Bicycle and Pedestrian Minutes Sep. 8 2009 Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee Minutes 7:45AM September 8, 2009 Room 11, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton Members present: Alex Ghiselin, Wayne Feiden, David Paine, James Lowenthal, Ruthy Woodring, Laura Hanson Others present: Nick Horton The meeting opened at 7:55 AM. Feiden updated the committee on the status of current rail trails under construction. James Lowenthal suggested the need for more discussion on how much of capital and maintenance budgets go into motor vehicles versus pedestrian and bicycles and suggested that there should be some set asides for pedestrian and bicycle uses. The committee discussed whether set-asides or complete streets, whereby the entire street for each use, gets treated together and no one travel mode dominates. There was discussion of having this conversation with DPW in the future. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee Minutes 7:45AM July 14, 2009 Room 11, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton Members present: Alex Ghiselin, Craig Della Penna, Wayne Feiden, James Lowenthal, Ruthy Woodring, Laura Hanson Others present: Nick Horton The meeting opened at 7:55 AM. Committee members agreed to rotate the writing of the minutes for the subcommittee. Feiden updated the committee on the status of current rail trails under construction. The Committee helped plan the fall ribbon cuttings for the three rail trails under construction. The agreed by consensus that the trail in Leeds from Florence Street north should include a plaque “in appreciation of Raymond LaBarge” but that the trail should not be named for him. There was discussion of the need for more on-road bicycle and pedestrian improvements to complement all of the city’s work on rail trails, especially bicycle lanes, bicycle racks, and crosswalks. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee Minutes 7:30AM October 13, 2009 Room 11, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton Members present: David Paine, Wayne Feiden, James Lowenthal, Ruthy Woodring The meeting opened at 7:40 AM. Committee members agreed by consensus to endorse the City of Northampton’s grant applications for funding to conduct a rail and multi-use trail master plan section in the next Open Space and Recreation Plan. The Committee agreed by consensus to support an application to the AAB for a variance to allow Grove Avenue rail trail ramp to be posted for bicycle AND pedestrian uses. (Currently it is considered a bicycle path only by MassHighway even though under federal ADA standards it is a multi-use trail. There are 8% grades for 200’.) The meeting adjourned at 8:50 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee Minutes 7:45AM November 10, 2009 Room 11, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton Members present: Kathryn Baker, Alex Ghiselin, Wayne Feiden, James Lowenthal, Ruthy Woodring The meeting opened at 7:50 AM. Committee members agreed by consensus that the state Norwottuck Rail Trail in Northampton should be designed to allow snow plowing in the future, a link to the Northampton Norwottuck Rail Trail, and access to Northern Avenue. The Committee also agreed that the city should create an ordinance for bicycle lanes on Route 66/Westhampton Road and on Bridge Street where the shoulder is already wide enough to accommodate the same. The Committee finally agreed that South Street should have wider bicycle lanes, especially on the westerly side of side of the street, and not have a wide center island, which only helps cars go faster since there is less perceived risk of on-coming cars. The Committee adjourned at 9:00 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee Minutes 7:45AM January 26, 2010 Room 11, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton Members present: David Paine, Alex Ghiselin, Wayne Feiden, Ruthy Woodring and Laura Hanson Members of the public: Tom Lieberman, filling in for subcommittee member James Lowenthal The meeting opened at 7:50 AM. Laura Hanson reported on the proposed ordinances for bicycle lanes on Route 66 and offered to draft these ordinances for the subcommittee. (To be on the agenda for the February subcommittee meeting.) The Subcommittee discussed the new signs installed to connect the state rail trail with the city rail trail. Wayne Feiden updated the subcommittee on the progress of the North Street off-ramp project. Laura Hanson discussed the MassHighway crosswalk project to examine the safety and propose safety improvements at crosswalks with high pedestrian car crashes. Laura Hanson and the subcommittee discussed the Conz Street reconstruction project. Wayne Feiden suggested that as an urban street sidewalks should be concrete and curbs granite. Laura Hanson asked the status of the draft letter to the Northampton Police Department on enforcement. James Lowenthal wrote a draft letter that the committee discussed in concept but did not formally move to Transportation and Parking. The Committee adjourned at 9:00 AM. Pedestrian and Bicycle Subcommittee February 9, 2010 Meeting Minutes (Respectfully Submitted: Laura Hanson, DPW/Transportation Engineer) City of Northampton 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 www.northamptonma.gov/tpc Wayne Feiden opened the meeting at 7:50 a.m. in City Hall, Planning Office, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members present: Wayne Feiden, Ruth Woodring, David Paine, Alex Gheslin, Frandy Johnson, Jon Liebman (proxy), Laura Hanson (DPW) Members absent: Karen Baker, James Lowenthal (on sabbatical) 1. Ordinance §312-80: Bike Lane designation on Route 66 (Addendum 1) Ms. Hanson explained that there are pavement markings on Route 66 for 4-foot bike lanes from Belmont Ave to Old Wilson Rd, and 5-foot bike lanes from Old Wilson Rd to the City line. If the Transportation and Parking Commission endorses this Ordinance at their February 16, 2010 meeting, it will be given to City Council for recommendation to the Ordinance Committee for approval, and bike lanes can be installed. 2. Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) Issues PVPC has completed Rail Trail sign installations in Northampton but they have two signs to fix. Ms. Hanson showed a picture (Addendum 2) of a Rail Trail sign on King St that is installed incorrectly. PVPC will have this sign turned to face parallel to the sidewalk, and have the proper brackets assembled on the sign. The second sign on Woodmont Rd (at the end of the Rail Trail) will have the correct brackets installed for reinforcement. There was an email from PVPC this morning indicating that MassDOT did not approve funding for the $5,000 kiosk in Northampton (Addendum 3). Mr. Feiden suggested Ms. Hanson contact Jeff McCollough (PVPC) and ask if the funds could be used for Bike Lane signs on Route 66. Thanks to the PVPC, there will be 25 “Share the Road” signs delivered to the DPW within the next month. 3. King St Pedestrian Traffic Control Signal at Rail Trail Crossing This signal officially started operating on January 22, 2010. The power supply box had to be replaced on February 4, 2010 due to a faulty resistor, and seems to be running smoothly. 4. Northampton Lions Club This club has generously donated ten (10) more Pedestrian Paddles to the City for Spring 2010 (Addendum 4). They donated fourteen (14) in 2009 for the school zone crosswalks, which have had great support. Ms. Hanson will bring more information on the locations for the next meeting. 5. Website Update Mr. Feiden will have an intern make the Bike/Ped Comm website once there is approval. Ms. Hanson will check will Karen Bellevance-Grace (Mayor’s Office) about the status. 6. Amtrak Vermonter rail line got federal stimulus funding of $70M for the Knowledge Corridor including adding station service in Holyoke, Northampton, and Greenfield. This project includes the installation of a tunnel under the railroad tracks near the new pedestrian signal crossing on King St. Pedestrian and Bicycle Subcommittee April 13, 2010 Meeting Minutes City of Northampton 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 www.northamptonma.gov/tpc Wayne Feiden opened the meeting at 7:50 a.m. in City Hall, 210 Main Street, Room 10, Northampton. Members present: Wayne Feiden, Ruth Woodring, David Paine, Frandy Johnson, and Laura Hanson (8:15) 1. The subcommittee approved the final focus of a letter to the full Transportation and Parking Commission recommending the end to a wide center median in order to increase the perceived friction which tends to slow speed and use the extra road real estate to add to the bicycle lanes (especially the outbound lane, which could use more width to make up for snow and sand) and increased education and enforcement to stop cars from parking on the bicycle lane. 2. The committee spent the remainder of the meeting in a workshop reviewing planned and potential actions for the next two years to improve rail trails and traffic calming, with a focus on final improvements to the new rail trail network (remove trees from the Beaver Brook arch bridge, repair two wet spots, examine off ramp options at Look Park, complete Jackson Street off ramp, plan for tunnel under the railroad to connect to the state rail trail, plan for an eventual trail to Hatfield, signing off on a plaque in memory of Raymond LaBarge at Florence Street etc.) Pedestrian and Bicycle Subcommittee July 27, 2010 Meeting Minutes City of Northampton 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 www.northamptonma.gov/tpc Wayne Feiden opened the meeting at 7:50 a.m. in City Hall, 210 Main Street, Room 10, Northampton. Members present: Wayne Feiden, Ruth Woodring, David Paine, and Frandy Johnson Others present: Debin Bruce (Planning Board) and Joel Dansky (Norwottuck Rail Trail Advisory Committee) 1.Recommendation on the final name for the rail trail from King Street South (currently called Manhan Rail Trail with a plan to rename it to New Haven and Northampton once the trails connect to New Haven) The subcommittee recommended naming the trail the New Haven and Northampton Canal Rail Trail. 