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Job File: H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Rain Dir: H:\00758800\cwork\ ========================== JOB TITLE ========================== Project Date: 12/3/2009 Project Engineer: Steve Guyer Project Title: Coca Cola Northampton - Stormwater Detention Calculations Project Comments: S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Table of Contents i Table of Contents ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Northampton, Mas Design Storms ...................... 2.01 Northampton, Mas Pre 2 Design Storms ...................... 2.02 ********************** RAINFALL DATA *********************** TypeII 24hr.... Pre 2 Synthetic Curve .................... 3.01 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 3.03 TypeII 24hr.... Pre 10 Synthetic Curve .................... 3.05 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 3.07 TypeII 24hr.... Pre100 Synthetic Curve .................... 3.09 Synthetic Cumulative Depth ......... 3.11 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* WATERSHED....... Tc Calcs ........................... 4.01 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* WATERSHED....... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 5.01 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Table of Contents ii Table of Contents (continued) ******************** RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS ******************** Unit Hyd. Equations ................ 6.01 WATERSHED....... Pre 2 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 6.03 Unit Hyd. (HYG output) ............. 6.04 WATERSHED....... Pre 10 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 6.06 Unit Hyd. (HYG output) ............. 6.07 WATERSHED....... Pre100 Unit Hyd. Summary .................. 6.09 Unit Hyd. (HYG output) ............. 6.10 *********************** HYG ADDITION *********************** OUTLET STRUCTURE Pre 2 Node: Addition Summary ............. 7.01 OUTLET STRUCTURE Pre 10 Node: Addition Summary ............. 7.04 OUTLET STRUCTURE Pre100 Node: Addition Summary ............. 7.07 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Northampton, Mas Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ------------ ------ ---------------- ---------------- Pre 2 3.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr Pre 10 4.5000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr Pre100 6.4000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft ----------------- ---- ------ ---------- -- --------- -------- -------- ------------ *OUTLET STRUCTURE JCT 2 .015 12.0500 .17 *OUTLET STRUCTURE JCT 10 .045 12.0000 .67 *OUTLET STRUCTURE JCT 100 .095 12.0000 1.52 WATERSHED AREA 2 .015 12.0500 .17 WATERSHED AREA 10 .045 12.0000 .67 WATERSHED AREA 100 .095 12.0000 1.52 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Design Storms Page 2.01 Name.... Northampton, Mas File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ Title... Project Date: 12/3/2009 Project Engineer: Steve Guyer Project Title: Coca Cola Northampton - Stormwater Detention Calculations Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Northampton, Mas Storm Tag Name = Pre 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.0000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = Pre 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.5000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = Pre100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 6.4000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Design Storms Page 2.02 Name.... Northampton, Mas Event: 2 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Northampton, Mas Storm Tag Name = Pre 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.0000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = Pre 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.5000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = Pre100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 6.4000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Curve Page 3.01 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ CUMULATIVE RAINFALL FRACTIONS Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 | .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .5000 | .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 1.0000 | .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 1.5000 | .016 .017 .018 .020 .021 2.0000 | .022 .023 .024 .026 .027 2.5000 | .028 .029 .031 .032 .033 3.0000 | .035 .036 .037 .038 .040 3.5000 | .041 .042 .044 .045 .047 4.0000 | .048 .049 .051 .052 .054 4.5000 | .055 .057 .058 .060 .061 5.0000 | .063 .065 .066 .068 .070 5.5000 | .071 .073 .075 .076 .078 6.0000 | .080 .082 .084 .085 .087 6.5000 | .089 .091 .093 .095 .097 7.0000 | .099 .101 .103 .105 .107 7.5000 | .109 .111 .113 .116 .118 8.0000 | .120 .122 .125 .127 .130 8.5000 | .132 .135 .138 .141 .144 9.0000 | .147 .150 .153 .157 .160 9.5000 | .163 .166 .170 .173 .177 10.0000 | .181 .185 .189 .194 .199 10.5000 | .204 .209 .215 .221 .228 11.0000 | .235 .243 .251 .261 .271 11.5000 | .283 .307 .354 .431 .568 12.0000 | .663 .682 .699 .713 .725 12.5000 | .735 .743 .751 .759 .766 13.0000 | .772 .778 .784 .789 .794 13.5000 | .799 .804 .808 .812 .816 14.0000 | .820 .824 .827 .831 .834 14.5000 | .838 .841 .844 .847 .850 15.0000 | .854 .856 .859 .862 .865 15.5000 | .868 .870 .873 .875 .878 16.0000 | .880 .882 .885 .887 .889 16.5000 | .891 .893 .895 .898 .900 17.0000 | .902 .904 .906 .908 .910 17.5000 | .912 .914 .915 .917 .919 18.0000 | .921 .923 .925 .926 .928 18.5000 | .930 .931 .933 .935 .936 19.0000 | .938 .939 .941 .942 .944 19.5000 | .945 .947 .948 .949 .951 20.0000 | .952 .953 .955 .956 .957 20.5000 | .958 .960 .961 .962 .964 21.0000 | .965 .966 .967 .968 .970 21.5000 | .971 .972 .973 .975 .976 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Curve Page 3.02 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ CUMULATIVE RAINFALL FRACTIONS Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 22.0000 | .977 .978 .979 .981 .982 22.5000 | .983 .984 .985 .986 .988 23.0000 | .989 .990 .991 .992 .993 23.5000 | .994 .996 .997 .998 .999 24.0000 | 1.000 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 3.03 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 Event: 2 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPTHS (in) Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 | .0000 .0030 .0061 .0092 .0122 .5000 | .0154 .0185 .0218 .0250 .0282 1.0000 | .0315 .0348 .0382 .0416 .0449 1.5000 | .0484 .0518 .0554 .0589 .0624 2.0000 | .0660 .0696 .0733 .0770 .0806 2.5000 | .0844 .0881 .0920 .0958 .0996 3.0000 | .1035 .1074 .1114 .1154 .1193 3.5000 | .1234 .1274 .1316 .1357 .1398 4.0000 | .1440 .1482 .1525 .1569 .1613 4.5000 | .1658 .1703 .1749 .1795 .1842 5.0000 | .1890 .1938 .1987 .2037 .2087 5.5000 | .2138 .2189 .2241 .2293 .2346 6.0000 | .2400 .2454 .2509 .2565 .2621 6.5000 | .2678 .2735 .2793 .2851 .2910 7.0000 | .2970 .3030 .3091 .3153 .3215 7.5000 | .3278 .3341 .3405 .3469 .3534 8.0000 | .3600 .3668 .3738 .3812 .3888 8.5000 | .3968 .4050 .4136 .4224 .4316 9.0000 | .4410 .4506 .4602 .4698 .4794 9.5000 | .4890 .4988 .5092 .5200 .5312 10.0000 | .5430 .5554 .5684 .5822 .5968 10.5000 | .6120 .6282 .6456 .6642 .6840 11.0000 | .7050 .7280 .7540 .7828 .8144 11.5000 | .8490 .9205 1.0631 1.2924 1.7036 12.0000 | 1.9890 2.0459 2.0959 2.1391 2.1755 12.5000 | 2.2050 2.2303 2.2541 2.2763 2.2969 13.0000 | 2.3160 2.3339 2.3509 2.3671 2.3825 13.5000 | 2.3970 2.4108 2.4240 2.4366 2.4486 14.0000 | 2.4600 2.4710 2.4818 2.4924 2.5027 14.5000 | 2.5129 2.5228 2.5326 2.5421 2.5514 15.0000 | 2.5605 2.5694 2.5781 2.5866 2.5948 15.5000 | 2.6029 2.6107 2.6184 2.6258 2.6330 16.0000 | 2.6400 2.6469 2.6537 2.6604 2.6670 16.5000 | 2.6736 2.6801 2.6865 2.6928 2.6991 17.0000 | 2.7053 2.7114 2.7174 2.7234 2.7293 17.5000 | 2.7351 2.7408 2.7465 2.7521 2.7576 18.0000 | 2.7630 2.7684 2.7737 2.7789 2.7840 18.5000 | 2.7891 2.7941 2.7990 2.8038 2.8086 19.0000 | 2.8133 2.8179 2.8224 2.8269 2.8313 19.5000 | 2.8356 2.8398 2.8440 2.8481 2.8521 20.0000 | 2.8560 2.8599 2.8638 2.8676 2.8715 20.5000 | 2.8753 2.8791 2.8829 2.8867 2.8905 21.0000 | 2.8943 2.8980 2.9017 2.9054 2.9091 21.5000 | 2.9128 2.9165 2.9201 2.9238 2.9274 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 3.04 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 Event: 2 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPTHS (in) Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 22.0000 | 2.9310 2.9346 2.9382 2.9417 2.9453 22.5000 | 2.9488 2.9523 2.9558 2.9593 2.9628 23.0000 | 2.9663 2.9697 2.9731 2.9765 2.9799 23.5000 | 2.9833 2.9867 2.9900 2.9934 2.9967 24.0000 | 3.0000 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Curve Page 3.05 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ CUMULATIVE RAINFALL FRACTIONS Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 | .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .5000 | .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 1.0000 | .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 1.5000 | .016 .017 .018 .020 .021 2.0000 | .022 .023 .024 .026 .027 2.5000 | .028 .029 .031 .032 .033 3.0000 | .035 .036 .037 .038 .040 3.5000 | .041 .042 .044 .045 .047 4.0000 | .048 .049 .051 .052 .054 4.5000 | .055 .057 .058 .060 .061 5.0000 | .063 .065 .066 .068 .070 5.5000 | .071 .073 .075 .076 .078 6.0000 | .080 .082 .084 .085 .087 6.5000 | .089 .091 .093 .095 .097 7.0000 | .099 .101 .103 .105 .107 7.5000 | .109 .111 .113 .116 .118 8.0000 | .120 .122 .125 .127 .130 8.5000 | .132 .135 .138 .141 .144 9.0000 | .147 .150 .153 .157 .160 9.5000 | .163 .166 .170 .173 .177 10.0000 | .181 .185 .189 .194 .199 10.5000 | .204 .209 .215 .221 .228 11.0000 | .235 .243 .251 .261 .271 11.5000 | .283 .307 .354 .431 .568 12.0000 | .663 .682 .699 .713 .725 12.5000 | .735 .743 .751 .759 .766 13.0000 | .772 .778 .784 .789 .794 13.5000 | .799 .804 .808 .812 .816 14.0000 | .820 .824 .827 .831 .834 14.5000 | .838 .841 .844 .847 .850 15.0000 | .854 .856 .859 .862 .865 15.5000 | .868 .870 .873 .875 .878 16.0000 | .880 .882 .885 .887 .889 16.5000 | .891 .893 .895 .898 .900 17.0000 | .902 .904 .906 .908 .910 17.5000 | .912 .914 .915 .917 .919 18.0000 | .921 .923 .925 .926 .928 18.5000 | .930 .931 .933 .935 .936 19.0000 | .938 .939 .941 .942 .944 19.5000 | .945 .947 .948 .949 .951 20.0000 | .952 .953 .955 .956 .957 20.5000 | .958 .960 .961 .962 .964 21.0000 | .965 .966 .967 .968 .970 21.5000 | .971 .972 .973 .975 .976 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Curve Page 3.06 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ CUMULATIVE RAINFALL FRACTIONS Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 22.0000 | .977 .978 .979 .981 .982 22.5000 | .983 .984 .985 .986 .988 23.0000 | .989 .990 .991 .992 .993 23.5000 | .994 .996 .997 .998 .999 24.0000 | 1.000 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 3.07 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 Event: 10 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPTHS (in) Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 | .0000 .0045 .0091 .0137 .0184 .5000 | .0231 .0278 .0326 .0374 .0423 1.0000 | .0473 .0522 .0572 .0623 .0674 1.5000 | .0726 .0778 .0830 .0883 .0936 2.0000 | .0990 .1044 .1099 .1154 .1210 2.5000 | .1266 .1322 .1379 .1436 .1494 3.0000 | .1553 .1611 .1670 .1730 .1790 3.5000 | .1851 .1912 .1973 .2035 .2097 4.0000 | .2160 .2223 .2288 .2353 .2419 4.5000 | .2486 .2554 .2623 .2693 .2763 5.0000 | .2835 .2907 .2981 .3055 .3130 5.5000 | .3206 .3283 .3361 .3440 .3519 6.0000 | .3600 .3681 .3764 .3847 .3931 6.5000 | .4016 .4102 .4189 .4277 .4365 7.0000 | .4455 .4545 .4637 .4729 .4822 7.5000 | .4916 .5011 .5107 .5204 .5301 8.0000 | .5400 .5501 .5607 .5717 .5832 8.5000 | .5951 .6075 .6203 .6336 .6473 9.0000 | .6615 .6759 .6903 .7047 .7191 9.5000 | .7335 .7483 .7637 .7799 .7969 10.0000 | .8145 .8330 .8527 .8734 .8951 10.5000 | .9180 .9423 .9684 .9963 1.0260 11.0000 | 1.0575 1.0921 1.1309 1.1741 1.2217 11.5000 | 1.2735 1.3808 1.5946 1.9386 2.5554 12.0000 | 2.9835 3.0688 3.1439 3.2087 3.2632 12.5000 | 3.3075 3.3455 3.3811 3.4144 3.4454 13.0000 | 3.4740 3.5008 3.5264 3.5507 3.5737 13.5000 | 3.5955 3.6162 3.6360 3.6549 3.6729 14.0000 | 3.6900 3.7065 3.7227 3.7386 3.7541 14.5000 | 3.7693 3.7842 3.7989 3.8131 3.8271 