7 ND ugA 5.0 — 1 ND ugA 2.0 — 1 ND ugA 30 — 1 ND ugll 50 1 ND ugll 50 — 1 ND ugll 5.0 1 ND ugll 5.0 1 ND ugll 5.0 1 ND ugll 2.0 1 ND u911 5.0 1 ND ugll 2.0 1 ND ugA 5.0 1 ND ugA 5.0 1 ND ugA 20 1 ND ugA 50 1 ND ugA 50 1 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-03 Client ID: MW -2S-0504211 Sample Location. LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab L2123071 2-Nitrophenol ND 4-Nitrophenol ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND Phenol ND 2-Methylphenol ND 3-Methylphenoll4-Methylphenol ND 2.4,5 -Trichlorophenol ND Surrogate ugll 2-Fluorophenol — 1 Phenol -d6 5.0 Nitrobenzene -d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl Acceptance 2.4,6-Tribromophenol Qualifier 4-Terphenyl-d 14 61 Page 68 of 201 Serial No:0518211029 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:25 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Qualifier Units RL MDI. Dilution Factor ugA 10 1 ugll 10 1 ugA 20 ugA 5.0 1 ugll 5.0 1 ugll 5.0 — 1 ugll 5.0 — 1 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 61 15-110 54 15.110 101 30-130 81 30-130 88 15-110 113 30-130 Parameter Result Quallfler Unlls RL WkL Dllution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 NO SAMPLE RESULTS 010 1 Lab ID: L2123071-03 Date Collected: 05/04121 12:25 Client ID: MW -2S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: ugA 0-10 - 1 Matrix: Water Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:51 Analytical Date: 05/10/21 00:27 Benzo(k)fluoranthene Analyst: JRW 0.10 -- 1 Parameter Result Quallfler Unlls RL WkL Dllution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND ugA 0.10 1 2-Chloronaphthalene NO ugA 0.20 1 Fluoranthene NO ugA 010 1 Hexachlorobutadiene NO ugA 050 1 Naphthalene NO ug/l 0.10 - 1 Benzo(a)anthracene NO ugA 0-10 - 1 Benzo(a)pyrene NO ugA 0-10 - 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene NO ugA 0.10 - 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene NO ugA 0.10 -- 1 Chrysene NO ug/l 0.10 1 Acenaphthylene NO ugll 0.10 - 1 Anthracene NO u911 0.10 - i Benzo(ghi)perylene NO u911 0.10 - 1 Fluorene NO u911 0.10 - 1 Phenanthrene NO ugA 0.10 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene NO ugA 0.10 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene NO ugA 010 1 Pyrene NO ug/l 010 1 2 -Methylnaphthalene NO ug/l 0.10 - 1 Pentachlorophenol NO ugA 0.80 - i Hexachlorobenzene NO ugA 0.80 - 1 Hexachloroethane NO ugA 0.80 - 1 Page 69 of 201 Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -0 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4-Terpheny1-d14 Page 70 of 201 Acceptance Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 30-130 SAMPLE RESULTS 15-110 123 Lab ID: L2123071-03 Date Collected. 05/04/21 12:25 Client ID: MW -2S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MOL Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -0 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4-Terpheny1-d14 Page 70 of 201 7 LEM 0 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 59 15-110 51 15-110 82 30-130 89 30-130 80 15-110 123 30-130 7 LEM 0 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-03 Client ID: MW -2S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method 97,82700 -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/21 18:46 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1,4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate 1 +Dioxane -d8 A Page 71 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:25 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/21 07:30 Qualifier /hill# RL 11x4 - Dilution Factor ug/1 % Recovery 44 0 134 Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 15-11a 1 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab I D: L2123071-04 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: NO Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D Analytical Date: 05/11/2103:41 Analyst: JG Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether NO 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND 1A Dichlorobenzene NO 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine NO 2,4-Dinitrotoluene NO 2,6-Dinitrotoluene NO Azobenzene ND 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ND Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane NO Isophorone NO Nitrobenzene NO Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate NO Butyl benzyl phthalate NO Di-n-butylphthalate ND Di-n-octylphthalate NO Diethyl phthalate NO Dimethyl phthalate NO An line NO 4-Chloroaniline NO Dibenzofuran NO Acetophenone NO 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol ND 2 -Ch -orophenol ND 2,4-Dichlorophenol NO 2,4 Dimethylphenol NO Page 72 of 201 Qualifier Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:52 I "ft ft NOL Dilution Factor ugA ugA 5.0 2.0 1 1 ug/1 ugA 2.0 2.0 — 1 1 ugA ugA 20 5.0 1 1 ugA ugA 5.0 5.0 1 1 ugA ugA 2.0 2.0 — 1 1 ugll ugll 20 5.0 1 — 1 ugll ug/1 5.0 20 1 1 ug/1 ug/1 3.0 5.0 1 — 1 ug/1 ug/1 5.0 50 — 1 1 ugA ugA 50 50 1 1 ugA ugA 20 50 1 1 ugll ugll 20 50 1 1 ugll ug/l 60 20 1 1 ug/l ugA 5.0 50 7 1 J : K �i C: MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 10 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 ND SAMPLE RESULTS NO 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol NO 50 ugA Lab ID: L2123071-04 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: 15-110 126 Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 10 2-Nitrophenol ND 4-Nitrophenol ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol NO Phenol ND 2-Methylphenol ND 3-Methylphenou4-Methylphenol NO 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol NO Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4-Terphenyl-04 ugA 10 ugA 10 ugA 20 ugA 50 ugA 50 ugA 50 ugA 50 — Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 41 15-110 51 15-110 126 30-130 95 30-130 57 15-110 113 30-130 1 1 1 1 1 t ALOHA" Page 73 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-04 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: NO Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/10/21 00:46 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM -Westborough Lab Acenaphthene NO 2-Chloronaphihalene NO Fluoranthene NO Hexachlorobutadiene NO Naphthalene NO Benzo(a)anthracene NO Benzo(a)pyrene NO Benzo(b)fluoranthene NO Benzo(k)fluoranthene NO Chrysene ND Acenaphthylene NO Anthraoene NO Benzo(ghi)perylene NO Fluorene ND Phenanthrene NO Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene NO Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene NO Pyrene NO 2 -Methylnaphthalene NO Pentachlorophenol NO Hexachlorobenzene NO Hexachloroethane ND Page 74 of 201 Qualifier Units Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:51 RL I111DL Dilution Factor ugA 010 1 ugA 0-20 LL 1 UO 010 1 ugA 050 — 1 ugA 0-10 1 ugA 010 — 1 ugA 0-10 -- 1 ugA 010 — 1 ug/1 010 1 U911 010 — 1 ugA 010 - 1 ugA 0.10 — 1 ugll 0-10 — 1 ug/l 0-10 1 ugrl 0-10 1 ugll 0.10 1 ugll 0.10 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 0.80 1 ugh 0.80 1 ugA 0.80 1 1*1 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-04 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units MCP Semivofatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC RL MDL Dilution Factor Q, �A ,,,._.a, a., Page 75 of 201 I Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-FIUarophenol 54 15-110 Phenol -d6 53 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 97 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 103 30-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 63 15-110 4-Terphenyl-d14 122 30-130 Q, �A ,,,._.a, a., Page 75 of 201 I Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-04 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix= Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/21 19:06 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1,4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate 1,4 -Dioxane -d8 Page 76 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/21 07:30 Qualifier tfnits RL MDL Dilution Factor ug/l OV41 — t Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 44 15-110 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Lab ID: Client ID: Sample Location: Sample Depth: Matrix: Analytical Method Analytical Date.- Analyst: ate:Analyst: L2123071-05 MW -4S-050421 LEEDS, MA Water 97,8270D 05/11/2104:04 JG SAMPLE RESULTS Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 Parameter Result Qualifier LWU ISL Pam Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ugA 5.0 - 1 Bis(2-hloroethyi)ether NO ugA 2.0 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 2.0 - 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 2.0 - t 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 2.0 - 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine NO ug/1 5.0 - 1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene NO Ug/1 5.0 1 2,8-Dinitrotoluene ND ugA 5.0 - 1 Azobenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NO ugA 2.0 - 1 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether NO ugA 2.0 - 1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND ugA 5.0 - i Isophorone ND ugfl 5.0 - 1 Nitrobenzene NO ugll 2.0 - 1 Bis(2-e11hy1hexy1)phthala1:e NO ug/l 3.0 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND ugll 5.0 1 Di-n-butyiphthalate ND ugll 5.0 1 Di-n-octylphthalate ND ug/1 5.0 1 Diethyl phthalate NO ugA 5.0 - 1 Dimethyl phthalate NO ugA 5.0 1 Aniline NO ugA 2.0 1 4-Chloroaniline NO ugA 5.0 - 1 Dibenzofuran NO ugA 2.0 1 Acetophenone NO ugll 5.0 1 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol NO ug/l 5.0 - 1 2 -Chlorophenol NO ug/l 2.0 1 2,4-Dichlorophenol NO ug/l 5.0 1 2,4 -Dimethylphenol NO ug/l 5.0 - 1 Page 77 of 201 -2,A 'VA'e , Page 78 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-05 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 Client ID: MW4S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 2-Nitrophenol ND ugA 10 - 1 4-Nitrophenol ND ugA 10 - 1 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND UgA 20 1 Phenol ND ugA 5.0 1 2-Methylphenol ND ugA 5.0 1 3-Methylphenoll4-Methylphenol ND ugA 5.0 — 1 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol ND ugA 5.0 — 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-Fluorophenol 61 15 110 Phenol -d6 53 15 110 Nitrobenzene -i5 103 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 87 30-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 83 15-110 ( y 4-Terphenyl-d14 103 30-130 -2,A 'VA'e , Page 78 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: 82020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-05 Client ID: MW -4S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/10/21 01.05 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND 2-Chloronaphthalene ND Fluoranthene ND Hexachlorobutadiene ND Naphthalene ND 1 Benzo(a)anthraoene ND Benzo(a)pyrene ND Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND Chrysene ND Acenaphthylene ND Anthracene ND Benzo(ghi)perylene ND Fluorene ND Phenanthrene ND Dibenzo(a,h)anthraoene ND Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND Pyrene ND 2 -Methylnaphthalene ND Pentachlorophenol ND Hexachlorobenzene ND Hexachloroethane ND k Page 79 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:51 Qualifier Unita RL Idol. Dilution Factor ugll 0.10 - 1 ugA 0.20 - 1 ugll 0.10 1 ugll 0.50 1 ugA 0.10 1 UgA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 - fi ug/1 0.10 - 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0,10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugll 0.10 - 1 ugll 0.10 - 1 ug/l 0.10 - 1 ugll 0.10 1 ugll 0.10 1 ugll 0.80 1 ugA 0.80 1 U911 0.80 - 1 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-05 Client ID: MW4S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualltier Units MCP Sernivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 0 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC RL MOL 011ution Factor Page 80 of 201 101 U Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-Fluorophenol 61 15-110 Phenol -d6 51 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 85 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 92 30-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74 15-110 4-Terphenyl-d14 105 30-130 Page 80 of 201 101 U Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-05 Client ID: MW -4S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/21 1926 Analyst: PS Parameter Result Qualifier MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1,4 -Dioxane NO Surrogate 1.4 -Dioxane -d8 Page 81 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3610C Extraction Date- 05/11/21 07:30 RL MDL Dilution Factor ugN 0134 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 45 15-110 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-06 Client ID: MW -4D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D Analytical Date: 05/11/2104:26 Analyst: JG Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:35 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 Parameter Result Qualifier unl#q RL YNX Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ugA 5 n 1 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether ND ugA 2 n 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 20 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 20 — 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 20 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND ugA 50 1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND ugA 5.0 — 1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ugA 50 1 Azobenzene ND ugA 20 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND ugA 20 1 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ND ug/l 2.0 1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND ug/i 5.0 1 Isophorone ND ugA 5.0 1 Nitrobenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate ND ugA 3-0 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND ug/1 5.0 1 Di-n-butylphthalate ND ug/1 5.0 1 Di-n-octylphthalate ND ug/1 5 0 1 Diethyl phthalate ND ug/1 50 — 1 Dimethyl phthalate ND ugh 50 — 1 Aniline ND ugA 20 1 4-Chloroaniline ND ugA 5.0 1 Dibenzofuran ND ug/I 20 1 Acetophenone ND ug/l 50 1 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol ND ugA 50 1 2 -Chlorophenol ND ugA 2.0 1 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND ug11 5.0 1 2,4 -Dimethylphenol ND ug/1 5.0 1 Page 82 of 201 WE X Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 2-Nitrophenol SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-06 Client ID: MW -4D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab Lab Number: 2-Nitrophenol ND 4-Nitrophenol ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND Phenol ND 2-Methylphenol ND 3-MethylphenoV4-Methylphenol NO 2,4, 5 -Trichlorophenol ND Surrogate 5,0 2-Fluorophenol ugA Phenol -d6 — 1 Nitrobenzene -d5 5.0 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol Acceptance 4-Terphenyl-d14 Qualifier Page 83 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:35 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Qualifier Units RL MOL Dilution Factor ugA 10 1 ug/I 10 — 1 ug/I 20 — 1 ugA 5.0 — 1 u971 5,0 — 1 ugA 5,0 — 1 ugA 5.0 1 Acceptance 1Y8 Recovery Qualifier Criteria 65 15-110 54 15-110 100 30-130 82 30-130 87 15-110 100 30-130 "�''.— Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-06 Client ID: MW -4D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/10/21 01:24 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Sernivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND 2-Chloronaphthalene ND Fluoranthene ND Hexachlorobutadiene ND Naphthalene ND Benzo(a)anthracene ND Benzo(a)pyrene ND Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND Chrysene ND Acenaphthylene ND Anthracene ND Benzo(ghi)perylene NO Fluorene NO Phenanthrene NO Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND Pyrene ND 2 -Methylnaphthalene NO Pentachlorophenol NO Hexachlorobenzene NO Hexachloroethane NO Page 84 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:35 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COG Extraction Method: EPA 35100 Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:51 Qualifier unit6 l- MDL Dilution Factor ugA 0.10 y 1 ugA 0.20 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 0.50 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugn 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugfl 0.10 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ugn 010 1 ugn 010 1 ugA 010 1 ugn 010 1 ugll 080 1 ugll 080 1 ug/1 0.80 1 14-1 101 Page 85 of 201 SerialNo:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-06 Date Collected: 05104/21 12:35 Client ID: MW -4D-050421 Date Received: 05104/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-Fluorophenol 61 15-110 Phenol -d6 51 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 81 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 87 30-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 77 15-110 4-Terphenyl-d14 103 30-130 Page 85 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-06 Client ID: MW -413-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 05/04/21 12:35 Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/21 19:46 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1.4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate 1,4 -Dioxane -d8 Page 86 of 201 Qualifier Unks ugA % Recovery 41 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:35 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/2107:30 RL MUX Dilution Factor 4.134 -- Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 15-110 1 361 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Lab ID: Client ID: Sample Location Sample Depth: Matrix: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: L2123071-07 SW -1-050421 LEEDS, MA Water 97,8270D 05/11/21 04:49 JG Date Collected: 05/04/2109:40 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05109/21 08:52 Page 87 of 201 Parameter Result Qualifier Unns RL NIX Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO ugA 50 -- 1 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether NO ug/l 20 — 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugll 20 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND UgA 20 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO UgA 2.0 T 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine NO UgA 5,0 1 2,4-Dinilrotoluene NO U9I1 5.0 1 2,6-Dinilrotoluene ND UgA 5.0 1 Azobenzene ND UgA 2.0 1 4..Bromophenyl pheny. ether NO UgA 2.0 1 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ND ugA 2.0 1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane NO UgA 5.0 1 Isophorone NO ugA 5.0 1 Nitrobenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 Bis(2 ethylhexyl)phthalate NO ugA 3.0 — 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate NO ug/1 5.0 — 1 Di-n-butylphthalate NO ugA 5.0 — 1 Di-n-"Iphthalate NO ugA 5.0 — 1 Diethyl phthalate NO UgA 5.0 — 1 Dimethyl phthalate NO UgA 5.0 — 1 Aniline NO UgA 2.0 — 1 4-Chloroaniline NO ugA 5.0 — 1 Dibenzoturan NO UgA 2.0 — 1 Acetophenone NO ugA 5.0 — 1 