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INDEX ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES VICINITY MAP JURISDICTION NOTES REV BY DATE COMMENTS REV A NAME DATE COMMENTS **** **** **** **** LICENSE GENERAL NOTES (E) DRIVEWAY Front Of House SV SV SV Pitch12/12MP1Pitch 12/12 MP2Pitch 4/12 MP3Scale: 3/32" = 1' SITE PLAN 0 1'10'21' LEGEND MP3 18 247 18 247 Comp Shingle 2 Stories MP2 45 247 45 247 Comp Shingle 2 Stories MP1 45 67 45 67 Comp Shingle 2 Stories #SSTAMPMA #ESTAMPMA ELECTRICAL ONLY 2021.06.09 14:23:26 NTS TYPICAL PV SIDE VIEWSV Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' STANDOFFS1 #SSTAMPMA #SSTAMPMA LICENSEMODULE SPECS 1 PRODUCT SPECSGENERAL NOTESMAIN PANEL SPECSGROUND SPECS 2 3 AC DC GND B GNDGND C L2 L1 N EGC/ GEC GND N 240V Product 1 EGC DC- DC+ DC- DC+ DC- DC+ DC- DC+ A DC- DC+ EGC DC- DC+ DC- DC+ EGC DC- DC+ MP 1: 1x7 MP 2: 1x7 MP 2: 1x8 MP 3: 1x2 GD A PV Gnd B C 1 Voc* = VDC Isc = ADC Vmp = VDC Imp= ADC1 2 Voc* = VDC Isc = ADC Vmp = VDC Imp= ADC2 3 Voc* = VDC Isc = ADC Vmp = VDC Imp= ADC3 4 Voc* = VDC Isc = ADC Vmp = VDC Imp= ADC4 5 Voc* = VDC Isc = ADC Vmp = VDC Imp= ADC5 6 Voc* = VDC Isc = ADC Vmp = VDC Imp= ADC6 7 Vmp = VAC Imp= AAC 7 N A B GEC Z 11 GNDGND Y 10 12V X N EGC L2 L19 W 8 L1NEGCL2 POI Z Y X W 8 9 11 N EGC L2 L19 W 10 #ESTAMPMA ELECTRICAL ONLY CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: - Address: 102 Black Birch Trail OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V JB-0103121-00 - Address: 102 Black Birch Trail OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V JB-0103121-00 - Address: 102 Black Birch Trail OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V JB-0103121-00 LB-130089-10X Per Code: NEC 690.31.G.3 Label Location: (C)(CB)(JB) LB-050081-10X Per Code: NEC 690.13.B Label Location: (DC) (INV) 690_53_2017 Per Code: NEC 690.53 Label Location: (DC) (INV) LB-070004-10X Per Code: 690.41.B Label Location: (DC) (INV) LB-010001-10X Per Code: CEC 690.13.B Label Location: (DC) (CB) LB-050082-10X Per Code: NEC 690.13.B Label Location: (AC) (POI) LB-040007-10X Per Code: NEC 690.54 Label Location: (AC) (POI) LB-070005-10X Per Code: NEC 690.13.B Label Location: (AC)(POI) LB_040108_10X Per Code: NEC 690.56.C.3 Label Location: (INV) LB-070039-10X Per Code: NEC 705.12.B.2.3.b Label Location: (POI) LB-040008-10X Per Code: NEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: (D) (POI) LB-040009-10X Per Code: NEC 705.12.B.3 Label Location: (POI) LB-060046-10X Per Code: CEC 690.13.B Label Location: (POI) LB-070016-10X Label Location: (DC) (INV) LB-250001-10X Per Code: 690.56(C)(1)(b) Label Location: ABB/Delta Solivia Inverter LB-250002-34X Per Code: 690.56(C)(1)(a) Label Location: SolarEdge and,Delta M-Series and,Telsa Inverter (POI): Point of Interconnection (M): Utility Meter (LC): Load Center (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect (IC): Interior Run Conduit (DC): DC Disconnect (D): Distribution Panel (CB): Combiner Box (C): Conduit (AC): AC Disconnect Label Set LB-040137-10X Per Code: NEC 408.4 Label Location: (BLC) LB-040144-10X Per Code: NEC 220 Label Location: (BLC) LB-200025-10X Per Code: NEC 312.8.A(3) Label Location: (MP) LB-030142-10X Per Code: NEC 705.12(B)(3) Label Location: (MP) LB-040141-10X Per Code: Label Location: (MP) LB-040139-10X Per Code: Label Location: (MP) LB-040140-10X Per Code: Label Location: (MP) LB-040138-10X Per Code: Label Location: (MP) LB-200011-10X Per Code: NEC 705.12(B)(3) Label Location: (MP) LB_200127_10X Per Code: NEC 705.12.B.2.3.c Label