15.0000 | 3.8408 3.8541 3.8671 3.8799 3.8922 15.5000 | 3.9043 3.9161 3.9276 3.9387 3.9495 16.0000 | 3.9600 3.9703 3.9805 3.9906 4.0005 16.5000 | 4.0104 4.0201 4.0297 4.0392 4.0486 17.0000 | 4.0579 4.0671 4.0761 4.0851 4.0939 17.5000 | 4.1026 4.1112 4.1197 4.1281 4.1364 18.0000 | 4.1445 4.1526 4.1605 4.1683 4.1760 18.5000 | 4.1836 4.1911 4.1985 4.2057 4.2129 19.0000 | 4.2199 4.2268 4.2336 4.2403 4.2469 19.5000 | 4.2534 4.2597 4.2660 4.2721 4.2781 20.0000 | 4.2840 4.2899 4.2957 4.3015 4.3072 20.5000 | 4.3130 4.3187 4.3244 4.3301 4.3358 21.0000 | 4.3414 4.3470 4.3526 4.3582 4.3637 21.5000 | 4.3692 4.3747 4.3802 4.3857 4.3911 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 3.08 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 Event: 10 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPTHS (in) Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 22.0000 | 4.3965 4.4019 4.4073 4.4126 4.4179 22.5000 | 4.4232 4.4285 4.4338 4.4390 4.4442 23.0000 | 4.4494 4.4546 4.4597 4.4648 4.4699 23.5000 | 4.4750 4.4800 4.4851 4.4901 4.4951 24.0000 | 4.5000 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Curve Page 3.09 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ CUMULATIVE RAINFALL FRACTIONS Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 | .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .5000 | .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 1.0000 | .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 1.5000 | .016 .017 .018 .020 .021 2.0000 | .022 .023 .024 .026 .027 2.5000 | .028 .029 .031 .032 .033 3.0000 | .035 .036 .037 .038 .040 3.5000 | .041 .042 .044 .045 .047 4.0000 | .048 .049 .051 .052 .054 4.5000 | .055 .057 .058 .060 .061 5.0000 | .063 .065 .066 .068 .070 5.5000 | .071 .073 .075 .076 .078 6.0000 | .080 .082 .084 .085 .087 6.5000 | .089 .091 .093 .095 .097 7.0000 | .099 .101 .103 .105 .107 7.5000 | .109 .111 .113 .116 .118 8.0000 | .120 .122 .125 .127 .130 8.5000 | .132 .135 .138 .141 .144 9.0000 | .147 .150 .153 .157 .160 9.5000 | .163 .166 .170 .173 .177 10.0000 | .181 .185 .189 .194 .199 10.5000 | .204 .209 .215 .221 .228 11.0000 | .235 .243 .251 .261 .271 11.5000 | .283 .307 .354 .431 .568 12.0000 | .663 .682 .699 .713 .725 12.5000 | .735 .743 .751 .759 .766 13.0000 | .772 .778 .784 .789 .794 13.5000 | .799 .804 .808 .812 .816 14.0000 | .820 .824 .827 .831 .834 14.5000 | .838 .841 .844 .847 .850 15.0000 | .854 .856 .859 .862 .865 15.5000 | .868 .870 .873 .875 .878 16.0000 | .880 .882 .885 .887 .889 16.5000 | .891 .893 .895 .898 .900 17.0000 | .902 .904 .906 .908 .910 17.5000 | .912 .914 .915 .917 .919 18.0000 | .921 .923 .925 .926 .928 18.5000 | .930 .931 .933 .935 .936 19.0000 | .938 .939 .941 .942 .944 19.5000 | .945 .947 .948 .949 .951 20.0000 | .952 .953 .955 .956 .957 20.5000 | .958 .960 .961 .962 .964 21.0000 | .965 .966 .967 .968 .970 21.5000 | .971 .972 .973 .975 .976 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Curve Page 3.10 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ CUMULATIVE RAINFALL FRACTIONS Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 22.0000 | .977 .978 .979 .981 .982 22.5000 | .983 .984 .985 .986 .988 23.0000 | .989 .990 .991 .992 .993 23.5000 | .994 .996 .997 .998 .999 24.0000 | 1.000 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 3.11 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 Event: 100 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPTHS (in) Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 | .0000 .0065 .0129 .0195 .0261 .5000 | .0328 .0396 .0464 .0532 .0602 1.0000 | .0672 .0743 .0814 .0886 .0959 1.5000 | .1032 .1106 .1181 .1256 .1332 2.0000 | .1408 .1485 .1563 .1642 .1720 2.5000 | .1800 .1880 .1962 .2043 .2125 3.0000 | .2208 .2292 .2376 .2461 .2546 3.5000 | .2632 .2719 .2806 .2894 .2983 4.0000 | .3072 .3162 .3254 .3347 .3441 4.5000 | .3536 .3633 .3731 .3830 .3930 5.0000 | .4032 .4135 .4239 .4345 .4452 5.5000 | .4560 .4669 .4780 .4892 .5005 6.0000 | .5120 .5236 .5353 .5471 .5591 6.5000 | .5712 .5834 .5958 .6083 .6209 7.0000 | .6336 .6465 .6595 .6726 .6858 7.5000 | .6992 .7127 .7263 .7401 .7540 8.0000 | .7680 .7824 .7974 .8131 .8294 8.5000 | .8464 .8640 .8822 .9011 .9206 9.0000 | .9408 .9613 .9818 1.0022 1.0227 9.5000 | 1.0432 1.0642 1.0862 1.1092 1.1333 10.0000 | 1.1584 1.1848 1.2127 1.2421 1.2731 10.5000 | 1.3056 1.3402 1.3773 1.4170 1.4592 11.0000 | 1.5040 1.5532 1.6084 1.6699 1.7375 11.5000 | 1.8112 1.9638 2.2679 2.7571 3.6343 12.0000 | 4.2432 4.3645 4.4713 4.5635 4.6410 12.5000 | 4.7040 4.7580 4.8087 4.8561 4.9001 13.0000 | 4.9408 4.9789 5.0153 5.0499 5.0826 13.5000 | 5.1136 5.1430 5.1712 5.1981 5.2237 14.0000 | 5.2480 5.2715 5.2945 5.3171 5.3391 14.5000 | 5.3608 5.3820 5.4028 5.4231 5.4430 15.0000 | 5.4624 5.4814 5.4999 5.5180 5.5356 15.5000 | 5.5528 5.5695 5.5859 5.6017 5.6171 16.0000 | 5.6320 5.6467 5.6611 5.6755 5.6896 16.5000 | 5.7036 5.7174 5.7311 5.7446 5.7580 17.0000 | 5.7712 5.7843 5.7971 5.8099 5.8224 17.5000 | 5.8348 5.8470 5.8591 5.8710 5.8828 18.0000 | 5.8944 5.9059 5.9171 5.9283 5.9392 18.5000 | 5.9500 5.9606 5.9711 5.9814 5.9916 19.0000 | 6.0016 6.0115 6.0211 6.0307 6.0400 19.5000 | 6.0492 6.0582 6.0671 6.0758 6.0844 20.0000 | 6.0928 6.1011 6.1094 6.1176 6.1258 20.5000 | 6.1340 6.1421 6.1503 6.1583 6.1664 21.0000 | 6.1744 6.1824 6.1903 6.1983 6.2061 21.5000 | 6.2140 6.2218 6.2296 6.2374 6.2451 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Synthetic Cumulative Depth Page 3.12 Name.... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 Event: 100 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\ Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 CUMULATIVE RAINFALL DEPTHS (in) Time | Output Time increment = .1000 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 22.0000 | 6.2528 6.2605 6.2681 6.2757 6.2833 22.5000 | 6.2908 6.2983 6.3058 6.3132 6.3206 23.0000 | 6.3280 6.3354 6.3427 6.3500 6.3572 23.5000 | 6.3644 6.3716 6.3788 6.3859 6.3930 24.0000 | 6.4000 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Tc Calcs Page 4.01 Name.... WATERSHED File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .1700 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================= Total Tc: .1700 hrs ========================= S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Tc Calcs Page 4.02 Name.... WATERSHED File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==== User Defined ====================================================== Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 5.01 Name.... WATERSHED File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ Fully Developed Urban Areas (Veg Es 61 .500 61.