Memo_CarbonSequestration_Feb2019Northampton Memo on Carbon Sequestration | Linnean Solutions 1
To: The City of Northampton
From: Linnean Solutions
Date: February 18, 2019
Re: Research and recommendations for approaches to enhance carbon sequestration
Note: This memorandum is written to share the research behind the strategies developed for
carbon sequestration. The content of this memorandum will be included in the Appendix of the
Northampton Climate Resilience and Regeneration Plan.
While beyond the scope of this project, there is a wealth of further publications and ongoing
research that discuss the species, forest and agricultural management processes, chemical
processes, and climatic variables that will play a role in impacting the carbon balance between
soils and biomass and the atmosphere. We recommend further research—and potentially
collaboration with researchers in the biogeochemistry field—for further refinement of strategies
to maximize carbon sequestration and storage potential.
Context: Building Soil Carbon
Soils represent the largest reservoir of terrestrial carbon on the planet, storing more carbon than
vegetation and the atmosphere combined (Lorenz & Lal, 2012). The potential for carbon
sequestration in urban soils, in particular, has far been underplayed in the literature, yet urban
areas retain significant percentages of soil cover that can positively contribute to regenerative
land practices and climate change mitigation (Brown, Miltner, & Cogger, 2012; Renforth,
Edmondson, Leake, Gaston, & Manning, 2011). Strategies for enhancing carbon sequestration
and storage within biomass (i.e., trees and other vegetation) largely go hand-in-hand with efforts
to increase the soil carbon pool.
The health and carbon-carrying capacity of soil depends on a number of factors, including
compaction, erosion, decomposition, plant productivity, and maintenance (Renforth et al., 2011).
Data on these specific factors are therefore key to understanding which strategies will be most
appropriate by location and soil condition, and evaluating the city’s soil cover and soil conditions
is a useful starting point for understanding the potential for carbon sequestration through
proactive urban soil management. A soil evaluation of this type can take a number of forms; the
European Union’s Urban Soil Management Strategy program, for example, recommends the
following steps for the practical implementation of urban soil management:
1. Data collection on soil quality, including contamination and land take;
2. Evaluation of soil quality, current land use, existing urban development concepts and
Northampton Memo on Carbon Sequestration | Linnean Solutions 2
3. Definition of goals for soil protection, including thresholds for acceptable land
consumption and the resulting needs for soil management;
4. Selection and application of the most promising strategies and tools for urban soil
5. Monitoring of soil management implementation;
6. Evaluation of goals achievement.
A soil management strategy lays the groundwork for tracking changes in soil health, and a
deliberate process for enhancing carbon sequestration and storage, biological activity, and
water infiltration. It also further justifies conscious and proactive policies for conserving the city’s
healthy soils.
The subsequent sections of this memorandum review a range of strategies currently being
employed or actively studied as techniques for increasing soil carbon sequestration and
regeneration along three core opportunity areas: forests, parklands, and agricultural land.
Carbon Sequestration Strategies
1. Forests
Forests (including both their soils and biomass) represent significant resources for climate
mitigation and are the largest contributors to carbon sinks in the United States (Chitkara &
McGlynn, 2018). Despite the majority of Massachusetts forests being relatively young, recent
studies estimate that forestland in Massachusetts sequesters roughly 13 percent of the annual
energy sector emissions in the state (De la Cretaz, Fletcher, Gregory, VanDoren, & Barten,
2010; Orians & Berbeco, n.d.). Regenerative forest management techniques can help increase
forest carbon sequestration rates and enhance carbon storage, both in soils and biomass.
These include:
a. Avoided conversion (protection): Managing urban and agricultural development to protect
forestland from conversion or disturbance, often coupled with protections like conservation
Maintenance and acquisition of conserved forestlands will be a key tool for ensuring that the city
maintains its current capacity for sequestering carbon. Mature forests offer enormous ecological
benefits far beyond those of young or regenerating forests (Chazdon, 2008; Nowak & Crane,
2002), including greater carbon storage, biodiversity, water infiltration, and soil health, which
makes conservation of mature forests a top priority. Healthy trees over 77cm in diameter have
shown to sequester 90 times more carbon, and store approximately 1,000 times more carbon,
than healthy trees under 8cm in diameter (Nowak & Crane, 2002).
