Community Agreement_Northampton_CSC_03.24.2021RAPID RECOVERY PLANS Community Agreement: Rapid Recovery Plans Section 1: Study Area Definition The study area has been clearly defined and is Illustrated in a GIS shapefile (in adherence to GIS File s hare standards). Sect i on 2: Study Area Name The study area name (to be used in the business survey tool) is as follows: Downtown Northampton Section 3 : Schedule & Program Milestones This Community Agreement adheres to the schedule and program milestones outlined in the Plan Facilitators agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as follows : Scope Timeframe Deliverables Phase 1 : Diagnostic 5-7 weeks Kick off meeting, Community Agree ment, define study area , Public Pr esentation ; promote state-wide bu siness owner survey, Ba seline Data Ph ase 2 : Project 5-7 weeks Coo r dination w ith community, Recomm e nd ations SME(s) if applicable, Public Presentation ; Project List Ph ase 3 : Plan s 4-6 weeks Coordination with community and SME(s), Fi nal Plan Draft and 1 revi sion Section 4 : Rapid Recovery Plan Overview Phase 1: Outreach & Diagnostic A. Community to provide : 1) Regular engagement with Plan Facilitator 2) Support for outreach to key stakeholders via introductions via email or in person 3) Provide a walking and/or driving tour of the district (with adherence to COVID protocols) 4) Support for distribution of business surveys to all businesses/cultural institutions in the district. Discuss outreach strategy to non-English/non-Spanish speaking businesses. S) Provision of any/all background document available and deemed useful by the Plan Facilitator for the final report and/or is required by the RRP program 6) Spon sor and help promote community engagement and presentation of findings at the conclusion of Pha se 1 8 . Plan Facilitator s to provide : 1} Co nduct a minimum of two (2) site visits For more Information, contact: Emmy Hahn/ M OI /LR RP Program Coordinator Ellz abeth .Hahn@>state.ma.us Charles Sa nderson/ M DI/L.R RP Program As sistant Coordinator Char1 es.sa nd erson @)state.ma .us dltoo Massachusetts RAPID RECOVERY PLANS 2) Lead stakeholder/commun ity outreach 3) Collect baseline data for submission to Commonwealth Phase 2: Project Recommendations Community to provide: 1) Feedback and engagement on Project Recommendations Plan Facilitator to provide : 2) Opportunities for community to provide feedback of Project Recommendations 3) Solicit input from Subject Matter Expert, if applicable 4) Final List of (12+) Project Recommendations Phase 3 : Rapid Recovery Plan A. Community to provide : 1) Feedback on Draft Rapid Recovery Plan in a timely manner (within 10-14 days) B. Plan Facilitator to provide : 1) Draft Rapid Recovery Plan for review and one revision based on Community feedback Reviewed on Date: Community. Representative Name Wayne Feiden ntle Director of Planning & Sustainability Signature Wayne Feiden pllysi ned by Wayne Feiden 2021 ~3.2316:57:09-04"00' Municipality or Organization City of Northampton Plan Facilitator Name t-,\.l~\\_. \M.o o"' Title Pr,"u~c..\ J,-c.,-F'c..,..~ Signat µ tf/h- Municipality or Organization C:v t c So~c.,, ( .,\\c:.½u • '-\ (..J-t'.. For more information, contact : Emmy Hahn/ MDI/LRRP Program Coordinator Ellzabeth .Hahn@state.ma.us Charles Sanderson/ MDI/LRRP Program As si stan t Coor dinator Char les .sanderso n@sta te.ma .us