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .500 61.00 (61) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 6.01 Name.... File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) DEFINITION OF TERMS: ------------------------------------------------ At = Total area (acres): At = Ai+Ap Ai = Impervious area (acres) Ap = Pervious area (acres) CNi = Runoff curve number for impervious area CNp = Runoff curve number for pervious area fLoss = f loss constant infiltration (depth/time) gKs = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (depth/time) Md = Volumetric Moisture Deficit Psi = Capillary Suction (length) hK = Horton Infiltration Decay Rate (time^-1) fo = Initial Infiltration Rate (depth/time) fc = Ultimate(capacity)Infiltration Rate (depth/time) Ia = Initial Abstraction (length) dt = Computational increment (duration of unit excess rainfall) Default dt is smallest value of 0.1333Tc, rtm, and th (Smallest dt is then adjusted to match up with Tp) UDdt = User specified override computational main time increment (only used if UDdt is => .1333Tc) D(t) = Point on distribution curve (fraction of P) for time step t K = 2 / (1 + (Tr/Tp)): default K = 0.75: (for Tr/Tp = 1.67) Ks = Hydrograph shape factor = Unit Conversions * K: = ((1hr/3600sec) * (1ft/12in) * ((5280ft)**2/sq.mi)) * K Default Ks = 645.333 * 0.75 = 484 Lag = Lag time from center of excess runoff (dt) to Tp: Lag = 0.6Tc P = Total precipitation depth, inches Pa(t) = Accumulated rainfall at time step t Pi(t) = Incremental rainfall at time step t qp = Peak discharge (cfs) for 1in. runoff, for 1hr, for 1 sq.mi. = (Ks * A * Q) / Tp (where Q = 1in. runoff, A=sq.mi.) Qu(t) = Unit hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Q(t) = Final hydrograph ordinate (cfs) at time step t Rai(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rap(t)= Accumulated runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area Rii(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for impervious area Rip(t)= Incremental runoff (inches) at time step t for pervious area R(t) = Incremental weighted total runoff (inches) Rtm = Time increment for rainfall table Si = S for impervious area: Si = (1000/CNi) - 10 Sp = S for pervious area: Sp = (1000/CNp) - 10 t = Time step (row) number Tc = Time of concentration Tb = Time (hrs) of entire unit hydrograph: Tb = Tp + Tr Tp = Time (hrs) to peak of a unit hydrograph: Tp = (dt/2) + Lag Tr = Time (hrs) of receding limb of unit hydrograph: Tr = ratio of Tp S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. Equations Page 6.02 Name.... File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD (Computational Notes) PRECIPITATION: ----------------------------------------------------------- Column (1): Time for time step t Column (2): D(t) = Point on distribution curve for time step t Column (3): Pi(t) = Pa(t) - Pa(t-1): Col.(4) - Preceding Col.(4) Column (4): Pa(t) = D(t) x P: Col.(2) x P PERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF (using SCS Runoff CN Method) ------------------------ Column (5): Rap(t) = Accumulated pervious runoff for time step t If (Pa(t) is <= 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) = 0.0 If (Pa(t) is > 0.2Sp) then use: Rap(t) = (Col.(4)-0.2Sp)**2 / (Col.(4)+0.8Sp) Column (6): Rip(t) = Incremental pervious runoff for time step t Rip(t) = Rap(t) - Rap(t-1) Rip(t) = Col.(5) for current row - Col.(5) for preceding row. IMPERVIOUS AREA RUNOFF --------------------------------------------------- Column (7 & 8)... Did not specify to use impervious areas. INCREMENTAL WEIGHTED RUNOFF: --------------------------------------------- Column (9): R(t) = (Ap/At) x Rip(t) + (Ai/At) x Rii(t) R(t) = (Ap/At) x Col.(6) + (Ai/At) x Col.(8) SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD: ---------------------------------------------- Column (10): Q(t) is computed with the SCS unit hydrograph method using R() and Qu(). S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 6.03 Name.... WATERSHED Tag: Pre 2 Event: 2 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 3.0000 in Rain Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ Rain File -ID = - TypeII 24hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ HYG File - ID = work_pad.hyg - WATERSHED Pre 2 Tc = .1700 hrs Drainage Area = .500 acres Runoff CN= 61 ============================================ Computational Time Increment = .02267 hrs Computed Peak Time = 12.0587 hrs Computed Peak Flow = .17 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0500 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 12.0500 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = .17 cfs ============================================ DRAINAGE AREA ------------------- ID:WATERSHED CN = 61 Area = .500 acres S = 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ------------------- .3651 in .015 ac-ft HYG Volume... .015 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .17000 hrs (ID: WATERSHED) Computational Incr, Tm = .02267 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46% under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 3.33 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .11333 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .45333 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .56667 hrs S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. (HYG output) Page 6.04 Name.... WATERSHED Tag: Pre 2 Event: 2 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 2 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 3.0000 in Rain Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ Rain File -ID = - TypeII 24hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ HYG File - ID = work_pad.hyg - WATERSHED Pre 2 Tc = .1700 hrs Drainage Area = .500 acres Runoff CN= 61 Calc.Increment= .02267 hrs Out.Incr.