29 DPH State Inspection 3-18-21Inspection Report of Lockup Facility
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health Community Sanitation Program (CSP) conducted this inspection in accordance with M.G.L. c. 111, §§ 3, 20, 21, and
22, as well as 105 CMR 470.000: Maintenance and Construction of Lockup Facilities; and 105 CMR 480.000: Minimum Requirements for the Management of Medical
or Biological Waste (State Sanitary Code, Chapter VIII).
Insp Date: 3/18/2021 Business ID: 631 Inspection: M7001064
Business: Northampton Police Department Facility: Lockup
29 Center Street Phone: 413-587-1100
Inspector: 04 Scott Koczela
Northampton, MA 01060 Reason: 1. Routine
Results: Violations Noted
Accompanied during the inspection by:
Samuel Santiago, Maintenance Technician ¤
Health and Safety Violations
Violations found during the inspection are noted below. Citations that are noted as "Repeat"
indicate where the same violation was noted during the previous inspection.
Violation No Violation N/A
Plumbing ¤¡¡
105 CMR 470.303 Handwash Sinks: Cold water not working
[in cell # M6]
105 CMR 470.303 Handwash Sinks: Hot water not working
[in cell # M6]
Lighting ¤¡¡
105 CMR 470.377 Design of Light Fixture: Light fixture not tamper-proof
[bolts missing from light fixtures in cell # M4, M6, M9, F2, F3, and
Observations & Recommendations Yes No
Door window cracked
[in cell # M5 and M6]
Lexan surface damaged
Closing Yes No
Compliance Statement ¤¡
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Inspection Report of Lockup Facility
Closing Yes No
This facility does not comply with the Department’s Regulations cited above. In accordance with 105
CMR 470.520, please submit a plan of correction within 21 days of receipt of this notice, indicating what
action has been, or will be taken to correct the areas of non-compliance. If violations noted have not yet
been corrected, an estimated date of correction shall be provided. Please submit a signed Plan of
Correction on your Department letterhead preferably by email or, to my attention, at the address listed
To review the specific regulatory requirements please visit our website at www.mass.gov/dph/dcs and
click on "Look up regulations" then “Lock Up Facilities”.
Suicide Hazards Yes No
Hazards Statement ¤¡
As part of the inspection, I also looked for the presence of “potential” suicide hazards beyond the
provisions outlined at 105 CMR 470.000. There were none noted during the inspection.
Inspector Signature
Scott Koczela
Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury:¤
Environmental Analyst, CSP, BEH
Report Distribution Yes No
Chief (electronic copy)Jody Kasper ¤¡
Bureau Director, BEH Jan Sullivan, Acting Director ¤¡
Director, CSP, BEH Steven Hughes ¤¡
Board of Health (electronic copy)Merridith O'Leary, RS, Director ¤¡
Board of Health Northampton Board of Health ¤¡
DYS Director of ALPS (electronic copy)Heidi Pihl-Buckley ¤¡
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