Habitat for Humanity PS 162-18-5 Burts Pit-WF5.10.20-SIGNED City of Northampton Vendor Contract Cover Sheet (To Accompany All City Contracts to City Auditor, Purchasing and Mayor’s Office) 1. Department and/or Division Name: Office of Planning and Sustainability 2. Vendor Name: Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity 3. MUNIS Vendor I.D.#: Department Contract # (if any): 162-18-5 4. Source and Amount of Funds: Please Fill in Below Source: (Check all that apply) Account Name: Account Number: Amount: Total Per Source: Other: This is a NO-COST contract extension Total Amount of Contract: $0 5. Period of Contract Coverage (If Applicable): To April 30, 2020 6. Brief Description of Goods and/or Services being provided (e.g., Is this a part of a larger project, stand alone, or is it an amendment to a contract?): Extend Purchase and Sale Agreement to July 31, 2020. No other changes. 7. Does the vendor have a Northampton Office? XX YES (If local) Taxes owed? XX NO (documentation with previous amendment) 8. Please list time and dates that contracts were delivered: Date Received Date Completed Planning, Wayne Feiden: 05/09/20 WF 05/10/2020 Auditor, Joyce Karpinski: Ch. Proc. Off., Joe Cook: Finance Dir., Susan Wright: Mayor David J. Narkewicz: Contract #162‐18‐5  CITY OF NORTHAMPTON  MASSACHUSETTS  Purchase and Sale Agreement  Three Affordable Housing Lots, Burts Pit Road, Florence section, Northampton MA  Fifth Amendment  THIS AGREEMENT, executed this 6th day of May, 2020 by and between Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity, Inc  hereinafter called "PVH" and the City of Northampton, a municipal corporation in the County of Hampshire,  Commonwealth of Massachusetts, party of the second part hereinafter called "Owner."  WHEREAS, the City and PVH previously signed contract #162‐18 for the conveyance of three lots on Burts Pit  Road for affordable housing and amended contract #162‐18‐1 through 4 to extend the contract to April 30, 2020.  The contract is hereby amended to: Extend the closing date on the contract to July 31, 2020.  All other terms of contract 162‐18 remain unchanged.  IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Owner caused these presents to be signed in triplicate and approved by David  Narkewicz its Mayor and the said PVH has caused these presents to be signed in triplicate and its official seal  to be hereto affixed by its officer or agent thereunto duly authorized (by the attached corporate resolution).   This instrument shall take effect as a sealed instrument.  Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity, Buyer  it's _________________________   __________________  Authorized Signatory Title Date  Certificate by Corporation to Sign Contract (included in original contract)  CITY OF NORTHAMPTON:  ______________________Date ____________  Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning & Sustainability  _______________________Date ___________   Joyce Karpinski, City Auditor, approved as to appropriation.  _______________________Date ____________  Joe Cook, Chief Procurement Officer, approved as to c. 30B compliance  Date  Mayor David Narkewicz   Executive Director May 7, 2020 5.10.2020 5.10.2020 Approved by email 5.11.20 Approved by email 5.11.20