= .0500 hrs HYG Volume = .015 ac-ft HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 11.8000 | .00 .00 .03 .09 .15 12.0500 | .17 .15 .11 .08 .07 12.3000 | .06 .05 .05 .04 .04 12.5500 | .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 12.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 13.0500 | .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 13.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 13.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 13.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 14.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 14.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 14.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 14.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 15.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 15.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 15.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 15.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 16.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 16.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 16.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 16.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 17.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 17.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 17.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 17.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 18.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 18.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 18.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 18.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 19.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. (HYG output) Page 6.05 Name.... WATERSHED Tag: Pre 2 Event: 2 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 19.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 19.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 19.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 20.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 20.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 20.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 20.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 21.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 21.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 21.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 21.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 24.0500 | .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 6.06 Name.... WATERSHED Tag: Pre 10 Event: 10 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 4.5000 in Rain Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ Rain File -ID = - TypeII 24hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ HYG File - ID = work_pad.hyg - WATERSHED Pre 10 Tc = .1700 hrs Drainage Area = .500 acres Runoff CN= 61 ============================================ Computational Time Increment = .02267 hrs Computed Peak Time = 12.0360 hrs Computed Peak Flow = .68 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0500 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 12.0000 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = .67 cfs WARNING: The difference between calculated peak flow and interpolated peak flow is greater than 1.50% ============================================ DRAINAGE AREA ------------------- ID:WATERSHED CN = 61 Area = .500 acres S = 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ------------------- 1.0793 in .045 ac-ft HYG Volume... .045 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .17000 hrs (ID: WATERSHED) Computational Incr, Tm = .02267 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46% under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 3.33 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .11333 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .45333 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .56667 hrs S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. (HYG output) Page 6.07 Name.... WATERSHED Tag: Pre 10 Event: 10 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 10 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 4.5000 in Rain Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ Rain File -ID = - TypeII 24hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ HYG File - ID = work_pad.hyg - WATERSHED Pre 10 Tc = .1700 hrs Drainage Area = .500 acres Runoff CN= 61 Calc.Increment= .02267 hrs Out.Incr.= .0500 hrs HYG Volume = .045 ac-ft HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 11.5500 | .00 .00 .01 .02 .06 11.8000 | .11 .21 .38 .56 .67 12.0500 | .66 .52 .36 .25 .20 12.3000 | .17 .15 .13 .12 .11 12.5500 | .10 .09 .09 .08 .08 12.8000 | .08 .07 .07 .07 .07 13.0500 | .07 .06 .06 .06 .06 13.3000 | .06 .06 .06 .05 .05 13.5500 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 13.8000 | .05 .05 .04 .04 .04 14.0500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 14.3000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 14.5500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 14.8000 | .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 15.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 15.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 15.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 15.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 16.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 16.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 16.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 16.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 17.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 17.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 17.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 17.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 18.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 18.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 18.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 18.