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City of North- Massachusetts , • • r RECEIVE.4. c:S •14 'if'1 7-7 DEPARTI.MNT OF BUI.LDING IN.PEC 7.I'0175 't,';, iitglgkl' \RT..:ohll'r-,,, -'''''' 212 Main Street 0 Municipal 131#1 'n CT 1 - Northampton, MA 010-0 i a •Pi;j4-."-'1.-::' I 3,4 INSPECTOR nEPT.oF Rua Anthony Patillo COMPLAINT Fe = '.i'lt)91 INSPECTIO f 34 HAMPION.MA 01060 NIS Building Commissioner Received via: Telephone [ ] - Complaint No.: Personal [A' Date: , 20, Letter [ ] Time: AM [ ] PM [ ] Email [ ] Telephone No. : ( ! ) . Complainant's Name. * 65.121 kck.., :; 4-l-0,4-A-c-\ t , , Complainant's Addr: Wocs.._ tAk.tce._ koz.k.NrcSall ........ t-ArK_VeDc>- Cov.,-.. , 1 Complainant's Email: ' Nr Complaint received by: ! , , z Violation(s) of: [I], hapter 350, Zoning Ordinances City of Northampton [ kei 780 CMR, Massachusetts State Building Code Complaint reported against: ' Telephone No. : ( , Name: el-61 govt.1/4„ .... (41--14,t-t.-still.) _____) : . i Address: S 2_ , 1 . Location of complaint: 37 ', yno., t.e_, Z . Map: Lot: Signature(s) of Complainant(s): 7<r,.... 1 Ci., Nature of complaint: jAA.f.,v,..,Q 0,6e....0„.,X- kop.A.,.,,. ; . Volz,„,,k_ 1/4/, (-- ry y-vyt k.s -1/4c, (\ft' 1-aat „ ,.-k-‘,...fro,),,' tAkee ____Ivetrcr..4",...... icr...k lry)...64& Crt.C. :ka. ‘ \c ‘.5 Z. ef.... ict...a-it, k, 4:::?..rc..• 1 (-4-4.4_,Itak._ ,ors_L\- or....zo. . Al.& IIIR,A)4- .f3 .-.-ciA -r17"Art•kv& 0\AA\ Az cw tN-00"-N ihaltimauh-k—ewe iLANtir.9....1.ctiti.te c kb(1,,,,t, R. „,,, ,,,P- , Logged: Yes [ ] No [ ] , Investigation: Yes [ ] No [ ] Investigatedijy , r ' ,..:. r