2.Discussion of DCR grant for rail trail kiosks The subcommittee discussed the kiosks and asked for more information on different kiosk designs and pricing options. 3.Comments on Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways maps The subcommittee briefly reviewed the maps and will make any recommendations they have for changes directly the friends. 4.Discussion of opportunities for Main Street/State Street/Elm Street/West Street/South Street compound intersection and Main Street City Hall streetscape improvements The subcommittee heard a report on the discussion at the Transportation and Parking Commission. 5.Update on DPW/Transportation and Parking traffic calming program The subcommittee heard a report of the discussion at the Transportation and Parking Commission. 6.Update on status of rail trail buildout and rail trail master planning The subcommittee briefly discussed the future Hatfield rail trail link, currently in very early planning stages. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee 210 Main Street, City Hall, Room 10, Northampton 7:45 AM Tuesday September 14, 2010 Agenda 1.Update on rail trail projects (Jackson Street, Route 10 Bridge, Rail Trail Tunnel, Edwards Square, Bollards) 2.Recommendations on Open Space, Recreation, and Rail Trail Plan 3.Snow Plowing on Rail Trails 4.Recommendations on Rail Trail Kiosk Project Wayne Feiden opened the meeting at 7:50 a.m. in City Hall, 210 Main Street, Room 10, Northampton. Members present: Wayne Feiden, Ruth Woodring, James Lowenthal, David Paine, and Frandy Johnson Others present: Debin Bruce (Planning Board), Alex Jarrett, and Katie Su. 1.Update on rail trail projects (Jackson Street, Route 10 Bridge, Rail Trail Tunnel, Edwards Square, Bollards) Wayne Feiden brought the committee up-to-date on all of these projects. 2.Recommendations on Open Space, Recreation, and Rail Trail Plan The Committee discussed the current planning process and agreed to review the draft plan at their next meeting and hopefully, as individual members, make comments at the 9/14/10 evening public forum. 3.Snow Plowing on Rail Trails The Committee explored different ways to get more of the trails plowed, including fund raising to pay incremental costs over what the City can plow. The committee will try to collect more information on costs and what the city is going to plow anyway, and then reconvene in the future and explore options. 4.Recommendations on Rail Trail Kiosk/Wayside Sign Project The Committee reviewed the project in detail. There is $20,000 from a DCR grant, CPA funds, and a Kodak Grant. The committee agreed, by unanimous consensus:  The signs should have a standard look and feel.  The signs should be two sided, with one side a regional map of rail trails and one side with a zoom in map of the area around the sign (maybe one mile out)  The signs should be vertical wayside sounds, possibly in color.  Katie Su, OPD intern from Smith College, will pursue prices and options and the Committee will discuss in more detail at their next meeting. 5.South Street Bicycle Lane The Committee agreed that the South Street bicycle lane should be repainted as it is, but the center line of South Street should not be repainted until 2011 while the city works out the best layout for South Street as part of the overall traffic calming program. Debin Bruce will follow up with Councilor Pamela Schwartz and see if she is willing to recommend this to City Council. The Committee adjourned, by unanimous consent, at 9:15 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee 210 Main Street, City Hall, Room 10, Northampton 7:45 AM Tuesday October 12, 2010 Agenda 1.Adopt minutes 2.Rail Trail Wayfinding 3.Initial Review of City Hall Park 4.Rail trail updates 5.Roundabouts discussion Wayne Feiden opened the meeting at 7:50 a.m. in City Hall, 210 Main Street, Room 10, Northampton. Members present: Wayne Feiden and Frandy Johnson Others present: Debin Bruce (Planning Board), Emily (Pedal People), and Katie Su (intern) There was no quorum present so the meeting was just an informal chat on the above subjects. The members and others present gave feedback on the wayfinding signs for the rail trails and the consensus of those present was to move forward on the freestanding high density plastic sign boards. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee 210 Main Street, City Hall, Room 10, Northampton 7:45 AM Tuesday November 16, 2010 Minutes Members present: Wayne Feiden, Ruthy Woodring, James Lowenthal, Laura Hanson, David Paine, and Frandy Johnson Others present: Debin Bruce (Planning Board) The meeting opened at 7:50 AM. 1.Open Space, Recreation, and Multi-Use Trail Plan The subcommittee reviewed the draft plan and, upon motion by David Paine and second by James Lowenthal, voted unanimously to recommend that the full Transportation and Parking Commission endorse the plan. 2.Working session on maps for rail trail kiosks. The goal is to finalize the approach so we can order the kiosks in December. The subcommittee reviewed the draft mockup map. They marked up the map with specific recommendations. The revised map will come back to the December meeting for the next review. The subcommittee adjourned at 8:55 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee 7:45 AM Tuesday December 14th Room 11, City Hall (second floor—use back door to city hall) Minutes Members present: Wayne Feiden, David Paine, Ruthy Woodring, Frandy Johnson, and James Lowenthal. 1.Review revised rail trail wayfinding signage (map and base) The committee reviewed the final bases for the wayfinding signage. The bases will not come back for additional review. The committee also reviewed draft base maps, which will be revised and come back for additional review. 2.Discussion about status of future rail rail and multi-use trail projects The committee agreed to support a CPA application for design for the Connecticut River Greenway from Damon Road to Elm Court, Hatfield. 3.Discussion on Main Street and King Street design issues The committee agreed to support a CPA application for a small new park in front of City Hall that would have the effect of narrowing Main Street by City Hall and the mouth of Crafts Avenue 4. Other pedestrian and bicycle issues David Paine suggested creating a committee or group to coordinate volunteer maintenance efforts on all rail trails. The Committee was very interested in the approach and agreed to have more discussion at future meetings. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee 7:45 AM Tuesday January 11, 2011 Room 11, City Hall (second floor—use back door to city hall) Members present: Wayne Feiden, Laura Hanson (8:10 AM), Alex Ghiselin, Frandy Johnson, Debin Bruce, and David Paine The Subcommittee meeting started at 7:55 AM Agenda 1.Update on rail trail wayfinding signage Wayne Feiden reported that the design for the kiosk frames had been finalized. There was general support. 2.Minutes for 2010 meetings Upon motion by Debin Bruce and second by Alex Ghiselin, the board voted unanimously to approve all of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee minutes from 2010. 3.Outreach and enforcing snow removal on sidewalks The Subcommittee agreed that creating a new brochure on snow removal and distributing it to the media and property owners in an effort to get snow removed from sidewalks would be useful, especially if coupled with enforcement. This will be a spring project and is aimed at the 2011-2012 winter. 4.South Street rail and multi-use trail projects and community outreach The Subcommittee discussed plans for an upcoming South Street neighborhood meeting to build interest and hear concerns about several projects, a Hebert Avenue rail trail access ramp, a possible right-of-way from Smith College on the old carriage road that goes from Fruit Street to Lyman, and possibly closing Dike, Manhan, and Potash Roads and making them into trails. 