43-148 Copy of home building plans
Subject: Copy of home building plans q3-143-00
From: Ruth Constantine <rconstan8@gmail.com>
Date: 2/23/2022, 10:22 AM
To: bwillard@northamptonma.gov
Thank you for talking to me by phone about whether I can obtain a copy of the building plans for my
home. My name is Ruth Constantine and I'm the homeowner of 111 Whittier St, Florence. My house
was completed in 1996, and I bought it from the prior owner in 1999. The house was built by a
contractor named Hamel (first name John, I think), who built it as a spec house so it seems likely he
designed it himself.
I look forward to hearing from you about whether the building plans are on file with your office and if
so, whether I can get a copy of them.
Thanks so much in advance for your help!
Ruth C.
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