15 Hebert Avenue.pdf 15 Hebert Avenue, Northampton (pre-1900) Joan Karkut 15 Hebert Ave. Northampton, MA 01060 Joan Karkut 15 Hebert Ave. Northampton, MA 01060 Joan Karkut 15 Hebert Ave. Northampton, MA 01060 MASSACHUSETTS SMALL CITIES PROGRAM SECTION 106 REVIEW PIONEER VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION 60 Congress Street, Floor 1, Springfield, MA 01104 PART I : DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY Owner’s Name: _____Joan Karkut_____________ Property Address: _____15 Hebert Avenue (pre-1900)___________ City/Town: _____ Northampton_______________________________________________ Proposed Scope of Work: PRIORITY PROJECT-Failed drain line from the septic system to the house and water is leaking into the basement. The tank needs to be pumped and the 6 inch drain line needs to be dug up and replaced. Section 106 review not required: Comment: __ Property is on the National Register: Comment: Property is eligible for the National Register: Individually significant Contributing structure Comment: Property is not currently eligible for the National Register: Comment: This property is potentially eligible for the National Register due to age but it is not documented and there are no other documented properties on Hebert Avenue. It is not within or in close proximity to a local, state, or National Register historic district. The proposed scope of emergency work will not adversely impact any remaining significant exterior architectural features. If ground disturbance uncovers artifacts, they should be left where they are found and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Archaeologist should be contacted as soon as possible at (617) 626-1377. February 11, 2022 Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________________ Shannon Walsh, Historic Preservation Planner Reviewed by: ___________________________________ Date: __2/14/22______________ City/Town ECO cc: Keith Robitaille, Housing Rehabilitation Specialist