16A-012 (2) J1 c) I 012
. 1(4, A — 0311 3--r
Horne Energy Rating Certificate t a Lino Date; 2020 €1-02 HIS
Final Report
R gI5try ID: 583509349 HERS
i~ky<trope ID: BdNOM33v
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Your Home's Estimated Energy e: This home meets or exceeds the
tea . criteria the following:
Heating 42.2 S I;1 13 2015 International Energy Consmo vation Code
Coo i°o 0.0 $0
Hot Weter 1,7 y91
LighisS.Appliances 13,9 $661
Servi..e Charges S60
Generation (e.g,Solar) 0,0 r,
Total: 57%8 $1,924
M \ .::•1. Home Feature umr ery< Rating Completed by:
I - ;_._:r,,A ;i n(:..,p:;. Sinpirf fa:mm y:ie. .:ed
=mm ;)4 Mriram. N; erg Rater; . d"€n b s;y?a=:<
r h%S NET : 9463452
.. Commtinity: NIA
c-,.a., ?•.c€6:1ctC3'{!Fic Area: 1,183'€' Rating Compa nyz HIS& t R `G'r'
x. .°ai i '.:id, e?khls Ave.:t.<:`tkun:>?`•: n MA Ct`D:'
�• ...;;.,:•.:::: Number of i$::o3oor13.'se: 2
7Y. C too
st:Y• 413,5588784
?4ti:::£ Primary Heating System: Furnace ace>i+F;`a:,'ne>96 FLI
Primary:.QC�{F7 �3j ' 3: 3S ,� ningPr r Enei yr:ers;`ft:fa z::twx+:- b
Y=r ?�(33"'fiki;:'�i�sk p�" ^Ewi.:rig: Water i' ei`:'£F ?£ Y: (. 2 Iise.rocilaii rt S rc2't Amesbury-.\IA 019'3
<i c.•r�I.r55 s:. '
Set ?'{Eltk$t•T•C:iSt`5:.''Ss: $ t. :�tSii ;25 pL I , s?•.co
as 33i�tEn; ro Y o rn':'S
rT �iEil'.i-L'.c?< ti?�'+`J Outside.: �v i;3gEr:'.tt�
Z't :1=JLsre uraciiC Nail ss: R-2 i Sf ¢ G,fv
.. w % ini,lc.:�iType: i -Value::..f9;Si'K3C.:0.25 s'�c:`:Mayne Certified
nei-:y Refer
,:,x,: Foundationikitills: R..5 i'i= rta zi nc : 3<3%2: :"a.�0 s .
- .\\ a.x .\�\< \ \ s.�\\� ��.4:,.Uv���:.z,:'Z '.. `c,,>ilii,'av�aa"'ti'''.`4a'. .. .�:Sia���c:_�i:H.:i�r:�.�
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, !r ' e Kt:
Raing index
',M, r 0rrlr/ d' Qk/ Energy
Property Organi p tIon Energy Rating €utei information
Bulider:The Home Store Company:HIS&HERS Energy Efficiency RESNET Registered Rating
Address: Phone:4136 588784 Rating Nr :5835O9349
33 Chesterfieid Rd, Leeds,I A 01053 Rater:Adirt Maynard Rater 1 (RTIN):9463452
Date Rate@:2020-11-02
+: •„•,:�; ,•:•�;a••,,:„ v ) :y,..•,4A ,,//,,,,,; ;7�.9J7..p/J/•./JJ IJ%,/,�r?Jr.:z?L{.i/J�l;:�.7/r/r7/r ,,•;.;.,: J//J!r/.' JJ/� / /.
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a4nrq&sat:ra a ... # Rated Home Calculate I Rated Home Cost lyrt
Existing .�.....�s x40 Heating.. 42.2 I
#� •#,/ S ��qq,yg'•� O{y 1 MOMS !% :err Coding ¢J.LS i iX
, ;, Ater Heating 1,7 $91 1
tefe anrceeix ` Lights p anos 13.9 a $661 I
'Sued an standard*waling,o:rcd dank
al 0a a00000 3 1 with PV:
ro . Tatty Homo: ER1 without PV>53
. ' 16S 4ar!/Wn;�;�%Tr'i'J///���%, Jf/AL ft/ /F e��,� ����u�
Zero Energy .', Electric(kWh):s,t3'79.3 1 CO2 Emissions("bns):5.8 ti
.. ........ /
Home •
xr>,.,.., Natural Gas('therms):0.13 Energy Savings(S)**:
,recta MOW: "Bas ad on Ma 209 a Itr s Si 4.3 itearsec®des:4 s twrnx..., ,,,.,.,.:,,::..:............m .,.,..,...e:...,,.,,.,,.,..n.,,,,,..,...,.,..,..,,.,m�.,,�..
