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23A-301 (4)
---111111 -+°,�• City of Northampton REQUIRED INSPECTIONS a Limn! 3. 1 g 1. Footings and Walls A„ � . BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2. Structural Components in Place* 1 � 3. Complete Building* No. 631 Office of the Building Inspector Zoning Form No. 961540 Date 7/10/97 Fee$72.00 Check# 1874 Page, 23A Parcel 301 ,Zone URS Section 127 ❑ Yes ® No BUILDING PER r II III * Plumbing and Electrical Inspections required THIS CERTIFIES THAT Richard Marini before Building Inspections has permission to construct 24' X 30' detached garage Inspection on Site—Foundations O , 7'03-` 7�4r J ILsituated on 154 Nonotuck St - Patrick Curran Inspection of Plumbing—R gh -// ' � ?'(. i Inspection of Plumbing— - �'� provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every respect £ conform to the terms of the application on file in this office, and to the Gas Inspection/t b"-RV/PS provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating to the Construction, Inspection of Wiring—Rough -K7'1�- /�/� l t'� Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton. ` Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation Inspection of Wiring—Finish `i''f4/- /.2f i q r 2 of this permit.Expires six months from date of issuance,if not started. Building Inspection—Rough toK, 7, -1 7 Note:A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return Insulation Inspection 6)( 16 •,�3-!7-1 of this card signed by the Plumbing,Wiring and Building Inspectors. Building Inspection—Finish 4Ir /-q-9 R;��,r...b, Smoke Detectors(Fire Department)/- -2 Z-`/ 7- 0 P.. Other THIS CARD MUST BE DISPLA IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ON PREMISES Certificate of Occupancy Building Inspector V -Jit„"lc)- /� e '32-9Y ...72 +� '+��'"�' City of Northampton REQUIRED INSPECTIONS p •y 7��'�j)�'• 1. Footings and Walls v��� ~rill 6 * � ;, ^�. BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2. Structural Components in Place '�'= `�' 3. Complete Building* Office of the Building Inspector No. 631 Zoning Form No. 961540 Date 7/10/97 Fee$72.00 Check# 1874 Page, 23A parcel 301 ,Zone URB Section 127 ❑ Yes ® No BUILDING PERMIT * Plumbing and Electrical Inspections required THIS CERTIFIES THAT Richard Marini before Building Inspections has permission to construct 24' X 30' detached garage Inspection on Site—Foundations situated on 154 Nonotuck St - Patrick Curran Inspection of Plumbing—Rough provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every respect Inspection of Plumbing—Finish conform to the terms of the application on file in this office, and to the Gas Inspection provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating to the Construction, Inspection of Wiring—Rough Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton. Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation Inspection of Wiring—Finish of this permit.Expires six months from date of issuance,if not started. Building Inspection—Rough Note:A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return Insulation Inspection of this card signed by the Plumbing,Wiring and Building Inspectors. Building Inspection—Finish Smoke Detectors(Fire Department) it Other THIS CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ON✓ PREMISES • Certificate of Occupancy / .. Building Inspector • D l� N -- 1 � o FILE # >6 / Y 31 JUL 71997 n J/ APPLIC1ANT/CONTACT PERSON- 7 /`7`-��_ 7 / . DEPT OF BUILDING ADDRESS/PHONE: / e-el, ✓1 O / NORTHAMPT_ff PROPERTY LOCATION: /S� � / - MAP o?3/t PARCEL: _�� ZONE THIS SECTION FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONTNIG FORM FT7,T,F,T) MIT Fee Paid Rnilding Permit Filled curt ,j 4/J ✓/� Fee Paid 1S a Type of C'nnctnrctinn• // New Conctnrrtinn o74` Remndeling Interior 12..J Addition to gritting rreccnry Strnetrrr- Rnilding P ant nr it e • Clwner/Ors ant Statement n T.irente � -a; -" ✓- A Setc nf4 / Inj Ian X TUE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Permit from Conservat' Commission /a 9 Signatur. for Date NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an epplloent's burden to comply with al; _ zoning requirements end obtain all required permits from the Board of Health. Conservat Commission. Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authoritle > > i • T siD fl w Cci -__:' N c Z >F...-1 .7 { Zoning Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. Alterations iikro!%� NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 19 Additions ' = '• %4+ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Repair -- Garage )( I. Location/S'4r 4/6ive.72,e/e ST _/Voe,#4 z ,/! /7l4155 Lot No. 3O/ 2. Owner's name P.47(,e/cA Gc/e ,,',i Address/5/f Lip,"DfvcA S74 3. Builder's name /i*94'/) ilfAtlli/9/ Address/ C 14/0 .¢v4/ G, 09CEZ,1) /r!•¢ Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. O j O5a Expiration Date 7/3//91 4. Addition 5. Alteration 6. New Porch 7. Is existing building to be demolished? 8. Repair after the fire 9. Garage G[/�ZA .Shop No.of cars / Size 24 IC 30 10. Method of heating 11. Distance to lot lines /o "LEY- Lief 5/D4 —GS-, /g,e6,s%4L .SO', ,eoe — /Ob - /e,Po,77`- 12. Type of roof .4SP1 , - S/Y/r5.[. .S 13. Siding house 14. Estimated t:cos - 'Z (Poo The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his, her knowledge and belief. Z.4.417 ,(4a-K.Z.- 5tgnature of responsible applcant Remarks o94/AC30 cvar» A../.4 Po gt) a.,..p,ocpf uJ/,4H /2�/Z .eoi,f /0/lei/ Z/7Ged tE.er.Z0 24%-'f//av�s0S d.-'i,'H .+rt'.0 ,Stlo.e,46E I 7vvt5 '77/5 Ivtrai i f/t/m 177/4/7a'1 ?4ans53Zcf rJx--c ?8 77//n 57007C/ wet/e.a r.no no/ E 4u//rfb;Hs 6'So 'J//L j 3diS t ?t cpb'4 7XC -S. i j S 7Y' - 1,1 t-7c/ i.c,o.wo / i ! SA V 37A1/S - c71vao7 c%1 /7 A-C. 1 "77£.nop 70 , 7/ - 07/ fixC: /6 Citd5 — -- 1 j „££ _ uvci S Nf/.-"? Q'.,frZi s 77v/r7 -lit 1y l �73Qv3f1 QR� 1�Z° 3 T 7vdS cf over? )(9d/m �3Cr4 I 71 X2: x. I zs,,fris 104r,rAl V- • 0910�e s"4 1i01011-�b0i 3a r� J J y�C.YrI!/t'n Ski, 13 bfrd.rso'e�f Z4 aPSb•c74'9 cf .L r• Lr/,0e,..7., '1 swa3-34sli_q_____-_—_.\ -1:1:11 L661 L \.31 ' A li '8,----16-3----21 . ' T____ ilvla-).+o, be — d1v4.2d ‘.41 oo„ 34.121->uo, 01-0,00d ?1 X..1)1 1 I-- ax! X V(Y1 Al • irGxa�; ?I _;'7 4-r,ioj 14Tentoer, i� LA p I ?"-}add i-C'Z' 1 , Sebd •.--? u4nv.,uw' 55 vuxn.107 j 1 - ATIV1 ,o£ i CJ~9C/m } I C'i' Z,")0d ^'?ll v?9 17 ter �117x gI0 �''; 3Gv-.�... 3 1 z0ol j --_ ' ?4.tx7oo7 d-to 1 71zno 44'4'3. S I r� A • uiv7�J buiAba j - _ _ ^" 1 Sd•le�--5 7�QH7uti Zt'AZ X�, „ . • • • _ , - - • , - , Y . . .MORIN1 i 24ATP 'PIGGYBACK 1 61 '1 012397-Franklin Woodshed i , — — ' Component Buiicting Syatems, • 3 300 a May 2s 1095 Mine(Industries,Inc. Thu May 79 10 09:54 1997 Page 1-1 'J. . ,__ „.______;:•10-8. ....__. .______5400_ _______, ! .:.,-to-6 7044 3x41-.- 1 ; 3 i . 1 j 7 700!•7:i i . . . ..1 I - - -. . . ; . 1 . .• . . 01 • i oil • , ,.„. ,.,..... . . , (NI ,... ..• . • s I ! ..: ,•.- . ., •.. -., i i m7 , •. .,./.-; -:+rz-;'. _.i d ___ .. 7 .________ _____ __ _ __ .(.,...„..L ..., , .•._:., t • 1 • 3 2.5x4 n.- 2.5x4 7 ' ,14-o_i , ; 4-7-6 041.1:1 ' ' • ._... _.______-__---_-_____... __----..-----_--_----------_---___ Rate Offsets(X.Y). (1 00-0,0-0-101,[2 0-0-0.0-2-01[3.0-0-12,0-0.101 .••-----.—.....-...--.4 LOADING(Fist) SPACING 2-0,0 ! CS1 1 DEFL (in) (kw) tieleft 1 PLATES GRIP ?CLL. 40 0 ' Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0 08 1 vett(LL) 0.01 la 999 i M20(20g3) 199/1413 1 .. TCD. 10 0 Lumotr increase 1 15 BC 0.11 , Vert(TL) 0.07 1/3 999 BC.A.L. 0 0 , Rep Stress!nor YES ; WB 0.09 HorZ(TL) 0,00 3 rile Rr..',DL 10 0 Code TPI i I Min Length ILL WI 7,”360 1 Weight,14(Ibs) . ... •LUMBER _. ... . , .. _ ..____ ______..___—..—... ..-_—___—_ ---------1 SO-- TOP CHORO 2 X 4 SPP No 2 TOP TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-04 on center ponin spacing , GOT Ci-!•:.•.',R0 2.<4 SPF I•Jr.2 BOT CHORD 1-3.6-3-0. REACTIONS ilbsititze) 1=262/0-5-8.3=-262i0-3,5 Max Hog 1=2"36(load case 3) . Max jpi .500cad ease 4),0=-50(loa4.1 case 4) FORCES TOP Cr 1-2.--.1 46 2-3=-146 BUT CHORD 1-3=100 NOTES ... 1)This truss has beer.designed for the*And loads denerated by 90.0 m.p.h wins at 25.0 feet above ground le*.using 7 0 p s f top chore deed load and 10 0 p.s.f bottom chord,dead 10110,10 0 miles from nurricane oceentine.on a tategor/I enclosed Wilding,of dimensions 60.0 by 41.1 with exposure C(ASCE 7-93) Lumber increase, 1 33.Plate increase 0 i 33 Bc,th enc;verticals are exposed .., . LOAD Ca aF'n' - 1,ciard . ' . , --:i1-',• ' ., . . . 1 ... • ' .-. • \ • ••.\ 1 1 • - Sto.:1 SAS ---------—--- — — ----_— ,... ..,- ElelS IN3N0dWOO • GB - 9-ET - _ _ PT SC:ZI 'LGET/67.,./.4 ,1=t5; 29f 199' ': -, 1-413—B24-3460 COMPONENT BLt'3 _ PAGE 04 I I 1 i I I ,, i . 1 u:R;wal• tiiii4V0,aVO1 t aleld 0'Y,1 vxl Q10 paukosl 40 0l YNni s s IceleG Rual R . eLi% eat'pule,. 1psodxe spnis jo ;uodpI u s poeq A1,2)eai ag 01418ua saUO-4 Z BuPioxa'pps 0,4s_s!t' 3 iiiueo uo sa4ou,4L is vo0ede spr$e14sj I£ eag oIOUO wcuon snonu,luoa 3snrb aJ alga.)(_ Su otiod)aler�u)aAa:d of atSB 1iup alents¢e ap6314H '. 4 I dS a h'Z. St; Hlt= ^► Z si• £Q-c:g-t Clei() ci01 i�i0 L'OtJ S'1dS R'A Z C1a©HJ dal.. ps4iat s aONI VVICI tliawni (t60)41-t•1481aM 1 09E trap ' ual u W 000 (u) Ohl .i7ul steal$dais J G EN 00 0 LO-1 00 0 SM 9 t. aAeeiN1)aquinl COL 1931 ,,,, 1 00•0 (u) 'A 00 0 D9 • 0 OP G J- n '.I. ; adsP)0uf weld 0sdl fSNIQV09 .ap / 00'o i11t3�aA 10'0 0_G L RNIOV1$ 401 091 taRGb)OZWMO diY� 6llV'Id 1�;1 taps} (to '1d'JC t 3'1,1 0-e i.-O 0-0-0£i (0-n l.-0 0-11 0•,',t Itr t.0 0 0-0-0 to)0 sla8uc)eleid ------- ------- x • `JJJIII"'lll,'ji - 1 ih--- ! t If II I i1 I I 1' I I 1!t Gil '! , i 1 I I I 1 I I tr • i� I I I 1 I I! ' II I �� I �� I` If 1� Ti .7, ace: i of oo-rz — — i ;. — Q b-._... -v^:i) 1 awelaSS 0�'I?Iing luouudu of ! fiR nul •O'�I aox+lsn t Na11W C68:9i a+aW g 00fr_ £ ,rvla�ri 1 ----- �La qL Lb 8z W —T r-- — SSt'L!1 YavBI„J.)Id LYVZ f (�� voLli mm 4-Averl-18EG i.0 i L b O^ aaAl aen,, esn)1� g ^i', • 'l a JOt� Truss �TIU6i Type 'at/ I f iN 1 i 12 1 # 012397-Franklin Wtxxfehed MORINI -{24AT I t'IGGY6ACK ATTIC L L 3.306 s May 2G 19r35 MR.k tnduatrlM,Inc. Ttiu May 9 10 03:221g' ■pe i Comb•5nenr BuAdmg Srt+tems,I J tO:a 9-o-t4 _,. `rtc a : at-E 1a_10-e 1&t-t2 7}11-2 24.40 zt i r '-51r0 3-5-a &4.9 • .3. .14 0-104 + 'I axe 11 5 $ . T 12.00112 7x6 :� —= Y^- �.y'•..24 li 3 15 `• _'-.e I r : .N6 7. I ~fig II M o:12-0 0 j .4.•" r?'; - -----_'�r �_- mil 1� r — •- --- `i' 14 13 12 11 10 I 1 4x8= 3x4= 5x7=3x4= 4x8= I. 12po ibt•12 — t 2b112 i 244G� lojA Sias.a—--,----_--•- • 3fi14 2-9-6 6' 12 6.+_12 208 3.0.1• IL _________I Pale Offsets(X v) I1 `-p.0 C-C-'4),[10.0-2-17.0-0-141 —— 7= -- 1 PLATES GRIP 2-0-0 DE'L (In} Q OQ) ilcsefr I LOADING(P■� C61 ICLL 40•0 Males Increase1.15 I TC 0.73 r Vert(LL) 0.25 12/11 558 I jr420(20Qa) 169h24 TCDL 10 0 Lumber Increase 1.15 i air 0 86 I Vert(fL) 0.35 14/13 372 WB 0.32 Htxz(1L} 0.03 10 rya BOLL 0 0 Rod Stress finer TJ' Mkt Length d i L 4efi=300 Weight 1T9(Ibs) r+CDL 1..0 Cos T7I I'1 (Matrix) ! . --- __- — — — —I LUMBER 'TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-10-14 on center pvrim spacing. BRACING Top CH 2 X 8 SPF-S Na 2 BQT Ct(?RC 1,14 4 b'.13=14 6 3�.1:-12:6-3-0:1 C 11.8-3 p,12-13;6-3 0- HOT CHORD 2:t :v7F Nu JOINT(S1 lb OTHERS 7-r.4 SPIT.No 3 REACTIONS llbsrsiie) '=1 7 4610-3-8,10=17461i1-3.8, 13=1003f0• -a Max.Holz 1=792(load Mee 4) Max I,Ip!ift 1=-224(Ioad case 5) 10=-177(load case 5),13=-7u(aad case 5) FORCES TOP CHORD 1=2=-2050,2-3`-1885,3-4=•1315,4 5=-8{0,5-6=41,6-7=-50,7-5=-1315,e-0=-188b,9-10.-2050 BOT CHORD •i0.11-'1339,11-12=1122,11 13=1122.13-1 =112,-145,6 15 405,8-11.507,9 11=-911 WEBS 4.15=-1550.7-15--1550, NOTES 1)This Huss nes been checsed for unbalanced toedirn)conditions about joints C end 5, level,using 7.0 p 9 i.top chord dead load and 14. p a )This truss nas teen designed for the wind loads generated by 90 0 m.p.h winds at 25 0 feet above ground bottom chord deed toast,10 0 miles from hurricane oceanline,on a catCgcr;I enclosed building,of dimensions 80 0 by 41 1 with exposure r (ASCE 7-93) Lumber :norease a 1 33.Plate Increase= 1 33.Both end verticals art exposed. ' 31 Provide adequate drainage to prtireni,eater ponding — 4)Ceiling iced(10 0 pat}art member(e).4.15 15 t' i . b)Bottom chord lire load(30 0 CO}applied only to room.14-13 12-11 13.12 Z LOAD CAFE(A) '- " C"._ 1 L;.imber tnorease=1.15,Rate tncreae¢°1 1 me = 1 Uniform Loads ties per rt) ,, 7$ 1ZO.U,d-9=-i0p.u. Sr= Ve 11 2=-100.0,7 3=•100.0,3•4=-1200,4 5=-100.0,5-8+100.0:5 7 100.0, L� g-10=-1ao 0,10-,1=-20 0,11-12=•120.0.12-13.120.0,13-14=-°2Q.0,1.14=-20.0,41Sa 20.0,7-16.•20.0 CC GtIncentreted Laacie(ROE) it Veit ti:__i,1;t 1U�97:r o0 7- Optl a II zLm.......__�� r cn l t I J �— �t 3r1`�d SAS ElU15 1N3NOdLiL.' „ 09VE- Zcl-:=T.h-T Sc:mot LEEZ/EZ/S0 " _J L U FILE # �� 5-y() ji AP1997 PLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: DEPT OF SUfi t S §TVE ONE: NORThiAMr'T(;*,+rt MA 01060 PROPERTY 3C�,TION: PARCEL: c_ge/ THIS SECTION FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST —'� ,ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE �(1NTNC' F[1RM FTT.T FT) (�TTT • Fee Paid Building Permit Filled nut Fee Paid Type of Cnnctructinn• r New Constructiont�7 %' X1 & 4j.€ t' Remodeling Tnterinr Addition to Existing Arreccnry Structure Building Plans Tncluided• Owner/Clrrupant Statement or license fl 3 Sets of Plans /Plot Plan THELOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS LICATION: • Z/APp roved as presented/based on information presented 4pS/ Denied as presented: le-iPecial Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § PLANNING BOARD BONING BOARD j//v 7 p Received &Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed/ 7 Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Permit from Consery n Comm' ion Signature of Buildin ector Date NOTE:issuenoe of a zoning permit does not relieve en applioent's burden to oomply with all zoning requirements end obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other epplioeble permit granting authorities. MAY 1 31997 DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS File No. NORTHAMPTON Rife 01060 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (§10 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant:•ViA-“Z.