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22D-063 (4)
BP-2021-2167 63 FLORENCE RD COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:Lot: 22D-063-001 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Permit: Alts Renovations Repair PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2021-2167 PERMISSIONISHEREBYGRANTED TO: Project# RENOVATION Contractor: License: Est.Cost: 200000 CLAUDIO GARRIDO 89458 Const.Class: Exp.Date:08/24/2022 Use Group: Owner: SUMMER, DEY Lot Size (sq.ft.) Zoning: WSP Applicant: CLAUDIO GARRIDO Applicant Address Phone: Insurance: 140NASH HILL RD 4132195906 HAYDENVILLE, MA 01039 ISSUED ON:11/30/2021 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: WHOLE HOUSE RENOVATION POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: yd l • Fees Paid: $1,300.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Office of the Building Commissioner ____ rr-ca------ 1 - E . The Commonwealth of Massachusetts l ' Board of Building Regulations and Standards NOV7ICI V39 Massachusetts State Building Code, 78'0 CMR 2, 202 M LITY LBuilding Permit Application To Construct, Repair, Reno ' a R isr 2011 One- or Two-Family Dwelling --"°RTH a n 'aN i'�s 90 Ns This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: &P ., •• -I (4 '7 Date Applied: i'; ►0.. 1 3a as Building Official(Print Name) Signature i / Dat SECTION 1: SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: d3 F/ortoce )24 1.2 Assessors Map& Parcel Numbers Ft-co P.EJC.E 1.1 a Is this an accepted street?yes no Map Number Parcel Number 1.3 Zoning Information: 1.4 Property Dimensions: Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided 1.6 Water Supply: (M.G.L c.40,§54) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Public 0 Private 0 Zone: Outside Flood Zone? Municipal 0 On site disposal system 0 Check ifyes❑ SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP' 2.1 Owner'of Record: DEY S(.;MMt FLt)(ZEN(AI 1 ill ill ut0 -z Name(Print) , City,State,ZIP 6 3 F 1-o r;N l) 33 -36 s-o r 6 3 d er.s ►.ve --95,m ot, I. c a�, No.and Street Telephone Email Address SECTION 3: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK'(check all that apply) New Construction 0 Existing Building 0 Owner-Occupied 0 Repairs(s) 0 Alteration(s) Sit Addition yse Demolition 0 Accessory Bldg. 0 Number of Units Other 0 Specify: Brief Description of Proposed Work': -C/L ii-c)✓Stf e(=rt-(© t)y/l SECTION 4: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Costs: Official Use Only (Labor and Materials) 1. Building $ 1 Sc 000 1. Building Permit Fee: $ Indicate how fee is determined: 2. Electrical $ 11 et)0 ❑ Standard City/Town Application Fee 0 Total Project Costa (Item 6)x multiplier x 3. Plumbing $ 30f 000 2. Other Fees: $ 4. Mechanical (HVAC) $ lO c)vv List: 5. Mechanical (Fire $ Suppression) Total All Fees: .q Check No.67 Check Amount: ')�dDCash Amount: 6.Total Project Cost: $ /a v�OLJ J 0 Paid in Full 0 Outstanding Balance Due: SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) �s— 0 8 O1j�Ql af2 - C41 lAdCA1 6s4e LJ 0 License Number Exp ration ate Name of CSL Holder yO tree('x/ /C )/ R , List CSL Type(see below) No.and Street t ` (J� Type Description /44.7D.6(441)e, , l/3 U Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35,000 Cu.ft.) / Restricted 1&2 Family Dwelling City/T wn,State,ZIP M Masonry RC Roofing Covering WS Window and Siding SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances I Insulation Telephone Email address D Demolition 5.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor(HIC) O 6- ( c' - 6 FeKton 1°�2 CIA HIC Registration Number xpir ion Date HIC Company Name or HIC Registrant Name ti jt C 4RP 7 'C-M . Coe No.and tree Email address (i/1327-5F06‘ City/To ,State,ZIP / Telephone SECTION 6: WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L. c. 152. § 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes No .. ❑ SECTION 7a: OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize (2t ( O �'/o 'e/2 l'c,) 0 to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date SECTION 7b: OWNER' OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below, I hereby attest under the pain .and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the st of nowledge and understanding. C 00( �w�:be /(/6 Jc2f Print Owner's or Authorized Agent's Name(Electroni nature Date g gnature) NOTES: I. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will not have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L.c. 142A. Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.mass.gov/oca Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mass.gov/dps 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq.ft.) (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq. ft.) Habitable room count Number of fireplaces Number of bedrooms Number of bathrooms Number of half/baths Type of heating system Number of decks/porches Type of cooling system Enclosed Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" City of Northampton ��,01:e4.fr�, sag"� �s�� , ' Massachusetts �a?� - f<< ��� ' vt+ t; N .� `�\ • y DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS Si. �°, " 4• i 212 Main Street • Municipal Building `X, ..1. Northampton, MA 01060 j4ii"• .. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AFFIDAVIT (FOR ALL DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION PROJECTS) In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, a condition of Building Permit Number is that all debris resulting from this work shall be disposed of in a properly licensed waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. The debris will be disposed of in: Location of Facility: (/r�JJ //v=Cy c--4,6_ - _ The debris will be transported by: Name of Hauler: A 64Jd /c'. , „ ,_ Signature of Applicant: Date: Y o/i2c \„ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ffi• Department of Industrial Accidents =� I Congress Street,Suite 100 • %; Boston, MA 02114-2017 t "i,`` 30 '' www:ntass.got�/ilia Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Buildersi(`ontractors1ElectriciansiI'lumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PER: WI -1'INC;At`1'HORI'IT. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name(Business/Organization/Individual): CJ-f4( f , t 4 t�O Address: /r 147 (kit ffeth , City/State/Zip:/ ram/( 0(c 0/047 Phone #:( ( 3) if? --C.'?O s re y+r so employer?Clink the aPPI Priste box: Type of project(required): I.01 am a employer with_ _employes(foil and/or part-time I_• 7. ❑ New construction 2 am a sole prupnetur ur partnership and have no empl oyes.-,working for nse in 8. Q Remodeling . any capacity.[Nu workers'comp.inaunuice required.) 9. ❑ Demolition .3.0 1 am a homeowner doing all work myself.[No worms'comp.insurance required" 40 1 am a homeowner and will he hiring axantruyors to coodoct all work on my property I will It)❑ Building addition ensure that all contra:luta either have workers'compensation insurance or are aisle 1 1.❑ Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employee z. 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions sCI I am a general contractor and 1 have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheer 1 3E3 Roof repairs These sub-contractora haver employers and have workers'comp.insurance.: jj Other 6.❑We are a corporation and its.officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. I 'E�J -- 152,y I t 41,and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.J *Any applicant that cheeks bus o 1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside cuuttraetora must submit a new at7das it indicating aueh. :Contractors that check this bo.K must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether in not dose entities hase k Isipluwcr. It tIs sub.euctr,,,r.or,Itas..employee..they most prov ale their *orkers'dxtrnp.uricy number. I um On employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for nit'employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: Policy#or Self-ins.Lie.#: Expiration Date: Job Site Address: CitytState.'Zip: Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MCA,c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to S1,500.00 andior one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to S250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance cos erase verification. I do hereby certify under e � Md j l ltiY.8 of per/urr that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: - _ — Date. f (,) ,,,g6 - 17 . Phone 4:I / ,-9(? - (AK' Official use only. Do not write in this urea,to be completed by,city or town official C'it► or boson: Permit/License is Issuing.%uthority(circle one): I. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone#: u ■ C1 •■ �. t u Q - = u C 1E6-2" 1 in u 5 • NEW WOOD w p New 24"x24"footing RAILING N X'/ NEW PT WOOD STAIRS UP TO CONC. r -� ti y ��FOUNDATION WALL, CUT TO NEW rn a e ° t HEIGHT j 3 r N t ® e 3'4 N j \ �o aa� 41 w¢ wfv D.rn�n a��m Z r e 1 roar o Add two r 0 I4.01 STOOL POST a lolly col _ 8.2 caizn Own g 23-r w o 0 'Remove existing rA w d — steel4.6r 3" posts 1. o xzww f�¢f \ u p C - -- I In i Jq C " CONCRETE ,a SLAB iff-2 1S'-4- ir 1 .1 I L _ — 8.3 BA BASEMENT ........ STRUCTURAL BASEMENT PLAN ® M PLAN - - — - — — Scale:3/16"=1-0" S-101 u • N ■ 03S _ • '_NEW 4 X 4 POSTS WRAPPED E z 1 113/4" 3'-O 1- ill WITH I PINE, PAINTED Q 8, 6 10' 4'-10' Y .•. NEW HANDRAIL 1 r NEW 4X4 WOOD n �� �.,a,. y-,- POST WRAPPED ? - i W/ 1X PINE TRIM 1a'-v .� It�III '/ 1 �' 11 4 a m 2 z. i...tamp. S Post assumed w/ HARDWOOD SHELF/ LIVING aROOM 44 f!, ��11 M % C—12"dia.sonotube a a 42' HEIGHT: Iiiii z1 sPF;zd:c c.<:. •% Y s 113 V ENTR10 - % HARDWOOD BENCH >m EX. WINDOW_ 3-7- » z ! o a a^ SEAT TO REMAIN _ .... • • - m 0: w 2'. ! 1.12 A Ill 4'4' a Q w b1 3,4" L :. �, O ! r1 14'41? rill ,_, •♦ 2 (1.11 ff I I(I 103EN I t.b l § LI N :14 248 SPF!2S M.o.e _ y♦ I 1,„. , MING Ocw2wwf� ! 102 9'-10' 2 II 1 ��_� A ,`109 . 1 '---b r-e 1 ®, i I KEY s 1 N8SPF r2a 16.e.c. a1 10'-101?,. , 1.5I§ MEM. NEW INTERIOR WALL �. A`�, �� y RM 12 BAD `, - NEW EXTERIOR WALL ® V FB3 1.7 `1.6 I ♦ 1.8 _ 6-0 7/E' 2,0" 3-8 5/8" FIRST FLOOR • F f STRUCTURAL 6'-10 ' 4 10 PLAN O FIRST FLOOR PLAN 11'-11 3/8- / 6-103/e- Scale:3/16"=1'-0 C.) •- -- • S-102 KEY tt 1 NEW INTERIOR WALL ..t.' • .S E V ...! ... o, r/71/7 I NEW EXTERIOR WALL = u i "E e 4. 11 a/ ut 115M11All iZt_,.E.7 .-r5t-‘?. .. ROOF 2 3 BELOW _---: = , BETorl 2 A'47m. 2..0. 5._2t z 0, 0 MINN '7-', • 2 2 P.2 = .@'...._ __— i 4 al 12E1 Droupe4 Beam 'E,2 X A _1 0 '4! RAU_ 204 @/I 14' z __.-- I. -24- r-- N" -----7 111-7;11 I IIIIImt r 4 ! 0 z no • 8 9 p , .. i wo : cc 4 g,t2 zo •OOF I 4.-5. nil i. 3..2, 1. MASTER BEDROO1M I 204 i WZ, OW— , i ELT-5re tor 641' 8 ., - 'Eil° lI!F67-1IT!4=4,,,, STUDIO 1, 111§11 1 li. 0, 04 9 4EwFLoy :.2 icm.UT ion., .__. 