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(- Vasa 108 COLES MEADOW RD-LOT#5 BP-2000-0595 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 13 -001 -- (7U h rG�� CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 )3 -1Co_oo ) Permit: Building Category:New Single Family House BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2000-0595 Project# JS-2000-1064 Est.Cost: $200000.00 Fee: $826.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class:5B Contractor: License: Use Group: R4 Roy Giangregorio 062571 Lot Size(so. ft.): 1025838.00 Owner: Giangregorio Zoning:RR Applicant: Roy Giangregorio Al': 108 COLES MEADOW RD - LOT#r15 Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 31 Rustlewood Ridge (413) 586-7708 Workers Compensation FLORENCE 01062 ISSUED ON:1/4/00 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:CONSTRUCT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE W/ATT GARAGE/DECK III POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Inspector of Buildings Underground: Service: Meter: I Footings: Rough:®4 , Rough: 7a House# Foundation: ©�( - 1-. Final:M � � Final: /�,k e(,6/ a� ...er,„„.:...::jefc...wer;;r:of±,z______ Rough Frame: oK 3_ ai_ 00 Awl Ga (, h, j„',1� Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: trK: A ,___ 2-- L'5 6 0 I e r Rough: Oil: lt/ 6' Insulation:0kt._ F•Q 0.4 Final: dn 0 Smoke: •^(1� Final: Q'� (, e), � -�a o THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY F NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATI N OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. ---.-- ej,e_.61:Vz:__________<_4t_ide Z, Certificate of _ Signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: Building 1/4/00 0:00:00 4458 $826.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413) 587-1240, Fax: (413)587-1272 Building Commissioner-Anthony Patillo . eta w -, 4/-rr ° dki . • City of Northampton GAS INSPECTION'LABELI APPROVED Date 6 , 0%0 Gas Inspectors, Z psi a/es 71140,cv S6n w"T , ( ,9so 108 COLES MEADOW RD-LOT#5 BP-2000-0595 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 13-001 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 Permit: Building �/� Category:New Single Family House BUILDING PERMIT IT Permit# BP-2000-0595 Project# JS-2000-1064 Est.Cost: $200000.00 Fee: $826.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: 5B Contractor: License: Use Group: R4 Roy Giangregorio 062571 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 1025838.00 Owner: Giangregorio Zoning: RR Applicant: Roy Giangregorio AT: 108 COLES MEADOW RD - LOT#5 Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 31 Rustlewood Ridge (413) 586-7708 Workers Compensation FLORENCE 01062 ISSUED ON:1/4/00 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:CONSTRUCT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE W/ATT GARAGE/DECK POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Inspector of Buildings Underground: Service: • Meter: _ Footings: ' Rough:e'kV,. /,••/ 3 Rough: 7 J House# Foundation: ©k i- ;---- 6-6 i' Final:6//1' 6/ M 4 Final: /ivrtl4L .1.2cilbo I Rough Frame: OK 3- a1- OC - Gash i�„.,..--7 Fire Department \, 7 Fireplace/Chimney: YA/4/ --) 0 L-- ' ---:47)::,--- Rough: Oil: \ -- Insulation:dY 3,25" ' 0.4_ Final: �r` G/`�4 a Smoke: L�t. A Final: d� -aa .•e,O ,--v *30 DAY TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY — EXPIRES 7/23/00 THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATI N OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. _ ,� .,r ..,: Certificate of Occupancy .�� sionature: �� Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: Building 1/4/00 0:00:00 4458 $826.00 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240, Fax: (413)587-1272 - Building Commissioner- Anthony Patillo e Ao e 0�e TitR. of Noz#hminpf on >'_ ,,, t'.e , �y"�_�ji� �laesacb�Tsrtts'8 or —`�, '11_ _ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS I = `— INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building 71 4— Northampton,MA 01060 �r 5� CERTIFICATE of OCCUPANCY and USE This is to certify that permission is hereby granted under 780 CMR, sixth edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code, allowing the occupancy or use of the premises or structure or part thereof located at 108 Coles Meadow Road - Lot#5 /00 as shown on the Assess o RR in the City of Northampton, as herein specified CONSTRUCTION TYPE(780CMR 6) 5B USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION(780 CMR 3 R4 OCCUPANT LOAD PER FLOOR (780 CMR Table 1008.1.2 40 PSF LIVE LOAD PER FLOOR (780 CMR Table 1606.1) 40 PSF • Under the following limitations, special stipulations, and /or conditions of the permits: Issued this 10th day of August , 20 00 Certificate of Occupancy and Use# BP-2000-0595 ' Authorized Department Personnel Electrical 0Elevator Fire C% ",G,IG"-` Ao ii Plumbin / r.,c., (,Cj, 4 a,n0- „, Building z,u rr / Gas ,()ZIA = -o Building Commissioner _ ,.