13-001 (3) 4 - ri li V./ rii --.„ /`rLE` FORM A lill AUG I F 1999 �-'� NORTHAMPTON, MA ll APPLICATION FOR ENDORSEMENT DEPNr T�` ^^f�t SP BELIEVED NOT TO REQUIRE APPROVAL File six completed forms and plans and one mylar with the City Clerk and the Planning Board in accordance wit requirements of Section 3.02. I (we) believe that the attached plan of property in the City of Northampton does not constitute division withi meaning of the Subdivision Control Law, and herewith submits said plan for a determinate and endorsemen Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not required. Ronald Paash & 1. Applicant(print or type): Patricia Giangregorio Signature: Address: 31 Rustlewood Ridge, Northampton Phone: 586-7708 2. Owner(print or type): Same Signature: Address: Phone: E. _ 3. Surveyor(print or type): Randall E. Izer Signature: r Harold L. Eaton & Associates Inc. 235 Russell Street, Hadley MA 01035 584-7599 Address Phone 4. Deed or property recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds or Land Court: Land Court: Book 17 Page 207 5. Location and Description of Property: West side of Coles Meadow Road, approximately 500 Feet North of Marion Street. 6. Assessor's Map ID: 13 Lot(s): 1 Date Submitted f nning Date Plannin, :o•_,, Board Approval: /0g� Decision File:• , , • • L City/98 Jerk(signature): ' City Clerk(signatuCi_ , / �1., /4 c SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS PAGE 60 N " r • �t I r j/ it .. . I _ - _ ,c1. • r f