PIF-BridgeStSchool-SRTS-WF7-19-20197/19/2019 Project Intake Tool
Project Initiation Form
Part I - General Information
Project Location: Bridge St/Rte 9 & and near Bridge St. School
Scope of Work: Describe the proposed improvements including limits of work, length of the project, major
improvements, proposed cross-section, improvements to secondary assets, and related work. The description of
improvements to secondary assets should include any proposed improvements to curbing, sidewalks, traffic
signals, signs, lighting, landscaping, drainage, walls, etc. The scope of work for a multi-use path should also
identify any proposed at-grade crossing treatments.
New and repaired sidewalks, curb cut narrowing, curb extensions, wheelchair curb-cut ramps, crosswalks
and raised crosswalk, rectangular rapid flashing beacon, pavement markings, and related drainage
Regional Benefit: Describe any regional benefits that would be realized should the Project Need be met.
Improves the safety and volume of walking to Bridge Street School and the western side of downtown
Northampton, making walking and transit more attractive.
Right of Way: Identify how much right of way is anticipated to complete the project, including fee takings,
permanent and temporary easements.
Permanent right-of-way for sidewalk across Historic Northampton property and temporary construction
Part II - Project Costs and Responsibilities
Estimated Costs: Provide available cost estimates or estimated cost ranges in current-year dollars and attach
any cost estimate work sheets or summaries.
Component Value Definition
A Office Estimate $561,600.00 This is the portion of project cost based on
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definitive items of work. For conceptual project
estimates, this value can be determined by making
equivalencies to past projects. (character of work
& lane miles)
B Design
Contingency $0.00
This value accounts for the risk and uncertainty
inherent to design development. The amount is
calculated as a percentage of the construction
items (A), based on guidance from MassDOT
C Construction
Contingencies $56,160.00
This amount is calculated as a percentage of the
construction items (A), and accounts for variation
in quantities during construction. The following
percentages should be used:
0%NFA Maintenance Non-Site Specific
10%All Federal Aided Projects and NFA Site
D Traffic Police $50,000.00
This amount is calculated as a percentage of the
construction items (A), and accounts for police
details during construction. Refer to guidance
from MassDOT.
E Construction
Engineering $0.00
This amount is calculated as a percentage of the
Construction Items & Traffic Police (A + D), and
represents the cost of MassDOT construction
management for the project. The following values
should be used:
15%Construction Items < $1m
10%$1m <= Construction Items < $5m
5%Construction Items => $5m
F Utility Relocation $33,696.00
This is the value of utility work necessitated by
construction of the project. These costs are
provided by utility owners once substantial design
has been completed. During conceptual design,
values are provided for specific projects, based on
guidance from MassDOT
G Total
Construction Cost $701,456.00 This is the sum of lines A-F
H Consultant
Planning/Design $0.00
This is the value of Highway Division Consultant
services necessary to deliver the project (if
municipal consultant, reflect cost as $0)
I MassDOT Project
Development Costs $0.00
This amount is calculated as a percentage of the
total direct project cost (G) and represents the cost
of MassDOT project development for the project
J Right-of-way $0.00
0%Only municipal alterations or no alterations
For alterations to State Highway Layouts,
assume 1% of Office Estimate (A) unless
otherwise known
-If significant State Highways Layout alterations
are possible, refer to guidance from MassDOT
K Total Project
Costs $701,456.00 This is the sum of G-J
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Other (WT, Tobin, MHS, etc.) SRTS
Anticipated Funding Program: Indicate all potential sources of funding that may apply to the project
Responsibilities:MassDOT Community Other (specify)
Project Management MassDOT
Design MassDOT
Permitting MassDOT
Right of Way City
Part III - Project Description
A. System Preservation
1. Primary Asset and Condition: Identify the Primary Asset included in the project area (e.g. roadway, bridge,
or bike trail), condition of asset (specify if asset is a new facility), and what project improvements are
anticipated by project.
The primary asset is the sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian infrastructure in the Bridge Street School
walk-shed. It ranges from excellent (and no work will be done) to poor or non-existent.