6 , I 11.III""IIIII___111g61L1 — .... ---- MEM. SECOND in •••••0•16 FLOOR 0 12,0" SECOND FLOOR PLAN STRUCTURAL- Scale:3/16"=1'41' S-103 titt EXISTING EXISTING 2" NW BEAM THICK JOIST tal iL -1-; .. , LU26R-18 HEADLOK HLGM334 OR • • - > SIMILAR FOR CRACKS l v _ ��r e _, PROPAGATED FROM 8" o.c. BEARING- 24" o.c. FOR LONG CRACKS fV SK1 EXISTING JOIST DETAIL SK1 BASEMENT BEAM PROFILE o o ai) 2 u c 22 c o a E M rO \ ' ` QD _c BEAM NEW 2X87' 0 z TRUSSLOK FASTENER TO GO THROUGH ALL PLIES LU S28 OR (EWS005;EWS670) LU28 SK1 NEW JOIST DETAIL SK1 BASEMENT BEAMS' SECTIONS ENGINEER: STEVEN ROSINSKI 2 1-1/2" = 1'0" 4 1-1/2" = 1•0" °Ric` 11/5/21 REV: �4�P\ZH O F Mgssq�y o STEVEN R 0 ROSINSKI Jog NUMBER: S' 545 y ziozz � • ' SK 1 FSSiONAI ��'\ 1 . -_. . 1 Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 1 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H1 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 6.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Roof ............................................................................................................................... �' t6t _ i i f•' • • • •.sih- �..- fir'- •• "ft*. • • )0\ 51/2„ L1- Q / Ufl SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grail, I �3 7, jl 7,6„ Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb (Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 0 150 300 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 0 150 300 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature. Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -SPF 3.000" Vert 12% 150/300 450 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF End Analysis Results Grain 2-SPF 3.000" Vert 12% 150/300 450 L D+S Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 761 ft-lb 3'9" 1649 ft-lb 0.462(46%) D+S L Grain Unbraced 761 ft-lb 3'9" 1552 ft-lb 0.491(49%) D+S L Shear 365 lb 8 1/2" 1708 lb 0.214(21%) D+S L LL Defl inch 0.080(U1073) 3'9 1/16" 0.238(U360) 0.335(34%)S L ��\�\A OF MAS qc TL Defl inch 0.119(L1716) 3'9 1/16" 0.356(L/240) 0.335(34%) D+S L Q. SS Design Notes f STEVEN R y o G 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support ROSINSKI "' may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. p , y �,�4. 545 �, 2 Fasten all plies using 1 row of tOd Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not de to exceed 6". � � 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. "/ r a✓.;'� ,'� 4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. FS`SiON NG� 5 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 6 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 1 • + 1 7 Top must be laterally braced at bearings. 8 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 9 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1 ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 2-0-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Roof manuf+c Curer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 1. w This design is valid until 5/24/2024 l <„ Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructT"Dataset:21072801.1545 C SD I°E°a�w . Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 2 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd '�'• Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H1 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 6 000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Roof fV / • • • • • • • • l( i 5 1/2" SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grail I 13 7' 7'6„ Multi-Ply Analysis I asten all p lies using 1 rows of 10d B ox nails 1.128x31 at 12"o.c.. Maxim urn end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0% Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 78.7 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 78.7 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 PM Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD. I DRAW BUILD Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 3 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd 4r1111111111111111 Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H1A S-P—F #2 2.000" X 8.000" 2—Ply — PASSED Level:Roof ,m....... ...........•...•••••••••... ........ .. ..�Js,,_z 7 1/ , 1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grail �3 5'2" 5'5" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 0 542 1083 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 0 542 1083 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -SPF 1.500" Vert 85% 542/1083 1625 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF End Grain Analysis Results 2-SPF 1.500" Vert 85% 542/1083 1625 L D+S Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 2100 ft-lb 2'8 1/2" 2645 ft-lb 0.794(79%) D+S L Grain Unbraced 2100 ft-lb 2'8 1/2" 2498 ft-lb 0.841(84%) D+S L Shear 1188 lb 8 3/4" 2251 lb 0.528(53%) D+S L LL Defl inch 0.053(V1200) 2'8 1/2" 0.176(L/360) 0.300(30%) S L TL Defl inch 0.079(U800) 2'8 1/2" 0.265(U240) 0.300(30%) D+S L ��P,.\N OF A14 ,c Design Notes ate' STEVEN R y 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support - • til may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. ROSINSKI rn __, 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not ov 545 y~ ," � to exceed 6". • 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. . , ,. 'i 4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. w � 'S it — 5 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. Fs%NALEN�'\ 6 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 1 . ' 1 7 Top must be laterally braced at bearings. 8 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 9 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 10-0-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Roof Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 111/1111 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructT"Dataset:21072801.1545 I " CSDauno Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 4 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd 1simm Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H1A S-P-F #2 2.000" X 8.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Roof • • • • • CV /7 1/," C SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grain �3 ly 5'2„ Grail, 5'S" Multi-Ply Analysis fasten all p lies using 2 rows of 10d B ox nails 1.128x3"( at 12"o.c.. Maxim um end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0% Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 157.4 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 78.7 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructi°Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 5 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd 'Pmmome Florence,MA Project#: 21022 J1 S—P—F #2 2.000" X 8.000" — PASSED Level:2nd Floor f I 1 ,Q„ .. / ' '' ' e a--. { .!'al+"I, '„'„1°5A ._7.a ,'° ' "" k r€ Yd.'R,ui.^�..c. ,,'�"' 7 1/4" Cr— .,.., `' ... ❑ / 1 SPF 2 SPF 11'9" i Al 1/2" 12' Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Joist Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Spacing: 16"o.c. Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 320 120 0 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 320 120 0 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: Yes Deflection TL: 240 Deck: 5/8 APA Rated Sturd-I- Importance: Normal-II FloorPlywood Nailed Temperature: Temp<=100°F Ceiling: Gypsum 1/2" General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -SPF 1.500" Vert 46% 120/320 440 L D+L Snow: 40 PSF 2-SPF 1.500" Vert 46% 120/320 440 L D+L Analysis Results Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case <c)'' OF A/gs'Sq Moment 1293 ft-lb 6' 1322 ft-lb 0.978(98%) D+L L �y Shear 387 lb 8 3/4" 979 lb 0.395(39%) D+L L O= STEVEN R v, LL Defl inch 0.358(U398) 6' 0.396(U360) 0.904(90%) L L ROSINSKI ~ TL Defl inch 0.492(U290) 6' 0.594(U240) 0.829(83%) D+L L C 7, ,;' 545 V'1 Design Notes i2,- !t' -'^N 'Pl 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support ftSSiONAIE-NG\ may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. 2 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 1 f '+ 1 ID Load Type Location Trib Width Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const. 1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 1-4-0 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 2 Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 MI Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct"Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I o�.w BVIlO Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 6 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H2 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 10.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor 2 ._ 1 • ICI M 91/4" o / SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grail, '1'3 7' 7'6" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 900 563 450 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 900 563 450 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1-SPF 3.000" Vert 41% 563/1013 1575 L D+0.75(L+S) Snow: 40 PSF End Analysis Results Grain 2-SPF 3.000" Vert 41% 563/1013 1575 L D+0.75(L+S) Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 2475 ft-lb 3'9" 3431 ft-lb 0.721(72%) D+L L Grain Unbraced 2475 ft-lb 3'9" 3080 ft-lb 0.803(80%) D+L L Shear 1064 lb 1'1/4" 2498 lb 0.426(43%) D+L L P\�N OF ii4ss LL Defl inch 0.057(U1513) 3'9 1/16" 0.238(U360) 0.238(24%)0.75(L+S) L 4C. 4 ln TL Defl inch 0.088(U972) 3'9 1/16" 0.356(L/240) 0.247(25%) D+0.75(L+S)L c ' STEVEN R yam, Design Notes o ROSINSKI -- 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support 6J 4. 545 �„ , may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not °". ,' to exceed 6". "ess/ONALF0 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. 4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 1 i '• 1 5 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 6 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 7 Top must be laterally braced at bearings. 8 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 9 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 3-0-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Roof 2 Uniform 6-0-0 Top 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 2 Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 r This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct'"Dataset:21072801.1545 /Mt+D I DRAW MGM \MJ ever Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 7 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd "••••••• Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H2 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 10.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor • • 1A1 fV y M ^ 9 1/4" • • • • • • • • —I L .—4 1 V / SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Gram I 7' 3 7'6„ Multi-Ply Analysis I asten all plies using 2 rows of 10d B ox nails I.128x3'y at 12"o.c.. Maxim urn end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0% Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 157.4 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 78.7 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 OM Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructTM Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I DRAW DESIGN Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 8 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H3 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 10.