2,4,6-Trichloropheno NO ugll 5.0 — 1 2 -Chlorophenol NO ugA 2.0 1 C, 2,4-Dichlorophenol NO ugA 5.0 - 1 2,4 -Dimethylphenol NO ugll 5.0 — 1 Page 87 of 201 Page 88 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-07 Date Collected: 05/04/21 09:40 Client ID: SW -1-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Unita RL MUL Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 2-Nitrophenol ND ugh 10 1 4-Nitrophenol ND ug/l 10 1 2 4-Dmitrophenol ND ug/l 20 1 Phenol ND ug/l 5.0 1 2-Methylphenol ND ug/l 50 1 3-MethylphenoV4-Methylphenol ND ug/l 50 — 1 2,4 5 -Trichlorophenol ND ug/l 50 — 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-Fluorophenol 49 15-110 Phenol -d6 44 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 84 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 70 30-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 58 15-110 4-Terphenyl-d14 78 30-130 Page 88 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab I D: L2123071-07 Client ID: SW -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/10/21 01:43 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND 2-Chloronaphthalene ND Fluoranthene ND Hexachlorobutadiene ND Naphthalene Benzo(a)anthracene ND ND U911 0.10 1 Benzo(a)pyrene ND Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND Benzo(k)Buoranthene ND Chrysene ND Acenaphthylene NO Anthracene ND Benzo(ghi)perylene ND Fluorene ND Phenanthrene ND Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND Pyrene ND 2 -Methylnaphthalene ND Pentachlorophenol ND Hexachlorobenzene ND Hexachloroethane ND Page 89 of 201 Qualifier IJn4* Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 09:40 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:51 RL MUL Dilution Factor ug/l 0.10 — 1 ug/l 0.20 1 ug/l 0.10 1 ugA 0.50 — 1 Ug/1 0.10 1 U911 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 0.10 — 1 ugA 010 — 1 ugA 010 — 1 ugA 010 — 1 ug/l 010 — 1 ugA 0.10 1 ug/l 0.10 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 — 1 ugA 080 1 ugll 080 1 ug/l 080 1 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab Number: SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-07 Client ID: SW -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report hate: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 09:40 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -dB Nitrobenzene -d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4-Terphenyi-04 Page 90 of 201 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 47 15-110 40 15-110 65 30-130 71 30-130 55 15-110 79 30-130 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-07 Client ID: SW -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/2120:06 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1,4 -Dioxane ND Un" Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/2109:40 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/21 07:30 RL MDL Dilution Factor UgA 0.150 — 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 1,4 -Dioxane -d8 41 15-110 My. Page 91 of 201 Parameter Result Qualifier UWAS Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL_ Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO ugA 5-0 Lab ID: L2123071-08 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Client ID: SW -2-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: ugA 2-0 Matrix: Water Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Analytical Method: 97,8270D Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:52 Analytical Date: 05/11/21 05:12 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine Analyst: JG 20 50 Parameter Result Qualifier UWAS PtL MOL Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO ugA 5-0 - 1 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether NO ugA 2-0 - 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 2-0 -- 1 1.3 Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 2.0 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND NO ugA ugA 20 50 1 1 O 2,4-D-nitrotoluene NO ugA 5-0 -- 1 2,6-D nitrotoluene NO ugA 5.0 - 1 Azobenzene NO ugA 20 - 1 4 Bromophenyl phenyl ether NO ugA 20 1 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether NO ugA 20 1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND ugA 50 1 Isophorone ND ugll 50 1 Nitrobenzene ND ug/1 2.0 1 Bis(2-ethy1hexyl)phthalate NO ug/l 3.0 - 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate NO ug/l 5.0 - 1 Di-n-butylphihalate ND ug/l 5.0 1 Di-noctylphthalate ND ugll 5.0 1 Diethyl phthalate NO ugA so 1 Dimethyl phthalate NO ugA 5.0 1 Aniline ND ugA 20 - 1 4-Ch'oroaniline NO ugll 5.0 - 1 Dibenzoturan NO ug/1 2.0 - 1 Acetophenone NO ug/1 5.0 - 1 2.4,6 -Trichlorophenol NO ug/1 5.0 - 1 2 -Ch orophenol ND ug/1 2 0 1 2 4 Dichlorophenol NO ug/1 5 0 1 2 4 -Dimethylphenol NO ug/1 5 D 1 Page 92 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: 82020018.001 ug/l 10 1 SAMPLE RESULTS 10 — 1 ugll Lab ID: L2123071-08 ugll Client ID: SW -2-050421 ugn Sample Location LEEDS, MA ugll Sample Depth: 1 ugA Parameter Result Qualifier MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 2-Nitrophenol ND 4-Nitrophenol ND 2,4-Dinitmphenol ND Phenol ND 2-Methylphenol ND 3-MethylphenoM-Methylphenol ND 2,4 5 -Trichlorophenol ND Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d8 Nitrobenzene -d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4-Terphenyl-04 Page 93 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Units RL MDL Dilution Factor ug/l 10 1 ugll 10 — 1 ugll 20 — 1 ugll 50 1 ugn 50 1 ugll 50 1 ugA 5.0 1 % Recovery 38 35 75 61 51 70 Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 15-110 15-110 30-130 30-130 15-110 30-130 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Fluoranthene SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-08 Client ID: SW -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05110/2102:02 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND 2-Chloronaphthalene ND Fluoranthene ND Hexachlorobutadiene ND Naphthalene ND Benzo(a)anthracene ND Benzo(a)pyrene ND Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND Chrysene ND Acenaphthylene ND Anthracene ND Senzo(ghi)perylene ND Fluorene ND Phenanthrene ND Dibenzo(a, h)anthracene ND Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND Pyrene ND 2 -Methylnaphthalene ND Pentachlorophenol ND Hexachlorobenzene ND Hexachloroethane ND Page 94 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 ugA O Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108;51 Qualifier Units RL ME1- Dilution Factor ugll 0,10 1 ugA 0,20 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.50 - 1 ugA 0-10 - 1 ugA 0-10 Y 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 010 1 U911 010 1 ugA 010 - 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.80 1 ugA 0.80 1 ugll 0.80 1 1�L�FiA Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS 05/04/21 10:55 Date Received: Lab ID: L2123071-08 Client ID: SW -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 30-130 Parameter Result Qualifier Units MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab 7— Ll Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4-Terphenyl-d14 Page 95 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified RL MDL Dilution Factor Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 40 15-110 33 15-110 59 30-130 65 30-130 49 15-110 77 30-130 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-08 Client ID: SW -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/21 20:26 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1 4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate 1 4 -Dioxane -d8 Page 96 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/21 07:30 Qualifier UnKs W. Mat. 011utlon Factor ug/l 0134 - 1 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 43 15-110 Es X LJ Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-09 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97.8270D Analytical Date: 05111/2105:35 Analyst: JG Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab Page 97 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected. 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 Qualifier Units 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO Bis(2-chlorcethyl)ether NO 50 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene NO 20 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene NO 20 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO 20 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 2-0 2,4-Dinitmtoluene NO 5.0 2,6-Dinitrotoluens ND 5.0 Azobenzene NO 5.0 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NO 2.0 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether NO 2.0 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND 2.0 Isophorone ND 5.0 Nitrobenzene NO 5.0 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate NO 2.0 Butyl benzyl phthalate NO 3.0 Di-n-butylphihalate NO 5.0 Di-n-octylphthalate NO 5.0 Diethyl phthalate NO 5.0 Dimethyl phthalate NO 5.0 Aniline NO 5.0 4-Chloroaniline NO 20 Dibenzoturan NO 50 Acetophenone NO 20 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol NO so 2 -Chlorophenol NO 50 2,4-Dichlorophenol NO 20 2,4 -Dimethylphenol NO Page 97 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected. 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor ugA 50 - 1 ug/1 20 1 ugll 20 - 1 ugll 20 - 7 ugll 2-0 - 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 2.0 -- 1 ugll 5.0 - 1 ugll 5.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 3.0 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ug/1 5.0 1 ugll 20 1 Ug/1 50 1 ugll 20 - 1 ugll so 1 ugll 50 1 ug/1 20 - 1 ug/1 50 - 1 ugll 5.0 - 1 &P*,1 Page 98 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-09 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Unns RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Semivoiatile Organics - Westborough Lab 2-Nitrophenol ND ugll 10 1 4-Nitrophenol ND ug/1 10 1 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND ug/1 20 -- 1 Phenol ND Ug/1 5.0 1 2-MLthylphenol ND ugA 5.0 1 3-MethyiphenoV4-Methylphenol ND ugA 5.0 1 2,4 5 -Trichlorophenol ND ugA 5.0 -- 1 Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-Ftuorophenol 54 15-110 Phenol -d6 52 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 100 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 81 30-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 67 15-110 11 1 4-Terphenyl-d14 92 30-130 J Page 98 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-09 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/10/21 02:21 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND 2-Chloronaphthalene ND Fluoranthene ND Hexachlorobutadiene ND Naphthalene ND Benzo(a)anthracene ND Benzo(a)pyrene ND Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND Chrysene ND Acenaphthylene ND Anthracene ND Benzo(ghi)perylene ND Fluorene ND Phenanthrene ND Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND Pyrene ND 2-Methyinaphthalene ND Pentachlorophenol ND Hexachlorobenzene ND Hexachloroethane ND Page 99 of 201 Seriak No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:51 Qualifier u" t4 RL AID/ Dilution Factor ugll 0.10 — 1 ugll 0.20 1 U911 0.10 ugn 0.50 -- i ugA 0.10 -- i ugA 0.10 -- i ugll 0.10 — 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 — 1 ugA 0.10 — 1 ugA 0.10 — 1 ugll 0.10 — 1 ugll 0.10 — 1 ugll 0.10 i ugll 0.10 1 ugll 0.10 1 ugn 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugn 0.80 1 ugA 0.90 1 ugA 0.80 1 Page 100 of 201 101 K If Serial No•05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-09 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCF Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-Fluorophenol 57 15-110 Phenol -d6 51 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 82 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88 30-130 2.4,6-Tribromophenol 64 15-110 4-Terphenyl-d14 101 30-130 Page 100 of 201 101 K If Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-09 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/2120:45 Analyst: PS I SAMPLE RESULTS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1,4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate 1.4 -Dioxane -d8 Page 101 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/2107:30 Qualifier UnMs RL ug/l 0144 % Recovery Qualifier 44 MOL Dilution Factor - 1 Acceptance Criteria 15-110 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID: SW4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D Analytical Date: 05/11/2105.58 Analyst: JG Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene ND Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether ND 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 2,6-Dinitmtoluene ND Azobenzene ND 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ND Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND Isophorone ND Nitrobenzene ND Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate ND Butyl benzyl phthalate ND Di-n-butylphthalate ND Di-n-octylphthalate ND Diethyl phthalate ND Dimethyl phthalate ND Aniline ND 4-Chloroaniline ND Dibenzofuran ND Acetophenone ND 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol ND 2-Chicrophenol ND 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 2,4 -Dimethylphenol ND Page 102 of 201 Qualifier Upas Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:52 RL VDL Dilution Factor ugA 1.0 4 t ug4 2,0 t ugA 2.0 t ugll 2.0 — 1 ugll 2.0 — t ugA 5.0 — 1 ugll 5.0 — 1 ug/I 5.0 — 1 ugll 2.0 7 ugll 20 1 ugll 2.0 — t ug/l 5.0 1 ugll 50 1 ugh 20 1 ug/1 30 1 ug/i so 1 UgA 50 1 ugh 5.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ug/I 5.0 1 ugfl 2.0 t U94 5.0 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 5.0 1 ugll 5.0 1 ugll 2.0 1 ugll 50 1 ugll 50 1 AXPKA �akx K U Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID: SW4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 2-Nitrophenol ND 4-Nitrophenol NO 2,4-Dinitrophenoi NO Phenol NO 2-Methylphenol NO 3-Methylphenoll4-Methy phenol NO 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol NO Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4 Terphenyl-d14 Page 103 of 201 Qualifier Units ugR ugR ugR ugR ugR ugR ugR % Recovery 53 53 94 76 64 88 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified RL MDL Dilution Factor 10 -- 1 10 -- 1 20 — 1 5.0 — 1 50 1 50 — 1 5o 1 Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 15-110 15-110 30-130 30-130 15-110 30-130 �.` Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Fluoranthene SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID- SW -4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/10/21 02:40 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND 2-Chloronaphihalene ND Fluoranthene NO Hexachlorobutadiene NO Naphthalene ND Benzo(a)anthracene ND Benzo(a)pyrene ND Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND Chrysene ND Acenaphthylene ND Anthracene ND Benzo(ghi)peryiene ND Fluorene NO Phenanthrene ND Dibenzo(a,h)anthraoene ND Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene NO Pyrene NO 2-Methyinaphthalene NO Pentachlorophenol NO Hexachlorobenzene NO Hexachloroethane ND Page 104 of 201 Qualifier Unlit Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:51 FL MDL Dilution Factor UgA 0.10 - 1 UgA 0.20 - 1 UgA 0.10 1 ugA 0,50 1 ugA 0,10 1 UgA 0,10 1 UgA 0.10 - 1 UgA 0.10 1 UgA 0.10 - 1 UgA 0.10 - 1 UgA 0,10 - 1 ugA 0.10 - 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0-10 1 ugll 0.10 1 ug/l 0.10 1 ugll 0.10 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 0.80 1 ugfl 0.80 1 ugll 0.80 1 Mm Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID: SW -4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -0 2-Fluorobiphenyi 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4-Terphenyl-d 14 Page 105 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Units RL MDL Dilution Factor Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 56 15-110 50 15-110 76 30-130 82 30-130 64 15-110 94 30-130 "a f +A Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID: SW -4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/2121:05 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1 4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate 1,4 -Dioxane -d6 Page 106 of 201 Qualifier Unita ug/l % Recovery 41 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/1112107:30 PL MOL Dilution Factor 0 144 -- 1 Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 15-110 Ee Ee Ee Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 ugll SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-11 Client ID: LC -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth.- epth:Matrix: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D Analytical Date: 05/11/2106:20 Analyst: JG Page 107 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 Units RL 11111104. Dilution Factor ugA Parameter Result t,ualifler ugA MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab ugll 2.0 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ugll Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether ND so 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND u911 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND 2.0 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugA 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 5.0 - 1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND ugA 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 3.0 1 Azobenzene ND ug/1 4-Bromephenyl pheny, ether ND 5.0 1 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ND ugll Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ND 2.0 - 1 lsophorone ND ugA Nitrobenzene ND 5.0 - 1 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate ND ugA Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 5.0 - 1 Di-n-butylphihalate ND Di-n-octylphthalate ND Diethyl phthalate ND Dimethyl phthalate ND Aniline ND 4-Chloroaniline ND Dibenzofuran ND Acetophenone ND 2,4,6-Trichloropheno ND 2 -Chlorophenol ND 2,4-Dichlorophenoi ND 2,4 -Dimethylphenol ND Page 107 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 Units RL 11111104. Dilution Factor ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 - t ugll 2.0 ugll 20 - 1 ugll 20 - t ugll so 1 ug/l 50 1 u911 5.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugfl 5.0 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugfl 3.0 1 ug/l 5.0 1 ug/1 5.0 1 ugll 5.0 1 ug/l 5.0 1 ugll 5.0 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugfl 5.