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AIi SAy ir: :� %/y'�; � f, .. / ''r'/.ar2,,Ay �y i ,��f/.)J i ���.. ..: o ..' r'f: ;��Y;;, �!/!/y / Ffi.;/ j PASS
efr Pb %;�%N,' i'r%':'r hm "` 1t r�//r7'y. r/Jib'�. r / is 19%/:;i//.',rfG.•%/:r',,%ii r//ii'v:.S g fe.V� Y..,. r e�r//� .,. H»•.o'y/ � /, ,�Ni �ri/r. r./',::.:/.•,/Jl.,,,,,.,,./.,J.............../.,/../..,/f//.l..�f�7..:��p, .(i vi ,<.....�,...,,..,...,.,....,..,,....,.,..n., '
This home MEETSthe Energy Rating index Score requirement of 2015 iECC R O6 for Climate Zone 5.. €t
MEETS ail of the requirements verified by Ekotrope. Mandatory requirements are summarized on the 2nd page 1
f of this report, some of which are not verified by Ekotrope ����'
s Name: Arlin Maynard signature: �,1,�ft, „�-
Organization: HIE&HERSEnergy Efficiency Digitaiiy signed: 11/3/21 at 2:30 PM €
riff at qU l aa�'////pJ///////%f rrb%i�%' f /��'�%%� /'i'l/'r''7,�''Y;'%/'7 J J U'/ro v r J n/ 7 i�%�///� ///�/��� ����/���
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Company:Energy Raters of Massachusetts � . • •
f Address: n 2 nod n Street Amesbury, MA€k1913 , ,
Phone#:97&2270-•4 11 �:" '.�% re a ase`;;
�: #
Fax . '' '•.,. 4
i '4¢resrs,;;;e6 6
To determine it a provider is properly accredited go to: ane,rasa, t;usiprofessiona llpr agrameiseare _directe '#
(Confirmed and tested)
06,1 f:, t ,,,, , ,,/- • fit/'‘,/9/,,,,,07,,,,prix9r/o:///wj,#,;• /// /go, i •/ • /ii,/, , ,
f/2 —/ ' ' , /..4/ to P,,,,,,.//W.,,,,/ly ,A,;,,,,T,//k,q,e,,q,,,,e/,_ .,,:i /if//,/ / / '/ // • 1 "/ / /
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Provision Number 1 Topic i Compliance Decision 1
2000 IECC Table i Building thermal envelope'minimum insulation levels and ,', PASS %
402.1.1 or 402.1.3 maximum fenestration U-factor and SHGC
%1 ,R401.3 Post a permanent certificate fisting the levei of efficiencies l Certificate reqtsired for CO
s % installed in the house
% R402.4.1,2 : Envelope air leakage maximum leakage rate % PASS
1 1 •%.
R402.4,1 I Table
l Comp ar seang an
ly with d insuat req lion uirements in Table
% Checklist reci.tired for CO t
5 R402.4,1.1 R402.4.1,1
R402.4.4 f Rooms conlaining N.4e-burning appliances % PASS 1
5 1 R402.5 (U-Factor)PASS t o
% Maximum feneskation 1J-fact and SH or GC i';
, 5
l i
; 5
i R403..1.2 1 Heat pump controls il PASS" f
l f
R4,06.2 %Ducts outside of conditioned space to be insulated to a % PASS°
1 % minimum of R-6.
R403.3.2 '. 0 Duct sealing on a ducts i,: PASS*
1 i
4 i f
1 R403.3.3 Duct testing for ducts in unconditioned space t PASS'
1 R403.3,5 i Building cavities not used as ducts. % PASS'
i s
% R403.5.1 Heated water circulation and temperature fnantenance PASS
systems comply
5 ;
% 5
R403,5,3 Hot water pipe insulated to R73 PASS
, 1
, 5 f
R403.6 % firlechanical ventilation meeting the requirements of the IRC % PASS*
1 %or MC. Outdoor air and exhaust dampers installed
R403.7 ACCA Manual J and 8 conducted for all heating and coding % ACCA forms required for
systems. % permit
, t ;
R403.8 i Systems setying multiple dwelling units to meet the PASS*
s mechanical requirements of IECC commercial code
1 1 i R403.0 1 Snow melt and ice system controls installed where applicable % PASS*
il * i
1 R403.10 a Pools and permanent spa energy consumption meet PASS 1
requirements for heaters,time clocks and covers % s
1 R403.11 1
1 Portable spas meet the requirements of APSP-14.
5 ;
; 0 l
R.404.1 l High efficacy lights installed in 75%of permanently installed t PASS i
p' :
1 fixtures.
