robinsonCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> Comment for tonight's meeting Joanne Robinson Peterson <jmrobinson27@yahoo.com>Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 5:26 PM Reply-To: Joanne Robinson Peterson <jmrobinson27@yahoo.com> To: "cmisch@northamptonma.gov" <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> Dear Ms Misch, I am writing in opposition to the proposed changes to 32 Maple Street. The prior owner used the space as a workshop for her bookbinding hobby. Changing this to a dwelling is a significant change in use as it is unclear how many people would dwell in the space, how often tenants might change, and where additional vehicles would park. Maple Street is a fairly busy street including city buses and a dangerous intersection at Pine; having additional cars, from tenants and their guests, parking on the street and reducing visibility seems to increase risk to pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Based on personal observation, in the current state, there are already guests staying in the garage with frequent turnover; this model of turnover is inconsistent with the City’s vision to increase density and provide affordable housing – benefiting the owner without benefitting the community while increasing risk due to parking. Thank you, Joanne Peterson