22B-015 BP-2022-0916 56 MEADOW ST COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:Lot: 22B-015-001 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Permit: Solar Build PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2022-0916 PERMISSIONIS HEREBY GRANT I TO: Project# 2022 SOLAR Contractor: License: Est. Cost: 39798 VALLEY SOLAR LLC CSL l 15681 Const.Class: Exp.Date:04/09/2025 HILLARY J GARDNER & PETER D. ABRUSCIANO Use Group: Owner: TRUSTEES Lot Size (sq.ft.) Zoning: URB Applicant: VALLEY SOLAR LLC Applicant Address Phone: Insurance: 116 PLEASANT ST, SUITE 321 (413)584-8844 EXT 217 376140840101 EASTHAMPTON, MA 01027 ISSUED ON:08/03/2022 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: INSTALL 33 PANEL 11.88 KW ROOF MOUNT SOLAR SYSTEM WITH 2 BATTERIES (13.4 KW) POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: 'Rough: House# Foundation: Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Driveway Final: Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOL• TION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: i 41' 9 - , Fees Paid: $75.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Office of the Building Commissioner / Department use only A.,.AO City of Northafrpto C�,, Status of Permit: 3 ,, Building Departm t ��/�, Curb Cut/Driveway Permit / 212 Main,Stre/ t 40G �._ SeweI%Septic Availability -- 'It i s ..f,, Rooq 100 4VSe ter/Well Availability Northamptdn, 60 c9Q' o SOSs of Structural Plans if phone 413-587-1240 a ' 272 Plans \'\"'Oh,'^^isp Othef Specify \�oq nFn� APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER, REPAIR, RENO�AT`lz'O1 DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: This section to be completed by office 56 Meadow Street Map �-•Z 6 Lot n/S Unit Northampton MA 01062 Zone Overlay District Elm St.District CB District SECTION 2 -PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: Hillary Gardner 56 Meadow Street, Northampton MA 01062 Nr( int) Current Mailing Address: 917-658-6558 Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: Valley Solar LLC PO Box 60627, Florence, MA 01062 Name(Print) Current Mailing Address Patit.i-c.k_ - cnukecu.c- 413-584-8844 Signature Telephone SECTION 3 -ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from (6) 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6. Total= (1 + 2 + 3 +4 + 5) $39,798 Check Number .70°9 This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: 6, At? - ql0 Date Issued: Signature: A U 3 2 Z Z Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date Ihasbrouck @ northamptonma.gov info�a valleysolar.solar EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; CON ACTOR) Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R. L. R. Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage Open Space Footage (Lot area minus bldg&paved parking) #of Parking Spaces Fill: (volume&Location) A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO 0 DON'T KNOW 0 YES 0 IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO C DON'T KNOW 0 YES 0 IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO 0 DON'T KNOW YES 0 IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Q Obtained , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES 0 NO 0 IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES 0 NO 0 IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing, grading,excavation, or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES 0 NO Q IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House n Addition Replacement Windows Alteration(s) Roofing n Or Doors Ei Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [0] Decks [EI Siding [0] Other[X solar Brief Description of Proposed Work: Installation of 33 panel roof mounted solar array System size 11 8kW DC. Also installing 13 4kW Encharge battery Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No, Plans Attached Roll - Sheet 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a. Use of building : One Family _ Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves _ Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No . I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a -OWNER AUTHORIZATION -TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT Hillary Gardner , as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize Valley Solar LLC to act n behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. 07/06/2022 Signature of Owner Date I. Valley Solar LLC . as Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Patrick D. Rondeau Print Name Rest LLC 7/6/2022 Signature of Owner/Agent Date SECTION 8 -CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable El Name of License Holder Patrick D. Rondeau License Number 53 Fox Farm Road, Florence MA 01062 CS-115680 Address Expiration Date 1� �r✓k 1�. c-n. cuc- 4/9/2025 Signature Telephone 413-584-8844 9. Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Company Name Registration Number Valley Solar LLC 186338 Address Expiration Date PO Box 60627, Florence, MA 01062 Telephone 413-584-8844 10/27/22 SECTION 10-WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L. c. 152, § 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes \Z( No ❑