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor Il)1III1r t 2 3 Ill II ^ 9 1/4" =1 .C=1 r I SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grai 4,4„ H3„ ,i, 4'10" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 1716 1014 0 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 1716 1014 0 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -SPF 3.000" Vert 71% 1014/1716 2730 L D+L Snow: 40 PSF End Grain Analysis Results 2-SPF 3.000" Vert 71% 1014/1716 2730 L D+L Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 2807 ft-lb 2'5" 3431 ft-lb 0.818(82%) D+L L Grain Unbraced 2807 ft-lb 2'5" 3276 ft-lb 0.857(86%) D+L L Shear 1577 lb 3'9 3/4" 2498 lb 0.631(63%) D+L L �.0 OF M,4S LL Defl inch 0.023(U2348) 2'5" 0.149(U360) 0.153(15%) L L ��P iif TL Defl inch 0.036(U1476) 2'5" 0.223(U240) 0.163(16%) D+L L .p STEVEN R yJ, Design Notes 4 ROSINSKI 1,1 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support 5545 may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. �r f' 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not , , . to exceed 6". / (' i.E• fFS ONAL Nt;� 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. $/ E 4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 1 + i 1 5 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 6 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 7 Top must be laterally braced at bearings. 8 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 9 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 11-6-0 Top 20 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Roof 2 Uniform 8-0-0 Top 12 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Wall 3 Uniform 6-3-0 Top 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 i This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Est <' Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct'"'Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I DRAW DESIGN a Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 9 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd 'iimmo Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H3 S-P—F #2 2.000" X 10.000" 2-Ply — PASSED Level:2nd Floor 1il1+ (V ,— ^ ^ 9 1/4" —I =. y\ le oc SPF End Grain 44 2 SPF End Gram I 13 4'10" Multi-Ply Analysis Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12" o.c.. Maximum end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity o.o% Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 157.4 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 78.7 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 13 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 'Y �'' n 6 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructw Dataset:21072801.1545 offs DRAW CSDIIlt Ir. Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 10 of 3S Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H4 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 7.250" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor 3 _ .}.11}_i 1 I_i.12 iffil liiii 'iii 1. 1Iilliiiiiuii iIii ii IIllf, i tiiii1if ffii[U ! IIIIIIIHWI111t1 dIhh,f_ 11H )()1 / 7 1 ra' irrrtriego . , Ww4, ,wil , , I1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grai I. l' 6'4" '1" 1'3 1/2" 6'10" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 2426 1434 0 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 2426 1434 0 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1-SPF 3.000" Vert 49% 1434/2426 3860 L D+L Snow: 40 PSF End Analysis Results Grain 2-SPF 3.000" Vert 49% 1434/2426 3860 L D+L Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 5890 ft-lb 3'5" 7115 ft-lb 0.828(83%) D+L L Grain Unbraced 5890 ft-lb 3'5" 6332 ft-lb 0.930(93%) D+L L Shear 2895 lb 10 1/4" 4821 lb 0.600(60%) D+L L \,,\ft OF MAS LL Deft inch 0.142(U546) 3'5" 0.215(U360) 0.659(66a/0) L L , Y Sq0 TL Deft inch 0.226(U343) 3'5" 0.323(L/240) 0.699(70%) D+L L 02 STEVEN R yvy Design Notes ROSINSKI 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support v 545 -' may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. �� y�' i 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not ' b d�� _' to exceed 6". Off, —. G� 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. SSIONAc-N 4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 1 6. ... 1 5 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 6 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 7 Top must be laterally braced at bearings. 8 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 9 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 11-6-0 Top 20 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Roof 2 Uniform 8-0-0 Top 12 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Wall 3 Uniform 6-3-0 Top 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor Notes chemicals 6 For fiat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation ponding Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1.LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design criteria and loadings show. It n the 2 Refer to manufacturefs product information responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements. mul5-ply (888)453-8356 ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions end loads. approvals woodproducts/ • Lumber 3.Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 4.Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained . ' 1.Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise 5.Provide lateral support et bearing points to avoid �,5'ltt:i. 2 LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive lateral displacement and rotation 1, This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructio Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD OE oa�w . Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 11 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 H4 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 7.250" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor e e e • e e e • e 7 1 r4' -1 I- (1\/1(1 / j1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grai l' 6'4 '1' 1131/2" 6'10" Multi-Ply Analysis Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12" o.c.. Maximum end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0 Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 181.1 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 90.5 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Notes chemicals 6 For net roofs provide proper drainage to prevent t Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs Is responsible only of the Handling 8 Installation pon°ing Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the I LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design criteria and loadings shown. It is the 2 Refer to manufacturers product information (888)453-8358 responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions end loads. approvals woodproducts/ . Lumber 3 Damaged Beams must not be used 1. Dry service nditions,unless noted othervrise 4. Design assumes top edge Is laterally reshained ICC-ES:ESR-1367 '� 2. LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive lateral 5.Provide lateral support bearing points to avoid „ lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 - `= Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructro Dataset:21072801.1545 S DRAW Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 12 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd T® Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FBI 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 11.875" 3-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor / e � N 11 7/8" 1 SPF End Grain �� 2 SPF End Grain Vi 14' Jr 1. �51/4" 14'7" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 3 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 3500 1313 0 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 3500 1313 0 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: Yes Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1-SPF 3.500" Vert 35% 1313/3500 4813 L D+L Snow: 40 PSF End Analysis Results Grain 2-SPF 3.500" Vert 35% 1313/3500 4813 L D+L Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 16460 ft-lb 7'3 1/2" 27843 ft-lb 0.591(59%) D+L L Grain Unbraced 16460 ft-lb 7'3 1/2" 27843 ft-lb 0.591(59%) D+L L Shear 4620 lb 1'3 3/8" 11845 lb 0.390(39%) D+L L LL Defl inch 0.316(U537) 7'3 9/16" 0.471(U360) 0.670(67%) L L �.Q\,.\N OF MAssq TL Defl inch 0.434(U391) 7'3 9/16" 0.706(L/240) 0.614(61%) D+L L 0i, Design Notes ct STEVEN R ROSINSKI 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support v 14: may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. 2 Fasten all plies using 3 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not to excee . 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads, F4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. SS�n�NAI 5 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 1 1 6 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 7 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 8 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 2. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 6-0-0 Near Face 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 2 2 Uniform 6-0-0 Far Face 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 2 Notes chemicals 6.For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent fVlanufacttt "i'line Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation ponaing Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design criteria end loadings shown. It is the 2 Refer to manufacturers product information responsibility of the customer end/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply (888)453-8358 ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions end loads. approvals woodproducts/ ry Lumber 3.Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 1.Dry service conditions,unless noted oMerwise 4.Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained 2.LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive 5.Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 - Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructtm Dataset:21072801.1545 oa�w CSD I Fg. Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 13 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Tom. Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB1 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 11.875" 3-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor fV . • . • • . . • • . :id X • • . • • • . • . . • . . • . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . . . 2 SPF End Grain 11 7/8„ L 1 SPF End Grain / 1H' 14' ji, "I' 'F5 1/4„ 14'7" Multi-Ply Analysis Fasten all plies using 3 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.. Nail from both sides. Maximum end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 81.0% Load 220.