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 2.0 1 ugA 5.0 - 1 ugA 5.0 1 '2 tPH A MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1D Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 ND SAMPLE RESULTS ND 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol Lab ID: L2123071-11 Date Collected: 05104/21 10:20 Client ID: LC -1-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: 4-Terphenyl-04 15-110 42 Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1D 2-Nitrophend ND 4-Nitrophenol ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND Phenol ND 2-Methylphenol ND 3-MethylphenoV4-Methylphenol ND 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol ND Surrogate -- 2-Fluorophenol 5.0 Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -d5 Acceptance 2-Fluorobiphenyl Qualifier 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 58 4-Terphenyl-04 15-110 Page 108 of 201 ug/1 1D ugn 10 -- ugll 20 ug/1 5.0 ug/1 5.0 ugll 5.0 -- ugll 5.0 -- Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 58 15-110 42 15-110 107 30-130 84 30-130 93 15-110 87 30-130 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x Ee 101 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-11 Client ID: LC -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/10/21 02:59 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene NO 2-Chloronaphthalene ND Fluoranthene ND Hexachlorobutadiene ND Naphthalene NO Benzo(a)anthracene ND Benzo(a)pyrene NO Benzo(b)Iluoranthene NO Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND Chrysene NO Acenaphthylene NO Anthracene ND Benzo(ghi)perylene ND Fluorene ND Phenanthrene NO Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene NO Indeno(1,2 3-cd)pyrene ND Pyrene ND 2 -Methylnaphthalene ND Pentachlorophenol ND Hexachlorobenzene NO Hexachloroethane ND Page 109 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:51 Qualifier Unit RL MDI, Dilution Factor UgA 010 5 UgA 020 1 UgA 010 - 1 ugA 050 - 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 UgA 0.10 - 1 ugA 0.10 - 1 U911 0.10 - 1 ug/l 0.10 - 1 ug/l 0.10 1 Ugll 0.10 1 ugll 0.10 1 ug/l 0.10 1 UgA 0.10 1 U9A 010 1 ugA 010 t UgA 0.10 - 7 ugA 0.80 - 1 ugA 0.80 - 7 ug/l 0.80 - 1 4kt?h,k "M A . Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-11 Client ID: LCA -050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA S le De th- Not Specified Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 2-Fluorophenol 51 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified amp p Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab MUL Dilution Factor t�. Page 110 of 201 Ee C Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-Fluorophenol 51 15-110 Phenol -d6 38 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 82 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 86 30-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 73 15-110 4-Terphenyl-d 14 103 30-130 t�. Page 110 of 201 Ee C Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-11 Client ID: LC -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05112/2121:24 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1,4 -Dioxane ND Surrogate 1,4 Dioxane -d8 Page 111 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/21 07:30 Qualifier Units RL ug/l 0.134 % Recovery Qualifier 43 MDU Dilution Factor Acceptance Criteria 15-110 ISJUSAUS Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 1q,3',111IL:11104-111RI9 Lab ID: L2123071-12 Client ID: LC -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D Analytical Date: 05/11/21 06:43 Analyst: JG Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 11:30 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05109/2108:52 Parameter Result Qualifier units RL ML Dilution Factor MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ugll 5.0 — 1 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether ND ugll 2.0 — 1 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugll 2.0 — 1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugll 2.0 1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ugll 20 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND ugll 5.0 1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND ugll 5.0 — 1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ugll 5.0 — 1 Azobenzene ND ugll 2 0 — 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND ugll 2.0 — 1 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether ND ugll 2 0 1 Bis(2-chlorcethoxy)methane ND ug/1 5.0 1 Isophorone No ug/1 5.0 1 Nitrobenzene No ug/1 2.0 1 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate No ug/1 3.0 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND ugh 5.0 1 Dr-n-butylphthalate ND ugh 5.0 1 Di-n-octylphthalate ND ug/1 5 0 1 Diethyl phthalate ND ugA 5 0 1 Dimethyl phthalate ND ugA 5 0 1 Aniline ND ugA 2 0 1 4-Chloroaniline ND ug/I 50 1 Dibenzofuran ND ug/I 20 1 Acetophenone ND ug/I 50 1 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol ND ugA 5.0 1 2 -Chlorophenol ND ugA 2 0 1 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND ugA 5 0 1 2,4 -Dimethylphenol No ugll 5 0 1 Page 112 of 201 K k Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018-001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-12 MDL Dilution Factor Client ID: LC -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA 10 Sample Depth: 1 Parameter Result Qualifier MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab 1 2-Nitrophenol ND 4-Nitrophenol NO 2,4-Dinitmphenol NO Phenol NO 2-Methylphenol NO 3-Methylphenoll4-Methylphenoi NO 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol NO Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4 - Terphenyl-d14 Page 113 of 201 Units ugA u9A ugA ugA ugA ugA ugA % Recovery 54 44 99 75 70 80 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 1130 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified RL MDL Dilution Factor 10 1 10 - 1 20 - 1 5.0 - 1 5.0 - 1 5.0 - 1 5.0 1 Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 15-110 15-110 30-130 30-130 15-110 30.130 Am -HA Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab I D: L2123071-12 Client ID: LC -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/10/21 03:18 Analyst: JRW Parameter Result MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Acenaphthene ND 2-Chloronaphthalene ND Fluoranthene ND Hexachlorobutadiene ND Naphthalene ND Benzo(a)anthracene ND Benzo(a)pyrene ND Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND Chrysene ND Acenaphthylene ND Anthracene ND Benzo(ghi)perylene ND Fluorene ND Phenanthrene ND Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 013 Indeno(1,2,3-od)pyrene ND Pyrene ND 2 -Methylnaphthalene ND Pentachlorophenol ND Hexachlorobenzene ND Hexachloroethane ND Page 114 of 201 Quallfier Unita Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 11:30 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 RL MQL Dilution Factor ugA 010 1 ugA 020 1 ugA 010 1 ugA 050 - 1 ugA 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 - 1 ugA 010 - 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 0.10 1 ugA 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 1 ug/l 010 - 1 ugA 0.10 - 1 ugA 0.80 1 ugn 0.80 1 ug/l 080 1 IN 101 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-12 Client ID: LC -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Parameter Result Qualifier Units MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab Surrogate 2-Fluorophenol Phenol -d6 Nitrobenzene -d5 2-Fluorobiphenyl 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 4-Terphenyl-04 Page 115 of 201 % Recovery 52 42 76 79 66 88 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 1130 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified RL MDL Dilution Factor Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 15-110 15-110 30-130 30-130 15-110 30-130 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-12 Client ID: LC -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix, Water Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Analytical Date: 05/12/2121:43 Analyst: PS Parameter Result MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab 1 4 -Dioxane NO Surrogate 1,4 -Dioxane -d8 Page 116 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 11:30 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/2107:30 Qualifier Unita RL #ADI_ Dilution Factor ugA 0.134 1 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 42 15-110 X X7 IN Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Analytical Method: 97,8270D -SIM Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Analytical Date: 05/09/21 22:33 Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:51 Analyst- JRW Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-12 Batch: WG1496418-1 Acenaphthene NO ugA 0.10 - 2-Chloronaphihalene ND ugA 0.20 - Fluoranthene NO ugA 0.10 - Hexachlorobutadiene NO ugll 0.50 -- Naphthalene NO ugll 0.10 -- Benzo(a)anthracene NO ugA 0.10 -- Benzo(a)pyrene ND ugA 0.10 -- Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ugA 0.10 -- Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ugA 0.10 -- Chrysene ND ugA 0.10 -- Acenaphthylene NO ugA 0.10 — Anthracene ND ugA 0.10 — Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ugA 0.10 — Fluorene ND ugA 0.10 — Phenanthrene NO ugA 0.10 — Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene NO ugA 0.10 — Indeno(1,2.3-cd)pyrene NO ugA 0.10 — Pyrene NO ugA 0.10 — 2 -Methylnaphthalene NO ugA 0.10 -- Pentachlorophenol NO ugA 0.80 -- Hexachlorobenzene NO ugA 0.80 -- Hexachloroethane NO ugA 0.80 6 Page 117 of 201 AL141 r Project Name: Project Number: Analytical Method Analytical Date: Analyst: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL R2020018.001 97,8270D -SIM 05/09/21 22:33 JRW Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control SerialNo:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Extraction Method- EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:51 Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL MCP Semivolatile Organics by SIM -Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-12 Batch: WG1496418-1 f yr� Page 118 of 201 Ee 0 101 Acceptance Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2 Fluorophenol 55 15-110 Phenol -d6 45 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 72 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 76 30-130 2,45-Tribromophenol 61 15-110 4-Terphenyl-d14 88 30 130 f yr� Page 118 of 201 Ee 0 101 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Analytical Method: 97,8270D Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Analytical Date: 05/10/21 23:09 Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 Analyst: JG Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Page 119 of 201 MCP Semivolatile Organics - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-12 Batch: WG1496419-1 Acenaphthene NO ugll 2.0 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO ugA 5.0 Hexachlorobenzene NO ugA 2.0 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether NO ugA 2.0 2-Chloronaphlhalene ND ugA 2.0 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 2.0 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 2.0 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO ugA 2.0 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine NO ug/1 5.0 - 2,4-Dinitrotoluene NO ugA 5.0 - 2,6-Dinitrotoluene NO ugA 5.0 — Azobenzene NO ugA 2.0 Fluoranthene NO ugA 2.0 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether NO ugA 2.0 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether NO ugll 2.0 Bis(2-chloroelhoxy)methane NO ugll 5.0 Hexachlornbutadiene NO ugll 2.0 Hexachloroethane NO ugll 2.0 lsophorone NO ugA 5.0 Naphthalene NO ugA 2.0 Nitrobenzene NO ugA 2.0 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthaiate NO ugA 3.0 Butyl benzyl phthalate NO ugA 5.0 Di-n-butylphthalate NO ugA 5.0 — Di-n-octylphthalate NO ugA 5.0 Diethyl phthalate NO ugA 5.0 Dimethyl phthalate NO ugA 5.0 Benzo(a)anthracene NO ugA 2.0 Benzo(a)pyrene NO ugA 2.0 Page 119 of 201 Project Name: Project Number: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL R2020018.001 97,8270D 05/10/21 23:09 JG Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/09/2108:52 Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL MCP Semivolatile Organics -Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-12 Batch: WG1496419-1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ugh 2.0 — Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ugh 2.0 — Chrysene ND ugh 2.0 — Acenaphthylene ND u911 2.0 — Anthracene ND ug/1 2.0 — Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ugll 20 — Fluorene ND ugll 2.0 — Phenanthrene ND ug/1 2.0 — Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ug11 2.0 — Indeno(1,2,3-od)pyrene ND ugll 2.0 — Pyrene ND ugll 2.0 — Aniline ND ugll 2.0 — 4-Chloroaniline ND ug/l 5.0 Dibenzofuran ND ugll 2.0 2 -Methylnaphthalene ND ugll 2.0 Acetophenone ND ugll 5.0 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol ND ug/1 5.0 2 -Chlorophenol ND ug/1 2.0 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND ug/1 5.0 2,4 -Dimethylphenol ND ug/1 5.0 2-Nilrophenol ND ug/1 10 4-Nitrophenol ND ug/1 10 - 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND ug/1 20 - Pentachlorophenol ND ug11 10 - Phenol ND ug/1 50 - 2-Methylphenol ND ug/1 50 3-Methylphenoll4-Methylphenol ND ug/1 50 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol ND ug/1 50 - .4 —wAWK - Page 120 of 201 w 101 L01 f Project Name: Project Number: Analytical Method - Analytical Date.- Analyst: ate:Analyst: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL R2020018.001 97,8270D 05/10/2123:09 JG Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Extraction Method: EPA 35100 Extraction Date: 05/09/21 08:52 Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL MCP Semivolatile Organics -Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-12 Batch: WG1496419-1 Acceptance Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Criteria 2-Fluorophenol 57 15-110 Phenol d6 49 15-110 Nitrobenzene -d5 86 30-130 2-Fluorobiphenyl 70 30-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 69 15-110 4--Terphenyl-04 82 30-130 (I Page 121 of 201 Project Name: Project Number: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL R2020018.001 97,8270D -SIM 05/12/21 15:46 PS Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/11/21 07:30 Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL MCP 1,4 Dioxane by 8270D -SIM - Mansfield Lab for sample(s): 01-12 Batch: WG1497096-1 1,4 -dioxane ND ugll 0.150 — Surrogate 1,4 -Dioxane -d8 Page 122 of 201 Acceptance %Recovery Qualifier Criteria 33 15-110 X K 101 m 0 D Q7 W W m _ N � Q C 7 C � 7 fi 3 N m 10 lD m L N D W 11 0 0 m O O O O O 3 U 3 N g _ iv m tp t cc > > a m a O N 6 Q com m (D m� rn 3 O m m m 3 a �c N cr O O C t0 7 V O V m 0) m V m N OW+WVN W A N O 01 0 4D U1 N 0 r Q D U) V) O C'1 0.f fD Q va N A N CD O1 V CII Ol N 61 m 01 1D N QI V � O �I N O� i ci CD T AA W A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Q Q p Q Q Q 4 Q p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co N A A W A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O A to 00 W V V O O V 0 W V 0 V G m 4/ N V N + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r D � !D O �r Q n Z Z o O o 3 m � z N it 0) C) > r D Q d O �r Q n N Z o O o 3 m � z N it 0) C) > m OM o �D 0 oa O Z � � y r z y 0 F r r r v d O �r Q n 7 0 3 A A N it 0) m OM o �D 0 oa � � y r C�_Fl N_ v O N � W � � a a 0 � z A v � d Q r C�_Fl N_ N 0 O N � W N v Q d co co to 0 mwcncn aT,NT,w0 ocnoQsnY, O O O O p p 00 A co A a K C LY 19 T r v 10 3 cr M O Q Z Z cCP =N � 4t A ro •• � 1 O o D 0 0 N CO Q J 0 r�A Z r �y Z v r C LY a. A r v 10 3 cr o cr o pO =N � 4t A �3 � � O �n � N a a. A c v 10 3 cr t` o r D 1 ^' N Q v 4 0 0 0 0 O V V V V cI V df OD N O� N V fJl � tl� A O W 01 f0 OO N M N W W pe rn V 0 0 V M V W 0 m m 0 A d O w W N 0 (n co N N 4 (p Ot V OD CA W imWdAI i i I I ils = M. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a a a a a g g g g g g g g g g p p o o g g g o g g g g g A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a a a a a O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O !mWimm"emmimNo (n A 0 -- w w 0 A m 01 0 N A A A to -+ O N O ANNOWNWOMMONINIMMININ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 K n v CD0 O. 0 m cr a 0 C i0 3 9 Q' a H 0 Q. Im m CL N ID N O N m 1p N co CD w i' - r Q) d TM 1 0 K K z z rr .01 b C � obi cr � C ,o In m CD w' r �z Cn f�A v QD N O �a O cyl J -4 T i co N O IV ID Cil o, CD W m W w 7 m m Z ST N Z m _ � 3 2 m O 2 lxp O m W r s 3 m g W �p A 'W T � m D FOI N T a N la a g W W Q o d G m irJ 0 a m tJ 0 m N � 7 m m W � m Z Xm a m IV 3 m m m 0 0 O V V V V cI V df OD N O� N V fJl � tl� A O W 01 f0 OO N M N W W pe rn V 0 0 V M V W 0 m m 0 A d O w W N 0 (n co N N 4 (p Ot V OD CA W imWdAI i i I I ils = M. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a a a a a g g g g g g g g g g p p o o g g g o g g g g g A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a a a a a O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O !mWimm"emmimNo (n A 0 -- w w 0 A m 01 0 N A A A to -+ O N O ANNOWNWOMMONINIMMININ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 K n v CD0 O. 0 m cr a 0 C i0 3 9 Q' a H 0 Q. Im m CL N ID N O N m 1p N co CD w i' - r Q) d TM 1 0 K K z z rr .01 b C � obi cr � C ,o In CD w' r �z Cn f�A v QD N O N O cyl J -4 T i co N O IV v M Q j p 7. J J O b J G 4 N = N or N J T_ o N S. N n 9 j W S j IDCD � 7 fa = O J J $ m W d 91 � W N (7 N y a 0 0 3 a N N d fOD O ((A N O A + A N (Vh A fVN A fND O W OD CO CD Qe Ol m CL co O1 N 0 N In �I 6 01 (A W CO Oi W 1�1 A +l d (D co i 0) 0) W V j OI d -1 O V N M V OI Co (D W -1 -1 rl 0 W N pl 3 C) A t0 O co CN C W A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A CA) M : W + O A W W A A JO — N 8 J W W W W N A W N n r y r y b r� R as Z Z Cr CO .. Q y N Z 0 0 Q7 = C) >J T 0 Z z v T F r X Q C v 3 m Q m 0 c C � rr cr 3 zr W A rK C O a N 7 O co O J O 61 +l 4 O v A kn a yn V t9 v v o a m = 3 0 0 v p � a a 0 0 0 m C ID 0 N 4 O co Oo 07 � OD 1~p i V 0 N & ft O w C -4 + ? 0 o Q n co 'P N 0 Q Q Q Q o 0 0 0 0 0 'n G) w w w w w w w w w w w A W O N 00 dD 4 i O p N = r fJ N N N N N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M r- O H w r - o yco I v V u T v a. a z z 3 3 c Z o D N z o p ja CO 2 Q O z 5. z v n F r T v fo (D N O1 O_ N O J OD e e0i r 0 CD r - T T 3. 