>'', - This certificate shall be posted by the owner, in a permanent manner and in a visible location, on all floors designated as use group H, S, M, F, or B, and in every room where practicable of use group A, 1, R-1, or R-2 per requirement of 780 CMR section 120.5 Posting Structures. File#BP-2000-0595 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON Roy Giangregorio ADDRESS/PHONE 31 Rustlewood Ridge (413)586-7708 PROPERTY LOCATION 108 COLES MEADOW RD-LOT#5 MAP 13 PARCEL 001 ZONE RR THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid 0tjo�� Typeof Construction: CONSTRUCT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE W/ATT GARAGE/DECK New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 062571 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE LLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: l Approved as presented/based on information presented. Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Co sion Signatur uilding Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. \iii,:i...„ , ,, St:6 1 51999t__________...3 p q File Non/ ` 3-- _.._.____,____..\ DEFNo OF BUILDING MA 01660NS • ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (510 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: RL� V J G t 6 tL6 12E6G 0 t 0 -- Address: 3( RvsrcE ttiC( � A/WD IZtiG niklY,Te ephone: Sa ? 706' 2. Owner of Property: PAT G ('ftJGt2EGC AO Address:3) DVS c-E 'JO 1406E N'firmAm k(f1Telephone: Sf96'w76 L3 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): f31U I LIO Et2 4. Job Location: 1-E-''T '4� t063 Co LE n,�MEA)014. [w t) T11V, Mil Parcel Id: Zoning Map#_ Parcel# / District(s): /pg (TO jE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property 0 PEN t_9 NUJ 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): Grp it-IS r 0.v cr t o La o F A s I tiG cer F,4-11-t 1 C_'-j 10 tki Ec-i-f It-6/ S&Pit(-- S 4 ST Al t UTtLYT�t.S A-Ni2 tkttiEt44111 7. Attached Plans: X Sketch Plan )( Site Plan X Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW YES X IF YES,date issued: I i/of of IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES X IF YES: enter Book ? Page e and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES x IF YES,has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained X ,date issued: 6l/ Z7/79 (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES X NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: 3C A S r L NS Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property?YES NO (. IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. This column to be filled in by the Dnildiag Department Required 1 Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size 1 .6161 S1 Hc,2E SiAML ,. J 4 aoiv7 _ . Frontage ( 35+ 7-7 56HE Setbacks - frnnt r . 2-0 - side L: R: — L: 2 S R: t;G' - rear — 225 Building height -- 30 6 " Bldg Square footage -- 2 I ctp ''' %Open Space: (Lot area minus bldg — / 77 Z 7 s &paved parking) # of -Parking Spaces — 3 #- of Loading Docks ,_ — Fill: _ WOO cu `f+� 5 {vol-ume -& location) SE'T(c, 51/41 STEM • 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the inf• ma , `o contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my k ,.wle.,e DATE: 121 Y l 1 c( APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE , i i i NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an appli•an ' ; to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from th . B f i alth, Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works and other applioable -er • • nting authorities. FILE # NOTE:IN ORDER THAT THIS APPLICATION MAY BE ACCEPTED,THE DATA CALLED FOR BELOW MUST BE SO SET FORTH THAT WE CAN DETERMINE FROM THE APPLICATION AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS WHAT THE EXISTING CONDI- TIONS ARE AND WHAT THE FUTURE CONDITIONS WILL BE.e ''r' ' Plot Plans and; ledtwit this application before a permit be granted. DEC 1 5 1999 ' DEFT OF Buli_t;;!;R 1NFP'er Zone `' -' APPLICANT NOT TO FILL IN SPACES ABOVE THIS LINE Application for a Dwelling Permit �tHMlp O er ."_. w. Northampton,Mass. 19 _, Telephone No. 7b the Supt.of Buildings: Application for a permit to build is hereby made according to the following:- 1. Location, Street and No. loe cotes ME,60 K., AO Lot No. S 2. Nearest cross street .MAP-&V L' ST', Size of lot 1.4835 A I v7 Jn 3. Owner's name .1T U tei PCP Q CC7C'7 .(O Address .a l IZV.S,T4.E.i'000 12-10 E .1V.lt x'HA 4. Architect's name . A.t.tE11' r1/S coD Address . .0 P.CG.o N t.uti 5. Builder's name A° ki 6 i 11M te-U-6 G Rio Address 31.4 1, !;'' . .12 41P 6.6 ?Si t4TC& Nf4 Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. '' 'c3621 ( Expiration Date (((II CO 6. Use of Building:One-family x Two-family Other 7. Number of rooms in each family unit: S Number of Bathrooms 2 t/2- 8. Is there a garage attached? . . .V E.5 9. Size of building . . 