ORDER of Taking of Certain Temporary and Permanent Easements for Alteration of Certain Public WaysORDER OF TAKING The undersigned, being the duly elected and sitting members of the City Council of the City of Northampton, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acting under the authority of and in accordance with the provisions of General Laws of the Commonwealth, as from time to time amended, and more particularly Chapter 79 and Chapter 82, and pursuant to theOrder of the Northampton City Council, a true copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, does hereby take, for and on behalf of the Inhabitants of the City of Northampton,the temporary and permanent easements in, on, under and over the parcels referencedin Exhibit B, for all purposes for which public ways are used in the City of Northampton, including the alterationofParsons Street, Bridge Street, Pomeroy Terrace, Hawley Street, North Street, Highland Avenue, Walnut Street, and Cherry Street, each apublic way in and for the City of Northampton, in accordance with the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School program. The permanent easements hereby taken are shown on a plan (three sheets) entitled, “Street Alteration and Easement Plan, Plan of Land in Northampton, MA Prepared for the City of Northampton," dated March 3, 2022,to be recorded herewith.The temporary easements hereby taken are shown as on a plan (five sheets) entitled, “Temporary Easement Plan, Plan of Land in Northampton, MA Prepared for the City of Northampton," dated March 3, 2022, to be recorded herewith. The owners of the parcels taken hereunder, and the damages awarded, if any, are set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto. In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 79 § 6, as amended, such damage awards are made by the City of Northampton for damages sustained by the owner or owners and all other persons, including all mortgagees of record, having any interest in the property and entitled to any damages by reason of the taking. The City of Northampton reserves the right to amend the award at any time prior to payment for good cause shown. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly elected and sitting members of the City Council of the City of Northampton, have executed this Order of Taking this _____ day of ______________, 2022. WITNESS TO ALL: CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MA ______________________________________________________________________ Marissa ElkinsJamila Gore AT-LARGE COUNCILOR AT-LARGE COUNCILOR ______________________________________________________________________ Stanley W. Moulton, IIIKaren Foster WARD 1 COUNCILORWARD 2 COUNCILOR ______________________________________________________________________ James NashGarrick M. Perry WARD 3 COUNCILORWARD 4 COUNCILOR ______________________________________________________________________ Alex JarrettMarianne L. LaBarge WARD 5 COUNCILORWARD 6 COUNCILOR ____________________________________ Rachel Maiore WARD 7 COUNCILOR CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MA I, Laura Krutzler, the Clerk of the City Council of the City of Northampton, MA, hereby certify that the attached Order of Taking of certain easements located in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, was executed on __________________, 2022, by Marissa Elkins,JamilaGore, Stanley W. Moulton, III, Karen Foster, James Nash, Garrick M. Perry, Alex Jarrett, Marianne L. LaBarge, and Rachel Maiore, who as of that day, were and are the duly elected members of the City Council of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts.Signed this _____ day of ______________, 2022.