3. z z cr (39 O•• Z O D O O O CO z a > i 0 O z z v n F r ii Al O (n co N 1 C PESTICIDES Page 129 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Alpha -BHC SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Client ID: MW -1 D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: N D Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081E Analytical Date: 05/10/2120:43 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta -BHC ND Lindane ND Alpha -BHC ND Beta -BHC ND Heptachlor ND Aldrin NO Heptachlor epoxide N D Endrin N D Endrin ketone ND Dieldrin NO 4,4' -DDE ND 4,4' -DDD ND 4,4' -DDT ND Endosulfan I ND Endosulfan II NO Endosulfan sulfate NO Methoxychlor ND Chlordane NO Hexachlorobenzene NO Surrogate 0.029 2.4, 5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 1 Decachlorobiphenyl ug/l 2,4, 5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene — Decachlorobiphenyl A Page 130 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/21 00:08 FS Qualifier Units ft MM Dilution Factor Column ug/i 0.014 1 A ugh 0.014 1 A ug/l 0.014 — 1 A ug/1 0.014 - 1 A ugh 0.014 1 A ` ug/1 0-014 1 A ug/1 0 014 — 1 A ug/l 0.029 — 1 A ug/l 0.029 — 1 A ug/1 0.029 -- 1 A ug/1 0.029 1 A ug/1 0 029 1 A ug/1 0 029 1 A ug/1 0 014 1 A ugh 0.029 1 A ug/1 0.029 1 A ug/l 0 143 1 A ugA 0143 - 1 A u9/1 0.014 1 A Acceptance Recovery Qualifier Criteria Column 92 30-150 B 76 30-150 B BB 30-150 A 70 30.150 A Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: 82020018.001 Lindane SAMPLE RESULTS Date Collected: Alpha -BHC Lab ID: L2123071-02 Client ID: MW -1S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth - 1 A Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081 E Analytical Date: 05/10/2120:54 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m xylene Decachlorobiphenyl Page 131 of 201 Qualifier units Serial Delta-8HC ND L2123071 Lindane ND Date Collected: Alpha -BHC ND 05/04/21 Beta -BHC ND ug/l Heptachlor ND 1 A Aldrin ND - Heptach,or epoxide ND 0.014 Endrin ND ug/l Endrin ketone ND 1 A Dieldrin ND -- 4,4' -DDE ND 0.029 4,4' -DDD ND ugll 4,4' -DDT ND 1 A Endosulfan I ND - Endosultan II ND 0 029 Endosulfan sulfate ND ug/l Methoxychlor ND 1 A Chlordane ND - Hexachlorobenzene ND 0 029 Surrogate 1 A 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m xylene Decachlorobiphenyl Page 131 of 201 Qualifier units Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 13:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/2100:08 til. MDL Dilution Factor Column ugtl 0.014 - 1 A ug/1 0,014 1 A ug/l 0.014 1 A ug/l 0.014 - 1 A ugll 0.014 - 1 A ug/l 0.014 1 A ug/l 0.014 - 1 A ugA 0.029 -- 1 A ugA 0.029 -- 1 A ugll 0 029 1 A ugA 0 029 - 1 A ugfl 0 029 - 1 A ug/l 0 029 - 1 A ug/l 0 014 - 1 A ug/l 0 029 - 1 A ug/l 0 029 - 1 A ug/l 0 143 1 A ugA 0143 - 1 A ugA 0 014 1 A Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria Column 80 30-150 B 64 30-150 B 81 30-150 A 63 30-150 A Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Alpha -BHC SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-03 Client ID: MW -2S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081 B Analytical Date: 05/10/21 21:04 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta BHC ND Lindane ND Alpha -BHC ND Beta -BHC ND Heptachlor ND Aldrin ND Heptachlor epoxide ND Endrin ND Endrin ketone ND Dieldrin ND 4,4' -DDE ND 4,4' -DDD ND 4,4' -DDT ND Endosulfan I ND Endosulfan II ND Endosullan sulfate ND Methoxychlor ND Chlordane ND Hexachlorobenzene ND Surrogate ugll 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl 0.029 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene ugll Decachlorobiphenyl — Page 132 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:25 0 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05110/2100.08 Qualifier Unita RL MM Dilution Factor Column UgA 0.014 - ugA 0.014 ugA 0.014 ugli 0.014 Ugll 0.014 ugll 0.014 ugll 0.014 ugll 0 029 — ugll 0 029 — ugll 0.029 — ugA 0.029 - ugll 0.029 ugA 0.029 ugll 0.014 ugll 0.029 — ugll 0.029 — ugA 0.143 ugA 0.143 Ugll 0.014 Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria 85 30-150 68 30-150 91 30-150 72 30-150 Column B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta -BHC NO Lab ID: L2123071-04 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081 B Analytical Date: 05/10/2121:15 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta -BHC NO Lindane NO Alpha -BHC NO Beta -BHC NO Heptachlor ND Aldrin ND Heptachlor epoxide NO Endrin ND Endrin ketone NO Dieldrin NO 4,4' -DDE ND 4,4' -DDD NO 4,4' -DDT NO Endosulfan I NO Endosulfan II ND Endosulfan sulfate ND Methoxychlor NO Chlordane NO Hexachlorobenzene NO Surrogate 2,4, 5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl 2.4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl c Page 133 of 201 Qualifier unite ug4 ugA ugA ugA ug/l ugA ugA ugll UgA UgA ugA ugA ugn UgA ugA ugA ugA ugA UgA % Recovery 86 74 84 70 Serial—No: 05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05110/2100:08 RL MDL Dilution Factor Column B 30-150 B 0.014 1 A 0.014 1 A 0 014 1 A 0.014 — 1 A 0.014 — 1 A 0.014 — 1 A 0.014 -- 1 A 0.029 -- 1 A 0.029 -- 1 A 0.029 1 A 0.029 — 1 A 0.029 — 1 A 0.029 — 1 A 0.014 1 A 0.029 1 A 0.029 1 A 0.143 1 A 0.143 -- 1 A 0 014 1 A Acceptance Qualifier Criteria Column 30-150 B 30-150 B 30-150 A 30-150 A Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Alpha -BHC SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-05 Client ID: MW -4S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,80816 Analytical Date: 05/10/2121:25 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta -BHC ND Lindane ND Alpha -BHC ND Beta -BHC ND Heptachlor ND Aldrin ND Heptachlor epoxide ND Endrin ND Endrin ketone ND Dieldrin ND 4 4' -DDE ND 4 4' -DDD ND 4 4' -DDT ND Endosulfan I ND Endosulfan It ND Endosulfan sulfate ND Methoxychlor ND Ch ordane ND Hexachlorobenzene ND Surrogate ugA 2,45,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene — Decachlorobiphenyl 2,4,5,6-Teirachloro-m-xylene ugA Decachlorobiphenyl — Page 134 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 0 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep- Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05110/2100:08 Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor Column ugA 0.014 — 1 A UgA 0.014 — 1 A UgA 0.014 - 1 A ugA 0.014 1 A UgA 0.014 1 A ugA 0.014 1 A ugA 0.014 — 1 A ugA 0.029 — 1 A ug/l 0.029 1 A ugA 0.029 1 A ug/l 0.029 1 A ugA 0.029 1 A ugA 0.029 1 A ugA 0.014 — 1 A ugA 0.029 — 1 A ugA 0.029 — 1 A Ug/1 0.143 - 1 A UgA 0.143 — 1 A ugA 0.014 1 A Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria Column 74 30-150 B 58 30-150 B 72 30-150 A 56 30-150 A r Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 - SAMPLE RESULTS CLabID: L2123071-06 Client ID: MW4D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 1 Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081 B Analytical Date: 05/10/2121:36 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:35 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/21 00:08 Qualifier 001ts RI< MM Dilution Factor Column Delta -BHC ND ugA 0 014 - 1 A Lindane ND ugA 0 014 - 1 A Alpha -BHC ND ugA 0 014 1 A Beta -BHC ND ugA 0 014 1 A Heptachlor ND ugA 0 014 - 1 A Aldrin ND ugR 0 014 - 1 A Heptachlor epoxide ND ugA 0 014 1 A Endrin ND ugR 0 029 1 A Endrin ketone ND ugA 0-029 1 A Dieldrin ND ugA 0.029 - 1 A 4,4' -DDE ND ugA 0.029 1 A 4,4' -DDD ND ugA 0.029 1 A 4,4' -DDT ND ugA 0.029 1 A Endosulfan I ND ugA 0.014 - 1 A Endosulfan 11 ND ugA 0.029 - 1 A Endosulfan sulfate ND ugn 0.029 - 1 A Methoxychlor ND ugn 0.143 - 1 A Chlordane ND ugn 0.143 1 A Hexachlorobenzene 0 019 ugA 0.014 1 A Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria Column 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 94 30-150 B Decachlorobiphenyl 71 30-150 B 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 93 30-150 A Decachlorobiphenyl 70 30-150 A A Page 135 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Alpha -BHC SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-07 Client ID: SW -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: NO Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081 B Analytical Date: 05/10/2121:46 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta -BHC NO Lindane ND Alpha -BHC NO Beta -BHC NO Heptachlor NO Aldrin NO Heptachlor epoxide NO Endrin NO Endrin ketone NO Dieldrin NO 4,4' -DDE NO 4,4' -DDD NO 4,4' -DDT NO Endosulfan I NO Endosulfan II NO Endosulfan sulfate NO Methoxychlor NO Chlordane NO Hexachlorobenzene NO Su rrogate A 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.029 Decachlorobiphenyl 1 2 4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene u911 Decachlorobiphenyl — Page 136 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 09:40 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/2100:08 Wn Qualifier Unite RL MOL Dilution Factor Column ugA 0 014 1 �k ug/1 0 014 1 A ug/l 0 014 1 A ug/l 0 014 1 A ug/l 0.014 1 A ug/l 0.014 1 A J ��JJ ugfl 0.014 1 A ugfl 0.029 1 A u911 0.029 1 A u911 0.029 — 1 A U911 0 029 1 A u911 0.029 — 1 A u911 0.029 — 1 A ug/l 0.014 - 1 A ug/l 0.029 1 A ug/l 0 029 1 A ug/l 0143 1 A ug/1 0 143 1 A ug/l 0 014 1 A Acceptance % Recovery Qualifler Criteria Column 75 30 150 B 63 30 150 B 73 30-150 A 62 30-150 A X Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-08 Client ID: SW -2-050421 Sample Location. LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081B Analytical Date: 05/10/2121:57 Analyst: JMC Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 351 CC Extraction Date: 05/10/21 00:08 hA Page 137 of 201 Parameter Result Qualifier Lwft RL RIM Dilution Factor Column MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab - Delta -BHC NO ugA 0.014 -- 1 A Lindane ND ugA '1014 -- 1 A Alpha -BHC ND ugll 0 014 1 A Beta -BHC NO ugA 0 014 - 1 A Heptachlor ND ugA 0.014 - 1 A Aldrin ND ugA 0.014 - 1 A Heptachlor epoxide NO ugA 0 014 - 1 A Endrin ND ugA 0.029 - 1 A Endrin ketone ND ugA 0.029 1 A Dieldrin NO ug/l 0.029 1 A 4,4' -DDE NO ug/l 0.029 1 A 4,4' -DDD ND ugA 0.029 - 1 A 4,4' -DDT NO ugll 0.029 - 1 A Endosulfan I ND ugll 0.014 - 1 A Endosulfan II ND u911 0.029 - 1 A Endosulfan sulfate ND ugA 0.029 - 1 A Methoxychlor ND ugA 0.143 - 1 A Chlordane ND ugA 0143 -- 1 A Hexachlorobenzene ND ugA 0 014 - 1 A Acceptance Surrogate % Recovery Qualifier Criteria Column 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 89 30-150 B Decachlorobiphenyl 75 30-150 B 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 81 30-150 A Decachlorobiphenyl 66 30-150 A hA Page 137 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Alpha -BHC SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-09 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081 B Analytical Date: 05/10/2122:07 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta -BHC ND Lindane ND Alpha -BHC ND Beta -BHC ND Heptachlor ND A'ddn ND Heptach for epoxide ND Endrin ND Endnn ketone ND Dieldrin ND 4,4' -DDE ND 4.4' -DDD ND 4.4' -DDT ND Endosulfan I ND Endosulfan II ND Endosu fan sulfate ND Methoxychlor ND Chlordane ND Hexachlorobenzene ND Surrogate 2.4.5 6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl 2.4.5, 6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl Page 138 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05104/21 10:20 0 Date Received: 05104/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05110/21 00:06 Qualifier Urw Rt apo Dilution Factor Column ugll 0.014 - A ugll 0.014 - 1 A ugll 0.014 - 1 A ug/1 0.014 - 1 A ugll 0.014 1 A ugll 0-014 1 A ugll 0.014 - 1 A ugll 0.029 - 1 A ugll 0.029 - 1 A ugll 0.029 -- 1 A ugll 0.029 1 A ugll D-029 t A ugll 0.029 1 A ug/l 0.014 - 1 A ugll 0.029 1 A ugll 0.029 1 A ugll 0 143 1 A ugll 0143 1 A ugll o D14 1 A Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria Column 84 30-150 B 64 30-150 B 81 30.150 A 62 30.150 A 0 Lvrph � .3.O Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Surrogate % Recovery 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 83 Decachlorobiphenyl 60 2,4,5,6--Telrachtoro-m-xy1ene 83 Decachlorobiphenyl 57 Page 139 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/21 00:08 RL 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.014 0.029 0 029 Mbt_ Dilution Factor Column 0.143 Parameter Resuk Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID: SW -4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Criteria Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,80816 Analytical Date: 05/10/2122:18 Analyst: JMC Surrogate % Recovery 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 83 Decachlorobiphenyl 60 2,4,5,6--Telrachtoro-m-xy1ene 83 Decachlorobiphenyl 57 Page 139 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/21 00:08 RL 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.014 0.029 0 029 Mbt_ Dilution Factor Column 0.143 Parameter Resuk Qualifier Unita — MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta -BHC ND ug/l Criteria Lindane ND ugn Alpha -BHC NO ugn 30-150 Beta -BHC NO ugn Heptachlor NO ugn Aldrin NO ug/I Heptachlor epoxide ND ugn Endrin ND ugn Endrin ketone ND ugn Dieldrin ND ugn 4,4' -DDE ND ugn 4,4' -DDD ND ugn 4,4' -DDT ND ugn Endosulfan I ND ugn Endosulfan II ND ugn Endosulfan sulfate ND ugn Methoxychlor NO ugn Chlordane ND ugn Hexachlorobenzene ND ugn Surrogate % Recovery 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 83 Decachlorobiphenyl 60 2,4,5,6--Telrachtoro-m-xy1ene 83 Decachlorobiphenyl 57 Page 139 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/21 00:08 RL 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0 014 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.014 0.029 0 029 Mbt_ Dilution Factor Column 0.143 — 0.143 — 0.014 Acceptance Qualifier Criteria 30-150 30-150 30-150 30-150 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Column B B A A ,AW1,A AAAIX , A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Alpha -BHC SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-11 Client ID: LC -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: NO Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081 B Analytical Date: 05/10/21 22:28 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta -BHC NO Lindane NO Alpha -BHC NO Beta -BHC NO Heptachlor NO Aldrin NO Heptachlor epoxide NO Endrin NO Endrin ketone NO Dieldrin NO 4,4' -DDE NO 4,4' -DDD NO 4,4' -DDT NO Endosulfan I NO Endosulfan II NO Endosulfan sulfate ND Methoxychlor NO Chlordane NO Hexachlorobenzene NO Surrogate 2,4,5,6 Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyi 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl Page 140 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 0 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/21 00:08 Qualifier Unlls RL MM Dilution Factor Column ugll 0.014 1 A ug/l D 014 1 A ugll 0.014 1 A ugll 0 014 1 A ugll 0.014 -- 1 A UgA 0.014 -- 1 A ugA 0.014 1 A ugA 0 029 — 1 A UgA 0 029 — 1 A ugA 0 029 — 1 A ugA 0 029 1 A ugA 0.029 - 1 A UgA 0.029 - 1 A UgA 0.014 — 1 A ugA 0 029 1 A UgA 0 029 — 1 A UgA 0143 — 1 A ugA 0.143 — 1 A UgA 0.014 - 1 A Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria Column 75 30-150 B 50 30-150 B 71 30-150 A 47 30-150 A Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: 82020018,001 Alpha -BHC SAMPLE RESULTS Beta -BHC ND Lab ID: L2123071-12 Client ID: LC -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: NO Matrix: Water Analytical Method: 97,8081 B Analytical Date: 05110/2122-38 Analyst: JMC Parameter Result MCP Organochlorine Pesticides - Westborough Lab Delta -BHC ND Lindane NO Alpha -BHC ND Beta -BHC ND Heptachlor ND Aldnn ND Heptachlor epoxide NO Endrin NO Endrin ketone NO Dieldrin ND 4,4' -DDE ND 4,4' -DDD NO 4,4' -DDT NO Endosulfan I NO Endosulfan II NO Endosultan sulfate NO Methoxychlor NO Chlordane NO Hexachlorobenzene NO Surrogate 2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl 2,4 5,6 Tetrachloro-m-xylene Decachlorobiphenyl J Page 141 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 11:30 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/21 03:27 Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor Column UgA 0 014 1 A ugA 0 014 1 A ugA 0 014 - 1 A ugA 0.014 1 A U911 0.014 1 A ugA 0.014 1 A ugA 0 014 — 1 A ug/l 0.029 1 A ugA 0.029 — 1 A ugA 0.029 — 1 A ugA 0.029 1 A ugA 0.029 1 A ugA 0.029 1 A ugA 0 014 1 A ugA 0.029 — 1 A ugA 0 029 1 A ugll 0.143 — 1 A ugll 0.143 — 1 A ugll 0 014 1 A Acceptance % Recovery Qualifier Criteria Column 91 30-150 B 72 30-150 B 85 30-150 A 69 30.150 A Project Name: Project Number: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL R2020018.001 97,8081 B 05/10/21 19:20 JMC Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Extraction Method: EPA 3510C Extraction Date: 05/10/2100:08 Parameter Result Qualifier units RL MDL Column MCP Organochlorine Pesticides -Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-12 Batch. WG1496542-1 Delta -BHC NO ug/l 0.014 -- A Lindane NO ug/l 0.014 A Alpha -BHC NO ugll 0.014 A Bela -BHC NO ugll 0.014 A Heptachlor NO ug/l 0.014 A Aldrin NO ug/1 0.014 A Heptachlor epoxide NO ugh 0.014 A Endrin NO ug/1 0.029 A Endrin ketone NO ug/1 0.029 A Dieldrin NO ug/1 0.029 A 4,4' -DDE NO ug/1 0.029 A 4,4' -DDD NO ug/1 0.029 A 4,4' -DDT NO ug/1 0.029 A Endosulfan I NO ug/1 0.014 A Endosulfan II NO ug/1 0.029 A Endosulfan sulfate NO ugll 0.029 A Methoxychlor NO ug/1 0.143 A Chlordane NO ug/1 0.143 - A Hexachlorobenzene NO ug/1 0.014 - A Acceptance Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Criteria Column 2.4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 97 30-150 B Decachlorobiphenyl 83 30-150 B 2 4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene 98 30-150 A Decachlorobiphenyi 79 30-150 A Ar� Page 142 of 201 Lel b a� UG ro A W O_ N 0 9 n x K m m m A A A v m m x x w r ax S W m 6 N O m o o 0 M h 3 0 CD � x o CD m EL ro -v ro 52. ro N cr a 0 0 zr c �a m Q�yy ppyy ��pp QQ�� rr C�11 O S O A A N W +� i�71 + N D y O n ni r. ro CL y 61 ro N C i M Oo -I -1 +1 0o Oo -4 ao -1 -1 -1 v v j J J of N to A cn Co L" cA A v o ro 0 yr 0 as m to n� N G�7 i N A A A A b A b A A A A A A A A A A A N S? f? Q O O O O O O O Q Q [? [? Q Q Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i (�D 01 N 1N� NNN W J W N + N A W W N N N s O Q1 U1 T J V O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D r n r Nv T v � rt z z m 1p 0 D N Z O 0 O_ 06CD = O O z z 0 n F r r �1 cr n a 0 n rh T 0 A CO) m � Oa 0 F 'a a3 T 9 cr 0 3 c 0 3 arr ro -mss C�J�I N N N O i v Ch ro z O O CT OD N i O Al O -.4 FE le N 11 81 can, T -D,3-04, 9 1? co 0002 nnaoau ori Q as n n Z Z c goc 1 is D N 0 O O_ C o D 'v O Z Z v n F r r a n to � S Q 43 oa 'n o� 0) Q N W m K a b � � 'a a' � e A or ro CD m' r � b CA — N IZ N O En y N C n METALS Page 145 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Client ID: MW -1 D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Q_ o Page 146 of 201 Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst MCP Dissolved Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.0040 — 1 05/11/2122:10 05/15/21 19:49 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD Arsenic, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.005 -- 1 05/1112122:1005114121 00:13 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Barium, Dissolved ND mg/i 0.010 — 1 05111/2122:10 05114/2100:13 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Beryllium, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.0005 — 1 06/11/2122:10 05/15/21 19:49 EPA 3005A 97,602013 CD Cadmium, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.004 -- 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/14/2100:13 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Calcium, Dissolved 26.4 mg/I 0.100 — 1 05/11/21 22.10 0511412100:13 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Chromium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 — 1 05111/21 22-10 0511412100:13 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Copper, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.010 -- 1 0511112122:10 05/14/2100:13 EPA 3005A 9T601 OD BV Iron, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.050 1 0511112122:10 05/14/21 00:13 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Lead, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 1 05/1112122.10 05/14/21 00:13 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Manganese, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.010 