There was no intersection with Interstate Pavement. • Non-Interstate Pavement: Present Serviceability
Ratings within project limits:
• SR9 WB: PSI:2.215,IRI:290.426
• SR9 EB: PSI:2.23,IRI:276.94901408
• US5 NB: PSI:2.25,IRI:317.415
2. Proposed Treatment to the Primary Asset: Describe the proposed rehabilitation methods that are being
considered for the primary asset (e.g. overlay, reclamation, full depth reconstruction). Keep in mind that the final
pavement improvements will be identified through the development of a pavement design submitted as part of
the project design process.
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Replace or add cement-concrete sidewalk panels, wheelchair curb-cut ramps, and crosswalks and advance
warnings for the sections of the pedestrian travel way in the worst conditions and those with gaps.
3. Describe Improvements to Other Existing Assets: Identify efforts to retain or preserve existing
Infrastructure. Other existing assets may include: signal reconstruction, signal upgrades or improvements, large
diameter culverts (4'+), box culverts, retaining walls, sidewalks, ramps, guardrail, drainage, signs, and curbing
(or bridges, paths, and pavement if not already the primary asset).
The vast majority of assets will be left unchanged, with the improvements focused on gaps. Streets will be
untouched and drainage systems only touched at two locations where drainage problems impede crosswalks
or improved crosswalks.
There was no intersection with Bridge Database.
4. Potential Impacts to Utilities: Identify any anticipated impacts or complications the proposed improvements
will have on utilities. List utilities that will be impacted.
Utilities will be affected primarily at two locations, Pomeroy Terrace where drainage improvements are
needed to prevent crosswalk flooding, and a Bridge Street crosswalk where electricity is needed for a RRFB
and drainage improvements are needed to allow a raised crosswalk. All other utility issues are very minor or
B. Mobility
1. Effect on Motor Vehicle Mobility and Congestion: Describe how the proposed improvements will impact
the mobility of motor vehicles. Please note the presence of bottlenecks or congestion, and include any traffic
analysis, including LOS (Level of Service) data, if available. Please include existing and proposed LOS, delays,
queue lengths and travel time.
The project will create minor reductions in motor vehicle mobility and congestion, with the most significant
congestion reductions at Bridge Street School at school drop-off and pick-up times as more children walk to
school and more people walk to downtown, reducing vehicle trips.
2. Effect on Pedestrian Mobility and Accommodations: Describe how the improvements are addressing
pedestrian accommodation, including ADA/AAB requirements, through improving existing facilities, improving
safety and traffic calming, or proposing new or expanded pedestrian facilities. HTP requires 2 sidewalks in
urban areas. (Examples of improved pedestrian facilities are new or expanded sidewalks, crossings, pedestrian
signals, RRFBs, shared-use paths, side-paths, etc.).
The project will dramatically improve pedestrian mobility and accommodations. The project will fill gaps in
safe movement of pedestrians and add ADA/AAB accommodations where none exist and where they are
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sub-standard. Fixing the relatively small gaps that prevent much longer pedestrian journeys will make the
entire system function much better.
3. Effect on Bicycle Mobility and Accommodations: Describe how the improvements are addressing bicycle
accommodation through new or improved facilities. HTP requires a minimum 5 ft. shoulder for improved
bicycle accommodations. (Examples of improved bicycle facilities are new or expanded 5’ shoulders, marked or
buffered bicycle lanes, shared-use paths, etc.). For more information on
The project indirectly creates minor bicycle mobility improvements by better defining and improving two
crosswalks and in a few locations creating clear road edges with granite curbs.
4. Effect on Transit Mobility and Accommodations: Describe how the improvements are addressing transit
mobility through new or improved facilities or accommodations. (Examples include dedicated bus lanes, transit
signal prioritization, BRT, or new park & rides, bus stops, shelters, bump outs, etc.)
The project indirectly creates transit mobility improvements by making downtown more walkable and
encouraging some trips currently done by car to be replaced with trips done by transit.
• There was no intersection with MBTA Transit Routes
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - BAT.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - BRTA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - CATA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - CCRTA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - FRTA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - GATRA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - LRTA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - MART.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - MVRTA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - MWRTA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - NRTA.
• Project intersects PVTA Transit/PVTA Bus Routes.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - SRTA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - VTA.
• There was no intersection with Regional Transit - WRTA.
• There was no intersection with Park & Ride Lots.
