31C-047 88 Village Hill-Revised OM Plan_Porous PavementATTACHMENT A Stormwater Facility Maintenance Schedule Name of Project: Coach House Project Location: Village Hill Road, Northampton, MA Assessor’s ID(s): 31C-047-001 Owner of the Stormwater System: Denmark Property Group, LLC 82-84 North Street Northampton, MA 01060 Responsibility for Operation & Maintenance of Stormwater System: Owner or its assigns Financial Responsibility for Operation & Maintenance of Stormwater System: Owner or its assigns Operation and Maintenance Schedule: Snow Stockpiling: Snow accumulations removed from streets and parking lots shall be placed in upland areas, where sand and debris will remain after snow melt for later removal. Care should be taken not to deposit snow in the immediate vicinity of catch basins, drainage swales, or slopes leading to bodies of water, and drinking water well supplies. Pavement Sweeping: Parking lot should be vacuum swept clean at least twice annually, preferably immediately after winter snow melt and before spring rains. Sweeping during this period captures peak sediment loads and extends the service life of the storm water management system. Catch Basin Sumps & Trench Drains: Catch basins & Trench Drains shall be inspected bi-annually and cleaned at least annually, after the snow and ice season, and as soon as possible before spring rains. In general, a catch basin should be cleaned if the depth of deposits is greater than one half the sump depth. If a catch basin significantly exceeds this standard then more frequent cleanings shall be scheduled. In areas with higher pollutant loadings or discharges into sensitive bodies of water, more frequent cleanings will be necessary. Porous Pavement: Porous pavement shall be inspected at least monthly & after any 0.5-inch or greater rainfall event during the first year of use, & twice annually thereafter to ensure the pavement is functioning as intended. Water remaining on the surface of the pavement 30 minutes or more following a rain event shall be an indication that cleaning of the pavement is required. Any debris accumulating on the surface shall be removed and the source of the debris repaired. The porous pavement surface is intended for residential & light commercial traffic, it shall be protected from heavy loads at all times. Periodic repairs to the surface can be made with standard asphalt products; however, repair areas shall not exceed 10% of the total surface area. Record Keeping & Annual Reporting: Records shall be maintained by D.A. Sullivan at their offices and shall document all routine and emergency maintenance work performed to the stormwater management system and shall bear the signature of the individual supervising the work. Annual reports documenting the inspection, maintenance, and proper function of the stormwater management system in accordance with the approved design shall be certified by a Registered Professional Engineer and submitted to the Northampton Department of Public Works and the Northampton Office of Planning and Development no later than October 1st of each year. The annual report shall document and deficiencies in function or maintenance of the stormwater management system and include a plan to correct deficiencies.