1 05/1112122:10 05/14/2100:13 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD Bb Mercury, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.0002 1 05/12/21 00:44 05/13/21 20:24 EPA 7470A 97,7470A OU Nickel, Dissolved ND mgA 0.0020 1 05/11/21 22:10 0511 5121 19:49 EPA 3005A 97,602013 CD Selenium, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.010 - 1 0511112122:100511412100:13 EPA 3005A 97,601 DD BV Silver, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.007 — 1 0511112122:1005/1412100:13 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Sodium, Dissolved 10.9 mg/I 2.00 1 0511112122:10 05/14121 00:13 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Zinc, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.050 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/1412100:13 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV o Page 146 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-02 Date Collected 05/04/21 13:55 Client ID: MW 1 S-050421 Date Received- 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst MCP Dissolved Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Dissolved ND mg/1 0.0040 1 05/11/21 22 10 05/15/21 19.54 EPA 3005A 97,602013 CD Arsenic, Dissolved ND mg/1 0.005 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/1412100 18 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Barium, Dissolved 0.037 mgA 0.010 — 1 05/11/21 22.10 05/14/21 00 18 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Beryllium, Dissolved ND mgll 0.0005 - 1 0511112122:10 05115/21 19 54 EPA 3005A 97,602013 CD Cadmium, Dissolved ND mgll 0.004 — 1 05111/2122:10 05114/2100 18 EPA 3005A 97.6010D BV Calcium, Dissolved 77.2 mgA 0.100 1 05/11/21 22:1005/1412100.18 EPA 3005A 97.6010D BV Chromium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 1 05111/21 22:1005/1412100 18 EPA 3005A 97.6010D BV Copper, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 - 1 0511112122:100511412100.18 EPA 3005A 97.6010D BV Iron, Dissolved ND mgA 0.050 - 1 05/1112122:1005114/2100.18 EPA 3005A 97 6010D BV Lead, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/14/2100:18 EPA 3005A 97.6010D BV langanese, Dissolved 0.015 mgA 0.010 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/14/21 00:18 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Mercury, Dissolved ND mgA 0.0002 - 1 0511212100:44 05113/2120:27 EPA 7470A 97.7470A pU Nickel, Dissolved ND mgA 0.0020 — 1 05111/2122:10 05/15/21 19:54 EPA 3005A 97,602013 CD Selenium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 — 1 05/1112122:10 0511412100:18 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Silver, Dissolved ND mgA 0.007 -- 1 05111/2122:10 0511412100:18 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Sodium, Dissolved 4.44 mgA 2.00 - 1 0511112122:10 05/1412100:18 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Zinc, Dissolved ND mgll 0.050 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/14/2100:18 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Page 147 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: 82020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-03 Client ID: MW -2S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units MCP Dissolved Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Dissolved ND mg1I Arsenic, Dissolved ND mgA Barium, Dissolved ND mgA Beryllium, Dissolved ND mgA Cadmium, Dissolved ND mgA Calcium, Dissolved 2.08 mgA Chromium, Dissolved ND mgA Copper, Dissolved ND mg1i Iran, Dissolved ND mgA Lead, Dissolved ND mgA Manganese, Dissolved ND mgA Mercury, Dissolved ND mgA Nickel, Dissolved ND mgA Selenium, Dissolved ND mgA Silver, Dissolved ND mgA Sodium, Dissolved 2.43 mgA Zinc, Dissolved ND mg1i Page 148 of 201 SAMPLE RESULTS Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:25 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical P1 w,r%1 Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method 0.0040 1 0511112122:1005115/2119:59 EPA 3005.A 97,602013 CD 0.005 1 05/11/21 22:1005114121 00:22 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV 0.010 -- 1 05/11/21 22:1005114!21 00:22 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV 0.0005 — 1 05/11/21 22:1005115121 19:59 EPA 3005A 97,6020B CD 0.004 1 05/11/21 22:1005114121 00:22 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.100 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/14/2100:22 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.010 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/14/21 00:22 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.010 1 05/11/21 22:10 0511412100:22 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV 0.050 1 05/11/21 22:10 05114/2100:22 EPA 3005A 97,60100 BV 0.010 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/14/21 00.22 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV 0.010 1 05111/2122:10 05/14/21 00:22 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD By 0.0002 1 05/12/21 00:44 05/13/21 20:34 EPA 7470A 97,7470A ou 0.0020 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/15/21 19:59 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD 0.010 1 05111/2122:10 05/14/21 00:22 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV 0.007 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/1412100:22 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV 2.00 1 05/11/2122:10 05114/21 00:22 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV 0.050 1 05/11/2122:10 05/14121 00:22 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV o L Page 149 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-04 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:20 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst MCP Dissolved Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Dissolved NO mg/I 0.0040 -- 1 05/1112122100511512120:04 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD Arsenic, Dissolved NO mgA 0.005 — 1 05/11/21 22.10 05/14/21 00:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Barium, Dissolved NO mgA 0.010 1 05111/2122.10 0511412100:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Beryllium, Dissolved NO mg/1 0.0005 -- 1 05111/2122:10 05115/21 20:04 EPA 3005A 97,6020B CD Cadmium, Dissolved NO mgll 0.004 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 0511412100:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Calcium, Dissolved 17.1 mg/l 0.100 -- 1 05/11/21 22:100511412100:27 EPA 3005A 97.60101) BV Chromium, Dissolved NO mgA 0.010 — 1 05/11/21 221005/1412100:27 EPA 3005A 97.60101) BV Copper, Dissolved NO mg/1 0.010 1 0511112122-10 05/14/2100:27 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Iron, Dissolved NO mgA 0.050 -- 1 0511112122:10 05/14/21 00:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Lead, Dissolved NO mgA 0.010 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/14/2100:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV langanese, Dissolved 0.047 mgA 0.010 -- 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/1412100:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Mercury, Dissolved NO mg/I 0.0002 -- 1 05/1212100:44 05113/2120:34 EPA 7470A 97,7470A OU Nickel, Dissolved NO mgA 0.0020 — 1 05111/2122:10 06/1512120:04 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD Selenium, Dissolved NO mgA 0.010 -- 1 05111/2122:10 05/14/21 00:27 EPA 3005A 9T6010D BV Silver, Dissolved NO mgA 0.007 — 1 05/11/212210 05114/21 00 27 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Sodium, Dissolved 3.78 mgll 2.00 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 05114/2100;27 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Zinc, Dissolved NO mg/I 0.050 -- 1 05/11/21 22:1005114121 00:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV L Page 149 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-05 Client ID: MW -4S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: ND Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units MCP Dissolved Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Dissolved ND mgA Arsenic, Dissolved ND Mg/1 Barium, Dissolved ND mgA Beryllium, Dissolved ND mgA Cadmium, Dissolved ND Mgt[ Calcium, Dissolved 22.0 mgA Chromium, Dissolved ND mgA Copper, Dissolved ND mgA Iron, Dissolved 1.13 mgA Lead, Dissolved ND mgA Manganese, Dissolved 0.398 mgA Mercury, Dissolved ND mgA Nickel, Dissolved ND mgA Selenium, Dissolved ND mgA Silver, Dissolved ND mgA Sodium, Dissolved 2.68 mgA Zinc, Dissolved ND mgA Page 150 of 201 SAMPLE RESULTS Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC dilution Date Date Prep Analytical RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst 0.0040 - 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/15/2120 09 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD 0.005 -- 1 05/11121 22:1005/14/2100:32 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV 0.010 1 05/11/21 22:10 05114121 00.32 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV 0.0005 1 05/111/21 22:1005115121 20:09 EPA 3005A 97,60206 CD 0.004 1 05/11/2122:1005/1412100:32 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV 0.100 - 1 05/11/2122:10 05/1412100:32 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.010 1 06/11/2122:10 05/14/21 00:32 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV 0.010 -- 1 05111/2122:10 05114/2100:32 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV 0.050 1 05/11/2122:10 05/14/21 00:32 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.010 1 05/11/2122:10 05/14/21 00:32 EPA 3005A 97,6018D BV 0.010 — 1 05/11/2122:10 05114/2100:32 EPA 3005A 97,6010D B. 0.0002 1 05/12/21 00:44 0511312120:37 EPA 7470A 97,7470A OU 0.0020 1 05/11/2122:10 0511512120:09 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD 0.010 1 05/1112122:10 05/14/21 00:32 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.007 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/14/2100:32 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 2.00 1 05111/2122:10 05/14/21 00:32 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV 0.050 1 0511112122:10 0511412100:32 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV ALPkA 0 Khkl- - Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Dilution SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-06 Client ID: MW -4D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Prepared Analyzed Method Matrix: Water Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: Date Received: Field Prep: 05/04/21 12:35 05/04/21 Refer to COC &'- iA ,AALr-- Page 151 of 201 Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst MCP Dissolved Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Dissolved NO mgA 0.0040 — 1 05/11/21 221005/15/2120-14 EPA 3005A 97.602013 CD Arsenic, Dissolved NO mgA 0.005 — 1 05/11/21 22:1005114/21 00:59 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Barium, Dissolved NO mgA 0.010 -- 1 0511112122-10 05/14/21 00 59 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Beryllium, Dissolved NO mgA 0.0005 — 1 05111/2122.10 05/15/2120 14 EPA 3005A 97.6020B CD Cadmium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.004 -- 1 05/11/2122:10 05/1412100 59 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Calcium, Dissolved 22.6 mgA 0.100 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 0511412100 59 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Chromium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 — 1 05111/21 22:10 05114121 0059 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Copper, Dissolved NO mg/1 0.010 -- 1 05/1112122:100511412100.59 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Iron, Dissolved NO mgA 0.050 1 05/1112122:1005/14/2100-59 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Lead, Dissolved NO mgA 0.010 — 1 0511112122:10 05/14121 00:59 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV langanese, Dissolved 0.022 mgA 0.010 - 1 0511112122:10 05114/2100:59 EPA 3005A 97 601 OD BV Mercury, Dissolved ND mgA 0.0002 — 1 0511212100- 44 0511312120:40 EPA 7470A 97 7470A Ou Nickel, Dissolved ND mgA 0.0020 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 0511512120:14 EPA 3005A 97,602013 CD Selenium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 - 1 05/11/21 22:10 0511412100:59 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Silver, Dissolved NO mgA 0.007 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 05114/2100:59 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Sodium, Dissolved 5.06 mg1l 2.00 1 06/11/2122:10 05114/2100:59 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Zinc, Dissolved NO mgA 0.050 — 1 05/11/2122:10 0511412100:59 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV &'- iA ,AALr-- Page 151 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-07 Date Collected: 05/04/21 09:40 Client ID-. SW -1-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst MCP Total Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Total ND mgll 0.0040 1 05/1012122:36 05/11/21 18:02 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD Arsenic, Total ND mg1l 0.0050 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/21 01:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Barium, Total 0.011 mgll 0.010 1 05/1(1/21 22:36 05/14/2101:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Beryllium, Total ND mgll 0.0005 1 0511012122:36 05/11/21 18:02 EPA 3005A 97,60206 CD Cadmium, Total ND mgll 0.004 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/1412101:27 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Calcium, Total 10.8 mg11 0.100 1 05/10/21 22:360511412101:27 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Chromium, Total ND mgll 0.010 1 05/10/21 22:3605/1412101:27 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Copper, Total ND mgll 0.010 1 05/10/21 22:360511412101:27 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Iron, Total 0.730 mgA 0.050 - 1 05/10/21 22:3605/1412101:27 EPA 3006A 97,60101) BV Lead, Total ND mgll 0.010 1 05/10/21 22:360511412101:27 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Manganese, Total 0.079 mgll 0.010 1 05/10/21 22:3605114/2101:27 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Mercury, Total ND mgll 0.0002 1 05(11!21 01:1105/12121 18:24 EPA 7470A 97,7470A ou Nickel, Total ND mgll 0.002D 1 0511012122:3605111121 18:02 EPA 3005A 97,80206 CD Selenium. Total ND mg11 0.010 1 05/10/21 22:3605/14121 01:27 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Silver, Total ND mgA 0.007 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14121 01:27 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Sodium, Total 10.8 mgA 2.00 1 05/10/2122:36 05/1412101:27 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Zinc, Total ND mgA 0.050 1 05110/2122:36 05114/21 01:27 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Page 152 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05118/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-08 Date Collected- 05/04/21 10:55 Client ID: SW -2-050421 Date Received. 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst MCP Total Metals - Mansfield Lab ti r Antimony, Total NO mgA 0.0040 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 05111/21 18:07 EPA 3005A 97,602013 CD Arsenic, Total NO mgA 0.0050 -- 1 05/1012122:36 05/1412101:41 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Barium, Total NO mgA 0.010 — 1 05/10/2122:36 05/14/2101,41 EPA 3005A 97.6010D BV Beryllium, Total NO mgA 0.0005 — 1 0511012122:36051111211&07 EPA 3005A 97.60208 CD Cadmium, Total NO mgA 0.004 -- 1 05110/2122.36 05114121 01:41 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Calcium, Total 2.86 mgA 0.100 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 06/1412101:41 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Chromium, Total NO mgA 0.010 -- 1 0511012122:36 05/14/2101:41 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Copper, Total NO mgA 0.010 -- 1 0511012122:36 0511412101,41 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Iron, Total 0.337 mgA 0.050 — 1 05110121 22.3605/14M 01:41 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Lead, Total NO mgll 0.010 -- 1 0511012122:360511412101:41 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV anganese, Total 0.039 mgll 0.010 1 05/10/2122:36 05/1412101--41 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Mercury, Total ND mgA 0.0002 — 1 0511112101:1105/12121 18:27 EPA 7470A 97,7470A OU Nickel, Total NO mgA 0.0020 - 1 0511012122:36 05/11121 18:07 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD Selenium, Total NO mgA 0.010 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/2101:41 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Silver, Total NO mgA 0.007 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/2101:41 EPA 3005A 97,60100 BV Sodium, Total 2.41 mgA 2.00 -- 1 05/10/2122:36 0511412101:41 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Zinc, Total NO mgA 0.050 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/1412101:41 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Page 153 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-09 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Date Received' 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst MCP Total Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Total ND mg11 0.0040 — 1 05/101212236 05/11/21 19:15 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD Arsenic, Total ND mg/I 0.0050 1 05/110121122:36 05/14/21 01:46 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Barium, Total ND mg/I 0.010 1 0511012122:36 05/1412101:46 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Beryllium, Total ND mg11 00005 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/11/21 1915 EPA 3005A 97,6020B CD Cadmium, Total ND mg/I 0.004 - 1 05/1012122:36 05/14/21 01:46 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV Calcium, Total 2.43 mg/1 0.100 1 05/10/21 22:3605/1412101:46 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Chromium, Total ND mg11 0.010 1 05/10/21 22:3605114121 01:46 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Copper, Total ND mg/I 0.010 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/21 0146 EPA 3006A 97,60101) BV Iron, Total 0.544 mg/l 0.050 — 1 0511012122:360511412101.46 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Lead, Total ND mgll 0.010 1 0511012122:360511412101:46 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Manganese, Total 0.069 mg/I 0.010 - 1 0511012122:36 05/14/21 01:46 EPA 3005A 97,6010D B, Mercury, Total ND mg/I 0.0002 — 1 05/11/21 01:1105112/21 18:37 EPA 7470A 97,7470A ou Nickel, Total ND mgll 0.0020 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/11/21 19:15 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD Selenium, Total ND mg/I 0.010 1 05/1012122:36 05/1412101:46 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Silver, Total ND mgll 0.007 1 05/10/21 22:36 0511412101:46 EPA 3D05A 97,601 OD BV Sodium, Total 2.34 mg/I 2.00 1 05110/2122:36 05/14/21 01:46 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Zinc, Total ND mg11 0 050 1 