.These Items have Been 11etd-veAfe.4 6y the Rater,Foinspecior,Code inspector,or iiuilaer.
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4• : >z: Leeds, i~i,:: >
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.x; Builder: Home Story
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*1 == Building Features "`ki
::::..,,,,,, ..* Above Grade Wails R-2I Dus,-,t Leakage to Outs.ide Untested(Exernpt)
Foundation ndat€on W&t1s t -15 Total Duet €eakage t. r tes ed (L e-ip ) = ''
�$ Framed Fk or ^�NiA Het l-urrnace . PYudane-9 AF` it `'=
a ,\ `=4 Slab elt'rd' k�2."Si.+.f E- :3 s.^., .ems ``fix, '\x
ny ^r . >Under -::
0: ` Intl itra.tion 4 si CFtvi5O , _uS.ACH3 j titer Heatint ;;dier Hate $ l€=;trie.3 55 t. F .
t ^.Window U-Value €.69 wf3C. 0,25 aom .,:xi.s.�3 ;: :�S 8 'x'?it u's•'t�eC:,:' �.:5?f i;"•code >E�:{;y:Lti €;i';7 ,'1 �8 ^tr€e •�r ts=c aa.�. v a?a�a��..'
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;,;,<.,,;-, g. on C=s?:.... .a:e rating is E'r:.,,.,te... ::er:rf ilia;the ws g it;:5gn.deSC'tt3s:roc::?...:g c117�';siant with Il¢ :
y:Q:..S':x`,\.`v 'biSi iill i PianS•spe.t 3<'asicts :1, e..:zr^ tin. :1 -c, .va`„v$\.
xA „r 5_'.'�...df;;;iEB._CS,... �::1N: With permit:t' ^ r S CEittf::' :,:::\ _ E: ir>;:�af:iL`f3.>f �;3'ts'3, 3 ""0::�,. G^f?d:j£#? 4 t#3:3 E3:t:i„'.aa 3F3' .. 7.• ? 1tie:F::ii;Pi `z -++ '
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- Organization: ES , n1� si`E ^ Digitally 3a7 ;. xs .:• ''
::`? g ciene, Dig-tally signed: . a.•3/20 at 2.3€, P t
` 4 7t . <.E:+�•:.E;a:`..ca ff::::.4a :.ak:u>rr Eac<tiSi: ckze3>;µ�€c.�e:E, `€enar 3y ami eY>de iXSri=piiortf.:�_goofs 3. x�z
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IECC 2015 Label
33 Chesterfield Rd
Ekotrepe RATER ,.Version: 3.1..1.2555
HERS.index Score: 53
Building Envelops Specs
Ceiling: R-56
Above Grade Wells: R-21
Foundation Walls: R..15
Exposed Floor N/A
infiltration:481 CFtli50(1.48 ACH50)
Duct insulation: N/A
Duct Lkg to Outdoors: Untested
'Window& Door Spec
UNalue: 0.2.9, SHGC: 0.25
Door: R-5
MechaniCal Equipment Specs
Heating: Furnace x Propane 95 AFUE.
Cooling: N,,,A
Hot Water:Water Heater 4 Electric 3.55 UEF
Average Mechanical Ventilation: 55 CFM
Builder or Design Professional
Air Leakage Report
property Omenization ;Inspection Status
33 Chesterfield Rd tt€S& HERS Energy E idlt 2020.11-02 HERS"
Leeds,MA 01053 Ash€n Maynard Rater ID(RT€N):9463452
4/36588784 R SN T Registered
Rogers dm Leeds ods HomeStoro (Confirmed)
Rogers Residence Final Builder
The Home Store
General information
Conditioned Floor Area[f) 1,183
into€tretton Volume MI 19,512
Number of Bedrooms 2
Air Leakage
Measured Infiltration 481 CFM€50(1.48 ACH50)
ACH50(Calculated) 1.48 ELA[sq. in.](Calculated) 26.46
ELA per 100 s.f. Shell Area(Calculated) 0.555
CFM50(Calculated) 481€
CFMSO i a.€.Shell Area(Calculated) 0.101 _._...
Duct Leakage
Leakage to Outdoors
Total Leakage Test Type
Total Leakage[CFM t 25 Pa]
Total Leakage[CFM25 l 100 s.f.)
Total Leakage[CF M2a/CFA)
Rate[CFM] 55 CFM
Hours per day 24.0
Far Power 11 Watts _. .