\C.K Address: `S LA N Telephone: S `l '3 07 S 2. Owner of Property: ` �— CS`l Address: \S� �7D IJC:iTuC_\/ � � Telephone: 3. Status of Applicant: ( Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): 4. Job Location: 5 y 1361Jc5 ��C- S �� Lc) ry r/ Parcel Id: Zoning Map# �3 A Parcel# `, l District(s): v (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property C; 1,2)6 L E F�m\ L �t�\t E Tcv A L— \ LL \ 1,D 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): • 'ADO \ \o G izi CoE. o �- S� C.\ 0 (z `fit Co L'f\SS V 2C.J 1pU�� SvC3M�T 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans p+w�W RPPCcvvEDB.l`LFSPi Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special PermitNariance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? V _\-1 NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,date issued:: SEr C.c k1 C IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document 411111 Ct.)(>L C C 4570Ll o 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO '•‹ IF YES, describe size, type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property?YES NO X IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. This column to be filled in by the Building Department I !Required 1 Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size �$� ZoD Sin-1E ��� Frontage I 7,� �� S�PME Setbacks - frnnt \-No\..) - 3 k' CGR21 E 13% i l_ - side L:-25 R: 2.6 L: \ R: ( `) - rear 1-S I 1 �-� 1 /-{ Building height I i Bldg Square footage c) i x -tr Z 4`' 1( 3C, ' 3 ° %Open Space: 0. (Lot area minus bldg (6c S. �lj&paved parking) c (J # of -Parking Spaces Z Z # of Loading Docks I D 0-3C, 'k) C\- Fill: (vol-ume -& location) SONG 1.1WJt 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: M?eXL ZSl 1q c)c1/4.9017 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE .7\ NOTE: Issuanoe of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's bu en to oomph/ with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board f,Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Pubiio Works end other applicable permit granting authorities. . FILE if i'°Rff [Th-----7.17--------1 N f, �.. Site Plan for Proposed Garage U MAY i 3199, P 9 DE TOF U( 67,Ir rti SpF Patrick J. Curran .1,1616 154 Nonotuck Street Northampton, MA 01060 586-3075 98.0' <a o LLJ s— , . , „„.. ,..kc.k ,...:-.4. i 14 A/ �e°�� *c±i .i, Lo & _?O/ J d 1 ,8/2'x 1E3' 0)0 i - OCe • Park;,.,g Qlo'? • O r� "D 0 a o I x�° t 4c i I I\ CsX ,s4-iv..9 A/c) 01 e... 1 /V f - Z / 'r £�' 5c..� & 0 1 : 1 = 3 /a O.o' 1 —__.__._.___.._......... Doc: 970000656 OR /5045/0205 01/10/199715:45 ��CEIVF� hAMP City of Northampton, Massachusetts �p4 T0� Office of Planning and Development , City Hall • 210 Main Street ��-.J..v t� DEC 1 7 199641-Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586-6950 7 ♦._� • • FAX (413) 586-3726 `o= � r)� • Community and Economic Development �` �' �.�.." • Conservation • Historic Preservation FRK NOR��P 9f �' �• _..�� • Planning Board • Zoning Board of Appeals — �• Northampton Parking Commission DECISION OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICANT: Patrick J. Curran ADDRESS: 154 Nonotuck Street Florence, MA 01060 OWNER: Patrick J. Curran ADDRESS: 154 Nonotuck Street Florence, MA 01060 RE LAND OR BUILDINGS IN NORTHAMPTON AT: 154 Nonotuck Street MAP AND PARCEL NUMBERS: MAP #23A PARCEL #301 At a meeting conducted on November 6, 1996, the Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously voted 3 : 0 to grant the request of Patrick J. Curran for a SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Sections 10. 10 and 11. 11 in the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, for a Home Occupation as a glass artist at 154 Nonotuck Street. Zoning Board Members present and voting were: Chair M. Sanford Weil , Jr. , Alex Ghiselin and Elaine Reall. In Granting the Special Permit, the Zoning Board of Appeals found: A. The requested use for a Home Occupation protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses because it will take place in an accessory structure with no visible outward manifestation. B. The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets and minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area because the occupation will not generate significant additional traffic, since the applicant does custom work and does not do retail sales . C. The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, ORIGINAL PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Doc: 970000656 OR /5045/0209 01/10/1997 15:45 Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) , Chapter 40A, Section 11, no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the City Clerk that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed, or if such an appeal has been filed that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Hampshire County registry of Deeds or Land Court, as applicable and indexed under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. It is the owner or applicant's responsibility to pick up the certified decision from the City Clerk and record it at the Registry of Deeds. The Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been Granted and that copies of this decision and all plans referred to in it have been filed with the Planning Board and the City Clerk. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 15, notice is hereby given that this decision is filed with the Northampton City Clerk on the date below. If anyone wishes to appeal this action, an appeal must be filed pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17 , with the Hampshire County Superior Court and notice of said appeal filed with the City Clerk within twenty days (20) of the date of that this decision was filed with the City Clerk. Applicant: Patrick J. Curran - 154 Nonotuck Street DECISION DATE: November 6 , 199'6 DECISION FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: December 17 , 199.6 (S2f „:, p )r)1, --27af__() am --1 IS L- 1*.0 0 ' � ' :::::''' DEC 17 1996 ' _ , ^,, If Quo �� c�FRK N OR��P� ��' j _ :�,✓� r . ... ,,r Doc; 970000656 OR /5045/0210 01/10/199715:45 January 7 , 1997 I , Christine Skorupski, City Clerk of the City of Northampton, hereby certify that the above Decision of the Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals was filed in the Office of the City Clerk on December 17 , 1996 , that twenty days have elapsed since such filing and-that no appeal has been filed in this matter. Attes;t. ��%�-'b Cty,,tClerk �}, ±t' of Northampton ATTEST: E SHIRE, ,/lN •r MARIANNE L. DONOHUE • FILE # v C ! 3 4 0 r APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: '62:& ADDRESS/PHONE: PROPERTY LOCATION: /L5-4L 71 66J-, MAP 2j11 PARCEL: / ZONE ,e,/41,--- MIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE i 'ee Pat Rnilriing Permit Fillers not FPP Paid Type of f'nnctnirtinn• New C''nnctrnetinn r i l+ Remnrseling Interinr C � Aririitinn to Fxicting Arreccnry Strnetnre Rnilriing Planc Inelnrieri• WnP Occupant Statement nr Licence # ✓ Setc of Planc /Pint Plan THE FLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under:§ PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Pe • fro t onseyat' C���y,�n l0 -j Signature of Building tor Date NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve en applioent's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. • File No. Y A..52710 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (§10 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: ?P 2.G\( .. Cv itwt.< tJ Address:\5`r 1J 01Joi.1c..Y S- CCICtz�f.3UE: Telephone: 5 LSy-301 S 2. Owner of Property: QP cc c 3 Lv CZ-Cr-- 1tJ Address: \S.kk o VV L S-C-- Telephone: $$9 - '3 0.15- 3. Status of Applicant: X Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): 4. Job Location: \ 5`{ No tJ o D C., S"\---- FL.o cz.E IJ C,t : Mtl . Parcel Id: Zoning Map# 23 Pi Parcel# 30 1 District(s): ' Z VS (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property i v.3 G LE "V--tq tr(\\. L./ IZ..E,S \'‘ ) E,t.S T p, L ‘c)wC-7,LL- lt,) C. 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): • :In ;,\i t o rJ o Co P, 1Z GC 70 Ftz b?t:2-v-NI 7. Attached Plans: [-----'-- Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special PermitNariance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO )( DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO 1< DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO 1< DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) • 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property?YES NO K. IF YES, describe size,type and location: 11 . ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPfFTED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. This column to be filled in by the Building Department Required Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size `1 `6 X .0 0 Firht. Frontage g `6 7-5- SA N�E Setbacks - frnnt NO.sa£ 3`i' G .mac 3$ - side L: zS R: zo L:ZO R: SS - rear 1-51 31 Building height \`6' 01 D Bldg Square footage . 1) 41'7q 1J , � )4`? o� 5 I X Z.q 24 )( 30 ,go% �C� %Open Space: (Lot area minus bldg &paved parking) 9.0 b 5 /0 # of. -Parking Spaces # fof Loading DockstJ� Fill: voiume -& location) 1 .)0 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein G is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge DATE: Se-DC-A— 30, lqq (o APPLICANT's SIGNATURE NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applioant's b r en to oomply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other applioeble permit granting authorities. • FILE # /✓O NO 7- v C. X s T. ' i 1. e• /Oo•0' 1 4 r ;s 1, # i • W 41 i) 41f .r 14. 144 a ,, a v A `1 A Y • r ;:i v A L , Q' ci . ,;,.:--i„..,,A,L,(‘' 1 .i.D a• ii �j,' 3 4$i• >-o ' E. + \/, L'o / s5"LLE P /7 N O F L q Al o' /N NO T N/4 p+i p rr n/, riN SS B F L 0 N Cr / N C.- T2• \->Ia1--2 Lc_K c___\..Atk_q , \ , USE RULE BELOW /9• ►�J Sc !7 1.. E: /"= vo' No,e:N,/ n7P-''c /Y, MAS5- I/- )-o-J-r nor 0AI Y/5 .1-At 2. -G'o- ter-F-- No4I4ler DEL.. y4.r-S3 i' LIT ((I'1+; '1, 1I1 111T171111 '111,1-TT-1 1 T1I I-fil 1.1 1 I 1 11 ,1 1ppirilpillfil` 1 1`1l1 I .- l 1 2I 3 41 5I II 61 ___ THIS PAGE IS A PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION. USE THIS RULER TO MEASURE i x • NAt pc, ,i- i 5 ;A FT F-i..-.-1.40 c--.`)V Site Plan for Proposed Garage Patrick J. Curran 154 Nonotuck Street Northampton, MA 01060 586-3075 qg o' <00 1111 is y No A.:44.cica- S1. zo' wo4 (0e- Lo 30/ CTo c+^ &pJ 30 941 O o rri N aq' Xs/' I S�aJe. : / - 30 J a O.0' 'DI Kg-0 WN - kQCC,WM) l(oNMcL C.3i3 F 7 • s�ooF 2.0 'r`", , c o2 ST-o 2AGE SPIN-CZ \ SSTA 2 s . Yep . . . this is a big project. Don't even think about starting it until you've read Part One (here), and Part Two (coming next month)! ANew PART O N E Talk about a " new garage and everyone's eyes light up. Mom and Dad think, "Finally, we can get rid of the oldral garage, that eye- • r[L fl sore. The new one can be BIG- GER. MORE STOR- AGE." The kids y` - - think, ..Room _ _ i• for a FORT or a -- RIDING LAWN MOWER. A place for the basketball hoop." Mom and Dad think, "Room for a WORKSHOP." Mostly Dad thinks, "Room for more ADULT TOYS f . (a sailboat in our case)." By the time you add up everyone's ideas, you might not have room for a car! A small garage won't do. So we're going to show you how to build a big one. It measures 22 ft. wide by 9 -ft. long with a 16-ft. wide double door to accommodate two cars. We actually aren't going to put two cars in it. Half of our garage will house a sailboat on its trailer, which accounts for its unusual length. Most double garages are between 22 and 24 ft. both wide and long. By Duane Johnson MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN 43 FIG. A GARAGE DETAILS ` FIRST TOP PLATE I 1 F' — 16d NAILS SPACED 16" SECOND TOP PLATE SECOND TOP PLATE 2x12s FIRST TOP PLATE /~'\ 16d NAILS EIGHT 1/2"PLYWOOD I 16d NAILS SPACER 2x4 I BLOCK STUDSTRIMMER TEMPORARY 1x4 1 KING RIBBON BOARD ` STUD '' I END TRUSS Mr WITH RAKE 1 7 , LADDER , I ] DETAIL 1 ' ' DETAIL 2 *�� .� ' , ♦ : 1 ' - ' '' ..-' :. ''' r --- ' 111 " 11 i P a s' 1- •-i I TEMPORARY i � `!II i� 1I11.1 1 DOOR OPENING TO THE �,�i y CORRECT HEIGHT 1 1 I k ! 411 1,_11101 I J ! IIiILL 1 BRACES ...+ ""'�2x4 ""' t 4r,r� • s�'� ri ' ' DOUBLED ,1F '.; _ _ `4 2x6 1 HEADER ? .� s lillf 22 r I. t • ,.1. rtNJ ,, 1 . CUT k 1. 16,2.. FROM i 1 2x4 DOORWAY t STAKE LATER oir► s i•? ( • I '�. _ • 1"ELECTRICAL r'' CONDUIT F 1 -f t �..'.. 1 X 1 44 MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN NEW GARAGE Other than adding a service door and two windows,we kept our design s 24" simple so we can demonstrate basic construction techniques.We'll show + 12 j you how to frame the walls and roof, cover the frame with sheathing,and ROOF SLOPE 01111, , 2xas apply finish materials.Once you com- DMMONplete this basic package,you can easily luss add other features later,like a roof il over the service door,skylights for nat- '� • ' I i S ural light,fancier trim work,and of `� course,the basketball hoop. \I \ 18" RAKE Don't jump into a project this big p LADDER unless you have some building experi- 44 • •S 0 ; ' I DETAIL 3 ence.To keep it manageable,we sug- r 1 gest that you hire contractors for cer- o ; ` \ tain parts.We hired a professional to efts �' 1 ,1, , \ \� pour the concrete foundation and floor kb1. ... for this garage and let a professional \ hang the big overhead garage door. i m Both tasks require special skills that ' 1 jS ! ,j��;e�- III ' we won't show in this story.Nor will iI+I.'I we show you how to install the el ctri- IIll I'I I` " cal wiring.You should consult a STRING TO ALIGN licensed electrician for this part. ' DOUBLED t III '[1 '!i 2x6 HEADER \ TRUSSES Our garage cost about$8,000.Well \ N point out some ways you can shave 1 2"x 4 x 8' $1,000 off that price,but not much PLYWOOD more without sacrificing quality.You ��g,r " Ill] 27" SHEATHING can expect to spend most of a sum- * i' 6"PLYWOOD 1 ki mer's spare time building your garage. °' ` ROUGH PIECE AT TOP OPENING [_, But the payoff is that if you were to " r? have this garage built entirely by a contractor,it would probably cost I26 around$11,000. Even if you never use this article to build a garage,we hope you'll find it useful and interesting just the same. f Thephotos,drawings and text provide ;j����i g a close-up grand"tour"of the structur- • al procedures that go into building any ± 12"SPACING house,addition or garage—even a playhouse for the kids. is 2 r LYw: 8d NAILS PLANNING YOUR GARAGE .' 