Location: (MP) LB-200110-10X Per Code: Per 706.7(D) label to be marked in field Label Location: (MP) (MP): Main Panel (BLC): Backup Load Center (AC): AC Disconnect Label Set ✁✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☎✆✠✄✡✆☛✝☞✠✌☛✠✌✡ ✍✠✎ ✏ ☞✠✄✄✑✌☞☞✌✡☛ ✍✒✍ ✓✠✏✔✆✕✌☞✆☞✌✒✆✞☛✂☛✄✏ ☞✆☎✞✝☛✄✆☞✄✠☞✖✂✝✠✄✗✓✠✏✔✆✕✌☞ ✘✄✄✆✕✠✑✌☞☞✌✡☛ ✍ ✂✄✝✆✡☛✌✂✡✠☎✂✡☛✁✠✑☞✂☛☛✠✡ ✏ ☞✆☎✞✝☛✑✌☞☞✌✡☛ ✍ ✙✆☞HDFKSURGXFW7KHHQGXVHUGRFXPHQWDWLRQVKLSSHGZLWK=HS6RODU¶VSURGXFWVFRQVWLWXWHVWKHVROHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVUHIHUUHGWRLQWKHSURGXFWZDUUDQW\7KHFXVWRPHULVVROHO\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUYHULI\LQJWKHVXLWDELOLW\RI=HS6RODU¶VSURGXFWVIRUHDFKXVH6SHFL¿FDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH3DWHQWVDQG$SSV]VSDWVFRP ✚✆✝✞✟✠✡☛✛✜✢✢ ✣✤✜✥✢ ✣ ✢✢✤✦✠✖✧✚✌☛✠✕✌✄☛✠✎✏✆☞☛✠☎★✩✌✍ ✪✫✬✪✢✤✭✫★✮✤✯✩ ✰✱✲✳✴✵✶✷✸✹✴✺ ✻✼✽✾ ✿ ❀✼❁✼❂❃❄❅❆❇❈✾❉❈ ❊ ❋✼●❍❈❆❂❆ ❊■ for composition shingle roofs ❏❑▲▼◆❖◗❖❘❙ ❚ ❯❱✺✴❲❳❨❩❳❬✳✴✵❲❨❩✴❳❭✴✷✹✴✺✲✴✳❩❨❩✴❳✳❪❩❳❬✵✱✷✴✴❭✳ ❚ ❫✴✷❴✳❵❩❨❪✶✵✵❛✱✲❜✴✺✲✶❨❩❝✵✱❞✴❡❲✵✱✳ ❚❢❲❨✴❝✴❳❡❩❳❬❣❤ ✐ ✵❩✳❨✱❡❪✶✷❡❵✶✷✱✹✷✱✶❨✱✳✳❨✷❲✹❨❲✷✶✵✶❳❡✱✵✱✹❨✷❩✹✶✵❝✴❳❡ ❚❛❥❜✴✺✲❪✶✳✶❣❤❦❧♠♥❜✵✶✳✳ ♦ ❢ ♣ ❩✷✱✶❨❩❳❬❵❪✱❳❩❳✳❨✶✵✵✱❡❲✳❩❳❬✺✴❡❲✵✱✳❭✷✴✺DQ\PDQXIDFWXUHUFHUWL¿HGDV³7\SH´RU³7\SH´ 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV ❚ ✱✳❩❬❳✱❡❭✴✷✲❩❨✹❪✱❡✷✴✴❭✳ ❚ ❳✳❨✶✵✵✳❩❳✲✴✷❨✷✶❩❨✶❳❡✵✶❳❡✳✹✶✲✱✴✷❩✱❳❨✶❨❩✴❳✳ ❚ ❛❥❜✴✺✲✳❲✲✲✴✷❨✳✺✴❡❲✵✱❵❩❳❡❲✲✵❩❭❨✶❳❡✳❳✴❵✵✴✶❡✲✷✱✳✳❲✷✱✳❨✴✉♠✲✳❭✲✱✷❣❤✈❧♠♥ ❚ ❫❩❳❡❨❲❳❳✱✵✷✱✲✴✷❨❨✴❢❥❜✇❧ ✐ ♠✉✶❳❡❧ ✐ ❦♠✳❨✶❳❡✶✷❡✳ ❚ ❛❥❜✴✺✲❬✷✴❲❳❡❩❳❬✲✷✴❡❲✹❨✳✶✷✱❣❤✵❩✳❨✱❡❨✴❣❤✈❧♠♥✶❳❡❣❤①②❧ ❚ ❛❥❜✴✺✲❝✴❳❡❩❳❬✲✷✴❡❲✹❨✳✶✷✱❣❤✵❩✳❨✱❡❨✴❣❤✈❧♠♥ ❚ ✇❳❬❩❳✱✱✷✱❡❭✴✷✳✲✶❳✳❲✲❨✴❧✈ ♣ ✶❳❡✹✶❳❨❩✵✱③✱✷✳❲✲❨✴✈① ♣ ❚ ❛✱✲❵❩✷✱✺✶❳✶❬✱✺✱❳❨✲✷✴❡❲✹❨✳✵❩✳❨✱❡❨✴❣❤❦✉②✉❭✴✷❵❩✷✱✲✴✳❩❨❩✴❳❩❳❬❡✱③❩✹✱✳ ❚❢❨❨✶✹❪✺✱❳❨✺✱❨❪✴❡❣❤✵❩✳❨✱❡❨✴❣❤✈✉④✈❭✴✷❫❩❳❡✷❩③✱❳✶❩❳ ⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩❶❷❸❹❺❺ ❻❼❹❽❺ ❻❺❺❼❾⑩❿➀⑤➁❷⑩➂➁➃❷⑩➄ ➅⑥➆❷⑩➇➈➉➁➊ ➋➌➍➋❺❼➎➌➈➏❼➐➉ ➑➒➓➃➇⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩❶❷➇⑥⑩➃❶⑥❷⑦➆⑩➁❷⑩➁❶ ➊⑩➄➅➆⑩➃➃➔➁➆➆➁❶❷ ➊→➊ ➣⑩➅↔⑥➂➁➆⑥➆➁→⑥⑧❷➓❷➃➅ ➆⑥➇⑧⑦❷➃⑥➆➃⑩➆❿➓⑦⑩➃↕➣⑩➅↔⑥➂➁➆ ➙ ➃➃⑥➂⑩➔➁➆➆➁❶❷ ➊➓➃⑦⑥❶❷➁➓❶⑩➇➓❶❷➒⑩➔➆➓❷❷⑩❶ ➅ ➆⑥➇⑧⑦❷➔➁➆➆➁❶❷ ➊ ➛⑥➆HDFKSURGXFW7KHHQGXVHUGRFXPHQWDWLRQVKLSSHGZLWK=HS6RODU¶VSURGXFWVFRQVWLWXWHVWKHVROHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVUHIHUUHGWRLQWKHSURGXFWZDUUDQW\7KHFXVWRPHULVVROHO\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUYHULI\LQJWKHVXLWDELOLW\RI=HS6RODU¶VSURGXFWVIRUHDFKXVH6SHFL¿FDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH3DWHQWVDQG$SSV]VSDWVFRP 1H[W/HYHO390RXQWLQJ7HFKQRORJ\ ]HSVRODUFRP ➜➝➞ ➟ ➝➠➡➠➢➤ ➥➝➦➠➢➧➠ ➨ ➩➫➝➭➯ Part No. 850-1633 Listed to UL 2703 and UL 2582 &DSWXUHG:DVKHU/DJ Part No. 850-1631-001 850-1631-003 )ODVKLQJ$FFHVVRU\ Part No. 850-1634 Listed to UL 2703 and UL 2582 $UUD\6NLUW Part No. 850-1608 or 500-0113 Listed to UL 2703 ➲➳➧ ➟ Part No. 850-1606 or 850-1421 Listed to UL 2703 (QG&DS Part No. (L) 850-1586 or 850-1460 (R) 850-1588 or 850-1467 ➵➜➸➧➳➡➜➫➧➟ Part No. 850-1509 Listed to UL 1565 *URXQG=HS9 Part No. 850-1511 Listed to UL 467 and UL 2703 ➺➠➢➡➳➫➝➭➯ Part No. 850-1388 or 850-1613 Listed to UL 2703 /HYHOLQJ)RRW Part No. 850-1397 Listed to UL 2703 TESLA.COM/ENERGY POWERWALL Tesla Powerwall is a fully-integrated AC battery system for residential or light commercial use. Its rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack provides energy storage for solar self-consumption, time-based control, and backup. Powerwall’s electrical interface provides a simple connection to any home or building. Its revolutionary compact design achieves market-leading energy density and is easy to install, enabling owners to quickly realize the benefits of reliable, clean power. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS AC Voltage (Nominal)120/240 V Feed-In Type Split Phase Grid Frequency 60 Hz Total Energy1 14 kWh Usable Energy1 13.5 kWh Real Power, max continuous2 5 kW (charge and discharge) Real Power, peak (10 s, off-grid/backup)2 7 kW (charge and discharge) Apparent Power, max continuous 5.8 kVA (charge and discharge) Apparent Power, peak (10 s, off-grid/backup)7.2 kVA (charge and discharge) Maximum Supply Fault Current 10 kA Maximum Output Fault Current 32 A Overcurrent Protection Device 30 A Imbalance for Split-Phase Loads 100% Power Factor Output Range +/– 1.0 adjustable Power Factor Range (full-rated power)+/– 0.85 Internal Battery DC Voltage 50 V Round Trip Efficiency1,3 90% Warranty 10 years ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature –20°C to 50°C (–4°F to 122°F) Recommended Temperature 0°C to 30°C (32°F to 86°F) Operating Humidity (RH)Up to 100%, condensing Storage Conditions –20°C to 30°C (–4°F to 86°F) Up to 95% RH, non-condensing State of Energy (SoE): 25% initial Maximum Elevation 3000 m (9843 ft) Environment Indoor and outdoor rated Enclosure Type NEMA 3R Ingress Rating IP67 (Battery & Power Electronics) IP56 (Wiring Compartment) Wet Location Rating Yes Noise Level @ 1m < 40 dBA at 30°C (86°F) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions1 1150 mm x 753 mm x 147 mm (45.3 in x 29.6 in x 5.75 in) Weight1 114 kg (251.3 lbs) Mounting options Floor or wall mount 1 Dimensions and weight differ slightly if manufactured before March 2019. 1 Values provided for 25°C (77°F), 3.3 kW charge/discharge power. 2 In Backup mode, grid charge power is limited to 3.3 kW. 3 AC to battery to AC, at beginning of life. COMPLIANCE INFORMATION Certifications UL 1642, UL 1741, UL 1973, UL 9540, IEEE 1547, UN 38.3 Grid Connection Worldwide Compatibility Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES 003 Environmental RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Seismic AC156, IEEE 693-2005 (high) 753 mm (29.6 in) 147 mm (5.75 in) 1150 mm (45.3 in) Contact Tesla for additional information. TESLA.COM/ENERGY TYPICAL SYSTEM LAYOUTS PARTIAL HOME BACKUP WHOLE HOME BACKUP Main panelSub panel Solar Home loads Solar inverter Utility meter GridBackup Gateway Powerwall Backup loads Optional NA - BACKUP - 2019-06-11 Utility meter GridBackup Gateway including service disconnect Main panel Solar Whole home backup Solar inverter Powerwall Optional TESLA.COM/ENERGY Backup Gateway 2 POWERWALL 660 411 149 The Backup Gateway 2 for Tesla Powerwall provides energy management and monitoring for solar self-consumption, time-based control, and backup. The Backup Gateway 2 controls connection to the grid, automatically detecting outages and providing a seamless transition to backup power. When equipped with a main circuit breaker, the Backup Gateway 2 can be installed at the service entrance. When the optional internal panelboard is installed, the Backup Gateway 2 can also function as a load center. The Backup Gateway 2 communicates directly with Powerwall, allowing you to monitor energy use and manage backup energy reserves from any mobile device with the Tesla app. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature –20°C to 50°C (–4°F to 122°F) Operating Humidity (RH)Up to 100%, condensing Maximum Elevation 3000 m (9843 ft) Environment Indoor and outdoor rated Enclosure Type NEMA 3R PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS AC Voltage (Nominal)120/240V Feed-In Type Split Phase Grid Frequency 60 Hz Current Rating 200 A Maximum Input Short Circuit Current 10 kA1 Overcurrent Protection Device 100-200A; Service Entrance Rated1 Overvoltage Category Category IV AC Meter Revenue accurate (+/– 0.2 %) Primary Connectivity Ethernet, Wi-Fi Secondary Connectivity Cellular (3G, LTE/4G)2 User Interface Tesla App Operating Modes Support for solar self-consumption, time-based control, backup, and off-grid Backup Transition Automatic disconnect for seamless backup Modularity Supports up to 10 AC-coupled Powerwalls Optional Internal Panelboard 200A 6-space / 12 circuit Eaton BR Circuit Breakers Warranty 10 years COMPLIANCE INFORMATION Certifications UL 67, UL 869A, UL 916, UL 1741 PCS CSA 22.2 0.19, CSA 22.2 205 Emissions FCC Part 15, ICES 003 NA 2020-05-23 1 When protected by Class J fuses, Backup Gateway 2 is suitable for use in circuits capable of delivering not more than 22kA symmetrical amperes. 2 The customer is expected to provide internet connectivity for Backup Gateway 2; cellular should not be used as the primary mode of connectivity. Cellular connectivity subject to network operator service coverage and signal strength. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 660 mm x 411 mm x 149 mm (26 in x 16 in x 6 in) Weight 20.4 kg (45 lb) Mounting options Wall mount, Semi-flush mount YIELD SECURITY ANTI PID TECHNOLOGY(APT) HOT-SPOT PROTECT (HSP) TRACEABLE QUALITY (TRA.QTM) ANTI LID TECHNOLOGY(ALT) Product and Performance Warranty Q.ANTUM TECHNOLOGY: LOW LEVELIZED COST OF ELECTRICITY Higher yield per surface area, lower BOS costs, higher power classes, and an efficiency rate of up to 19.5 %. INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY Optimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent low-light and temperature behavior. ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE Long-term yield security with Anti LID and Anti PID Technology1, Hot-Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra.Q™. ZEP COMPATIBLETM FRAME DESIGN High-tech black Zep CompatibleTM frame, for improved aesthetics, easy installation and increased safety. A RELIABLE INVESTMENT Inclusive 25-year product warranty and 25-year linear performance warranty2. STATE OF THE ART MODULE TECHNOLOGY Q.ANTUM DUO combines cutting edge cell separation and innovative wiring with Q.ANTUM Technology. 1 APT test conditions according to IEC/TS 62804-1:2015, method B (−1500 V, 168 h) 2 See data sheet on rear for further information THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: Rooftop arrays on commercial and industrial buildings Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+ / SC 330-345 ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE Į [% / K] + 0.04 ȕ [% / K] − 0.27 Ȗ [% / K] − 0.36 NMOT [°F] 109 ± 5.4 (43 ± 3 °C) 330 335 340 345 [W]330 335 340 345 [A]10.41 10.47 10.52 10.58 [V]40.15 40.41 40.66 40.92 [A]9.91 9.97 10.02 10.07 [V]33.29 33.62 33.94 34.25 [%]≥ 18.4 ≥ 18.7 ≥ 19.0 ≥ 19.3 [W]247.0 250.7 254.5 258.2 [A]8.39 8.43 8.48 8.52 [V]37.86 38.10 38.34 38.59 [A]7.80 7.84 7.89 7.93 [V]31.66 31.97 32.27 32.57 [V] 1000 (IEC) / 1000 (UL)II [A DC] 20 C (IEC) / TYPE 2 (UL) [lbs / ft2] 50 (2400 Pa) / 50 (2400 Pa)− 40 °F up to + 185 °F (− 40 °C up to + 85 °C)[lbs / ft2] 75 (3600 Pa) / 75 (3600 Pa) 3 See Installation Manual CertifiedUL 1703(254141) Hanwha Q CELLS America Inc. 400 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 1400, Irvine, CA 92618, USA | TEL +1 949 748 59 96 | EMAIL inquiry@us.q-cells.com | WEB www.q-cells.us MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION Format 68.5 × 40.6 × 1.57 in (including frame) (1740 × 1030 × 40 mm) Weight 47.4 lbs (21.5 kg) Front Cover 0.13 in (3.2 mm) thermally pre-stressed glass with anti-reflection technology Back Cover Composite film Frame Black anodized aluminum Cell 6 × 20 monocrystalline Q.ANTUM solar half cells Junction Box 2.09-3.98 × 1.26-2.36 × 0.59-0.71 in (53-101 × 32-60 × 15-18 mm), Protection class IP67, with bypass diodes Cable 4 mm² Solar cable; (+) ≥ 43.3 in (1100 mm), (−) ≥ 43.3 in (1100 mm) Connector Stäubli MC4; IP68 Note: Installation instructions must be followed. See the installation and operating manual or contact our technical service department for further information on approved installation and use of this product.Specifications subject to technical changes © Q CELLS Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+/SC_330-345_2019-11_Rev01_NAELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS POWER CLASS MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS, STC1 (POWER TOLERANCE +5 W / −0 W)MinimumPower at MPP1 PMPP Short Circuit Current1 ISC Open Circuit Voltage1 VOC Current at MPP IMPP Voltage at MPP VMPP Efficiency1 Ș MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS, NMOT2 MinimumPower at MPP PMPP Short Circuit Current ISC Open Circuit Voltage VOC Current at MPP IMPP Voltage at MPP VMPP 1Measurement tolerances PMPP ± 3 %; ISC; VOC ± 5 % at STC: 1000 W/m2, 25 ± 2 °C, AM 1.5 according to IEC 60904-3 • 2800 W/m², NMOT, spectrum AM 1.5 Q CELLS PERFORMANCE WARRANTY PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE At least 98 % of nominal power during first year. Thereafter max. 0.54 % degradation per year. At least 93.1 % of nominal power up to 10 years. At least 85 % of nominal power up to 25 years. All data within measurement toleranc- es. Full warranties in accordance with the warranty terms of the Q CELLS sales organization of your respective country. Typical module performance under low irradiance conditions in comparison to STC conditions (25 °C, 1000 W/m²) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Temperature Coefficient of ISC Temperature Coefficient of VOC Temperature Coefficient of PMPP Normal Module Operating Temperature PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN Maximum System Voltage VSYS Protection Class Maximum Series Fuse Rating Fire Rating based on ANSI / UL 1703 Max. Design Load, Push / Pull (UL)3 Permitted Module Temperature on Continuous DutyMax. Test Load, Push / Pull (UL)3 QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES UL 1703, CE-compliant, IEC 61215:2016, IEC 61730:2016, Application Class II, U.S. Patent No. 9,893,215 (solar cells) 200 400 600 800 1000 110 100 90 80RELATIVE EFFICIENCY [%]IRRADIANCE [W/m²]RELATIVE EFFICIENCYCOMPARED TO NOMINAL POWER [%]100 95 90 85 80 75 1552520010 YEARS 98 Q CELLS Industry standard for tiered warranties* Industry standard for linear warranties* *Standard terms of guarantee for the 10 PV companies with the highest production capacity in 2014 (as at: September 2014) 37.4" (950 mm) 68.5" (1740 mm) 4 × Fastening points (DETAIL A) Frame 6.06" (154 mm) 40.55" (1030 mm) 38.6" (981 mm) 1.57" (40 mm) 8 × Drainage opening 0.14" × 3.1" (3.6 mm × 8 mm) 6 × Grounding points ø 0.16" (4 mm) Label DETAIL A 0,472" (12 mm) 0.354" (9 mm)1.063" (27 mm) 15.6“ (395 mm) 7.09" (180 mm) 4 × Drainage opening ≥ 43.3" (1100 mm) ≥ 43. 