13-073 (50) - -- 41 November 15, 1978 Dorothea Munro, Administrator Rockridge At Laurel Park 25 Coles Meadow Road Northampton, Ma. 01060 Dear Mrs. Munro: Rockridge Home was built under a permit for a zone change by the City Council on February 20, 1969. On July 22, 1975 this area was rezoned to Suburban Residence. This now makes the Home Use of Rockridge a nonconforming use. To expand the use of the Home would require a Special Permit from the Zon- ing Board of Appeals. However, the proposed addition for the Chapel is an allowed use in all zones. Therefore, it is the opinion of this off- ice that an application for a Building Permit would be proper at this time. Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. Very truly yours, Cecil I. Clark BUILDING INSPECTOR CIC/lw TiIj of Northampton, .tton, - MASSACHUSETTS Jn the dear One 04ousattd Nine liunkreb anti nixtg nine ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as 1 follows: CHAPTER 44 XSlat44. Chapter 44, Zoning Ordinance, of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Northampton, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding in Section 28 thereof the following new paragraph: By changing the area between North King Street and Coles Meadow Road, bounded easterly by North King Street from Coles Meadow Road for a distance of 2,640 feet northerly and bounded southerly and westerly by Coles Meadow Road from North King Street for a distance of 2,750 feet westerly and northerly, from Residence "A" and Residence "B" to Business "A". { In City Council, F P jun ry 711 ' Q A 9 Rules suspended,passed two readings,ordained and enrolled. After James E. Faulkner , City Cleric Approved:Wallace J. Puchalski , Mayor A true copy. n �,'1 ILcL o Ass' t. Attest r -ea ,,r,d-•-, City Clerk { DEPT. FILE COPY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS BUILDING 212 MAIN STREET # '^esVORTHAMPTON, MA. 01060 PERMIT VALIDATION 13 - 72 DATE April 10, 19 79 PERMIT NO. 126 APPLICANT Paul Stramese ADDRESS 25 Main St. , N'ton. (NO.) (STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSE) PERMIT TO Chapel addition ( 1 ) STORY Chapel NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) ZONING AT (LOCATION) Coles Meadow Road, N'ton. DISTRICT SR (NO.) (STREET) m BETWEEN AND '0 (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) rn a_ LOT m SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE Addition a )PCXXVIS TO BE 53 FT. WIDE BY 22 FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION m O Z TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION f (TYPE) rr 0 IL REMARKS: Chapel added to a retirement home AREA OR VOLUME 2500 ESTIMATED COST $ 170,000 FEEMIT $ 510.0n (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) OWNER N. E. Deaconnesa BU ADDRESS C/0 Rockridge, King St. , N'ton. BYILDIN D T. (Affidavit on reverse side of application to be completed by authorized agent of owner) I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record R and I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent. SIGNATURE OF AGENT ADDRESS (NUMBER) (STREET) (CITY) APPROVED BY TITLE DATE 19 . CERTIFICATE ISSUED OP BUILDING I11SPTZ DATE 212 MAUSTREET BUILDING PERMIT - - w`Mtlt/ lT, MA. otofit1 73 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Paul13 - DATE April 10, 19 L9 PERMIT NO. 126 APPLICANTStrameae ADDRESS 5 Main St., NI 1An. (NO.) (STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSE) PERMIT TO Chapel addition ( ) STORY Chapel DWELER OF LLIING UNITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) ,�,,,,NO. (PROPOSED USE) ZONING Road,AT (LOCATION) Coles Aeadow Road♦ N'tOn. DIISTR CT SR (NO.) (STREET) 0, BETWEEN AND rn (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) LOT a SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE . Addition VOAAMX IS TO BE 53 FT. WIDE BY 22 FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION Fa Z TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION f (TYPE) go ^� - REMARKS: Chapel added to a retirent home al AREA OR _ :1111 Nmi :nu Snit 1 fi :1IN :IIII S7 V.:Iin p;II�I17 `IIII ;lint 711y11�3 VOLUME • 7 T1 =1 7 1 ,7� " T2 r1 'r1 i ri 7 1ry P1 '�'' ,` 7r1 -1 (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) :IIII :IIII :IIII :IIII .IIII NM :IIII :IIII :IIII :IIII ;IIII :IIII .IIII ,IIII :IIII a arrl,vi•?iadrrla r.rriIvTIA`T7,dr 1f1&TlA'Zf1A'T'f10 TI b .o�--t1 'r-rIld S:TI ba-?I 7T TlR OWNER N. E. Deaconness TO BE POSTED ON PREMISES ADDRESS C/ C Roc rldgef King St., t' n. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONDI#TIONS�:O 'CCERrFICATE AbEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL FOR CERTIFICATE of OCCUPANCY and COMPLIANCE To be filled in by each division indicated hereon upon completion of its final inspection. BUILDINGS Permit No. Approved by Date Remarks PLUMBING Permit No. Approved by Date Remarks ELECTRICAL Permit No. Approved by Date Remarks OTHER Permit No. Approved by Date Remarks OTHER Permit No. Approved by Date Remarks VIII. ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES b. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON DISTRICT j / OFFICE OFTHE MINSAPIE�CSORE ET F44E 1 OF BUILDINGS APPLICATION FOR 3 USE NORTHAMPTON, MA. 01060 o 7r3 PLAN EXAMINATION AND BUILDING PERMIT FRONT YARD IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections: 1, II, Ill, IV, and IX. O SIDE YARD SIDE YARD ZONING I. AT (LOCATION) L s' e/0'004A-) &'P , J<7-Alf. r'rify,J DISTRICT ✓F REAR YARD LOCATION ("o.) (STREET) ///y / ' e7- / �/ OF BETWEEN AND � `��// T `J��-' - v i%!pJ ) BUILDING (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET)STREET) NOTES v�/4y/ //CJJ '2:-.'1 X- , SUBDIVISION LOT_ BLOCK SIZE to II. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING — All applicants complete Parts A - D 7J D. PROPOSED USE - For"Wrecking" most recent use m A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT m 1 I I New building Residential Nonresidential 2 I� Addition(If residential, enter number 12I One family 18 I I Amusement, recreational of new housing units added, if any, 13 I I Two or more family - Enter 19 I�Q Church, other religious IX. SITE OR PLOT PLAN For Applicant Use _'• in Part D, 13) Il/ PP number of units- - - - > 20 Industrial "` rwr.rrsars s..lRwi•e " wswnas'srw•QlTa■rrr�■='....w.�.... 3 I I Alteration (See 2 above) MsrrrrarrsrrrwMOMOOSOMwMrMOOSe 14 I I Transient hotel, motel, rsw■rrsrr■ru.w • IIMR4t ! Bti•�i�e•�1 21 I I Parking garage raw"■w..'s's."•.'ra'�'� �l:::i+lr::::::err�.r�i■ra1 4 I I Repair, replacement or dormitory - Enter number .ww■■M■■Mw■w■rrw rMwow■■rrrwrrrrwr■Iwww■MMM_.■ ofunits - -� I I repairgarage .wwwwsrrwswu■wrwMwws us s■ ■s ■. • ■ 22 Service station, are e .rMr■w■rrrrw■srwwwarMrss��ilsu� �r■sr�■■'�sfigse�s'4 5 I I Wrecking (If multifamily residential, :C■:■•:.' .ww■■w■■rw■w■owMr*r..■Mr M■�■M■�■ """ '• Ce P.asra "ss'�wiir■eiswsrsa a:=BOii wii■• w enter number of units in building in 15 I I Garage 23 I Hospital, institutional ,�■■.- ' - ii._� :■awa�a.a-.uv� wswr■warsrwrros�� �� Part D, 13) ''�O"�°'�'"' �ii1<//e .4eieu�� 1�111�0=���� Ei391��l�EEEiitieIIIIU ■. 6 Moving 16 Carport 24 Office, bank, professional •.■rr■■rs■rsr■s■rrr■■■■..u■■■uo■■rws■wssrwrwu■ - I I 9 (relocation) M■wsswsrwwswuswrM•s.aw wwM•M■ • rwrsarr■rrrwss.rMssrsrw M.sMwa - 17 I Other - Specify 25 I Public utility rwws■wr■ww.wo•wwwM MOM' -Mw�s 7 pi Foundationonly rMM■■wvrwrworwurrMOMMOS 11111111 26 I I School, library, other educational • ■MMrrrrrwwrwr•■NwrrM•••. ewM■O •MrrruMwsMsssrM•M■sw• Msw�M....a... _ .._ ...�..j..�a. 27 I B. OWNERSHIP ��■wsori ■�■ •MMr Stores, mercantile ■•■rr.rr..■rrw■rrMMr■�.rwi •..wU w■rrrM.Mrwwrr•a•wa■ ■a■ 28 I I Tanks, towers ra■Mw w ..� ,.��._r 8 ryt Private (individual, corporation, imaiaamammM .• M. .s a■.ssuw •.w.s.rt•sss.s.■a.w .. w.s - -, M .. 29 I Other - Specifyw rw nonprofit institution, etc.)u ■ra.rwr sesemewoss•rsrss■••.wwn.wwMr ' .."" .e. u•.s ■.s 9 I I Public (Federal, State, or local government) C. COST (Omit cents) Nonresidential - Describe in detail proposed use of buildings, e.g., food processing plant, machine shop, laundry building at hospital, elementary 10. Cost of improvement $/7Q D 0 O school, secondary school, college, parochial school, parking garage for, department store, rental office building, office building at industrial plant. To be installed but not included If use of existing building is being changed, enter proposed use. ;' .