Northampton Memo on Carbon Sequestration | Linnean Solutions 3
Over the past two decades, Northampton has worked to acquire and conserve prime forestland
(as well as other highly valuable natural areas). Today, over 20% of the city’s land area is
permanently protected open space, including 1,241 acres (502 hectares) of Chapter 61
forestland as of 2010 (City of Northampton, 2010). While Chapter 61 parcels are considered
only “temporarily protected,” the City is entitled to the right of first refusal to purchase a parcel
should the property be proposed for conversion to a program-ineligible use. Likewise, the City’s
2010-2018 Open Space, Recreation, and Multi-Use Trail Plan (Open Space Plan) delineates
further action the City intends to take to acquire and preserve intact ecological areas, eventually
aiming to reach 25% of the city’s land area.
Carbon sequestration rates associated with existing forests vary greatly depending on forests’
rates of growth, species composition, soil carbon saturation, and size, in addition to factors such
as climate. Project Drawdown estimates carbon sequestration rates for temperate forests at 3.0
metric tons of carbon per hectare per year based on 18 data points from eight sources; Nowak
& Crane (2002) estimate an average urban forest carbon sequestration rate of 0.8 metric tons of
carbon per hectare per year in urban areas of Massachusetts. Forest carbon assessments have
furthermore shown that an acre of forest in Massachusetts contains roughly 85 tons of carbon,
stored across the root systems, bark, foliage, dead wood, understory vegetation, forest floor
(litter), and soil. According to the City’s Open Space Plan, Northampton has 11,607 acres
(4,697 hectares) of non-protected forestland. For schematic purposes based on the
sequestration rates above, losing these acres of forests to development would mean that the
city would lose the capacity to sequester 3,758 – 14,091 metric tons of carbon per year, in
addition to the impact from releasing the stored carbon from the land conversion.
b. Forest restoration and regeneration (expansion): Identifying and capitalizing on
opportunities for reforestation and afforestation, especially on already degraded soils where
forest ecosystems can have the greatest regenerative benefit.
In addition to maintaining existing forests, expanding the city’s forestland through forest
restoration and regeneration will enhance the city’s capacity for further carbon storage and
sequestration. The City’s Open Space Plan notes the explicit goal of replanting cleared areas
with native species for several of the City’s existing conservation areas, such as Fitzgerald Lake
Conservation Area. For private property, landowners of Chapter 61 forests are required to
submit a forest management plan outlining property resources and long-term management
objectives, making a commitment to improving the quality and quantity of timber on their land.
Chapter 61 forest management plans include details of the protected land such as the presence
of abandoned fields, which may then become highlighted as opportunities for afforestation.
Working with this kind of data and with individual landowners, the City can advocate for
afforestation where the greatest potential in terms of land area and landowner willingness
exists. The City may find additional opportunities for afforestation by examining other types of
degraded lands, such as brownfields, abandoned farmland, and other underutilized open
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Project Drawdown estimates the carbon sequestration potential of temperate forest restoration
(i.e., healthy forest replacing degraded forest) at 3.0 metric tons of carbon per hectare per year
and the carbon sequestration potential for afforestation (i.e., planting forest where there was
none before) at 4.7 metric tons of carbon per hectare per year. (For any timber that is being
harvested, this carbon release would need to be factored into any carbon balances.) These
estimates are drawn and averaged from a number of studies globally, and thus rates for local
forests would vary. Nevertheless, it offers a baseline for understanding the potential for
increasing carbon sequestration through forest expansion.
c. Enhanced forest management (increased health and productivity): Promoting growth in
existing forests using sustainable forestry practices as well as techniques to maximize forest
biomass and promote forest soil health.
Increasing forest productivity increases carbon input into the soil, thereby enhancing the carbon
storage capacity of the “stable pool”—that is, storage in the mineral soil that is not released
through the decomposition of organic matter (Jandl et al., 2007). Minimizing disturbance in the
forest structure and soils reduces carbon loss. Techniques that have been shown to help
maximize forest biomass, build forest soil health, and prevent erosion include the application of
organic matter or biosolids (i.e., sludge and compost) or wood chip mulches on the forest floor
(Beesley, 2012; Lal, 2005; Scharenbroch & Watson, 2014), and strategic placement of organic
matter berms on watershed embankments (Tyler, 2001). These strategies constitute a form of
enhanced forest management and can be used in all of the above scenarios (reforestation,
afforestation, and existing forest protection).