5. Connectivity: Identify whether the proposed improvements will impact connectivity or access along the
corridor or to other facilities. Please specify whether the project completes a link between existing bicycle and
pedestrian facilities, or if the project creates new connections to businesses, residences, open space, transit stops,
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The project optimizes improving pedestrian connectivity between Bridge Street School and the
neighborhoods that serve the school, filling gaps in the pedestrian network that currently discourage some
pedestrian trips, especially by elementary school students when their parents are concerned about the safety
of their students walking on degraded pedestrian facilities.
6. Design Exceptions: Identify whether any exceptions to MassDOT design criteria are anticipated, such as
exemptions for meeting AASHTO 13 design requirements or HTP.
No design exceptions are anticipated.
C. Safety
1. Motor Vehicle Safety: Describe any improvements that are expected to reduce the crash potential or improve
the general safety for motor vehicles. Please provide any highway safety analysis that has been completed,
including Road Safety Audits.
Better defining key crosswalks, adding key curb extensions, addressing an intersection with very poor stop
compliance, and adding clear advance warnings will decrease vehicle crashes at intersections and mid-block
• This location has been identified with a 2014 Top 200 high crash location. A road safety audit must be
performed prior to the 25% submission, as noted in the 25% Design Submission Guidelines, Section IC5.
• This location has been identified with a 2014 Top 200 high crash location. A road safety audit must be
performed prior to the 25% submission, as noted in the 25% Design Submission Guidelines, Section IC5.
• This location has been identified with a 2013 Top 200 high crash location. A road safety audit must be
performed prior to the 25% submission, as noted in the 25% Design Submission Guidelines, Section IC5.
• There was no intersection with HSIP Crash Clusters 2013-2015.
• There was no intersection with HSIP Crash Clusters 2012-2014.
• There was no intersection with HSIP Crash Clusters 2011-2013.
2. Safety for Other Users: Describe any improvements that are expected to improve the safety for other multi-
modal users such as pedestrians, bicyclists, persons with disabilities, transit riders, school children, etc. Please
provide any highway safety analysis that has been completed, including Road Safety Audits.
Safety will be improved for all users, most dramatically for pedestrians and crosswalks and intersections.
• This location has been identified as an Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) eligible location. A
road safety audit must be performed prior to the 25% submission, as noted in the 25% Design Submission
Guidelines, Section IC5.
• This location has been identified as an Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) eligible location. A
road safety audit must be performed prior to the 25% submission, as noted in the 25% Design Submission
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Guidelines, Section IC5.
3. Evacuation Routes: If the project is a known evacuation route identified at the state, local or private level,
indicate how the project impacts the route.
Bridge Street/Route 9 is an evacuation route. The project will have negligible if any positive or negative
impacts on this route.
D. Economic Impacts
1. Economic Impact on a City, Town, or Village Center: If the project is located within a city/town/village
center, an area ≥ 5000 population per square mile, or is a roadway that provides an important connection to a
city/town/village center or population center, please identify any economic impacts the project is anticipated to
have on the city/town/village or population center.
The project is located in (portions of Hawley and Bridge Streets) and near (the rest of the project) downtown
Northampton. Downtown Northampton's life blood is a a regional entertainment, cultural, and shopping hub.
Improving pedestrian accommodations makes downtown more desirable and improves the city's economic
vitality. The project includes, for example, new sidewalks in front of the City's premier Arts Trust consortium
used by various arts groups in the city.
2. Priority Development Areas: Identify any positive impacts to a Priority Development Area(s), as well as any
improved access to services, industry clusters, or job creation in the project area (including the number of jobs to
be created, if available). Please note any other proposed improvements that reflect the Commonwealth’s Smart
Growth/Smart Energy programs or Sustainable Development principles.
Downtown Northampton has been identified as our Priority Development Area, and adding pedestrian
accommodations improves that resource.
3. Local Economic Considerations: Identify if the project includes any improvements with the specific intent
to fill vacant storefronts or office spaces in city/town/village center, or if it incorporates any amenities that
improve accessibility, wayfinding, pedestrian accommodations, or beautification of a city/town/village center
with the intent of attracting consumers. (Examples of amenities or improvements can be new or ornamental
lighting, benches, bike racks, landscaping enhancements, new parking, wayfinding signs, etc.)
Northampton has steadily been losing offices and retail and gaining arts, culture, entertainment, and
hospitality for many years. These new uses create a vibrant city, but are much more dependent on quality of
life and pedestrian accommodations. This project is especially important to reduce risk of downtown
vacancies and investments moving to areas with better streetscape and pedestrian accommodations.