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 271.6 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 90.5 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination D+L Duration Factor 1.00 Notes chemicals 6 For net rook provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation p0"di"g Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design cntena end loadings shown. It is the 2 Refer to manufacturer's product information responsibilityof the customer and/or the contractor to (668)453$358 regardingstenn installation, erequirements,value m code ti-ply WwW.we erhaeusercoml ensure the component suilabiliry of the intended fastening details.beam strength values,and code y application.and to verify the dimensions and loads approvals woodproducts/ Lumber 3 Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES'ESR-1387 4. Design assumes to edge is laterally restrained ` 1. Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise g p g y x a' 2. LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive 5. Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid s"f _t� lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 R. 'ff.S s �* -LI : Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructr"Dataset:21072801.1545 oanw CSD I II" Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 14 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Tas....1e Florence,MA Project ft: 21022 DB2 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 9.500" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor 2 3 a _............._____..... \,,,i / • • • . . . • • „. ,. k, . aw �� • ,,„_.) 9 1/2" „ NI n . o / 1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grail. l' II( 10'9„ —13 1/2" 11'3" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 127 3029 4150 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 0 1575 2250 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -SPF 3.000" Vert 91% 3029/4150 7179 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF End Grain Analysis Results 2-SPF 3.000" Vert 49% 1575/2250 3825 L D+S Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 10053 ft-lb 5'7 1/2" 13541 ft-lb 0.742(74%) D+S L Grain Unbraced 10053 ft-lb 5'7 1/2" 13541 ft-lb 0.742(740%0) D+S L Shear 3117 lb 1'1/2" 7265 lb 0.429(43%) D+S L LL Defl t inch 0.463(V282) 5'7 1/2" 0.544(U240) 0.851(85%) D+S L 2��P STEVEN OF MASs4 TL DeflR o o Design Notes ZE ROSINSKI ri 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support U,, 545 'i may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. / yc 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not ! to exceed 6". i �� 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. FSS/ONA`ENG" 4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 1 i 'i 1 5 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 6 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 7 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 8 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 9 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 10-0-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Roof truss 2 Uniform 8-0-0 Top 10 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Wall 3 Point 0-1-8 Top 1454 lb 127 lb 1900 lb 0 lb 0 lb FB2 Brg 2 Bearing Length 0-5-4 Notes chemicals 6 For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation p°nding Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1. LVL beams must not be cut or drilled design crrtene and loadings shown. It is them (888)4 2. Refer to aallatinrerr producteen information 888 responsibildy of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply ( �453-8358 sure the component suitability of the intended fastening details.beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions and loads approvals woodproducts/ Lumber 3 Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 4 Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained 1. Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise 5. Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid w 2.LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive lateral displacement and rotation ',t» This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructr"Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I CRAW DESICM Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 15 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd T® Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB2 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.75011 X 9.500" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:end Floor e • • e N4 / • 9 1/2" • • C f 1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grai l, 1 IXI 10'9" �131/2" 11'3" 1. Multi-Ply Analysis Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12" o.c.. Maximum end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0% Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 181.1 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 90.5 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Notes chemicals 6.For fiat roofs proade proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling 8 Installation ponding Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1. LVL beams must not be cut or drilled design cnteria and loadings shown. It is the (888)Seattle,WA 2. refer to installation product information responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding Installation requirements, multi-ply (886)453-8358 ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code y www.we erhaeuser.com/ • application,end to verily the dimensions and loads. approvals woodproducts/ Lumber 3, Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 pi 4. Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained 1.Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise 5. Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid t 5 2 LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct.'Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I DRAW OESIEe uu:u Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 16 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd To Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB2 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 7.250" 3-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor __....._ 2 3 dv ,..,,+ y`i*Jitt f`i tiaN 7 1/, I=1 I Hanger(HGUS5.50/8) 2 SPF � �5 1/4" 8'11" 9'6 1/2" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 3 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 128 1466 1917 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 127 1454 1900 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: Yes Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1- 4.000" Vert 21% 1466/1917 3383 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF Hanger Analysis Results 2-SPF 3.500" Vert 43% 1454/1900 3354 L D+S Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case Moment 7215 ft-lb 4'9 1/2" 12764 ft-lb 0.565(57%) D+S L �Q.1YI OF,y4Ssq Unbraced 7215 ft-lb 4'9 1/2" 12764 ft-lb 0.565(57%) D+S L Cy Shear 2721 lb 11 1/4" 8317 lb 0.327(33%) D+S L O STEVEN R cc, LL Defl inch 0.193(U563) 4'9 1/2" 0.301(U360) 0.640(64%) S L ROSINSKI rri ci TL Defl inch 0.340(U319) 4'9 1/2" 0.452(L/240) 0.753(75%) D+S L '' . 545 i,-; Design Notes >;7 T ,,„A,k 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support �FSS)(7NA�tAG\may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code, 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not 1 W *' 1 to exceed 6". 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. 4 Fill all hanger nailing holes. 5 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 6 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 7 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 8 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 9 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 10 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 2. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 10-0-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Roof truss 2 Uniform 8-0-0 Top 12 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Wall 3 Uniform 0-8-0 Top 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor trib Notes chemicals 6 For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation pondimg Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1.LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design criteria end loadings shown. It is the 2 Refer to manufacturer's product information (888)453-8358 responsibility o/the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions and loads. approvals woodproducts/ i Lumber 3 Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 1 Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise 4.Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained '!, 2.LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive5. Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid In l ':riS14747:eiti.6 kg, lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 �$ Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct'Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I tDRAW >Raa �r�7 0Ulla Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 17 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd ii....... Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB2 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 7.250" 3-Ply - PASSED Level:end Floor C\I)1(1)1(1)1( / • • • • \ • 7 yr 1 Hanger(HGUS5.50/8) 2 SPF 8'11" 'f' '151/4" 9'6 1/2" Multi-Ply Analysis Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12" o.c.. Nail from both sides. Maximum end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0% Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 181.1 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 90.5 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Notes chemicals 6.For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Matt ufacfuror Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation ponding Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design criteria and loadings shown. It is the 2 Refer to manufacturers product information (888)453-8358 responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verity the dimensions and loads. approvals woodproducts/ Lumber 3 Damaged Beams must not be used 4. Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained ICC-ES:ESR-1387 1.Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise ; 2.LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive 5. Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid z lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 n. Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct'Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I DRAW �rJ DExlba Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 18 of 3S f 'estg Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE n Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB3 LP-LVL 2900Fb-2.0E 1.750" X 7.250" 3-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor :4 any b 4; t'i+` . tg 1Cir tlt sn't €ti II9 •I (C€ §p {i °r L ¢ • • )0 / „„. a� •' • • ".tom" a. ,._• 4.a. a;.