The rate and magnitude of carbon sequestration and storage (in both biomass and soil) varies
by species, and so these processes can theoretically be amplified through selective planting of
specific native species, with the understanding that climate and soil conditions will alter these
parameters (Jandl et al., 2007; Scharenbroch, 2012). Generally speaking, for a given biomass
trees with high wood densities accumulate more carbon than those with low densities (e.g.,
many deciduous species versus many coniferous tree species, respectively). Species with
greater root depths have also shown a higher capacity to increase the pool of stabilized carbon
in mineral soil (Jandl et al., 2007). In all cases, planting diverse native tree crops plays a key
role in increasing soil sequestration over the long-term as stands of mixed species that occupy
complementary ecological niches can reach higher levels of biomass production than pure
stands; increase forest stability in a changing environment; and increase resilience to pests and
disease (Chazdon, 2008; Jandl et al., 2007).
There is an opportunity for the City to explicitly integrate long-term planning for increased
carbon sequestration and storage through forest restoration and regeneration and enhanced
forest management practices within forest stewardship plans for conservation land. Taking into
account the experimental findings summarized above, we recommend the following strategies
for continuing current efforts and adopting new practices that will help support carbon
sequestration and storage goals.
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Strategy Recommendation 1.1: Continue to protect, grow, and enhance the city's
forestland and its capacity to store carbon.
Continue the City's ongoing efforts to conserve prime forestland, particularly large blocks of
mature and contiguous forestland, which support water infiltration, help conserve water
supplies, keep the city's air cleaner and cooler with higher temperatures, as well as play a
significant role in carbon sequestration. Continue to seek opportunities for open space
acquisition in accordance with the City’s Open Space, Recreation, and Multi-Use Trail Plan, and
maintain policies such as the City's right of first refusal to purchase a parcel of Chapter 61
forestland should the property be proposed for conversion to a program-ineligible use. In
addition to conservation, continue identifying opportunities to replant cleared areas with diverse
native species in the City’s existing conservation areas, as well as any brownfields, abandoned
farmland, or other underutilized open spaces. The capacity of the city's forestland to sequester
carbon can be further increased through enhanced forest management. Consider adopting
practices for management of public lands that prioritize carbon sequestration and storage such
as the inclusion of long-term carbon sequestration and storage planning in forest stewardship
plans, and education programs for the adoption of similar practices on private land. Strategies
such as the application of organic matter or biosolids (i.e., sludge and compost) or wood chip
mulches on the forest floor, and strategic placement of organic matter berms on watershed
embankments can help build soil organic matter, maximize forest biomass, and prevent
erosion—all of which will play a role in increasing carbon sequestration and storage capacity.
Further protecting and enhancing the diversity of tree species within the city’s forests, will also
increase forest stability, resilience, and long-term benefits for carbon storage.
Strategy Recommendation 1.2: Conduct a tree and forest ecosystems vulnerability and
resilience assessment. Note: This strategy focuses on building the resilience of Northampton’s
forests, which ultimately goes hand-in-hand with protecting forestland and its capacity for
sequestering carbon.
Conduct a citywide inventory of tree populations and forest ecosystems, identifying locations of
large stands of tree species that are vulnerable to invasive species, pests, and local climate
changes. Since ecosystems do not follow property boundaries, the assessment will be most
effective if trees, stands, and forests are assessed across both public and private property, and
if the City works with partners such as property owners, farmers, and local ecologists in
conducting the assessment. Develop City strategies such as ongoing monitoring protocols,
selective harvesting, adaptive species planting, invasive species removal, and improvements to
soil health, among others in tandem with a public campaign to help raise awareness around
addressing vulnerabilities in tree stocks and ecosystems. Emphasize strategies that will
simultaneously support carbon accumulation in forest biomass and soils, such as organic
amendments and enhancing species diversity in tree stands.
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2. Municipal Parkland
Opportunities exist for Northampton to capitalize on its parks and landscape plantings in service
of carbon sequestration and soil regeneration. Continuing to pursue the goal to “reclaim
pavement for parks,” as laid out in the City’s Open Space Plan, presents one avenue for making
more land available for carbon sequestration in plants and soils. Adopting or enhancing
landscape management practices with a focus on carbon sequestration and storage, such as
through the application of soil amendments, will be another way to enhance the potential of
public parkland.