Recovery Efficiency% 4
Runs at least once every 3 hrs? true
Average Rate[CFMJ 55.0 CFM
2010 ASHRAE 62.2 Req. Cont.Ventilation 34.3
2013 ASHRAE 62.2 Req.Cont.Ventilation 45.7
t•ko ope RATER.•Version 3.".1.255S5
At:rsr stdos ese bcsssad szn t4sstat ss>"ssrssc4 by EicoYrmo ust4s.F.kotroita 5-4043ss:snn>AI iishiEKy fnr ths:irs`r.:sna;,ksr:eiczwrs rrs r st.
Standard Disclosure HERS
For home(s) located at: 33 Chesterfield Rd, Leeds, MA
Check the applicable disclosure*:
Es 1.The Rater or the Raters employer is receiving a fee for providing the rating on this home.
I 2. In addition to the rating, the Rater or the Rater's employer has also provided the following consulting services
for this home:
: .IA. Mechanical system design
FIB. Moisture control or indoor air quality consulting
C. Performance testing and/or commissioning other than required for the rating itself
D,o, Training for sales or construction personnel
E. Other(specify)
1:13.The Rater or the Rater's employer is:
a,„ A.The seller of this home or their agent
l .ti B. The mortgagor for some portion of the financed payments on this home
b.,,.,,.C.An employee, contractor, or consultant of the electric and/or natural gas utility serving this home
Y '4.The Rater or Raterr's employer is a supplier or installer of products, which may include:
Products installed in this home by OR is in the business of
HVAC systems :Rater , ;Employer ..,z RaterriEmployer
Thermal insulation systems Rater Employer !Rater I !Employer
Air sealing of envelope or duct systems Rater €,.m: mm'Employer ^.^JR ter Employer
b 3,, t,
Energy efficient appliances - -Rater f^.^^`Employer FiRater IlErtieloyer
Construction(builder,developer,construction contractor,etc) s "Reter 'Employor o..••.•?Raeter .,""'i mployer
Other(specify): m ^ `;Rater j,. ;Ernpioyer ice," ..,...f.lRater t lEmployer
... .................. i,.,w,• f. j.
7s This home has been verified under the provisions of Chapter 6, Section 603'Technical Requirements for
Sampling of the Mortgage industry National Home Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy
Services Network(RESNET). Rater Certification 4.: 9463452
Name: Adin MaynardSignature: `�;
Organization: HIS & HERS Energy Efficiency Digitally signed: 11/3/20 at 2:30 PM
I attest that the above information is true and€orrect to the best of my knowledge.As a Rater or Rating
Provider I abide by the rating quality control provisions of the Mortgage Industry NationaiHome Energy Rating
Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Network(RE NET). The national rating quality
control provisions of the rating standard are contained in Chapter One of the standard and are
posted at
https://standards,r esnet,us
The Home Energy Rating Standard Disclosure for this home is available from the rating provider.
RESNET Form 03001-2 -Amended March 20, .2017
Standard Disclosure HERS
For home(s) located at: 33 Chesterfield Rd, Leeds, MA
Check the applicable discfosure(s):
fit1.The Rater or the Raters employer is receiving a fee for providing the rating on this home.
1..... 2. In addition to the rating, the Rater or the Raters employer has also provided the following €onsulting services
for this home:
MA. Mechanical system design
El B. Moisture control or indoor air quality consulting
DC. Performance testing and/or commissioning other than required for the rating itself
D. Training for sales or construction personnel
DE. Other(specify)
Da The Rater or the Raters employer is:
EA. The seller of this home or their agent
D E. The mortgagor for some portion of the financed payments on this home
C.An employee, contractor, or consultant of the electric and/or natural gas utility serving this home
Eli.The Rater or Raters employer is a supplier or installer of products,which may include:
Products Installed in this home by OR is in the business of
HVAC systems b_ Rater ElEmployer ORM& DEmployer
Thermal l insulation systems URater LIEmployer 1 [Rater LiErnployer
Air sealing of envelope or duct systems ;Rater DEmployer tRater FlEmployer
Energy efficient appliances riRater - Employer tJRater JEmployer
Construction(builder,developer, construction contractor,etc} Rater I lEmp€oyer LIReter jEmployer
Other(specify): �µriRater DEmployer FIRater Employer
fly.This home has been verified under the provisions of Chapter 6, Section 603 °°Technical Requirements for
Samplings of the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy
Services Network(RESNET). Rater Certification#: 9463452
Name: Adin Maynard Signature:
Organization: HIS &HERS Energy Efficiency Digitally signed: 11f3120 at 2:30 PM
l attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.As a Rater or Rating
Provider I abide by the rating quality control provisions of the Mortgage Industry NationalHome Energy Rating
Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Network(RESNET). The national rating quality
canto/ provisions of the rating standard are contained in Chapter One of the standard and are
posted at
The Home Energy Rating Standard Disclosure for this home is available from the rating provider,
RESNET Form 03001-2 Amended March 20, 2017