4O.'. X..-5(ptb" Square footage . . . . 14A 41 10. Number of stories 2_ L �� 11. Distance from finished grade to high point of roof . . . 3 . .6 12. Type of construction . . . .000 0 P 1ME 13. Distance from building to street line in feet -V® I t f 14. Distance from building to side lot lines in feet:Left 2-S Right i 15. Distance from building to rear lot line in feet .-2- 16. Is a plot plan being filed with this application? `tee.S 17. Species of framing lumber: DF Spruce X Other 18. Are all structural conditions noted on drawings? 1/4f e.S 19. Nature of land upon which the structure will be erected: Natural X. Filled 20. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade 6,_6 it . . 21. Material of foundation walls . POUtat- d --0 cic-412-6--TE Thickness in inches V``/10A 22. Type of roof:Flat Pitched A. 23. Material or roof covering 15PH el(-T 24. Method of heating 0 t I- F)12L-t 13 641 fa. 25. Will the building conform to the Building and Zoning Ordinances? •E'5 26. Septic Tank? YE City Sewer? 27. Construction within 100 ft.of wetlands? NO 28. Construction within 100 year flood plain? PG 29. Estimated cost: Total $ 2.00 , No building or structure which is erected or altered,shall be used,in whole or in part,for any purpose until a certificate of occupancy is issued by the Building Inspector. n un ign ce tifies that the above statements are true to the be is kno ed and belief. ign ture Contractor Signa ur o Po le applicant RITTEN DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO B PLOT PLAN SHOW ALL GUI LE) INGS ON LOT EXISTING OR PROPOSED No. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO BUILD A DWELLING Location • Permit Granted 19 . . . . _ . . Approved Supt. of Buildings n w 0 IL FT. FRONTAGE STREET Dec 15 99 09: 35a City of Northampton 413 587 1576 P• 4 LEcR :IPEC: ISI ON MA 01060 NORTHAMPTON WATER DEPARTMENT 237 PROSPECT STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 587-1098 Subject: Municipal Water Availability • Location -108 Coles Meadow Road Roy Glangregorio 586-7708 Inquiry Made By: Date of Inquiry: November 15, 1999 Municipal Water Main in Front of Location: YES NO Size/Material/Age of Water Main: 10" A.C. 1957 • Approximate Street Pressure: 75 PSI Size of Service Connection: i 3/4" Comments: The Northampton Water Department maintains the water service in the City layout only. Appropriate documents stating each prospective homeowner's responsibility in regard to joint ownership and maintenance of the common water service must be submitted to the DPW. A corresponding"water entrance fee"shall be paid prior to making any confection to the municipal water system. Arrangements Of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Water Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. All wet* shall conform to Northampton Water Department specifications. les grow (/SuPFrintenden ater Enclosure: Letter to Frank Sienkiewicz from Sam Brindis,dated June 14, 1991. cc: Samuel B. Brindis,Direictor,DPW Guilford Mooring,Assistant Director,DPW George.Andrikidis,Assistant City Engineer Anthony Patillo,Building Inspector A:\W ATER\Availab l_50S Dec 15 99 09: 35a City of' Northampton 413 587 1576 p. 5 6 alz9/J4 WILHELM,SHIMEL&KING Attorneys at Law 74 King Strect Northampton, MA 01060 ARTHUR T.KING (1944-1983) TELEPHONE JOSEPH A.WILHELM 111 (413)586-3480 BRAD A.SHTMEL FAX (413)586-9540 November 24, 1999 George Andrikidis Northampton Department of Public Works 125 Locust Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Re: Ronald Paasch/Patricia Giangregorio Coles Meadow Road, Northampton Dear Mr. Andrikidis: As I believe you are aware, my clients, Ronald Paasch and Patricia Giangregorio, have acquired, and are working to develop land off Coles Meadow Road in Northampton. They .plan an on having common water lines serving individual lots which will be split at each house for separate metering. Mr. Paasch and Mrs. Giangregorio acknowledge and agree that they will be responsible for the maintenance. of these common water lines. My clients further agree that a Declaration of Restrictions and Maintenance Covenants will be recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds which specifically refers to the common lines and maintenance responsibility, and that the lot owners will thereafter be responsible for the maintenance of the lines. Written notice of the shared responsibility for the common lines will be given to each lot purchaser. The DPW will be granted a right to pass over the land to turn service on or off as required. I will provide the DPW with a copy of the Declaration of Restrictions and Maintenance Covenants as recorded in the Registry of Deeds. Kindly contact me if you require anything further. Sincerely, %XI n „r-11 • Brad A. Shimel `o ;`� . -v �:�t v _. pc: Ronald Paasch Patricia Giangregorio FORM 2-DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT frk__ 75 /0 7 is Commonwealth of Massachusetts e‘„ tip L' I ii l N N NORTHAMPTON, Massachusetts DEC 15 11 Disposal System Construction Permit 1F', :F.,!