Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee agenda
7:30 AM-8:50 AM, Wednesday June 23, 2021
Remote meeting on Zoom
Debin Bruce Maggie Chan (DPW) Michael DiPasquale
Wayne Feiden (Plan) Eric Boudreau James Lowenthal
Nick Horton Brett Constantine
1. Complete streets policy/ordinance: Donna LaScalia spoke about the challenges of adding
sidewalks to some city streets when streets are repaved because of limited rights of way and
the desire not to take more property. Committee members stressed the need for a balance of
modes of travel and the need to add sidewalks, slow speeds, and add pedestrian
accommodations. Several members asked that sidewalks and pedestrian accommodations,
including street trees, have a higher priority to provide more travel options.
2. Approve June 2, 2021 minutes: Unanimously approved by roll call vote, upon motion by
Michael DiPasquale and second by Debin Bruce.
3. Public Comment: Meg Bandarra spoke in favor of the need for universally accessible soft
surface trails.
4. Northampton One trail: Feiden presented the planned Northampton One route and the
planned 2021-2022 improvements to be funded from the City’s MassTrails grant. The
committee was generally supportive with no specific recommendations.
5. Picture Main Street: Committee members discussed the project, the need for it to include a
buffered bicycle lane, which has some opposition, and the interest in ensuring that downtown
is pedestrian and bicycle friendly for the next century and even a societal focus on private
cars evolves. Committee comments included support for the Main Street for Everyone
approach of being more aggressive than the Alternative 3 option, and especially not wanting
to lock in a full center lane and angle parking. Community members spoke in favor of more
aggressive Main Street for Everyone (Ben Weil, Kristen Sykes) Lilly Lombard) and for
preserving angle parking to serve elderly and those with mobility impairments who don’t
have handicap parking stickers (Meg Bandarra). Michael DiPasquale moved and Debin
Bruce seconded that the committee recommend to the Transportation and Parking
Commission changes to the selected alternative 3 to reduce pavement and re-examine middle
land and angle parking. On a roll call vote the committee voted 6 in favor with Feiden and
Chen abstaining.
6. Shared paths feasibility proposals: Feiden invited committee members to reach out if they
have any review comments on the five proposals received for future projects.
7. Adjourn: The committee adjourned at 8:50 AM.