05/10/2122:36 05/14/21 01:46 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV A,,. iiAaY�•++• Page 154 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID: SW -4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected Date Received Field Prep: 05/04/21 10:50 05/04/21 Not Specified "duL' " Page 155 of 201 Dilution Date Data Prep Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst MCP Total Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Total NO mgA 0.0040 - 1 0611012122:36 05/11/21 19:20 EPA 3005A 97,6020B CD Arsenic, Total NO mgA 0.0050 — 1 05/10/21 22:3605114/210151 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Barium, Total ND mgA 0.010 — 1 05/10/21 22:3605114/21 01:51 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Beryllium, Total NO mgA 0.0005 - 1 0511012122:36 05/11121 19.20 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD Cadmium, Total NO mgA 0.004 — 1 05/10/21 22.36 0511412101:51 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Calcium, Total 2.27 mgA 0.100 1 06/101212236 05/14/2101:51 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Chromium, Total NO mgll 0.010 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 0511412101:51 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Copper, Total NO mgA 0.010 — 1 05/10/21 22-36 0511412101:51 EPA 3005A 97.6010D BV Iron, Total 0.365 mgA 0.050 - 1 0511012122:36 05/1412101- 5`1 EPA 3005A 97.6010D BV Lead, Total NO mgA 0.010 — 1 05/10/2122:36 05/14/21 01'51 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV langanese, Total 0.065 mgA 0.010 1 05/10/2122:36 05/1412101:51 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Mercury, Total NO mgA 0.0002 1 05/11/21 01:11 05/12/21 18.40 EPA 7470A 97,7470A OU Nickel, Total NO mgA 0.0020 1 05/10/21 22:3605111121 19:20 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD Selenium, Total ND mgA 0.010 — 1 05/10/21 22:3605114/21 01:51 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Silver, Total NO mgA 0.007 — 1 05/10/2122:3605114/2101:51 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV Sodium, Total 2.39 mgA 2.00 — 1 05/1012122:36 05114/2101:51 EPA 3005A 97,60141) BV Zinc, Total NO mgA 0.050 - 1 0611012122:36 05/14/21 01:51 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV "duL' " Page 155 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-11 Client ID: LCA -050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units MCP Total Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Total ND mgA Arsenic, Total ND mgA Barium, Total 0.050 mgA Beryllium, Total ND mg/I Cadmium, Total ND mg/I Calcium, Total 80.2 mgll Chromium, Total ND mg/I Copper, Total ND mgll Iron, Total 5.19 mgA Lead, Total ND mgA Manganese, Total 5.29 mgA Mercury, Total ND mgA Nickel, Total ND mg/I Selenium, Total ND mgll Silver, Total ND mgll Sodium, Total 4.29 mgll Zinc, Total ND mgA Page 156 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 0 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst 0.0040 — 1 05/1012122:36 05/11/21 19:25 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD 0.0050 1 05/10/2122:36 0511412101:55 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV 0.010 -- 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/21 01:55 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.0005 1 05/10/21 22:36 0511 1121 19:25 EPA 3005A 97,60208 CD 0.004 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/21 01:55 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV 0.100 1 05/1012122:36 05/14/21 01:55 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.010 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 0511412101:55 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.010 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 0511412101:55 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV 0.050 - 1 05/10/2122:36 05/14/21 01:55 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0 010 - 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/2101:55 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.010 1 05110/2122:36 05114121 01:55 EPA 3005A 97,60101) IT. 0.0002 1 05/1112101:1105/12121 18:43 EPA 7470A 97,7470A ou 0.0020 1 0511012122:36 05/11/21 19:25 EPA 3005A 97,6020E CD 0.010 1 05/1012122:36 05/1412101 :55 EPA 3005A 97.6010D BV 0.007 1 0511012122:36 05/1412101:55 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 2.00 1 0511012122:36 05/1412101:55 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV 0.050 1 0511012122:36 0511412101:55 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-12 Client ID: LC -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units MCP Total Metals - Mansfield Lab Antimony, Total NO Arsenic, Total ND Barium, Total 0.090 Beryllium, Total 0.0006 Cadmium, Total NO Calcium, Total 4.82 Chromium, Total 0.016 Copper, Total 0.014 Iron, Total 8.02 Lead, Total 0.014 langanese, Total 4.06 Mercury, Total NO Nickel, Total 0.0105 Selenium, Total NO Siler, Total NO Sodium, Total 2.37 Zinc, Total 0.069 Page 157 of 201 SAMPLE RESULTS Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 11:30 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Dilution Date Date Prep Analytical RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Method Analyst mgA 0.0040 -- 1 05/1012122 36 05111;21 19:30 EPA 3005A 97,6020B CO mgA 0.0050 — 1 0511012122 36 05/14/2102:00 EPA 3005A 97,6010D BV mgA 0.010 -- 1 051100 22 36 051114,2102. 00 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV mgA 0.0005 — 1 0511012122.3605111/211930 EPA 3005A 97,6020B CD mgll 0.004 - 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/21 02.00 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV mgll 0.100 - 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/2102 00 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV mgA 0.010 — 1 0511012122:36 05/14/2102-00 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV mgll 0.010 1 05/10121 22;36 05/14/2102:00 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV mgA 0.050 1 05110121 22:36 05/14/2102:00 EPA 3005A 97,60108 BV mgA 0.010 — 1 05/1012122:3605/1412102:00 EPA 3005A 97,60101) BV mgA 0.010 - 1 05/10/2122:360511412102:00 EPA 3005A 97.601 OD BV mgA 0.0002 — 1 05/11/21 01:1105/12/21 1847 EPA 7470A 97.7470A OU mgA 0.0020 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/11/21 19:30 EPA 3005A 97,6020B CD mgA 0.010 -- 1 05/10/2122:36 0511412102:00 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV mgA 0.007 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/21 02:00 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV mgA 2.00 — 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/1412102:00 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV mgA 0.050 -- 1 05/10/21 22:36 05/14/2102:00 EPA 3005A 97,601 OD BV Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Dilution Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor MCP Total Metals -Mansfield Lab for sample(s): 07-12 Batch: WG1496801-1 Antimony, Total NO mgA 00040 1 Beryllium, Total NO mgA 00005 1 Nickel, Total NO mgA 0.0020 1 Prep Information Digestion Method: EPA 3005A Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Date Analytical Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst 05/10/2122:36 0511112117:43 97,6020B CD 05!10/2122:36 0511112117:43 97,60208 CD 0511012122:36 0511112117:43 97,6020B CD Dilution Date Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared MCP Total Metals - Mansfield Lab for sample(s): 07-12 Batch. WG1496802-1 { Mercury. Total NO mgll 0.0002 - 1 05111/2101,11 0511212118:11 97,7470A OU Date Analytical Analyzed Method Analyst Prep Information Digestion Method: EPA 7470A Page 158 of 201 K Date Date Analytical Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst 0511012122:36 0511412100:45 97.601 OD BV Dilution Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor MCP Total Metals - Mansfield Lab for sample(s): 07-12 Batch: WG1496946-1 Arsenic, Total NO mgll 0.0050 1 Barium, Total NO mgll 0 010 1 Cadmium, Total NO mgll 0.004 - 1 Calcium, Total NO mgll 0.100 1 Chromium, Total NO mgll 0.010 1 Copper, Total NO mg/1 0.010 1 Iron, Total NO mg/1 0.050 1 Lead, Total NO mgA 0.010 1 Manganese, Total NO mgA 0.010 1 Selenium, Total ND mgA 0.010 1 Silver, Total NO mgA 0.007 1 Sodium, Total NO mgA 2.00 1 Zinc, Total NO mgll 0.050 1 Page 158 of 201 K Date Date Analytical Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst 0511012122:36 0511412100:45 97.601 OD BV 0511012122:36 0511412100:45 97,60101) BV 0511012122:36 0511412100:45 97,601 OD BV 0511012122:36 0511412100:45 97,601 OD BV 05/10/2122:36 05114/2100.45 97,601 OD BV 0511012122:36 05/1412100:45 97,601 OD BV 0511012122:36 0511412100,45 97,60101) BV 05110!2122:36 05/1412100.45 97,60101) BV 0511012122:36 051141210045 97,6010D BV 05/10/2122:36 05114.+21 00 45 97,601 OD BV 0511012122:36 051141210045 97.601 OD BV 05/10/2122:36 05/1412100 45 97,601 OD BV 05110/2122:36 05/14/21 00 45 97,60101) BV fiA wkivY - Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Prep Information Digestion Method: EPA 3005A Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Dilution Date Date Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst MCP Dissolved Metals - Mansfield Lab for sample(s): 01-06 Batch: WG1497244-1 Mercury, Dissolved ND mg/1 0.0002 - 1 05/12/21 00:44 05/1312120:04 97,7470A ou Prep Information Digestion Method: EPA 7470A Prep Information Digestion Method; EPA 3005A Page 159 of 201 Dilution Date gate Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst ^P Dissolved Metals - Mansfield Lab for sample(s): 01-06 Batch: WG1497326-1 .genic, Dissolved ND mg/l 0.005 1 0511112122:10 05/13/21 23:50 97,6010D BV Barium. Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 1 05/11/2122:10 05/13/21 23:50 97.601 OD BV Cadmium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.004 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/13/21 23:50 97,6010D BV Calcium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.100 - 1 05/11/21 22:10 06/1312123:50 97,6010D BV Chromium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 - 1 05111/2122:10 05/1312123:50 97,601 OD BV Copper, Dissolved ND mgA 0.010 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/13/21 23:50 97,6010D BV Iron, Dissolved ND mgA 0.050 -- 1 05/11/2122:10 05/13/21 23:50 97,601 OD BV Lead, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.010 - 1 05/1112122:10 05/13/21 23:50 97,60100 BV Manganese, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.010 -- 1 05/1112122:10 05/13/2123:50 97,6010D BV Selenium, Dissolved ND mg/I 0.010 - 1 05/1112122:10 05/13/21 23:50 97,601 OD BV Silver, Dissolved ND mg/I 0-007 - 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/13/21 23:50 97,601 OD BV Sodium, Dissolved ND mg/I 2.00 - 1 05/11/21 22:10 0511312123:50 97,6010D BV Zinc, Dissolved ND mgA 0.050 - 1 05/11/2122:10 0511312123:50 97,6010D BV Prep Information Digestion Method; EPA 3005A Page 159 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 LJ Prep Information Digestion Method: EPA 3005A Page 160 of 201 K Ele Dilution Date Date Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst MCP Dissolved Metals - Mansfield Lab for sample(s): 01-06 Batch: WIS1497327-1 ' Antimony, Dissolved ND mgA 0.0040 — 1 06111/2122:10 05/13/21 14:35 97,60208 CD Beryllium, Dissolved ND mgA 0.0005 — 1 05/11/21 22:10 05!13121 14:35 97,6020B CD Nickel, Dissolved ND mgA 0.0020 -- 1 05/11/21 22:10 05/13121 14:35 97,60208 CD Prep Information Digestion Method: EPA 3005A Page 160 of 201 K Ele v w m O_ N 0 n n n iv cn v_i rn 3 n n nco ASO n a �. a c O d 9 ?_ 3 O 0 3 m 3 3 c i r r d d Df 7 7 CD CD fD CL a a w N N 6 cr n a n 0 0 0 n n n os' or' of c� m ro a a a N to N 3 3 3 "a"n 'v CD m pO coo Ln N 007 iOn (0 G w N "' co 0 ...i O W v C)0 �l V V ED d CD_ s G) G) co � m 047 coir w 0 co c4ir 0 o w w 40 N o w w O 0 N N N o 46 OD tb N C? J tA: tJ�: tJ�i 0 0 0 0 o O o o O O o O O N N N N N N N NN N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O rwr %a �-d wwhwwoipa1160Art 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 N v 0 0 0 as K en�h Z z a 1 fo n NZ C) O _O OD C) > O z z v n r t— o r Ln N T w m N o zID x 4 a 3 G 3 _O c> v O CL N N y��i 3 o Ln 3 r' !TmQp o CL Q O O N O a j3 a 10 Q i5 n O Q. iiCL G' 0 v Q m H B 0 _ Q 0 o G OL m N 1 1 (D (D fD Q. a a ri w m rr tr v n n n N N N N O N O N O 0 of m' of n a n N N N 3 3 3 001 (vs ppto A (a 0 1011 N N o W N s O m N (D N N N o c o J i i 1 O O 1 1 6 CTD 0T w W m w w A 0 0 FF ..a r f0 N O [0J1 W N A W A N V V W W N N NT- v c3� N N N 0 0 C) i J J co 14 w w w CC CD a OCo Co O 0 0 Co m 01 Co m00 01 Co O O o c? Q Q 4 O O O o O O o O O o N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O1 N O + N + + O + O O O — O N u r .10 D ca y C' 0' Z Z Q 0 N D O p O ;u 0 T C) 9 u O Z Z v n F r r Cr �0 :rp 0 -CO) W � Ov o cF n a� y H o r c N N 0 i J Lel w N N N N N N N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O 4� u r .10 D ca y C' 0' Z Z Q 0 N D O p O ;u 0 T C) 9 u O Z Z v n F r r Cr �0 :rp 0 -CO) W � Ov o cF n a� y H o r c N N 0 i J Lel w INORGANICS !431 MISCELLANEOUS C Page 163 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-01 Client ID: MW -1 D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 10 Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL ACP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab :yanide, Total ND mgll 0.0U5 3eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab alkalinity, Total 70.7 mg CaC031L 2.00 Solids, Total Dissolved 81. mg/1 10 3hloride 1.2 mg/1 1.0 Vitrogen, Nitrate ND mg/I 0 100 ]issolved Oxygen 2.0 mg/I 010 3uliate ND mg/I 10 chemical Oxygen Demand 20. mg/I 20 Page 164 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 15:10 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Dilution Date Date Analytical MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst 1 05!131211905 0511412109:56 97,9014 GR NA 1 - 05/14/21 08:45 121,23208 J8 1 - 05/0712109:10 121,2540C DW i 05/1212121:50 1,9251 TL 1 45!0512106:21 121,4500NO3-F MR 1 05/04/21 21:15 121,45000-C SH 1 05/14/211512 0511412115:12 1,9038 JB 1 05/1212117-45 0511212120:34 121,5220D TL K Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-02 Client ID: MW -1S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units MCP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Cyanide, Total ND mgt] General Chemistry - Westborough Lab SAMPLE RESULTS Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 13:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Dilution Date RL MDL Factor Prepared 0.005 — Alkalinity, Total 150. mg CaCO311- 2.00 Solids, Total Dissolved 190 mgA 10 Chloride 1.2 mgA 1.0 Nitrogen, Nitrate ND mgA 0.100 Dissolved Oxygen 4.0 mgA 0.10 Sulfate 18. mgA 10 Chemical Oxygen Demand ND mgA 20 Page 165 of 201 NA Date Analytical Analyzed Method Analyst 1 0511312119:05 0511412109:57 97,9014 CR 1 - 0511412108:45 121,23208 JB 1 0510712109:10 121,2540C DW 1 0511212120:44 1,9251 TL 1 0510512105:56 121,4500NO3-F MR 1 - 0510412121:15 121,45000-C SH 1 0511412115:12 0511412115:12 1,9038 JB 1 0511212117:45 0511212120:34 121,5220D TL exA Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Lab ID: L2123071-03 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:25 Client ID: MW -2S-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Refer to COC Sample Depth: Matrix, Water Dilution Date Date Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst 4CP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab :yanide, Total ND moll O.aflS 1 05/13/21 19:05 05114/2109:58 97,9014 CR ieneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab NIkalinity, Total 8.30 mg CaCO3/L 2.00 NA 1 - 05/17/21 09:57 121,232013 JB iolids, Total Dissolved 17. mgA 10 1 0510712109:10 121,2540C DW :htoride 1.2 mgA 1.0 y - 05/12/21 20:45 1,9251 TL 4itrogen, Nitrate NO mg/I 0.100 1 05105/2105:58 121,4500NO3-F MR )issolved Oxygen 7.0 mgll 0.10 7 - 05/04/21 21:15 121,45000-C SH iulfate NO mgA 10 1 0511412115:12 05/14/2115:12 1,9038 JB ;hemical Oxygen Demand 24. mg/l 20 1 05/12/21 17:45 05112/2120:34 121.5220D TL o Page 166 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: 1_2123071-04 Client ID: MW -3S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MCP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Cyanide, Total NO General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Alkalinity, Total 46.2 Solids, Total Dissolved 64, Chloride 1.3 Nitrogen, Nitrate ND Dissolved Oxygen 3.7 Sulfate 10. Chemical Oxygen Demand ND Page 167 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected- 05/04/21 15:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Dilution Date Date Analytical MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst mgll 0.005 -- 1 0511312119:05 0511412109:59 97,9014 CR mg CaCo3/1. 2.00 NA 1 05/14/21 08:45 121,23206 JB mgfl 10 -- 1 0510712109:10 121,2540C DW M911 1.0 1 05/1212120:45 1,9251 TL mgfl 0.100 — 1 0510512105:59 121.4500NO3-F MR mgR 0.10 1 - 05104/2121.15 121,45000-C SH mgs 10 1 0511412115:12 0511412115:12 1,9038 JB mg/l 20 1 0511212117.45 0511212120:35 121,5220D TL L��:i hr1 xyt.ri Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-05 Client ID: MW -4S-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL !ICP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab ;yanide, TotalND mg/I 0.005 3eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab kikalinity, Total 64.4 mg CaCO31L 2.00 iolids, Total Dissolved76. MDL Factor mg/I 10 ;hloride ND mgA 1.0 4itrogen, Nitrate ND mgA 0.100 )issolved Oxygen 1.8 mgA 0.10 Sulfate ND mgA 10 ;heroical Oxygen Demand ND mg/1 20 Page 168 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 14:00 Date Received. 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Dilution Date Date Analytical MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst 1 05/1312119:05 0511412110:00 97,9014 CR NA 1 - 0511412108:45 121,2320B JB t 0510712109:10 121,2540C DW — 7 - 05/12/2120:46 1,9251 TL — 1 05105/2106:00 121,4500NO3-F MR fi 05/0412121:15 121,45000-C SH 1 0511412115:12 0511412115:12 1,9036 JB 1 0511212117:45 05/1212120:35 121,5220D TL n Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-06 Client ID: MW -4D-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MCP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Cyanide, Total ND General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Alkalinity, Total 60.4 Solids, Total Dissolved 79. Chloride 1.8 Nitrogen, Nitrate ND Dissolved Oxygen 1.0 Sulfate 11, Chemical Oxygen Demand ND Page 169 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 12:35 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Refer to COC Dilution Date Date Analytical MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst mgn 0.005 -- mg CaCO311- 2.00 NA mgA 10 -- mgA 1.0 — mgn 0.100 -- mgn 0.10 — mgn 10 -- mgn 20 -- 1 05113/2119:05 0511412110:03 97,9014 CR 1 - 0511412108:45 121,23208 JB 1 0510712109:10 121,2540C DW 1 - 0511212120:47 1,9251 TL 1 0510512106:01 121,4500NO3-F MR 1 - 05104!2121:15 121,45000-C SH 1 05/1412115:12 0511412115:12 1,9038 JB 1 05/1212117:45 05/1212120:35 121,5220D TL ,AWhA .wj�ri Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: 82020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-07 Client ID: SW -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units ACP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab ,yanide, Total ND mgll 'eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab SAMPLE RESULTS Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 09:40 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Dilution Date Date Analytical RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst {1.005 -- 1 05113/2119:05 0511412110:04 97,9014 CR !Ikalinity, Total 23.6 mg CaCO3/L 2.00 Solids, Total Dissolved 99. mgll 10 :hloride20. 