= Zrrt * , a. Electrical cost Y�� L.♦+'Afire., A Jp ro To / �7-•J,2£M. 1 in the above •ir ' -- i a•=- p+. } t. c. Heating, air conditioning :-F , T+§ d. Other(elevator, etc.) BM 11" aaaaaaaaaaa {. • III nstiss. m' Inas .�.I: � 11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT $ /70, c , , ' ¢ sis >� '_ III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING — For new buildings and additions, complete Parts E — L; § „ - k + ' j for wrecking, complete only Part J, for oall il others skip to IV. i` ltf -sil. 4' ' + + 41. l ' + ` ; .. ? ,- '- .. * ,' - ` E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS s r • �_ yt ]■ y 48. Number of stories / >r < 1"4m " ±;- - �--T. f 4. 4�,a 30 Masonry (wall bearing) 40 Public or private company - ii 49. Total square feet of floor area, 53 X.2.. « ± wi + i, R, t ,, . 1= + 31 I Wood frame 41 Private (septic tank, etc.) i.. ; k4 s. _, all floors, based on exterior }' i s1. ukui aili32 I I Structural steel dimensions Z S n CO t r q- ra I a d10w } Elff 3j _'` Z. ill s _,r $ 33 I I Reinforced concrete H. TYPEOF WATER SUPPLY s - • * 50. Total land orea, s ft. tit ' Ilas4. 4 4 fit`' 34 I I Other - Specify 42 I Public or private company q' ¢ e + 43 I Private (well, cistern) K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET -$ s rt 6 tit r4` +- t' -}-°t', x-°` -�kd r +-] 9 e�-i r � + } w • " •. PARKING SPACES Me $1.81112-1=1 ' 1 4, 3m . a 't ; -i `¢ jf;;1.1 .1-14 .;--'- 3MI :. `'` t ; -,-,- 51. Enclosed +' y gg .t++ a • _ + F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL * ' > ' its, a rssass . r,- «- ••�� ra, Z + + Gas Will there be central air 52. Outdoors 35 . � + . L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY g41444 4-a} ¢4+ + �} 36 I Oil conditioning? ' p 1 t L.. �p 4 t 1::-} t...€ +b Fr a�- ; 4--- ;-tr/T44,4,,-„ , -�.p§ , i i 4. -S 3 i - }4 t c, .1-. a.�-a.y.:a - _...� � + 4 [ I -'T t ro ' t- 4 ' �,.ii ,.' t + k-+. as . -,-i 37I Electricity 44 Yes 45 I I No ' + ila :.€f p 1 1 -- i. il: rt ,; p 11. ,1,�; i ,i.a ,+,€ : i ,, ,� B„if•aZ ' t , .)-4.,,,- ,".---, )-- f. 53. Number of bedrooms ;r ,<+l +b , i t Ifi= ih i=.i `, f.r 1 .1 cif III) I 38I I Coal ¢ , ppp : AIt-t la:tt: ttti „„ttt .. + -, Ii;j �•1 ka Z_„1 �..,....-3.;z-+S1 � t°` .1„..„,....is i` 1 7 39 I I Other - Specify Will there be an elevator? Full 46 1 I Yes 47IX No 54. Number of bathrooms Partial BOCA FORM APEBP - 669 C1969 BUILDING OFFICIALS & CODE ADMINISTRATORS INTERNATIONAL, INC. IV. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants Name Mailing address — Number, street, city, and State ZIP code Tel. No. NOTES and Data — (For department use) A - -1. N(( �' { � Owner or N.r ACE�/JtU.�‘5 X 1�C .K2et60e) / ' . AI0er-Or41rr1..0 _ (1....,/ye....e_j_ Lessee 1 /'' Builder's roc �TI2A/t'triCC l�0a9ST zc / lA IKt Si-- 110er—op rw License No. y C ` Contractor 3.Architect or Le,,iJ N f OOn. + Engineer 1AtFl�-0 Les SprL0) /�1 A I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent and we agree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction. Signatur applica '' JJ Address ( Application date i ..e*-e.- v. L S 1'�'!A �N Cr- Jul c(��I.A u c A11 t t/ ? DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW RECORD — For office use Plans Review Required Check Plan Review Date Plans By Date Plans By Notes Fee Started Approved BUILDING PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL OTHER VI. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS Date Date Permit or Approval Check Obtained Number By Permit or Approval Check Obtained Number By BOILER PLUMBING CURB OR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING ELEVATOR SEWER ELECTRICAL SIGN OR BILLBOARD FURNACE STREET GRADES GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS OIL BURNER WRECKING OTHER OTHER VII. VALIDATION Building FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit number �� 6 Building Use Group Permit issued *74:6 /% 19 Building / Fire Grading Permit Fee $ , �j� ./ Live Loading • Certificate of Occupancy $ occupancy Load Approved by: Drain Tile Plan Review Fee —"IS) • TITLE