Broad Brook Gap December 1, 2011 Upon the recommendation of Acting Mayor David Narkewicz and the Community Preservation Committee. WHEREAS, the Northampton Conservation Commission submitted a CPA application for purchase of up to 87 acres which will fill a gap in the Broad Brook Greenway / Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area. WHEREAS, this is a strategically important location WHEREAS, the project meets the goals of the Sustainable Northampton Plan and Open Space, Recreation and Multiuse Trail Plan to protect open space and provide for passive recreation. WHEREAS, the CPA grant requires that access from Coles Meadow Road be provided. WHEREAS, on April 18, 2011, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee, voted ____ to recommend $302,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. WHEREAS, On March 1, 2012, City Council voted to authorize the purchase of this property and that authority remains in effect. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $290,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Northampton Conservation Commission for the Broad Brook Gap project. And, that the grantee meets the conditions approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $290,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930-359930).