E. Environmental & Health Effects
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1. Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases: Indicate if the project is expected to produce an improvement to Air
Quality or a reduction in Greenhouse Gases, confirmation pending completion of the Air Quality Analysis
Worksheet. Please note any Traffic Operational Improvements, any increase to motor vehicle capacity, any
expanded transit accommodations or park-and-rides that decrease motor vehicle miles travelled, and any new
bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure proposed.
Improving pedestrian accommodations, to both Bridge Street School and to downtown Northampton, make
walking more desirable than driving, which will decrease vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas
emissions and increase air quality. Northampton aims to increase the distance people will routinely walk
(often 0.4 miles) to what we see in the most pedestrian friendly areas (often in the neighborhood of 0.8
miles), which, given the density of housing in the area, can dramatically reduce those short vehicle trips.
2. Stormwater Improvements/Impaired Waterbodies: Indicate the potential impact to any impaired
waterbodies or TMDL watersheds near the project, and list any proposed BMP’s that will be included to
improve stormwater treatment. State how the proposed BMP’s will meet or work towards MassDEP stormwater
standards or TMDL requirements. Also include whether the project is proposing to decrease or increase the
amount of impervious cover.
Not relevant to this project.
• There was no intersection with a Category {category} MassDEP Impaired Water - 2014 Integrated List of
Waters (305(b)/303(d)).
3. Wetland(s) and Resource Areas: If there are any wetlands, watersheds, or resource areas adjacent to the
project, discuss how the project impacts the identified locations. Include an estimate of the quantity of temporary
and permanent impacts to any wetlands, and a summary of how impacts will be mitigated.
None in the project area.
• There was no intersection with Outstanding Resource Water.
• There was no intersection with Areas of Critical Environmental Concern.
• There was no intersection with BioMap2 Core Habitat.
• There was no intersection with Coldwater Fish Resources within buffer limit.
• There was no intersection with NHESP 2008 Priority Habitats of Rare Species within buffer limit.
• There was no intersection with NHESP 2008 Estimated Habitats of Rare Wildlife within buffer limit.
• There was no intersection with NHESP Certified Vernal Pools.
• There was no intersection with Potential Vernal Pools.
4. Wildlife Habitat(s): Identify any priority habitats within a 1/2 mile of the project limits, and discuss how the
project may impact any locations identified. Include a discussion of temporary and permanent impacts, and any
improvements that are being proposed. If project includes work on bridges or culverts, discuss if new structures
will meet the Massachusetts River and Stream Crossing standards. (Examples of priority development areas
include: Core Habitat and Critical Natural Landscape, Coldwater fisheries, diadromous fish runs, Vernal Pools,
and NHESP Priority and Estimated Rare species habitat.)
None in the project area.
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• There was no intersection with Outstanding Resource Water.
• There was no intersection with Areas of Critical Environmental Concern.
• There was no intersection with BioMap2 Core Habitat.
• There was no intersection with Coldwater Fish Resources within buffer limit.
• There was no intersection with NHESP 2008 Priority Habitats of Rare Species within buffer limit.
• There was no intersection with NHESP 2008 Estimated Habitats of Rare Wildlife within buffer limit.
• There was no intersection with NHESP Certified Vernal Pools.
• There was no intersection with Potential Vernal Pools.
5. Resiliency: Indicate if the project is located within a 100-year floodplain or any area identified as vulnerable
through a municipal, state, or federal vulnerability assessment. Identify any improvements to the system’s
resiliency to flood events and other climate change stressors through resiliency best management practices
(BMPs) such as increasing the hydraulic opening of a bridge or culvert(s), armoring of hydraulic and/or
hydrologic features, replacement of a standalone headwall, scour protection at a structure, or erosion prevention
along a bank or shoreline.
No floodplain in the project area.
• There was no intersection with FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer
6. Historic/Cultural/Archaeological Resource(s): If there is any Open Space, National Register listed or
eligible properties, or 4(f) or Article 97 protected land in the area, discuss any positive or negative impacts to
these resources, including improved or hindered access. Please reference the MACRIS database to determine if
any National-Register Listed or Eligible properties are located within the project limits.
The project area has several National Registry properties and 4(f) and Article 97 properties but none of them
will be effected by this project and no easements or takings are required of 4(f) or Article 97 properties.
