Additional Addendum to Permit ApplicationAddendum to Permit Application re: 32 Maple Street
Detached Accessory Building Unit
The applicant, Jennifer Polins is applying for a change of use to convert an existing detached
studio into an accessory dwelling unit. The building in which the studio and proposed accessory
dwelling unit exist would remain exactly the same after the change in use. There will be no
change to the building, only to the use within the building.
The applicant would further note that no site changes are planned or needed because the
existing parking spaces are in compliance with the Northampton Zoning By‐laws and the
property complies with open space requirements.
The Two Family By‐ Right Ordinance, § 350‐6.11(A)(1) states that “Any new heating system to
serve a second unit on a parcel or a new two‐family or two‐single families that trigger site plan
review or special permit must use on‐site sourced or grid sourced electricity. This must be
shown at the time of the site plan application.” Please be advised that the existing studio
workshop unit has a heating and cooling system that was installed by the previous owner and
complies with all applicable codes. It is a gas run system that includes a small furnace and AC
unit installed in the attic space.