12-18-19-Bicycle-Pedestrian-agenda-minutes    Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM, Wednesday December 18, 2019 210 Main St., 2nd Floor City Hall, Planning & Sustainability, Northampton (use back door) MEMBERS Debin Bruce Maggie Chan (DPW)  Michael DiPasquale  Wayne Feiden (Plan)  Eric Boudreau  James Lowenthal  (7:45) Nick Horton  Brett Constantine 1. Public Comment- No public comment. 2. November 20, 2019 minutes- approved unanimously upon motion by Nick Horton and second by Michael DiPasquale 3. ValleyBike management and update for 2020- the committee discussed the four new stations planned for 2020, the new CMAQ grant, and the new nine-community memorandum of agreement. 4. Main Street redesign and demonstration- the committee reviewed the project outline and agreed that, rather than having a January meeting committee members would participate in January Main Street redesign public forums and focus groups. 5. Lower Pleasant Street redesign- The city is about to sign a contract with Toole Design for this project and involve the bike/ped committee in the design process. 6. Edwards Square bike path ramp- The city will be going to bid for the ramp in 2020. 7. ADA improvements- The city will be going to bid for 17 new curb cut ramps. 8. Future traffic calming manual- the committee discussed the draft manual briefly and will discuss again at their February meeting. 9. Set next meeting date- There are some committee conflicts on Wednesdays. The committee discussed a willingness to switch to Monday or Tuesday, with slightly more support for Monday. The committee adjourned at 8:50 AM.