/ 3!tIGINSPECnnN No. 7 ' / Permission is hereby granted to ROY GIANGREGORIO to construct (X) or repair ( ) an On-site Sewage System located at LOT 5 COLES MEADOW ROAD and as described in the above Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions. All construction must be completed within two years of the date below. Date _�'7'` a-e `1 / 3- 7'2 5' ' Approved by , l'Ire --1-;1 D13-00 F CITY OF N O R T H A M P T O N, MASS. November 16, 1999 THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS The undersigned respectfully petiition your honorable body for Permission to install driveway at 108 Coles Meadow Road Common driveway Fifteen (15) foot maximum width at the street line. Gutter drainage not to be disturbed. All drainage shall be directed off the driveway surface to adjacent land and not on the existing roadway. Driveway surface to be paved if the grade of the proposed driveway exceeds 3% or more. By: Roy "a g eg ri. 586-7708 31 Rus ew Rig :_; , Florence, MA 01062 Proposed Location Inspected by: //-'/c6— 7 T 7 Gravel Base Grade Inspected by: Final Approval: THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Voted that petition be granted. $25.00 Fee Paid Ck No 4444 Samuel B. Brindis, P.E. , Director of Public Works (SUBJECT TO ATTACHED CONDITION 1 & 2) D13-00 Conditions: Driveway Permit In lieu of plan approved by City Engineer I agree to the following added conditions: 1) I will contact the Department of Public Works and have an inspector check and approve the graded gravel base prior to paving to insure compliance with slope and location; 2) I further agree that if in the inspections any of the permit conditions are not met that I will at no expense to the City remove and replace the driveway as directed by the City Engineer. By: Petit'on r NOTE: The Public Works Department recommends that you provide a plan showing the proposed driveway with grades and location in the future to avoid possible expense which you will incur by not getting approval of actual plans in advance. -,,:. •,�ti CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS e'' ` DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - Y0 ' 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 413-587-1570 Samuel B. Brindis, P.E. Fax 413-587-1576 Director, City Engineer Guilford B. Mooring, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Works BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS DRIVEWAY PERMIT GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REGULATIONS 1. A "Driveway Permit" is required in all cases where a new curb cut or an alteration to an existing curb cut is proposed on a City public way. 2. Driveway permits issued by the Board of Public Works (BPW) shall be attached to and become part of the "Building Permit" issued by the Building Inspector. 3. Prior to the issuance of a "Building Permit" the owner of any lot to be serviced by a new driveway shall apply to the BPW for a "Driveway Permit" by completing the pertinent portions of the permit (see attached). Once the location of the driveway is approved by the BPW, a building permit may be issued. 4. The Building Inspector shall not issue an "Occupancy Permit" unless the driveway to the lot has been approved by the BPW. 5. By the issuance of a driveway permit for the stated location, neither the City of Northampton nor the Department of Public Works imply that no drainage problems will result with the driveway when constructed. Properties situated or driveways installed in low lying areas in the path of the natural drainage will be subject to water problems. These problems may include water sheeting across roadways adjacent to the driveway. The City and the DPW assume no responsibility for any such drainage problems. The owner of the property is responsible for constructing and maintaining the driveway with adequate provision for natural water runoff situations. muel B Brindis, P.E. Director of Public Works C:\IvlyFiles\Lyn\Driveway Permit General Instructions • 60..E iI2-9 /S4 n WILHELM,SHIMEL & KING Attorneys at Law 74 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 ARTHUR J.KING (1944-1983) TELEPHONE JOSEPH A.WILHELM III (413) 586-3480 BRAD A.SHIMEL FAX (413) 586-9540 November 24 , 1999 George Andrikidis Northampton