44-031 (7) 4/41-O3/ Permit Listing Report by Permit Type Date Range:Submitted between 01/01/1999 And 11/30/2021 Printed On:Tue Nov 30,2021 SQL Statement:Map like"44"AND Block like"031"and([Type of Permit]="Building"or[Type of Permit]="Electrical"or[Type of Permit]="Gas"or[Type of Permit]="Plumbing"or[Type of Permit]="ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION"or[Type of Permit]="SHEETMETAL") Permit Type Address(Work Location) District Zoning Owner Work Category Est.Cost Proposed Use Details Map/Block/Lot Permit No Online Permit No Permit Status Date Issued Contractor(Phone#) Work Description Fees Paid Check# Building EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT NEW COMMERCIAL $6,397,857.00 EASTHAMPTON RD) BUILDING 44/031/001 BP-2020-1028 APPROVED Mar-27-2020 SOVEREIGN BUILDERS INC(413)527-8001 CONSTRUCT SELF STORAGE FACILITY WITH OFFICE BUILDING $19,280.00 4095 Permit Type(BUILDING)TOTALS: ESTIMATED COST: $6,397,857.00 NUMBER OF PERMITS: FEES INVOICED: $19,280.00 FEES PAID: $19,280.00 BALANCE: $.00 Electrical EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT ELECTRICAL EASTHAMPTON RD) 44/031/001 EP-2020-0856 SIGNED OFF Jun-09-2020 ERWIN ELECTRICAL SERVICES(413)218- TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE 1027 $60.00 4710 EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M WEINSTEIN DONNA F&ROBERT D SECURITY CAMERAS EASTHAMPTON RD) RAYMOND EP-2021-0705 APPROVED Feb-26-2021 OCKERS COMPANY(508)586-4642 INSTALL 45 SECURITY CAMERAS $376.00 40687 EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT NEW COMMERCIAL EASTHAMPTON RD) BUILDING EP-2021-0265 SIGNED OFF Sep-23-2020 ERWIN ELECTRICAL SERVICES(413)218- INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER&PANELS,INSTALL 1027 ELECTRICAL PER DRAWINGS $800.00 4697 Permit Type(ELECTRICAL)TOTALS: ESTIMATED COST: NUMBER OF PERMITS: 3 FEES INVOICED: $1,236.00 FEES PAID: $1,236.00 BALANCE: $.00 GeoTMS®2021 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Page I of 4 Permit Listinji Report by Permit Type Permit Type Address(Work Location) District Zoning Owner Work Category Est.Cost Proposed Use Details Map/Block/Lot Permit No Online Permit No Permit Status Date Issued Contractor(Phone#) Work Description Fees Paid Check# Gas EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT NEW COMMERCIAL EASTHAMPTON RD) BUILDING 44/031/001 GP-2021-0201 SIGNED OFF Dec-I4-2020 AMERIGAS(413)568-8972() INSTALL 1 UNDERGROUND LINE. 2ND UNDERGROUND LINE ADDED TO PERMIT 1/19/2021 $120.00 4194682 $60.00 107 EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT NEW COMMERCIAL EASTHAMPTON RD) BUILDING GP-2021-0213 SIGNED OFF Dec-28-2020 CARRIER PLBG&HTG(413)527-8458 INSTALL 5 FURNACES IN BASEMENT&12 FURNACES ON 1ST FLOOR $600.00 I I I Permit Type(GAS)TOTALS: ESTIMATED COST: NUMBER OF PERMITS: 2 FEES INVOICED: $780.00 FEES PAID: $780.00 BALANCE: $.00 Plumbing EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT NEW COMMERCIAL EASTHAMPTON RD) BUILDING 44/031/001 PP-2021-0033 SIGNED OFF Jul-28-2020 CARRIER PLBG&HTG(413)527-8458 INSTALL MOP SINK-CONSTRUCT SELF STORAGE FACILITY WITH OFFICE BUILDING $120.00 1944 EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT NEW COMMERCIAL EASTHAMPTON RD) BUILDING PP-2021-0024 SIGNED OFF Jul-23-2020 CARRIER PLBG&HTG(413)527-8458 INSTALL PLUMBING,FLOOR DRAIN,MOP SINK $80.00 1943 $100.00 1943 GeoTMS®2021 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Page 2 of 4 Permit Listing Report by Permit Type Permit Type Address(Work Location) District Zoning Owner Work Category Est.Cost Proposed Use Details Map/Block/Lot Permit No Online Permit No Permit Status Date Issued Contractor(Phone#) Work Description Fees Paid Check# Plumbing EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT NEW COMMERCIAL EASTHAMPTON RD) BUILDING 44/031/001 PP-2021-0061 