13-073 (36) o j � u
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_FEBI 6.2" Letter Of Transmittal
TC I Teagno Incorporated
P.O.Box 2054,Amherst,MA 01004-2054
Phone: 1-413-549-0803 Fax:1-413-549-2628
To: City Of Northampton Building Inspector Project ID: ROCK Date:I 15-Feb-00
212 Main Street Project Name: Rockridge at Laurel Park
Northampton, MA 01060 Location: 25 Coles Meadow Road
Northampton,MA 01060-
Attn: Tony Patillo
We are sending you:
Copies Dated Number Description
1 02/07/00f 05100.000 Letter from Engineering Design Associates i
These are transmitted as checked:
JFor Approval R For Your Use XjAs Requested I- For review and comment
rApproved as submitted rApproved as noted Returned for corrections
Dear Mr. Patillo:
Enclosed please find a letter from Andy Pavlica of Engineering Design
Associates regarding his inspection of the new structural steel framing at
Rockridge at Laurel Park. If you need any further information, please
contact our office. Thank you very much.
Signed:_ thAA
File : 36571.4718 Page 1 of 1
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Eill IHEEF'ING DES IGN 4137889967.7 P. 02
Structural•Civil bncinefr`
1,� 469 Main Street • Springfield,MA 01103
413.788,C182 • Fax 413-78e-0467
February 7, 2000
Foley and Buhl Engineering, Inc.
Riverbend Office Park, 9 Galen Street, Suite 240
Watertown, Massachusetts 02472 •
Attention: Mr. Richard Foley
Reference: Site Observations
Rockridge at Laurel
Northampton, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Foley:
On January 27, 2000, I conducted site visit at the request of Mr. John Ferriter, a representative of Teagno
Construction. The purpose was to observe the new structural steel framing for the infill at Rockridge at Laurel Park,
Northampton,MA. Proir to the visit I was supplied with the steel chop drawings E-I, One and Two by Deerfield
Valley Re-Fab and sheets S-I by your office and A-3 by Tsomides Associates for the lnfiil framing in order to
famiiarize myself with the project.
My observation reveled that the steel as erected Is generally in compliance with the above reference drawings with the
following exceptions:
1.The connection of the C i 2x20.7 shown on Section 2/S 1 was adjusted due to field conditions, The
Contractor Informed me that your once was consulted with the field condition.
2. Section 5/S 1 showed anchorage horizontally into the foundation wall. The anchorage of the column bases
was installed vertically.
if you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me.
1C :. 7
A. e%7 P viica, ] < P.E. --
Attachments: Photographs from the 1/27/00 site visit
1-11,2 , i.G.o.1 MY Y 1 3 I .=CW 7C.1 Y. le.I�
967 Mon Stroct • Springfield,MA 01103
_ 413.788•C1 B2 • Fax 413-78$-0967 / J - 7
February 7, 2000
Fo!ey and Buhl Engineering, Inc.
Riverbend Office Park, 9 Galen Street, Suite 240
Watertown, Massachusetts 02472
Attention: Mr. Richard Foley
Reference: Site Observations
Rockridge at Laurel
Northampton, Massachusetts `
Dear Mr. Foley:
On ]anuary 27, 2000, I conducted site visit at the request of Mr. John Ferriter, a representitive of Teagno
Construction. The purpose was to observe the new structural steel framing for the lnfill at Rockridge at Laurel Park,
Northampton,MA. Proir to the visit I was supplied with the steel chop drawings E-1, One and Two by Deerfield
Valley Re-Fab and sheets S-1 by your office and A-3 by Tsornides Associates for the inflll framing in order to
famiiarihe myself with the project_
My observation reveled that the steel as erected Is generally in compliance with the above reference drawings with the
j` following exceptions:
<) 1.The connection of the C 12x20.7 shown on Section 2/S I was adjusted due to field conditions. The
('Contractor Informed me that your office was consulted with the field condition.
// 2. Section 5/S 1 showed anchorage horizontally into the foundation wall. The anchorage of the column bases
was installed vertically.
if you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me.
r" 1\
1 c
A. cw J. P�viica, 3if P
Attachmnts; Photographs from the 1/27/00 site visit