• This location is adjacent to Bridge Street Cemetery,Three County Fairgrounds,Sheldon Field Recreation
Area CR,Edmund J Lampron Memorial Park,Meadows Conservation Area. Please review whether the
project would impact any potential 4(f) or Article 97 protected land.
7. Hazardous Materials: If there are any hazardous materials or sites adjacent to the project, discuss how the
project will handle any hazardous materials.
No known hazardous materials.
F. Social Equity
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1. Environmental Justice: If the project is located in, or within a ¼ mile of, an Environmental Justice area,
please identify any elements of the project designed to decrease environmental impacts or improve the safety,
sustainability, or mobility of the EJ community. Identify any improvements that involve community planning
and equitable sharing of benefits/burden or are particularly targeted within an Environmental Justice area.
Part of this project is in or adjacent to an EJ area. The project, especially the Hawley Street and Bridge Street
aspects, are specifically designed to serve this population on their journey to school, including the city's
newest and largest family housing project (the Lumberyard on Pleasant and Holyoke Streets).
• Project exists within or adjacent to a 2010 Census - Environmental Justice Population.
2. Title VI: If the project is located in, or within a ¼ mile of, a Title VI area, please identify any elements of the
project designed to have a positive impact on the community through public outreach. Identify any
improvements that involve community planning and equitable sharing of benefits/burden or are particularly
targeted within a Title VI community.
The project is in a Title VI area and, in part, is an outgrowth of a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) we did a
few years ago to improve our service to this area.
3. Regional Equity: Please note the last project the proponent initiated seeking Federal Transportation Funds,
along with the year initiated (other than this project). If any projects have been constructed using Federal
Transportation Funds in the last 5 years, please identify along with the year completed. If this project is located
in a rural area, discuss the importance of this project to the community or region.
The City has not requested a new project in over a year but does have several projects in construction or on
the TIP currently, including I91 Exit 19 roundabout, North King Street roundabout, King Street/Finn Street
complete streets, Damon Road reconstruction, and Rocky Hill Greenway shared use path.
G. Policy Support
1. Risk Assessment and Appropriateness: Discuss any other alternatives considered, and how the chosen
concept is the most appropriate solution to the projects needs and potential risks in comparison to other
alternatives, if any. Identify whether the project involves any innovative or non-traditional design or construction
techniques intended to improve safety, reduce costs, improve customer service, reduce environmental or climate
impacts, expedite project completion, or enhance the statewide or national transportation system.
We examined the no growth alternative and more aggressive options, none of which served the target
population as well or as cost-effectively as this project.
2. Statewide Policies and Plans: If the project concept or location is mentioned or supported by any other
MassDOT policy or plan not noted elsewhere, please describe. If the project is supported by any other state
entities, please describe level of support. Examples of other state entities may be DCR, MBTA, RTA, etc.
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Statewide Plans may include, but are not limited to, the following: Bicycle, Freight, Pedestrian, Port, Rail or
The project is consistent with the statewide pedestrian plan and follows many of its design principles.
3. Regional Policy: Describe how the project meets regional policies or performance measures supported by a
regional entity such as a Regional Planning Agency. Reference any regional studies or plans that include the
project location. Identify efforts to coordinate with relevant government agencies, including RTA(s), DCR,
regulatory agencies, or neighboring municipalities.
The project is consist with and follows the design principles of the Valley Vision 4 (the regional land use
plan) and the Pioneer Valley Regional Transportation Plan.
4. Local Policy: Describe how the project meets local policies. Reference any local studies or plans that
reference the project or location. (Examples of local policies or plans may include the Master Plan, community
compacts, livability plans, health assessments, local ordinances, bylaws, a designated Green Community, a
Complete Streets Policy, etc.)
5. Planning and Public Outreach and Support: Describe any Public Outreach that has occurred. Include any
public informational meetings, local mailings, workshops, planning documents, etc., where the proposed
improvements were specifically presented to abutters, businesses and/or the general public. Please note any local
support or opposition to the project, including any local advocacy groups.
The project is an outgrowth of Walk/Bike Northampton, the transportation element of the City's
comprehensive plan, and implements many of its principles for improving pedestrian accomodations.
Thank you for completing this form. Upon clicking “Submit for Acceptance”, this form will be sent to the
Regional MPO/RPA and the MassDOT Highway Division District office.