3" (1100mm) DC- DC+ 1 GD · · · · · DC1 · · · · · DC1 DC- DC+ 1 GD TESLA.COM/ENERGY POWERWALL+ Powerwall+ is an integrated solar battery system that stores energy from solar production. Its integrated design and streamlined installation allow for simple connection to any home, and improved surge power capability brings whole home backup in a smaller package. Smart system controls enable owners to customize system behavior to suit their renewable energy needs. KEY FEATURES • Integrated battery, inverter, and system controller for a more compact install • A suite of application modes, including self-powered, time-based control, and backup modes • Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and LTE connectivity with easy over-the-air updates NA 2021-05-28 TESLA.COM/ENERGY POWERWALL+ Powerwall+ is an AC battery system with solar integration. It supports up to four solar strings for increased design flexibility and production on complex roofs. Its rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack provides energy storage for solar self-consumption, time-based control, and backup applications. COMPLIANCE INFORMATION PV Certifications UL 1699B, UL 1741, UL 1741 SA, UL 1998 (US), IEEE 1547, IEEE 1547.1 Battery Energy Storage System Certifications UL 1642, UL 1741, UL 1741 PCS, UL 1741 SA, UL 1973, UL 9540, IEEE 1547, IEEE 1547.1, UN 38.3 Grid Connection United States Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B Environmental RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Seismic AC156, IEEE 693-2005 (high) ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature –20°C to 50°C (–4°F to 122°F)5 Recommended Temperature 0°C to 30°C (32°F to 86°F) Operating Humidity (RH)Up to 100%, condensing Storage Conditions –20°C to 30°C (–4°F to 86°F) Up to 95% RH, non-condensing State of Energy (SoE): 25% initial Maximum Elevation 3000 m (9843 ft) Environment Indoor and outdoor rated Enclosure Type Type 3R Noise Level @ 1 m < 40 db(A) optimal, < 50 db(A) maximum MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 1596 x 755 x 160 mm (62.8 x 29.7 x 6.3 in) Total Weight 156 kg (343.9 lb)4 Battery Assembly 125 kg (275.6 lb) Solar Assembly 31 kg (68.3 lb) Mounting options Floor or wall mount 1Values provided for 25°C (77°F). 2AC to battery to AC, at beginning of life. 3Cellular connectivity subject to network service coverage and signal strength. 4The total weight does not include the Powerwall+ bracket, which weighs an additional 10.5 kg (23 lb). 5Performance may be de-rated at operating temperatures below 10°C (50°F) or greater than 43°C (109°F). NA 2021-05-28 PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) AND BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM (BESS) SPECIFICATIONS Nominal Battery Energy 13.5 kWh Nominal Grid Voltage (Input / Output)120/240 VAC Grid Voltage Range 211.2 - 264 VAC Frequency 60 Hz Phase 240 VAC: 2W+N+GND Maximum Continuous Power On-Grid 7.6 kW full sun / 5.8 kW no sun1 Maximum Continuous Power Off-Grid 9.6 kW full sun / 7 kW no sun1 Peak Off-Grid Power (10 s)22 kW full sun / 10 kW no sun1 Maximum Continuous Current On-Grid 32 A output Maximum Continuous Current Off-Grid 40 A output Load Start Capability 118 A LRA PV Maximum Input Voltage 600 VDC PV DC Input Voltage Range 60 - 550 VDC PV DC MPPT Voltage Range 60 - 480 VDC MPPTs 4 Input Connectors per MPPT 1-2-1-2 Maximum Current per MPPT (Imp)13 A Maximum Short Circuit Current per MPPT (Isc) 15 A Overcurrent Protection Device 50 A breaker Maximum Supply Fault Current 10 kA Output Power Factor Rating +/– 0.9 to 1 Round Trip Efficiency 90%2 Customer Interface Tesla Mobile App Internet Connectivity Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Cellular LTE/4G)3 PV AC Metering Revenue grade (+/-0.5%) Protections Integrated arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI), Rapid Shutdown (RSD) Warranty 10 years 160 mm 1596 mm 755 mm TESLA.COM/ENERGY SOLAR SHUTDOWN DEVICE The Tesla Solar Shutdown Device is part of the PV system rapid shutdown (RSD) function in accordance with Article 690 of the applicable NEC. When paired with Powerwall+, solar array shutdown is initiated by any loss of AC power. 