21.351 An Order for District Heating and MicrogridsCity of Northampton
In City Council, November 4, 2021
Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz, Planning & Sustainability, and Energy
and Sustainability Commission
21.351 An Order for District Heating and Microgrids
WHEREAS, The Climate Resilience and Regeneration Plan, an element of the Sustainable
Northampton Comprehensive Plan, acknowledges that natural gas leaks and
generation results in higher greenhouse gas emissions than is often disclosed and
creates a goal of replacing natural gas for building and water heating with
renewable and potentially renewable energy sources;
WHEREAS, In endorsing that plan, and other City Council orders and resolutions, City Council
has gone on record numerous times to supports efforts and innovations to reduce
the city’s carbon footprint, while helping the city thrive even with climate change;
WHEREAS, Eversource, which provides natural gas to a majority of buildings in the city, is
undertaking a pilot study of networked geothermal systems for heating and cooling
potential, potentially combined with other sources of waste heat, which could
reduce or eliminate the need for natural gas;
WHEREAS: Replacing fossil fuel sources with geothermal for building water and space heating
and cooling can reduce building carbon emissions by about 60 percent;
WHEREAS: Northampton’s participation in the geothermal pilot can significantly advance
progress toward the City’s climate goals and advance Eversource’s offerings;
WHEREAS: The city is exploring options for extraction and distribution of ground source
(geothermal) energy, which could potentially include Main Street which will be
open during the Picture Main Street construction project and which already
supports diverse energy use demands;
Ordered, that
City Council enthusiastically supports participating in the Eversource Geothermal Pilot, including
for Main Street; and
The City Clerk is requested to forward a certified copy of this order to the Eversource
Geothermal Pilot and the state legislative delegation.