4 STUD •' The hammer-swinging phase of this 2x4 BOTTOM PLATE fi�� project will be the most fun,but before 6"SPACING you get there,you have a stack of deci- TREATED AT EDGES sions to make.Every garage is a cus- 2x6 SILL d j,r torn project that you'll want to tailor to ,411 1 i 4"MIN. SILL SEAL T. meet your family's needs.You'll have T dozens of design options,so take your 1'2"GAP '-----s'x a x 16 time planning.If you make a design CONCRETE. t error in a project this big,the mistake 12"MIN. lik BLOCK ' 4401.. ' �� 1 that results can be a whopper(and expensive!). SETBACK 2 1/2"STEEL BAR \` Begin by estimating the size garage 1/2"x 14" you want.The minimum for a two-car FOUNDATION BOLT 10"MIN. garage is about 20 ft wide x 22 ft. DETAIL 4 deep,but you can build it any size that fits its site.Get a"feel"for the size you MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN 45 N E W G A R A G E want by talking with your neighbors l 2 •a. • 4 and measuring their garages. • . Roughly position the garage site on ,,*41,. ItlINyour property.You can usually place it • . ;z.. no less than 3 ft from a neighbor's prop- . erty line,but this rule varies.Talk to . a :A. your building inspector about local • # 1 SOTTO. .� FRAMING v! PLATE 9 building codes.If you position your 1. . . garage close to the minimum,you , *' 'SQUARE . might have to hire a surveyor to pin- ' - - ' 1 H i r.\ �: point the property lines. r '-• `3 • . . , E SS() `y z, TO LATE P - ii ` S,'N 9• DESIGN WITH THE �.XV , HELP OF A COMPUTER Normally I sit down with a pencil and — ,, graph paper to design my projects,but I DRILL and bolt pressure-treated sills MARK stud locations on top and bet- found an easier way to get started.If to the foundation. Put plastic sill seal tom plates.Include trimmers and you're lucky,a local lumberyard or between the block and the wood. king studs at windows and doors. N home center will have a computer-aided PI design (CAD)program that will help INyou design the garage and print out a 3 91- -.. . : ' garage plan in about 15 minutes. I 1 In addition to garage size,you'll have to make decisions about $_ - 1 • Roof type.Choose a gable(tent `^ shaped)roof like ours,or a hip roof (pyramid-shaped).Generally,it's best to match the roof shape of your house. '" ■ Roof overhangs.Match the style NO. • of your house.Ours extend 18 in.at the ! )` soffit(sides)and 16 in.at the rake -= (gable ends),as shown in Detail 3 of ro' f: --= "'Fig.A. '. f -M ASSEMBLE • Garage door size.A standard - the walls double door is 16 ft wide by 7 or ‘ : -' �'.. in two 7-1/2 ft.high,although many other `' : sections, sizes are available.Our door is 16 ft x ' y- • .-. "`' " _ nailing ilk7 ft.,9 in.tall,the height needed to plates to wheel the sailboat in on its trailer.Shop '',,, 0.ar■1� �,,. ,_ studs and for garage doors(look under"Garage .R- •t`` studs to Doors"in your Yellow Pages) to find headers DO the style and size you want before finali7- ,,..., with 1 bd ing your plans.We chose a steel door `� _ nails. for its durability and ease of mainte- nance.,The track for agarage door usu- studs every 16 in.,although sometimes between.We used 1/2-in.x 6-in.clear ins ally requires 12 in.of wall height above you can space studs every 24 in. cedar bevel siding,which cost$1,700. chi the finished door opening. ■ Sheathing.Use 1/2-in.CDX ply- However,this is one place we could ligl • Electric garage door opener. wood or waferboard for wall sheathing have significantly shaved our costs. a The garage door opener usually re- and 5/8-in.CDX for roof sheathing. • Shingles.Match the roof shingles on quires 3 in.,of wall height above the This roof sheathing is slightly thicker on your house as closely as possible. poi door track. -.,. than required,but it makes your roof ■ Service door.We chose a steel rec ■ Wall height:The wall height is the stiffer and less likely to sag,and the door for its durability,32 in.wide. tit 4). garage door height plus a minimum of cost difference is slight. ■ Windows.Garage windows let in yot 15 in.(12 in:for the door track and 3 in. Tip:One way to cut costs is to select natural light so your garage doesn't feel fou for an electric opener). wall sheathing with a finished exterior like a dungeon.Garage windows are In • Roof framing.We chose trusses face,so you don't have to add siding. usually small and placed high in the any spaced every 24 in.instead of 2x6 site- • Siding.Choose siding to match your wall so you can install a workbench or (6 i built rafters because trusses are easier house.Prices vary widely from hard- store stuff under them.We installed two sur to install.Allow two weeks for delivery, board at 60C per sq.ft to clear cedar or 24 x 24-in.barn windows because we like from the time you order. redwood at$1.50 per sq.ft.Prices of liked their appearance.They don't open. So • Wall stud spacing.We spaced our stucco,vinyl and aluminum fall in Two 24 x 24-in.plastic skylights of f 46 MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN NEW GARAGE 4 -'TEMPORARY 5 j£ .3 ti your building permit.Fig.A shows % BRACES TOP PLATE fr : '.:• t some extra details you should include T to make your plan clear.The building �: +�' inspector will explain special rules and 1 ! _ - , 4 • �emp ;•j. details you might have missed. 1� SECOND ' !'+' •7:0_ I. ,) - TOP PLATE 1 4 REFINE THE MATERIALS LIST A TWO NAILS . c, i C` Next,thoroughly review the plan and its I.„-, HEADER ON EACH dimensions and refine or change the - I SIDE OF `.`-1 ti computer-generated materials list as JOINT I' •t r needed.You'll buy most items from a 1 $. lumberyard,but some,like the garage ' ) door,you'll buy from other sources. •Two '4' Tip:Add in 12 extra studs and 12 extra i. _ TRIMMER\ 16-ft.2x4s to use as temporary�. N. braces STUDS "`-3 I and to replace any badly warped wood. Then obtain materials bids from two NAIL each wall section to the sill, NAIL a second 2x4 top plate over the or three reputable lumberyards or plumb it,brace it with a 2x4,and first,being sure to overlap all the home centers who are responsive to nail the corners with 16d nails. joints in the first plate. your questions and offer good delivery service.Price isn't everything.Take a • 6 PP "N T firsthand look at the materials to make 40„. T t •:e! sure they meet your expectations for TEMPORARY I' • • • - . quality.Order the framing materials, BRACE KING STU including plywood and shingles,for ' HEADER = delivery first.Then call for the finish ,b • (TWO 2x12s) materials after you get the garage roof '-Id � • , '! "'' /° LIFT the on and have a dry place to store them. *K O` header Whew!Good work.You've planned,`- • onto its your garage,made the preparations and i� «4A ;' -�` : trimmer now you're ready to get underway. '-TRIMMERS 11 studs and - I "`Illiti " fasten it by BREAKING GROUND AI ' driving Our first step was to hire a top-notch :, 1 ily I i I .. eight 16d licensed contractor to pour the concrete i �� _:-•� A ' nails foundation and lay the row of concrete 1j ( z;1 through blocks.The slab should be perfectly • i each king level and the 4-ft.wide front apron • , 1 stud.Make ;,�,f ; t 1 sure the Of mar —' walls are 7 of 1 firmly braced. installed in the roof might be a better perimeter of your garage to raise the choice because they let in more natural framed walls above the ground.Confirm r ',±.44* : ' light while maintaining better security. this detail with your building inspector. a Foundation type.Most garages sit Yep,you have lots of details to think SECOND TOP 1'. on a concrete pad,called a"slab," through!But you don't have to make all PLATE poured to the thickness and strength your decisions final just yet.Once a - required in your region (Fig.A,Detail salesperson plugs your decisions into PLATES 4).However,if you attach the garage to the CAD program,a drawing of your LAPPED your house,you'll have to make the proposed garage and a materials list / FOR STRENGTH foundation similar to that of your home. should appear in a few minutes.Ask for FIRST TOP In addition,building codes require that a copy of both and write the details list- PLATE any wood within 8 in.of the ground ed above onto the drawing. (6 in.in some regions)be either pres- LAP the second top plate over the sure-treated or a rot-resistant species OBTAIN A BUILDING PERMIT header and fasten it with 16d nails like the heartwood of cedar or redwood. Take the computer drawing or your driven every 16 in. Drive two nails So in most cases you'll have to lay a row own detailed sketch to the building on each side of every joint in the of 8-in.high concrete blocks around the inspector's office when you apply for first top plate. MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN 47 r NEW GARAGE 8 t :'_ 9 _u# , , • 10 i; , F ,. P 1, ' M t t;_SIGHT DOWN WALL k $ ([ ; e 2x2 BLOCKS iW + , kg r 2x4 BRACE BLADDER' y7y 1 .' .1I r. �i a t BOTTOM '- " 11.4 ifr c s s' k'+ ;1 CHORD'..,,7 , .,. . , , % .., t..... .yam a; 2x4 STAKE N. FASTEN plywood sheathing to the SIGHT down each wall and brace the ASSEMBLE"ladders"for the gable walls with 8d nails. Keep the ply- walls with 2x4s nailed to a stake. overhang and nail them to the end wood 1/2 in. above the concrete This is to keep the walls straight trusses. Nail 2x2 blocks(colored block. until the roof is on. green)to the top chord for backing. should slope down so water flows away I * • from the garage door.The contractor ; ' C.‘ , ; `a. . a • will also set the foundation bolts (Fig.A, ..6.10 TRUSS,.. %'y - :' ' ` Detail 4).Of course,we had to specify r'�j, r, . . the exact location and width of the and service doors (these are +► �.'�� garage { :r ;�.� ,:. • '. HOIST called"rough openings"and are usually ' ... .. e } the end the door width plus 2 in.)for correct , . lk s `3 4 ' b trusses, tip placement of the concrete blocks. -. s i ! "' I.S, them up, We also placed a 1-in.plastic electri- " 4 I `4 i .\ plumb them cal conduit 24 in.underground,bring- '-- r,., ' . .• ,"' " � g ,,,� � � with a level ing one end up so it would emerge with- `I �; r3 . �- and brace in the garage wall (Fig.A).Later,an 4 f them with O electrician will dig down to the buried '`" y4 • , ;, 4 2x4s. Fasten “ k end and run electrical cable into the f '"� �'- � � f ,_ the bottom garage underground rather than from •-t �c $- • -�' chords to overhead.Electrical requirements can . 7'. - _ 2xa• the top plate vary,so confirm this detail with your �`^ "'-^�,z + BRACE with 16d electrical inspector. ` .x nails toe After the concrete cured for a week, SCAFFOLD nailed every we started building.First we drilled and 16 in. bolted the pressure-treated 2x6 sill plate to the foundation,sandwiching plastic driving two 16d nails into each end door and windows. sill sealer between the two (Photo 1). (Photo 3).Use two studs separated by After assembling each section,lift it The 2x6(plus 1/2-in.plywood sheath- blocks for the four corners (Fig.A). into place and nail the bottom plate to ing;see Detail 4,Fig.A) covers the top Include the trimmer studs and headers the sill with 16d nails driven every 16 in. of the 6-in.wide block and makes for a for the doors and windows in the layout Plumb each section with a level and neater job than a 2x4 sill. (Photo 3 and Fig.A). brace it with a temporary 2x4 (Photo 4). Then we framed the walls.Cut the Working on the new flat slab,we When you nail the corners together, 2x4 bottom and top plates to length and framed each long wall in two sections, make sure they're plumb in both direc- lay out the stud pattern 16 in.on center doubling the stud at the joint.That way, Lions. (They tend to wander a bit.) (o.c.)on both of them (Photo 2). two of us could easily lift each section Tip:If you don't have a 4-ft.level,tape Tip:The first stud (after the corner onto the sill on top of the concrete a 2-ft.level to a straight 6-ft.2x4 to stud or studs) should start 15-1/4 in. block. (We drilled holes in the bottom "stretch"your level. from the corner of the garage,so the plate to accommodate the tips of the Nail a second top plate over the first, - ,i' edges of the plywood sheathing fall on foundation bolts.) Nail together two being sure to overlap any joints in the • the centers of studs. 2x6s with a 1/2-in.plywood spacer to first top plate (Photo 5).Nail it every Then fasten the studs to the plates, use as headers (beams) over the service 16 in.with 16d nails. 48 MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN NEW GARAGE . SETTING THE OVERHEAD 12 DOOR HEADER Now move to the front of the garage 24"ON-CENTER •and frame the two short walls on each • \ side of the garage door.Each side has ,� \ RIBBON BOARD two trimmer studs to support the large 1 ii, z,;_, (Ai t �',. • 42 LIFT and header.Cut two 2x12s to length and nail install the 1 them together with a 1/2-in.spacer in In, it,v ` trusses 24 �,= between to make up the header (Detail ). • in. on center. 'z , , 1,Fig.A).Ask your building inspector �` 1\1 IX .• Align them iI�``.yt ± to confirm that this assembly is strong I with a string enough.Sight down the header to see if t i rline �' - it has a bow,and if so,put the bow fac- ; . - stretched �.1 ( ing up.Carefully walk the header up sta _ ' along one I - ' I : , ra. end and R'_� * ; ble ladders and set it on the trimmers, J.t,, ! Pall P nailing it through the back of the king _ STAND Ott' "` ii 1 II brace and si studs (see Detail 1 of Fig.A,and Photo SCAFF4t;Dj r b 1 , space them i.`�o. ,�„ 6).The header's heavy,so make sure a with a tern- , "'' you brace the short walls to keep them porary'rib- i I stable.You'll feel safer having a third ,. bon"board person actually drive the nails while you near the top. and your helper hold the header in place.Secure it by nailing the second t .