5-19-21-Bicycle-Pedestrian-agenda-minutes    Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee minutes 7:30 AM-9:00 AM, Wednesday May 19, 2021 This meeting was held remotely at a publically advertised site because of Covid-19 MEMBERS Debin Bruce  Maggie Chan (DPW)  Michael DiPasquale  Wayne Feiden (Plan)  Eric Boudreau  James Lowenthal  Nick Horton  Brett Constantine  1. Public Comment- Michael Sullivan reported that he felt that the recently completed police department speed study on South Street did not catch the areas with the biggest speeding concerns. Alex Jarrett added that more details would be helpful on DPW traffic calming analysis on how speed limits are determined. Kristen Sykes said that MassBike is supporting themed bike rides and would be happy to help develop new themes. Shannon Bliven, ValleyBike Outreach Coordinator introduced herself. Meg Bandarra explained what universally accessible trails are and the need for more of them. 2. May 19, 2021 minutes- upon motion by Nick Horton and second by Eric Boudreau, the committee unanimously approved the minutes by roll call vote, with Debin Bruce abstaining. 3. Picture Main Street- The committee discussed the Main Street design process, the opportunities for committee engagement, and the Main Street for All effort to optimize Main Street for trees, walking, outdoor dining. The committee’s comments were universally in favor of the three-lane option, down from the current four-lane, but asking how to go beyond the vision in the alternatives offered for more pedestrian and streetscape improvements. The committee suggested inviting Toole Design (the project engineers) to their next meeting and setting up a site visit with the engineering team prior to the planned June public forum. 4. Updates- Pleasant Street and Leonard Street walking improvements about to go to bid, ValleyBike expansion under construction, Higgins Way built with the trails that the committee supported, Damon Road and King Street under construction, but MassDOT canceled the North King Street roundabout. 5. Complete Streets Ordinance- the committee began a review of the existing ordinance, with suggestions 1) for clearer definitions of what are low priority rural areas ensure that not include suburban areas, 2) how to ensure that any DPW roadway project address that segment of road as a complete street, 3) travel lanes be right-sized with the extra space going to complete streets, and 4) create clear standards for transit stops. The review will continue at the next regular meeting. 6. Next meeting date- as soon as can be scheduled for a special meeting with Toole Design and June 23rd for the next regular meeting. 7. Adjourn- at 9:04 AM