2006 planning Awards First Churces N orthampton Planning Special Recognition Community Service: First Churches First Churches carries the tradition of the meetinghouse first established in Northampton in 1878, both architecturally and through the role they take in the community. Each week, over 35 civic organizations and 1200 citizens enter its doors as the church serves as an active meeting place. The church is also one of the ten buildings to host First Night, a fundraiser that supports the Center for the Arts. On any occasion, one might attend a concert held in the sanctuary. Over the years, First Churches has continually been committed to restoration efforts that respect the history of the church, its grounds, and the community. For example, in the recent past, landscaping renovations paid tribute to the architectural style of the church and First Churches agreed on a boundary line that would grant the public access to the greater part of the front yard. Additionally, the wrought iron fence was restored and elm trees were added in front of the church. Not only do these changes bring a sense of the past, the addition of lights and a walkway benefit the citizens of Northampton as it continues its inspirational presence on into the future. _____________________________________ Wayne Feiden, A.I.C.P., Planning Director