17. Financial Feasibility
Project Financial Feasibility
Proposed costs fall into two general categories:
Pre-Development Design and Engineering
The City Engineer and Director of Planning & Sustainability have identified budgeted amounts
based on similar recent projects over the past two years. The city can obtain proposals and sign
contracts within one month of the grant award. Design work will take between one and five
months, depending on the task.
Construction and Demolition
The City Engineer and Director of Planning & Sustainability, using their own experience, their
consulting engineer’s recommendations, MassDOT recent bid information, and recent
demolition contracts, have budgeted the sewer line replacement and sidewalk installation, as well
as other infrastructure work such as utility connections.
Local Matching funds have already be allocated and committed
The City is pleased to commit a significant match of $193,700 in other funds for this HCG
project. These funds come primarily from municipally controlled sources (Sewer Enterprise
Funds, CDBG, and CPA). Valley is also able to commit $50,000 from a pre-development loan
fund within its control. All sources are in hand and available.