RRP Northampton Community Meeting 2 Presentation Final•
-What projects are you really interested in?
-Are there any you’d be interested in being a part of?
-Any specific details, suggestions, locations?
-Are there any you’re concerned or have clarifying questions regarding?
“Lynn Lights” by Beyond Walls
Temporary crosswalk bump out by Transportation Alternatives •
Supporting wellbeing in the downtown (Photo: Camilla Elizeu)
Planter installation
Winter planters
Downtown Northampton storefront (Photo: Camilla Elizeu)
Exploring new resources for businesses & their workforce
(Photo: Camilla Elizeu)
Exploring new opportunities for administrative support
(Photo: Camilla Elizeu)
Ensuring an effective mix of uses in the downtown (Photo:
Camilla Elizeu)
Mural in East Boston painted by Sofie Tuttle on the Mary Ellen
Welch Greenway
Small retail and dining in old garage (source: Boston Calendar Blog)•
(Photo: Camilla Elizeu)
July through August