The soil cover types associated with parklands are particularly well-suited to amendment
application because they are “no-till” environments, minimizing the counterproductive effects of
soil disturbance (Brown et al., 2012). A 2012 study from Tacoma, WA of the sequestration
potential of turfgrass and landscape planting demonstrated significant gains in carbon storage
over a middle-term (5-15 year) period through use of organic soil amendments (Brown et al.,
2012). Although organic amendments such as composted biosolids, food waste, and yard waste
are traditionally added to soils for the purposes of improving plant growth and reducing runoff,
Brown and colleagues demonstrated the additional benefits of carbon sequestration at rates
similar to those of no-till agriculture. Their results are summarized as the following:
Soil cover type Development type Amendments
C sequestration
potential (5-15 year)
(metric tons / hectare)
Turfgrass New 4cm compost 2-20
Turfgrass Existing 4cm compost 12-13*
Landscape plantings New 8cm compost 4-5
Landscape plantings Existing 8cm compost 13
Vacant land Restoration 8cm compost 2-2.5
* Rate reflects sequestration after subtracting mower emissions associated with turfgrass management.
Drawn from this research, best management practices for post-development soil amendments
mandate the application of 7.5cm of compost for landscape beds, and 4.5cm for turfgrass, with
compost containing approximately 22% carbon and 2% nitrogen. These one-time applications
have shown to increase average carbon sequestration by 0.22 metric tons per hectare per year
over a 15-year time-frame (Brown et al., 2012).
The Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) provides additional recommendations for
landscape management practices to increase soil carbon storage:
• Emphasize perennials in plantings (particularly native plants) and use annuals to fill gaps
(reduces soil disturbance and promotes soil aeration and infiltration).
• Minimize the use of pavement and unproductive mulch.
• Use biological controls instead of fungicides and pesticides.
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• Rule out synthetic nitrogen fertilizers on athletic fields, institutional campuses, and public
park lands.
• Incorporate nitrogen-fixing trees and perennials into the landscape.
• Mow, cut back, and/or heavily mulch over weeds instead of pulling.
• Establish a composting area for your municipality—or deliver to a commercial
composting company.
While establishing a municipal composting program is not a feasible priority for Northampton in
the short-term, the City may want to consider the opportunity to take advantage of compost
collection in its long-term planning. The City of Tacoma, WA, in association with the research
mentioned above, has capitalized on synergies between carbon sequestration, carbon
mitigation, and waste diversion. A large proportion of the organic amendments applied in the
city are produced from locally collected food waste, yard waste, and biosolids, and then re-sold
to homeowners and developers for compliance with local stormwater management ordinances
that require amendment application post-development, or other purposes such as public park
landscaping, urban agriculture, commercial and roadside landscaping, and home garden
fertilization (Brown et al., 2012). This circular model helps the City to reduce its emissions
associated with landfilled organic materials and provides a revenue stream that offsets the cost
of the composting program. The combined stormwater policy and municipal composting
program has created wider use of organic soil amendments; researchers estimate the total
potential carbon sequestration from the application of locally-produced organic amendments at
1,500 metric tons of carbon per year. Worth noting, these practices have also shown to improve
soil infiltration rates, and thus concurrently have the potential to improve local water quality and
stormwater management (Brown et al., 2012).
Taking into account the experimental findings summarized above, we recommend the following
strategy for supporting carbon sequestration and storage goals in municipal parkland.
Strategy Recommendation 2.1: Adopt landscape and parkland management practices
that amplify soil carbon storage.
Adjust or adopt new municipal landscaping and parkland management practices to enhance the
city's soil carbon storage. Organic amendments, in particular, can amplify the carbon storage
capacity of soils. Best management practices for post-development soil amendments
recommend the application of 7.5cm of compost for landscape beds, and 4.5cm for turfgrass,
with compost containing 22% carbon and 2% nitrogen. One-time applications of such
amendments have shown to increase average carbon sequestration by 0.22 metric tons per
hectare per year over a fifteen-year timeframe. Additional landscaping and parkland
management strategies to enhance soil carbon storage could include: emphasizing native
perennials in plantings and using annuals to fill gaps; minimizing the use of pavement and
unproductive mulch; using biological controls instead of fungicides and pesticides; eliminating
synthetic nitrogen fertilizers on athletic fields, institutional campuses, and public park lands;
incorporating nitrogen-fixing trees and perennials into the landscape; and mowing, cutting back,
and/or heavily mulching over weeds instead of pulling. These strategies for enhancing soil
health also support stormwater infiltration.