5.Connecticut River Greenway The Subcommittee agreed to support the City’s application for CPA funding for the first phase of design for the Connecticut River Greenway from Damon Road to Elm Court in Hatfield 6.Maintenance Committee David Paine suggested the idea of a committee charged with maintenance of rail trails for projects that DPW does not have the resources to do. The Subcommittee was very supportive and David is going to research the possible approaches in more detail. The Subcommittee adjourned at 9:00 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee 7:45 AM Tuesday February 8, 2011 Room 11, City Hall (second floor—use back door to city hall) Agenda 1. Update on rail trail wayfinding signage 2. Plan outreach for Main Street and King Street design issues 3. Sidewalk snow clearance outreach effort 4. Manhan Spur west planning 5. Other pedestrian and bicycle issues Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee 7:45 AM Tuesday February 8, 2011 Room 11, City Hall (second floor—use back door to city hall) Members present: Wayne Feiden, Laura Hanson, James Lowenthal, Ruthy Woodring, Debin Bruce, and David Paine Agenda 1.Update on rail trail wayfinding signage Wayne Feiden reported that the kiosk frames are currently under construction and we will soon focus on the map board 2.Sidewalk snow clearance outreach effort Feiden reported that the City is going to work on a brochure with an outreach to abutters on their responsibility to clear snow from sidewalks. 3. Other pedestrian and bicycle issues James Lowenthal suggested adopting a City policy on clearing snow from rail trails (referred from the full Transportation and Parking Commission). There was a tentative consensus that the policy should be to clear snow from Earle Street Northampton to Grove Avenue Leeds. James will do a draft and circulate it. James Lowenthal led a discussion about pedestrian crossing signage on State St. Laura Hanson suggested that the light pedestrian warning sign should be moved to serve the campus school. There was support for this approach and Laura will investigate its feasibility. James Lowenthal led a discussion fencing, snow, and car parking issues at trail access near Roundhouse parking lot. There was an agreement that confusing rail trail pavement markings at the entrance to the lot should be addressed. James Lowenthal will follow up with parking and DPW and figure out who is responsible for this area and whether they are willing to revise the pavement markings. James Lowenthal raised two other issues on downtown bicycle parking, whether there could be dedicated bicycle parking in the downtown parking garage and whether bicycle parking racks downtown could have their snow cleared. With subcommittee support, James offered to follow up with the Parking Manager to see if these issues could be addressed. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee 7:45 AM Tuesday March 8, 2011 Room 11, City Hall (second floor—use back door to city hall) Members present: Wayne Feiden, Laura Hanson, Alex Ghiselin, Debin Bruce, and David Paine The Subcommittee meeting started at 7:55 AM Agenda 1.Review and comment on Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways Map The committee reviewed and made detailed comments on the draft map. (Map at www.fntg.org) 2.Main and King Street Design Charrette The committee discussed an upcoming transportation charrette and made recommendations on how to do outreach and ensure that bicycle and pedestrian interests are represented. The committee adjourned at 8:55 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee 7:45 AM Tuesday May 10, 2011 Room 11, City Hall (second floor—use back door to city hall) Members present: Wayne Feiden, Laura Hanson, Alex Ghiselin, Debin Bruce, and David Paine The Subcommittee meeting started at 7:50 AM 1.May 22 ribbon cutting. The committee reviewed the final plans for the ribbon cutting for the Manhan Rail Trail. 2.Manhan Route 10 bridge signage. The committee reviewed a mockup of the proposed sign. They supported the sign but suggested larger letters. 3.City Hall Park. The committee agreed to help participate in a city hall park charrette. 4.Conz Street. The committee discussed the plans for reconstructing Conz Street and the need to ensure that it has traffic calming features. 5.Review and comment on Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways Map . The committee adjourned at 8:55 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting th 7:30 AM on Tuesday September 13 Room 11, second floor of City Hall (use rear door). Because we need to end promptly at 8:30, we will start at exactly 7:31 AM. Agenda: 1. Kiosk update 2. Discussion and action on CPA application for rail trail improvements (Ct River Greenway and Beaver Brook Bridge) 3. Update on Manhan Rail Trail final construction and remaining projects 4. Update on snow removal from rail trails 5. Discussion on King Street pedestrian and bicycle improvement opportunities 6. Update on MassDOT Moving Forward conference 7. Work program for winter 2011-2012 Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting th 7:30 AM on Tuesday September 13 Room 11, second floor of City Hall (use rear door). Members present: Wayne Feiden, Ruthy Woodring, David Paine, Frandy Johnson, and Laura Hanson. The subcommittee began at 7:35 AM. 1. Kiosk update—Feiden updated the board on the kiosk project. Kiosks have been built. DPW will be installing them shortly. The next stage will be designing the signs for the kiosks. 2. Discussion and action on CPA application for rail trail improvements (Ct River Greenway and Beaver Brook Bridge)—The committee agreed by unanimous consent to support both CPA projects. 3. Update on Manhan Rail Trail final construction and remaining projects—Hanson and Feiden updated the committee on the final inspection for the Manhan Rail Trail project. 4. Update on snow removal from rail trails—The committee had a brief discussion that snow removal from rail trails for this coming winter will probably be for the same areas as last year. The committee still supports a goal of snow removal from Earle/Grove to Florence Street in Leeds. The committee also supports removing the fence between the Roundhouse parking lot and the former Mill River gully to allow snow to be removed from the parking lot without blocking the rail trail. 5. Discussion on King Street pedestrian and bicycle improvement opportunities. The committee discussed the design for N. King/Hatfield intersection (hopefully as a roundabout, but it depends on the functional design report) and for King/Summer/North (hopefully with extended curbs and tighter curb radius) and efforts to obtain funding for these projects. 6. Update on MassDOT Moving Forward conference. Feiden informed the committee of this conference and will email the URL of the conference website. 7. Work program for winter 2011-2012—The committee agreed to identify priorities for bicycle and pedestrian committee projects at their next meeting. The committee adjourned, by unanimous consent, at 8:30 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday December 13, 2011 Room 11, second floor of City Hall (use rear door). 1.Discussion of snow removal from city streets 2.Kiosk update—review final mock maps 3.Discussion of South Street traffic calming and possible cycle track 4.Discussion of Main Street pedestrian circulation issues 5.Update on intersection redesigns underway (Industrial Drive, N.King/Hatfield, Pleasant/Conz) 6.New Haven-Northampton Canal/Manhan Rail Trail project closeout 7.Other business unforeseen when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday December 13, 2011 Room 11, second floor of City Hall (use rear door). Members present: Wayne Feiden, Alex Ghiselin Ruthy Woodring, Frandy Johnson, James Lowenthal, and Laura Hanson. The subcommittee began at 7:35 AM. 1.Discussion of snow removal from city sidewalks Risa Silverman discussed her thoughts on how to get an outreach to property owners to ensure owners clear snow from their sidewalks, as required by city ordinance, and to the Police Department to ensure that this ordinance is enforced. James Lowenthal will share the brochure he started working on for this efforts a year ago. The committee expressed strong support for the effort. We will be happy to provide web links to any outreach. 2.Kiosk update—review final mock maps The committee reviewed the draft maps. They agreed that the map content worked well and had several changes on the graphics (same color scheme for large and small maps, yellow shading for urban areas, scale bar on small scale map, larger scale bar on large scale map, not all caps for road names). The city will hire a graphic artist once the draft maps are done to make final changes to make the maps user friendly. 3.Discussion of South Street traffic calming and possible cycle track The committee briefly reviewed Nelson/Nygaard’s recommendations for a two-way cycle track on South th Street, which will be the subject of a much more detailed public meeting on Tuesday January 10. There was some discussion of two lane cycle track (fewer road crossings and takes less road width) versus two one lane cycle tracks (easier access to neighborhoods). The committee adjourned at 8:30. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday January 10, 2012 Room 11, second floor of City Hall (use rear door). Agenda: 1. Discuss street and sidewalk subdivision standards-- what should we be requiring for NEW streets built in Northampton? This will be a workshop where we explore what we require now and how we might change it in the future. 2. Other bicycle and pedestrian matters not identified when agenda written. 3. Schedule for the year. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday January 10, 2012 Room 11, second floor of City Hall (use rear door). Members present: Wayne Feiden, Laura Hanson, David Paine, Frandy Johnson, and Ruthy Woodring. The meeting opened at 7:35 AM. 1.Street/sidewalk subdivision standards workshop—what should we be requiring for NEW streets? Committee members suggested:  Sidewalks on both sides of streets  Maximum street widths 22’, 20’ in suburban areas where on-street parking rare  Fewer turning lanes  Curbs closer to right angles  12’ wide crosswalks  Double center lines using thermoplastic pavement markings 2.Art on Main Street bicycle bridge Committee members were very supportive of installing art on the Main Street bicycle bridge with major elements focused on pedestrians and bicycles. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday February 14, 2012 Room 11, second floor of City Hall (use rear door) 1.Approve minutes for 2011—Please review all minutes at www.northamptonma.gov/opd public file cabinet, minutes, bicycle and pedestrian committee 2.Beaver Brook rail trail bridge CPA application 3.Connecticut River Greenways CPA application 4.Main Street parks/shortened crosswalks/safety CPA application 5.Street/sidewalk subdivision proposed revisions 6.Main Street rail trail bridge art project 7.South Street bicycle lanes and road dieting 8.Pleasant and Conz Street intersection/roundabout 9.North King Street and Hatfield intersection/roundabout 10.Other necessary business not envisioned when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday February 14, 2012 Room 11, second floor of City Hall Members present: Laura Hanson, Wayne Feiden, David Paine, Frandy Johnson, Debin Bruce and Ruthy Woodring. The meeting opened at 7:35 AM 1.Approve minutes for 2011—Please review all minutes at www.northamptonma.gov/opd public file cabinet, minutes, bicycle and pedestrian committee The committee agreed to act on this at their next meeting. 2.Beaver Brook rail trail bridge, Connecticut River Greenway, and Main Street parks/shortened crosswalks/safety CPA applications. Upon motion by Debin Bruce and second by Laura Hanson, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee voted unanimously to endorse and support these three CPA applications. 3.Street/sidewalk subdivision proposed revisions Wayne Feiden discussed the plans for updating subdivision regulations to, among other things, make subdivisions more bicycle and pedestrian friendly. The committee supported the concept of requiring tigher curb radius for street intersections to narrow the road neck and shorten crosswalk distances. 4.Main Street rail trail bridge art project Wayne Feiden presented plans for a combined art and wayfinding installation on the Main Street rail trail bridge. The committee supported the project, provided that the installation was transparent enough that it didn’t harm the views from and of the bridge. 5.South Street bicycle lanes and road dieting Laura Hanson presented the draft plans for improved South Street bicycle lanes. The committee supported removing the center painted island, widening bicycle lanes, and providing some protection of the lanes from the road. 6.Pleasant and Conz Street intersection and North King Street and Hatfield intersection roundabout designs. Feiden and Hanson updated the committee on the design status of these two roundabout projects. Committee members supported roundabout for both intersections. The committee adjourned at 8:50 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday April 10, 2012 Room 11, second floor of City Hall (use rear door) 1.Approve minutes for 2011—Please review all minutes at www.northamptonma.gov/opd public file cabinet, minutes, bicycle and pedestrian committee 2.Update on status of bicycle and pedestrian CPA applications 3.Connecticut River Greenway project—brainstorming and next steps 4.Main Street shortened crosswalks/safety—brainstorming and next steps 5.Green Streets initiative—report from EPA process and next steps 6.Main Street rail trail bridge art project update 7.South Street bicycle lanes and road dieting update 8.Other projects underway of relevance to bicycle and pedestrian improvements 9.Other necessary business not envisioned when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday April 10, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton Members present: Wayne Feiden, Frandy Johnson, Ruthy Woodring, David Paine, James Lowenthal. Also present: Mike Sullivan The meeting opened at 7:35 AM 1.Approve minutes for 2011 and early 2012. Members will review and act on at their May meeting. 2.Update on status of bicycle and pedestrian CPA applications The committee discussed the pending bicycle and pedestrian CPA projects. Committee members expressed a willingness to serve as a sounding board as the projects move forward: --Connecticut River Greenway --Main Street shortened crosswalks/safety and streetscapes Streetscape parklets Safer crosswalks and street safety Opportunity for green streets --Beaver Brook Bridge re-pointing 3.Main Street rail trail bridge art project update The committee discussed the new Main Street artistic wayfinding project and reviewed the plans. 4.South Street bicycle lanes and road dieting update James Lowenthal expressed concern, based on comments from people active in the bicycle advocacy community, that rumble strips for the South Street bicycle lanes, even with opening for bicycles, could be difficult for bicyclists. Ruthy Woodring said that she was comfortable crossing such rumble strips on a bicycle. 5.One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel The committee reviewed a map of one way streets in Northampton to start a discussion about which streets are appropriate for contraflow bicycle travel, and what improvements would be necessary to allow this travel. Committee members agreed that their “homework” would be to visit all the one way streets in the city and then discuss this item in more detail at the May meeting. The Northampton Bicycle Week Breakfast will be on May 16, 2012. The committee adjourned at 8:30 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday May 8, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use rear door) 1.Approve minutes for 2011 and through April 2012. 2.Update on on-going projects --Connecticut River Greenway --Main Street shortened crosswalks/safety and parklets --Beaver Brook Bridge re-pointing --Main Street rail trail bridge artistic wayfinding --Rail Trail kiosks --South Street bicycle lanes --Bicycle Week Breakfast (May 16, 2012) 3.One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday May 8, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use rear door) Minutes Members present: Wayne Feiden, Debin Bruce (until 8:20), Frandy Johnson, James Lowenthal (arriving at 7:55), and Laura Hanson (arriving at 8:20) The meeting opened at 7:35 AM The committee reviewed the status of on-going projects --Connecticut River Greenway: not funded by CPA but conceptual design from Damon Road to Lane Construction moving forward. --Main Street shortened crosswalks/safety and parklets: not funded by CPA but will seek alternative funding for basic design and community charrette this coming fall. --Beaver Brook Bridge re-pointing: funded by CPA: Will go to bid once City Council approves funding. --Main Street rail trail bridge artistic wayfinding: Project moving forward, following recommendations from committee at past meetings. All paid for by fundraising, which has already raised half the total budget for the project. --Rail Trail kiosks: Kiosks installed. Sign design almost complete. The committee had a final chance for last comments which will be incorporated into the map. Expect to hire vendor to construct signs in June and install when signs returned. --South Street bicycle lanes: Design finalized. Going out to bid shortly. --Bicycle Week Breakfast (May 16, 2012): Come The Committee agreed that the next meeting will be devoted to: 1.Approve past minutes 2.One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel 3.Review opportunities for pedestrian signal improvements and bicycle racks at the Bridge Street/Hawley Street/Market Street intersection. 4.Begin discussion of city employee cash out for employees in lieu of free parking. 5.Other parking requirements (night time on-street parking bans and residents only parking) Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday June 12, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use rear door) 1.Approve minutes for 2011 and through April 2012. 