650 mm 150 mm 125 mm 250 mm M4 Screw M8 Bolt Nail / Wood Screw 22 mm NA 2021-05-28 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Ambient Temperature -40°C to 50°C (-40°F to 122°F) Storage Temperature –30°C to 70°C (–22°F to 158°F) Enclosure Rating NEMA 4 / IP65 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal Input DC Current Rating (IMP)12 A Maximum Input Short Circuit Current (ISC)15 A Maximum System Voltage 600 V DC COMPLIANCE INFORMATION Certifications UL 1741 PVRSS PVRSA (Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown Array) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Connections MC4 Connector Housing Plastic Dimensions 125 mm x 150 mm x 22 mm (5 in x 6 in x 1 in) Weight 350 g (0.77 lb) Mounting Options ZEP Home Run Clip M4 Screw (#10) M8 Bolt (5/16") Nail / Wood screw RSD MODULE PERFORMANCE Maximum Number of Devices per String 5 Control Power Line Excitation Passive State Normally open Maximum Power Consumption 7 W Warranty 25 years PVRSA RSD Initiation Method Loss of AC power Compatible Equipment Powerwall+ SOLAR SHUTDOWN DEVICE REQUIREMENTS PER MODULE The following modules have been certified as part of a PV Rapid Shutdown Array (PVRSA) when installed together with Powerwall+ and Tesla Solar Shutdown Devices. See the Powerwall+ Installation Manual for guidance on installing Powerwall+ and Solar Shutdown Devices with other modules. Brand Model Required Solar Shutdown Devices Tesla Solar Roof V3 1 Solar Shutdown Device per 10 modules Hanwha Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5 1 Solar Shutdown Device per 3 modules Hanwha Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+ 1 Solar Shutdown Device per 3 modules TESLA.COM/ENERGY SYSTEM LAYOUTS Powerwall+ with Backup Switch for Whole Home Backup Powerwall+ with Backup Gateway 2 for Whole Home Backup Powerwall+ with Backup Gateway 2 for Partial Home Backup NA 2021-05-28 PVRSA Model: ZS Rapid Shutdown Array (Applicable to ZS Comp, ZS Span, ZS Ramp, and ZS Seam) Category QIJR, Report Date: 2021-03-05 Table of Essential Elements Function Manufacturer Model No. Firmware Versions and Checksums Certification Standard PVRSE Mid Circuit Interrupter (MCI) Tesla MCI-1 15503792 N/A UL 1741 PVRSE Inverter Tesla 7.6 kW: 15380002 3.8 kW: 15340002 V1, D85CAB80 V1, 8A3CA3F2 UL 1741, 1998 PVRSS/PVRSE PV Module Hanwha Q- CELLS Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5/SC315 Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5/SC320 Q.PEAK DUO BLK G6+/SC330 Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+/SC335 Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+/SC340 Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+/SC345 N/A UL 1703 Interlock Tesla ZEP 850-1613-001 ZEP 850-1388-001 ZEP 850-1281-001 N/A UL 2703 Ground Zep Tesla ZEP 850-1511-001 ZEP 850-1172-002 N/A UL 467 UL 2703 DC Wire Clip Tesla ZEP 850-1509-001 ZEP 850-1448-001 N/A UL 1565 Homerun Wire Clip Tesla ZEP 850-1510-001 UL 1565 PVRSA Initiator1 (See installation requirements below) Non-Specific N/A N/A N/A 1 Dedicated PV system AC circuit breaker or AC disconnect switch, labeled per NEC 690.12 requirements. 2 Applies to variations of this part number with suffix of two numbers and one letter.. Note: PVRSA installation requirements may reduce the effective equipment and component ratings below the individual equipment and component PVRSE ratings in order to achieve PVRSA shock hazard reduction requirements. PVRSA Installation Requirements Max System Voltage 600 Vdc Max Array Internal Voltage After Actuation 165 Vdc (cold weather open circuit) Max Series-Connected Panels between MCIs: 3 Other Installation Instructions: 1. An MCI must be connected to one end of each series string or sub-array string. 2. Verification that MCIs are installed with 3 or fewer modules between MCIs shall be documented for inspection, by voltage measurement logs and/or as-built string layout diagrams. 3. The dedicated PV system AC circuit breaker or PV system AC disconnect switch shall serve as the PVRSA initiator and shall be sized and installed in accordance with NEC requirements. The specific part shall be identified on the as-built system drawings. Certification Mark of UL on the installation instructions is the only method provided by UL to identify products manufactured under its Certification and Follow-Up Service. The Certification Mark for these products includes the UL symbol, the words "CERTIFIED" and "SAFETY," the geographic identifier(s), and a file number.” PVRSA Model: Solarglass Roof Rapid Shutdown Array Category QIJR, Report Date: 2021-03-05 Table of Essential Elements Function Manufacturer Model No. Firmware Versions and Checksums Certification Standard PVRSE Mid Circuit Interrupter (MCI) Tesla MCI-1 15503792 N/A UL 1741 PVRSE Inverter Tesla 7.6 kW: 15380002 3.8 kW: 15340002 V1, D85CAB80 V1, 8A3CA3F2 UL 1741, 1998 PVRSS/PVRSE PV Module Tesla SR60T1 N/A UL 61730 Diode Harness Tesla SRDTH N/A UL 9703 PV Wire Jumper(s) Tesla SR-BJ2X SR-BJ3X SR-BJ4X SR-BJMini N/A UL 9703 Pass-Through Box Tesla SRPTB-4 N/A UL 1741 PVRSA Initiator1 (See installation requirements below) Non-Specific N/A N/A N/A 1 Dedicated PV system AC circuit breaker or AC disconnect switch, labeled per NEC 690.12 requirements. 2 Applies to variations of this part number with suffix of two numbers and one letter. Note: PVRSA installation requirements may reduce the effective equipment and component ratings below the individual equipment and component PVRSE ratings in order to achieve PVRSA shock hazard reduction requirements. PVRSA Installation Requirements Max System Voltage 600 Vdc Max Array Internal Voltage After Actuation 165 Vdc (cold weather open circuit) Max Series-Connected Panels between MCIs: 10 Other Installation Instructions: 1. An MCI must be connected to one end of each series string or mounting plane sub-array string. 2. Verification that MCIs are installed with 10 or fewer modules between MCIs shall be documented for inspection, by voltage measurement logs and/or as-built string layout diagrams. 3. The dedicated PV system AC circuit breaker or PV system AC disconnect switch shall serve as the PVRSA initiator and shall be sized and installed in accordance with NEC requirements. The specific part shall be identified on the as-built system drawings. Certification Mark of UL on the installation instructions is the only method provided by UL to identify products manufactured under its Certification and Follow-Up Service. The Certification Mark for these products includes the UL symbol, the words "CERTIFIED" and "SAFETY," the geographic identifier(s), and a file number.”