••, �S 13 N�. top plate over the joints (Photo 7). to rtruss positions.Mark them every NI The garage is beginning to take t IN: 2 ft.on center on the top plate.The i,11shape.The 1/2-in.plywood sheathinglast space will vary depending on permanently braces the frame.Nail it to the length of your garage.Hoist '� the studs with 3d nails,spaced every !t the ends of each upside-down truss 6 in.along the edges and 12 in.else- 1 —et • onto the walls,swing its peak ,," where (Photo 8).As you can see,the Y upright and align it to a string line 8-ft.sheets of plywood didn't quite stretched between the tails of the reach the top plate,so we had to add , end trusses (Photos 12 and 13). ' ; short sections on the side walls. STRING Tip:Keep each truss about 1/16 Tip:With a straightedge,draw lines �� 16d -, LINE in.away from the string so the LAYOUT on the plywood,marking the stud loca- MARKS TOENAIL truss won't push it off-line. tions.You'll be sure to hit the studs with Toenail each truss end to the top '"t'` your nails every time. plate with three 16d nails (Photo Although theplywood now solidly y t.,., � 13).Then tack each truss to a tem- ,,..., braces the walls,each long wall can still TOENAIL each truss with three 16d porary"ribbon"board (also marked r bow in or out.It's essential to keep the nails driven into the top plate. on 24-in.centers),positioning the top plates arrow-straight when you put board as close to the peak as possible on the roof,so sight down each wall and plumb them with a level and brace (Photo 12).This board will keep the brace it with 16-ft.2x4s,nailed to a them.To make the truss-raising trusses aligned.Don't worry if some of . stake driven into the ground (Photo 9). process easier and safer,we rented a the trusses look slightly bowed.You'll section of scaffolding mounted on lock- straighten them when you apply the ROOF FRAMING able wheels for about$70 a week. roof sheathing. To make our work easier,we added the Otherwise you have to stand on 2x4 Tip:You won't have enough space to gable overhangs to the end trusses walls and trusses with little support to swing the last four trusses upright,so before we put them up.We used a ladder help keep your balance.Not a good hoist them all up at once and lean i• method (Photo 10).Cut two 2x4s to ex- idea!The temporary blocks (painted three of them against the end truss '': actly match the top chord of the truss, orange in Photos 11 and 12) keep the while nailing the fourth.Then slide the then nail 13-in.long (or any length up to truss from slipping off the wall while others into position,one by one. 15 in.) 2x4s between them to make a you lift it.We made the long brace that Well done,weekend warrior!Next ladder-like structure.Nail these to the supports the truss by nailing together month,we'll complete the roof,install top chord of the end trusses. two 16-ft.long 2x4s.Fasten the bottom doors and windows,put up the siding, Tip:Nail 2x2 blocks to the bottom edge chord to the top plate with 16d nails and apply the finishing touches. TFH of the top chord as backers for the ply- toenailed (driven at a 45-degree angle) rt wood sheathing and siding (Photo 10). every 16 in. ' Direction•MIKE SMITH Photography•BILL ZUEHLKE It's easier to do this now than later. With the two end trusses in place Illustrations•EUGENE THOMPSON Now lift the end trusses into place, and perfectly plumb,lay out the other Consultant•JERRY TOP,MASON • MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN 49 r)l,l'r.t, Date Filed lte' 99 File No REGISTRATION OF HOME OFFICE/OCCUPATION (§10. 2 & 11. 11) With the Building Inspector 1. Name of Applicant: Patrick J. Curran Address : 154 Nonotuck St. Telephone: 584-3075 2 . Owner of Property:patrick J. Curran Address : 154 Nonotuck St. Telephone: 584-3075 3 . Status of Applicant: X Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain: ) 4 . Parcel Identification: Map 3/9, Parcel #,j(j / , Zoning District(s) (include overlays) /j/ r— Street Address 154 Nonotuck St.. Florence, MA 5 . Narrative Description of Proposed Home Office: (Use additional sheets if necessary) A Garage on a concrete pad. The front has a double garage door. The side has a side door entrance. Building to be used as an artistd studio. 1 will be doing custom stained and etched "glass w0-i'K on premise. 6 . Is this a legal residential building? Y YES NO 7 . Will there be an employee/owner who doesn't live in the home YES NO X 8 . Will you ever see clients or customers at your site? y. YES NO How often Varies on work schedule. Once a week at most. • For what purposes To discuss commissions. Pick - .up glass order. 9 . Will there be any signs for the Home Office? YES NO X 10 . Will there be any goods sold from the premises or any sale of goods stored on premises, either retail or wholesale, or any display of goods on premises? XYES NO 11. Will there be any outdoor storage of materials? YES NOX 12 . Will your use be totally within a building and not cause any outward manifestation (including traffic generation, parking congestion, noise, air pollution, and materials storage) ? RYES NO If NO explain: • 13 . Attach Plans (if applicable) See enclosed materials. 14 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that if any information is incorrect, my permit is null and void and I may be liable for non-criminal fines and criminal and civil actions. Date: 'gyp (r{ctc, Applicant's Signature:J[ o,,A_,_V ti L THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: proved as presented/based on information presented APPROVAL EXPIRES ON DE EMBER 31 OF THIS YEAR AND MUST THEN BE RENEWED Denied as presented--- ason: o 2, J ,� . /O /L J ..7-i_.,__Apar . , //k/ . Signature of Bu ' ing Inspector Date NOTE: issuanoo of• permit does not rollovo an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning roquiromonts and obtain all roquirod Permits =; ,„ --I 1 FILE I 9!G' 5�� ' ,lL 1997 APPLICA11fiTTCONTACT PERSON: �,C/1..�1' �. /,La& yZ. DEPiff RlPl DRESS%PHONE: • PROPERTY LOCATION: MAP PARCEL: 3l) ! ZONE TN IS SECTION FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CH1+.CKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM .F. OTIT /'d am 025i ✓ Fee Paid (�"#.7/ 7 , 5 ' 1� _ �nilding Permit_Filled ant Fee Paid Type of C'nnctrstrtinn• New Cnnetrlirtinn Remndeling Tnterinr Additinn to FYieting Arceeenry Striirtnre Building Plane Tnrinded• Owner/Orrnpant Statement nr I irenceli '1 Sete of Plane /Pint Plan T OLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented: S� pecial Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § jeP G BOARD //L' W ONG BOARD j eceived& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed / 0_3/may 7 Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received & Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Pe it from Cons a " Co �� •.n psi-, Z‘l2 Signature of Building eCtor Date NOTE: Issuanoe of a zoning permit does not relieve en epplioents burden to oomply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservatl Commission, Department of Publio Works and other applioable permit granting euthoritle, CCI u2 FILE AP 1 ICANT/CONTACT PERSON: ó? 1-1A- ADDRESS/PHONE: PROPERTY LOCATION: /J -A ,_ MAP ,23�'} PARCEL: (50 / ZONE ,,( --- I'HIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHN;CKLIST V.4711,e. Do f' oc, NCLOSS.D REQUIRED DATE 7ONTNG FORM F,T') OT1T /IL' 'r:1Cn 1�- Fee Paid dA '/ 7 Building Permit Filled niit FPP Paid . Type of rnnctnirtinn• New Conctrnrtinn Remndeling Tnterinr Additinn to FYicting Acreccnry Stnirtnre Building Planc Tncluded• Owner/Orrnpant Statement nr Licence # 3 Setc of Plans /Plnt Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented XDenied as presented: X Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § 5 a, (O, I O) I I',I 1 - PLANNING BOARD y, ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under:§ w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Permit from Conservation missi Signature of Building Insp r Da e NOTE:Issuanoe of a zoning permit does not relieve en applioant's burden to oomply with all zoning requirements end obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other applioabie permit granting authorities. SEP 2 0 File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (§10 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: ' NZ.\ Ck Address: 1 S' 3O1-3CANDLk Telephone: ScS' - 07 2. Owner of Property: Z tc1cbC Address: \S`) 1,-0O 1.0oT\30k TT Telephone: s 55 --SCR S 3. Status of Applicant: 1C Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): 4. Job Location: I S 1-34z) ( S^ Lo t�Fr�C'c Nr1fa Parcel Id: Zoning Map# -Y*5 h Parcel# SO t District(s): L 21. (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property S i 1•3( F sN. \ \. 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): • Co vJ Cf o v5E < >t0 V-0 M`(a 1.�V F-fiCrvRC d LV\c c-, • 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special PermitNariance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO x DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO > DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) • i.� '� i I ,�1N 1 31997 ii ' � 1 DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECT UWS NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 A 10-JAN-1997 15:45:54 Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Receipt No: 51891 Marianne L. Donohue, Register of Deeds 33 King Street Northampton, MA 01060-3298 Name: MR PATRICK CURRAN Addr: 154 NONOTUCK ST 01060 Receipt Type: OR Payment Total Pages: 0006 Fees Taxes Fee: $ 12.00 Cash: $ 12.00 $ 0.00 Tax: $ 0.00 Check: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Misc: $ 0.00 Charge: $ 0.00 Charge Code: Comment: Receipted By: DIANE Status: PAID DOCUMENTS: 970000656 to 970000656 Type Page Doc Mref Consider$ Record Fee Excise Tax Stat Misc Fee Record Date Document# Book/No/Page Status MIS3 006 0001 0000 0.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 10-JAN-1997 15:45 970000656 OR /5045/0205 INIT Page 0001 of 0001 DEC 2 U ►Q96 City of Northampton, Massachusetts _ 04`�HAMp�O Office of Planning and Development an:",'r �� City Hall • 210 Main Street #����J � si � • Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586-6950 r r. FAX (413) 586-3726 "' Poo K.� • Community and Economic Development T •� ' • • Conservation •Historic Preservation • Planning Board • Zoning Board of Appeals • Northampton Parking Commission DECISION OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICANT: Patrick J. Curran ADDRESS: 154 Nonotuck Street Florence, MA 01060 OWNER: Patrick J. Curran ADDRESS: 154 Nonotuck Street Florence, MA 01060 RE LAND OR BUILDINGS IN NORTHAMPTON AT: 154 Nonotuck Street MAP AND PARCEL NUMBERS: MAP #23A PARCEL #301 At a meeting conducted on November 6, 1996, the Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously voted 3 : 0 to grant the request of Patrick J. Curran for a SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Sections 10. 10 and 11. 11 in the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, for a Home Occupation as a glass artist at 154 Nonotuck Street. Zoning Board Members present and voting were: Chair M. Sanford Weil, Jr. , Alex Ghiselin and Elaine Reall. In Granting the Special Permit, the Zoning Board of Appeals found: A. The requested use for a Home Occupation protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses because it will take place in an accessory structure with no visible outward manifestation. B. The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets and minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area because the occupation will not generate significant additional traffic, since the applicant does custom work and does not do retail sales. C. The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, ORIGINAL PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER existing buildings and other community assets in the area because the new accessory structure will be in keeping with the principal structure and other structures in the neighborhood. D. The requested use will not overload or have any adverse impacts on the City's resources. E. The requested use meets the special regulations set forth under Section 11. 11 of the Zoning Ordinance for Home Occupations (See Attachment A for criteria) . F. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience and welfare by providing the services of a glass artist. The Home Occupation will not unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones, nor be detrimental to the health, morals, or general welfare. The use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance. G. The requested use for an in-home artist studio will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible by allowing a resident to work at home. Conditions imposed upon the project are as follows: 1. The applicant shall not conduct retail sales from the premises. 0 ATTACHMENT A HOME OCCUPATION SPECIAL PERMIT FOR: PATRICK J. CURRAN - 154 NONOTUCK STREET, FLORENCE, MA In Granting the Special Permit, the Zoning Board of Appeals found that the requested use meets all special regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance, specifically Section 11. 11 - Home Occupation Special Permit Criteria. In making this decision, the Zoning Board of Appeals found: 1. The use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the building or property for residential purposes. 2 . The work will be conducted by the principal practitioner who occupies the main building as his bonafide residence, with no other employees engaged in the occupation. 3 . The use does not occupy more than forty (40%) percent of the gross combined floor area of the main building and the accessory structure. 4. There will be no sign on the building. 5. The only goods sold from the premises will be commissioned works of art. No retail sales will be conducted. 6. All goods sold will be produced or manufactured on the premises. 7. The hours of operation shall be normal business hours. 8. There will be no large deliveries of products or materials to the premises. 9. The Home Occupation will take place in an accessory structure which conforms to the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 10. The Home Occupation shall produce no noise, obnoxious odors, vibrations, glare, fumes or electrical interference which would be detectable to normal sensory perception beyond the lot line. 11. The accessory structure utilized for the Home Occupation conforms to all applicable Fire, Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Health Codes. 