2-17-21-Bicycle-Pedestrian-agenda-minutes    Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM, Wednesday February 17, 2021 This meeting is being held remotely because of Covid-19 https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/99457712924 Call in (if no internet access) 646-876-9923 (Meeting #994 5771 2924) MEMBERS Debin Bruce  Maggie Chan (DPW)  Michael DiPasquale  Wayne Feiden (Plan)  Eric Boudreau  James Lowenthal  Nick Horton  Brett Constantine  1. Public Comment- Kris Badertscher suggested that there are opportunities for a walking trail along the Mill River on Smith College land. Jes Slavin, the MassBike Coalition Coordinator, said that they were available to support or partner on outreach projects and ValleyBike. 2. January 20, 2021 minutes- upon motion by Debin Bruce and second by Brett Constantine, the committee unanimously approved the minutes. 3. Projects with construction planned to start and or finish in 2021- Wayne Feiden presented updates and shared plans for ValleyBike share stations on Conz Street, Bay State and Leeds, Lower Pleasant Street placemaking, bike and pedestrian improvements, Main Street Florence placemaking, bike and pedestrian improvements, Leonard Street safety improvements, Higgins Way and associated trails, Olander Drive and associated trails, and the Parson Street-Bridge Street-Hawley Street Safe Routes to Bridge St. School project. The committee discussed the projects and individuals weighed in with suggestions. Upon motion by James Lowenthal and second by Debin Bruce the committee voted unanimously to support all three trails at Higgins Way and to urge the Planning Board to keep the requirements for those three trails. 4. Picture Main Street Public forum (2/23/21)- Committee members discussed attending the forum. 5. DPW current and planned projects- Maggie Chan discussed DPW’s redesign of the Pine Street/Maple Street intersection, Atwood Drive paving plans, and current study of South Street complete streets 6. Set next meeting date (tentatively for Wednesday, March 17, 2021) 7. Adjourn at 8:55 AM.