Swift Letter ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: catherine swift <swiftgillis@comcast.net> Date: Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 8:30 PM Subject: Nagle addition - 152 South Main Street, Florence - Map ID23A-187 To: wfeiden@northamptonma.gov <wfeiden@northamptonma.gov> I am writing to state that I am against the addition of five townhouse units and site development at 152 South Main Street, Florence, Map ID 23A-187. I have been a neighbor on South Main Street for the past 25 years. My husband and I invested in our home and neighborhood due to historic nature of the properties and the beauty of the land and area. In 1998, when we were considering renovations to upgrade our home's interior, I was told that the Nagles were trying to establish this street as a historic district and any project that impacts the outside of our home also impacts the neighborhood and thus may be scrutinized. At the time, I was struck by the thoughtfulness with which our neighbors were invested in maintaining the history of the homes and their surroundings. The site plan for 152 South Main Street goes against everything that this neighborhood has been and represents.The idea that new construction is going up on this property impacts the neighborhood negatively in many ways. The fact that this development is going to be managed by the Nagles, who have not maintained nor kept up their own home over the past 20 years, does not bode well for project oversight, project completion, as well as the overall appearance of the development and its units. I am also concerned about the impact of these units in terms of noise and lights - both on the property and from the cars. In addition, I am worried about the additional traffic that will be entering and exiting the driveway at 152 South Main Street and feeding into two already dangerous intersections at South Main / Trinity Row and South Main / Pine Street. This development will have an immediate and lasting negative impact on the neighbors and the neighborhood and I hope you will consider my statement as you make your decisions. Thank you. Catherine Swift