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. (HYG output) Page 6.08 Name.... WATERSHED Tag: Pre 10 Event: 10 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 19.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 19.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 19.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 19.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 20.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 20.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 20.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 20.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 21.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 21.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 21.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 21.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 22.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 24.0500 | .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 24.3000 | .00 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. Summary Page 6.09 Name.... WATERSHED Tag: Pre100 Event: 100 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 100 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 6.4000 in Rain Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ Rain File -ID = - TypeII 24hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ HYG File - ID = work_pad.hyg - WATERSHED Pre100 Tc = .1700 hrs Drainage Area = .500 acres Runoff CN= 61 ============================================ Computational Time Increment = .02267 hrs Computed Peak Time = 12.0133 hrs Computed Peak Flow = 1.53 cfs Time Increment for HYG File = .0500 hrs Peak Time, Interpolated Output = 12.0000 hrs Peak Flow, Interpolated Output = 1.52 cfs ============================================ DRAINAGE AREA ------------------- ID:WATERSHED CN = 61 Area = .500 acres S = 6.3934 in 0.2S = 1.2787 in Cumulative Runoff ------------------- 2.2778 in .095 ac-ft HYG Volume... .095 ac-ft (area under HYG curve) ***** SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS ***** Time Concentration, Tc = .17000 hrs (ID: WATERSHED) Computational Incr, Tm = .02267 hrs = 0.20000 Tp Unit Hyd. Shape Factor = 483.432 (37.46% under rising limb) K = 483.43/645.333, K = .7491 (also, K = 2/(1+(Tr/Tp)) Receding/Rising, Tr/Tp = 1.6698 (solved from K = .7491) Unit peak, qp = 3.33 cfs Unit peak time Tp = .11333 hrs Unit receding limb, Tr = .45333 hrs Total unit time, Tb = .56667 hrs S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. (HYG output) Page 6.10 Name.... WATERSHED Tag: Pre100 Event: 100 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 SCS UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD STORM EVENT: 100 year storm Duration = 24.0000 hrs Rain Depth = 6.4000 in Rain Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ Rain File -ID = - TypeII 24hr Unit Hyd Type = Default Curvilinear HYG Dir = H:\00758800\cwork\ HYG File - ID = work_pad.hyg - WATERSHED Pre100 Tc = .1700 hrs Drainage Area = .500 acres Runoff CN= 61 Calc.Increment= .02267 hrs Out.Incr.= .0500 hrs HYG Volume = .095 ac-ft HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 10.5500 | .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 11.0500 | .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 11.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 11.5500 | .05 .08 .12 .19 .29 11.8000 | .44 .66 1.02 1.38 1.52 12.0500 | 1.44 1.11 .75 .52 .40 12.3000 | .34 .29 .26 .24 .22 12.5500 | .20 .18 .17 .16 .15 12.8000 | .15 .14 .14 .13 .13 13.0500 | .13 .12 .12 .11 .11 13.3000 | .11 .11 .10 .10 .10 13.5500 | .10 .09 .09 .09 .09 13.8000 | .09 .08 .08 .08 .08 14.0500 | .08 .08 .07 .07 .07 14.3000 | .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 14.5500 | .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 14.8000 | .07 .07 .06 .06 .06 15.0500 | .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 15.3000 | .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 15.5500 | .06 .06 .05 .05 .05 15.8000 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 16.0500 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 16.3000 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 16.5500 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 16.8000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 17.0500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 17.3000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 17.5500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 17.8000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Unit Hyd. (HYG output) Page 6.11 Name.... WATERSHED Tag: Pre100 Event: 100 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 18.0500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 18.3000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 18.5500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 18.8000 | .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 19.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 19.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 19.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 19.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 20.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 20.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 20.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 20.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 21.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 21.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 21.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 21.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 22.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 22.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 22.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 22.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 23.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 23.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 23.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 23.