2.Update on on-going projects 3.One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel (make recommendations based on previously distributed list of one-way streets) 4.Pedestrian signal at Bridge/Hawley/Market Street intersection 5.Potential of bicycle racks in the Bridge Street/Hawley Street area and bicycle corral(s) in downtown. 6.Potential for pedestrian improvements at Main/State/New South/West Street compound intersection. 7.City employee parking cashout to encourage walking, bicycling and transit. 8.Other business not known when agenda prepared. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday June 12, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton Minutes Members present: Wayne Feiden, Debin Bruce, Frandy Johnson, Laura Hanson, and David Paine. The meeting opened at 7:35 AM. 1.Approve minutes for 2011 and through May 2012. Upon motion by David Paine and second by Frandy Johnson, the subcommittee voted unanimously to approve all of the 2011 and 2012 minutes through May 8, 2012. 2.Update on on-going projects -The signs for the rail trail kiosks are going to the vendor on Friday. The should be installed sometime in August. -The plans for the rail trail tunnel under the railroad tracks by Mill Yard Terrace are being advanced by the state. They expect to set up a meeting to present to the community in the next month or so. -DPW has asked a consultant to look at signal timings and possibly right turn lanes at the Main Street/King Street/Pleasant Street intersection to optimize safety at the intersection. -David Paine has been exploring what trail maintenance could be done by volunteers. He will work with an intern from the planning office to identify possible ways to create an adopt a trail program. -Craig Della Penna offered to donate his bicycle corral to the City if the city will keep it on Strong Avenue (at no charge to him) for the 2012 season. Upon motion by Debin Bruce and second by Ruthy Woodring, the Subcommittee voted unanimously to recommend that the Transportation and Parking Commission and ultimately City Council accept the offer. 3.Potential of bicycle racks in the Bridge Street/Hawley Street area and bicycle corral(s) in downtown and potential for pedestrian improvements at Main/State/New South/West Street compound intersection. Owen Freeman-Daniels and Jim Nash presented the opportunities for bicycle racks in this area to serve the increased demand and for shared pedestrian phase (instead of the current dedicated pedestrian phase), which would make the intersection work more efficiently for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The Subcommittee noted that the city has six racks available from for this or other locations. 4.One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel The Subcommittee agreed to review what one way roads are appropriate for contraflow bicycle travel at their next meetings. The Subcommittee adjourned at 8:35 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday July 10, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton 1.Approve minutes for June 12, 2012. 2.Update on on-going projects 3.One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel- review previously distribute list of one way roads so the Subcommittee can recommend which one way roads are appropriate for contraflow bicycle travel. 4.Recommend any new members to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee Current members: Alex Ghiselin, David Paine, Debin Bruce, Wayne Feiden, Frandy Johnson, James Lowenthal, Laura Hanson, Ruthy Woodring. Current request to serve: Mike Sullivan 5.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written. Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday September 11, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Agenda and Minutes Members Present: David Paine, Debin Bruce, Wayne Feiden, James Lowenthal, Laura Hanson, and Ruthy Woodring. The meeting started at 7:40 AM. 1.Approve minutes for June 12, 2012.  Upon motion by David Paine and second by Debin Bruce, the Committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes. 2.Update on on-going projects (South Street, New South/Elm/West/State/Main, North King/Hatfield, etc)  Wayne Feiden updated the committee on the city’s new Walking-Friendly Community designation, the Connecticut River Greenway project, the Meadow Street sidewalk project, the railroad underpass status, and the pending request to City Council to use traffic mitigation funds from developer payment in lieu of funds for traffic mitigation and calming and rail trail access improvements.  The Committee agreed to support the creation of an Adopt a Trail Program for rail trails. Wayne Feiden will reach out to Leeds Civic Association and James Lowenthal will reach out to Smith College to see if they are willing to be early rail trail adopters.  Laura Hanson updated the committee on traffic mitigation projects in Leeds, Montview Avenue, and Leeds and on the rehabilitated bicycle lanes on South Street. 3.One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel-  The committee agreed to put this item off until the next meeting. 4.Recommend any new members to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee.  The committee agreed to request the reappointment of David Paine, Wayne Feiden, Frandy Johnson, James Lowenthal, Laura Hanson, Ruthy Woodring and the new appointments of Debin Bruce, Mike Sullivan, and Michael DiPasquale 5.Develop comprehensive plan for future rail trail access ramps  The committee agreed that this was an important project and they will help kick it off at their next meeting. 6.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written  None discussed The committee adjourned at 9:00 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM on Tuesday October 16, 2012 NOTE: Changed from original date 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Approve minutes for September 11, 2012. 2.Update on on-going projects (including, Manhan Rail Trail extensions to western part of city, King Street area off-ramps and underpass, Sheldon Field) 3.One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel- review previously distributed list of one way roads so the Subcommittee can recommend which one way roads are appropriate for contraflow bicycle travel 4.Begin the process of developing a comprehensive plan for future rail trail access ramps 5.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM on Tuesday October 16, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Members Present: David Paine, Debin Bruce, Wayne Feiden, James Lowenthal, Frandy Johnson and Ruthy Woodring. New perspective members present: Michael Sullivan and Michael DiPasquale. Wayne Feiden opened the meeting at 7:40 AM. 1.Snow removal on Manhan/New Haven and Northampton Rail Trail from Main Street to State Street Hilary Caws-Elwitt asked for the opportunity to discuss clearing snow on this section of the trail (it is already being removed north and south of this point). DPW is in the process of collecting information on what the costs would be. By unanimous consensus, the Committee supported having snow cleared from the trail from Main Street to State Street. 2.Approve minutes for September 11, 2012. Upon motion by Debin Bruce and second by James Lowenthal, the Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes. 3.Update on on-going projects The commission has a brief update on various projects:  Manhan Rail Trail extensions to western part of city: city council approved money for the planning, feasibility and design phase.  King Street area off-ramps and underpass: designs largely complete. Land acquisition to to city council within the next few months.  Sheldon Field sidewalks connecting two existing parking lots: permitting complete. Funding in place. DPW working on design 4.Begin the process of developing a comprehensive plan for future rail trail access ramps  The Commission agreed to contribute to the planning process that the Office of Planning and Development is about to kickoff. This will be on the agenda in November for a substantive discussion. The committee adjourned at 8:50 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM on Tuesday November 13, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Approve minutes for October 16, 2012. 2.Update on on-going projects  MassBike intersection assessment  Traffic mitigation funding  South Street and Leeds  Roundhill neighborhood  Rail trail kiosks/wayfinding  Rail trail bridge(s) art installation/wayfinding  Park-and-Ride lot(s) update  STAR Communities assessment 3.Initial brainstorming comprehensive plan for future rail trail access ramps and extensions  Damon Road cycle tracks  Connecticut River Greenway to Hatfield extension  Extension to western area of the city  Access ramps to all existing trails 4.Recommend One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel  review previously distributed list of one way roads 5.Initial brainstorming for Sustainable Northampton five-year update  Possibly update and merge transportation policies into plan  Possible pedestrian and bicycle plan section 6.