1 - 0510512106:03 mgll 10 Jitrogen, Nitrate ND mgfl 0 100 dissolved Oxygen 6.0 mgll 0.10 3ulfale ND mgA 10 3hemical Oxygen Demand 24. mgll 20 Page 170 of 201 NA 1 - 0511412108:45 121,23206 JB 1 - 0510712109:10 121,2540C DW i - 05/1212120:48 1,9251 TL 1 - 0510512106:03 121,4500NO3-F MR 1 - 0510412121:15 121,45000-C SH 1 0511412115:12 05/1412115:12 1,9038 JB 1 0511212117:45 05/1212120:35 121,5220D TL Ee Am 0 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-08 Client ID: SW -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MCP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:55 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Dilution Date Date Analytical MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analvst Cyanide, Total ND mgA 0.005 — 1 05/13/21 19:05 05/14/21 10:05 97,9014 CR General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Alkalinity, Total 7.10 mg CaCO311- 2.00 NA 1 05/17/21 09:57 121,232013 JB Solids, Total Dissolved 20. mgll 10 — 1 05107/2109:10 121,2540C DW Chloride 1.1 mgA 1.0 -- 1 0511212121:51 1,9251 TL Nitrogen, Nitrate ND nVA 0.100 — 1 0510512106:04 121,4500NO3-F MR Dissolved Oxygen 7.3 mg/l 0.10 — 1 - 05/04/21 21:15 121,45000-C SH Sulfate ND mgll 10 — 1 0511412115:12 0511412115:12 1,9038 JB Chemical Oxygen Demand ND mgll 20 — 1 05/12121 17:45 05/12/21 20:35 121,5220D TL f� Page 171 of 201 r' +k r. .sr.c? Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Page 172 of 201 SAMPLE RESULTS 0 Lab ID: L2123071-09 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Client ID: SW -3-050421 Date Received: 05/04/21 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Field Prep: Not Specified Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Dilution Date Date Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst 4CP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab ;yanide,Total ND mgA 0005 1 05/14/2111:25 0511412113.43 97,9014 CR 3eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab #Ikalinity, Total 5.50 mg CaCO31L 200 NA 1 05/1712109:57 121,23206 JB Solids, Total Dissolved 28. mgll 10 i 05/0X21 09:10 121,2540C DW :hloride 1.2 mgll 10 — 1 0511212120:54 1,9251 TL Jitrogen, Nitrate ND mgA 0.100 1 0510512106:05 121,4500NO3-F MR dissolved Oxygen 8.2 mgA 010 — 1 - 05!04!21 21:15 121,45000-C SH Sulfate ND mgA 10 -- 1 0511412115:12 05114/2115:12 1,9038 J13 :heroical Oxygen Demand 20. mgA 20 1 0511212117:46 05/12/2120:35 121,5220D TL Page 172 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-10 Client ID: SW -4-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:50 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Dilution Date Date Analytical MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst MCP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab f Cyanide, Total ND mgA 0.005 — 1 05/14/21 11:25 05/14/21 13:44 97,9014 CR General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Alkalinity, Total 5.00 mg CaCO311- 2.00 NA 1 - 05/17/2109:57 121,2320B JB Solids, Total Dissolved 33. mgA 10 — 1 - 0510712109:10 121,2540C DW Chloride 1.2 mgA 1.0 -- 1 - 0511212121:07 1,9251 TL Nitrogen, Nitrate ND mgA 0.100 — 1 - 05105/2106:07 121,4500NO3-F MR Dissolved Oxygen 8.0 mgA 0.10 — 1 - 05/0412121:15 121,45000-C SH Sulfate ND m911 10 — 1 05/1412115:12 05/1412115:12 1,9038 JB Chemical Oxygen Demand NO mgll 20 — 1 05/12/21 17:45 05/12/21 20:35 121,5220D TL YEA ashy r Page 173 of 201 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Lab ID: L2123071-11 Client ID: LC -1-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: 20 Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units ACP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab :yanide, TotalND mgll 3eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 SAMPLE RESULTS 0 Date Collected: 05/04/21 10:20 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Dilution Date Date Analytical RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst 0 005 alkalinity, Total 232. mg CaCO3/1- 2.00 iolids, Total Dissolved 280 mgll 20 'hlo3ide1.2 - 0511112110:50 mg/I 1.0 Jitrogen, Nitrate ND mg/I 0.100 ]issolved Oxygen 2.2 mg/I 0.10 iulfate ND mg/I 10 '.hemical Oxygen Demand 52. mg11 20 Page 174 of 201 1 05/1412111:25 05/14/2113:45 97,9014 CR NA t - 05/1412108:45 121,23208 JB 2 - 0511112110:50 121,2540C AC t - 0511212121.07 1,9251 TL 1 - 05105/2106:08 121,4500NO3-F MR — 1 - 0510412121.15 121,45000-C SH 1 05/14/211302 05/1412113:02 1,9038 JB — 1 05/12/211745 05112/2120:36 121,5220D TL Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: L2123071-12 Client ID: LC -2-050421 Sample Location: LEEDS, MA Sample Depth: Matrix: Water Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MCP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Cyanide, Total ND General Chemistry - Westborough Lab Alkalinity, Total 6.60 Solids, Total Dissolved 40. Chloride 1.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate ND Dissolved Oxygen 7.8 Sulfate ND Chemical Oxygen Demand 24. mgA 1.0 — Page 176 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Date Collected: 05/04/21 11:30 Date Received: 05/04/21 Field Prep: Not Specified Dilution Date Date Analytical MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst mg/1 0.005 -- 1 0511412111:25 0511412113:46 97,9014 CR mg CaC0311- 2.00 NA 1 - 06/17/2109:57 121,2320B JB mgA 20 - 2 0511112110:50 121,2540C AC mgA 1.0 — 1 - 05112/2121:08 1,9251 TL mgA 0.100 — 1 - 0510512106:13 121,4500NO3-F MR mgll 0.10 -- 1 - 0510412121:15 121,45000-C SH mgll 10 — 1 0511412113:02 0511412113:02 1,9038 JB mgA 20 -- 1 0511212117:45 0511212120:36 121,5220D TL �-A ,LIALh - . Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number: R2020018.001 Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Serial No:05182110:29 Lab Number: L2123071 Report Date: 05/18/21 Dilution Date Date Analytical Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Factor Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst ,eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-12 Batch: WG1494495-1 orogen, Nitrate NO mgA 0 100 - 1 05!05121 03 35 121,4500NO3-F MR ,eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-10 Batch: WG1495599-1 Aids, Total Dissolved NO mg/1 10 1 05/07/21 49.10 ,eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 11-12 Batch: WG1497224-1 TL Aids, Total Dissolved NO mg/1 10 1 05111/21 10:50 ,eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-09 Batch: WG1498011-1 CR nloride NO mgll 10 1 05/12121 20:35 Peneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 10-12 Batch: WG1498012-1 A nloride NO mg11 10 - 1 - 0511212121'35 seneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-12 Batch: WG1498028-1 heroical Oxygen Demand ND mgll 20 - 1 05112121 17:45 05/12/21 20:33 1CP General Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-08 Batch: WG1498577-1 yanide, Total NO mg/l 0 005 1 0513121 19:05 05/14/21 09:40 ,eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-10 Batch: WG1498783-1 Afate NO mg/1 10 1 0511412115:12 0511412115:12 -eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 11-12 Batch: WG1498786-1 .Yate ND mgA 10 1 05/14/21 13:02 05/14/21 13 02 -eneral Chemistry - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-02,04-07,11 Batch: WG1498791-1 kalinity, Total NO mg CaC031L 2.00 NA 1 - 05/14121 08 45 ICP General Chemistry -Westborough Lab for sample(s): 09-12 Batch: WG1498918-1 janide, Total NO mgll 0 005 .- 1 05+14!21 11:25 05/14/21 13:39 eneral Chemistry -Westborough Lab for sample(s): 03,08-10,12 Batch: WG1499812-1 kahnity, Total ND mg CaCO311. 2 0-D NA 1 06/1712109:67 Page 176 of 201 121,2540C 04V 121,2540C AC 1,9251 TL 1.9251 TL 121,5220D TL 97,90{4 CR 1,wn is 1,9039 J B 121,232013 A 97.9014 CR 121,2320B is m 4 N O i m 4D 8 t 4 2 . ■ . Iu as CD 40 0 0 C d cr R D N Z 0 0 00 = O ..a 0 Z F Z D n r r m m m m m L w m C) = <v 3 co 000 000 000 CA S LD 0N S N S N P S (D O S (D Z S N N CD (D (0 co N i A co (A 00CA N N N N N N m y' 4 WQ — -4 V N Q m m CD 0 O O O O O O 3 0 000 0 0 0 c7 (7' 7' S 7' SS =r w N N 0 9 E a Cr ff a cr a' N N y D N (D O n O n O 0. O C) O n O n o N CL N Q ((D Q (D Q. ((D CL TL m� y re y rc ID w pyj 0) 0 m rn m m m m N fA N fA N N O -+ O ► O O fid i O N N C) (D N O N m — W wW w a) W 0) 0 h h w o 8 t 4 2 . ■ . Iu as CD 40 0 0 C d cr R D N Z 0 0 00 = O ..a 0 Z F Z D n r r G 0 C) C <v co 000 000 000 CA C> 0N O -4 N CD (D (0 co N i A co (A 00CA N N N N N N 4 — -4 V N 0 3 0 000 0 0 0 c7 C i W 8 t 4 2 . ■ . Iu as CD 40 0 0 C d cr R D N Z 0 0 00 = O ..a 0 Z F Z D n r r a� O O O O �Q 7 '"i 7 7 7 O m _ 0- @ o EF a `° 26 i • J 42 Q m m m cr is c 0 0 0 0 o rn o o' o c rt c c c s o = a N c Aw 0) 0) a a Cr cr s y r H H a� 0 a 0 0 0 n D n L) 0. 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C 0 o'r�io�ivog^� d, C7 ' r N (i O cn O o 0 o�oonao..vh, 0 1 1^ n O ttt a Co O'a co0�� N o �D �O O� O� O09 N o Ym co W C G - nz on?� C C n? n�?� s CD ~ ti 'N - v - V -0 ' to § § § § § § § n n b b -4 -4 § § § g 3 4 � 0 I rk 0 o 6 f f 3 ( � K § U U § � ■ o 2] B. 2 2 2 ¢ 7 3 I'D k § ( � -r-4 � f � � O 2 z O 2 � > » > » » » » > 0 % § > § > w w w -4 a— w w w w 2 7 k � > » E E » E » E » E » » E » E P g w � / / k Co § � � -r-4 � f � Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Acronyms DL EDL EMPC EPA LCS LCSD GLOSSARY Detection Limit: This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the limit of quantitation (LOQ) The DL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable (DoD report formats only ) Estimated Detection Limit This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the reporting limit (RL). The EDL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable The use of EDLs is specific to the analysis of PAHs using Solid -Phase Microextraction (SPME). Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration The concentration that results from the signal present at the retention time of an analyte when the ions meet all of the identification criteria except the ion abundance ratio criteria. An EMPC is a worst-case estimate of the concentration Environmental Protection Agency Laboratory Control Sample. A sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with verified known amounts of analytes or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate Refer to LCS LFB Laboratory Fortified Blank A sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with verified known amounts of analytes or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes LOD Limit of Detection This value represents the level to which a target analyte can reliably be detected for a specific analyte in a specific matrix by a specific method The LOD includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable (DoD report formats only) LOQ Limit of Quantitation. The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration The LOQ includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content. where applicable (DoD report formats only.) Limit of Quantitation The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration The LOQ includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable (DoD report formats only ) MDL Method Detection Limit This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the reporting limit (RL). The MDL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. MS Matrix Spike Sample. A sample prepared by adding a known mass of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate of target analyte concentration is available For Method 332 0. the spike recovery is calculated Luing the native concentration, including estimated values. MSD Matrix Spike Sample Duplicate- Refer to MS NA Not Applicable NC - Not Calculated Term is utilized when one or more of the results utilized in the calculation are non -detect at the parametei's reporting unit NDPAIDPA - N-Nitrosodiphenylamme/Diphenylamuie NI Not Ignitable NP Non -Plastic Term is utilized for the analysis of Atterberg Limits in soil NR No Results. Term is utilized when'No Target Compounds Requested' is reported for the analysis of Volatile or Semivolatile Organic TIC only requests. RL Reporting Limit The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration The RL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. RPD Relative Percent Difference- The results from matrix and/or matrix spike duplicates are primarily designed to assess the precision of analytical results in a given matrix and are expressed as relative percent difference (RPD)- Values which are less than five times the reporting limit for any individual parameter are evaluated by utilizing the absolute difference between the values, although the RPD value will be provided in the report SRM Standard Reference Material A reference sample of a known or certified value that is of the same or similar matrix as the associated field samples STLP Semi -dynamic Tank Leaching Procedure per EPA Method 1315 TEF Toxic Equivalency Factors The values assigned to each dioxin and furan to evaluate their toxicity relative to 2,3,7,6 -TCDD TEQ Toxic Equivalent The measure of a sample's toxicity derived by multiplying each dioxin and furan by its corresponding TEF and then summing the resulting values. TIC Tentatively Identified Compound A compound that has been identified to be present and is not part of the target compound list (TCL) for the method and/or program All TICS are qualitatively identified and reported as estimated concentrations Report Format: Data Usability Report Page 191 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Footnotes - The reference for this analyte should be considered modified since this analyte is absent from the target analyte list of the original method Terms Analytical Method Both the document from which the method originates and the analytical reference method (Example EPA 8260D is shown as 1,8260E ) The codes for the reference method documents are provided in the References section of the Addendum Difference: With respect to Total Oxidizable Precursor (TOP) Assay analysts, the difference is defined as the Post -Treatment value minus the Pre -Treatment value Final pH As it pertains to Sample Receipt & Container Information section of the report, Final pH reflects pH of container determined after adjustment at the laboratory, if applicable If no adjustment required, value reflects Initial pH Frozen Date/time- With respect to Volatile Organics to soil, Frozen Date/Time reflects the date/time at which associated Reagent Water - preserved vials were initially frozen. Note If frozen date+time is beyond 48 hours from sample collection, value will be reflected in'bold'. Initial pH As it pertains to Sample Receipt & Container Information section of the report, Initial pH reflects pH of container determined upon receipt, if applicable PAH Total With respect to Alkylated PAH analyses, the'PAHs. Total' result is defined as the summation of results for all or a subset of the following compounds Naphthalene, C1-C4 Naphthalenes, 2 -Methylnaphthalene, 1 -Methylnaphthalene, Biphenyl, Acenaphthylene, Acenaphthene. Fluorene, CI -C3 Fluorenes, Phenanthrene, CI -C4 Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes, Anthracene, Fluoranthene, Pyrene, Ci -C4 Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes, Benz(a)anthracene, Chrysene, C 1-C4 Chrysenes, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(1)+(k)fluoranthene, Benzo(e)pyrene, Benzo(a)pyrene. Perylene, Indeno(I,2,3-cd)pyrene, Dibenz(ah)f(ac)anthracene, Benzo(g,h,t)perylene Ifa'Total' result is requested, the results of its individual components will also be reported. PFAS Total With respect to PFAS analyses, the 'PFAS, Total (5)' result is defined as the summation of results for PFHpA, PFHxS, PFOA, PFNA and PFOS. In addition, the'PFAS, Total (6)' result is defined as the summation of results at or above the RL for PFHpA, PFHxS, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA and PFOS (Note 'PFAS, Total (6)' is applicable to MassDEP DW compliance analysis only) If a'Total' result is requested, the results of its individual components will also be reported The target compound Chlordane (CAS No 57-74-9) is reported for GC ECD analyses Per EPA,this compound "refers to a mixture of chlordane isomers, other chlorinated hydrocarbons and numerous other components " (Reference- USEPA Toxicological Review of Chlordane. In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), December 1997 ) Total With respect to Organic analyses, a'Total' result is defined as the summation of results for individual isomers or Aroclors If a'Total' result is requested, the results of its individual components will also be reported This is applicable to'Total' results for methods 8260, 8081 and 8082 Data Qualifiers A - Spectra identified as 'Aldol Condensates" are byproducts of the extraction/concentration procedures when acetone is introduced in the process. B The analyte was detected above the reporting limit in the associated method blank Flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank For MCP related projects, flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank For DOD -related protects. flag only applies to associated Geld samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank AND the analyte was detected above one-half the reporting limit (or above the reporting limit for common lab contaminants) in the associated method blank For NJ - Air -related projects, flag only applies to associated Geld samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte above the reporting limit For NJ -related projects (excluding Air). flag only applies to associated Geld samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte, which was detected above the reporting brit in the associated method blank or above five times the reporting limit for common lab contaminants (Phthalates. Acetone- Methylene Chloride. 