Northampton Memo on Carbon Sequestration | Linnean Solutions 8
3. Agricultural Land
Soil cultivation through plowing or other tillage methods releases carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere through the mineralization of soil organic carbon. Consequently, studies that focus
on mechanisms for improving soil health and maintaining or enhancing carbon capture capacity
point to practices that minimize soil disturbance and encourage the proliferation of healthy
microbial communities. These approaches include regenerative agriculture practices, as well as
specifically agroforestry and silvopasture (Toensmeier, 2016). The City’s Open Space Plan
mentions the City’s and residents’ interests in encouraging regenerative agriculture, and
highlights all three approaches—regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, and silvopasture—as
potential recommended uses, specifically for the Bleiman Parcel in the Meadows. These three
practices and their carbon sequestration potential are further explored below.
a. Regenerative Agriculture: Enhancing and sustaining the health of the soil through
agricultural practices that restore its carbon content, which in turn improves productivity.
The principles of regenerative agriculture support the explicit goals of minimizing soil
disturbance, enhancing site biodiversity, and maintaining microbial communities to support soil
health, and specifically maintain soil organic carbon. Core approaches of regenerative
agriculture include:
• Minimum soil disturbance – adoption of no-till or low-till approaches to prevent soil
carbon emissions and microbial community disruption;
• Adequate surface cover – use of mulch or cover crops to protect soils from oxidation,
compaction, and erosion, and to enhance carbon sequestration;
• Crop diversity and rotation – use of diverse crops and rotations to enhance crop
resilience against pests and promote soil and site biodiversity, further improving soil
quality and productivity;
• No chemical use – promotion of the use of organic amendments, such as biochar,
manure and compost, with the understanding that synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are
known to damage soil microbial communities and degrade soils over time.
While the scale or extent to which no-till or low-till approaches increase carbon capture has
recently come into question (Luo, Wang, & Sun, 2010; Powlson et al., 2014), research
consistently shows positive effects of the collective application of conservation or regenerative
agriculture approaches (i.e., reduced tillage, use of cover crops, organic amendments, etc.) on
increasing soil carbon (Poeplau & Don, 2015; Syswerda, Corbin, Mokma, Kravchenko, &
Robertson, 2011). As a whole, Project Drawdown estimates the carbon sequestration potential
of adopting regenerative agriculture practices at 0.6 MTCO2e per hectare per year. As a
schematic exercise, the City’s roughly 5,000 hectares of protected agricultural land (including
Chapter 61A and Agricultural Preservation Restriction lands) have the potential to sequester
approximately 3,000 MTCO2e per year if regenerative agriculture practices are maximally
adopted. (This exercise omits the fact that regenerative agriculture practices are already being
Northampton Memo on Carbon Sequestration | Linnean Solutions 9
practiced in some cases.) Regenerative agriculture would include the further benefits of
increasing water holding capacity, reducing erosion, and maintaining soil structure and organic
b. Agroforestry: Integrating trees (or other woody crops) into traditional cropland.
Also known as “tree intercropping,” agroforestry refers to the integration of trees into traditional
cropland, along field borders and stream banks (riparian buffers), as strategic windbreaks, in
less productive areas of fields, and between rows of crops. The practice has long been touted
for enhancing and maintaining long-term soil productivity, ecosystem functional and structural
diversity, as well as carbon sequestration and storage potential—both in the tree biomass as
well as soil carbon stocks (Jose, 2009).
According to estimates by Project Drawdown, introducing agroforestry can increase carbon
sequestration on agricultural lands by 1.3 MTCO2e per hectare per year, assuming no other
changes to conventional practices are made (i.e., conventional tillage and annual crops are
maintained). As a similar schematic exercise as used for regenerative agriculture, introducing
agroforestry to Northampton’s roughly 5,000 hectares of protected agricultural land (including
Chapter 61A and Agricultural Preservation Restriction lands), could result in carbon
sequestration enhancements on the order of 6,500 MTCO2e per year if maximally adopted.
