13-001 fi[Cif4
City of Northampton, Massachusetts _OHAMI,To
Office of Planning and Development vU "7
City Hall • 210 Maln Street ?'
Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586-6950 DErH i � " •• � , aFAX (413) 586-3726 NokPowG �• Community N•Sr0n Development m6 �
• Conservation Historic Preservation 0/ 0NS 4 �i ''•
• Planning Board •Zoning Board of Appeals
• Northampton Parking Commission
TO: Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector
RE: Permit application
FROM: Laura Krutzler, Board Secretary/OPD
DATE: , a3i 1`►q9
Would you please review and return the
cSePc dst-i tArrt er-s W•1 STe&s� jeR re,) To C,fsrrC 3 t=e"6- A-ar-s
enclosed application ., pR, coms,••t o.�„
vAsnettx- r si rCfC1Li 9 Few 7�eggc(cr1OAJ IA)
r=,cc c Pmts.
before the Planning Bjid/Zoning Board of , r -G°
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Appeals scheduled for :Se/7-_ , �, ,q9,, so o
that we can advise the Boards of any
concerns you may have.
Thank you.