Department of Public Works 125 Locust Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Re: Ronald Paasch/Patricia Giangregorio Coles Meadow Road, Northampton Dear Mr. Andrikidis : As I believe you are aware, my clients, Ronald Paasch and Patricia Giangregorio, have acquired, and are working to develop land off Coles Meadow Road in Northampton. They plan on having common water lines serving individual lots which will be split at each house for separate metering. Mr. Paasch and Mrs . Giangregorio acknowledge and agree that they will be responsible for the maintenance of these common water lines . My clients further agree that a Declaration of Restrictions and Maintenance Covenants will be recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds which specifically refers to the common lines and maintenance responsibility, and that the lot owners will thereafter be responsible for the maintenance of the lines . Written notice of the shared responsibility for the common lines will be given to each lot purchaser. The DPW will be granted a right to pass over the land to turn service on or off as required. I will provide the DPW with a copy of the Declaration of Restrictions and Maintenance Covenants as recorded in the Registry of Deeds . Kindly contact me if you require anything further. Sincerely, c-) 1 Q ��C 10,3 Brad A. Shimel ;V pc : Ronald Paasch N Patricia Giangregorio ....... .._ . -- 4 —....-- , _.._... .. 54 6 N81 '1. ' /ri r / � � f /...' ' ------- 240 238 / /4" /\ / 4,iii_. .- ,- \., LOT 6I . ' ��'� 1\ . 6S4'. AGRES / \ / ..', �, 4 . ; i \it it)// \ - \ . 2 , g / \. / \ • .r4. 4b S8�' '15 55• ' ��I i 583• . gp E - ti : • 2a0 2 9 236 0 i► ��/► g perk 4e l ,' ,0 0 � LOT ; _ a ecz ° ham 1 . 839 ACRES T m Na12 • k'''N' t'ff. I .......—. 7 • veli .. . ' , ,...\\ I / /.........es,er // 4 sir,/ y�j o Ir\ 4.- V — 71): 6• z 0. • 256 0 : r / ,. sjw.. ___--- . • ,,, ›.----.::::_j___,e.,.._::: " , i F.6..d I 4 I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I PP, All I 111 h i .,....4 I li 1 I kh i % '-' SZ) • r "pR,pp'seO 4116, „ • Rio \ -. • 4iir/ifilpr - N6 \ .‘,._ . _ i N7:4. '33. 1111111114 CC „.„,„,.. PR„IIOPO [) °9 M 4, Q 3 •' `PF�/CA a, O 1 L) / O \ \ LOT/ • 4 �1� 2 . 253' ACRES Z w v _ pc 2D • / u. .9 J N �,) 232 .or O I N N U r .> W Q perc !b �- — r-IN A�,� 1C r c ........ ,.. H8A.ill'35. wIOE 4111101 % CAS • t` ......L...........4. / / AV 17175L11.7 . u %.108 • gate ('F' X;a° _ EX13r -_ .../ c�*I I M . 22 � ___ .` i LEGEND SILT FENCE ......+A.Ina HAYS ALE BARRIER t, B s 1 [ fl ENERGY CONSERVATION APPLICATION FORM IS DEC 5 1999 FOR LOW,-RISE'RESIDENTIAL NEW CONS FRUCTION ' PP ti ''G INSPECTop'f a G t 1'11Li'62C(op to Site Address: (O Co( S rtE4s 011—• 2O A.. , -;: ._.*.VSTCE K.t.010 (ZIAC. City/Town: Nv>Zi I-I 6 PTA l,-t rim uoct:14614Pro i 144) Use Group: Date of Application: 1 1 ' Applicant Phone: Applicant Signature: Compliance Path (check one): Ei Prescriptive Package (for 1- or 2-family residential buildings not heated by electric resistance) Fill in all values that apply from Table J5.2.1b: Package Number(A through KK): a. Gross Wall Area €(3 10 sq.ft f. Wall R-value R (ei b. Glazing R.O. Area 2.7 q sq.ft. g. Floor R-value R- 11 c. Glazing% (b - a) (c•`a'73 % h. Basement wall R- d. Glazing U-value U- • 36 i. Slab Perimeter R- e. Ceiling R-value R- 3° j. Heating AFUE 841 !''0L ED Component Performance (Manual Trade-Off) Climate Zone(from Figure J6.2.2) ri Zone 1.2 ii Zone 13 Zone 14 Attach Trade-Off Worksheet from Appendix J, [and HYAC Trade-Off Worksheet, if applicable] MAScheck Software Attach Compliance Report and Inspection Checklist printouts. 0 Systems Analysis LI Renewable Energy Sources Attach approved Analysis Official's Name: Official's Signature: Application Approved 0 Date of Approval: Application Denied ID Date of Denial: Reason(s) for Denial: -:`. .:. ::,,:..., • (over for more) BBRS 12/08/97 1 • • ~ss`(.•• r 78Q„CN R Appendix J. • Manual Trade-Off Worksheet- Builder Name `1 3. Gl-13i i2-E(�o t21O Date 124 I5l q q Per mit Builder Address �l 12'STLE t..C'O0 •OGE 1..7 11410 -' M A Checked E Site Address tGt4 COLES tl EAO0W RJ Nii-Toll Zone n12 013 Z114 Submitted By . - Phone --7?08 Date , ..' .,, ;••; �..: i44tA"'r :�!.,r , .�4.V 4. ,:4t;i •REQUIRED.; ': .. . . . .. . .� .. �..,..,PROPOSED . .•..:�.,.. Y. ..�� r:�, .�t��y.�:;�{� �,;.:..,:-,j _:, ? �.: Ceilings, Skylights, and Floors Over Outside Air Required Insulation x Net U-Value Description R-Value U-Value Area = UA (Table J6.2.211' x Area = U/ Ceiling ft2 (TableJ6.2.2a) 30 . 035 1090 --+ 36e16 , 0Z6 t ( tLi 28,16 Floor Over Outside Air Zy ft2 8y • (Table J6.2.2a) 30 . ft2 ft2 Total Area 1 f I cf ft2 r Walls, Windows, and Doors • Insulation x Net Required Description R-Value U-Value Area = UA U-Value x Area = U, Walls ft2 (Table J6.2.2b,c.d) l q Do 53 1-1 `10 --, 2 3 Z (,7 . 