SIGNED OFF Aug-19-2020 CARRIER PLBG&HTG(413)527-8458 INSTALL FLOOR DRAIN,MOP SINKS,&WATER PIPING $210.00 1949 EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT NEW COMMERCIAL EASTHAMPTON RD) BUILDING PP-2021-0072 SIGNED OFF Sep-02-2020 CARRIER PLBG&HTG(413)527-8458 INSTALL PLUMBIN FIXTURES FOR OFFICE $270.00 1952 Permit Type(PLUMBING)TOTALS: ESTIMATED COST: NUMBER OF PERMITS: 4 FEES INVOICED: $780.00 FEES PAID: $780.00 BALANCE: $.00 SHEETMETAL EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT SHEETMETAL $179,000.00 EASTHAMPTON RD) 44/031/001 SM-2021-0010 SIGNED OFF Oct-26-2020 ROCK VALLEY HVAC(413)535-7804 HVAC FOR STRUCTURE B $50.00 1360 EASTHAMPTON RD(547 M RAYMOND ROBERT SHEETMETAL $179,000.00 EASTHAMPTON RD) SM-2021-0011 SIGNED OFF Oct-26-2020 ROCK VALLEY HVAC(413)535-7804 HVAC FOR STRUCTURE A $50.00 1359 Permit.Type(SHEETMETAL)TOTALS: ESTIMATED COST: $358,000.00 NUMBER OF PERMITS: 2 FEES INVOICED: $100.00 FEES PAID: $100.00 BALANCE: $.00 GeoTMS®2021 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Page 3 o1 4 Permit Listing Report by Permit Type Permit Type Address(Work Location) District Zoning Owner Work Category Est.Cost Proposed Use Details Map/Block/Lot Permit No Online Permit No Permit Status Date Issued Contractor(Phone#) Work Description Fees Paid Check# ZONING PERMIT EASTHAMPTON RD M WEINSTEIN DONNA F&ROBERT D Zoning Permit APPLICATION RAYMOND 44/031/001 MP-2019-0026 DENIED PLATINUM STORAGE GROUP C/O R ZPA-CONSTRUCT A SELF STORAGE FACILITY LEVESQUE ASSOC INC(413)568-0985 $30.00 5345 Permit Type(ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION)TOTALS: ESTIMATED COST: NUMBER OF PERMITS: 1 FEES INVOICED: $30.00 FEES PAID: $30.00 BALANCE: $.00 GRAND TOTALS: ESTIMATED COST: $6,755,857.00 NIl MBER OF PERMITS: 13 FEES INVOICED: $22,2116.011 FEES PAID: $22,206.00 BALANCE: $.00 GeoTMS®2021 Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions,Inc. Page 4 of 4 11/30/21, 11:50 AM City of Northampton Mail-Fwd:Public information request for 547 Easthampton Rd.,Northampton,MA 01060 ( ' Kim Carson <kcarson@northamptonma.gov> ,Noi1h $ton • Fwd: Public information request for 547 Easthampton Rd., Northampton, MA 01060 1 message Pamela Powers <ppowers@northamptonma.gov> Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 8:12 PM To: Building@northamptonma.gov, Jonathan Flagg <jflagg@northamptonma.gov> Please see records request below. Forwarded message From: Scott Leonard <s.leonard@cretelligent.com> Date: Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 3:28 PM Subject: Public information request for 547 Easthampton Rd., Northampton, MA 01060 To: cclerk@northamptonma.gov <cclerk@northamptonma.gov> Good afternoon, My company has been engaged to perform a property condition assessment of a self-storage facility at the above address. To complete this project, we're requesting all • Building code violation correspondence • Building code permits for the past five years. • Fire code violation correspondence • Fire safety inspection reports • Health code permits • Health code violation correspondence for the past five years. • Certificate(s) of occupancy • Zoning letters)/report(s) We prefer digital copies of documents when they are available. Should a cost be involved, please contact us in advance. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=28605c8627&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1717632478373581288&simpl=msg-f%3A1717632478373581288 1/2 11/30/21, 11:50 AM City of Northampton Mail-Fwd:Public information request for 547 Easthampton Rd.,Northampton,MA 01060 Thank you in advance for your help with this project, Scott Scott A. Leonard PCA Department Manager Environmental Project Manager 111/ ...