� ;� • _ ', •. 7 I/� _m.,w_ / 1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grai 9'1" '15 1/4" 9,7„ Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb (Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 3 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 797 1625 1178 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 411 1705 2007 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: Yes Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1-SPF 3.000" Vert 26% 1625/1481 3106 L D+0.75(L+S) Snow: 40 PSF End Analysis Results Grain 2-SPF 3.000" Vert 31% 1705/2007 3712 L D+S Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 10422 ft-lb 6' 14059 ft-lb 0.741(74%) D+S L Grain Shear 3468 lb 8'8 3/4" 8317 lb 0.417(42%) D+S L LL Defl inch 0.222(U498) 5'1/2" 0.307(U360) 0.723(72%) 0.75(L+S) L (---67\ • Of�gSS1 TL Defl inch 0.445(U248) 5'1/8" 0.460(U240) 0.966(97%) D+0.75(L+S)L �y STEVEN R G Design Notes rr ROSINSKI 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support .0 545 "' may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. r'3 2 Dead Load Deflection:Instant=0.223",Long Term=0.334". 3 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 12d Box nails(.128x3.25")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not to exceed 6".Clinch Nails where possible. �FSSiONAL - \ 4 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. 1 1 5 Concentrated load fastener specification is in addition to hanger fasteners if a hanger is present. 6 Simpson fasteners applied from a single side of the member use tip values where published. 7 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 8 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 9 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 10 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Part.Uniform 0-0-0 to 6-0-0 4-6-0 Far Face 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 2 2 Tapered Start 0-0-0 Top 144 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF Wall End 6-0-0 96 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF Continued on page 2... Notes Manufacturer Into Rosbeam This component analysis is based on the loads, Louisiana-Pacific Corp 413-244-7635 geometry end other oonddwns as entered by the user 414 Union Street,Suite 2000 end listed in this report.The user Is responsible to ensure the accuracy of the input end the applicability to Nashville,TN 37219 the actual conditions of the structure for which this (888)820-0325 component is intended.This analysis Is valid only for the www.lpcorp.corn product listed. Copyright 2020 All rights reserved by Louisiana Pacific APA:PR-L280,ICC-ES:Florida:FL1 ESR-2403, Corp.414 Union St Suite 2000,Nashville,TN 37219 LADBS:RR-25783, da: L15228 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructTN Dataset:21072801.1545 CS DI I DRAW �7(J DDEESIGN Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 19 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Tor Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB3 LP-LVL 2900Fb-2.0E 1.750" X 7.250" 3-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor 9 2 -- - - - - -- -- -- -- 5 ••'—.. / 1 7,a c... • ir • . 01 . lig l' '1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grai IXI. 9'1„ 1.5 114" 9,7„ ...Continued from page 1 ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 3 Part.Uniform 0-0-0 to 6-0-0 2-0-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Structural gable truss 4 Point 6-0-0 Far Face 1466 lb 128 lb 1917 lb 0 lb 0 lb FB2 Brg 1 5 Part.Uniform 6-0-0 to 9-7-0 5-6-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Lower roof Self Weight 11 PLF Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Notes Louisiana-Pacific Corp 413-244-7635 This component analysis is based on the loads, geometry and other conditions as entered by the user 414 Union Street,Suite 2000 and listed in this report.The user is responsible to ensure the accuracy of the input and the applicability to Nashville,TN 37219 the actual condhions of the structure for which this (888)820-0325 component is intended.This analysis is valid only for the www.lpcorp.com product listed. APA:PR-L280,ICC-ES:ESR-2403, Copyhght 2020 All fights reserved by Louisiana Pacific LADBS:RR-25783,Florida:FL15228 Corp.414 Union St Suite 2000,Nashville,TN 37219 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructra Dataset:21072801.1545 Mg. Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 20 of 3S Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB3 LP-LVL 2900Fb-2.0E 1.750" X 7.250" 3-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor 1 a N / • • • • • • • • . • • • • ,_l Y Y ' 7 lb C Ni( / l' I SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grai 9,1„ l} 1"5 1/4„ 9r7,r Multi-Ply Analysis Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 12d Box nails(.128x3.25")at 12" o.c..except for regions covered by concentrated load fastening. Nail from both sides. Maximum end distance not to exceed 6".Clinch Nails where possible. Capacity 89.0% Load 165.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 185.4 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 92.7 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination D+L Duration Factor 1.00 Concentrated Load Fasten at concentrated side load at 6-0-0 with a minimum of(6)—SDW22500 in the pattern shown. All fasteners shall be installed with the head on the Min/Max fastener distances for Concentrated Side Loads side of the applied load. —Min.6"— Min. 5/8" Capacity 81.7% Load 2255.31b. Total Yield Limit 2760.0lb. 1 1/2 Cg 1.0000 O 1 ® •� O O 0 I\Yield Limit per Fastener 460.0 lb. Mln.5/8" o 0 Yield Mode Lookup t O 0 O Load Combination D+S Min.4" o M 0 0 0 Duration Factor 1.15 I Min.6' J O O Uo 0 o ® O —Min.4"— Max. 12" Max. 12" Notes Manufacturer Info Rosbeam This component analysis is based on the wads, Louisiana-Pacific Corp 413-244-7635 geometry end other conditions as entered by the user 414 and listed in this report.The user is responsible toNas Union Street,Suite 2000 ensure the accuracy of the input and the applicability to Nashville,TN 37219 the actual conditions of the structure for which this (888)820-0325 component is intended.This analysis is valid only for the product listed. www.lpcorp.com Copyright 2020 All rights reserved by Louisiana Pacific APA:PR-L280,ICC-ES:ESR-2403, Corp.414 Union St Suite 2000,Nashville,TN 37219 LADES:RR-25783,Florida:FL15228 - This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct'N Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I blues DESIGN Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 21 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd ems"'"' Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB4 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 7.250" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:end Floor ...... ....... .. ........... .............. ............... .......... .. ... 2 ...... ..... ............... .......... • • • • • • • • • �„r. .-,...,- •- • • ,,, Wit„ #' n a.y -,-• • • �• / I SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grair y3 1/2 7'4„ 7'10" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 0 1394 2037 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 0 1394 2037 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -SPF 3.000" Vert 44% 1394/2037 3431 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF End Grain Analysis Results 2-SPF 3.000" Vert 44% 1394/2037 3431 L D+S Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 6091 ft-lb 3'11" 8182 ft-lb 0.744(74%) D+S L Grain Unbraced 6091 ft-lb 3'11" 8182 ft-lb 0.744(74%) D+S L Shear 2683 lb 6'11 3/4" 5544 lb 0.484(48%) D+S L Ay,OF M4S8 LL Defl inch 0.179(U499) 3'11 1/16" 0.249(U360) 0.721(72%)S L -*-c4,Q' qC TL Defl inch 0.302(U296) 3'11 1/16" 0.373(L/240) 0.810(81%)D+S L 02 STEVEN R yv, Design Notes zE ROSINSKI 1-1 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support v /o•t° 545 c~ may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. .+ /� 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not 4?0 ' ✓,a"J if to exceed 6". �` 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. FSS��NALS. 4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 1 to . .1 5 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 6 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 7 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 8 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 9 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 10-0-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Roof truss 2 Uniform 8-0-0 Top 12 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Wall 3 Uniform 3-0-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Low roof chemicals 6.For flat roofs proper drainage prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Notesprovide ro er to Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation pending Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design cntena and loadings sham. It is the 2 Refer to manufacturer's product information responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply (866)453-8358 ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,end to verify the dimensions and loads, approvals woodproducts/ r Lumber 3.Damaged Beams must not be used 4.Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained ICC-ES:ESR-1387 1.Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise Yry.- 2.LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive 6. Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid a^t lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 t° `` `� c Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructre Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I slow Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 22 of 3E Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE • isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd 9so••• Florence,MA Project#: 21022 -- FB4 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 7.250" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:2nd Floor • / • `— 7 1/4' • • —I I Y SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grair y3 1/2 7'4" -I 7'10" Multi-Ply Analysis fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d B ox nails I.128x3"( at 12" o.c.. Maxim um end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0% Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 181.1 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 90.5 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Notes chemicals 6 For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation ponding Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled design co (888) criteria and loadings shown. It is the 2,Refer to manufacturer's product information Seattle,WA responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply 888)453-8358 ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions and loads. approvals woodproducts/ Lumber 3.Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 4.Design assumes top edge isberm laterally restrained 1.Dry service conditions,unless noted oNerwise jE r�;,; 2.LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive 5.Provide lateral support bearing points to avoid lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 f Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct'a Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I DRAW DESIGN Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 23 of 38 e Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd T-ea. Florence,MA Project#: 21022 V1 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 8.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch ______ • — O .-r.--__...�.r—_.'.'-,. ,., -.r- • „q s s 2 SPF • • =aa. ))/ / °- 7 1/4" 7'8 11116" ` / 1 SPF '3,, 7'6" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Roof Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Slope: 2.12/12 1 Vertical 0 226 603 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Design Method: ASD 2 Vertical 0 136 359 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 Deflection TL: 240 Load Sharing: No Importance: Normal-II Deck: Not Checked Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -SPF 3.500" Vert 19% 226/603 830 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF 2-SPF 3.500" Vert 11% 136/359 495 L D+S Analysis Results Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case Moment 1130 ft-lb 3'4 7/8" 2645 ft-lb 0.427(43%) D+S L �P\:\H OF M4ssq Unbraced 1130 ft-lb 3'4 7/8" 2645 ft-lb 0.427(43%) D+S L . L' Shear 616 lb 6'8 9/16" 2251 lb 0.274(27"/u) D+S L CS' STEVEN R yeci, LL Defl inch 0.056(U1529) 3'8 1/16" 0.238(L/360) 0.235(24%)S L I ROSINSKI ret a TL Defl inch 0.077(U1111) 3'8 1/16" 0.358(L/240) 0.216(22%) D+S L v j• 5545 �—t� „ Design Notes ;off ,, .*.N 'f 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support FSS/ONAtOCI\ may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not 1 • '• 1 to exceed 6". 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. 4 Use solid wedge bearings or metal variable pitch connector at each bearing. 5 Attach with enough nails to prevent sliding between the joist and the sloped bearing wedge at each support. 6 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 7 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 8 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 9 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 10 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 • i This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructV"Dataset:21072801.1545 DESIGN CSD I Pt,�. 0-0 Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 24 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 V1 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 8.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch m s • :_ • 2 SPF ...... --- s • • ' . 1(,, / 71/4" 7�g 11116n� 1 SPF 1 li 13„ 7'6" ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Tapered Start 0-0-0 Near Face 27 PLF 0 PLF 71 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF Porch roof End 7-1-0 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 2 Tapered Start 0-0-0 Far Face 53 PLF 0 PLF 145 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF Low roof End 7-1-0 21 PLF 0 PLF 57 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStrucV"'Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I DRAW DESIGN HULL Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 25 of 3£ Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd 1omme Florence,MA Project#: 21022 V1 S—P-F #2 2.000" X 8.000" 2-Ply — PASSED Level:Porch • • • • • • 2 SPF • • • • • • ( / • ;1)( 7 1/4" • 1 SPF 7'6" J3„ Multi-Ply Analysis Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12" o.c.. Maximum end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 53.5% Load 96.8 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 181.0 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 90.5 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination D+S Duration Factor 1.15 Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct'"Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I na.w Bt�Ia Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 26 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB4 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 11.250" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch 1 / I� • o / 1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grain 17'7" 1-13 1/2„ 17'7" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 0 465 1241 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 0 458 1221 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -SPF 3.500" Vert 19% 465/1241 1706 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF End Analysis Results Grain 2-SPF 1.750" Vert 37% 458/1221 1678 L D+S Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 7177 ft-lb 8'10 3/8" 18558 ft-lb 0.387(39%) D+S L Grain Unbraced 7177 ft-lb 8'10 3/8" 18558 ft-lb 0.387(39%) D+S L Shear 1470 lb 1'2 3/4" 8603 lb 0.171(17%) D+S L LL Defl inch 0.353(L/588) 8'10 7/16" 0.576(L/360) 0.613(61%)S L �P��H��MAssq TL Defl inch 0.485(U427) 8'10 7/16" 0.864(L/240) 0.562(56%) D+S L A• �'y Design Notes STEVEN R ROSINSKI 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support v 5545 may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not '\ to exceed 6".3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. feSi NA-c \ 4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 5 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 6 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 7 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 8 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 9 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 3-6-0 Top 15 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Porch roof Notes chemicals 6.For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent manufacturer IntoRosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation ptnd'"g Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled design criteria and loadings sham. It is the (888)Seattle,WA 2.Refer to nstallatinreYr product information responsibility of the customer and/or Me contractor to regarding installation requirements, multLply (888)453-8358 ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening deters,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions and loads approvals woodproducts/ I Lumber 3 Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 1.Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise 5. Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained - *.. 5.Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid '"f 2 LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 - Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructT"Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I DRAW DESIGN Rut", Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 27 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd T® 1 Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB4 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 11.250" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch • L • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • j i 1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grain 17'7" y3 1/2„ 17'7" Multi-Ply Analysis Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12" o.c.. Maximum end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0% Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 181.1 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 90.5 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Notes chemicals 6 For fiat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation p°"ding Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1.LVL beams must not be cut or drilled 888)453-8358 design criteria and loadings shown. It is the 2.Refer to manufacturer information s product infoation (Seattle,WA responsibility of the customer end/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply 888) ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions and bads. approvals , Lumber 3.Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR woodproducts/ t.Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise 4. Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained ICC-ES:E$R-1387 .`1 2.LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive 5.Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 d Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructr"Dataset:21072801.1545 oaaw CSD 1820. Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 28 of 3£ Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Tmi. Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB5 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 12.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch �, • ICI _ 1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grain If 5'6 1/4" /3„ 5'6 1/4" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 0 96 256 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 0 49 130 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -SPF 1.750" Vert 16% 96/256 352 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF End Grain Analysis Results 2-SPF 3.500" Vert 4% 49/130 179 L D+S Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case End Moment 343 ft-lb 2'3 3/4" 5306 ft-lb 0.065(6%) D+S L Grain Unbraced 343 ft-lb 2'3 3/4" 5306 ft-lb 0.065(6%) D+S L Shear 164 lb 1'1" 3493 lb 0.047(5%) D+S L LL Defl inch 0.002 2'7 1/8" 0.174(U360) 0.014(1%) S L '\‘k OF MA TL Defi inch 0.003142) 2'7 1/8" 0.260(L/240) 0.013(1%) D+S L ��P� .Ss�cy (L/19013) o= STEVEN R s Design Notes ROSINSKIri 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support v /� .545 y may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. J' i,/ 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not 4� .r L.,.f�+t f to exceeds ��'SS/ONAI'C•NO 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. 4 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 1 + it 1 5 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 6 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 7 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 8 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 9 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 $ N This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct.Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD IDRAWDESIGN eu.c Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 29 of 3E Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd 111111111111111N1'" Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB5 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 12.