1 i 11-7 1 1 58,2-i Windows — ft2 - (NFRC or Table J1.5.3a) 0 Ov'`i 5 Z7q —' 29.17 Doors — ft2 NFRC or Table J1.5.3b) .09 yL —4 3,78 Sliding Glass Doors — ft2 (NFRC or Table J1.5.3a) ft2 ft2 Total Area en 1 1 ft2 ► Floors and Foundations Insulation Insulation x Area or Required Description Depth R-Value U-Value Perimeter = UA U-Value x Area = UP. Floor Over Unconditioned (Table Space J6.2.2e) 2.-(1 .G(9Z i080ft2 88,54 'OS to l Sy Basement Wall (Table ft2 J6.2.2f) Unheated Slab ft (Table J6.2.2g) in. Heated Slab ft (Table J6.2.2g) in. . • ft2 ft2 Total Proposed UA must be less Total , Total 17 than or equal to Total Required UA Proposed UAL' 7 Required UA W °' S - ••-nt of 4,-.mpliance:The proposed building design represented in these documents is consistent with the building plans, •pecificati„ns, : d o er cabeulations submitted with the permit application. .. C..0wiEMPo ' coves;0 `' Q-1( S/t9 , , ICU l(,Ili Ea---S fees •net . 1 Company Name Date . i 1 , • .(ttAMP2. - -��� 1 0lo r' g .. })' 1t UDC 15 1999 � x#�r golfn #I#ttntlr#un _=__ �'3" ( DEPT Of BUILDING INSPECTS ARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1 fvOriT�inFttrTGiV,Mf,01060 -_! �= Ll`L" {am Street • Municipal Building —_ Northampton, Mass. 01060 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE: AlcielUAVIT I, IZUL( 3: GIWt,402E6,OatL (licenseeipeJmittee) with a principal place of business/residence at: 3( ktd S1C.EV-oo0 A(O6E fihiTOlit H/' (phone#) S61G"7108 (sti txt/city/siate/ap) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that: ( ) I am an employer providing the following worker's compensation coverage for my employees working on this job: c►e Eel t? G6: El2 ii i- S USG l ?Cc 418 3C i cl 12 (6'6 - (Insurance Company) (Policy Number) (Expiration Date) ( ) I am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner (circle one) and have hired the contractors listed below who have the following worker's compensation policies: U&M-6*sc,LI (O•isuLertio1N ST ill- 1V.,S0krt.-Cs. iNic_©LIO3G7--(X) (II/ 0 (Name of Contractor) (Insurance Company/Policy Number) (Expiration Date) f f v�5 Inc.'Mei /(? Z.t$Ct---iw fWUiVi1L L3133o513g40 C 1bb/a° t1tt PSHI .c Cov-citETE kplu=(E,E.S IE-08 36oc2.9 39k cgti f oo (Name of Contractor) (Insurance Company/Poticy Number) (Expiration Date) G H► ti Ec-a- AM IUli.•5T4TE5 el w(=.80 6''7.6 G(2_/QC, (Name of Contractor) (Insurance Company/Policy Number) (Expiration Date) WALL NC) DO.1 v3(t Ce(:tot✓ lLS baL ,3oi2.L. 7tt 3 ?/f&tc (Name of Contractor) (Insurance Company/Policy Number) (Expiration Date) (attach additional sheet if n -r+.ry to include information pertaining to all ooatrador) ( ) I am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me. ( ) I am a home owner performing all the work myself. NOTE:plcaac be aware that while homcowrxr3 wbo employ pa:c-ss to do tnaintr-,.nr, com:rurion or repair work on a dwelling of not more than throe units in which the homoowoer raider or on the grounds appurtenant thereto arc oot generally considered to be employaa under the w odtct:onmp ration Act(GL152ss 1(5)).application by a homeowner for a license or permit may evidence the legal stanza of an employer under the Worker's Compomation Act. I understand that a copy of this rtaterne t may be forwarded to tbo Dcpertmcol of Jv”drial Accident?Oboe of Jasuraoeo for the coverage verification and that failure to st me coverage under section 25A of MOL 152 can lead to the impew;tion of criminal penalties oomishag of a fine of up to S 1,500.00 and/or imprison of up to one year and civa penalties in the form of a Stop Work Order and a .. .,1.00 a. i ;..•..• Me. I' For departmental use only • (211 SlO Permit Number O .i Map4 Lot 4 '... Bi u. .. Ito - ux , • law. �''C AI 'ttrt ' @ DEC I ja9.9 lo ; r pap i PROPO ALES CONt-tpunAl ••••••ai CUSTOmtR ACCT 0 2500H JOB# CURT0MER p0# 1- MD* 'BASH-5274 p R r'itiiiuss ecii.iivkiiiik , ,unfolor or ', snot DATE . I r r , wtimesALE mow toussEs ---' DATE OF INVOICE i / / REQ.OELIVERY DATE r i / i — 11 FA.I.1.3(NI) PARK RD, (518)87.8-7888 C"TED T° ;BRETT .ORDERED BY ,.) . . . ., ,•......._ ...4_... HuDsoN,NY 12514 FAX(S18)828.2881 . — . LEADER HOME CENTER • Job Name:C.C.S. •; ; 1123 BERNAROSToN RD . Model: Tag: GREENFIELD, MA 01301 DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: — . (413)7744311 il . SPECIAL INSTRUCTION& • BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0BD aY RICK AFRICAN° 40 LA RESIDENTIAL NEEL NElGHT .1'24 I BID DATE I 2/03/48 ....' . BID EXPIRES IN 14 DAYS Roof Trusses LOADING Tcu,.