- re L o is is now „ , w f- r‘ .k4 OlRbtelllgeflten Direct: (330)559-1821 Address: 11344 Colorna Road, #850 Gold River,CA 195670 www.CREtelligent.com Sent from Gmail Mobile https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=28605c8627&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1717632478373581288&simpl=msg-f%3A1717632478373581288 2/2 11/30/21, 11:50 AM City of Northampton Mail-Fwd:Online Form Submittal:Public Records Request City of , R'�n Kim Carson <kcarson@northamptonma.gov> Fwd: Online Form Submittal: Public Records Request 1 message Pamela Powers <ppowers@northamptonma.gov> Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 8:20 PM To:Andy Pelis <apelis@northamptonma.gov>, Building@northamptonma.gov, Jonathan Flagg <jflagg@northamptonma.gov> Please see records requested below. On Fri, Nov 5, 2021 at 12:07 PM <noreply@civicplus.com>wrote: Public Records Request Public Records Request This form may be used to assist in requesting a public record. Narrowing the scope of the request may help expedite a response. A Records Access Officer will respond to the request in writing within 10 business days from the receipt of the request. Date of Request 11/05/2021 First Name Diana Last Name Esempio Business or Company Name, CRE Zoning if applicable Mailing Address 2717 S. Arlington Rd., Suite C City Akron State Ohio Zip 44312 Home or Business Phone 3308124249 Cell Phone Field not completed. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=28605c8627&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1717632963704645910&simpl=msg-f%3A1717632963704645910 1/3 11/30/21, 11:50 AM City of Northampton Mail-Fwd:Online Form Submittal:Public Records Request Email diana@cresurveys.com Describe the type of Seeking the following records for the address 547 Easthampton record(s) requested: Rd Northampton, MA: OPEN/ACTIVE fire code violations OPEN/ACTIVE zoning code violations OPEN/ACTIVE building code violations (not open building permits, open VIOLATIONS) Copy of original Approved Site Plan Copies of all valid Certificates of Occupancy Copies of associated zoning documents (if applicable)ex: special/conditional use permits, resolutions/ordinances, etc. **If there are no documents associated with any part of this request, please respond "No Responsive Documents" to that part.** THANK YOU! Select the department that Other most relates to your request Preferred method of Electronic Copy response Additional information, if Field not completed. necessary Fees A RAO shall assess no fee for the first two hours of time spent searching for, compiling, segregating, redacting and reproducing a requested record. A fee shall not be assessed unless such segregation or redaction is required by law or approved by the Supervisor under 950 CMR 32.06(4)(g) and (h). The charge for black and white paper copies or printouts of records of any size susceptible to ordinary means of production shall not exceed$.05 per page, for both single and doubled-sided black and white copies or printouts. If fees are to be assessed, a RAO shall provide a written, itemized, good faith estimate of any fees that may be https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=28605c8627&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1717632963704645910&simpl=msg-f%3A1717632963704645910 2/3 11/30/21, 11:50 AM City of Northampton Mail-Fwd:Online Form Submittal:Public Records Request charged to produce the records prior to complying with the public records request within ten business days. If you are unable to complete this form This particular form is not required to be used when making a request. Requests may be made orally in person to a RAO or custodian or may be written. Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Sent from Gmail Mobile https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=28605c8627&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1717632963704645910&simpl=msg-f%3A1717632963704645910 3/3