12 . Prior to the commencement of the Home Occupation, a Certificate of Occupancy shall be received from the Building Inspector for the accessory structure used for said Home Occupation. 13 . This Special Permit for a Home Occupation shall be renewed as required one year from the date that the occupation commenced. 14 . This Special Permit is issued to Patrick J. Curran for a Home Occupation as a Glass Artist at 154 Nonotuck Street, and is non-transferable. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) , Chapter 40A, Section 11, no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the City Clerk that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed, or if such an appeal has been filed that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Hampshire County registry of Deeds or Land Court, as applicable and indexed under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. It is the owner or applicant's responsibility to pick up the certified decision from the City Clerk and record it at the Registry of Deeds. The Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been Granted and that copies of this decision and all plans referred to in it have been filed with the Planning Board and the City Clerk. Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 15, notice is hereby given that this decision is filed with the Northampton City Clerk on the date below. If anyone wishes to appeal this action, an appeal must be filed pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17, with the Hampshire County Superior Court and notice of said appeal filed with the City Clerk within twenty days (20) of the date of that this decision was filed with the City Clerk. Applicant: Patrick J. Curran - 154 Nonotuck Street DECISION DATE: November 6 , 199'6 DECISION FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: December 17 , 19 7 sf \\ T29 0,S/ - � \'1\..1, LONG CITY OF NORTHAMPTON t)EF N L___— s j.,T��TH^,w,pTc BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION FOR: 1. Type of Project: SPECIAL PERMIT: Home Occupation Accessory Apartment Historical Association/Society,et al Sign Attaching Accessory Structure to Principal Budding 2 Permit is requested under Zoning Ordinance:Section Pg 3. Applicant's Name: P Pv�vc_1\i'( J C v le__41z,% Address: \sq 1Jn1J0-cvc_1‹. % ‘ Telephone:$$'A-'Sol s • 4. Pa rcillillnifilliNRIMMmitrig Map# 2-3 A- Parcel#3 0 1 Zoning District:V Street Add ss::k5 y tJ o 1,aoTvcl( V ��.ncLE►.1Lt MR 0t0611 5. Status of Applicant: Owner; Contract Purchaser, Lessee Other(explain) 6. Property Owner: PP ctrc.,11( J .a c c 1� Address:\$1 1.1'ow>o v . co \ Telephone: S15 -l-3O`1 S 7. Describe Proposed Work/Project (Use additional sheets if necessary): c3 t_i i t p m Gn`c c,co l., o PQoV€ 1 - g€, `sett) a 5 pl..) Rct-« . c -- ID SSE Et.xt c,.S> rn Z Es K t.1\j ****************************************************************************** Has the following information been included in the application? V Site/Plot Plan List of requested waivers ,"fee($120.00) V 2 sets of labels (supplied by the Assessor's Office) Signed dated and denied Zoning Permit Application Three(3)copies of the Certified Abutters List from Assessors'Office. 1 8. Special Permit Approval Criteria. If any permit criteria does not apply, explain why. A. How will the requested use protect adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses? RGivP wnrlr r:nrrlilnted garage. Buildirg placed ir rear area of lot away from street, How will the project provide for: surface water drainage: Driveway Drainage sound and sight buffers: Existing landscaping would not be charged. Trees and hedges would remain intact on property ltnes to ohsrure s}runtt,rP the preservation of views, light and air: Existing landscape would rot be charged. Structure would be placed towards rear of lot. Building would oe aarety seer rrom Norotuck St. B. How will the requested use promote the convenience and safety of pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets? Pathway to outbuilding from parking area. c, How will the project minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area? This is not a high traffic area. Most visitors will be by Appointment. Where is the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets? See site plan layout. What features have been incorporated into the design to allow for: access by emergency vehicles: There is adequate Space for access of emergency vehicles. the safe and convenient arrangement of parking and loading spaces See site plan layout/ 2 • provisions for persons with disabilities: Slightly graded concrete ramp. Yo stairs to climb. Layout on ore level. C. How will the proposed use promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to: the natural landscape: Existing Hedges and trees will remain on property lintborders. See photograph of planned structure. to existing buildings: other community assets in the area: rot Affected. D. What measures are being taken that show the use will not overload the City's resources, including: water supply and distribution system: Very low water use. sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systems: riot affected. fire protection, streets and schools: rot affected. How will the proposed project mitigate any adverse impacts on the City's Tao impact. resources, as listed above? E. List the section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance that states what special regulations are required for the proposed project (Accessory apartment, home occupation, accessory structure, etc.) Section 11.11 Home Occupation See line item copy of ordinance. Attached. 3 `-C-TM PATRICK J. CURRAN 30 North Maple Street Florence, Massachusetts 01060 413-584-5761 ZON Ill G BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT ANSWERS TO LIST THE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 11.11 Home Occupation Special Permit Criteria. Line Item E. 1. This structure will be used as an artist studio to complete commissioned works of art. This building will not be used as a dwelling. 2. I will be the owner and principle practitioner who occupies the building. There will be no other persors ergaged it the occupatior. 3. This building will not occupy more than 40% of the gross combined floor area of the main building. 4. A display sign of one square foot in area not illuminated and will be attached to the structure next to the entryway. 5. Commissioned goods will be the primary merchandise sold from the premises . 6. All g000ds sold are produced on the premises. 7. Hours of operation shall be from 9 :00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon, - Sat . 8 . There will be occasional deliveries of products and/or materials. There will be no high traffic use. 9. The structure will be constructed to conform to the set back requirements for a principle structure in this District. PATRICK J. CURRAN 30 North Maple Street Florence, Massachusetts 01060 413-584-5761 Cort 'd from Page 1. 10. The studio will not produce noise, obnoxious odors, vibratio-s, glare, fumes or electrical interference which would be detectable to normal sensory perception beyond the lot line. 11. The structure utilized for a home Occupation will conform to all Fire, Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Health codes. 12. A Certificate of Occupancy must be received from the Building Commissioner prior to the Commencement of Home Occupation. 13. A Home Occupatio+^ Special Permit will be renewed once immediately following the first year of operation. 14. Special Permits for Home Occupation are not transferable. 15. Does not apply. How does the project meet the special requirements? (Use additional sheets if necessary)? See attached line item response on meeting the requirements of Section 11.11 Home Occupation Special Permit Criteria. F. Explain why the requested use will: not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district or adjoining zones: Traffic will be minimal. Building will be hidden from street . Structure is being placed in rear of lot behind residence. not be detrimental to the health, morals or general welfare: Passive Bisiness use not detrimental to health, morals or general welfare. be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance: Project meets Home Occupation Requirements. G. Explain how the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely effect those objectives, defined in City master study plans adopted under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81-C and D. Does !Tot Apply. 9. I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.I (or the landowner if I am not the landowner) grant the Zoning Board of Appeals permission to enter the property to review this application. Date: Applicants Signature: Date: Owner's Signature: (If not the same as applicant's) 4 Site Plan for Proposed Garage Patrick J. Curran 154 Nonotuck Street Northampton, MA 01060 586-3075 L,o 30I 18 ro(n 0 � o 4°' izio ,i /V ,4Pi If = 30 • /00.0� • /Vt7 No 7" v GX s 77 :;, .Y.J, f� .. �'z 1• P. /o o. 0. • , ,,.,:; ' i.:.. w +u0 41 0 0 -' . ' . k: i' N 41 . NI Q O O 0 '') ^V Nilp` . , ;, p o k '") k ‘41 to ‘ ....., , , . ,..) , , ti I ek l ps ° ' r Apt tctVA1.. gs r r ' •. 14 G T "'i. Ft 8 - ,. P i; `�., ;r • Y(•� • 1,', . • . .L'o / s 5-L L. �' j /i 2 S 7 1 , Pi- ier ni o L.q w o / w No i rN4 M I ;o n/, t'?ass 5E to N Gr / N Cr TT> PAT'Ct%�, USE RULE BELOW � � ,� . C.V iLR. '��J Sc R L E : / = y0 ' No.2 i Iy i7 ^?Izv-ro ', P'iASS. i/- Yo-4"T • 7`0 �R r / s f/�I 6r�Z. Co ¢- No' j,tr DEL. y L l-S3 iI filillivillili ci ill 1+ • 1 111 '1I1 1'TT1I 111, 1�1. 1 1, It' 1l1- � }� I�,l 141 TIT—fill ! 141It�� � � I � j l 1 2 3 4 I 5 _.�.. 7 • f,.. I . . THIS PAGE IS A PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION. USE THIS RULER TO MEASURE i 1 . '.,.' :',' St � _ • �c_tJ4: 1 4. , , , . -7--cb ) \ . z.cEt". 3 ____..—_-.____.__-_. S #40 z p'11TT�66� Yep . . . this is a big project. Don't even think about starting it until you've read Part One (here), and Part Two (coming next month)! ,i, A New PART O N E p :x. .. Talk about a .' , new garage and everyone's eyes light up. Mom �, �F and Dad think, ; "Finally, we can V,, . ' :. ;,-- '''.'� 4 get rid of the old = �` 4. garage, that eye- ., 0E000° sore. The new °:. one can be BIG- =-a GER. MORE STOR- :r ;; f., AGE." The kids I .,_ - -, ='-J think, „Room .-.54 , ' — 4' _, fora FORT or a '' -` RIDING LAWN • MOWER. A place for the basketball hoop." Mom and Dad think, "Room for a WORKSHOP." Mostly Dad thinks, "Room for more ADULT TOYS (a sailboat in our case)." By the time you add up everyone's ideas, you might not have room for a car! A small garage won't do. So e're going to show you how to build a big one. It measures 2 ft. wide by 3026 ft. long with a 16-ft. wide double door to accommodate two cars. We actually aren't going to put two cars in it. Half of our garage will house a sailboat on its trailer, which accounts for its unusual length. Most double garages are between 22 and 24 ft. both wide and long. By Duane Johnson MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN 43 71996 ATT24 I ATTIC i 1 11 [Rich Marini • Western Mass Truss Co.,Inc. --- — 3.300 s May 26 1995 MiTeklndustnes,lnc. Fri Jul 19 12:34:48 1996 Page 1 3-7-11 0-10-4 10-1-3 12-0-0 3.10-13 17-1-12 i 20-4-5 24-0-0 2 - 0-9-0 3-7-11 3-2-9 3-2-15 1-10-131-10-13 3-2-15 3-2-9 3-7-11 0-9-0 SzS= 9.00112 6 •( 2x6= ;� 2x6= i 5 i' 7 ),27 1bTr 2x�, 1.5x4 11 1 \ 2x4 d, 5x%' , o; \x7: 2 d �'10 .i. z ,7, ' Nrtfj4._W, 7 c 1 8 /3'z' s+,40 10-0-0..4____, N.1- d1j jQ 1 1514 1312 11 5x6= 6x8= 3x4= 'Sx6- 3 x 4= 6x8= i 3-7•-11 1 13.10 4 I _._._. 17-1-12 { 20-4-5 24-0-0 I 3-7-11 3-2-9 10.3-8 3-2-9 3-7-11 - - - — -- - _ Plate Offset(X,Y): [12:0-0-0,0-5-8],[15:0-0-0,0-5-8) LOADING (pef) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) floc)_=Vdefi r PLATES GRIP — TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.79 Vert(LL) 0.43 14/13 658 I M20(20ga) 169/124 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.50 Vert(TL) 0.65 14/13 439 1 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.40 Horz!TL) 0.04 11 N'a 1 BCDL 10.0 Code TPI (Matrix) Min Length/LL deft=240 ( Weight 150(Ibs) LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S Not*Except* TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-11-1 on center purlin spacing. T1 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E,T2 2 X 6 SPFS 2100F 1.8E BOT CHORD 1-15:6-3-0,11-12:6-3-0,14-15:6-3-0, 13-14:6-3-0, BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E 12-13:6-3-0. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF No.3 JOINT(S) 16 REACTIONS (lbs/size) 1=1907/0,3-14, 11=1907/0-3-14 Max Horz 1=660(Ioad case 3) Max Uplift 1=-160(load case 4), 11 160(load case 4) FORCES TOP CHORD 1-2--2807,2-3=-2454,3-4=-2416,4-5=-1703,5-6=197,6-7=197,7-8=-1703,8-9=-2416,9-10=-2454,10-11=-2807 BOT CHORD 11-12=2136,12-13=2136,13-14=1665,14-15=2136, 1-15=2136 WEBS 5-16=-2090,7-16=-2090,2-14=-606,4-14=916,6-163=446,8-13=916,10-13=-6(76 NOTES 1)This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions about Joint 6. 2)This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 85.0 m.p.h.winds at 25.0 feet above ground level, using 7.0 ps.f.top chord dead load and 10.0 ps.f bottom chord dead load,95.0 miles from hurricane oceanline,on . a category I enclosed building,of dimensions 45.0 by 24.0 with exposure D(ASCE 7-93). Lumber increase= 1.33,Plate Increase= 1.33.Both end verticals are exposed. 3)SIMPSON F12.5 connectors recommended to connect truss to bearing walls due to uplift as follows:One connector at joints) 1,11. 4)Ceiling load(10.0 psf)on member(s).5-16 16-7 5)Bottom chord live load(30.0 psf)applied only to room.14-13 I LOAD CASE(S) Standard I T -(2 c3 -c IA acF • FIG. A GARAGE DETAILS 1 N E W GARAGE FIRST TOP PLATE f'`--16d NAILS SPACED 16•' 4 'A. SECOND TOP PLATE SECOND TOP PLATE Other than adding a service door 2x12s FIRST TOP PLATE and two windows,we kept our design �;4>a 6 [1 :_ . 