-Teri..act.L-8CD1.LATRits IN29 INFORMATION 1 40-0-1011-0,0•10-0 I --- 1-15 ROOF TRUSS SPACING: 24.0 IN. Q.C. (TYP.) I PROFILE QTY' PITCH TOE 1 SPAN [anal cANTR.EVER I OVERitAN,1_1 NOTES PLY t.....TOPIBOT , In FTmes TOPI SOT. _LEFT I Rant LEFT I Won ! _ _.. _ „esep!tt..., 6 i it 00 4.00 VAULTED !33_0040 x.442 x 4ins.ochoei i 01.00-00 01-00-00 — --- ..eirattu‘ ‘ 1 I 8.00I 0,00 clitall i ioi-co-oo oi-oc4o1 . , __i_ 1 , SOI GE 33-00-0(212 X 412 X 41 . I_ • • ..esi)\-, a I nos; 4:XII vmotie.,1 ° 1 vuronlii v-i-d!re dikti comi L_L__Llo 00 Dot Do o& . .. ...... 3 8.00 4,00 VAA.11.21T-ED 13200-0012 X 42 X 4 , Alltah, i i ! 8 00i 0.00 202A8GLE 132.004 ''0,.c X 1'12 X...''''' 101.0040101-00006 —1 gigiir-M-66:4EEN Viiikanin g?V Ai - i ni m Ani Roo! 0.00imoRtaxEEN3,00.0012x4i2 x 4 -..-7-........... ,, _ ! . t -j-- - • • , .. • . . • _ . ........ •...,•• .411:14.1 1 S.001 0.001 ?OLE GE ,32-00-00;x 412 x 4 . 01-0040 J_ i —4---..1 —'''I .r:1 X7111 4 3.00 0.0o QUEEN I 1.1-00-00R X 4s2 X.i. los-00-001 01 40-001 Z1,1.., 1 ! B.00i 000i ?AI 11140-00FX 41i2 X 1 101-00-00 01-00-001 ___._, • • N_-_,, .. ._'' _________ i •AZ ' I__,. t‘,,,,.. ;-5ply 8-00, 0.00 90Fr !11.00.00!2x4i2x6i , 8.00!' 00°' TO4 22-00-00 i;Z X 412 X.11 01-0 1 0-00101-00-00!! i .1.. • , h ; ,• zigaitt, i 8.001 0 001 STRUCTuR4122.00.0012 .1 A T X4i2X41 ioi-oo..0071-01-00-0o! __L. ___......i..........____.... cl._ 2........... ...j A nril: n rnit' t3R,-fiEptr't i 22430.04 X 412 x al, I I 01-00-00j 041... 2 ! 8,00; 0.00;' (11405"IN1 Lizoo-colp x 1______ 4'2x 41 loi-oo-oolai.00-oo ---t- ' --i- ; ..:6._... •0.001 gsEcr 1 124000 X d12 X 4 1 101-00-e401-00-00 . ,..-;•2„...,,..,..., 1 2 ! 8.00- 0.00! VAgy 04.00.00x 41'2 X 4 .........L-..,--.4---- ,, . ...._. .-„...... , ..-..........—..-. • AiNs., 2 i 8.* 0.00; VALLEY 0840.006 x 41,x 4; . i ! 2....0076.. .. I 8.00: 0.00! .12.00..00i;x Al2 x 4; I T- .., 1 ,,,. . , ...L.. VI2VALLEY ! i Je'T.N. 1 1 1 two! 0 eel V E-y ALL ;16.c0.00x 412x 41 _J ,.. ..,.,,q,nt.....p„i i - 1 Vie • I .. .,,,,,,N 11 800; ono vALLEy i20.00.00x4i2x4! ! -4---L-1-1 l .._:. 10 'cl 168Z828819 'ON Xlzi , tql.01114 Ut).11 1110.1 Ill (lc‘r•et t 7.I 7 "fk "ON A•4 n i iEli 3 /. o 7 TO II TO013 _ I ----- ...___+ _ I 1i, r��ciel_ar ___ M S 'a lulu m , • i a: ill I 1 I ' I I I -d {• f VI I f I I 1trf La N C\I I , 4 N tV ,, N0.I ra 1N1 O • • 1 Act (ti I f l' 111.1"Di 1 I 1 � I • ICl dQ O dl Q I _. r I 1r; ill vo, 11 i; } ( anbillal 1 1 f ./:�f� Lam! , _ T . TQ4GE 111 II 0 05- TOSGE L ..- _ .- ______ _ c.n .A tAR7R709iG '(1N IW4 1,41Cltnu CenMtt m t.td TC.Cn tva co_cn_nnrt • 00t1/V f P7O �\ -\ e 1z " :r e D I # 0assnch�nidt. - �'�� � ' DEC 1519�9 1_ �+"} EP NT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR DEPT OF BUILDING INSP h a; Street • Municipal Building C,,4 ,;!'' NORTI!A r�TOI�,MR QIG6Q 'O thampton, Mass. 01060 Square Footage Amount Basement @ .10 l( VO A lal 1st Floor @ .40 MO Ly yciLI 2nd Floor @ .20 I 0 rf 1 4 Z f 6 1/2 Floors, Attic, Garage .10 4(-0Zb` f- 4/6 Deck, Porches .10 qa tit , 9 4aZ.' TOTAL r ` DEC 151999 OF INSPECTIONS DE NORTHAMPTON MA1 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON BUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST All 1&2 Family Projects The following items are to be considered MINIMUM information to be submitted with ALL permit applications Address: A Scaled drawings & details shall be submitted with each application proposing construction, reconstruction, addition,alteration, or repair. The building official may waive the requirements for filing plans when work is of a minor nature. B. Scaled drawings & details shall indicate&describe all proposed work, including location, size,grade of materials &equipment to be used. [)4 C. PLOT PLAN, property address; map &lot number, zoning district&overlays (such as wetlands). Show well and septic locations (if applicable) VI Location of lot lines, dimensions of lot, frontage Location &dimensions of public easements,public utility easements, railroad right of ways , and established zoning setback requirements.1)4 Locations &dimensions of primary and accessory buildings &structures. (�] D. FLOOR PLANS, floor plan of each floor and intermediate levels including basements, crawlspaces, terraces, porches garages, carports, and decks, showing existing condition and proposed construction. Dimensions, locations & materials of foundations, footings, columns & piers (including reinforcing when required) [, Direction, dimensions, spacing &grade of all framing (floors, roofs, walls, partitions) 1$J. Location of all walls, partitions, windows, stairs &doors [ Location &description of all electrical equipment , alarm devices and smoke detectors [K] Location &type of all heating and air conditioning (HVAC)equipment. pi 1-IVAC schematics (where required check with building inspector) [ EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. Front, rear & side elevations including foundation and finish grades. t9 Location & dimensions of windows &doors. [)4„ Description of exterior cladding or siding material. v Show exterior stair locations & dimensions. tyL Show chimney and vent locations lQ DETAILS & SECTIONS, Sections through exterior walls showing details of construction from footing to the highest point of the building. 