32A-135 (3) • ; /A-40,6 ,57-,4.-.- -y----c3dA-A35- Q�THAIIT\T ;,t City of Northampton, Massachusetts Office of Planning and Development �Q' ' + City Hall, 210 Main Street � Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 586-6950 (413) 586-3726 fax MEMORANDUM TO: Sam Brindis,Director,DPW1T) E v 1 111 FROM: Penelope Kim,OPD MAY 2 la U . REGARDS: Sandwich Board Signs DEOHAPPA010NSNRTMON MA INSPECTIONS DATE: May 1, 1995 i I attach a copy of a letter received by the Mayor,Wayne Feiden and myself dated 4/24/95 from Denis Perlman regarding Sandwich Board signs. Would you kindly discuss with the Board of Public Works your recommendation in this matter?There appears to be two questions to address and then several courses of action to consider. Question 1: Should businesses located on Rte.5(King Street and Pleasant Street)be allowed to advertise by Sandwich Board signs on Main Street? 1. If yes,then how can the DPW regulations insure that there are no safety hazards or clutter at the Main and King/Pleasant intersections? 2.. If no,what is the best way to remedy the situation? a) through DPW regulation or b) through a change in the Zoning Ordinance Section 7.9. Said change would alter Section 1)"those restaurants and retail business establishments in the CB District not fronting on Main Street"... by adding"exclusive of establishments on King and Pleasant streets". - -- Question 2: Should businesses located on Rte.5(King and Pleasant streets)below street level be allowed to use Sandwich Board signs at/near their location? 1. If yes,Section 7.9 of the Zoning Ordinance could be amended by adding:1 • . "4) those restaurants and retail businesses establishments in the CB District fronting on King and • Pleasant streets whose location is solely above or below street level..." 2. If no,then the DPW's regulations would apply once the Zoning Ordinance is amended as under Question 1 above. Thank you for your assistance in expediting the resolution of this inquiry. cc: Mary L.Ford,Mayor Denis Perlman Councilor Michael Bardsley Frank Sienkiewicz,Building Inspector Wayne Feiden,Principal Planner Kathleen Fallon,City Solicitor _-. c:\wp\daily\sanbrd.mem - , - Silverscape Designs #1 King.Street Northampton, MA 01060 413 584-3324 April 24, 1995 Ms. Penny Kim do Northampton Planning Board City of Northampton Northampton, MA 01,060 To Ms. Kim: write you this letter to bring your attention to some details in the sidewalk sign ordinance. I hope that the language of that bylaw can be improved for the betterment of the Northampton community. There is by right an allowance for business owners on side streets to get a special permit to place a directional "sandwich board sign" on Main Street to direct pedestrian traffic to their place of business. In general, I appreciate the usefulness of this practice both for the businesses and the pedestrians. Perhaps by oversight this ordinance includes the central intersection in downtown Northampton: that of King and Pleasant meeting Main Street. The fact that they are state Routes 5 and 10 tells the story that these are major thoroughfares. As a business owner at#1 King street, I feel that these signs are not only an unattractive addition to the gateway to downtown Northampton, but - 1. also present something of a hazard to the crowds of people who wait at this intersection to cross in many directions, and then pass by. it is my strongest contention that ground floor businesses on Routes 5 and 10 can improve their. own signs if they want or need greater visibility, at their place of business. I would very much appreciate any suggestions you might give me to help get the language of this ordinance rewritten, for the betterment of Northampton. APR 8 Thanking you, • (9, / 3 — I g Denis Perlman City of Northampton, Massachusetts 04 pi3O 4. Office of Planning and Development City Hall • 210 Maln Street A dog`,�� �1 r • Northampton, MA 01060 • (413)586-6950 . ice •. at ;yl► - FAX(413) 586-3726 .��) .v�; �(� •Community and Economic Development ,�•� •Conservation •Historic Preservation r+r �Prn n •Planning Board•Zoning Board of Appeals .-" •Northampton Parking Commission l May 1, 1995 • Mr. Denis Perlman Silverscape Designs 1 King Street . Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. Perlman: . .- , • RE: SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS . .We spoke several weeks ago about the location of Sandwich Board signs on .the. corners of King/Pleasant . and Main Street. At that time I suggested you contact the DPW and your ity Councilor to seek a change in the Ordinance and the DPWregulations. Several of us recently received a letter dated 4/25/95 from you on this subject. In order to insure that our efforts are co- ordinated toward an appropriate resolution of this matter, I have prepared the -attached memo to Sam Brindis, Director. of the DPW, and am sending copies of °the memo to all interested City parties . Once the Board of Public Works has acted on this matter, we will proceed with any necessary changes. Please feel free to contact me regarding the status of this matter. Sincerely, . Penelope G. Kim cc: Mary L. Ford, Mayor and others ORIGINAL PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 4 2 . Pre-existing nonconforming projecting signs in the Central Business District. (Amended 5/18/89 and 10/6/94) Section 7.7 Nonconforming, Non-Accessory (General Advertising) • Signs. All nonconforming, non-accessory signs in existence and lawfully erected before the adoption of this Ordinance may continue to be maintained, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 7. 0, provided, however, that no proposed new non-accessory sign shall be permitted in any District from and after the adoption of this Ordinance. (Amended 12/6/70) Section 7.8 Permit and Fees. No sign shall be erected, altered or enlarged until a permit has been issued by the Building Commissioner.. Such permit shall be issued only if the sign complies or will comply with all ' applicable .provisions of this Ordinance. The permit and/or permit number shall be affixed to the sign in the manner prescribed by the Building: Commissioner. A schedule of fees for such permits may be determined from time to time by the City Council. The provisions of this section shall not apply to signs permitted in a residential area nor to temporary signs allowed under the provisions of Section 7.2 of this Ordinance. (Amended 10/6/94) Section 7.9 Stationary Sandwich Board Signs. , Stationary off- premise sandwich board signs (intended for pedestrian orientation) are permitted on Main Street sidewalks in the Central Business (CB) District and Bridge Street sidewalks in the Neighborhood Business (NB) District only. Such signs may be used only by: 1) those restaurants and retail business establishments in the CB District riot fronting on Main Street; and 2) those restaurants and retail business establishments in the CB District fronting on Main Street, whose location is solely above or below street level; and 3) those restaurants and retail business establishments in the NB District not fronting on Bridge' Street. All sandwichl board signs must receive a permit from the Northampton Board of Public Works in accordance with the Provisions of Sections 3-1,7 and 3-18 of the Code of ordinances for the City of Northampton. (Amended 7/18/91) October 7, 1994 7-10