2-Butanone) C Co -elution: The target analyte co -elutes with a known lab standard (i.e. surrogate, internal standards, etc ) for co -extracted analyses D Concentration of analyte was quantified from diluted analysis Flag only applies to Geld samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte E Concentration of analyte exceeds the range of the calibration curve and/or linear range of the instrument. F The ratio of quantifier ton response to qualifier ion response falls outside of the laboratory criteria Results are considered to be an estimated maximum concentration G -The concentration may be biased high due to matrix interferences (i.e, co -elution) with non -target compound(s) The result should be considered estimated H The analysis of pH was performed beyond the regulatory -required holding time of 15 minutes from the time of sample collection I The lower value for the two columns has been reported due to obvious interference J Estimated value This represents an estimated concentration for Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICS). M Reporting Limit (RL) exceeds the MCP CAM Reporting Limit for this analyte ND Not detected at the reporting limit (RL) for the sample NJ Presumptive evidence of compound. This represents an estimated concentration for Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICS), where Report Format: Data Usability Report Page 192 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 Data Qualifiers the identification is based on a mass spectral library search P The RPD between the results for the two columns exceeds the method -specified criteria Q The quality control sample exceeds the associated acceptance criteria. For DOD -related projects, LCS and/or Continuing Calibration Standard exceedences are also qualified on all associated sample results Note This flag is not applicable for matrix spike recoveries when the sample concentration is greater than 4x the spike added or for batch duplicate RPD when the sample concentrations are less than Sx the RL (Metals only ) R Analytical results are from sample re -analysis. RE Analytical results are from sample re -extraction S Analytical results are from modified screening analysis. Report Format: Date Usability Report AJ1hA Page 193 of 201 Serial No;05182110.29 Project Name: VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Lab Number: L2123071 Project Number: R2020018.001 Report Date: 05/18/21 REFERENCES O 1 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste: Physical/Chemical Methods. EPA SW -846 - Third Edition. Updates I - VI, 2018. 97 EPA Test Methods (SW -846) with QC Requirements & Performance Standards for the Analysis of EPA SW -846 Methods under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, WSC- CAM-IIA, IIB, IIIA, IIIB, IIIC, IIID, VA, VB, VC, VIA, VIB, VIIIA and VIIIB, July 2010. 121 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. APHA-AWWA-WEF. Standard Methods Online. LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES Alpha Analytical performs services with reasonable care and diligence normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical shall be to re -perform the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical be held liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages, including but not limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of, information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical. We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample volume, preservation, cooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding time and splitting of samples in the field. Page 194 of 201 01 X Serial_No:05182110:29 Alpha Analytical, Inc. ID No.: 17873 Facility. Company wide Revision 19 Department: Quality Assurance Published Date: 4/2/2021 1:14:23 PM Title: Certificate/Approval Program Summary _ Page 1 of 1 Certification Information The following analytes are not included In our Primary NELAP Scope of Accreditation: Westborough Facility EPA 6241624.1: mlp-xylene, o -xylene, Naphthalene EPA 6251625.1: alpha -Terpineol EPA 826OC1826OD: NPN: 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene; 4-Elhyltotuene, Azobenzene; SCM: lodomethane (methyl iodide), 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene, 4-Ethyltoluene. EPA 8270D18270E: NPW: Dimethylnaphthalene,1,4-Diphenylhydrazine, alpha -Terpineol; SCM: Dimethylnaphthalene,1,4-Diphenylhydrazine. SM4500: NPW: Amenable Cyanide; SCM: Total Phosphorus, TKN, NO2, NO3. Mansfield Facility SM 254OD: TSS EPA 8082A: NPW: PCB: 1, 5, 31, 87,101, 110, 141, 151, 153, 180, 183, 187. EPA TO -15: Halothane, 2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-pentene, 2,4,4-Tdmelhyl-1-pentene, Thiophene, 2-Methyithiophene, 3-Methylthiophene, 2-Ethylthiophene, 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene, Indan, Indene, 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene, Benzothiophene, 1 -Methylnaphthalene. Biological Tissue Matrix: EPA 30508 The following analytes are included in our Massachusetts DEP Scope of Accreditation Westborough Facility: Drinking Water EPA 300.0: Chloride, Nitrate -N, Fluoride, Sulfate; EPA 353.2: Nitrate -N, Nitrite -N; SM4500NO3-F: Nitrate -N, Nitrite -N; SM4500F-C, SM4500CN-CE, EPA 180.1, SM2130B, SM4500C1-D, SM23208, SM2540C, SM4500H-B, SM450ONO2-B EPA 332: Perchlorate; EPA 524.2: THMS and VOCs; EPA 504.1: EDB, D13CP. Microbiology: SM9215B; SM9223-PIA, SM9223B-Colilert-QT,SM9222D. Non -Potable Water SM45001-1,13, EPA 120.1, SM2510B, SM2540C, SM232013, SM4500CL-E, SM4500F-BC, SM4500NH3-BH: Ammonia -N and Kjeldahl -N, EPA 350.1: Ammonia -N, LACHAT 10-107-06-1-B: Ammonia -N, EPA 351.1, SM4500NO3-F, EPA 353.2: Nitrate -N, SM4500P-E, SM4504P-8, E, SM4500SO4-E, SM522013, EPA 410.4, SM521013, SM5310C, SM4500CL-D, EPA 1664, EPA 420.1, SM4500-CN-CE, SM254013, EPA 300: Chloride, Sulfate, Nitrate. EPA 624.1: Volatile Halocarbons & Aromatics, EPA 608.3: Chlordane, Toxaphene, Aldrin, alpha -BHC, beta -BHC, gamma -BHC, delta -BHC, Dieldrin, DDD, DDE, DDT, Endosulfan I, Endosulfan ll, Endosulfan sulfate, Endrin, Endrin Aldehyde, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, PCBs EPA 625.1: SVOC (Add/Base/Neutral Extractables), EPA 60014-81-045: PCB -Oil. Microbiology: SM92238-Colilart-QT; Enterotert-QT, SM9221E, EPA 1600, EPA 1603, SM922213. Mansfield Facility: Drinking Water EPA 200.7: AI, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Na, Ag, Ca, Zn. EPA 200.8: Al, Sb, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, Se, Ag, TL, Zn. EPA 245.1 Hg. EPA 522, EPA 537.1. Non -Potable Water EPA 200.7: AI, Sb, As, Be, Cd, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, K, Se, Ag, Na, Sr, TL, Ti, V. Zn. EPA 200.8: AI, Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, K, Se, Ag, Na, TL, Zn. EPA 245.1 Hg, SM2340B For a complete listing of analytes and methods, please contact your Alpha Project Manager. Document Type: Form Pre-Qualtrax Document ID: 08-113 Page 195 of 201 monsoons c e °c BI€ f 81E monsoons f �1 F�� : ► # 1 i ►�1. k�i ► 4 1#� ��� 1., � �;# Fi! /.� ►ii ►�f 1�/ ►�#. • 1 a . Ell �=# : ,. IEFF ram F31 V. -O cr., ceFri 1;1, F ►:f ►:1 1�4 _ : s 1 E-Z M I#i►-4 F�1, ►moi ►moi /;4i. i`/ ►#i ►;,4 �4 /� • - . • • • Nitmte as N Total Dlssotved WWS Alkalinity Sulfate (SO4) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) a Dnp z fs 1 2 z O mn 0 c N O ,LL 0 w C41 m Iz 0 6 U1 T N 0 13 O P mn v s Er 0 c 4t 9 r;2 n 9. CO 1 a inX m RV 0m N JA 3 A p VOCs 9260831 p Q $ v b SVOCs 82700 wi 1.4 Dioxane by SIM H Total Metals - LandfiU + 87:, NI, & SBq • n � F, E F-IFE 110 E I DasoWd Metals - Lar&,W + BE, M Sh }OCCE ❑ ® r C 0 Pesticides by 8010A -01 N m Cyanate. Chloride a � ' Dissolved Oxygen (DQ) g Nitrate as N Total Dissolved SoOds ® •� T ® AlWn" SS 9 } cr Sullate;SQ4) N:% ❑ ❑ ❑ nd Chemical Oxygen Dema1GOD)7 � n , 0� Ml g J^1:7 00 Q01� I� fi a o 34 Serial Na:05182110:29 Method Blank Summary Form 4 Volatiles Client Mabbett & Associates Lab Number L2123071 Project Name VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number R2020018.001 Lab Sample 1D WG1498224-5 Lab File 1D V16210513A06 Instrument 1D VOA116 Matrix WATER Analysis Date 05/13/21 05:17 Client Sample No. Lab Sample ID Analysis Date WG 1498224-3LCS WG 1498224.3 05/13/2104:04 W G 1498224-4LCSD WG 1498224.4 05/1312104:29 TB 12123071-13 05/1312106:06 MW 1D-050421 L2123071-01 05/13/2106:31 MW -1S-050421 L2123071 02 05113/2106:56 MW 2S 050421 L2123071-03 05/13/2107:20 MWIS 050421 L2123071-04 0511312107:44 MW -4S-050421 L2123071-05 05/13/2108:09 MWAD-050421 L2123071 06 05113/2108:33 SW -1-050421 L2123071 07 05!13!21 08:58 SW 2-050421 L2123071.08 05/13/2109:22 SW -3-050421 L2123071.09 05!13!21 09:47 SW -4-050421 12123071-10 05/13/2110:11 LC -1-050421 [2123071-11 0511312110:35 LC -2-050421 L2123071 12 05113/21 11:00 A mill_&MT I �L Page 198 of 201 w Serial No:05182110:29 trans-1,2-Dlchloroethene Calibration Verification Summary 0.199 - -2.6 20 90 Form 7 Methyl tort -butyl ether 0.456 0.411 - 9.9 20 Volatiles 0 011sopropyl ether 0.608 Client Mabbett & Associates 20 Lab Number L2123071 0 1,1-Dichloroethans Project Name VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL -3.1 Project Number R2020018.001 88 Instrument ID VOA116 0.552 Calibration Date 05113/21 04:04 9.8 Lab File ID V16210513A03 0 Init. Calib. Date(s) 05/04121 05/04121 0.229 Sample No WG1498224-2 90 Init. Calib. Times 18:54 23:02 0.252 Channel -25.4" 20 114 0 Bromochloromethane Compound Ave. RRF RRF Min RRF 950 Max %D Area% Dev(min) Fluorobenzene 1 1 - 0 20 92 -.01 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.136 0.157 -15.4 2D 100 0 Chloromethane 0.187 0.181 3.2 2084 10 -.01' Vinyl chloride 0.174 0.262' •50.6' 20 125 0 Bromomethane 0.152 0.191 -25.7' 20 120 0 Chloroethane 0.126 0.198 - -57.1` 20 135 0 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.367 0.451 -22.9` 20 106 0 Ethyl ether 0.096 0.082 - 14.6 20 75 0 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.174 - - 0.18 - -3.4 20 87 0 Carbon dlsutlide 0.505 0.516 - -2.2 20 89 0 Methylene chloride 0.202 0.191 5.4 20 83 D Acetone 10 7.856 21.4' 20 70 -.01 trans-1,2-Dlchloroethene 0.194 0.199 - -2.6 20 90 -.01 Methyl tort -butyl ether 0.456 0.411 - 9.9 20 $2 0 011sopropyl ether 0.608 0.556 8.6 20 83 0 1,1-Dichloroethans 0.353 0.364 -3.1 20 88 0 Ethyl tort -butyl ether 0.552 0.498 - 9.8 20 81 0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.228 0.229 -0.4 20 90 0 2,2-Dichlompropane 0.252 0.316 - -25.4" 20 114 0 Bromochloromethane 0.095 0.11 - -15.8 2498 -.01 Chloroform 0.384 0.406 -5.7 2D 95 0 Carbon tetrachloride 0.282 0.316 - -12.1 20 101 -.01 Tetrahydrofuran 10 8.207 - 17.9 20 75 -.01 Dibmmofluoromethane 0.253 0.274 - -8.3 20 100 0 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 0.324 0.358 -10.5 20 101 0 2-Butanone 10 8.523 14.8 20 77 0 1,1-01chloropropene 0.265 0.279 -5.3 20 94 0 Benzene 0.786 0.777 1.1 20 86 -.01 t A tort -Amyl methyl ether 0.51 0.437 14.3 20 78 0 1,2-131chlornethane-d4 0.246 0.264 -7.3 20 ^ 103 .. O 1,2-Dlchloroethane 0.243 0.249 - -2.5 20 99 0 Trichloroethene 0.24 0.229 4.6 20 84 0 Dibromomethane 0.125 0.125 0 20 90 D 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.141 0.136 3.5 20 84 0 Bromodlchloromethane 0.298 0.28 6 20 92 0 1,4 -Dioxane 0.0011 0.00097" - 11.8 20 80 0 cls-1,3-Dlchloropropene 0.355 0.339 4.5 20 85 -.01 Chlorobenzene s 1 1 0 20 100 0 Toluene -d8 i 1.228 1.182 3.7 20 94 0 Toluene -6,- i43 0.635 4.2 20 89 -.01 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 10 T 7.475 25.3` 20 70 .02 Tetrachloroethene 0.331 0.363 -9.7 20 110 0 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.367 0.334 - 9 20 87 0 ' Value outside of QC limits. Page 199 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Calibration Verification Summary Form 7 Volatiles 361 Client : Mabbett & Associates 2.364 Lab Number L2123071 20 94 Project Name : VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number R2020018.001 2.534 - Instrument ID : VOA116 20 Calibration Date 05113/21 04:04 1,3-Dlchlorobenzene Lab File ID : V16210513A03 1.175 Ink Calib. Date(s) 05104/21 05/04121 0 Sample No : WG1498224-2 1.188 Init Callb. Times 18:54 23:02 106 Channel n-Butyibenzene 2.036 1.944 4.5 20 Compound Ave. RRF RRF Min RRF %D Max %D Area% Dev(min) 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane 0.187 0.161 13.9 20 82 -.01 Chlorodibromomethane 0.273 0.244 - 10.6 20 88 O 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.356 0.317 - 11 20 83 0 �� 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.223 0.198 - 11.2 20 84 0 2-1-lexanone 0.125 0.087* - 30.4" 20 71 0 Chlorobenzene 0.769 0.758 1.4 20 95 0 Ethylbenzene 1.311 1.251 - 4.6 20 91 O 1,1,1,24etrachloroethane 0.285 0.27 - 5.3 20 95 0 plm Xylene 0.523 0.507 3.1 20 93 0 o Xylene 0.491 0.479 - 2.4 20 93 0 Styrene 0.838 0.804 4.1 20 91 -.01 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene -d41 1 0 20 109 0 Bromoform 0.37 0.258 30.3' 20 90 0 lsopropylbenzene 2.344 2.2 - 6.1 20 94 0 4-Bromo0uorobenzene 0.792 0.734 7.3 20 100 0 Bromobenzene 0.6 0.566 5.7 20 103 0 n-Propylbenzene 2.861 - 2.665 - 6.9 20 91 O 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane 0.393 0.346 - 12 20 89 0 2-Chlorotoluene 1.873 1.73 7.6 20 94 0 1,3,54rimethylbenzene 2.002 1.895 5.3 20 96 0 1,2,3-Trichioropropane 0.335 D.28 16.4 20 84 0 4-Chlorotoluene ten-Butylbenzene 1,2,4-Tdmethylbenzene 1.692 1.565 7.5 20 93 0 1.748 1.723 1.4 20 102 O 1.975 1.841 6.8 20 93 0 sec-Butylbenzene 2.364 2.242 - 6.2 20 94 0 �p-I9opropyltoluene 2.505 2.534 - -1.2 20 102 0 1,3-Dlchlorobenzene 1.2C4'-'- 1.175 2.4 20 103 0 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene 1.188 1.172 - 1.3 20 106 0 n-Butyibenzene 2.036 1.944 4.5 20 93 0 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene 1.081 ' 1.04 - 3.8 20 102 0 1,2-Dlbromo 3-chloropropan 0.074 0.06 18.9 l 20 92 ^0 Hexachlorobutadlene 10 9.749 2.5 20 112 0 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene 0.736 0.675 - 8.3 20 106 0 Naphthalene 1.411 1.18 - 16.4 20 89 0 1,2,3-Trichlombenzene 0.636 0.573 - 9.9 20 105 0 * Value outside of QC limits. rrcr,i Page 200 of 201 Ee r Client Project Name Instrument ID PEM Standard Column 1 Parameter 4,4r.DDE En" 4,4' -DDD 4,4' -DDT Endrin Aldehyde Endrin Ketone Parameter Endrin DDT Page 201 of 201 Serial No:05182110:29 Performance Evaluation Mixture Summary Form 15 Pesticides Mabbett & Associates Lab Number : L2123071 VA NORTHAMPTON LANDFILL Project Number R2020018.001 PEST18 Analysis Date : 05/10/21 10:45 R1431939-1 RTX -5 Column 2 RTX-CLPPesticides2 Signal 1 1420444.0124 383191781.26374 7698045.17793 612660976.01041 1494392.0246 2720601.69956 %Breakdown 1 1.09 1.47 Signal 2 1701830.25256 423694140.19675 13060375.00972 650989747.01785 2812383.61803 3886733.85868 %Breakdown 2 1.56 2.22 i��_T I CAL r C ® 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. Project No. 82020018.001 POST -CLOSURE LANDFILL MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE REPORT U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs I VA CWM HCS Landfill I Leeds, MA APPENDIX F MassDEP Email Correspondence APPENDIX F June 22, 2021 2021 Post -Closure Landfill Monitoring Report Stephen A. Vetere From: Speight, Thomas (DEP) <thomas.speight@state.ma.us> Sent: Tuesday, lune 1, 2021 5:15 PM To: Stephen A. Vetere Cc: Michalik, Robert E.; Bloom L. Michael; Cassidy E. Way Subject: *EXTERNAL* Re: VA Northampton CWM Landfill Monitoring - Leeds, MA (Mabbett Project No. R2020018.001) ***This message originated from outside your organization. Please take care and verify the authenticity of the email prior to opening any questionable or unexpected attachments.*** Thanks Steve, As with the 2020 sampling, MassDEP will not require resampling based on these results. We await your full report. Tom ❑® 'k— I I Thomas Speight, Environmental Analyst Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 436 Dwight Street, Springfield, MA 01103 413-755-2120 (office) Thomas. Saeiclht0mass.aov From: Stephen A. Vetere <vetere@mabbett.com> Sent: Tuesday, lune 1, 20214:21 PM To: Speight, Thomas (DEP) Cc: Michalik, Robert E.; Bloom L. Michael; Cassidy E. Way Subject: VA Northampton CWM Landfill Monitoring - Leeds, MA (Mabbett Project No. R2020018.001) CAUTION: This email originated from a sender outside of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts mail system. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tom, Attached please find the 2021 monitoring well, surface water, and leachate analytical results in tabular format for the VAMC Northampton (Leeds, MA) Central Western Massachusetts (CWM) Landfill. This monitoring event was conducted on May 4, 2021 by Mabbett & Associates on behalf of the VA in accordance with the MassDEP Closure Certification Transmittal #X238231(DSWM File #11-214-008, FMF #131329) dated September 12, 2011. In accordance with the above referenced closure certification, we have included a summary tables highlighting exceedances of applicable standards including the Massachusetts Maximum Contaminant Levels (MMCLs) including secondary MMCLs, Office of Research and Standards (ORS) Guidelines, and Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) Method 1 GW -3 risk assessment standards for groundwater samples; and the acute/chronic National Recommended Freshwater Aquatic life Criteria for surface water and leachate samples. The first attachment to this email contains the following tables: Table 4-1 Metals Table 4-2 VOCs (including 1,4 -dioxane) Table 4-3 SVOCs Table 4-4 Pesticides and conventional chemistry parameters The second attachment to this email provides a summary of exceedances with a comparison to historical results from 2018 through 2020: • As shown on this table, the only exceedances of applicable standards in groundwater samples was for iron and manganese in MW -4S. Each exceeded their secondary MMCLs. However, the concentrations detected in 2021 are generally consistent with historical measurements therefore no resampling is recommended. • Iron and lead were detected in leachate samples above their applicable National Recommended Freshwater Aquatic Life Criteria. However, as above the concentrations detected in 2021 were consistent with historical measurements, therefore resampling is not recommended. • The concentration of alkalinity detected in the sample collected from surface water location SW -1 and leachate location LC -1 exceeded the Freshwater Aquatic Life Criteria but were consistent with historical measurements, therefore no resampling is recommended. • The concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) measured in each surface water and one leachate sample (LC -2) exceeded the Freshwater Aquatic Life Criteria, however the DO levels were consistent with historical values so no resampling is recommended. There were no VOCs, SVOCs, or pesticides detected in excess of any of the screening criteria. Please provide your concurrence with our recommendations or your alternate opinion if you require resampling. The third party inspection (TPI) of the landfill was also performed on May 4, 2021 and the form will be submitted to you before June 4, 2021. A copy of the report will also included in our Post - Closure Landfill Monitoring and Maintenance Report submittal (on or before 6/30/20). Respectfully, Steve Stephen A. Vetere, PE, LSP, LEP Vice President of Operations Mabbett & Associates, Inc. Scientists I Engineers I Program Managers 105 Central Street, Suite 4100, Stoneham, MA 02180 Tel.: (781) 275-6050 Ext. 312 1 Mobile: (617) 285-0640 vetere0mabbett.com www.mabbe".com MabbettI ) CVE Verified Service -Disabled Veteran -Owned Small Business ® 2021, Mabbett & Associates, Inc. Please consider the environment before printing this email. 2 E6