188 North King St - IRA CompletionENVIRONMENTAL � ENGINEERING SERVICES CMG SERVICES Esr. sao2 October I. 2021 Health Department Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Notice of Permanent Solution Statement and Immediate Response Action (IRA) Completion Former Jiffy Lube 1$8 North King Street, Northampton'Massachusetts Release Tracking Number (RTN) 1-21372 CMG ID 2021-184 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform the Northampton Health Department in accordance with 310' CMR 40.1403(3)(f), that Big Y Foods, Inc. has submitted a Permanent Solution Statement to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for the above -referenced property. Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1403(3)(c), we are also notifying you that this Permanent Solution Statement supports closure of an IRA at this property. Local officials interested in reviewing the Permanent Solution Report may download an electronic copy from htt s://eeaonline.eea,state.ma.us/ octal#!/search/wastesite (the DEP `Search for Waste Site & Reportable Releases' web page) by entering the RTN, selecting `Site File Viewer' from the next web page, and selecting the .pdf file in the Attachments column for Form Name "BW SC 104." Sincerely, CMG ]ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. f Benson R. Gould, LSP, LEP Principal cc; Massachusetts DEP, Western Regional Office Big Y Foods, Inc. 67, HALL, ROAD PRONE (774) 241-0901 .STURBRIDGE, MA 01566 FAX (774) 241-0906