Market to King- Fall 2021 forum 1DROP IN WORKSHOP & OPEN HOUSE
How will bike lanes on Main
connect to bike path? What
happens at the transition
after Hawley Street? These
connections will see
increased use as
Northampton becomes
more and more of a biking
Can the outdoor dining
experience continue with
this proposed plan? Darker
green region materials are
to determined but could be
programmed to
accommodate those
Investments outside
of the parameters of
this project (33
Hawley, Historic
Northampton, etc.)
should be
In 10 years,
we're going to
see a lot more
biking/e- bikes
Love the raised crosswalk -
can we consider in other
locations? Would be great
to continue to the sidewalk
material across the raised
crosswalk. Apply that
continuity in
materials/grade to bike
facilities as well
in favor of trees along
the street edge for a
range of reasons - this
design feels like it is
lacking trees where we
need them most, at
Need for shade is
imperative - if it
can't all be done
with shade, we
need another
Concrete contributes to
climate change. Bricks are
small form factor and move
easily. Can we support
reconfiguration and
improved aesthetics with
our material choices?
September 21, 2021: King/Pleasant to Market/Hawley
Was tree preservation
determined based
solely on health, or also
for species? There is a
lot of trauma that
happens during
construction for trees
How can we
replicate the
experience of
Summer on
Strong to the rest
of Downtown?
Main Street is really noisy -
would be nice to be able to
limit how much noise
comes from large vehicles
on the street. Need to
address through vehicles
that are passing through
Today, pedestrian
crossings at
sometimes goes
kitty corner
In favor of concurrent
crosswalk phasing due
to reduction in wait
time and increased
frequency in
opportunities to cross
It floods under the bridge
today - is there anything
we're able to do about the
flooding? Could bike lanes
be elevated to avoid the
broken pavement, parked
cars, poor drainage, and
Very excited
about bike lanes
generally. The
plan still feels a
bit vehicle centric
What will the
buffer/separation between
the bike lane and the street
be under the bridge? If
plastic bollards, concerned
people will just park in the
bike lane out of habit.
Merrick Lane is a
dangerous conflict point
with pedestrians - could a
multiuse path be
introduced along the
existing driveway/roadway
to connect to the bike
Can the loading zone be
also used for more than
just trucks? 15 minutes?
pick up drop off? etc?
Would be great to get
another one on the south
side of the street.
When do we
start siting bike
racks, other
The bike
through this area
feel the most
critical in the
project area
Want to see a wider
sidewalk next to the Roost -
potentially looking at a
major renovation of the
Roost intended to open to
Downtown. A wider
sidewalk would be so
Market/Hawley particularly
difficult to navigate due to
geometry - who has the
right of way during
permitted movements?
Discussion to be had with
larger region stakeholders
on truck routes through
this intersection
transit hub
Any opportunities
to further expand
sidewalk space
should be taken,
especially in this
How are left
turning bicyclists
accommodated at
Cross as
Is transit signal priority
feasible at the
intersections? Already
exists, but potential to
adjust based on
proposed conditions
Can the westbound
turn lane be shortened
so that we can expand
the sidewalk space on
the north side and
introduce a tree belt
along the loading zone?