24" we�� \ 16d NAILS simple ct on can demonstrate show construction techniques.Well show EIGHT you how to frame the walls and roof, 1'2"PLYWOOD 16d NAILS SPACER ` I 2x4 ! X 12L cover the frame with sheathing,and BLOCK ROOF SLOPE \, _ 2x4s apply finish materials.Once you com- pleteV this basic package,you can easily STUDS �� TEMPORARY RUSS - 1 xa - / _ Or- - add other features later,like a roof KING �� RIBBON BOARD t�' 1„ ,I , lk STUD II over the service door,skylights for nat- ®tl A� _.__0 —_�� ural light,fancier trim work,and of a 4 �.. course the basketball hoop. END TRUSS ,�,�-r -- c-r ! � WITH RAKE �� ► ';*�, 1 ` ` ' \ 18" RAKE Don't jump into a project this big LADDER , ,,— I a DETAIL ? / DETAI �� ' r J LADDER unless you have some building experi- ! �'' ®'' 11 �1I DETAIL 3 ence.To keep it manageable,we sug- Amr I /,�, r. '1. .` 6111100, / �. • 11 \ �li gest that you hire contractors for cer- ig '14171811 �� B�� ` \� fain parts.We hired a professional to - _ \. pour the concrete foundation and floor 4 � A � _ = = = -`1_ .- '' ��t'� , , � �� for this garage and let a professional 7.7. i i 1 ' - q I - �_ `��_� ;� hang the big overhead garage door. TEMPORARY � ' ,` I — '— Both tasks require special skills that BLOCKS ri �_ I) , we won't show in this story.Nor will ADD SPACERS I . " �1 I ,; we show you how to install the electri AND 2x4 TO LOWER € , Ilk ;nY- .o /�IrftiIIIlflhiIIIII ii.� f IIII IJ1LL-.----- �� ' \ IDOUBLEDTOGN rl r ` 2xe"= 'Ifl HEADER NI point out some ways you can shave II I ,[..... + 'N v2 x a x s $1,000 off that price but not much !f y_ a� I t I PLYWOOD more without sacrificing quality.You f — ---- ' SHEATHING — a. z _ _ � i i � ( DOUBLED . I p EE I <> f can expect to spend most of a sum- BRACES I a .; \v I� 6"PLYWOOD / ' ROUGH PIECE AT TOP mer's spare time building your garage. ~ OPENING But the payoff is that if you were to /ivy 1'4; I 1 I HEADER 'j I 26., have this garage built entirely by a o 1 I I I iv= contractor,it would probably cost 1 . I ,a a around$11,000. 22 I i .�-° Even if you never use this article to j • I UI� build a garage,we hope g g you'll find it I! � useful and interesting just the same. CUT I I The photos,drawings and text provide PLATE j a close up grand"tour"of the structur FROM I al procedures that go into building any STAKE II DOORWAY I 1 2" LATER - 12"SPACING forthe kids. ven a house,addition or garage —even I �. playhouse,........) it --` 1/2"PLYWOOD ®-- �g'2t' ��8d NAILS t PLANNING YOUR GARAGE 2x4 STUD - The hammer-swinging phase of this . 2x4 BOTTOM PLATE project will be the most fun,but before _` �� 6"SPACING you get there,you have a stack of deci- 48^ TREATED ...a. AT EDGES 2x6 SILL ; sions to make.Every garage is a Cus- \___-- _ $, ..-1-‘" 1 tom project that you'll want to tailor to SILL SEAL 4"MIN. „T\O ? meet your family's needs.You'll have 1 12"GAP 1 dozens of design options,so take your 1"ELECTRICAL �41C\ _6"x B' x 16" time planning.If you make a design CONDUIT CONCRETE error in a project this big,the mistake 12"MI . BLOCK that results can be a whopper and N. — >L.. 1/2" I PP N SETBACK expensive) 1.2'STEEL BAR - Begin by estimating the size garage 1/2"x 14' you want The minimum for a two car FOUNDATION BOLT 10'•MIN. N garage is about 20 ft.wide x 22 ft. DETAIL 4 deep,but you can build it any size that fits its site.Get a"feel"for the size you 44 MARCH 100A TNF FA HP 1.1/AA,V11/A.1 .. NEW GARAGE want by talking with your neighbors 1 t,>4 , " 2 4 and measuring their garages. r ',i,•, Roughly position the garage site on '' '� - i your property.You can usually place it -. no less than 3 ft.from a neighbor's prop- erty line,but this rule varies.Talk to , u) , t your building inspector about local * \ 1 '; building codes.If you position your ►- FRAMINGr PLATE .� .. I 4 garage close to the minimum,you ,' J4 SQUARE '1., d might have to hire a surveyor to pin- _ I. point the property lines. f FOUNDATION � ie � ' ` —BOLTS TOP \ , - ill ; • DESIGN WITH THE 'It._ _ PLATEy,dr HELP OF A COMPUTER SILL SILL - , Normally I sit down with a pencil and SEAL graph paper to design my projects,but I DRILL and bolt pressure-treated sills MARK stud locations on top and bot- -, found an easier way to get started.If to the foundation. Put plastic sill seal tom plates. Include trimmers and you're lucky,a local lumberyard or between the block and the wood. king studs at windows and doors. NAIL e home center will have a computer-aided plumb design (CAD)program that will help _ t il nail th you design the garage and print out a3 . r garage plan in about 15 minutes. l , In addition to garage size,you'll have n � .,. to make decisions about: I _ — 'I " s Roof type.Choose a gable (tent -- ,.-. -4iii shaped)roof like ours,or a hip roof " --,AA- ,, ` (pyramid-shaped).Generally,it's best to .. . ` match the roof shape of your house. � � s Roof overhangs.Match the style .—r----. .., �.. ' of your house.Ours extend 18 in.at the ' soffit(sides)and 16 in.at the rake 1 '"�' (gable ends),as shown in Detail 3 of Of Fig.A � _ � ASSEMBLE t• s Garage door size.A standard " " ?";. - ''r_ double door is 16 ft.wide by 7 or ��" thewalls 7-1/2 ft.high,although many other ,� sections, sizes are available.Our door is 16 ft.x - y nailing 7 ft.,9 in.tall,the height needed to """� 1- plates to • wheel the sailboat in on its trailer.Shop studs and for garage doors(look under"Garage z'¢ - �4 studs to Doors"in your Yellow Pages)to find 1 =. ''l headers the style and size you want before finaliz- DQ " with i bd ing your plans.We chose a steel door -': nails. for its durability and ease of mainte- nance.The track for a garage door usu- studs every 16 in.,although sometimes between.We used 1/2-in.x 6-in.clear instal ally requires 12 in.of wall height above you can space studs every 24 in. cedar bevel siding,which cost$1,700. choic the finished door opening. s Sheathing.Use 1/2-in.CDX ply- However,this is one place we could light s Electric garage door opener. wood or waferboard for wall sheathing have significantly shaved our costs. s Fc The garage door opener usually re- and 5/8-in.CDX for roof sheathing. s Shingles.Match the roof shingles on a quires 3 in.of wall height above the This roof sheathing is slightly thicker on your house as closely as possible. pour( door track. than required,but it makes your r1 of a Service door.We chose a steel requi s Wall height.The wall height is the stiffer and less likely to sag,and th- door for its durability,32 in.wide. e, 4).H garage door height plus a minimum of cost difference is slight. z Windows.Garage windows let in your 15 in. (12 in.for the door track and 3 in. Tip:One way to cut costs is to sel- natural light so your garage doesn't feel foun( for an electric opener). wall sheathing with a finished exte 'or like a dungeon.Garage windows are In ad s Roof framing.We chose trusses face,so you don't have to add sidin l. usually small and placed high in the itany z spaced every 24 in.instead of 2x6 site- a Siding.Choose siding to matc your wall so you can install a workbench or (6 in. built rafters because trusses are easier house.Prices vary widely from harI- store stuff under them.We installed two sure- to install.Allow two weeks for delivery board at 60C per sq.ft.to clear ced.r or 24 x 24-in.barn windows because we like 1 from the time you order. redwood at$1.50 per sq.ft.Prices e f liked their appearance.They don't open. So it s Walt stud spacing.We spaced our stucco,vinyl and aluminum fall in Two 24 x 24-in.plastic skylights of 8-: 46 MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN NEW GARAGE 4 - °TEMPORARY ' _ 5 "3'` your building permit.Fig.A shows a •�C BRACES TOP PLATE _ :i.i• • • :�.,.� at some extra details you should include Ityi ;,,y ... , to make your plan clear.The building i of+• inspector will explain special rules and , ` ' , 1, i g, { • ;I. details you might have missed. '.'„r " 1 IVePLA '.C REFINE THE MATERIALS LIST TTO, �i - - ��.` � LATE- •. �f !TE , � `'''' ' ' Next,thoroughly review the plan and its 2 °� TWO'.NAILS _ f HE/[DER ON EACFF + dimensions and refine or change the SIDE OF computer-generated materials list as 7; y1:1 'h« 1 l _ , »' ,.,,;.. _. JOINT ,.` (� / ', .�f needed.You'll buy most items from a ' �' lumberyard,but some,like the garage door,you'll buy from other sources. I ! 4 TWO Tip:Add in 12 extra studs and 12 extra -`;,e I TRIMMER 16-ft.2x4s to use as temporary braces 'ot- _ ._ H, STUDS and to replace any badly warped wood. ' -4 I Then obtain materials bids from two NAIL each wall section to the sill, NAIL a second 2x4 top plate over the or three reputable lumberyards or plumb it, brace it with a 2x4,and first,being sure to overlap all the home centers who are responsive to nail the corners with 16d nails. joints in the first plate. your questions and offer good delivery service.Price isn't everything.Take a a firsthand look at the materials to make Y sure they meet your expectations for ;4.;� I a - , , quality.Order the framing materials, z, KING STU r including plywood and shingles,for Ii"' , :AAt *r _: HEADER •, 'A : delivery first.Then call for the finish r , (TWO 2x12s) V materials after you get the garage roof • r ut• - LIFT the on and have a dry place to store them. A, header Whew!Good work.You've planned 1 l4A % y onto its your garage,made the preparations and r t . F-TRIMMERS ► � trimmer now you're ready to get underway. �< studs and :E I. I I ) I n fasten it by BREAKING GROUND I'; `':` driving Our first step was to hire a top-notch I,� �� I �• �; eight 16d licensed contractor to pour the concrete ;e . nails foundation and lay the row of concrete 1 .?\ through blocks.The slab should be perfectly 1 each king level and the 4-ft.wide front apron d stud.Make Nom1 ■ :_/ ' �., I" sure the 7 walls are di ( f, , N irmly 1 I _ ,s braced. 0, e ti ; r installed in the roof might be a better perimeter of your garage to raise the `• choice because they let in more natural framed walls above the ground.Confirm .44, ,:.„. , light while maintaining better security. this detail with your building inspector. E •„ - ` !, a Foundation type.Most garages sit Yep,you have lots of details to think es SECOND TOP on a concrete pad,called a"slab," through!But you don't have to make all PLATE poured to the thickness and strength your decisions final just yet.Once a I required in your region (Fig.A,Detail salesperson plugs your decisions into ; PLAT 11 4).However,if you attach the garage to the CAD program,a drawing of your • - ;;;..• I LAPPED-` your house,you'll have to make the ` FOR proposed garage and a materials list STRENGTH A foundation similar to that of your home. should appear in a few minutes.Ask for ` ,i FIRST TOP In addition,building codes require that a copy of both and write the details list- t`x` PLATE M any wood within 8 in.of the ground ed above onto the drawing. (6 in.in some regions) be either pres- LAP the second top plate over the To sure-treated or a rot-resistant species OBTAIN A BUILDING PERMIT header and fasten it with 16d nails like the heartwood of cedar or redwood. Take the computer drawing or your driven every 16 in. Drive two nails n. So in most cases you'll have to lay a row own detailed sketch to the building on each side of every joint in the of 8-in.high concrete blocks around the inspector's office when you apply for first top plate. MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN 47 NEW GARAGE -� g :, r t u t 9 I%c , 10 1 + i;; �' , . f , son „ SIGHT DOWN WALL $4'' r.td , Oa Now In' a`kJ w ,4 -2 I ---ice and fra side of I, .. , • IN,4 , �i ',�,P I a lti 2X2 BLOCKS b • two tit" ti i , ,, ., , RAKE header i".<a� . s': �. ,® ' . ¢R - . 2x4 BRACE them t( ���:I °�DF�p. "f ` / �'1 betwee 1,Fig. 4s, , t .„d �j,r, E - t .! P? 10 - B to Wilt `� '. .., 1 Hoy it g { 1 � it has r —.FIE D 12 O C3 g Cal l d'• ' 2x4 TAKE s bl la u .., studs FASTEN plywood sheathing to the SIGHT down each wall and brace the ASSEMBLE "ladders"for the gable 6).The walls with 8d nails. Keep the ply- walls with 2x4s nailed to a stake. overhang and nail them to the end you br wood 1/2 in. above the concrete This is to keep the walls straight trusses. Nail 2x2 blocks (colored stable. block. until the roof is on. green) to the top chord for backing. persor. - ,.. a andyo should slope down so water flows away 11i ,�. F .�: 1 place. from the garage door.The contractor : 4 r 'wP .a, • (Fig.A, top ph will also set the foundation bolts4 0 ' - g Q 9'6i17SS•,'i�y a y" `1�`=P The Detail 4).Of course,we had to specify ` •'<• ce` shape. the exact location and width of the v perms garage and service doors (these are G-.i1-, , - Nii: . : ' HOIST the st called `rough openings"and are usually ',k the end 6 in.a the door width plus 2 in.)for correct 1 .r • 1 ?Lb L. l''.' trusses, tip where placement of the concrete blocks. e, :. , , s ,f ��r. 'n them up, i g th s' We also placed a 1-in.plastic electri- ' '�, s . ' ' • kei'' a� •`•,4 • plumb them t reach cal conduit 24 in.underground,bring- • with a level short m the garage wall (Fig.A . g BLOCKS. ) , 1 i and brace Tip:1 ing one end upso it would emerge with- TEMPORARY r t .. g g (F'g ) Later,anthem with on th, electrician will dig down to the buried " _ ;I 2x4s. Fasten tions. end and run electrical cable into the :� Lt, �i .." - It 1. the bottom your ir garage underground rather than from ,, a. ' _•. chords to Alt overhead.Electrical requirements can Ow -- = , the top plate brace vary,so confirm this detail with your ' . '`. ` , `�2x4 �'�L'•+s � J =BRACE with 16d bow i electrical inspector. .,4 - T, nails toe- ! top p After the concrete cured for a week, SCAFFOLD nailed every on th we started building.First we drilled and v t• • 16 in. brae( bolted the pressure-treated 2x6 sill plate stake to the foundation,sandwiching plastic driving two 16d nails into each en. door and windows. sill sealer between the two (Photo 1). (Photo 3).Use two studs separate. by After assembling each section,lift it ROE The 2x6(plus 1/2-in.plywood sheath- blocks for the four corners(Fig.A). into place and nail the bottom plate to To n ing;see Detail 4,Fig.A) covers the top Include the trimmer studs and headers the sill with 16d nails driven every 16 in. gabl, of the 6-in.wide block and makes for a for the doors and windows in the layout Plumb each section with a level and befo, neater job than a 2x4 sill. (Photo 3 and Fig.A). brace it with a temporary 2x4 (Photo 4). metl Then we framed the walls.Cut the Working on the new flat slab,we When you nail the corners together, actly 2x4 bottom and top plates to length and framed each long wall in two sections, make sure they're plumb in both direc- then lay out the stud pattern 16 in.on center doubling the stud at the joint.That way, tions. (They tend to wander a bit) 15 it (o.c.) on both of them (Photo 2). two of us could easily lift each section Tip:If you don't have a Oft.level,tape ladd Tips The first stud (after the corner onto the sill on top of the concrete a 2-ft.level to a straight 6-ft.2x4 to top( stud or studs)should start 15-1/4 in. block. (We drilled holes in the bottom "stretch"your level. rip: from the corner of the garage,so the plate to accommodate the tips of the Nail a second top plate over the first, of th • edges of the plywood sheathing fall on foundation bolts.) Nail together two being sure to overlap any joints in the woo the centers of studs. 