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM on Tuesday November 13, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Members Present: Wayne Feiden, James Lowenthal, Frandy Johnson, Ruthy Woodring, Michael Sullivan and Michael DiPasquale. Approve minutes for October 16, 2012. The committee agreed by unanimous consent to approve the minutes. Update on on-going projects Wayne Feiden and James Lowenthal presented an update on the MassBike intersection assessment underway. Wayne went on with an update on the traffic mitigation funding program and the South Street and Leeds improvements funded under that program, the completion of the rail trail kiosks and rail trail bridge artistic wayfinding program. He announced that the City has signed a contract with Nelson/Nygaard (with past support from the committee) to examine the South/Main/State Street intersection and its approaches, including the New South Street sidewalk which recently had a fatality. The committee then focused on three projects: 1.The need to make the New South Street Pulaski Park crosswalk safer. The committee stressed that this needs to be a top priority for the city to address. 2. The need to remove upper stones from the retaining wall above the Manhan Rail Trail south of New South Street to remove the risk of stones falling and injuring people. The committee endorsed the need to move forward on this as an emergency project. 3.The consideration of a bicycle share program. The committee was split, with some strong interest in anything that makes bicycling more attractive but concern from others that the program needs to be designed so that it is a success and resources don’t go into bicycles that are not used. Priorities for next meetings: ( in the following order): 1.The five year analysis and eventual update of Sustainable Northampton, revisiting and revising as needed transportation policies. 2.Comprehensive plan for future rail trail access ramps and extensions  Damon Road cycle tracks  Connecticut River Greenway to Hatfield extension  Extension to western area of the city  Access ramps to all existing trails 3.Recommend One Way Roads for Contraflow Bicycle Travel The committee adjourned at 9:00 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM on Tuesday December 18, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Approve minutes for November 13, 2012. 2.Sustainable Northampton five-year update  What has worked  What new policies or policy revisions are needed to make the city: i.More bicycle friendly ii.More pedestrian friendly  What are the priorities for new multi-use trails and trail access ramps  How should cycle tracks fit into the plan  Are their opportunities for one way roads to include contraflow bicycle travel 3.Consideration of possible “low hanging fruit” that doesn’t need to wait for full plan updates 4.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM on Tuesday December 18, 2012 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Agenda 1.Approve minutes for November 13, 2012. 2.Sustainable Northampton five-year update  What has worked  What new policies or policy revisions are needed to make the city: i.More bicycle friendly ii.More pedestrian friendly  What are the priorities for new multi-use trails and trail access ramps  How should cycle tracks fit into the plan  Are their opportunities for one way roads to include contraflow bicycle travel 3.Consideration of possible “low hanging fruit” that doesn’t need to wait for full plan updates 4.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Minutes Members Present: Wayne Feiden, Frandy Johnson, David Paine, Ruthy Woodring, Michael Sullivan, Debin Bruce, Laura Hanson, Michael DiPasquale and James Lowenthal. The meeting started at 7:45 AM 1.Approve minutes for November 13, 2012. Upon motion of Debin Bruce and second by Michael DiPasquale, the Committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes. 2.The committee agreed to a work plan for 2013 consisting of 1.Review the transportation section of sustainable Northampton to make recommendation for revisions, with a focus on bicycle and pedestrian accomodations 2.Respond and support to bicycle and pedestrian opportunities as they arise 3.Seek funding for traffic calming improvements 4.Identify low cost solutions to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety 5.Identify enforcement needs 3.Consideration of possible “low hanging fruit” that doesn’t need to wait for full plan updates The committee adjourned at 8:50 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM on Tuesday February 12, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Approve minutes for December 18, 2012. 2.Support letter for Connecticut River Greenway multi-use trail 3.Sustainable Northampton five-year update  What has worked  What new policies or policy revisions are needed to make the city: i.More bicycle friendly ii.More pedestrian friendly  What are the priorities for new multi-use trails and trail access ramps  How should cycle tracks fit into the plan  Are their opportunities for one way roads to include contraflow bicycle travel 4.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Minutes Members Present: Wayne Feiden, Alex Ghiselin, Frandy Johnson, David Paine, Ruthy Woodring, Michael Sullivan, Debin Bruce, Laura Hanson, Michael DiPasquale and James Lowenthal. 1.Support letter for Connecticut River Greenway multi-use trail Upon motion by James Lowenthal and second by David Paine, the Committee voted unanimously to support a letter of support to the CPA for funding for the Connecticut River Greenway trail from the Norwottuck Rail Trail on Damon Road to the new riverfront park. 2.Sustainable Northampton five-year update The committee did its first line by line review of the transportation section of the Sustainable Northampton plan line by line, discussing where the plan worked and where there were opportunities for improvement. There were no final recommendations but the committee agreed on a general approach of clearer language on specific needs and approaches to serve bicycle and pedestrian uses. The committee will continue working on the plan at the next couple of meetings and staff will start writing up possible revisions to address committee discussions. 3.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Frandy Johnson suggested that the committee may want to weigh in on speed limits and speed studies on Route 66 if any proposals are made to change any policies in that area. The Committee adjourned at 8:55 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday March 12, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Approve minutes for December 18, 2012 and February 12, 2013 2.Review and comment on Northampton Bikeability Assessment prepared by MassBikes 3.Sustainable Northampton five-year update  What has worked  What new policies or policy revisions are needed to make the city: i.More bicycle friendly ii.More pedestrian friendly  What are the priorities for new multi-use trails and trail access ramps  How should cycle tracks fit into the plan  Are their opportunities for one way roads to include contraflow bicycle travel 4.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday March 12, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Approve minutes for December 18, 2012 and February 12, 2013 2.Review and comment on Northampton Bikeability Assessment prepared by MassBikes 3.Sustainable Northampton five-year update  What has worked  What new policies or policy revisions are needed to make the city: i.More bicycle friendly ii.More pedestrian friendly  What are the priorities for new multi-use trails and trail access ramps  How should cycle tracks fit into the plan  Are their opportunities for one way roads to include contraflow bicycle travel 4.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Minutes Members Present: Wayne Feiden, Alex Ghiselin, David Paine, Ruthy Woodring, Debin Bruce, Michael DiPasquale and James Lowenthal. 1.Approve minutes Upon motion by David Paine and second by Debin Bruce, the Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes of December 18, 2012 and February 12, 2013 2.Review and comment on Northampton Bikeability Assessment prepared by MassBikes Sarah Bankert, SPIFFY Coalition, presented the MassBike Hampshire County Intersection Bikeability Assessment for Northampton. The Committee discussed the assessment and how they can use it in future analysis of intersections. 3.Sustainable Northampton five-year update The Committee reviewed the first draft of updates to the Transportation section. There was a consensus on the format, and the committee members worked on the detailed language. The draft will come back to the Committee at their next meeting, reflecting changes made by committee members and other reviewers. The Committee adjourned at 8:30 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday April 9, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Approve minutes for March 12, 2013 2.Sustainable Northampton five-year update  Review of draft (distributed to members by email)  Reporting on Transportation and Parking Commission discussion 3.Update on current transportation projects of interest to bicyclists and pedestrians 4.