______________________________________Laura KrutzlerClerk to City CouncilCity of Northampton, Massachusetts EXHIBIT A CITY COUNCIL ORDER EXHIBIT B OWNERS AND LIENHOLDERS 1.Parcel E-1 and TE-1: 117 North Street: Book 13556, Page 76 Owner: Susan McEvoy, 117 North Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder: None 2.Parcel TE-2: 86 Parsons Street: Book 3718, Page 230 Owner: Patricia M. Kingston, 86 Parsons Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder: None 3.Parcel TE-3: 82 Parsons Street: Book 5903, Page 175 Owner 1: Jill Boski,, 86 SE Cutter Lane, Vancouver, WA 98661 Owner 2: Barbara Boski, 82 Parsons Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder: None 4.Parcel E-2 and TE-4: 36 Highland Ave: Book 13320, Page 183 Owner: Erik W. Cheries, 36 Highland Avenue, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder Bank of America: Book 13320, Page 186 101 South Tyron Street Charlotte, NC 28255 5.Parcel E-3 and TE-5: 37 Highland Ave: Book 8104, Page 185 Owner 1: Jenny M. Hein, P.O. Box 833, Northampton, MA 01061 Lienholder: None 6.Parcel TE-6: 22 Linden Street: Book 1629, Page 227 Owner 1: Donald R. Dion, P.O. Box 656, Hadley, MA 01035 Lienholder: None 7.Parcel E-4 and TE-7: 17 Linden Street: Book 13938, Page 170 Owner 1: StefanaSoitos, 7 Dwight Street, Watertown, MA 02472 Owner 2: Stephen Soitos(life estate holder), 17 Linden Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder: None 8.Parcel E-5 and TE-8: 34 Parsons Street: Book 1801, Page 49 Devisees under the Will ofJean C. Michalowski: Owner 1: Deborah J. Laprade, c/o Thomas F. Laparade, 38 Dwight Street, Hatfield, MA 01038 Owner 2: Karen M. Bridges, 44 Dwight Street, Hatfield, MA 01038 Owner 3: Sharon L. Hill, 6536 Yankee Road, Liberty Township, OH 45044 Owner 4: Linda J. Scarsella, 1756 Stoney Creek Court, Valpraiso, IN 46385 Lienholder Linda Manor Extended Care Facility 349 Haydenville Road, Leeds, MA 01053 9.Parcel E-6 and TE-9: 60 Walnut Street: Book 7611, Page 15 Owner: James L. Podolak, P.O Box 387, Northampton, MA 01061 Lienholder Easthampton Savings Bank: Book 11511, Page 238 36 Main Street, Easthampton, MA 01027 10.Parcel E-7 and TE-10: 24 Parsons Street: Book 9500, Page 351 Owner: Dana L. Gillette, 168 Chestnut Street, Florence, MA 01062 Lienholder 1 Greenfield Cooperative Bank: Book 14405, Page 101 63 Federal Street, P.O. Box 1345, Greenfield, MA 01302-1345 11.Parcel E-8 and TE-11: 72 Cherry Street: Book 5697, Page 97 Owner: Frederick C. Zinn and Megan E. Rubiner-Zinn, 72 Cherry Street, Northampton MA 01060 Lienholder Greenfield Cooperative Bank: Book 13565, Page 52 63 Federal Street, P.O. Box 1345, Greenfield, MA 01302-1345 12.Parcel E-9 and TE-12: 71 Cherry Street: Book 11659, Page 28 Owner: Richard D. Lloyd and Binda Colebrook, 71 Cherry Street, Northampton MA 01060 Lienholder 1 Greenfield Savings Bank: Book 11659, Page 31 400 Main Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 Lienholder 2 UMASS Five College Credit Union: Book 11895, Page 288 200 Westgate Center Drive P.O. Box 1060, Hadley, MA 01035 13.TE-13: 14 Parsons Street: Book 2978, Page 97 Owner: Kevin C. Netto and Jovita B. Netto, 90 Southampton Road, Westhampton MA 01027 Lienholder Northampton Cooperative Bank: Book 10550, Page182 67 King Street, Northampton, MA 01060 14.TE-14: 10 Parsons Street: Book 10003, Page 154 Owner: Joseph F. Panzica, Christopher A. Panzica and Edward M. Panzica, 6760 Greenbier Drive, Largo, FL 33777 Lienholder: None 15.TE-15: 78 Union Street: Book 10557, Page 206 Owner: Hailu S. Dyami, 78 Union Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder 1 Bank of America: Book 10577, Page 209 101 South Tyron Street Charlotte, NC 28255 Lienholder 2 Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America: Book 10577, Page 229 3607 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Lienholder 3 Hampden Bank: Book 11344, Page 205 10 Harrison Avenue, Springfield, MA 01103 16.TE-16: 2 Pomeroy Terrace: Book 3166, Page 193 Owner: Pomeroy Terrace Condominium Trust Helen M. Wrobleski, 2 Pomeroy Terrace, Unit 1, Northampton, MA 01060 Rebecca L. Shannon, 2 Pomeroy Terrace, Unit 2, Northampton, MA 