1X Sections through fireplaces &chimneys (show clearances)DiQ Location & details of any roof trusses. relue-lam, or eneincereri conn-Hon details and Massachusetts professionals stamp on specification sheet) ?1 Exterior envelope energy requirements : Uo-of walls, roof-ceiling&floors..OR.. R value of walls/roof/floor, also percent of window area to wall area.'1N DEC 3 0 1999 ' DEPT 0� ' ��SPECTIOh`, O-DEC-1999 10:42:07 Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Receipt No: 119874 Marianne L. Donohue, Register of Deeds 33 King Street Northampton, MA 01060-3298 game: NORTHAMPTON OFFICE OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Addr: CITY HALL, 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-0000 Receipt Type: OR Payment Total Pages: 0006 Fees Taxes Fee: $ 20.00 Cash: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Tax: $ 0.00 Check: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Misc: $ 0.00 Charge: $ 20.00 Charge Code: NOPL Comment: 1- PLAZA EXTENSION PERM " .,,_ L PERMIT CN OR^.)tw"y Receipted By: DIANE Status: PAID DOCUMENTS: 990035480 to 990035481 ype Page Doc Mref Consider$ Record Fee Excise Tax Stat Misc Fee Record Date Document# Book/No/Page Status IS3 002 0001 0001 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 30-DEC-1999 10:41 990035480 OR /5860/0122 INIT IS3 004 0001 0000 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 30-DEC-1999 10:41 990035481 OR /5860/0124 INIT Page 0001 of 0001 ,li,y r —TEN/— yy � o< 'rd Anthony Patillo Building Inspector ! / — / • NORTHAMPTON WATER DEPARTMENT 237 PROSPECT STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 587-1098 Subject: Municipal Water Availability Location: 108 Coles Meadow Road Inquiry Made By• Roy Giangregorio 586-7708 Date of Inquiry; November 15, 1999 Municipal Water Main in Front of Location: YES X NO Size/Material/Age of Water Main: 10" A.C. 1957 Approximate Street Pressure: 75 PSI Size of Service Connection: 3/4" Comments : The Northampton Water Department maintains the water service in the City layout only. Appropriate documents stating each prospective homeowner's responsibility in regard to joint ownership and maintenance of the common water service must be submitted to the DPW. A.corresponding"water entrance fee" shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal water system. Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Water Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. All work shall conform to Northampton Water Department specifications. • 1:/s/g/gs/ uperintenden ater Enclosure: Letter to Frank Sienkiewicz from Sam Brindis, dated June 14, 1991. cc: Samuel B. Brindis, Director, DPW Guilford Mooring, Assistant Director, DPW George Andrikidis, Assistant City Engineer Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector i/ a/L9 �y4 WILHELM,SHIMEL& KING Attorneys at Law 74 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 ARTHUR J.KING (1944-1983) TELEPHONE JOSEPH A.WILHELM III (413)586-3480 BRAD A.SHIMEL FAX (413)586-9540 November 24 , 1999 George Andrikidis Northampton Department of Public Works 125 Locust Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Re: Ronald Paasch/Patricia Giangregorio Coles Meadow Road, Northampton Dear Mr. Andrikidis : As I believe you are aware, my clients, Ronald Paasch and Patricia Giangregorio, have acquired, and are working to develop land off Coles Meadow Road in Northampton. They plan on having common water lines serving individual lots which will be split at each house for separate metering. Mr. Paasch and Mrs . Giangregorio acknowledge and agree that they will be responsible for the maintenance of these common water lines . My clients further agree that a Declaration of Restrictions and Maintenance Covenants will be recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds which specifically refers to the common lines and maintenance responsibility, and that the lot owners will thereafter be responsible for the maintenance of the lines . Written notice of the shared responsibility for the common lines will be given to each lot purchaser. The DPW will be granted a right to pass over the land to turn service on or off as required. I will provide the DPW with a copy of the Declaration of Restrictions and Maintenance Covenants as recorded in the Registry of Deeds . Kindly contact me if you require anything further. Sincerely, • zr, - c„ Brad A. Shimel -v t; pc : Ronald Paasch ry Patricia Giangregorio