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch / • . �;: A II NI 11 1/4" s IY 0 , 1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grain 5'6 1/4" 3" 5'6 1/4" ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Tapered Start 0-0-0 Top 53 PLF 0 PLF 140 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF Porch roof End 5-6-4 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF Manufacturer Into Rosbeam 413-244-7635 r, This design is valid until 5/24/2024 , Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructr"Dataset:21072801.1545 °DESIGN CSD I R Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 30 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB5 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 12.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch ICI CV a-- ^ 11 1/4" . • • • . . 4 1 SPF End Grain 2 SPF End Grain 5'6 1/4" /1--,"3„ 5'6 1/4" Multi-Ply Analysis I asten all p I ies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails l.128x3"i at 12" o.c.. Maxim um end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0 Vo Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 157.4 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 78.7 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 _ Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct.Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I DDRAW ESIGN Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 31 of 3E Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE (sDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB6 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 12.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch AA• a,,l.x4 z'..a,� ..!a-,..� 5,3!.,,, ...•a..x ex•.•. ... ,•.,.... ...a..., �, s .. r •,. �� • • • . a • • • yy 11 1/4" o 1 Hanger(LUS214-2) 2 SPF End Grain 9' /---/3" 9' Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 0 399 1065 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 0 411 1095 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1- 2.000" Vert 57% 399/1065 1464 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF Hanger Analysis Results 2-SPF 3.500" Vert 34% 411/1095 1506 L D+S End Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case Grain Moment 3098 ft-lb 4'5 1/4" 5306 ft-lb 0.584(58%) D+S L Unbraced 3098 ft-lb 4'5 1/4" 5306 ft-lb 0.584(58%) D+S L .\H OF* Shear 1100 lb 1'1 1/4" 3493 lb 0.315(31%) D+S L 4 �1 $4 LL Defl inch 0.061(U1701) 4'5 1/4" 0.289(U360) 0.212(21%)S L itSTEVEN R yG TL Defl inch 0.084(U1237) 4'5 1/4" 0.433(U240) 0.194(19%) D+S L 1 ROSINSKI rn Design Notes o '). 545 c i 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support r • /f may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. in f . i>� 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not vie' G\ to exceed 6". `sS'ONAI.F-� 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. 1 W + 1 4 Fill all hanger nailing holes. 5 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 6 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 7 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 8 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 9 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 10 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 6-0-0 Top 15 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Porch roof Manufacturer Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 This design is valid until 5/24/2024 "" Version 21.40.338 Powered by'StructT"Dataset:21072801.1545 CSDI seaw DESIGN Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 32 of 39 • Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB6 S-P-F #2 2.000" X 12.000" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch . A' EN 1\. . • . • • • 1 . . ____)ts_ i V 11 11 1l4" C 1 Hanger(LUS214-2) 2 SPF End Grain 9' �3 9' Multi-Ply Analysis I asten all plies using 2 rows of 10d B ox nails I.128x3"( at 12" o.c.. Maxim um end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0 Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 157.4 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 78.7 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Manufacture,Info Rosbeam 413-244-7635 1 rizze This design is valid until 5/24/2024 - t Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructT"'Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I c. Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 33 of 3fi Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd e*ssisso Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB7 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 11.250" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch 4 2 • e e • e . • • Ai `�'R+ +t *5 �ji�lJld er e e e M 11 1/4„ e e e iVI o ' 1 Hanger(HUS412) 2 SPF End Grain if 10'11" 1' '31/2" 10'11" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb (Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 2 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 0 365 973 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 0 482 1285 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: No Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1- 2.000" Vert 25% 365/973 1337 L D+S Snow: 40 PSF Hanger Analysis Results 2-SPF 3.500" Vert 19% 482/1285 1767 L D+S End Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case Grain Moment 6956 ft-lb 6'9" 18558 ft-lb 0.375(37%) D+S L Unbraced 6956 ft-lb 6'9" 18558 ft-lb 0.375(37%) D+S L Shear 1767 lb 9'8 1/4" 8603 lb 0.205(21%) D+S L P��N{OF MgSs LL Defl inch 0.117(L/1082) 5'9 5/8" 0.353(U360) 0.333(33%) S L , e 10. TL Deft inch 0.161(L/787) 5'9 5/8" 0.529(U240) 0.305(31%) D+S L p= STEVEN R yGj, Design Notes = ROSINSKIrri 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support �'• 545 f may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. / l�I:. 2 Fasten all plies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails(.128x3")at 12"o.c.Maximum end distance not „n i/+ ..,+ss� '`iId/,. to exceed 6". ` G\ 3 Refer to last page of calculations for fasteners required for specified loads. -. NALE� 4 Concentrated load fastener specification is in addition to hanger fasteners if a hanger is 1 M 'It 1 present. 5 Fill all hanger nailing holes. 6 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 7 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 8 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 9 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 10 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 11 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 1. Notes chemicals 6.For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation pon°ing Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structure!adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design criteria end loadings shown. It a the 2.Refer to manufacturers product information responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply (888)453-8358 ensure the component suitabildy of Me intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,end to verify the dimensions and loads. approvals woodpfoducts/ Lumber 3.Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 1. Dry service conditions.unless noted olheNrise 4.Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained 2. LVL not to be treated whh fire retardant or corrosive 5.Provide lateral support at Dearing points to avoid lateral displacement and rotation . M�.. This design is valid until 5124/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructT.Dataset:21072801.1545 DRAW CSDIRDESIGN uar Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 34 of 3£ Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB7 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 11.250" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch 4 1 2 rL\j1{it✓'f f°' i J. �`%' C. . YJ<<Jfili IIP 11 1/4" o IVI 1 Hanger(HUS412) 2 SPF End Grain 10'11" ' '�31/2" 10'11" ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Tapered Start 0-0-0 Top 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF Porch roof End 5-0-0 53 PLF 0 PLF 140 PLF 0 PLF 0 PLF 2 Part.Uniform 5-0-0 to 6-9-0 3-5-0 Top 15 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Porch roof 3 Point 6-9-0 Top 226 lb 0 lb 603 lb 0 lb 0 lb V1 Brg 1 Bearing Length 0-3-0 4 Point 6-9-0 Far Face 399 lb 0 lb 1065 lb 0 lb 0 lb DB6 Brg 1 Notes chemicals 6.For fiat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated structured Designs is responsible onlyof the Handling&Installation ponding Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the t.LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design criteria and loadings shown. It is the 2 Refer to manufadurees product information •esponsibiley of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply (888)453$358 ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,end code Www.weyerhaeuser.com/ appl canon and to verify the dimensions and loads. approvels Lumber 3.Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 j t 4.Design assumes top edge Is laterally restrained ICC-ES: t 1 Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise 5.Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid { 2 LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructr0 Dataset:21072801.1545 CSC I scow DIMON MO Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 35 of 35 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Tom" Florence,MA Project#: 21022 DB7 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 11.250" 2-Ply - PASSED Level:Porch 1 • • • - ICI (V k. . • • • • • • • • • • 406 / VV :• •: : ^ ^ 11 1/4" If 1 Hanger(HUS412) 2 SPF End Grain 01, li 10'11" '' 't3 1/2" 10'11" Multi-Ply Analysis f asten all p I ies using 2 rows of 10d Box nails l.128x3'y at 12" o.c.. excep t for reg ions covered by concentrated load fastening. Maxim urn end distance not to exceed 6". Capacity 0.0% Load 0.0 PLF Yield Limit per Foot 181.1 PLF Yield Limit per Fastener 90.5 lb. Yield Mode IV Edge Distance 1 1/2" Min.End Distance 3" Load Combination Duration Factor 1.00 Concentrated Load I asten at concentrated side load at 6-9-0 with a m inim um ofI8( —10dBoxnails1.128x3'y in the p attern sh own. Min/Max fastener distances for Concentrated Side Loads Capacity 87.9% Min.3"— Min. 1 1/4" Load 732.21b. Total Yield Limit 833.0 lb. Cg 1.0000 1 1/2" Yield Limit per Fastener 104.1 lb. • f • • • Yield Mode IV Mn. 1 1/4" iCo° � • • Load Combination D+S Duration Factor 1.15 Min. 3" I — Min.5' • • • —Min.3"— Max. 12" Max. 12" - Notes chemicals 8 For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs Is responsible only of the Handling&Installation pon°'"g Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1.LVL beans moat not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design cretins and loadings shown. It is the 2.Refer to manufacturers product information responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply (888)453-8358 ensure the component sultsbeity of the intended fastening details,beam strength values.and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions and bads. approvals woodproducts/ Lumber 3 Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 4.Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained 1:' 1. Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise a r d;' 2.LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive 5.Provide lateral support rotation Deering points to avoid x y�S' lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructT"Dataset:21072801.1545 DRAW CSDI F .. Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 36 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE • isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd area Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB5 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 5.500" 4-Ply - PASSED Level:Basement ..- 4 _ 3: , 2 1 --— / ,.. %:v r , u r.1ftiA.. IlAlllil 1/2 I=1 II O 1 Steel 2 Steel 3 Steel 4 Shelf 6"'11 3'6" Jr 4'8" '' 7'7" Jr '[7" 16'3" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 4 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 2843(-51) 1165 0 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 5636(-717) 1926 0 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: Yes 3 Vertical 3629(-359) 1217 0 0 0 Deflection IL: 240 Deck: Not Checked 4 Vertical 1598 581 0 0 0 Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -Steel 3.500" Vert 20% 1163/2846 4009 LL_L D+L Snow: 40 PSF 2-Steel 3.500" Vert 38% 1928/5717 7646 _LL_ D+L Analysis Results 3-Steel 3.500" Vert 24% 1219/3676 4896 L_LL D+L Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case 4-Shelf 3.500" Vert 21% 579/1593 2172 _L_L D+L Neg Moment -3243 ft-lb 8'8" 8843 ft-lb 0.367(37%) D+L L_LL Unbraced -3243 ft-lb 8'8" 8828 ft-lb 0.367(37%) D+L L_LL Pos Moment 3695 ft-lb 3' 8843 ft-lb 0.418(42%) D+L _L_L Unbraced 3695 ft-lb 3' 8843 ft-lb 0.418(42%) D+L _L_L �P�•\N OF At4Ssq Shear 5676 lb 3'4 3/4" 7315 lb 0.776(78%) D+L _LL_ t-^y LL Defl inch 0.117(L/756) 12'6 11/16" 0.245(U360) 0.476(48%) L _L_L o7 STEVEN R V, TL Defl inch 0.157(U564) 12'6 15/16" 0.368(U240) 0.426(43%) D+L _L_L ROSINSKI `r', o I_ LL Cant -0.012 Lt Cant 0.200 0.060(6%) L _L_L v Air545 r (2U1001) (2L/360) ij� TL Cant -0,016 Lt Cant 0.300 0.053(5%) D+L _L_L 4 6\ •'"'"0`. (2L751) (2u240) _,,. es S/ONAtiA' Design Notes 1 • . 1 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. 2 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 3 Multiple plies must be fastened together as per manufacturer's details. 4 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 5 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 6 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 7 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 8 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 3. Notes chemicals 6.For gat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of tire Handling 8 Installation pon°i"g Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1.LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design criteria and loadings shown. It is the 2 Refer to manufacturer's product information responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply (886)453-63s6 ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions and loads. approvals woodproducts/ - Lumber 3.Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 1.Dry servks conditions,unless noted otherwise 4. Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained 2. LVL not to be treated with firess te oth or corrosive 5. Provide laterel support at bearing points to avoid lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStruct"Dataset:21072801.1545 CSD I DRSIGAW OEM p: Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 37 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE 1 isDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd . ri`N Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB5 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 5.500" 4-Ply - PASSED Level:Basement 4 -- 35. -1Ar., 1 rz. vO O!«�kv%g rrO .. ; O NII�1�1 ,s 1/2 1 Steel 2 Steel 3 Steel 4 Shelf 6" { 3,6„ 4,8„ 7,7„ l' l"7" 16'3" ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const.1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 5-9-0 Far Face 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 1 2 Uniform 6-0-0 Near Face 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 1 3 Part.Uniform 0-0-0 to 3-0-0 8-0-0 Top 10 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Wall 4 Part.Uniform 0-0-0 to 3-0-0 10-6-0 Top 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 2 5 Point 3-0-0 Top 1313 lb 3500 lb 0 lb 0 lb 0 lb FB1 Brg 1 Bearing Length 0-5-4 Notes chemicals 6.For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Info Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation ponding Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled design criteria and loadings show. product into tan It is the 2, Refer to manufacturer's (888)453$358 Seattle,WA responsibility of thecustomer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, la-pry ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details.beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeusercom/ application,and to verify the dimensions end bads approvals woodproducts/ Lumber 3 Damaged Beams must not be used 1. Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise 4 Design assumes top edge is laterally restrained ICC-ES:ESR-1387 2. LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive lateral Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 - -Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructw Dataset:21072801.1545 CS'D I FF. 9U Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 38 of 3S Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE isDeslgrl Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB6 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 5.500" 3-Ply - PASSED Level:Basement ............... ............................ 4 r it' " W4v wt * � xxx 5 1 Steel 2 Ste I 3 Steel 5'9" 5' 'I. 1'5 1/4" 10'9" Member Information Reactions PATTERNED lb(Uplift) Type: Girder Application: Floor Brg Direction Live Dead Snow Wind Const Plies: 3 Design Method: ASD 1 Vertical 1357(-23) 1428 1147 0 0 Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC 2015 2 Vertical 3361 3885 2973 0 0 Deflection LL: 360 Load Sharing: Yes 3 Vertical 1209(-118) 1148 974 0 0 Deflection TL: 240 Deck: Not Checked Importance: Normal-II Temperature: Temp<=100°F General Load Bearings Floor Live: 0 PSF Bearing Length Dir. Cap. React D/L lb Total Ld.Case Ld.Comb. Dead: 20 PSF 1 -Steel 3.000" Vert 28% 1415/1866 3281 L_ D+0.75(L+S) Snow: 40 PSF 2-Steel 3.500" Vert 57% 3913/4786 8700 LL D+0.75(L+S) Analysis Results 3-Steel 3.000" Vert 23% 1132/1627 2759 _L D+0.75(L+S) Analysis Actual Location Allowed Capacity Comb. Case Neg Moment -4564 ft-lb 5'9" 7627 ft-lb 0.598(60%) D+0.75(L+S)LL Unbraced -4564 ft-lb 5'9" 7609 ft-lb 0.600(60%) D+0.75(L+S)LL <c,Q\:\N OF MAssq Pos Moment 3438 ft-lb 2'5 1/2" 7627 ft-lb 0.451(45%) D+0.75(L+S)L_ 4 q, Unbraced 3438 ft-lb 2'5 1/2" 7627 ft-lb 0.451(45%) D+0.75(L+S)L_ o? STEVEN R v, Shear 3863 lb 5'1 3/4" 6309 lb 0.612(61%) D+0.75(L+S)LL ROSINSKIr1'i LL Defl inch 0.082(U817) 2'9 9/16" 0.185(L/360) 0.440(44%)0.75(L+S) L_ �v ,.*tr4• 545 Al TL Defl inch 0.135(U494) 2'9" 0.278(U240) 0.486(49%) D+0.75(L+S)L_ y Design Notes '-es. ONALE�c'\ 1 Provide support to prevent lateral movement and rotation at the end bearings.Lateral support 1 W M 1 may also be required at the interior bearings by the building code. 2 Girders are designed to be supported on the bottom edge only. 3 Multiple plies must be fastened together as per manufacturer's details. 4 Top loads must be supported equally by all plies. 5 Unsupported length Lu based on points of zero moments. 6 Top must be continuously laterally braced. 7 Bottom must be laterally braced at bearings. 8 Lateral slenderness ratio based on single ply width x 2. ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const. 1.25 Comments 1 Uniform 6-6-0 Far Face 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 1 2 Uniform 8-0-0 Top 10 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Wall 3 Uniform 6-6-0 Top 15 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Floor 2 Continued on page 2... Notes chemicals 6 For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent Manufacturer Into Rosbeam Calculated Structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation ponding Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design cntena and loadings shown. It is the 2 Refer to manufacturer's product information responsibility of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply (888)453-8358 ensure the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code www.weyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions and loads approvals woodproducts/ , Lumber 3 Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 7. Dry service conditions,unless noted otherwise 4.Design assumes top edges laterally restrained 2. LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive 5. Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 - - Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructTa Dataset:21072801.1545 C'SD I°ocswoa 9Enro Client: Marc Sternick,AIA Date: 11/5/2021 Page 39 of 39 Project: 63 Florence Rd Input by: Steven Rosinski,PE fsDesign Address: 63 Florence Rd Job Name: 63 Florence Rd 'P"'omis Florence,MA Project#: 21022 FB6 2.0E Microllam LVL 1.750" X 5.500" 3-Ply - PASSED Level:Basement .. ..................... 4 5 2 3 1 .ti ,t: IA; 111 ligJ2tA17 ' ;ii)e.ii1 ,f.. Cfl I�I 11 5 12„ 0 1 Steel 2 Ste I 3 Steel 5'9,' 5' / '51/4" 10'9" ...Continued from page 1 ID Load Type Location Trib Width Side Dead 0.9 Live 1 Snow 1.15 Wind 1.6 Const. 1.25 Comments 4 Uniform 8-0-0 Top 12 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Wall 5 Uniform 11-6-0 Top 20 PSF 0 PSF 40 PSF 0 PSF 0 PSF Roof Notes chemicals 6. For flat roofs provide proper drainage to prevent t7,v lrfpcturer lnfr; Rosbeam Calculated structured Designs is responsible only of the Handling&Installation pending Weyerhaeuser 413-244-7635 structural adequacy of this component based on the 1 LVL beams must not be cut or drilled Seattle,WA design criteria and loadings shown. It is the 2 Refer to manufacturer's product information respo ti Itty of the customer and/or the contractor to regarding installation requirements, multi-ply (888)453-8358 ensue the component suitability of the intended fastening details,beam strength values,and code wwwweyerhaeuser.com/ application,and to verify the dimensions and loads approvals woodproducts/ Lumber 3_Damaged Beams must not be used ICC-ES:ESR-1387 r ( 1.Dry service conditions unless noted otherwise 4. Design assumes top edge s laterally restrained o, 5. Provide lateral support at bearing points to avoid 2.LVL not to be treated with fire retardant or corrosive ,., lateral displacement and rotation This design is valid until 5/24/2024 4' } Version 21.40.338 Powered by iStructe Dataset:21072801.1545 C