01060 Vasilios Tourloukis, 2 Pomeroy Terrace, Unit 3, Northampton, MA 01060 Arthur P. Apostolou, 2 Pomeroy Terrace, Unit 4, Northampton, MA 01060 Charles William O’Neill and Patricia Formant (Unit 5), 113 Kirk Crossing Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 Holly J. Keith (Unit 6), P. O. Box 924, Northampton, MA 01061 Dorien Miller and Jeffrey Zesiger, 2 Pomeroy Terrace, Unit 7, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder: None 17.TE-17: 111 Hawley Street: Book 1317, Page 391 Owner: Edwin C. Glowatsky and Carl E. Glowatsky, 49 Henry Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder: None 18.Parcel E-10 and TE-18: 123 Hawley Street: Book 9322, Page 161 Owner: 123 Hawley Street, LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company, 309 Williamsburg Road, P. O. Box 580, Williamsburg, MA 01096 Lienholder Easthampton Savings Bank: Book 10806, Page 276 36 Main Street, Easthampton, MA 01027 19.TE-20: 33 Hawley Street: Book 11496, Page 73 Owner: Northampton Community Arts Trust, Inc, a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, 33 Hawley Street, P.O Box 366, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder: None 20.E-11, TE-22 and TE-23: 2 Parsons Street: Book 11834, Page 65 Owner: City of Northampton, Department of Parks and Recreation, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder: None 21.TE-24: 156 Bridge Street: Book 13291, Page 83 Owner: City of Northampton, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Lienholder: None 22.TE-21: 28-30 Holyoke Street: Book 9383, Page 126 Owner: James P. Kwiecinski and Cynthia L. Kwiecinski of 47 Hannum Brook Drive, Easthampton, MA 01027 Lienholder 1 Florence Savings Bank: Book 9387, Page 78 85 Main Street, Florence, MA 01062 Lienholder 2 Florence Savings Bank: Book 10603, Page 237 85 Main Street, Florence, MA 01062 EXHIBIT C DAMAGES FOR EASEMENTS TAKEN Ref Property Owner Address Taking Area(SF) Damages E-1 Susan McEvoy 117 North Street 45 $410 TE-1 Susan McEvoy 117 North Street 896 $         2,420 TE-2 Patricia M. Kingston 86 Parsons Street 353 $1,410 E-2 Erik W. Cheries 36 Highland Avenue 1 $ 10 TE-4 Erik W. Cheries 36 Highland Avenue 252 $            700 E-3 Jenny M. Hein 37 Highland Avenue 13 $120 TE-5 Jenny M. Hein 37 Highland Avenue 560 $ 1,550 TE-6 Donald R. Dion 22 Linden Street 482 $ 1,700 E-4 StefanaSoitos 17 Linden Street 181 $ 1,270 TE-7 StefanaSoitos 17 Linden Street 774 $         1,630 E-5 Edward & Jean Michalowski 34 Parsons Street 383 $2,780 TE-8 Edward & Jean Michalowski 34 Parsons Street 441 $            960 E-6 James L. Podolak 60 Walnut Street 889 $7,890 TE-9 James L. Podolak 60 Walnut Street 936 $2,490 E-7 Dana L. Gillette 24 Parsons Street 192 $2,690 TE-10 Dana L. Gillette 24 Parsons Street 602 $         3,370 E-8 Frederick C. Zinn and Megan E. Rubiner-Zinn 72 Cherry Street 122 $ 1,710 TE-11 Frederick C. Zinn and Megan E. Rubiner-Zinn 72 Cherry Street 556 $         2,340 E-9 Richard Lloyd and Binda Colebrook (donation) 71 Cherry Street 2 $0 TE-12 Richard Lloyd and Binda Colebrook (donation) 71 Cherry Street 161 $0 TE-3 Barbara J. Boski and Jill M. Boski 82 Parsons Street 292 $0 E-11 City of Northampton (Northampton Public Schools) 2 Parsons Street 12 $0 TE-22 City of Northampton (Northampton Public Schools) 2 Parsons Street 2038 $0 TE-23 City of Northampton (Northampton Public Schools) 2 Parsons Street 20 $0 TE-13 Kevin C. Netto and Jovita B. Netto 14 Parsons Street 307 $ 850 TE-14 Joseph F. & Christopher Panzica et. als 10 Parsons Street 247 $ 240 TE-15 Hailu S. Dyami 78 Union Street 634 $ 2,530 TE-16 Pomeroy Terrace Condominium 2 Pomeroy Terrace 448 $ 1,210 TE-17 Edwin C. Glowatsky and Carl E. Glowatsky 111 Hawley Street 682 $ 1,430 TE-18 123 Hawley Street, LLC 123 Hawley Street 826 $ 1,730 TE-20 Northampton Community Arts Trust 33 Hawley Street 812 $0 TE-21 James P. Kwiecinski and Cynthia L. Kwiecinski 28 Holyoke Street 282 $ 760