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday April 9, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Agenda 1.Public Comment 2.Approve minutes for March 12, 2013 3.Extend MassCentral/Norwottuck Rail Trail north in Leeds, rehabilitate the Beaver Brook Bridge, stabilize the retaining wall above the Manhan Rail Trail by Veterans Field -Recommendation and support of the committee 4.Sustainable Northampton five-year update  Review of draft (distributed to members by email)  Reporting on Transportation and Parking Commission discussion 5.Update on current transportation projects of interest to bicyclists and pedestrians 6.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Minutes Members Present: Wayne Feiden, Frandy Johnson, David Paine, Ruthy Woodring, Michael Sullivan, Debin Bruce, and Michael DiPasquale Wayne Feiden convened the meeting at 7:40 AM. Public Comment Jonathon Gatcha said how effective the snow squad was and how impressed he was. Saran Bankert of Hampshire Hampshire spoke about Mass in Motion’s efforts to support bicycle education. Approve minutes for March 12, 2013 Upon motion by Debin Bruce and second by Michael DiPasquale, the committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes. Extend MassCentral/Norwottuck Rail Trail north in Leeds Wayne Feiden briefed the committee on efforts to extend the rail trail 0.35 miles north in Leeds and apply for a federal Land and Water Conservation Fund grant. After a discussion about opportunities, and upon motion by Debin Bruce and second by Ruthy Woodring, the committee voted unanimously to endorse the project. Sustainable Northampton five-year update The committee reviewed the draft updates distribute to members by email and recommended some additional revisions. Those revisions will be distributed and shared with the Transporation and Parking Commission on Tuesday April 16, 2013. The committee adjourned at 8:50 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:45 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday May 21, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Public Comment 2.Approve minutes for April 9, 2013 3.Current projects (including: MassCentral/Norwottuck Rail Trail in Leeds, Beaver Brook Bridge, Manhan Rail Trail retaining wall, King Street access ramps and railroad underpass, Main/South/State) 4.Sustainable Northampton five-year update 5.Begin work on subdivision regulation pedestrian and bicycle design standards 6.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:45 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday May 21, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Minutes Members present: Debin Bruce, Wayne Feiden, James Lowenthal, Mike Sullivan, Ruthy Woodring. Feiden opened the meeting at 7:50 AM. 1.Public Comment—There was no public comment 2.Current projects (including: MassCentral/Norwottuck Rail Trail in Leeds, Beaver Brook Bridge, Manhan Rail Trail retaining wall, King Street access ramps and railroad underpass, Main/South/State)—Feiden updated the members on the status of various projects. 3.Sustainable Northampton five-year update—The committee reviewed the proposed updates in advance of discussion at the Transportation and Parking Commission meeting. 4.Begin work on subdivision regulation pedestrian and bicycle design standards—The committee discussed priorities, specifically smaller diameter curb radius, fewer turn lanes unless critically needed, concrete sidewalks and granite curbs. 5.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written—no other business. The committee adjourned at 9:00 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:45 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday August 20, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Public Comment 2.Approve minutes for April 9, 2013 3.Current projects (e.g., MassCentral Rail Trail in Leeds, King St railroad underpass) 4.Bollards on rail trails 5.New South Street crosswalk, main/south improvements, Main Street traffic flow 6.Sidewalks at driveway design and other subdivision standards 7.Walkability Assessment 8.Sustainable Northampton final 9.Bike Share program 10.Other necessary business unforeseen when agenda written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:45 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday August 20, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Minutes Members present: Michael DiPasquale, Wayne Feiden, James Lowenthal, David Paine, and Ruthy Woodring. Feiden opened the meeting at 7:45 AM. 1.Public Comment—there was no public comment 2.Approve minutes for April 9, 2013—upon motion by Ruthy Woodring and second by David Paine, the committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes. 3.Current projects (e.g., MassCentral Rail Trail in Leeds, King St railroad underpass)—Feiden updated the committee on the status of these projects. No action taken. 4.Bollards on rail trails—The committee discussed bollards and when they create safety problems (people hit them) and when the make the trail safer (stop vehicles from entering the trail). The committee agreed to consider where bollards should be removed and will discuss these locations at some future meeting. 5.New South Street crosswalk, main/south improvements, Main Street traffic flow—The committee discussed the dangerous crosswalk on New South Street one block south of Main Street. The committee agreed, by consensus, that 1.The crosswalk is important at this site (or shifted slightly south) and should not be dropped. 2.New South Street should be permanently narrowed so that there is just one lane of traffic in each direction at this point. 6.Sidewalks at driveway design and other subdivision standards—The committee agreed that the subdivision and site plan standards for sidewalks crossing driveways should generally be built to and send the message that they are sidewalks and not part of the driveway. For example, concrete sidewalks should be concrete across the driveway and should be at the elevation of the rest of the sidewalk. 7.Walkability Assessment—Sarah Bankert, of Healthy Hampshire, lead a discussion about how walkability assessment done by Healthy Hampshire could be most useful to the committee. Committee members liked the idea of a screening assessment, to help the committee and the city prioritize area that needed improvement, and especially areas that may not be represented in the traffic calming process. The committee adjourned at 9:15 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:45 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday September 10, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Public Comment 2.Approve minutes for May 21, 2013 and August 20, 2013 3.Current projects—update on status 4.Bicycle Share program discussion 5.Subdivision standards discussion 6.New South/Elm/State/Main Streets intersection discussion 7.Rail trail projects priorities 8.Sustainable Northampton revisions discussion 9.Other necessary business not anticipated when agenda was written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:45 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday September 10, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Minutes Members present:Lames Lowenthal, John Gaustad, Michael DiPasquale, Mike Sullivan, Ruthy Woodring, Wayne Feiden Feiden opened the meeting at 7:50 AM 1.Public Comment There was no public comment. 2.Approve minutes for September 10, 2013 Upon motion by Lowenthal and second by Feiden, the subcommittee voted unanimously to approve the minutes. 3.Current projects—update on status Feiden updated the committee on projects, park-and-ride lot/Mass Central parking lot underway, Main/State/South concept (pre-25% plans) expected soon, DPW discussion about improving maintenance, waiting for state to provide right-of-way plans so the city can acquire the right-of- way for the rail trail underpass). Committee members asked that a discussion of one-way streets and their appropriateness for contra-flow bicycling be put back on the agenda for the next meeting. 