2x6s with a 1/2-in.plywood spacer to first top plate (Photo 5).Nail it every It's Then fasten the studs to the plates, use as headers (beams) over the service 16 in.with 16d nails. N NEW GARAGE SETTING THE OVERHEAD 12 DOOR HEADER Now move to the front of the garage • 2a 0�1-CENTER • and frame the two short walls on each 1 \ side of the garage door.Each side has [ . is$4,:s41.11‘44„..\\. IBBON BOARDtwo trimmer studs to support the large4 � R LIFT and header.Cut two 2x12s to length and nail install the ,at m together with a 1/2 in.spacer in ivit "� i •," trusses 24 between to make up the header(Detail 1; :„\\:\ _ • in. on center. 1 I,Fig.A).Ask your building inspector �' - - Align them ito confirm that this assembly is strong , 1 with a string enough.Sight down the header to see if I 1 .� line S4 it has a bow,and if so,put the bow fac- = r";` g - _ _ i 1 r stretched I ing up.Carefully walk the header up sta- _',a1-., _s 1 along one ble ladders and set it on the trimmers, , - Vs- Itis. end and M nailing it through the back of the king STAND ON r , , R. �'_ brace and -�( SCAFFOLDI —�� ' .R -F '" studs (see Detail 1 of Fig.A,and Photo space them r,). The headers heavy, -- ,t.� - 6. 4 with a tem- ' vy,so make sure z �` � ' 1.I brace the short walls to keepthem ' 3 i «� . �. ;� porary"rib- ,table.You'll feel safer having a third bon"board III person actually drive the nails while you near the top. and your helper hold the header in place.Secure it by nailing the second 13 a t ' '� top plate over the joints (Photo 7). 1ni.N truss positions.Mark them every� # The garage is beginning to take 2 ft.on center on the top plate.The I shape.The 1/2-in.plywood sheathing ' - last space will vary depending on , permanently braces the frame.Nail it to - the length of your garage.Hoist the studs with 8d nails,spaced every V :.�, the ends of each upside-down truss I;in.along the edges and 12 in.else- ,) _I k 1 onto the walls,swing its peak ,where (Photo 8).As you can see,the �� e " `� upright and align it to a string line y '8-ft.sheets of plywood didn't quite , ; stretched between the tails of the reach the top plate,so we had to add 1l #+, `' .-= end trusses(Photos 12 and 13). short sections on the side walls. x e 3 STRING Tip:Keep each truss about 1/16 Tip:With a straightedge,draw lines 16d ' LINE in.away from the string so the on the plywood,marking the stud loca- MAROi ST TOENAIL ' truss won't push it off-line. tions.You'll be sure to hit the studs with . Toenail each truss end to the top your nails every time. I plate with three 16d nails(Photo MIr Although the plywood now solidly 13).Then tack each truss to a tem- braces the walls,each long wall can still TOENAIL each truss with three I6d porary"ribbon"board(also marked bow in or out.It's essential to keep the nails driven into tie- top plate. on 24-in.centers),positioning the 11 top plates arrow-straight when you put board as close to the peak as possible s. on the roof,so sight down each wall and plumb them with ale el and brace (Photo 12).This board will keep the brace it with 16-ft.2x4s,nailed to a them.To make the ' ss-raising trusses aligned.Don't worry if some of stake driven into the ground (Photo 9). process easier and s. er,we rented a the trusses look slightly bowed.You'll section of scaffolding mounted on lock- straighten them when you apply the ROOF FRAMING able wheels for abou'$70 a week. roof sheathing. rit To make our work easier,we added the Otherwise you have I stand on 2x4 Tip:You won't have enough spade to gable overhangs to the end trusses walls and trusses wi i little support to swing the last four trusses upright,so before we put them up.We used a ladder help keep your balan e.Not a good hoist them all up at once and lean method(Photo 10).Cut two 2x4s to ex- idea!The temporary 'locks(painted three of them against the end truss 1 actly match the top chord of the truss, orange in Photos 11 . d 12) keep the while nailing the fourth.Then slide the I then nail 13-in.long(or any length up to truss from slipping o I the wall while others into position,one by one. 15 in.)2x4s between them to make a you lift it.We made ,e long brace that Well done,weekend warrior!Next ladder-like structure.Nail these to the supports the truss by nailing together month,we'll complete the roof,install top chord of the end trusses. two 16-ft.long 2x4s. 'asten the bottom doors and windows,put up the siding, Tip:Nail 2x2 blocks to the bottom edge chord to the top pla - with 16d nails and apply the finishing touches. TFH of the top chord as backers for the ply- toenailed (driven at a 45-degree angle) wood sheathing and siding(Photo 10). every 16 in. Art D1seion•MIKE SMITH Photography It's easier to do this now than later. With the two end s sses inplace •�u nTHOE Illurnations•EUGENE 1110MPSON Now lift the end trusses into place, and perfectly plumb, ay out the other Consultant•JERRY TOP,MASON / - • MARCH 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN 49 The frame is up and you're halfway dote. Now we'll show you how to finish the job. ANew PART """i T W O Last month we showed you r a+ how to plan your '°sa .x. * q` new garage, a ...ir '`"5 F frame it and ',.1 ,. erect the roof IN' trusses. That =mum, framing was the ' exciting part of 1 , ......�', J`• ElI — C-i tom. } -.. �"".- -�_. t' _ the project. You - „ watched the , . --- entire shell take f.,,., drip shape in only a 'v°, — and few days and got your first 3 RP- � feel for its size ., /- x r t > f 1 wit t�I �~�" (bigger than you ft,�� .-x s7 ` i ��st+ 4,. x `� >k i An thought, I I. 'f n k�,; � "" i, , ?E-�ii,", IsAt sL s. t �� Fri. In this second #4 grng'"rr . ;' "�,,s,r'�''�`g,- C` ;"fir ` ` - ' and final article, C�` ? .' _ ,p : .4.?tr Inc we'll move into the finishing phase. We'll sho you how to com- an plete the roof, install doors and windows, put p the siding and Se apply the finishing touches. This part won't ap ear to move as quickly or dramatically as the framing. In fact, ou might think your progress has slowed to a crawl. But patie ce here pays big dividends. Careful work on the finish details is the key to making your garage both long-lasting and attractive. By Duarte Johnson 48 APRIL 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN FIG. B GARAGE DETAILS ; NEW A ' AGE E 1/2"PLYWOOD p A R T T W O I' SHEATHING '� 5/8" , CUT - I 2x4 TOP PLATE SHINGLES \ PLYWOOD BACK TRUSS %` ROOF WORKING UP HIGH DOUBLE • SHEATHING We spent two full days sheathing and Is � 2x12 CUT HOLE shingling the roof.If you're not confi �� HEADER IN PLYWOOD " 1/2" SHEATHING 'i dent working up high with tricky foot- STRIP VENT ing,hire a pro to complete this part. FELT15 PLYWOOD PULL NAILS 5l4 x 1" Follow safety precautions as well. FELT SPACER IN SHINGLES AND SLIDE VENT STOP i Make sure the ladder legs are solidly METAL 2x4 EDGES UNDER 1c i DRIP SPACER SHINGLES _ - - \ya ' � 2x4 Set,and if necessary,blocked so they CAP 3/6"AC _ sr_ �'' / -1� won't slide out.Tie the ladder to the ! 1x6 ALUMINUM PLYWOOD -/kL F 3/TRIM x CAP 4 ir. garage with rope or wire if you're carry- J JAMB ROOF VENT 1x6 FASCIA ; SLOPING BOARD `` ing heavy loads such as bundles of shin s/a x s-1/2• SOFFIT gles up onto the roof. I TRIM In addition to ladders,we used a sec DETAIL I -HEAD JAMB /, DETAIL 3-SLOPING SOFFIT Lion of scaffolding with casters that ' DETAIL 2-ROOF VENT we could roll around as we worked DECORATIVE METAL DRIP EDGE NO.15 ROOFING FELT ROOF VENT (Fig.B).Each leg of the scaffold had an VENT 11 CAP SHINGLES adjustable jack that we could raise or jI sia x s-1/2" ' lower to keep the platform level on �/� CASING SHINGLES uneven ground.Before climbing onto JA1xMB the scaffolding,lock each caster and put JAMB / ,� '.�e"•�`�- a 12x12 pad under it,so the caster won't - i , . ®,:w ; sink in soft ground.And don't leave I NO.15 ``� • .y`:: �a�: ... tools or other objects on the platform 4 .c��r� FELT �„ v ���'r��,,,. when you move the scaffold!One conk �aw .�r��cew p`o•• Al `;��'� "-,+�+��0�.r.'�0�'�- on the head and you'll know why. �a. �.�►��•ems: ADD 2x4 =��� FOR GARAGE =v-�'i, 5/4 x 1"STO ► SHEATHING THE ROOF DOOR TRACK �. ��'� Getting back to building:With the �' 2x4 N. i . - 1` \, trusses b place,to building: fasten a 2x4 to the _ h t ` �1 �� �� truss tails with 16d nails to make a solid 4 4 ® WALL �y 2x6 h , f —1�1— r '� �����\� 15' �,� '--�_— �-1�� roof edge (Photo 14).Even though I SILL - y \, � , ._ _��. trusses are manufactured to close speci- -� � fications,these tails tend to wander up �- 1/2"GAPN. ` _ _ '— ' to 1/4 in.or so.You'll have to push \lk� SE DETAIL 1 . —� I�� some up or pull others down to align r �u.:r•-'.'_ - i ..-='+�'�m,,,.,..-- ''' a/ .i %. � _ : : '' ' �1- � / them with the top of the 2x4.We DETAIL 4•SIDE JAMB N ! ------- ill beveled (cut at an angle) our 2x4 to - I '. /ll '' " 1 � �. make it flush with the bottom of the w •� truss tails,because our design called for I 1111 .11 ��1' ' ' 'j p � a"sloping"soffit(the wood under the FINISHED DOOR , _ i i �.'' r' !h roof edges;see Fig.B,Detail d CORNER BOARDS OPENING T 9"x 16' 24"x 24" 5/4 x 2.1/2" 5/4 x 3-1/2" i PREHUNG ��% '�� Now comes a tricky part.Snap a 'i� —_INDOWS j /y' chalk line on the trusses 4 ft.1/4 in.up ` NM 10 from the edge of the roof and lay your CA GALV. /illi� first row of plywood sheathing along CASING NAILS � ��/ �, this line (Photo 15).The line keeps the S ,� /�J roof sheathing straight even if the roof DRIVE 2-1/2" • SIDING NAIL ! `(//f' �/ edge wavers slightly(even a 1/8-in. SLIGHTLY I I ; w' variation will make the plywood fit ABOVELAP badly).The ends of the plywood should _1 �ii.1 � ! PLYWOOD x PADS fall on the center of a truss and overlap APPROX.4-3/4" -�%f �� the roof ends.In fact,since trusses tend EXPcox: SURE z'6 x6'a upper e of 1/2"x 6"BEVEL SIDING ROLL-AROUND SCAFFOLDING to warp a bit,mark the g PREHUNG the plywood every 24 in.and align the EXTERIOR center of each truss with your marks t0 ;_ SIDING OVERLAPS BLOCK 1/4" DOOR them running straight (Photo 15).o NO.15 keep FELT 1/6" x 3/4"STARTER STRIP Fasten the roof sheathing with 8d ' nails spaced 6 in.along the edges and DETAIL 5 -CORNER/SIDING 12 in.elsewhere.Lay the second row of SO APRIL 1994 THE FAMILY HANDY N APRIL 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN 55 1 ' I, ti NEW GARAGE P A P T T W O 14 15 TRUSS TAIL —A. ,` - .., - .; BEVEL - . ' y< • ALIGN 2x4 WITH '` *° TOP OF TRUSS a " . I 4 / ---� }` `«' a ;� - c ti' .. r �fi ter, i NAIL a 2x4 to the truss tails, align "" <` , ,' ing it so the top of the 2x4 is flush ® er- , v ' G with the top of each truss. r £ ' plywood so the ends don't line up with - s ,, f ' the first row,and leave a gap about one . nail thickness wide between rows to allow for possible wood expansion in i wet weather.When you reach the rib- ALIGN 5/8-in. plywood sheathing with a chalk line and fasten it with 8d bon board,remove it,since well-nailed galvanized nails so each end falls in the center of a truss.Adjust and nail the sheathing will effectively space and other trusses so they fall at 24-in. intervals. brace the trusses. Laying and nailing a garage roof 16 r • **"-t - 17 - of this size is a big job.It'll take �'` f 1x6T�AKE - most of a day.When you're fin- = - CHALK LI EBOARD ished,snap a chalk line and trim the sheathing even with the gable over- - - 45 MIWI 'Ix6 FASCIA hangs (Photo 16).If you feel the ,, least bit insecure working on your _ - ` f 11-' .. roof nail 2x4 cleats through the v .. "" sheathing into the trusses with 16d I a 4 •- ��5 nails to provide more secure footing s.�:: s. x'' .`. (Photo 16). i : Caution:Sawdust will make the 1 I` , MEx roof sheathing dangerously slip- pery.Sweep it off immediately after 2x4 TEMPORA The Wes making saw cuts. CLEAT \ MIII Finally,nail a 2x4 to the bottom ! presents . chords of the trusses,near their plate by . center,to space them at 24 in.on TRIM off the overlapping sheath- FASTEN 1 x6 fascia and rake boards powerful center. ing after nailing it. Nail cleats to to the roof edges with 8d galvanized j Pmighty the roof to provide safer footing. nails. Miter the corners. iwill travel SHINGLING THE ROOF Prepare for shingling by first fastening journey. I the 1x6 fascia and rake boards to the edges.Your local lumberyard or home Now unroll No.15 asphalt-saturated prestigious roof edges with 8d galvanized nails center will stock drip edges and all felt for the underlayment,lapping each "Spirit (Photo 17).Make them flush with the other materials needed for roofing.The row 2 in.over the one below.Fasten it master of top of the sheathing.Miter(cut at building code in our region required a with staples or roofing nails.Then nail majesty of 45 degrees)the corners for a neater layer of No.50 asphalt roll roofing(or metal dri edge up the gable edges of of the mo appearance. its equivalent)next to serve as flashing the roof, acing it over the felt(Fig.B). fine porcel. Properly applied roofing has several along the edge (Fig.B).It should ex- Caution:Felt underlayment makes the and border components.Begin by nailing a sheet tend up the roof to a point at least 12 in. roof more slippery.Be extra careful I signature metal drip edge along the lower roof inside the stud wall when you walk on it. 1 Priced i 45 firing Center,PA 52 APRIL 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN NEW GARAGE 1 's7. P A R T T W 0 18 — 19 "; i lam 4 SIDING . l _ z ,.. �' I '� EXPOSURE ,k� I ,'�� N0.16 ROOFING- - —~ t� �r CHALK et FELT -------- - r LINE HAI E - --- ''--- I Air.