Riparian buffers and windbreaks are highlighted as particularly beneficial practices for soil
health (Kittredge, 2015). Riparian buffers stabilize soils along waterways, preventing erosion,
and improving water quality in the process; windbreaks likewise prevent gusts or storms from
displacing soil, and help to keep soil carbon in the ground. When the incorporated trees are also
yield-bearing (e.g., fruit, nuts, mushrooms), farmers may benefit from crop diversification and be
better insulated from risk. Additional benefits can include increased drought resilience of the
landscape, leading to improved climate resilience over time.
c. Silvopasture: Integrating trees (or other woody crops) into pastures for livestock grazing.
As a form of agroforestry, silvopasture involves the addition of trees into a traditional pasture
landscape as an alternative to conventional livestock grazing. It offers the same benefits
previously mentioned in agroforestry, including enhancing soil health, reducing erosion,
increasing drought resilience, and diversifying crops to insulate farmers from risk, along with
reduced climate stress on livestock. Furthermore, the presence of livestock has shown to
increase fertility of forest ecosystems and enhance carbon storage substantially: based on
estimates from Project Drawdown, the sequestration rate for silvopasture reaches 4.8 MTCO2e
per hectare per year. The presence of trees and livestock concurrently contribute to the high
sequestration rates: silvopasture landscapes have shown to sequester five to ten times as much
carbon as the same landscape without trees.
Northampton Memo on Carbon Sequestration | Linnean Solutions 10
Although animal grazing is not a significant land use in Northampton, the notable carbon
sequestration benefits of such a model are worth considering. The City’s Open Space Plan
again suggests that regenerative agriculture approaches such as silvopasture may be an
appropriate recommended use for sites such as the Bleimen parcel. More generally,
silvopasture highlights the opportunity for closed-loop, self-sustaining models for replenishing
water and nutrients, including soil carbon.
Farmer outreach and peer-to-peer education have shown to be successful avenues for
spreading adoption of silvopasture and other agroforestry systems. As such, the City may
consider a partnership with local and regional farming initiatives and organizations (e.g., Smith
Vocational and Agricultural High School, Keep Farming Northampton, the Northeast Organic
Farming Association, etc.) to develop and promote a peer education program. Accordingly, we
recommend the following strategies for supporting carbon sequestration and storage goals in
the City’s agricultural land.
Strategy Recommendation 3.1: Support education and training in regenerative
agriculture systems, including agroforestry and silvopasture.
Identify opportunities to support education and training in regenerative agriculture, agroforestry,
and silvopasture systems for farmers interested in working with those methods. Regenerative
agriculture approaches aim to minimize soil disturbance, enhance site biodiversity, and maintain
microbial communities to support soil health. Agroforestry (the integration of trees in agricultural
land) and silvopasture (the integration of trees and livestock grazing) are forms of regenerative
agriculture that bring additional ecological and economic benefits such as crop diversification.
Trees planted along riverbanks (riparian buffers) and as windbreaks stabilize soils, prevent
erosion (thereby improving water quality), and retain carbon in the ground. All three practices—
regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, and silvopasture—have shown to increase carbon
sequestration potential of agricultural lands by 0.6 MTCO2e, 1.3 MTCO2e, and 4.8 MTCO2e
per hectare per year, respectively. Additional benefits can include increased drought resilience
of the landscape, leading to improved climate resilience over time. Consider peer-to-peer
learning models through collaboration with local and regional farming initiatives with the explicit
goal of developing contextually-specific practices for enhancing carbon sequestration and
storage. Use such collaborations as a platform for identifying adjustments to municipal policies
or systems, such as aligning lease lengths with harvest rotations for longer-term perennial
plantings, that can further facilitate adoption of regenerative agriculture practices.
Strategy Recommendation 3.2: Serve as a pilot community for the Massachusetts
Healthy Soils Action Plan.
Serve as a pilot community for the Massachusetts Healthy Soils Action Plan. The
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs is contracting the
development of a Healthy Soils Action Plan for the Commonwealth over the course of 2019-
2020, which will become a blueprint for improving farming, forestry and lawn care practices to
reduce erosion, improve production, increase carbon sequestration and storage, and better
withstand intensive weather events and droughts. The project involves collaboration with a
Working Group to develop the action plan, as well as listening sessions with representatives
Northampton Memo on Carbon Sequestration | Linnean Solutions 11
from farming, forestry, municipal, urban/suburban residents, and institutional and business land
owners across the state. Northampton City staff, residents, institutions, and agricultural sector
can engage by both contributing to the plan's development (as part of the Working Group or by
attending the listening sessions) as well as becoming early adopters of the plan's strategies.
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