2021.02.25 Staff Report Conservation Commission Staff Report 1 February 25 , 2021 To: Conservation Commission From: Sarah LaValley RE: Staff Report, February 25, 2021 Commission Meeting 5:30 PM – Notice of Intent for shed and barn construction within bordering land subject to flooding (CT River). Joe Jasinski, 43 Fair St, Map ID 32A-248 Application Overview: The application proposes construction of a 30-40 foot barn with flow-through flood venting, within the Connecticut River floodplain. The barn will consume 1598 cubic feet of floodplain storage, spread between between the 113 and 125 foot elevations. An 1598 cubic foot area of fill is proposed to be removed between the 117 and 118 foot elevations. DEP Comments : DEP Comments and applicant responses/clarifications are included in the application packet. These clarify the floodplain elevation, datum used, and work footprint. Consistency with the Wetlands Protection Act, Staff Recommendation : As noted in DEP’s comments, the proposed compensatory storage cut and fill volume calculations does not strictly comply with the Performance Standards. The regulations state that “Compensatory storage shall mean a volume not previously used for flood storage and shall be incrementally equal to the theoretical volume of flood water at each elevation, up to and including the 100-year flood elevation, which would be displaced by the proposed project.” Removal of volume at only one incremental 1 foot elevation does not actually comply with the performance standards. 310 CMR 10.57 (4) requires that Compensatory storage shall be provided for all flood storage volume that will be lost as the result of a proposed project within Bordering Land Subject to Flooding, when in the judgment of the issuing authority said loss will cause an increase or will contribute incrementally to an increase in the horizontal extent and level of flood waters during peak flows. The project will result in an increase of 324 cubic feet (12 cubic yards) reduction in flood storage below the 117 foot elevation, but no overall loss of flood storage. If the Commission finds that the work will not contribute to extent and level of floods, an Order of Conditions can be issued, with standard conditions, and documentation of fill removed. If an elevation certificate is required by the Building Department, the Commission must be provided a copy. Glendale Road Parking Option The City owns a surplus property on Glendale Road that was retained for future development as part of a planned limited development project, which the City is now moving forward with. The surplus parcel is adjacent to the West Farms conservation area, and includes a r etained right for a parking lot. The City is unlikely to ever pursue a conservation parking lot on this property, and staff requests a vote from the Commission to make clear that the parking lot rights are relinquished on any portion of the lot that the buyer plans to use for their own driveway access, to clarify title and allow the property to be sold. Conservation Commission Staff Report 2 February 25, 2021