- I ilh.k. CHALK _ L: GUIDELINES FLASHING ; . . ' l.', • ,►. ' n I METAL La DRIP STAPLE No. 15 felt flashing around EDGE corners, windows and doors to r block moisture. Then snap chalk lines along each side as guidelines to keep the siding straight. , 7i 1 i; changed our minds,nailed on an PREPARE the roof for shingling with drip edge, flashing (if required)and additional wood cap(painted red)for underlayment. Lay shingles in a stepped pattern, using chalk lines to decoration,and covered it with the keep rows straight. metal drip cap(Fig.B,Detail 1). Next we finished the sloping soffits Before you begin shingling,read the work with two steps:First,staple 12-in. (Photo 21).We sawed 3/8-in.AC grade manufacturer's directions printed on wide flashing (No. 15 felt) around the plywood into proper widths and nailed it every bundle of shingles.We'll add two doors,windows and corners.It'll pro- to the underside of the rafters (Fig.B, In {L recommendations:First,step the shin- vide waterproof backing behind joints Detail 3).Remember to insert a strip gles up the roof(Photo 18),rather than where siding meets the trim.Second, vent in the soffit. better if running them one or two rows at a time. snap chalk lines to keep the siding run- Tips A table saw comes in handy for The stagger method produces a better ning straight(Photo 19 and Fig.B). long cuts at this stage of the project. color mix.And second,snap chalk lines Remember to let the bottom row over- Measure,cut and assemble the cor- Clopay every two rows so you're sure to keep lap the foundation about 1/4 in. ner boards and fasten them in place the rows straight.It took two of us an Tip:Rather than laying a tape measure with 10d galvanized casing nails (Photo the agile entire eight-hour day to shingle this big on each side to space the siding guide- 22).We used"five-quarter"(or"5/4") roof,and we worked fast! lines,mark an 8-ft."story pole"and use cedar for all our trim,because it's rot find.Juv Tip;Shingle when the temperature's it to quickly transfer the measurements resistant.Five-quarter cedar measures cool.You'll sweat less and you'll knock to all sides of the garage. slightly over 1 in.thick. fewer granules off the shingles when Now install the service door and win- Install the jambs and casings for the and phc you walk on them. dows.They'll come prehung and pre- garage door as well.The garage door the una� After shingling,cut holes with a jig- assembled,so you can slip them right company,or whoever actually installs saw near the peak for roof vents and in.Fasten the windows in place with the door,will tell you the exact finished slide the vents under the shingles so 10d galvanized casing nails driven opening size and how to add extra 2x4s your ga, they won't leak (Fig.B,Detail 2).These through the casings.Plumb and shim on the inside to support the metal door 1 vents,along with the soffit vents we'll the door and drive 10d galvanized cas- track (Fig.B,Detail 4). I The put in later,help cool the garage in hot ing nails through its side jambs into the Finally we're ready to put up the weather. wall framing to secure it.If the door has 1/2 x 6-in.cedar"bevel"siding.We fas- Clopay a wood sill(bottom),put metal flashing tened it with 2-1/2 in.siding nails driven FMNISN CARPENTRY and a thick bead of caulk under it so the through the sheathing and into the It's always a relief when the roof is wood doesn't rest directly on the con- studs,as we show in Fig.B,Detail 5. includes finished.Now you have a dry place to crete.Otherwise it'll rot. The siding is often brittle,so predrill store your building materials. Nail metal drip caps over the top cas- the nail holes to prevent splitting when garage d Finish installing the sheathing in the ing of the door and windows.Photo 20 you're nailing close to an edge (Photo gable areas,then prepare for the finish shows a metal drip cap,but later we 23).Drive the nails deep enough to +4 Three F 54 APRIL 1994 THE FAMILY HANDYMAN i } NEW GARAGE P A R T T W 0 20J 21 f ��'', (rated to 1 latex CASING _ ,__.� METAL ,a - ' j ' ; Tip:Apo r , `` �� DRIP CAP • ' ($25 a da 1`. ' �; SOFFIT �� makes th( 46/ 44 CHALK trim work c UNES o 3J8 AC ! �,r faster,be. PLYWOOD lr t ► make acc 4-4s • �. a. i quickly. 111- '�i a�� aFor the i _::� / , e paint cede I L / STRIP to ••M wood sidi El VENT •'• =; based prig Y. As_ • it with twt NO 15 FELT ' ±. acrylic ton t'.€ FLASHING r regulatior ON CORNER mit the us INSTALL the windows and service door, nail- ing the windows through the casings and j `: paint,use the door through the jambs with 10d galva- ` A • stain-bloc, instead,b �' ". nized casing nails. � � i wood con, penetrate the wall studs.Leave about a bleed th 1/16-in.gap at both ends of each board '" - Finally, to permit expansion and contraction, CUT strips of 3/8-in. AC plywood for sloping soffits and nail them to installed a and caulk the joints with a high-quality the undersides of the rafters. Include a strip vent in the soffit. tor for ow I ALLOW US III ILLUSTRATE WHAT KUBOTA MAKES BESIDES THE BEST COMPACT TRACTORS AVAILABLE.OUR 5-HP WALK-BEHIN OWERS,WI THE G-SERIES TOUGHER JOBS. All GARDEN TRACTORS ARE BUILT V ARIOUS OPTIONS MAKE THEM ALL INCLUDES WITH HEAVY-DUTY ENGINES FOR THOSE EXTREMELY VERSATILE.A FULL LINE OF OWBLOWER IAN QUICKLY AND EASILY WITHOUT CLUT% 40' c o Cl) OUR T-SERIES LAWN TRACTORS LET YOU CHA'� 71TING.THE PERFORMA6'C 'I VEN it,' Si Ap.HANDLE 9���Np TILLERS `O�`Fpg A WIDE G�p�SOBS. ��GStD ENGINE J`�E�trTTl For more information,write to:Kubota Tractor Co .,PO.Box 2992,Dept.0 Torrance CA 90509-2992.Financing available through Kubota CreditCo ration r'P , , anB B Corporation . , • NEW GARAGE P A R T T W 0 (rated to be long-last- 22 III23 1 t, ing)latex caulk. �I < 1 T--�. . j. >` Tip:A power miter box I l i 1/2"x6"SIDI, $;I ($25 a day to rent) ! 1 _ PRIMED) i makes the siding and , ,, •.� trim work go much it; "gip `f S EDaaICK ! + i. faster,because you can ! -- - CORNER make accurate cuts j I-' �BOARDS = CAULK GI aM quickly. NTS " For the best results, '`` "' , paint cedar and red- ad GALV. PREDRILLik"- , _,^ad wood siding with an oil- U. SING NEAR EDGE based primer and cover ... • • ,' it with two 100-percent ASSEMBLE the corners from 5/4 ' 'T $ acrylic topcoats.If local cedar and nail them in place with regulations don't per- lOd galvanized casing nails. Nail mit the use of oil-based up the 5/4 x 1-in. trim strip(see paint,use a special Fig. B, Detail 3). c • stain-blocking primer FASTEN the siding with galvanized • instead,because both cedar and red- It passed.We started moving stuff siding nails,predrilling near the t wood contain chemicals that will inside,and later,after a licensed electri- edges. Prime and paint the exterior. "bleed"through latex primer. cian completed the electrical work, Finally,we had the garage door we installed the door opener(see Ad Direction•MIKE SMITH t tO installed and called the building inspec- "Automatic Garage Door Openers," Photography•BILL ZUEHLKE tor for our final inspection.Good work. July/Aug.'93,p.43). TFM Illustrations•EUGENE THOMPSON tK-BEHHOWERS,WITH THEIR TURBO SUCTION FANS,GIVE YOUR GRASS THE CLEANEST,HEALTHIEST CUT POSSIBLE. • • PI ATTACHMENTS A FRONT BLADE , -- INCLUDES A MOWER,BROOM, THAT MAKES NICE NEAT "-- i/WBLOWER,ROTARY TILLER,AND PILES RIGHT WHERE YOU 1NANT THEM. `' 0 i ,�ZIC TRANSMISSION WITH SINGLE PEDAL FOOT° 4 may. ��NUBOT.,\ vz ci co )RMANCOIi EIA J'WHAT ALLOWS THEM TO DO THIS. 411r . ~‘ l ENGINE p SEVERAL t YOU NCH ONE i _- �`��EI?TLE ���Q,pN oo��S�E �`���t1N �S,Ig0 BEST. `-... it 1<1)hotea, -pO[dt1On. KUBOTA TRACTOR CORPORATION- ANNENnerum. v V 1 a./ V .. FILE I Cl („ l S 0 2 rrII / APPLIC1ANT/CONTACT PERSON: • 1 L. �/���iy Lf-__`_J_JJ ADDRESS/PHONE: PROPERTY LOCATION: /5 . 1-1Zd-77217.4-&11, MAP ,3/5" PARCEL: 3C / ZONE 111IS SECTION FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST tc �- t ;, /LSL j1Z, NCLOSJD REQUIRED DATE 7ON7NCr FORM FJT;LT.OTTT AC�.,e,ek Cp) ��� 1� Fee Pain c1A?, v7 ' 1. Rnilrling Permit Filled out Fee Paid Type nf C'nnctructinn• New Construction Remndeling Tnterinr Additinn to FYicting Accecsnry Structure 'Building Plans Tnclnded• Owner/Occupant Statement nr License fi 3 Sets nf Plans /Pint Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented XDenied as presented: X Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § jf -; (O. (0 I��I , PLANNING BOARD x ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under:§ w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Permit from Conservation missi 74 Signature of Building asp or Da e NOTE:Issuanoe of a zoning permit does not relieve an applloant's burden to oompty with all _ zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other applioable permit granting authorities. 1 , 20 Date Filed File No. REGISTRATION OF HOME OFFICE/OCCUPATION (§10. 2 & 11. 11) With the Building Inspector 1. Name of Applicant: Patrick J. Curran Address: 154 Nonotuck St. Telephone:584-3075 2. Owner of Property:Patrick J. Curran Address: 154 Nonotuck St. Telephone: 584-3075 3 . Status of Applicant: X Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain: ) 4 . Parcel Identification: Map #,2 i9, Parcel #3U / , Zoning District(s) (include overlays) 4,J1 r— Street Address 154 Nonotuck St.,: Florence, MA 5. Narrative Description of Proposed Home Office: (Use additional sheets if necessary) A Garage on a concrete pad. The front has a double garage door. The side has a side door ertrarce. ildin to he used as an ar s s ,u o. w e o ng cus om s a n an a ,c e g ass WS'rK on premise. 6. Is this a legal residential building? )4. YES NO . 7 . Will there be an employee/owner who doesn't live in the home YES NO X 8 . Will you ever see clients or customel~s at your site? - YES NO How often Varies on work schedule. Once a week at most. For what purposes To discuss commissions. Pick .up glass order. 9 . Will there be any signs for the Home Office? YES NO X 10. Will there be any goods sold from the premises or any sale of goods stored on premises, either retail or wholesale, or any display of goods on premises? XYES NO 7ov; 11. Will there be any outdoor storage of materials? YES NOX 12 . Will your use be totally within a building and not cause any outward manifestation (including traffic generation, parking congestion, noise, air pollution, and materials storage) ? X YES NO If NO explain: 13 . Attach Plans (if applicable) See enclosed materials. 14 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that if any infoLivation is incorrect, my permit is null and void and I may be liable for non-criminal fines and criminal and civil actions. Date: in-'�p (�'�(,, Applicant's Signature:_A b 0 , THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: proved as presented/based on information presented APPROVAL EXPIRES ON DE EMBER 31 OF THIS YEAR AND MUST THEN BE RENEWED Denied as presented--- ason: 4C/ o G Signature of Su ' ing Inspector Date NOTE issuance of a permit does not relieve an applicants burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. • . 20 File No. 91i ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (§10 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: -N-- .\ ck Cv 22I\ 13 Address: 1 S'- 1-301-3oTvC-Y, `T- Telephone: 5'6 y- 2. Owner of Property: (Z1Cti( C v iSi Address: \ S' Telephone: 5 c•S C�^7 S 3. Status of Applicant: IC Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): 4. Job Location: l 5 `\ 1--.1)c 1-Ze:) C.._k CR: M Parcel Id: Zoning Map# T -.T F Parcel# District(s): L.) 21'. (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property S i G _am% i.)• 2) tZc-c-,z n lc1 L- 1, C=LL.1 tJ G 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): • 7. Attached Plans: L-- Sketch Plan `'' Site Plan `— Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special PermitNariance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO i< DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO >& DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO 7( DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) • 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property?YES NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CM BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. This cols to be filled in by the Building Department Required Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size ► (15 SAmC- Frontage SAME, Setbacks -front I rZRVc k - side L: z R: Lo L: zo R: 5 S f S - rear t � Tt Building height i Z Bldg Square footage 5 I" 2_9l Lt Scr %Open Space: (Lot area minus bldg CSC q() �y &paved parking) -1 O �G # bf "Parking Spaces 2 ,� #'of Loading Docks 1JC1� t.) C LIB, Fill: . =(vol-time--& location) 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein .. is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DAZE: Sc,\'r (( G APPLICANT's SIGNATURE g NOTE: Issuanoe of a zoning permit does not relieve en applioant's bar en to oomply-wittfi,,a 4 zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board`o Health. Conservation... Commission. Department of Publio Works and other eppiloabla permit granting authorities,::•.=1' oly FILE # • ' 4' p .' Q y 0 rl ® v ( Q 1 ' 6 , , t ,d, =/ . 6 v53 r q r-1 - 17 lo 1 (7) n C 4- 'I 3 F % ii) -111 .41) L., V) f I It Li City of Northampton, Massachusetts O ;i0 Office of Planning and DevelopmentClty Hall • 210 Maln Street A i •-Northampton, MA 01060 • (413) 586-6950 �i� • :� FAX (413) 586-3726 ,;4 ;° _(� • Community and Economic Development �,�•� ��`�:; • Conservation •Historic Preservationf • Planning Board•Zoning Board of Appeals• Northampton Parking Commission TO: Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector RE: Permit application FROM: Laura Krutzler, Board Secretary/OPD DATE: October 29 , 1996 Would you please review and return the enclosed Spec i a 1 Perri t application before the Planning Boardoningoard of_ "ippeameeting scheduled for NON, . 6 , 1996 so that we can advise the Boards of any concerns you may have. Thank you.