13-001 (7) /3 __--- 1 , `4,0 N,� City of Northampton, aM ssachusetts f4 � ��.,, Office of Planning and Development�'. ��J�r";''�4 City Hall, 210 Main Street V ►� Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 587-1266 (413) 587-1264 MEMORANDUM /--/---- TO: Chris Skorupski FROM: Aleta DeLisle,Secretary REGARDS: ANR Form DATE: March 22,2000 Would you please substitute and distribute the following ANR plan for Ronald Paash & Patricia Giangregorio. The same ANR plan was filed and distributed recently by your office except the plan didn't have the signature of the surveyor on it. The attached plan reflects that change. Thank you. VU � TINN IMs O1G O s NORTHA� I FORM A NORTHAMPTON, M. APPLICATION FOR ENDORSEMENT OF PLAN BELIEVED NOT TO REQUIRE APPROVAL File six completed forms and plans and one mylar with the City Clerk and the Planning Board in accordar. requirements of Section 3.02. I ('.ve) believe that the attached plan of property in the City of Northampton does not constitute division within :h-_ meaning of the Subdivision Control Law, and herewith submits said plan for a determination and endorsement tha- Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not required. Ronald Paash & 1. Applicant(print or type): Patricia Giangregorio Signature: / ; L- L - Address: 31 Rustlewood Ridge, Northampton Phone( 586-7708 2. Owner(print or type): Same Signature: Address: Phone: 3. Surveyor(print or type): Randall E. Izer Signature: Harold L. Eaton & Associates Inc. 235 Russell Street, Hadley MA 01035 584-7599 Address Phone 4. Deed or property recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds or Land Court: Land Court: Book 17 Page 207 5. Location and Description of Property: West side of Coles Meadow Road, approximately 500 Feet North of Marion Street. j Date Submitted for Planning Date PI • B Board Approval: Decisi Fi d• 60 c City Clerk(signature): City Cle signature): (I/1/98) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS PAGE 60