22B-041 (31) 4/9/2021 City of Northampton Mail-Online Form Submittal:On-Premises Alcohol/Common Victualler Outdoor Dining Expansion Application for Priv... I' hjA,l City of ti � Northampton Annie Lesko<alesko@northamptonma.gov> Online Form Submittal: On-Premises Alcohol/Common Victualler Outdoor Dining Expansion Application for Private Property/Parking Lot 1 message noreply@civicplus.com<noreply@civicplus.com> Thu,Apr 8,2021 at 5:16 PM To:alesko@northamptonma.gov On-Premises Alcohol/Common Victualler Outdoor Dining 2 _0 4 Expansion Application for Private Property/Parking Lot Entity Name 111111111011111111 DBA Masa Mexicano First Name Roberto is\t- Last Name _ Saravia 11/1 Business Address aso Pine Street Owner Roberto Saravia Liquor License Manager of NA Record Primary Contact Email MasaMexicanot gmail.com Address 24-hour Contact Number 413-834-0741 Proposed Hours of Operation 11 am to 9 pm Parking Lot/Land Owner Pun Family LLC Evidence of Control of Field not completed. Extended Premises Do any other businesses Yes share the parking lot besides your restaurant? If yes,include a letter from all Sams Letter.pdf other users. Are there any sidewalks or No other areas not under the licensee's control that will need to be crossed to get to the extended premises? If yes, please review the following: Currently, the ABCC's position is that licensees will need an easement to cross the sidewalk in order to be deemed contiguous. If this is the case, we will address these concerns on a case by case basis. How many tables and chairs 8 tables 36 chairs with LED solar umbrellas are you proposing to put in the outdoor dining area? Will you be erecting a tent? No Photo or Plan for Barriers lot close up.pdf https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=6fb048b67b&view=pt&search=all&pe rmthid=thread-f%3A 1696508480038661956&simpl=msg-f%3A16965084800... 1/2 4/9/2021 City of Northampton Mail-Online Form Submittal:On-Premises Alcohol/Common Victualler Outdoor Dining Expansion Application for Priv... Description of Alteration of We are seeking to place 8 tables in a selected area totaling 36 Premises seats.The area will be sectioned off with hi-visibility markers to ensure drivers are aware of the location.Each table will have a 7.5 ft wide umbrella that has 32 LED lights underneath to allow for viability in low light times.The location is also directly in front of Masa Mexicano which will allow for lighting from 3 8ft • lights from the awning to light the area as well. Detailed Floor Plan lot close up_1.pdf ADA Accessibility The outdoor dining areas and barriers must be accessible and meet ADA and Massachusetts Architectural Access Board's regulations:https://wwwmass.gov/law- library/521-cmr (Section Break) Certification of Compliance with ABCui a mes or�sion of Premises to Patio&Outdoor Areas 8y signing below. 1 being the owner or manager of the above referenced establishment located at the address indicated above, acknowledge, accept, and will comply with the guidelines for extension of premises to patio and outdoor areas. Signature Roberto Saravia Date 4/8/2021 Certification of Safety Standards and Guidelines By signing below, I. being the owner or manager of the above referenced establishment located at the address indicated above, acknowledge, accept, and will comply with the responsibilities of maintaining a clean and safe outdoor dining experience for guests and for staff in the outdoor dining area through the diligent adherence to my submitted plans along with any and all mandatory state safety standards for workplaces and outdoor dining. Signature Roberto Saravia Date 4/8/2021 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser, https://ma i I,gong le,com/ma i I/u/0?ik=6fb048 b67 b&view=pt&sea rch=al I&permth id=thread-f%3A 1696508480038661956&sim pl=msg-f%3A16965084800... 2/2 .111 Verizon 3:31 PM .17 0 60% • Mary Pun Hi Roberto, can you please send me your email. Thank you Sun, Ja 31; 8:49 PM Roberto.c.saravia@gmail.corn Thank you ed, Mar 10, 2:53 PM Hi Mary, just to let you know I put the rent check today in the mail, sorry about that OK Thankyou Today 3:27 PM I you can send that back to me that would be great, and thank you Mary Delivered Hi Roberto, I give permission to masa Mexicano restaurant to put tables outside in front of their er stauranto Thank (20 Aess ge , 40t, sPay iobit 14 1/1 .1,‹/ea rye, 4 =wl ....... - _ -- 5-----/-291.j 1 , 7 fz, 111 )-:::-1"/ • g' i \'''') •-r-. 4 ..) „ . --\-\.).- C JO '''tC"' 4 Ei2 ...m.o..' ‘, ,‘''-) I ..... (cc.,,- ii ht -'‘,fit.0/.///A ,.., '' :771/7i r : u-,-, --------- Hello Neighbor, We at Masa Mexicano located at 176 Pine St.would like to use a couple corner parking spots in front of our restaurant to do outdoor dining. Per requirement by the city of Northampton we would like to ensure you have no issues with this.We will be responsible for cleaning and maintaining this small section of the parking lot located in front of our store. If you would kindly sign this letter allowing us to do this that would be greatly appreciated. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact Roberto Saravia at M ,DrYleCallOalltyrMLCOM, Signed: Zre,tet, Print Name: 5 e n