4.Bicycle Share program discussion The committee discussed the opportunities for a bicycle share program. Several members spoke in favor and others said that while they were not opposed it was not their top priority. There was some discussion about whether resources for a bicycle share program would take away resources for other projects or broaden the pie. 5.Subdivision standards discussion Feiden announced that the Planning office and Planning Board are working with DPW to kick off a revision to the subdivision standards and asked what priorities the subcommittee had for that effort. The committee agreed that anything that narrows street width and tights up (reduces) curb radius at intersections was a good thing. The committee was interested in the opportunity for shared streets and/or alleys (pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles) all in the street when the speed can be physically controlled so that pedestrians are comfortable strolling down the center of the street and cars yield to pedestrians. The subcommittee adjourned at 9:00 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday November 11, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Public Comment 2.Approve minutes for September 10, 2013 3.Current projects—update on status (park-and-ride lot, Main/State/South, rail trail maintenance, rail trail extensions, Sheldon sidewalks, capital improvement program, bicycle share, Elm St traffic mitigation, etc.) 4.Analysis of one-way streets for possible contra-flow bicycle use 5. Rail Trail Adopt-a-Trail Program 6.Other necessary business not anticipated when agenda was written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday November 12, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Public Comment 2.Approve minutes for September 10, 2013 3.Current projects—update on status (park-and-ride lot, Main/State/South, rail trail maintenance, rail trail extensions, Sheldon sidewalks, capital improvement program, bicycle share, Elm St traffic mitigation, etc.) 4.Analysis of one-way streets for possible contra-flow bicycle use 5. Rail Trail Adopt-a-Trail Program 6.Other necessary business not anticipated when agenda was written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday November 19, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) th (NOTE: This meeting has been rescheduled from November 12. The committee will NOT meet on that date.) 1.Public Comment 2.Approve minutes for September 10, 2013 3.Current projects—update on status (park-and-ride lot, Main/State/South, rail trail maintenance, rail trail extensions, Sheldon sidewalks, capital improvement program, bicycle share, Elm St traffic mitigation, etc.) 4.Analysis of one-way streets for possible contra-flow bicycle use 5. Rail Trail Adopt-a-Trail Program 6.Other necessary business not anticipated when agenda was written Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on Tuesday November 19, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Members present: Debin Bruce, Wayne Feiden, John Gaustad, Frandy Johnson, James Lowenthal (7:40 AM), David Paine, Ruthy Woodring. Feiden opened the public meeting at 7:35 AM 1.Public Comment: There was no public comment. 2.Approve minutes for September 10, 2013: Upon motion by Debin Bruce and second by Frandy Johnson, the committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes. 3.Park-and-ride lots: The committee discussed the new park-and-ride lot under construction at the Leeds VA Medical Center. They supported the idea of a new staircase with a bike rack to be constructed on the MassCentral Rail Trail in Leeds between the VAMC park-and-ride rail trail access ramp and the Look Diner using Smith College traffic mitigation dedicated for park-and-ride lots. The committee also noted that the city has built sidewalks between the Sheldon Field park-and-ride lot and the second Sheldon Field parking lot using that same Smith College traffic mitigation fund. 4.Main/State/South street intersection: The committee discussed the Nelson/Nygaard recommendations. They endorsed asking T&PC and DPW to install traffic improvements on New South Street now, using State Hospital Traffic mitigation funds, specifically: Raising the mid-block New South Street intersection, installing a curb extension on the west side, installing a small curb island between the shoulder/bike lane and the travel lane (keeping only one travel lane in each direction at the crosswalk), raising the crosswalk at the northeast side of New South between the traffic island and the Academy of Music, and redoing line paintings north of the midblock crosswalk to create separate lanes to State Street and lanes for cars turning left onto Main/West/Elm. The rest of the improvements should be part of a federal and state funded traffic improvement. 5.Rail trail maintenance: The committee discussed the status of what DPW can and can’t maintain and agreed that the committee should get involved in a more active adopt a trail program. David Paine offered to work with Wayne Feiden to identify what a program might entail and begin reaching out to possible sponsors. 6.Rail trail extensions: Feiden updated the committee on current efforts, with top priority being working on at least the very first early stages of extending a trail from Damon Road to the Connecticut River Greenway riverfront park. 7.Bicycle share: The committee endorsed the next step being working with PVPC on a regional effort to consider where bicycle share could work and organizing all the partners. In Hampshire County, a core is probably Northampton/Easthampton/Amherst and the Five Colleges. 8.Elm Street traffic mitigation: Feiden updated the committee on the planned rapid flash beacon being installed at the high school to mitigate increased traffic on Elm Street from the Round Hill redevelopment. 9.Bike lanes: Feiden mentioned that at least one member of the Community Preservation Committee thought that the city should explore funding bike lanes with CPA funds. The City will consider this for the Spring 2014 round. Committee members were supportive of this effort. 10.Analysis of one-way streets for possible contra-flow bicycle use: The Committee began the discussion of whether some one-way streets should allow bicycle use in the opposite direction, in essence making the streets two ways with one direction for bicycles only. James Lowenthal offered to research how well this has worked in other communities. The Committee adjourned at 9:05 AM. Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday December 17, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) 1.Public Comment 2.Approve minutes for November 19, 2013 3.Follow up discussion, Adopt-a-Trail program 4.Main/State/South street intersection follow-up (preliminary concept emailed to members. If you have questions or comments we can discuss and otherwise we can skip this item) 5.Rail trail extensions to and into Haydenville 6.Follow-up on past and future projects, including but not limited to: 1.Possible rail trail access points in Leeds 2.Connecticut River Greenway 3.2014 fundraising 4.State rail trail tunnel connection 5.Edwards Square access ramp 6.Contra-flow bicycle lanes 7.Other business not reasonability anticipated when agenda prepared Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee Minutes 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday December 17, 2013 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton Members present: Wayne Feiden, John Gaustad, Frandy Johnson, James Lowenthal (7:45 AM), David Paine, Ruthy Woodring and Alex Bublik (member starting evening of 12/17/13) present. Sarah Bankert (non-member) attending. 1.Public Comment--none 2.Approve minutes for November 19, 2013—Upon motion by John Gaustad and second by David Paine, the committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes. 3.Follow up discussion, Adopt-a-Trail program—David Paine led a discussion of a possible adopt a trail and sponsor a trail maintenance program. The committee was very interested and asked David to develop his ideas further and combine the two programs into a single program. This will be on the agenda for the next meeting. 4.Main/State/South street intersection follow-up (preliminary concept emailed to members. If you have questions or comments we can discuss and otherwise we can skip this item)—there was a brief discussion about how a bicyclist northbound on New South Street would turn left onto Main Street. Committee members suggested that there should be a bicycle box in front of the lane at the signal but otherwise it is workable. 5.Rail trail extensions to and into Haydenville—Wayne Feiden updated the committee on the status of the project, Williamsburg legislation passed, city about to close on easement in Williamsburg to extend the trail to S. Main Street, awaiting a decision on federal funds to allow the trail to be extended 1/3 mile, and CPA matching funds awarded. Upon motion by James Lowenthal and second by David Paine, the Commission voted unanimously, with Feiden abstaining, to recommend that the new trail be paved but agree to having the trail only 8 feet wide as a compromise to minimize tree disturbance and reduce the footprint. 6.Possible new rail trail access points—the committee recommended eventual access points wherever nearby roads are near the trail, at Hebert Avenue, and connecting the MassCentral with the Ice Pond rail trail spur. 7.Updates—State design for rail trail underpass under railroad tracks complete. The city will now proceed on acquiring right-of-way from National Grid/Mass Electric for this and for the Edwards Square access ramp. 8.Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and contra-flow bicycle lanes—the committee began the discussion of whether a master plan, either free standing or as an appendix to Sustainable Northampton Comprehensive Plan when that plan is updated next year, is needed, and whether contra-flow bicycle lanes should be part of the larger plan so that it can address priorities. Committee members agreed that contra-flow bicycle lanes are desirable when safe, but did not begin discussion of overall priorities beyond that all ready in Sustainable Northampton. 9.Adjournment—The committee adjourned at 9:05 AM.