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 24.0500 | .02 .02 .01 .00 .00 24.3000 | .00 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 7.01 Name.... OUTLET STRUCTURE Event: 2 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUTLET STRUCTURE HYG Directory: H:\00758800\cwork\ ========================================================================== Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 WATERSHED work_pad.hyg WATERSHED Pre 2 ========================================================================== INFLOWS TO: OUTLET STRUCTURE ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- work_pad.hyg WATERSHED Pre 2 .015 12.0500 .17 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUTLET STRUCTURE ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- work_pad.hyg OUTLET STRUCTURE Pre 2 .015 12.0500 .17 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 7.02 Name.... OUTLET STRUCTURE Event: 2 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = H:\00758800\cwork\work_pad.hyg HYG ID = OUTLET STRUCTURE HYG Tag = Pre 2 ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = .17 cfs Time to Peak = 12.0500 hrs HYG Volume = .015 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 11.8000 | .00 .00 .03 .09 .15 12.0500 | .17 .15 .11 .08 .07 12.3000 | .06 .05 .05 .04 .04 12.5500 | .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 12.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 13.0500 | .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 13.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 13.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 13.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 14.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 14.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 14.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 14.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 15.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 15.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 15.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 15.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 16.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 16.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 16.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 16.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 17.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 17.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 17.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 17.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 18.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 18.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 18.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 18.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 19.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 19.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 7.03 Name.... OUTLET STRUCTURE Event: 2 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 2 HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 19.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 19.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 20.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 20.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 20.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 20.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 21.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 21.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 21.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 21.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 24.0500 | .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 7.04 Name.... OUTLET STRUCTURE Event: 10 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUTLET STRUCTURE HYG Directory: H:\00758800\cwork\ ========================================================================== Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 WATERSHED work_pad.hyg WATERSHED Pre 10 ========================================================================== INFLOWS TO: OUTLET STRUCTURE ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- work_pad.hyg WATERSHED Pre 10 .045 12.0000 .67 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUTLET STRUCTURE ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- work_pad.hyg OUTLET STRUCTURE Pre 10 .045 12.0000 .67 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 7.05 Name.... OUTLET STRUCTURE Event: 10 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = H:\00758800\cwork\work_pad.hyg HYG ID = OUTLET STRUCTURE HYG Tag = Pre 10 ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = .67 cfs Time to Peak = 12.0000 hrs HYG Volume = .045 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 11.5500 | .00 .00 .01 .02 .06 11.8000 | .11 .21 .38 .56 .67 12.0500 | .66 .52 .36 .25 .20 12.3000 | .17 .15 .13 .12 .11 12.5500 | .10 .09 .09 .08 .08 12.8000 | .08 .07 .07 .07 .07 13.0500 | .07 .06 .06 .06 .06 13.3000 | .06 .06 .06 .05 .05 13.5500 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 13.8000 | .05 .05 .04 .04 .04 14.0500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 14.3000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 14.5500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 14.8000 | .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 15.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 15.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 15.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 15.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 16.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 16.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 16.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 16.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 17.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 17.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 17.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 17.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 18.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 18.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 18.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 18.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 19.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 7.06 Name.... OUTLET STRUCTURE Event: 10 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre 10 HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 19.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 19.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 19.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 20.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 20.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 20.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 20.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 21.0500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 21.3000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 21.5500 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 21.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 22.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 22.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.0500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.3000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.5500 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 23.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 24.0500 | .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 24.3000 | .00 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 7.07 Name.... OUTLET STRUCTURE Event: 100 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUTLET STRUCTURE HYG Directory: H:\00758800\cwork\ ========================================================================== Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 WATERSHED work_pad.hyg WATERSHED Pre100 ========================================================================== INFLOWS TO: OUTLET STRUCTURE ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- work_pad.hyg WATERSHED Pre100 .095 12.0000 1.52 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUTLET STRUCTURE ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- work_pad.hyg OUTLET STRUCTURE Pre100 .095 12.0000 1.52 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 7.08 Name.... OUTLET STRUCTURE Event: 100 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = H:\00758800\cwork\work_pad.hyg HYG ID = OUTLET STRUCTURE HYG Tag = Pre100 ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 1.52 cfs Time to Peak = 12.0000 hrs HYG Volume = .095 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 10.5500 | .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10.8000 | .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 11.0500 | .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 11.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 11.5500 | .05 .08 .12 .19 .29 11.8000 | .44 .66 1.02 1.38 1.52 12.0500 | 1.44 1.11 .75 .52 .40 12.3000 | .34 .29 .26 .24 .22 12.5500 | .20 .18 .17 .16 .15 12.8000 | .15 .14 .14 .13 .13 13.0500 | .13 .12 .12 .11 .11 13.3000 | .11 .11 .10 .10 .10 13.5500 | .10 .09 .09 .09 .09 13.8000 | .09 .08 .08 .08 .08 14.0500 | .08 .08 .07 .07 .07 14.3000 | .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 14.5500 | .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 14.8000 | .07 .07 .06 .06 .06 15.0500 | .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 15.3000 | .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 15.5500 | .06 .06 .05 .05 .05 15.8000 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 16.0500 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 16.3000 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 16.5500 | .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 16.8000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 17.0500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 17.3000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 17.5500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 17.8000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 18.0500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 7.09 Name.... OUTLET STRUCTURE Event: 100 yr File.... H:\00758800\cwork\NORTHAMPTON_PRE.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: Pre100 HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time | Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs | Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------|-------------------------------------------------------------- 18.3000 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 18.5500 | .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 18.8000 | .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 19.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 19.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 19.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 19.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 20.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 20.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 20.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 20.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 21.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 21.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 21.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 21.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 22.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 22.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 22.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 22.8000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 23.0500 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 23.3000 | .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 23.5500 | .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 23.8000 | .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 24.0500 | .02 .02 .01 .00 .00 24.3000 | .00 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: Appendix A A-1 Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- N ----- Northampton, Mas... 2.01, 2.02 ----- O ----- OUTLET STRUCTURE Pre 2... 7.01, 7.04, 7.07 ----- T ----- TypeII 24hr Pre 2... 3.01, 3.03, 3.05, 3.07, 3.09, 3.11 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 4.01, 5.01, 6.03, 6.04, 6.06, 6.07, 6.09, 6.10 S/N: PondPack Ver: Compute Time: Date: